Archbishop Daniel Participated in the Sunday of Orthodoxy Celebration at the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 03/09/2025
Архієпископ Даниїл Взяв участь у святкуванні Неділі Православʼя у Вселенському Патріархаті |
SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY: Assembly of Bishops Sunday - 03/07/2025
НЕДІЛЯ ПРАВОСЛАВʼЯ: Неділя Асамблеї Єпископів |
The Prayer of St. Ephrem: A Practical Guide of Archbishop Daniel to Spiritual Renewal and Transformation - 03/06/2025
Молитва святого Єфрема: практичний путівник архієпископа Даниїла до духовної віднови та зміни |
Неділя Торжества Православ'я - 03/06/2025
Дорогі у Христі, з Божою допомогою ми прожили перший тиждень святого Великого посту. Весь Православний світ святкує Неділю Торжества Православ’я, яка одночасно являється першою неділею Великого Посту. Сьогодні Христова Церква святкує перемогу над іконоборством, тобто внесення святих ікон до Константинопольських церков було в першу неділю Великого посту. |
The Triumph of Orthodoxy – Why Icons? - 03/06/2025
Every year on the first Sunday of Great Lent we celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy in commemoration of the day in 843 C.E. (or AD for those non-academic theologians) on which the Edict of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 C.E.) which restored icons within the Church was brought into full force in the city of Constantinople through the actions of a local council of Bishops at the Hagia Sophia. |
Guardians of the Metropolia of the UOC of the USA Support the Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - 03/05/2025
Опікуни Митрополії УПЦ США Підтримують Служіння Української Православної Богословської Семінарії св. Софії |
The Warmth of Light in the Cold Darkness: the Church’s Humanitarian Mission Amidst War - 03/05/2025
Тепло світла в холодній темряві: гуманітарна місія Церкви серед війни |
Archpastoral Letter of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora for the Beginning of the Great and Holy Lent - 03/03/2025
Архіпастирське Послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США та Діаспори з нагоди початку Великого і Святого Посту |
The Sunday of Forgiveness: A Sacred Beginning to the Great and Holy Lent at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church of the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 03/02/2025
Неділя Прощення: Священний початок Великого і Святого посту в Свято-Андріївській Українській Православній Церкві-памʼятнику Духовного осередку УПЦ США |
Observing Holy and Great Lent Amidst Ukraine’s Pain and Struggle - 03/02/2025
Дотримання Святого і Великого посту серед болю та боротьби України |
Lenten Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 03/02/2025
Великопосне Послання Вселенського Патріарха Варфоломія |
UOL Bulletin for March - 03/01/2025
Бюлетень УПЛ за березень |
Joint Statement on Behalf of Ukrainian American Community - 02/28/2025
Спільна заява представників Української Американської громади |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - According to Revised Julian Calendar - 02/28/2025
Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - згідно Новоюліанського календаря |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - According to Julian Calendar - 02/28/2025
UOC of the USA Greets Patriarch Bartholomew on His 85th Birthday - 02/28/2025
УПЦ США Вітає Патріарха Варфоломія із 85-літтям |
A Night of Prayer, Hope, and Resilience: Ukrainian-American Community of Lehigh Valley Commemorates Third Anniversary of Ukraine’s Struggle for Freedom - 02/26/2025
Вечір молитви, надії та стійкості: українсько-американська громада околиці міста Алентавн вшановує третю річницю боротьби України за волю |
Сиропусна неділя - 02/26/2025
Свята Церква дає повчання Господа Ісуса Христа, яке може налаштувати нас на правильне проведення Великого посту: таке, при якому піст принесе нам користь і допоможе повернути даровану в Таїнстві Хрещення благодать, яку ми необдумано втратили, подібно до того як позбулися райського проживання наші прабатьки. |
Adam’s Lament - Our Lament - 02/26/2025
Today, the last Sunday before Great Lent begins, the Church focuses on 2 separate, yet related, themes, the first of which is the commemoration of the casting out, or expulsion, of Adam and Eve from Paradise. As we heard in one of the hymns of Great Vespers last night, “Adam sat before Paradise, and, lamenting his nakedness, he wept: Woe is me! By evil deceit was I persuaded and led astray, and now I am in exile from glory....” |
A Sacred Call to Conscience: Commemorating the Third Anniversary of Russian Aggression at the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 02/23/2025
Священний заклик до сумління: вшанування третьої річниці російської агресії в духовному осередку УПЦ США |
Ukrainian-American Community Unites at Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC for Peaceful Rally Marking the Third Anniversary of the War in Ukraine - 02/22/2025
Українсько-американська громада об’єдналася біля меморіалу Лінкольна у Вашингтоні для мирного мітингу з нагоди третьої річниці війни в Україні |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word February Issue - 02/22/2025
Українське Православне Слово за лютий місяць |
Statement of the Council of Bishops Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora: Commemorating the Third Anniversary of the Genocidal Invasion of Ukraine - 02/21/2025
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США і Діаспори з нагоди вшанування Третьої річниці геноцидного загарбання України |
UPDATED Information: Memory Eternal - Вічна Пам'ять - Very Rev. Fr. James Norton - 02/18/2025
Вічна Пам'ять: Упокоївся протоієрей Яків Нортон |
2025 UOL Essay Contest - 02/17/2025
Конкурс УПЛіги для молоді |
A Shepherd in the Lord’s Vineyard: The Ordination of Father Maksym Zhuravchyk - 02/16/2025
Новий пастир Христового Виноградника: священича хіротонія о. Максима Журавчика |
February 16, 2025 - UOC of the USA Camping Ministry Sunday - 02/16/2025
Неділя Табірного Служіння УПЦ США - 16 лютого 2025 року |
Продовжуючи готувати нас до Великого посту Св.Церква, як любляча мати,намагається нам допомогти підготуватися до цього важливого духовного періоду. Минулої неділі на богослужінні ми згадували про дві євангельські постаті, одна з яких у пихатості серця вихвалялася перед Богом своїми чеснотами - фарисей, а друга - митар, усвідомивши свій духовний стан, стояла здалеку і оплакувала прожите у беззаконні життя. |
THE PRODICAL SON - 02/15/2025
In today's Gospel lesson we heard the parable about the young son who got tired of his father's surveillance and asked for his portion of the inheritance. After receiving it, he went away into another country where he lived prodigally and spent all his riches. Soon there was famine and the young son did not have anything to eat. He came to his senses and decided to return to his father and ask for forgiveness. The father sees him coming from afar, clothed in rags and weak, is filled with compassion and runs out to meet him, falls on his neck and kisses him. As St. John Chrysostom reminds us...... |
Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day to be Celebrated on 15 February, 2025 - 02/14/2025
15 лютого 2025 року - храмове свято Семінарійної каплиці ПРИЄДНЮЙТЕСЬ ДО СВЯТКУВАННЯ! |
Archbishop Daniel Visits the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and Meets with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 02/13/2025
Архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Константинопольський Патріархат та зустрівся з Вселенським Патріархом Варфоломієм |
Metropolitan Antony Joins Reception Honoring Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine in New York City - 02/13/2025
Митрополит Антоній взяв участь в прийомі з нагоди вшанування Митрополита Київського і всієї України Епіфанія в Нью-Йорку |
A Mission of Love and Mercy: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA’s Humanitarian Effort in Eastern Ukraine - 02/12/2025
Місія любові та милосердя: гуманітарне служіння Української Православної Церкви США на сході України |
Українська Православна Церква США з радістю вітає Блаженнішого Митрополита Епіфанія - Предстоятеля Православної Церкви України - 02/10/2025
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Honored to Welcome His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Honored to Welcome His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine - 02/09/2025
Українська Православна Церква США з радістю вітає Блаженнішого Митрополита Епіфанія - Предстоятеля Православної Церкви України |
Defending Religious Freedom: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Participates in the Fifth Annual International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, DC - 02/06/2025
Захист релігійної свободи: Українська Православна Церква США бере участь у П’ятому щорічному міжнародному саміті свободи віросповідання у Вашингтоні, округ Колумбія |
“The Light of Christ in the Darkness of War”: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Brings Hope to the People of Donbas - 02/02/2025
«Світло Христа в темряві війни»: УПЦ США несе надію жителям Донбасу |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - According to Revised Julian Calendar - 01/31/2025
Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - згідно Новоюліанського календаря |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - According to Julian Calendar - 01/31/2025
Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - Згідно Юліанського календаря |
UOC of the USA Honors Metropolitan Antony as He Celebrates Birthday, Names Day and Anniversary of Enthronement - 01/30/2025
УПЦ США Вшановує митрополита Антонія з нагоди іменин, дня народження та річниці інтронізації |
A Spiritual Greeting of Honor and Love to His Eminence Metropolitan Antony - 01/29/2025
Духовнi вітання пошани та любові Високопреосвященному Митрополиту Антонію |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Chrysostom Academy on the Feast of the Translation of Relics of St. John Chrysostom - 01/27/2025
Архиєпископ Даниїл відвідав Академію в. Івана Золотоустого на свято Перенесення Його мощей |
Prayerful Condolences to Panimatka Regina Blair Popichak Upon the Repose of Her Mother - 01/27/2025
Молитовні співчуття добродійці Реджині Попічак з приводу упокоєння її мами |
XXIV Sobor - 16-19 October, 2025 - Save the date - 01/26/2025
XXIV Собор - 16-19 жовтня 2025р. - Занотуйте дату |
The Enthronement of Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta: A Day of Unity, Faith, and Inspiration - 01/26/2025
День Єдності у Вірі та Натхнення: Відбулася Інтронізація нового митрополита Атланти Севастіяна |
Metropolitan Antony Marks the 12th Anniversary of His Enthronement as Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA - 01/26/2025
Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 12 річницю інтронізації як Митрополит Української Православної Церкви США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - January Issue - 01/26/2025
Українське Православне Слово за січень |
Metropolitan Antony is Discharged from Hospital - 01/21/2025
Митрополита Антонія виписали з лікарні |
Metropolitan Antony Hospitalized - 01/19/2025
Митрополит Антоній Перебуває в Лікарні |
On the Baptism of Christ - 01/19/2025
Christ, then, was born as it were a few days ago — He Whose generation was before all things, sensible and intellectual. Today He is baptized by John that He might cleanse him who was defiled, that He might bring the Spirit from above, and exalt man to heaven, that he who had fallen might be raised up and he who had cast him down might be put to shame. And marvel not if God showed so great earnestness in our cause: for it was with care on the part of him who did us wrong that the plot was laid against us; it is with forethought on the part of our Maker that we are saved. And he, that evil charmer, framing his new device of sin against our race, drew along his serpent train, a disguise worthy of his own intent, entering in his impurity into what was like himself—dwelling, earthly and mundane as he was in will, in that creeping thing. But Christ, the repairer of his evil-doing, assumes manhood in its fullness, and saves man, and becomes the type and figure of us all, to sanctify the first-fruits of every action, and leave to His servants no doubt in their zeal for the tradition. |
Іван Хреститель - Голос Вопіющого в Пустині - 01/19/2025
Сьогодні наша свята Церква прославляє великого праведника-чесного, славного пророка, Предтечу і Хрестителя Господнього Івана, який був великим угодником Божим. Ще перед його народженням з’явився Архангел Гавриїл його батькові Захарії в єрусалимському храмі і сказав , що в нього народиться син, який буде великий в очах Божих. I справді вже при народженні Іванa Хрестителя Господнього діялись чудеса, так що його знайомі і сусіди з великим подивом питали: "Ким буде дитя це?" На це питання дає відповідь сам Господь, коли устами пророка говорить, що Іван є "голос вопіющого в пyстині". |
UOL of USA - "Souper Bowl" Sunday - Feb. 9, 2025 - 01/17/2025
УПЛ США - "Супна" Неділя - 9 лютого 2025р. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Once Again Donates Ambulance to Support the Wounded Defenders of Ukraine - 01/14/2025
Українська Православна Церква США знову пожертвувала автомобіль швидкої допомоги для поранених захисників України |
Prayerful Condolences to Panimatka Laryssa Charest Upon the Repose of Her Father - 01/14/2025
Молитовні співчуття добродійці Ларисі Шерест з приводу упокоєння її тата |
Charity as a Testament of Faith: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA's Lifeline to the Donbas Region - 01/13/2025
Милосердя як Взірець Віри: УПЦ США Продовжує надсилати Життєдайну Допомогу в околиці Донбасу |
Memory Eternal: Funeral Arrangements for Julian Naumenko of Blessed Memory - 01/13/2025
Вічна Пам’ять: Похоронні Богослужіння слуги Божого Юліана Науменко |
Offering Prayers and Condolences for the Families of the Newly Departed Servants of God - 01/11/2025
Щирі молитовні співчуття родинам новоспочилих слуг Божих |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Calls for Prayers and Support Amid Devastating Los Angeles Fires - 01/09/2025
Українська Православна Церква США закликає до молитви та підтримки в умовах нищівних пожеж у Лос-Анджелесі |
The Glorious Celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio - 01/08/2025
Молитовне святкування Різдва Господа і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа в Українській Православній Церкві Святих Петра і Павла в Янгстауні, Огайо |
The Bright Feast of Theophany Celebrated at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 01/06/2025
Українська Православна громада Чикаго, штат Іллінойс, святкує свято Богоявлення Господнього з Архиєпископом Даниїлом |
Archpastoral Nativity of Christ Letter of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora - 01/06/2025
Архіпастирське Різдвяне Послання Соборy Єпископів УПЦ США та Діаспори |
The Sunday Before Theophany: A Spiritual Journey of Preparation and Renewal - 01/05/2025
Неділя перед Богоявленням: духовна подорож підготовки та оновлення |
A Call to Modern Sainthood: Archbishop Daniel’s Visit to Saint Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral for the Synaxis of the 70 Holy Apostles - 01/04/2025
Поклик до сучасної святості: візит архієпископа Даниїла до Українського православного собору Святого Володимира на Собор 70-ти святих апостолів |
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 01/01/2025
Happy and Blessed New 2025 Year from Archbishop Daniel - 12/31/2024
Щасливого та Благословенного Нового 2025 Року від Архієпископа Даниїла |
Archbishop Daniel's Word of Gratitude on the Occasion of His Name Day - 12/31/2024
Слово подяки Архієпископа Даниїла з нагоди іменин |
Congratulations to His Eminence Archbishop Daniel as He Celebrates His Namesday - the Holy Prophet Daniel - 12/30/2024
Вітання линуть до Його Високопреосвященства Архієпископа Даниїла з нагоди дня його небесного покровителя - святого пророка Даниїла |
Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop Daniel to Saint Anthony of the Desert Parish in Mesilla, New Mexico: A Reflection on Christ’s Nativity and the Journey of Faith - 12/29/2024
Архіпастирський візит архієпископа Даниїла до парафії преподобного Антонія Великого в Месіллі, Нью-Мексико: Роздуми про Різдво Христове та шлях віри |
Love in Action: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Brings Christmas Joy to Displaced Elderly in Ukraine - 12/29/2024
Любов у дії: Українська Православна Церква США приносить Різдвяну радість літнім переселенцям в Україні |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Southfield, MI Prayerfully Celebrated the Bright Fest of Nativity of our Lord - 12/28/2024
Українська Прaвославна Громада Околиці Детройту Молитовно Відсвяткувала Різдво Христове |
Metropolitan Antony Leads Patronal Feastday Celebration at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Dover, Delaware - 12/28/2024
Митрополит Антоній очолив Престольне свято в Українській Православній Церкві св. Миколая в Дуврі, Делавер |
Understanding the Nativity Icon - 12/28/2024
Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, we celebrate the Incarnation. What?, you say. What is the Incarnation? This is an important word as it means God becomes Man. This is what we celebrate. The birth of Jesus was that moment in history when God sent His only begotten Son to become like us, taking on human flesh for our healing. This miracle of miracles took place though the ascent of Mary whom we call the Theotokos, Birth-giver of God. God with His divine will became man, taking on a human will in human flesh so Man could unite his human will with God’s divine will. From the time of Adam and Eve, man was separated from God ,unable to follow God’s law. The Incarnation is the beginning of the transformation of mankind so we can be reunited with God. |
Christmas Greeting of Archbishop Daniel - 12/25/2024
Різдвяне Привітання Архиєпископа Даниїла |
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Nativity of Christ - 12/25/2024
Різдвяне Послання Вселенського Патріарха |
The Consistory Christmas Tree Decorated with handmade ornaments of the youth of the Church - 12/23/2024
Різдвяна ялинка Консисторії прикрашена рукоділлям дітей Церкви |
A Heartfelt Gift of Love and Support: A $1,000 Donation Presented to Archbishop Daniel for Ukraine’s Aid Fund of the UOC of the USA - 12/22/2024
Сердечний дар любові та підтримки: Архиєпископ Даниїл отримав пожертву в розмірі $1000 доларів для Фонду допомоги Україні від УПЦ США |
Joyful Christmas Celebration at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the UOC of the USA - 12/22/2024
Радісне Святкування Різдвяних Традицій в Українській Православній Богословській Семінарії УПЦ США |
21 December - Join us for the Annual CHRISTMAS at the SEMINARY - 12/20/2024
21 грудня - приєднуйтеся до річного відзначення РІЗДВА В СЕМІНАРІЇ |
Наближається Різдво... - 12/20/2024
Різдво Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, або як ми ще називаємо – Різдвяні свята – знову наближається! Знову настала ця пора року, а з нею і радісні хвилини. Але насправді, що таке є Різдво? Чи це подарунки під ялинкою, різдвяні світла у вікнах, привітальні листівки, вечері з родиною та друзями, сніг на подвір’ї, чи привітання “Веселих свят” тих, хто на вулиці проходить повз нас? Для багатьох людей Різдвяний Піст є часом смутку, тому що вони не мають необхідних коштів для того, щоб купити подарунки для своїх дітей, родичів та друзів. Багато з людей сумують у Різдвяний час коли вони згадують про своїх близьких, які не можуть приїхати додому та святкувати разом з ними. Вечеря на День Подяки для декого на жаль залишається тільки мрією, а не реальністю. |
The Healing of the Ten Lepers - 12/20/2024
For behold, ten lepers met Jesus as He was about to enter a certain city. They met Him outside the city, for those who were considered unclean were not permitted to go into the city. They stood afar off, as if ashamed of their supposed uncleanness, and did not dare to draw near, thinking that Jesus abhorred them as did the others. They lifted up their voices and made supplication. By physical location they were standing afar off, but in their supplication they were near. For the Lord is nigh unto all that call upon Him in truth (Ps. 144:19). And they did not make supplication to Him as to a mere man, but as to One greater than a man. For they called Him Master, meaning Lord, Protector, and Guardian, which is not far from thinking of Him as God. |
2025 UOC of the USA Summer Camping Ministry - 12/20/2024
Програма Праці з Молоддю на Таборі Всіх Святих літом 2025 року |
St. Sophia Seminary Concludes Winter Academic Sessions for Part-Time Students - 12/19/2024
Свято-Софіївська Семінарія завершила реколекції зимового періоду для студентів заочної програми навчання |
UOC of the USA Greets New Archbishop of the Orthodox Church of Finland - 12/16/2024
УПЦ США Вітає Нового Архієпископа Православної Церкви Фінляндії |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - December 2024 Issue - 12/15/2024
Новий випуск Українського Православного Слова - грудень 2024 року |
What shall I do that I may have eternal life? - 12/13/2024
This is the question that the rich man asked of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ in today’s Gospel lesson. Indeed this is the fundamental question every Christian must ask; for it is the question that shapes our beliefs, relationships, view of the world, our understanding of morality and ultimately our whole way of life. The answer given by the Lord is twofold. First and foremost, Christ emphasizes the importance of keeping the Ten Commandments. In fact, He even goes as far as to go through the commandments, thereby asking the young man - and - us to take inventory of our lives. Are we, Christians living in the 21st century, following the commandments which have sustained the people of God for thousands of years? Does the society we live in abide by these basic principles? Do we as God’s “chosen people”, His “Royal Priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9) help uphold the Commandments, speaking out against the wrongs that we see in the world? |
Що потрібно зробити, щоб мати життя вічне? - 12/13/2024
Такими словами в своїй нагірній проповіді говорить Христос. Той що підійшов до Ісуса, називає Його благим, запитує: “Що потрібно зробити щоб мати життя вічне”. Знаючи людей він показує смирення кажучи. “Чому ти називаєш Мене благим.Ніхто не благий, як тільки один Бог.” Ісус Христос знає хто ми, які думки маємо і скільки віддані Йому. Але Господь хоче показати нам до чого ми прив'язані і що нас тримає. Ісус говорить про заповіді, які має виконати юнак, щоб мати життя вічне. І не тільки йому, але і нас закликає до життя вічного. “Не вбивай, не перелюбствуй, не кради, не лжесвідчи, шануй батька й матір, і люби ближнього твого як самого себе. Юнак говорить, що він все це зберіг з юності.” Що ще не вистачає. “Ісус сказав йому: коли хочеш бути досконалим піди продай добро твоє і роздай убогим і матимеш скарб на небесах, і приходь та йди слідом за Мною.” |
Calendar 2025 (Julian / Revised Julian) / Orthodox Daily Planner - 12/12/2024
Замовляйте Календар 2025 |
Memory Eternal - Вічна Пам'ять - Very Rev. Fr. Richard Hawrish - 12/11/2024
Вічна Пам'ять: Упокоївся о. Ричард Гавриш |
A Light of Charity: Saint Nicholas Inspires Aid for Ukraine During Christmas Season - 12/09/2024
Світло милосердя: Святий Миколай надихає на допомогу Україні в час Різдвяних Свят |
A Note of Gratitude from Metropolitan Antony for Your Prayers and Support - 12/07/2024
Слова вдячності митрополита Антонія в миті смутку за молитви та підтримку |
Letter of Condolence Upon the Repose of David Scharba - 12/07/2024
Лист Співчуття з нагоди упокоєння Давида Щерби |
Saint Sophia Seminary Library Administrators Attend Fall SEPTLA Meeting - 12/06/2024
Адміністрація Бібліотеки Свято-Софіївської Семінарії Взяли Участь в Роботі Асоціації Богословських Бібліотек |
The Legacy of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker: Joy and Hope Shine through UOC of USA’s Ministry in Eastern Ukraine - 12/05/2024
Місія Служіння Святителя Миколая Чудотворця: Радість і надія осяяли служіння УПЦ США в Східній Україні |
UOL Bulletin for December - 12/03/2024
УПС за грудень |
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - 12/02/2024
Розпочнімо завчасно: підтримаймо Семінарію Святої Софії у вівторок, 3 грудня 2024 р. – Зробіть свій внесок у майбутнє Церкви |
Shop this Cyber Monday at St. Andrew Church Goods and Bookstore - 12/01/2024
Запрошуємо Вас придбати Релігійні товари та книжки для церковного та побутового вжитку в церковній крамниці св. Андрія Первозванного |
St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD Celebrates 75th Anniversary of service in the life of the Ukrainian community of Washington, DC Metropolitan area - 12/01/2024
Український Православний Собор св. Андрія Первозванного у Силвер Спринг, Меріленд молитовно відзначає 75-ти ліття духовного служіння в околиці столиці США - Вашингтоні |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/01/2024
Together, We Make the World a Better Place: UOC of the USA Brings the Light of Christ to Eastern Ukraine During the Nativity Season - 11/30/2024
Разом робимо світ трішки кращим: УПЦ США несе світло Христове на Схід України Напередодні Різдва |
Введення Пресвятої Діви Марії у храм - 11/30/2024
Коли Діві Марії виповнилося три роки, Її благочестиві батьки приготувалися виконати свою обітницю. Вони скликали родичів, запросили ровесниць своєї дочки, одягнули Її якнайкраще і в супроводі народу, співаючи релігійних пісень, повели Її в храм Єрусалимський для посвячення Богові. Її подружки-ровесниці, як і Сама Марія, йшли із запаленими свічками у руках. Назустріч їм з піснями повиходили з храму священики на чолі з первосвящеником. |
Entrance of the Most-Holy Birth-Giver-of-God into the Temple - 11/30/2024
On this day of the feast of the Entrance of the Most-Holy Birthgiver-of-God into the Temple, let’s review the details of this commemoration: Firstly, this feast is not present in the sacred scriptures, but has been preserved and revered by the Holy Church in the liturgy, iconography, and Holy Tradition. Secondly, the entire story is contained in an apocryphal book known as the Proto-Gospel of James, a book which contains this and many other stories about Christ and other biblical characters and saints, yet was never accepted in its totality as an inspired text by the Orthodox Church. |
Embracing a Spirit of Gratitude: A Thanksgiving Message from the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 11/27/2024
Прийняття Духу Вдячності: Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США з нагoди Дня Подяки в США |
Available Online: The First Edition of the New St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary Quarterly - 11/26/2024
Читайте Перший Відновлений Випуск Щоквартальника Української Православної Богословської Семінарії Святої Семінарії |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 52nd Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/25/2024
ДОСТОЙНИЙ! ГІДНИЙ! WORTHY! Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 52 річницю Священичого Служіння! |
Prayerful Celebration of THANKSGIVING at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA - 11/24/2024
Молитовне вшанування ДНЯ ПОДЯКИ в Українському Православному Соборі св. Володимира у Філадельфії, Пенсильванія |
A Day of Faith and Blessings: Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church Welcomes Archbishop Daniel in Woonsocket, RI - 11/24/2024
День Віри та Благословень: Українська Православна Церква Святого Архистратига Михаїла вітає Архиєпископа Даниїла у Вунсокеті, Род-Айленд |
Ukrainian Community of Metropolitan New York City Area Commemorated HOLODOMOR Anniversary - 11/23/2024
Українська Громада Околиці Mіста Ню Йорку Вшанувала Пам'ять Жертв Штучноствореного ГОЛОДОМОРУ в Україні |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora on Holodomor Remembrance Month - November 2024 - 11/23/2024
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США та діаспори щодо молитовного вшанування Місяця пам’яті жертв Голодомору – листопад 2024 р. |
Order Your Fall/Winter Jackets with the Logo of the UOC of the USA - 11/22/2024
Замовляйте - Кількість Обмежена: Осінньо-зимові куртки із логотипом УПЦ США |
Join us for the HOLODOMOR REMEMBRANCE DAY - 23 November, 2024 at St. Patrick Cathedral in New York City - 11/21/2024
Запрошуємо на Спільну молитву у ДЕНЬ ПАМʼЯТІ ЖЕРТВ ГОЛОДОМОРУ - 23 листопада, 2024 р. в катері св. Пaтрика в Нью Йорку |
2025 UOC of the USA Summer Camping Ministry - 11/20/2024
Програма Праці з Молоддю на Таборі Всіх Святих літом 2025 року |
Проповідь на 22-гу неділю по П'ятидесятниці - 11/20/2024
Дорогі у Христі, як часто ми задаємо самі собі запитання, що мені зробити, щоб унаслідувати Царство Боже? Це є цікаве і важливе запитання, поскільки кожному із нас необхідно знати, що нам робити, щоб спастись.
В євангельському читані від св. ап. Луки (10, 25-37), наш Спаситель ставить питання про наше відношення до всіх, хто нас оточує. Він закликає нас, що ради спасіння ми подивилися навколо себе і задумуючись, зробили щось ДОБРЕ, яке буде нас спрямовувати до вічного життя. В Євангелії говориться про те, як одного разу до Христа приступив один законник, який жив праведно, виконуючи всі приписи закону, задав запитання Ісусу Христу, бажаючи зловити Господа на слові. « Учителю, що мені чинити, щоб життя вічне осягнути?» (Лк.10:25) |
The UOC of the USA Commemorates the Legacy of Metropolitan Andrei Kuschak - 11/19/2024
УПЦ США молитовно вшановую духовну спадщину митрополита Андрія Кущака |
Statement from the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora on the Thousand-Day Anniversary of the Onslaught Against Ukraine - 11/19/2024
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США та Діаспори з Нагоди Тисячного Дня Наступу на Україну |
A Prayerful Gathering for Unity and Peace: New Jersey Religious Leaders Meet at the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 11/18/2024
Молитовне зібрання за єдність і мир: Релігійні лідери штату Нью-Джерсі зустрілися в Духовному осередку УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Faithful in Baltimore, MD Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Holy Archangel Michael Church - 11/17/2024
Українські Православні Християни Балтимору, штату Меріленд відзначають 75-ти ліття Української Православної Церкви св. Архистратига Михаїла |
AXIOS! ГІДНИЙ! WORTHY! Our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is blessed with new Deacon Alexis Clodfelter - 11/16/2024
AXIOS! ГІДНИЙ! WORTHY! Наша Свята Українська Православна Церква США благословенна новим дияконом Олекієм Клодфелтером |
Faith in Action: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Brings Light, Hope, and Healing to the Heart of a War-Torn Ukraine - 11/16/2024
Віра у вчинках: Українська Православна Церква США несе світло, надію та зцілення в серця зруйнованої війною України |
Nativity Fast Calendar - 11/16/2024
Календар на Передріздвяний Піст |
The Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and All the Bodiless Powers of Heaven - 11/15/2024
We live in a society whose basic premise is that reality is only that which can be seen, touched and quantifiably measured. Since we have exalted our human intellect to supremacy, even as people of Faith we are sometimes too quick to discount things which our own reasoning cannot fathom. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Reflections on Pylypivka - St. Philip’s Fast - 11/14/2024
Собор Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США: Роздуми про Передріздвяний Піст - Пилипівку |
Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA Honors Veterans Day at the National Ukrainian-American Veterans Monument - 11/11/2024
Духовний осередок УПЦ США Молитовно Вшанував День Ветерана біля національного памʼятника Українським-Американським Ветеранам |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the Observance of Veterans Day - 11/10/2024
Архіпастирське Послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США з Нагоди Відзначення Дня Ветеранів |
November 11, 2024 - Join us at the Ukrainian American Veterans National Monument in South Bound Brook, NJ as we pray for those who have served in the American Armed Forces. - 11/10/2024
11 листопада, 2024 року - Помолімось разом за наших ветеранів 11 листопада о 11 ранку біля національного памʼятника ветеранам Українського походження, які служать і послужили в Збройних Силах США |
St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Carteret, NJ marks 115th anniversary of spiritual ministry - 11/10/2024
Український Православний Собор св. Димитрія молитовно вшанував 115-ти ліття духовного служіння |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - November Issue - 11/10/2024
Українське Православне Слово за листопад |
Хвальба - 11/08/2024
"Вернись до дому свого і розкажи, що вчинив тобі Бог." - Так сказав Ісус Христос до оздоровленого біснуватого, який просив Спасителя супроводжувати Його. Син Божий не хоче назвати це оздоровлення Своїм. Добро, що учинив Він цій нещасній людині, не називає Він Своїм, а називає, що те добро створила сила Божа: "… розкажи, що вчинив тобі Бог."
Христос Спаситель, тут на землі, хотів бути зразком для людей. Син Божий в образі смиренного Сина чоловічого хотів дати нам приклад, як ми повинні чинити добро. |
Saint Sophia Seminary - where tradition meets inspiration - 11/08/2024
Семінарія Святої Софії – де традиція зустрічається з натхненням |
Healing the Gerasene Demoniac - 11/08/2024
I love to ask the question, “Do you believe it is possible to love pigs more than Jesus Christ?” The answer is, of course not. Why do you ask such a foolish question? Well, I often wonder why those people, in today Gospel, would ask Jesus Christ to leave their town just after He cast out a legion of demons into a herd of swine. |
Christmas Ornaments for the Office of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA - 11/04/2024
Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії УПЦ США |
The parish celebrates LIFE: Holy Evangelist Luke Ukrainian Orthodox parish marks anniversary, honors pastor on the 25th anniversary of ordination and blesses new chapel - 11/03/2024
Парафія святкує ЖИТТЯ: Українська православна парафія Святого Євангелиста Луки відзначає ювілей, вшановує настоятеля з 25-річчям хіротонії та освячує нову каплицю |
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 11/01/2024
Уздоровлення Одержимого Бісами - 10/31/2024
Розповідь євангелиста Луки про чоловіка, який одержимий бісами може показатися нам далекою від нашого повсякденного життя. Проте не випадково, про це зцілення розповідається два рази в церковному колі недільних Євангелій, для того, щоб ще раз нам нагадати про роботу диявола і Господню силу, яка бореться проти всього злого. Апостол Петро застерігає нас, що диявол не спить: “Будьте тверезi, пильнуйте, бо супротивник ваш диявол ходить, рикаючи, наче лев, i шукає, кого б пожерти”. (1Петра 5:8) |
In the Shadow of War, the Light of Christ: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA’s Lifeline of Faith and Mercy to Eastern Ukraine - 10/30/2024
У тіні війни, світло Христа: Українська Православна Церква США Опікується Життям Віри та Милосердя серед людей Східної України |
Celebrating Faith and Service: Honoring Very Rev. Fr. Orest Poukhalsky’s 55th Birthday at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Millville, NJ - 10/27/2024
Вшанування віри та служіння: молитовне святкування в храмі Української православної парафії св. Петра і Павла в Мілвил, Н. Дж., з нагоди Дня Народження настоятеля - протоієрея Ореста Пугальського |
Honoring Spiritual Legacy of the First Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA - 10/26/2024
Вшановуємо духовну спадщину першого митрополита УПЦ США |
Join us for the prayerful commemorative Memorial Service at the gravesite of Metropolitan John (Theodorovych) - the first metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - as we mark 103rd anniversary of his archpastoral consecration - 10/23/2024
Запрошуємо Вас приєднатись до молитовної панахиди на могилі митрополита Івана (Теодоровича) – першого митрополита Української Православної Церкви США – з нагоди 103-ї річниці його архіпастирської хіротонії. |
Caring the Light of Christ: Archbishop Daniel Visits Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral in Hammond, IN - 10/23/2024
Несучи Світло Христове: Архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Український Православний Собор Святого Архистратига Михаїла в місті Гемонд, штат Індіана |
Archbishop Daniel Visits “Barvinok” Ukrainian School at Sts. Peter and Paul UOC, Palos Park, IL - 10/22/2024
Архиєпископ Даниїл відвідав українську школу «Барвінок» при Українській Православній парафії св. Петра і Павла, Пейлос Парк, штат Іллиной |
United in Faith and Mission: The Ukrainian Orthodox Clergy Strengthen Spiritual Leadership Amid Modern Challenges During the Annual Clergy Conference of the UOC of the USA - 10/19/2024
Об’єднані у вірі та місії: українське православне духовенство зміцнює духовний провід серед сучасних викликівпід час щорічної конференції духовенства УПЦ США |
UOC of the USA Delivers Medical Vehicles to War-Torn Areas of Ukraine - 10/19/2024
УПЦ США доставляє медичні автомобілі в охоплені війною райони України |
The Widow from the City of Nain - 10/19/2024
In order to reestablish the moral principals of the entire creation and to bring it to its original beauty, a supreme sacrifice was indispensable. However, to accomplish that sacrifice no human being was capable to bring it to completion; therefore, God in His love and compassion toward us was willing to become incarnated for that purpose.
Thus, the Gospel reading which is appointed for this Sunday bears the mark of that act, the act of mercy and compassion, for in the Gospel we read, “…And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow…When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, ‘Do not weep’. Then He came and touched the open bier, and those that carried him stood still. And He said, ‘Young man, I say to you, arise’.” (Lk. 7:11-16) |
Rooted in Faith, Growing in Grace: Celebrating 100 Years of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 10/14/2024
Вкорінені у вірі та зростаючи в благодаті: молитовне святкування 100-річчя Українського православного собору Святого Володимира в Пармі, Огайо |
100 Years of Faith and Tradition: The Celebration of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and Taras Shevchenko Parochial School of Ukrainian Studies in Parma, Ohio - 10/12/2024
100 років Віри та Традиції: молитовні вшанування СЛУЖІННЯ Українського Православного Собору Святого Володимира та парафіяльної Школи українознавства імені Тараса Шевченка в Пармі, Огайо |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - October Issue - 10/11/2024
Українське Православне Слово за жовтень місяць |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - October Issue - 10/11/2024
Українське Православне Слово за жовтень місяць |
Будьте ж милосердні - 10/11/2024
Із євангельських повчань ми знаємо, що потрібно служити Богові, а саме виконувати Його волю та заповіді. Також потрібно любити свого ближнього як самого себе, а саме поводитись з ближнім так, як ми б хотіли, щоб з нами так поводились. І ми повинні дбати про самих себе, про фізичне здоров'я та здоров'я душі.
Якщо б хтось надумав описати про ці три вагомі обов'язки: як виконувати волю Божу та заповіді, як дбати про ближнього, та як дбати про свою душу і тіло, то йому б нехватило сили і терпіння про це писати. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Asks for Prayers for Parish Communities in The Path of Hurricane Milton - 10/09/2024
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США звертається із проханням про молитви за парафіяльні громади на шляху урагану Мілтон |
St. Sophia Seminary Offers Youth Ministry Certification Course - 10/09/2024
Курс Навчання в Програмі Християнської Праці з Молоддю |
2024/2025 Youth Ministry Theme - In His Image! - 10/09/2024
2024-2025 Річний План Роботи з Молоддю: За Його Образом! |
Triple Celebration at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Johnson City, NY - 10/06/2024
Потрійне святкування в Українській Православній Цекрві св. Івана Хрестителя у с. Джонсон Сіті штату Нью-Йорк |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Marks 39th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration - 10/05/2024
Високопреосвященний Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 39-ту річницю Архиєрейського служіння |
Покров Пресвятої Богородиці - 10/05/2024
Вшановує Пресвяту Діву Марію й український народ. З того часу, як наш люд став навколішки перед Ісусом Христом, по всій нашій землі гомонить пісня слави й любові також і на честь Христової Матері Марії. Величаючи її, наш народ благає в неї опіки й заступництва в різних потребах цього земного життя. Ми так сердечно вшановуємо Пресвяту Богородицю, бо це зробив насамперед сам Бог. Ще світу не було, а вже Предвічний Господь вибрав Пресвяту Діву Марію на Матір Спасителя. Створив її чистою, обдарував надзвичайними ласками та підвищивши понад усіх людей і ангелів, щоб Вона була першою після Бога. А що Господь від віків постановив, те в свій час сповнилося. Коли ж Бог так прославив Марію, чи не повинні й люди йти за Його почином і прикладом? Коли Пресвята Марія є для Бога наймилішою дочкою, для Божого сина найдорожчою Матір’ю, а для Святого Духа найкращою Святинею, чи ж не повинні й люди величати Пресвяту Діву та прославляти Її щирим серцем як першу після Бога? |
Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch - 10/05/2024
Meditation: Have you ever struggled because your life wasn't going the way you wanted? Do you feel that way right now? To many bills? Not enough money? Or maybe you are stressed because of your constant striving for more and more of the things of this world, or you are in debt up to your eyeballs trying to pay for and maintain those things you have already acquired. Do you spend most of your time focusing on how you will achieve a bigger home, a new car, stretching yourself out for that new flat screen or surround sound system your friend just purchased? |
UOL Bulletin for October - 10/03/2024
A New Shepherd for God’s People: Archbishop Daniel Ordains Protodeacon Mykhailo Hnatiuk to the Priesthood Amidst a Time of Trial for Ukrainian People - 10/02/2024
Новий пастир для Божого народу: Архієпископ Даниїл висвятив протодиякона Михайла Гнатюка на священика в часи випробувань для Українського народу |
Shining Christ’s Love Amidst War: Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine via Germany - 10/01/2024
Сяюча любов Христа серед війни: гуманітарна допомога Україні через Німеччину |
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 10/01/2024
The War Destroys... and the UOC of the USA Continues to Send Life-Giving Aid to the People of Ukraine - 09/30/2024
Війна руйнує… а УПЦ США продовжує надсилати життєдайну допомогу народу України |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - September Issue - 09/29/2024
Українське Православне Слово за вересень |
The Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross: A Symbol of Hope in Times of Crisis - 09/27/2024
Воздвидження Животворчого Хреста Господнього: Символ Надії в Часи Кризи |
Strengthening Faith and Unity: Archbishop Daniel’s Visit to Holy Trinity Parish in Seattle, WA - 09/24/2024
Зміцнення віри та єдності: архипастирські відвідини архієпископом Даниїлом Української Православної парафії Пресвятої Трійці в Сіетлі, штат Вашингтон |
Nativity of the Holy Birth Giver of God - 09/20/2024
“O Most Holy Birth Giver of God Save Us!” With such powerful words The Holy Orthodox Church concludes almost all of its divine services, making its final appeal to the One, who is the first among the Heavenly choirs of the saints who intercede God on behalf of the human race.
Today, on this eighth day of the Liturgical year as we celebrate her blessed Nativity, let’s pause and contemplate upon the role and the image of the Most Holy Birth Giver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. |
Виноградарі - 09/20/2024
Господар посилає слуг своїх за винагородою коли прийшов час збирати податок. На що отримав у відповідь побиття своїх слуг, а декого з них було вбито. Тоді Господар цей посилає інших, та з ними вчинили так само навіть гірше. На кінець вирішив послати Сина свого, думаючи що його вони посоромляться. Люди ці думали інакше кажучи, що «це спадкоємець, вб’ємо його і заволодіємо спадщиною» що і зробили. |
2024-2025 Academic Year: Get to Know the Seminarians of Our Church - Знайомтесь… Наші Семінаристи… - 09/16/2024
A New Spiritual Era Begins: The Parish Celebrates the Call to Holiness on the first day of a new Centennial journey of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Youngstown, OH - 09/16/2024
Початок нової духовної ери служіння: парафія святкує покликання до святості в перший день нової столітньої подорожі української православної парафії Святих Петра і Павла в Янгстауні, Огайо |
Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Youngstown, OH Celebrated 100 Years of Ministry - 09/16/2024
Українська Православна Парафія Святих Петра і Павла в Янгставн, Огайо Відзначила 100-ліття служіння |
The Great Commandment - 09/13/2024
Once a lawyer approached Jesus with a question to test Him, saying: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus told him: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Presents Donation to Assist with the Prosthetic Needs of the Wounded Soldiers from Ukraine - 09/12/2024
Українська Православна Церква США Передала Пожертву на протезування поранених воїнів з України |
23 Years Later: Ukrainian Orthodox Community Prays for the Innocent Victims of 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack - 09/11/2024
23 роки пізніше: УПЦ США Молитовно Вшанувала Памʼять Жертв Терористичного Нападу на США 11 вересня, 2001 року |
Archpastoral Visit to Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Trenton, NJ: A New Chapter in Parish Leadership Begins - 09/08/2024
Архипастирькі відвідини Української Православної громади Пресвятої Трійці в Трентоні, Ню Джерсі: початок нової епохи пастирського служіння |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Begins New Academic Year - 09/07/2024
Свято-Софіївська Українська Православна Богословська Семінарія розпочала новий навчальний рік |
Join us for the Opening of the New 2024-2025 Academic Year - 09/05/2024
Запрошуємо Вас на початок нового 2024-2025 навчального року |
Prayers for the Youth of the Church at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 09/04/2024
Молитви за молодь Церкви в Духовному Осередку Митрополії УПЦ США |
Unity in the Faith: A Gathering of Hierarchs of Ukrainian Descent at the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 09/04/2024
Єдність у вірі: Зустріч ієрархів українського походження у Вселенському Патріархаті |
The Holy Synaxis of the Hierarchy of the Ecumenical Throne has concluded - 09/04/2024
Священний Синаксис Архиєреїв Вселенського Престолу завершився |
UOL Bulletin for September - 09/03/2024
Белетень УПЛ за вересень |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 09/03/2024
Високопреосвященний митрополит Антоній та Архієпископ Даниїл зустрілися з Його Всесвятістю Патріархом Варфоломієм |
Humanitarian Aid by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Supporting Ukrainian Children Amidst War - 09/02/2024
Гуманітарна допомога УПЦ США: підтримка українських дітей під час війни |
Statement from the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the Annual Observance of Labor Day Weekend - 09/02/2024
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США щодо щорічного відзначення Дня Праці |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in Synaxis of Hierarchs of The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople - 09/01/2024
Ієрархи УПЦ США Беруть Участь в Архієрейському Соборі Ієрархів Вселенської Патріархії |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - August Issue - 09/01/2024
Українське Православне Слово за серпень місяць |
Patriarchal Message for the Beginning of the Church Year - 08/31/2024
Патріарше Звернення з нагоди початку Нового Церковного Року |
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/30/2024
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora on the Occasion of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances - August 30, 2024 - 08/30/2024
Заява Собору єпископів УПЦ США та діаспори з нагоди Міжнародного дня жертв насильницьких зникнень – 30 серпня 2024 р. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Dormition of the Mother of God Feast Day Services at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/30/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл очолив богослужіння на свято Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в українській православній церкві-памʼятнику св. Андрія Первозванного духовного осередку Митрополії УПЦ США |
Піст - 08/30/2024
“Цей рід виганяється тільки молитвою та постом“ (Мт. 17:21), сказав Ісус батькові після зцілення його сина, коли той пожалівся на учеників Його: “Я приводив його до учеників Твоїх, та вони не змогли зцілити його“ (Мт. 17:16).
Улюблені у Христі, чимало не вірить Ісусовим словам в цьому епізоді Євангелії, мабуть хитають головами та й питають: “Чи людина може удостоїтися в Бога такої сили, щоб це вчинити, коли буде постити, молитися, в церкву ходити, буде прикладом побожності?“ Питання дуже складне. Тут не можна відповісти “так“ або “ні“. Ісус заповів: “Просіть і дасться вам“ (Мт. 7:7); в Бога все є можливим.
Молитвою і постом це можна зробити. Богословська наука голосить, що через піст і молитву доходиться до християнських чеснот, людина збагачується духовно. |
Reflection by Archbishop Daniel on the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God: Finding Strength in an Age of Moral Challenges - 08/27/2024
Роздуми архієпископа Даниїла на свято Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці: знаходьмо сили в епоху моральних викликів |
Ходження по воді - 08/23/2024
Христос тільки міг ходити по хвилях морських, бо Він є Владикою сотвореного світу.Але Ап. Петро ходив по воді також, а він є людина. Сьогоднішнє Євангеліє про це докладно оповідає нам. Коли Христос молився, апостоли були в човні і цілу ніч боролися з хвилями та вітром, який кидав їхній човен то в один, то в другий бік. Христос, одначе, не забув про них. Вранці Ісус прямував до них, йдучи по воді, як по сухому. Апостоли злякались, але Христос сказав їм: “Це Я, не бійтесь!” Вони не впізнали Його. Одним з християнських привітань є “Христос посеред нас!” Дійсно, Христос є серед нас, але ми часто проходимо через життєві незгоди, печалі, не зізнаючи Його присутності. |
DORMITION FAST: Why a Fast for Dormition? - 08/23/2024
The Birth-Giver of God (Theotokos), the Virgin Mary, was “blessed amongst women,” and she was chosen “to bear the Savior of our souls.” Orthodox Christians consider her to be the Queen of all the saints and angels. Knowing that she is eternally present at the throne of God interceding for mankind, we pray for her love, guidance, and protection. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period is climaxed on August 28th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the Great Feast of the Formation (Falling-Asleep) of the Birth-Giver of God. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora on the Occasion of the 33rd Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 08/19/2024
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США та Діаспори з Нагоди 33-ї Річниці Незалежності України |
Send them away! - 08/17/2024
Send them away! This is what Christ’s disciples said that He should do to the multitudes that had been following Him, in today’s Gospel lesson- send them away. Let someone else feed them, see to their needs. And, on the surface, this seems to be a reasonable request, given their situation, their apparent inability to care for all of them. Send them away! But even if this request was made because the disciples thought it would be in the people’s best interest, it was still, as we learn, the wrong attitude, the wrong response to that situation. Yet, knowing this, what we must ask ourselves, brothers and sisters, is how often do we say this very thing? |
Нагодування 5 тисяч - 08/17/2024
Євангельське повчаня, яке читається у восьму неділю по П’ятидесятниці, своїм змістом вражає нас двояко, у двох аспектах. В 13-му вірші 14-го розділу Євангелії від Матвія згадано, що Ісус “відчалив човном у місце пустинне і самотнє. І почувши народ із міст пішов пішки за Ним”. Отже люди так прагнули чути Слово Боже з уст Спасителя, так прагнули отримати благодать Божу від нього на оздоровлення, що шукали за Ним і знайшли Його у місці “пустинному”, де Христос напевно шукав молитовного усамітнення після тяжкої вістки про відрубання голови Іванові Хрестителеві. |
Amidst Moments of Sorrow: Rays of Hope and Life - 08/16/2024
Серед хвилин скорботи: промені надії та життя |
St. Sophia Seminary Offers Youth Ministry Certification Course - 08/15/2024
Курс Навчання в Програмі Християнської Праці з Молоддю: The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry in collaboration with St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a Youth Ministry Certification program. |
YouTube Reflections with Archbishop Daniel - 08/15/2024
Короткі Роздуми з Архієпископом Даниїлом |
Consistory Office and Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Internship Program - 08/14/2024
Відділ Праці з Молоддю Консисторії: Програма Стажування |
Archbishop Daniel Traveled to the State of Arkansas to Pray and Visit the Clergy and Faithful of the Holy Apostle Thomas Orthodox Community - 08/12/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл Звершив Подорож до штату Арканзас, відвідуючи Українську Православну громаду св. Апостола Фоми |
30 August - 2 September, 2024 - Annual Family Fest at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA - 08/08/2024
Родинний Фестиваль на Оселі Всіх Святих УПЦ США |
Pastor of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Promoted to Rank of Major in U.S. Air Force - 08/08/2024
Настоятель Українського Православного Собору св. Андрія Первозванного отримав ранг капелана-майора в Повітряних Силах США |
We have met the enemy.... - 08/08/2024
In today’s Gospel Reading, we hear of another example of the Pharisee’s malice toward Jesus- their response to His healing of a demon-possessed mute man. “He casts out demons by the ruler of demons!” In other words, they claim that Christ derives His authority over the demons from Satan. And they say this, even in light of the fact that Christ is “preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Now, they obviously can’t find fault with the actions that He is taking, or their results- curing the blind, healing the sick, and the rest, so what is it, exactly, about Jesus that so makes them want to attack Him? Don’t they get it? How can they not see Him for Who He is? How can they possibly be so far off the mark? How can these Pharisees possibly be so…evil? |
Updated: Protopresbyter Gerald Ozlanski of Blessed Memory! - 08/07/2024
Оновлено: Вічна Памʼять - Протопресвітер Єремія Озланський |
Archbishop Daniel's Grace-Filled Visit to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Troy, NY - 08/05/2024
Благодаттю сповнені відвідини Архієпископа Даниїла Української Православної парафії св. Миколая Чудотворця в Трою, НЙ |
Humanitarian Ministry of the UOC USA: Now Every Ukrainian Christian Faces a Great Test: We Must Hold on and Unite as Brothers and Sisters in Christ! - 08/03/2024
Гуманітарне Служіння УПЦ США: Зараз кожному християнину-українцю випало велике випробування: ми повинні триматися та єднатися як брати і сестри у Христі! |
Про важливість тіла людини - 08/02/2024
Коли ми читаємо євангельські уривки про те, як Христос воскресив мертвого або зцілив тіло людини, ми рідко замислюємося про те, що людське тіло означає для Самого Бога, Який створив його з любов'ю для вічного життя, і що воно мало б означати для нас самих. Якщо б наше тіло не було б Богові дороге, так само цінне і ніжно любиме Ним, як і наша вічна душа, Бог не став би зціляти тіло або піклуватися про його вічне життя після воскресіння мертвих. |
300 Families and Elderly Receive Assistance of the UOC of the USA in Donbas Region of Ukraine - 08/02/2024
Понад 300 родин та людей похилого віку Донбасу отримали допомогу УПЦ США |
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/31/2024
77th Annual UOL Convention Concludes in Philadelphia, PA - 07/30/2024
77 річна Конвенція УПЛіги Завершилася у Філадельфії, Пенсильванія |
Holy Fathers of the first six Ecumenical Councils - 07/26/2024
Today our church commemorates the Holy Fathers of the first six Ecumenical Councils, so it would be beneficial to consider why they are considered so important. On the great day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell upon the timid apostles, who then went forth throughout the whole known world preaching the Gospel boldly. Although uneducated, being mostly fishermen, it was the Holy Spirit who overshadowed and prompted them and gave them the eloquence to spread salvation across many lands. St. Paul warned us though that there will be wolves in sheep's clothing, who will pervert and twist Christ's true teaching. In every generation there have arisen both false pastors and people with ears itching for different and novel doctrines. |
UOC of the USA Assists Ukrainian Orthodox Priest in Obtaining Vehicle for Frontline Spiritual Support - 07/25/2024
УПЦ США допомогла придбати логістичний автомобіль для служіння військового капелана |
Mommy&Me Daddy&Me Encampment Brings Families and Children to All Saints UOC of the USA Camp in Emlenton, PA - 07/24/2024
Мама і я - Тато і я Церковний табір зібрав дітей та батьків на оселі УПЦ США Всіх Святих в Емлентон, штат Пенсильванія |
Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Holy Great-Martyr Panteleimon Celebrates Parochial Feast Day with Archbishop Daniel - 07/24/2024
Українська Православна парафія св. Великомученика Пантелеймона відсвяткувала храмове свято з Архієпископом Даниїлом |
28 July, 2024 - Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday - 07/24/2024
28 липня 2024 р. - Неділя Вшанування Служіння Опіки В'язнями |
UOC of the USA is Blessed With a New Priest - Fr. Roman Marchyshak - 07/20/2024
УПЦ США Благословенна Новим Священником - о. Роман Марчишак |
Is it normal to be a Christian? - 07/19/2024
Is it normal to be a Christian? Is it normal to be a follower of Christ? You are probably got mixed up thoughts about these questions. On one hand, it seems why it should not be normal. But on the other hand, unfortunately for today’s society it is not normal to be a Christian. It is not popular to live by Christian principals. |
Metropolitan Antony on the Mend – Здоров’я Митрополита Антонія покращується - 07/19/2024
Metropolitan Antony on the Mend – Здоров’я Митрополита Антонія покращується |
Св. Князь Володимир і Хрещення Русі-України - 07/19/2024
Християнство в Україні розповсюджувалось поступово. На півдні України були грецькі колонії. Наші предки мали з ними торговельні відносини. Руські люди (а по сьогоднішній термінології — українці), тоді ще погани, були благородної вдачі і толерантно відносились до людей котрі приймали християнство. У нас не було переслідування християн, як це було в Римській імперії, де християн жорстоко катували. Про характер наших предків пише візантійський імператор Маврикій (582-602) “Він описує їх як людей волелюбних, хоробрих, несхильних ані до рабства, ані до підлеглості чужій владі, дуже людяних у їхньому відношенні до полонених та чужинців.” |
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: a Beacon of Hope Amidst War - 07/18/2024
Українська Православна Церква США: Маяк Надії в час Війни |
Metropolitan Antony Hospitalized - 07/18/2024
Митрополит Антоній Госпіталізований |
Clergy Conference October 14-17, 2024 - 07/17/2024
Конференція Духовенства 14-17 жовтня 2024 р.Б. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Parishes of Indiana Welcome Archbishop Daniel - 07/15/2024
Українські Православні Громади Штату Індіана Вітають Архієпископа Даниїла |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Met With Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - 07/11/2024
Ієрархи УПЦ США Проведи Зустріч із Архієпископом Елпідофоросом Грецької Православної Архиєпархії Америки |
Statement of Archbishop Daniel - 07/09/2024
Звернення Архієпископа Даниїла |
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Celebrates the Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine in Portland, OR - 07/09/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл очолив богослужіння Неділі Всіх Святих Українських в місті Портленд, штат Орегон |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - July Issue - 07/08/2024
Українське Православне Слово за липень |
All Saints of Ukraine - 07/06/2024
One day a Sunday school class was discussing the topics of sainthood and saints. The children were riveted to the teacher’s presentation, as they listened to the wondrous miracles and acts of personal sacrifice which were associated with the saints. As the presentation ended, it was time for the children to ask questions. All but one child asked a question and received their answer from the teacher. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 248th Anniversary of US Independence - 07/03/2024
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США з нагоди 248 річниці Незалежності США |
A Beacon of Hope: The Humanitarian Mission of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Continues - 07/02/2024
Маяк надії: гуманітарна місія Української Православної Церкви США триває |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/30/2024
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New Your City Celebrates Patronal Feast Day - 06/30/2024
Українська Православна Парафія Всіх Святих відсвяткувала храмове свято в Нью-Йорку |
Embracing Faith and Tradition: Archbishop Daniel Visits All Saints Camp - 06/29/2024
Вшановуючи Віру та Традицію: архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Табір Всіх Святих |
All Saints Sunday - 06/29/2024
Today we gather on this 1st Sunday after Pentecost to honor all of those who have lived righteous lives in following the teachings and commandments of our Lord. On this Sunday of All Saints we commemorate those who having received the grace of the Holy Spirit lived their lives in complete obedience to the command of our Lord to “confess Me before men.” |
Всіх Святих угодників Божих - 06/29/2024
У першу неділю після П'ятидесятниці - дня народження Церкви Христової, ми молитовно вшановуємо всіх святих угодників Божих. Ми, члени Церкви земної, віддаємо свою шану та засвідчуємо молитовне єднання з членами небесної Церкви. Слово "святий" походить від грецького слова hagios, що означає "присвячений Богу, святий, священний, благочестивий". |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - June Issue - 06/28/2024
Українське Православне Слово за червень |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Pentecost and 15th Anniversary Celebration at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL - 06/26/2024
Архиєпископ Даниїл очолив святкування П’ятидесятниці та 15-ї річниці заснування Української Православної Церкви Пресвятої Трійці в Бенсенвілл, Ілліной |
Register for UOL Convention - 06/24/2024
Зареєструйтесь на Конференцію УПЛіги |
Please remember in your prayers the community of the St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Los Angeles, CA, as it was damaged by Vandalism - 06/24/2024
Будь ласка, згадайте у своїх молитвах громаду Української Православної парафії св. Андрія Первозванного в Лос-Анджелесі, Каліфорнія, оскільки вона була пошкоджена вандалізмом |
День Святої Тройці. П’ятидесятниця. - 06/22/2024
Після Вознесіння Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, Його учні згідно настанови свого учителя залишилися у Єрусалимі чекати 10 днів, на що, - вони самі не знали. Ці 10 днів Апостоли провели не марнуючи, вони прожили їх у молитві і пості, як воно і належеться перед тим, коли щось важливе повинно статися у нашому житті. І ось цей день настав: ”Нагло зчинився шум із неба, ніби буря раптова зірвалася, і переповнила ввесь той дім, де сиділи вони. І з’явилися їм язики поділені, немов би огненні, та й на кожному з них по одному осів. Усі ж вони сповнились Духом Святим, і почали говорити іншими мовами, як їм Дух промовляти давав” (Дії 2:2-4). |
The Feast of Pentecost - 06/22/2024
The Feast of Pentecost is traditionally considered the birth of what is today known as the Christian Church. The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles assembled in the upper room and their subsequent address to those who had gathered outside begins the international and intercultural spread of Christianity. |
Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Receives Full Accreditation - 06/19/2024
Свято-Софіївська Українська Православна Богословська Семінарія Отримала Повну Акредитацію |
Expressing Gratitude to God at the 70th Anniversary Celebration in Yardville, NJ - 06/18/2024
Висловлення вдячності Богу на святкуванні 70-ї річниці в Ярдвіллі, штат Нью-Джерсі |
2024 Graduate Recognition - Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 06/15/2024
Вшанування випусників 2024 року |
Holy Father, keep them in Thy name... - 06/15/2024
“Holy Father, keep them in Thy name which Thou has given Me, in order that they may be one, even as We.” (Jh. 1:12) The Lord is praying to the Father that they, the Apostles, be kept in the name of the Christ Who had become the link, the bridge between God the Father and His creation; in the name of the One that was Sent; in the name of the obedience to the Father; in the name of Love. Jesus Christ was obedient to His father until death, and death on the Cross. That obedience made that name of Jesus the Christ greater than the havens, for everything bows before that ‘Name’ in heave and under the heaven. |
Неділя Свв. Отців 1-го Вселенського Собору (325р.) - 06/15/2024
Сьогодні ми згадуємо Перший Вселенський Собор і отців Церкви, які зібралися на цьому Соборі. Чому нам треба згадувати про ці події давно минулих літ? Адже Перший Вселенський Собор відбувся у 325 році, майже 17-ть століть тому. Але він є для нас важливий тому, що цей Собор відстояв у християнському світі головну істину нашої віри, що є осередком нашого спасіння - Божество Господа нашого Ісуса Христа. |
The Feast of Ascension of our Lord in Los Alamos, NM - 06/14/2024
Молитовне святкування свята Вознесіння Господнього в місті Лос Аламос, штат Нова Мексика |
Metropolitan Antony Celebrates the feast of Ascension of our Lord in Wilmington, DE - 06/14/2024
Митрополит Антоній очолив молитовне святкування свята Вознесіння Господнього в місті Вільмінгтон, штат Делавер |
Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church in the USA Prayerfully Honored Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople on His Patron Feast Day in New York City - 06/11/2024
Ієрархи Юрисдикцій Православної Церкви в США молитовно вшанували Вселенського Патріарха в день його іменин в Ню Йорку |
Prayerful Greetings to Ecumenical Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW on His Name Day - 06/10/2024
Молитовні Вітання Вселенському Патріарху ВАРФОЛОМІЮ з нагоди іменин |
2024 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry: Registration Open! - 06/10/2024
Відкрита Реєстрація на Церковні Табори 2024 року на Українській Православній Оселі ВСІХ СВЯТИХ |
Mugs of CHRISTIAN LOVE: Together with my Church, I am helping… - 06/10/2024
Кружки ХРИСТИЯНСЬКОЇ ЛЮБОВІ: Разом із моєю церквою я допомагаю... |
Though I was blind, now I see! - 06/07/2024
During His earthly ministry, Jesus met, spoke with, enlightened, and healed a vast number of people, every single day. As St. John says, if each and every one of His encounters were written down, the world could not contain all of the books that it would require. So why did the Holy Spirit guide the Evangelists to record those specific events, those encounters, which we find in the Gospels? What is it about them that make them somehow special? As most of you probably know, it is because those encounters that are recorded for us are universal. In 2000 years, while our technology and science are exponentially beyond what it was then, people are still people- as a species, we really haven’t changed. And those people about whom we read in Scripture, well, they are us - in some way, they represent all of us, both collectively and personally. And the lessons that their stories impart are just as applicable to us today as they were 2000 years ago. Today’s Reading, that of the Blindman, is a classic example of this. |
Вознесіння Господа нашого Ісуса Христа - 06/07/2024
Господь наш Ісус Христос приготовлював Своїх учеників до розлуки з ним та до продовження ними Його місії на землі. Після Свого Воскресіння із мертвих Ісус являвся вже прославленим тілом ученикам, жонам-мироносицям, апостолам, вірним, споживав з ними їжу та навчав про Царство Боже, творив чудеса (Ів. 21:6). |
A Beacon of Faith Amidst the Storm: Archbishop Daniel’s Visit to Ingolstadt, Bavaria - 06/04/2024
Маяк віри серед шторму: візит архієпископа Даниїла до Інгольштадта, Баварія |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - May Issue - 06/03/2024
Українське Православне Слово за травень |
UOL Bulletin for June - 06/01/2024
УПС за червень |
Про Жінку-Самарянку. - 05/31/2024
У сьогоднішньому Євангелії ми слухаємо цікаву і глибоку розмову між Ісусом Христом і жінкою-самарянкою. Ця розмова відбувається за містом біля криниці. Ісус Христос, як дійсна криниця, яка має у собі джерело живої води, приходить, сідає біля криниці Якова і чекає на спраглу людину. Розмова відбувається якраз опівдні, коли сонце стоїть в зеніті, коли людина почувається спраглою. І ось Христос сам прийшов до спраглої людини і робить перший крок назустріч їй. |
No water - no life - 05/31/2024
Several years ago, NASA sent a remote-controlled probe to the planet Mars to search for something of great value – not gold, diamonds, or some unknown extraterrestrial element, but water – plain old water. The reason was simple. Based on all the education and scientific experience of the experts, it was agreed that life, in any form we understand it, could not exist without water. No water, no life. |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/30/2024
International Children's Day: Prayer for Children of Ukraine Kidnapped by Russian Federation Invaders - 05/30/2024
Молитва за Дітей України - Викрадених Російськими Загарбниками |
In the Midst of Darkness, a Light of Hope: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA’s Mission in War-Torn Ukraine - 05/29/2024
Посеред темряви світло надії: Місія Служіння Української Православної Церкви США в пошкодженій війною Україні |
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Visits Two Ukrainian Orthodox Communities in Paris, France - 05/28/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл провідав Українські Православні громади околиці Парижу, Франція
Honoring Ukrainian Heroes: Archbishop Daniel Leads Memorial Service at the Gravesite of Symon Petlura - 05/28/2024
Вшановуючи українських героїв: архієпископ Даниїл очолив панахиду на могилі Симона Петлюри |
Spiritual Address of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the Observance of Memorial Day - 05/24/2024
Духовне Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США з Нагоди Вшанування Дня Пам’яті |
Неділя про розслабленого - 05/24/2024
Сьогодні уже приходить четвертий тиждень після Світлого Христoвoгo Вoскресiння, якoгo всi християни чекали з великим нетерпiнням, в якoму кoжний iз нас вiдчуває велику радiсть i має надiю на майбуття i життя вiчне. Ми вдячнi Всевишньoму Бoгу за Йoгo благoслoвiння i безмежну любoв дo нас. Гoспoдь, який дає нам життя i все, щo ми прoсимo у нього, вимагає від нас вiдкрити нашi серця у любoвi дo ближньoгo, у пoкаяннi, i дoдержаннi Йoгo запoвiдей. |
During the period from Pascha to Pentecost, we can’t help but notice the matching of stories between the Gospel and the life of the early Church. This is especially true when we compare Luke and Acts, since they are considered two volumes of a set. The Gospel relates the life of Christ in the flesh, while Acts relates the story of the Risen Christ at work in the church. But we also see this matching in John’s Gospel and Acts, the two texts read closely during this period. |
Weekend of Instructions for a Cohort of Part-Time Students of St. Sophia Seminary - 05/22/2024
Одна із груп студентів Заочного Факультету Семінарії св. Софії взяла участь в реколекційних настановах семестру |
The JOY of Parish Life and Growth in Palos Park, IL - 05/21/2024
РАДІСТЬ Духовного зросту і розвитку парафіяльного життя в Пейлос Парк, Іллиной |
A Testament to Faith and Compassion: Supporting Ukraine in Times of Crisis - 05/18/2024
Свідоцтво віри та співчуття: підтримка України під час кризи |
The Divine Legacy of Compassion: A Testament to Faith and Love - 05/18/2024
Божественний Вчинок співчуття: свідчення віри та любові |
Неділя жінок – мироносиць - 05/17/2024
Вони рано-вранці, купивши пахощі, спішать до гробу, в якому спочив Ісус. Мироносиці добре знають, що гріб Ісуса охороняють воїни, що до гробу заборонено наближатися, але вони йдуть, наперекір усьому, з твердою вірою і надією, що здійснять свій намір. Вони йдуть за покликом сердець, в яких живе щира, самовіддана любов до Ісуса, а любов не знає страху, не боїться погроз, перепон — любов усе перемагає, бо де є любов, там є Бог. |
In today’s Gospel we hear of three women who were approaching the tomb of their Master, their Teacher and their Friend. Their hearts were heavy and their steps labored. How could this have happened? It was only days before that they were with Him as He taught and preached. No person had ever preached as He did; no one performed the great miracles that He accomplished. Surely He was the One; the Son of God, the Messiah! |
The 112th Brigade of Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine Received Paskas from the UOC of the USA - 05/14/2024
Військовим 112 бригади ТрО ЗСУ передали паски від Української Православної Церкви США та Ставропігії Вселенського Патріархату у Києві |
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Consecrated Cross at St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery in South Bound Brook, NJ - 05/14/2024
Високопреосвященніший Архієпископ Даниїл освятив Хрест на Українському Цвинтарі Святого Андрія Первозванного біля Пантеону Воїнів УПА у місті Саут Баунд Бруці, штат Нью Джерзі |
Embracing Tradition, Faith, and Service: Reflections on the Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 05/13/2024
Духовне плекання традицій, віри та служіння: роздуми про цьогорічне паломництво до Духовного осередку Церкви |
Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 05/10/2024
Запрошуємо на Паломництво Фоминої Неділі |
Prayerful Greetings for Archbishop Daniel - 05/09/2024
Молитовні вітання Архієпископу Даниїлу |
UOC of the USA Offers Assistance to Ukrainian Chaplains in Prayerful Exclamation CHRIST IS RISEN! - 05/09/2024
УПЦ США допомагає капеланам України молитовно проголошувати ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕС! |
LET US HONOR OUR GRADUATES: Class of 2024 Commencement Submissions - 05/09/2024
ВШАНУЙМО НАШИХ ВИПУСКНИКІB - Подайте Інформацію про випускників парафіяльних громад для привітання |
Do not be unbelieving, but believing! - 05/08/2024
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Though it hasn't been heard in common parlance lately, many years ago, the term 'Doubting Thomas' was used to describe someone who was of a contrarian, doubting nature. 'I doubt it' was their catchphrase to any claim or statement that, at least to their ears, sounded incredulous. |
First Ever Pascha Service at All Saints Camp - 05/06/2024
На Таборі Всіх Святих Вперше Відбулися Пасхальні Богослужіння |
Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom - Пасхальна проповідь св. Івана Золотоустого - 05/05/2024
PASCHA Archpastoral Reflection of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora - 05/04/2024
ПАСХАЛЬНЕ Архіпастирське Послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США та Діаспори |
Ecumenical Patriarchate: Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha - 05/04/2024
Патріарше Звернення на Пасху |
Great and Holy Saturday at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 05/04/2024
СВЯТА СУБОТА: Час Mолитовного Очікування |
Holy and Great Friday: Embracing the Scars: A Reflection on Sacrifice and Redemption - 05/04/2024
Свята і Велика П'ятниця: Роздуми над Жертовністю Христа |
The Journey of Redemption: Reflections on the Reading of the 12 Passion Gospels - 05/02/2024
Шлях відкуплення: Роздуми над читанням 12 Євангелій Страстей |
HOLY THURSDAY- It is truly about HUMILITY AND LOVE OF CHRIST! - 05/02/2024
National Day of Prayer 2024 - 05/01/2024
Національний День Молитви США |
Embracing the True Essence of Love: Reflections on Holy Wednesday - 05/01/2024
Справжня сутність любові: Роздуми у Велику Середу |
Spreading PASCHA/Easter Joy: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Extends Support to Eastern Ukraine - 05/01/2024
Ділимось ПАСХАЛЬНОЮ/Великодньою радістю: УПЦ США підтримує Східну Україну |
Holy Unction Service at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/30/2024
Чин Єлеопомазання в Українському Православному Соборі св. Володимира в Чікаго, ІЛ |
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2024
Significance of the Days of Holy Week - 04/29/2024
Значення днів Страсного Тижня |
Prayerful celebration of PALM SUNDAY - the feast of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem - at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/29/2024
Молитовне святкування ВЕРБНОЇ НЕДІЛІ - Входу Господнього в Єрусалим в Українському Православному Соборі св. Князя Володимира в Чікаго, штат Ілиной |
Nature is a beautiful creation of God: Inspirational images of the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 04/28/2024
Природа - краса Божого творіння: надихаючі миті Духовного осередку Митрополії Української Православної Церкви США |
Урочистий в'їзд Ісуса до Єрусалиму - 04/28/2024
Місія перебування Христа на землі наближається до кінця. Проголошена Нагірна проповідь, нагодовано тисячі людей, розказано притчі, пояснено Писання. Господь наш Ісус Христос завершує свою земну мандрівку до Єрусалиму – до свого Розп’яття і Воскресіння, двома великими подіями: воскресінням Лазаря та тріумфальним в’їздом до Єрусалиму. |
Hosanna in the Highest—or Hypocracy in the Highest? - 04/28/2024
Two millennia ago, the residents of Jerusalem welcomed Christ as the savior of the Jewish people—a worldly ruler who would free them from the yoke of the Roman empire. Their Messiah would be a king in the conventional sense—with royal purple robes, a crown encrusted with precious stones, a scepter to show his earthly position, and a sword to lead his armies into battle and victory over all who would oppress his people. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - Pascha Issue - 04/26/2024
Українське Православне Слово - Пасхальне Видання |
Archpastoral Letter of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora: 38th Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster - 04/25/2024
Архіпастирське Послання Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви Сполучених Штатів Америки та Діаспори: 38 річниця Чорнобильської трагедії |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ДОСТОЙНИЙ! Fr. John Cummings - new PRIEST of the UOC of the USA - 04/22/2024
о. Іван Камингс - новий священник УПЦ США |
Lessons for the “Righteous” from St. Mary of Egypt and Abba Zosima - 04/19/2024
Organized religion is often the target of heavy criticism and censure in our modern world. In my own lifetime, I have seen a world where clergy and religious organizations have gone from being acceptable and respected parts of society to being treated on a spectrum that ranges from irrelevant to unspeakable and perhaps even contemptible or evil. For example, if one was to open the internal website of one’s place of employment, one might see the following prohibition on topics which one may not post or blog. |
Преподобна Марія Єгипетська - 04/19/2024
Сьогодні ми згадуємо преподобну Марію, через те що вона через молитву і пожертву до Бога вимолила для себе Царство Небесне. Ці бажання і віра оправдали її надії. Хто така праведна Марія Єгипетська, це звичайна жінка того часу, маємо на увазі часи четвертого – п’ятого століття нової ери. Зайшовши одного разу в Храм Божий, вона відчула, що може в своїм житті щось змінити на краще, із Божою поміччю отримати Царство Небесне. Вона відчула, що на даний час вона є загублена і немає ніякої цінності, ні тілесної, ні духовної, ні віри Ісуса Христа. І тоді вона вирішила змінити своє життя і посвятити його для спасіння своєї душі. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Serving Amidst War, Advocating for Aid - 04/17/2024
Українська Православна Церква США: Служіння в час війни, заклик про надання допомоги |
Medical Tactical Vehicles and Generators Delivered to the Defenders of Ukraine - 04/17/2024
Автомобілі Медичного Застосування та Електрогенератори Передані Захисникам України |
Great Lent Giveaway 2024 - 04/16/2024
Благодійна акція Великого Посту |
UOL Bulletin for April - May - 04/14/2024
Бюлетень УПЛ за квітень-травень |
Unveiling History: The Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Witnesses the Historic Reenactment of the Battle of Bound Brook of 1777 - 04/13/2024
Відкриваючи сторінки історії: Духовний Осередок Української Православної Церкви США посеред відновлення історичної битви за Бавнд Брук 1777 року |
Western PA/Ohio Lenten Retreat - 04/12/2024
Преподобного Іоанна Ліствичника - 04/12/2024
Після Хрестопоклонної Неділі - неділя преподобного Іоанна Ліствичника. Піст досягає вершини. Чи стануть слова покаяння, які ми почуємо в Церкві, нашими власними словами? Сьогоднішнє Євангліє ще раз нагадує нам словами евангелиста Марка про піст та молитву,про віру-щиру та сердечну не лицемірну віру. Хворий отрок одержимий духом німим. Його батько в розпачі. Він зіткнувся з безсиллям учнів. І він не цілком впевнений в силі Учителя. «Якщо що можеш, зглянься і допоможи нам», - говорить він Христу, наполовину вірячи й наполовину сумніваючись. |
Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 04/12/2024
“O Lord, I believe; Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9: 24), prays the man in today’s Gospel who had asked Jesus to heal his son possessed by a demon. The Apostles, too, ask Jesus to help their unbelief “Lord, Increase our faith.” (Luke 17:5) To both Jesus responds that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed (about half the size of a poppy seed) you can accomplish miraculous results with only a word, even moving mountains or pulling a huge tree out by its roots and tossing it into the sea. |
Join the Lenten Challenge - Daily Calendar of Kindness - 04/10/2024
Духовний Виклик на Великий Піст - Щоденний Календар Добрих Справ |
Annunciation of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Charlotte, NC Marks 1 Year Anniversary with Prayer and Spiritual Reflection - 04/09/2024
Українська Православна Місія Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці молитовно відзначила першу річницю служіння в Шарлот, Північна Кароліна |
The Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is Safe and Sustained No Damages During the 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake that Rattled New Jersey and New York - 04/05/2024
Духовний осередок Української Православної Церкви США в безпеці та не постраждав під час землетрусу, що сколихнув Нью-Джерсі та Нью-Йорк |
Archbishop Daniel Concludes Lenten Archpastoral Visit to Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area with the celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in Ambridge, PA - 04/04/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл Завершив Великопосні Архипастирські відвідини громад околиці міста Пітсбургу, звершивши Літургію Напередосвячених Дарів в Ембридж, Пенсильванія |
Хресту Твоєму поклоняємся, Владико! - 04/04/2024
В третю неділю святого великого посту Церква вшановує святий Хрест, на якому був розп'ятий Господь наш Ісус Христос. Від цього дійства та від євангельського читання цієї неділі походить і назва цієї неділі серед неділь великого посту - неділя Хрестопоклонна. Власне, ця неділя є серединою посту і Святий Животворчий Хрест Господній вшановується в цей час середпістя щоб укріпити нас в нашій великопісній духовній мандрівці, щоб показати нашому духовному зору знаряддя перемоги життя над смертю... Євангельське читання цієї неділі нагадує нам про ще один важливий аспект нашого життя, про необхідність нести свій власний хрест всім тим, хто прагне йти вслід за Господом: "Коли хоче хто йти вслід за Мною, хай зречеться самого себе, і хай візьме свого хреста та й за Мною йде!" (Мр. 8,34) |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/02/2024
Prayerful Celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts with the clergy of Ukrainian Orthodox parish families of PITTSBURGH, PA area at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Carnegie, PA - 04/02/2024
Миті роздумів над життям та ДУХОВНОЇ ПЕРЕОЦІНКИ під час Літургії Напередосвячених Дарів з духовенством Українських Православних громад околиці ПІТСБУРГУ, штат Пенсильванія в Українській Православній Церкві св. Петра і Павла у Карнегі, Пенсильванія |
Archbishop Daniel Presides Over Second Sunday of Great Lent Liturgical Services at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Pittsburgh, PA - 03/31/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл Очолив Богослужіння Другої Неділі Великого Посту в Українській Православній громаді св. Князя Володимира в Пітссбургу, Пенсільванія |
Archbishop Daniel Commences Archpastoral Visitation in Pittsburgh, PA Area with Reflections on Memorial Saturday of Great Lent - 03/31/2024
Архиєпископ Даниїл розпочав Архіпастирську візитацію в околицю Піттсбургу, штат Пенсільванія, з молитви у Поминальну суботу Великого посту |
Join Archbishop Daniel as He Visits Parishes of Pittsburgh, PA Metropolitan Area - 03/30/2024
Приєднуйтеся до молитви з архієпископом Даниїлом в час його архипастирьких відвідин околиці Пітсбургу, штат Пенсільванія |
Друга Неділя Великого Посту - Свт. Григорія Палами - 03/29/2024
Перебуваючи в часі великого посту, ідучи дорогою духовного подвигу, для всіх нас невід'ємною частиною нашого життя є очищення, для того, щоб підготовити себе до великого свята - Воскресіння Господнього. Розуміючи піст - як стримання, достоїнство людини володіти собою, перемагати зло в самому собі, перемагати свої недобрі звички та пристрасті. |
St. Gregory Palamas - 03/29/2024
On the second Sunday of Great and Holy Lent, our Holy Orthodox Church commemorates St. Gregory Palamas, the fourteenth century Archbishop of Thessalonica. Palamas in Greek means “clapping”. It’s an honorific name suggesting someone is lauded and honored. This Sunday is often referred to as the “Second Sunday of Orthodoxy”.... |
Statement of Religious Leaders Regarding Russian Attacks on the Ukrainian Power Grid - 03/27/2024
Заява американських релігійних діячів щодо нападу Росії на українську енергосистему |
Archbishop Daniel Participated in the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Germany - 03/25/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл Прийняв Участь в Асамблеї Православних Канонічних Православних Єпископів Німеччини |
Celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Munich, Germany - 03/24/2024
Молитовне відзначення НЕДІЛІ ПРАВОСЛАВʼЯ в столиці Баварії (Німеччина) - Мюнхені |
UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 03/23/2024
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Гуманітарну Допомогу Україні |
Three Vehicles that Deliver Hope and Save Lives on behalf of the UOC of the USA - 03/21/2024
Три автомобілі від УПЦ США які мають за мету доставку надії та збереження життя |
First Week of Holy and Great Lent: The Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete - 03/21/2024
Перший тиждень Великого Посту: Канон Преподобного Андрія Критського |
Forgiveness Sunday Archpastoral Services at Holy Archangel Michael and Great-Martyr George Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Minneapolis, MN - 03/21/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл очолив богослужіння Сиропусної Неділя Прощення в Міннеаполісі, штат Міннесота |
Proclamation of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for the Great and Holy Lent - 03/17/2024
Великопосне послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США |
March Edition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Word Published Online - 03/15/2024
Читайте новий випуск Українського Православного Слова |
Prepare yourselves for spiritual combat - 03/13/2024
Once again, God, in His great mercy, has brought us to the threshold of another Great Lent. Once again, we hear the words “Let us set out with joy upon the season of the Fast, and prepare ourselves for spiritual combat. Let us purify our soul and cleanse our body. As we fast from food, let us abstain also from every passion.” How do we respond? |
Lenten Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 03/11/2024
Великопосне Послання Вселенського Патріарха Варфоломія |
The Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA of One Mind with the All Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations - 03/10/2024
Ієрархи УПЦ США Підтримують Заяву Всеукраїнської Ради Церков і Релігійних Організацій |
Lenten Retreat - Постова Розмова - April 6, 2024 - 03/10/2024
"His Mercy Endures Forever" - Jenkintown, PA |
Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Join Archbishop Daniel in Life-Saving Blood Donation Effort - 03/09/2024
Семінаристи Української Православної Духовної Семінарії Святої Софії разом із архієпископом Даниїлом взяли участь в рятівній акції донорства крові |
March 17, 2024 - Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Mission Sunday - 03/08/2024
17 березня 2024 року - неділя Місійного Служіння Церкви |
UOC of the USA Welcomes at the Spiritual Center of the Church the Primate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the members of the Holy Synod of the UGCC - 03/08/2024
УПЦ США вітає в Духовному Осередку Митрополії, Предстоятеля Української Греко-Католицької Церкви та членів Священного Синоду УГКЦ |
Archbishop Daniel Visits San Diego, CA in Support of the Ukrainian Orthodox Community Following the Devastating Flooding in the Region - 03/06/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл Відвідав Українську Православну громаду околиці Сан Дієго, Каліфорнія після руйнівної повені в регіоні |
Our Lady of Zhyrovytsk Belarusian Orthodox Cathedral of Strongsville, OH Embraced into Spiritual Union with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 03/04/2024
Українська Православна Церква США Прийняла в Духовні обійми Білоруських Православних Християн в Стронгсвил, Огайо |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 02/29/2024
Guardians of Metropolia Met at the Spiritual Center Upholding Tradition and Service in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 02/29/2024
Опікуни Митрополії зустрілися в Духовному Осередку Церкви Концентруючись на Збереженні Традицій та Служіння потребам УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - February Issue - 02/29/2024
Українське Православне Слово за лютий |
Council of Metropolia of the UOC of the USA Meets at the Spiritual Center of the Church - 02/29/2024
Рада Митрополії УПЦ США Провела Засідання в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
UOL Bulletin for February - March - 02/28/2024
Archbishop Daniel Attends 2025 Fiscal Year NJ State Budget Presentation in Trenton, NJ at Governor's Invitation - 02/28/2024
Згідно запрошення Губернатора штату Нью-Джерсі, Архієпископ Даниїл взяв участь в презентації бюджету штату на 2025 фінансовий рік |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of NJ Commemorates Day of Resistance - 02/28/2024
Українська Православна Громада Духовного Осередку УПЦ США молитовно вшанувала другу річницю Геноцидного вторгнення Росії в Україну: Нехай Господь подасть розраду стражденним, силу змученим і мир війною збентеженій землі України |
26 February, 2024 - Prayerful Commemoration of the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Genocidal War in Ukraine on the Day of Resistance to the Russian occupation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol - 02/25/2024
26 лютого 2024 року - Спільна молита за Україну в другу річницю повномасштабної війни Росії проти України в день спротиву окупації автономної республіки Крим та міста Севастополя |
Reflection of the Second Anniversary of Invasion of Ukraine - 02/24/2024
Звернення з нагоди другої річниці загарбницького нападу на Україну |
Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 02/24/2024
In my opinion this is one of the most wonderful Sundays of the year. The book known as the Triodion is used today for the first time as we approach Great and Holy Lent – the time when we begin to prepare ourselves for the annual season of fasting arid repentance. Hopefully we have grown spiritually during the past year and we have attained a deeper understanding of what a wondrous thing repentance truly is. Repentance is not a dark and gloomy pursuit – the process is joyous, exciting and awe-inspiring as we heal, transform and elevate our minds and souls. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Purchased and Delivered Vehicle for Wheelchair Bound Individuals and Wounded Soldiers in Lviv - 02/22/2024
Українська Православна Церква США передала транспортний засіб для допомоги в перевезенні людей з обмеженими можливостями пересування та поранених солдатів для міста Львова |
Saints Cyril and Methodius Mission Welcomes Archbishop Daniel in Madison, Wisconsin - 02/20/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл Очолив Богослужіння в Українській Православній місійній громаді в Медисон, штат Висконсин |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ДОСТОЙНИЙ! Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is blessed with a new priest - Rev. Fr. Andrii Vatrich - 02/19/2024
Українська Православна Церква США отримала нового священнослужителя - о. Андрій Ватрич |
With the Touch of Christian Love and Acts of Kindness, We Help Rebuild Human Lives: the UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Assistance to Ukraine - 02/13/2024
Дотиком християнської любові і вчинками доброти допомагаємо відбудовувати людські життя: УПЦ США продовжує надавати допомогу Україні |
17 February, 2024 - JOIN US for the Celebration of St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Patron Feast Day - 02/09/2024
17 лютого 2024 року - храмове свято Семінарійної каплиці - ПРИЄДНЮЙТЕСЬ ДО СВЯТКУВАННЯ |
Encounter between our Lord and a woman of Canaan - 02/09/2024
The seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost is the last of consecutive Sunday Gospel readings after Pentecost from St. Matthew. The prescribed Gospel reading for this Sunday is from St. Matthew, chapter 15, verses 21 through 28, where-in we read and hear of an encounter between our Lord and a woman of Canaan. Within this brief Gospel passage, the faith of a Gentile and Jesus’ ultimate gracious response is revealed to us. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora Gathered for the XII SOBOR in Munich, Germany - 02/02/2024
Українська Православна Церква в Діаспорі розпочала ХІІ СОБОР Церкви в Мюнхені, Німеччина |
UOC of the USA Received Awards From the Government of Ukraine with Gratitude for Providing Humanitarian Aid During the War - 02/02/2024
УПЦ США отримали нагороди Уряду України з вдячністю за надану гуманітарну допомогу в час війни |
The UOC of the USA Honors Metropolitan Antony on his Birthday, Name Day and Anniversary of Enthronement - 02/01/2024
УПЦ США Вшанувала митрополита Антонія в День Його Народження, Іменин та Річниці Інтронізації |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/31/2024
Letter of Greeting to His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Spiritual Father of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the Occasion of His Birthday Celebration and Name Day - 01/30/2024
Лист-привітання Високопреосвященнішому Митрополиту Антонію, Предстоятелю Української Православної Церкви США з нагоди святкування дня народження та іменин |
Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Visits Parma, OH and Guides Historic Decision as St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Requests the Council of Bishops to Adopt the Revised Julian Calendar - 01/29/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Свято-Володимирський Український Православний Собор в Пармі, ОГ та очолив збори громади під час історичного звернення парафії до Собор Єпископів УПЦ США благословити прийняття Ново-Юліанського Церковного календаря |
Metropolitan Antony Released from Hospital on the 11th Anniversary of Enthronement - 01/26/2024
Митрополита Антонія виписали з лікарні в день 11-тої річниці Інтронізації |
Axios! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates the 11th Anniversary of his Enthronement as Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA - 01/26/2024
Достойний! Worthy! Axios! 11-та річниця митрополичого служіння Предстоятеля УПЦ США |
Metropolitan Antony Hospitalized as the Church Marks the 11th Anniversary of His Enthronement - 01/25/2024
Митрополит Антоній Госпіталізований напередодні 11 річниці інтронізації як митрополит УПЦ США |
Please Pray for the Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Community of Spring Valley (San Diego), CA Following Rainstorms, Mudslides and Flooding - 01/22/2024
Згадаймо в своїх молитвах Українську Православну громаду Спринг Валей (околиця Сан Дієго), Каліфорнія після стихійних дощів, зворушень землі та повені |
Caroling for Christ - Another Successful Event at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/22/2024
Коляда для Христа - Різдвяне Дійство в Митрополії УПЦ США |
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Community in New York City Prayerfully Celebrates Ukrainian Orthodox Heritage - 01/21/2024
Українська Православна Громада Кафедрального Собору Пресвятої Трійці в Нью Йорку Молитовно Вшановує Українські Народні Православні Традиції |
«Покайтеся, бо наблизилось Царство Небесне» - 01/21/2024
Після Святого Хрещення Ісус Христос, почав навчати і проповідувати у Галілеї, серед поган. Першими словами Його проповіді були: «Покайтеся, бо наблизилось Царство Небесне» (Мт. 4,17). Ісус звертається до нас. Коли ми в Нього охрестилися, то одягнулися в Нього, «зодягнулися у світло» (Гал. 3, 27), Його світло, разом з Отцем, Який є джерелом світла та Його Духом істини, що світить для нас. |
St. Sophia Seminary Holds Commencement for the Class of 2023 - 01/20/2024
Відбулося Вручення Дипломів Випускникам Свято-Софіївської Семінарії УПЦ США |
20 January, 2024 - St. Sophia Seminary Graduation - 01/19/2024
20 січня 2024 року - вручення дипломів випускникам Семінарії |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2024-2025 Academic Year - 01/19/2024
Розпочинається набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївську Семінарію УПЦ США на 2024-2025 навчальний рік |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - January Issue - 01/18/2024
Українське Православне Слово за січень |
A Memorial Plaque Commemorating the Victims of the Genocidal Famine - HOLODOMOR of 1932-1933 in Ukraine was Installed in the St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - 01/18/2024
У Савт Бавнд Бруку (штат Нью-Джерзі), в Свято-Андріївській Українській православній церкві-пам’ятнику встановили меморіальну дошку пам’яті жертв Голодомору-ґеноциду 1932–1933 років в Україні |
UOC of the USA Honors Her Spiritual Father - УПЦ США Вшановує Свого Духовного Отця - 01/15/2024
11th Anniversary of Enthronement as the 4th Metropolitan of the Church; Names’s Day - Venerable Anthony the Great Feast Day and Birthday Celebration
11 річниця Інтронізації 4 митрополита Церкви; Іменини - преподобного Антонія Великого та День Народження |
13 January, 2024 - CAROLING FOR CHRIST - КОЛЯДА ДЛЯ ХРИСТА - 13 січня 2024 року - 01/12/2024
Join us at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA for the Annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST on January 13, 2024 |
Christmas Carols at the Seminary - 01/12/2024
Різдвяна Коляда в семінарії |
Archbishop Daniel Gratefully Receives $10,000 Donation for Ukrainian Orphanages from Halyna and Victor Lisnyczyj - 01/11/2024
Архієпископ Даниїл Прийняв Пожертву в розмірі $10,000 на потреби опіки сиротами України від родини Галини та Віктора Лісничих |
UOC of the USA Continues Delivery of Logistical Assistance to Ukraine in the Service of Neighborly Love - 01/10/2024
УПЦ США Продовжує Постачання Логістичної Допомоги в Україну Служінням Любові Ближнього |
New Publication of the UOC of the USA: Bilingual Blessing of Homes at Theophany - 01/09/2024
Нова Публікація УПЦ США: Освячення домівок на Богоявлення в Українській та Англійській мовах |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Led the Liturgical Celebrations for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ at the Spiritual Center of the Church - 01/08/2024
Ієрархи УПЦ США Очолили Богослужіння Різдва Господнього в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Council of Bishop of the UOC of the USA: Faith in the Face of Genocide! - 01/06/2024
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: Наша Віра Перед Обличчям Геноциду! |
Різдвяне Привітання Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США - 01/05/2024
Christmas Greeting of the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
Archpastoral Letter for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA - 01/05/2024
Архипастирське Послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США на Свято Різдва Господнього |
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Nativity of Christ - 01/05/2024
Різдвяне Послання Вселенського Патріарха |
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 01/01/2024
Happy and Blessed New 2024 Year from Archbishop Daniel - 12/31/2023
Щасливого та Благословенного Нового 2024 Року від Архієпископа Даниїла |
Blessed Name's Day to Archbishop Daniel - 12/29/2023
Вітаємо Високопреосвященного Архієпископа Даниїла з Іменинами |
Consistory Nativity Tree Decorated with the Hand-Made Ornaments of the Youth of the Church - 12/29/2023
Різдв’яна Ялинка Консисторії Прикрашена Рукоділлям Молоді Парафій Церкви |
New Publication of the UOC of the USA: Moleben to Sts Christina and Julian - Patron Saints of the Youth of the Church - 12/29/2023
Нова Публікація УПЦ США: Молебень до Святих Христини та Юліани - Покровителів Молоді УПЦ США |
December Issue of the "Ukrainian Orthodox Word" Published - 12/26/2023
Грудневий випуск журналу "Українське Православне Слово" |
As we Enter into the Sacred Season of CHRISTMAS, Let’s Pray for P E A C E! - 12/23/2023
Молитовно входячи у святі миті Різдвяного періоду, молімось за М И Р! |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Visits St. Andrew’s of Boston - 12/22/2023
Високопреосвященний митрополит Антоній відвідав Українську Православну громаду св. Андрія Первозванного в Бостоні |
The Unique Apostle Aprakos Presented in Stauropegium of Ecumenical Patriarchate in Kyiv - 12/22/2023
Унікальний Апостол у форматі Апракос був презентований у Ставропігії Вселенського Патріархату |
Words of Gratitude from Archbishop Daniel - 12/21/2023
Слова Подяки Архієпископа Даниїла |
Mugs of CHRISTIAN LOVE: Together with my Church, I am helping… - 12/21/2023
Кружки ХРИСТИЯНСЬКОЇ ЛЮБОВІ: Разом із моєю церквою я допомагаю... |
New Publication of the UOC of the USA: Great Compline for the Feasts of Nativity of Christ, Theophany of our Lord and Annunciation of the Birth-Giver of God - 12/18/2023
Нова Публікація УПЦ США: Велике Повечір'я на Святa Різдва Господнього, Богоявлення та Благовіщення |
Calendar 2024 Julian / Revised Julian - Pre-order Sale - 12/18/2023
Замовляйте за розпродажною ціною - Старий і Новий Календар |
Archbishop Daniel Released from the Hospital - 12/17/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Виписаний з Лікарні |
Memory Eternal - Вічна Пам'ять - Father Benjamin Worlinsky - 12/15/2023
It is with a profound sense of our own loss, that we inform the faithful of our Holy Metropolia of the passing from this life on last Tuesday of the servant of God Father Benjamin Worlinsky, retired priest of Our Church that served as pastor of Saint Andrew Parish in Blakely, PA. |
Memory Eternal - Вічна Пам'ять - Father Ivan Fatenko - 12/15/2023
We inform the faithful of our Holy Metropolia of the repouse of Father Ivan Fatenko, former priest of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Asking for Prayers - Archbishop Daniel is hospitalized - 12/14/2023
Просимо молитов - Архієпископ Даниїл перебуває у лікарні |
“… We pray for peace and that there will never be another war!!!” - The Prayers of Ukrainian Children Touch the Ministry of the UOC of the USA - 12/12/2023
«… Mи молимося за мир і щоб більше ніколи не було війни!!!» - Молитви українських дітей торкаються служіння УПЦ США |
AXIOS! Subdeacon Matthew Brian Delp Ordained to Deaconate in Dover, FL - 12/11/2023
ДОСТОЙНИЙ! Іподиякон Матвій Делп Отримав Дияконську Хіротонію з рук Архієпископа Даниїла |
Holy Apostle Andrew Feast Day in Washington, DC Metropolitan Area - 12/10/2023
Вшанування храмового свята св. Андрія Первозванного в околиці столиці США |
UOC of the USA Delivers Blood Transportation Units to the War Zone in Ukraine - 12/09/2023
УПЦ США Закуповує та Доставляє Логістичні Засоби Транспортування Крові Військовим Госпіталям Військових Зон України |
UOC of the USA Through the Ministry of St. Andrew’s Society of the Church Purchased and Delivered Two Additional Ambulances to Ukraine - 12/09/2023
УПЦ США завдяки служінню Товариства Св. Андрія Первозванного закупила та передала для України дві додаткові машини швидкої допомоги |
Saint Andrew Society Continues to Carry the Ministry of the UOC of the USA - 12/09/2023
Товариство Святого Андрія Продовжує Нести Служіння УПЦ США |
16 December - Join us for the Annual CHRISTMAS at the SEMINARY - 12/08/2023
16 грудня - річне відзначення РІЗДВА В СЕМІНАРІЇ |
Through the Generosity of the UOC of the USA, Saint Nicholas Visited the Children of Ukraine in the Time of War - 12/06/2023
Завдяки Щирості УПЦ США – Св. Миколай Провідав Дітей України В Час Війни |
We continue to honor the memory of the innocent victims of the artificially created HOLODOMOR... A commemorative plaque of the International Charity Project "Honoring Outstanding Ukrainians in the World" installed at St. Andrew Memorial Church - 12/05/2023
Продовжуємо вшановувати памʼять невинних жертв штучно-створеного ГОЛОДОМОРУ… в Українській Православній церкві-памʼятнику св. Андрія Первозванного встановлена памʼятна плита Міжнародного Благодійного Проекту «Вшанування В Світі Видатних Українців» |
Stand Up Straight! - 12/05/2023
Our life gets bent over by the weight and strain of all the difficulties that we carry. We get bent over emotionally by the pressures of work and the strain of financial problems, by the worries of caring for our families, loved ones, and friends. Every day in our life we face weakness, and we must turn to Jesus for help and strength. He is always waiting for us. Although, sometimes it feels that He is not listening to our prayers, and we don’t get what we want, but God knows what we need and when we need it. We just need to keep praying and trusting God. |
Christmas Ornaments for the Office of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA - 12/02/2023
Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії УПЦ США |
The UOC of the USA Awarded a Certificate of Gratitude from the National Cancer Institute of Ukraine - 12/02/2023
УПЦ США Відзначена Сертифікатом Вдячності Національнго Інституту Раку України |
Ukrainian Community of Los Angeles, CA Honors the Memory of the Fallen Victims of HOLODOMOR - 12/01/2023
Українська громада Лос Анлджелесу, Каліфорнія вшанувала 90-ті роковини ГОЛОДОМОРУ |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/30/2023
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Archpastoral Nativity Fast Epistle - 11/29/2023
Собор Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США: Архипастирське Звернення На Різдвяний Піст |
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 28 - 11/27/2023
Розпочнімо завчасно: підтримаймо Семінарію Святої Софії у вівторок, 28 листопада 2023 р. – Зробіть свій внесок у майбутнє Церкви |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 51st Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/25/2023
ДОСТОЙНИЙ! ГІДНИЙ! WORTHY! Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 51 річницю Священичого Служіння! |
Archpastoral Letter of Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora: 90th Anniversary of HOLODOMOR: The Truth Must Not Be Silenced - 11/24/2023
Архіпастирське Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США та Діаспори: 90-ти ліття ГОЛОДОМОРУ: Правда Неповинна Бути Замовченою |
Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Holy Archangel Michael and St. George of Minneapolis, MN Prayerfully Celebrated the Parish Feast Day - 11/24/2023
Українська Православна парафія св. Архістратига Михаїла та великомученика Юрія молитовно вшанувала парафіяльне свято |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - November Issue - 11/23/2023
Українське Православне Слово за листопад |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Gratitude is the Heart of Thanksgiving - 11/22/2023
Собор Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США: Вдячність – це є Суть Подяки |
90th Anniversary of HOLODOMOR: Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine Remembered in New York City - 11/22/2023
Ню Йорк: 90 Річниця ГОЛОДОМОРУ - Молитовне Вшанування Жертв Штучноствореного Голодомору в Україні |
Самарянин - 11/21/2023
Безмежна любов Господа Нашого Ісуса Христа до людини, створеної по образу і подобі Божому, виявлена у кожному слові написаному у Святій Євангелії. Тому, що євангельська благовість є невичерпним джерелом милосердя до кожного з нас, хто взиває Ім'я Господнє , і приймає Святу Євангелію за дороговказ єдиний правильний і істинний орієнтир у свому житті. |
Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Carnegie, PA marks 120th Parish Anniversary - 11/16/2023
Українська Православна Громада Карнегі, Пенсильванія Відзначила 120-ту Річницю Служіння |
Archbishop Daniel Joins the Delegation of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA at the General Session of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - 11/15/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл взяв участь в делегації Асамблеї Канонічних Православних Єпископів США під час засідання Генеральної Асамблеї Католицьких Єпископів США |
The Land of Spiritual Enchantment - Metropolia Grounds of the UOC of the USA - 11/13/2023
Земля Духовної Краси - Околиця Митрополії УПЦ США |
UOC of the USA Purchased Additional Medical Ambulances for the Filed Hospitals in Ukraine - 11/13/2023
УПЦ США Придбала Додаткові Машини Швидкої Допомоги для Польових Госпіталів в Україні |
Two Demon-Possessed Men Healed - 11/11/2023
The reading from the Gospel according to St. Matthew for the 5th Sunday after Pentecost seems very familiar because the same story in the Gospel according to St. Luke is chanted on the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. It is often referred to as “The Pigs Gospel.” To modern day readers of the New Testament, it seems a rather innocuous episode in the life of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. Why did our Church Fathers consider this episode so important that it was assigned to be chanted on two different Sundays during the liturgical year? |
Holy Resurrection Mission of the Church Prays With Archbishop Daniel in Waynesville, NC - 11/07/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Молитовно Провідав Українську Православну Місію Воскресіння Христового у Вейнсвил, Північна Кароліна |
UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Care for Those Suffering in Ukraine - 11/05/2023
УПЦ США продовжує піклуватися про постраждалих в Україні |
The Rich and Lazarus - 11/03/2023
Today’s Gospel lesson gives us instruction for our current everyday lives, as well as for our eternal life with God. It shows us that appearances can be deceiving. Rich people would often justify themselves by saying that God was rewarding them for their life of good deeds. Thus when some misfortune or evil occurred in other peoples’ lives, it was believed that they must have done something wrong before God, in order to deserve such punishment from Him. Thus the rich were God’s favorites, and everyone else got what they deserved. This understanding of things served well to make leaders and rulers pleased with their lot in life. |
Убогий Лазар - 11/03/2023
У притчі про багача і Лазаря Ісус Христос коротко передає тимчасову і вічну долю двох осіб: вбогого Лазаря і безтурботного багача. Як виглядало життя цих двох людей на землі? Багач одягався в одежі з дорогих тканин і «бенкетував щодня розкішно» зі своїми приятелями. Він не думав про Бога, про безсмертну душу, про відповідь на Божому суді, про вічне життя. Він безтурботно насолоджувався благами цього світу. |
NJ Coalition of Religious Leaders Meets at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 11/02/2023
Коаліція Релігійних Лідерів Штату Ню Джерсі Провела зустріч в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
The Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Sacramento, CA Prayerfully Honored Very Rev. Fr. Myroslav Turchak - pastor of the HOLY TRINITY Mission with the 20th Anniversary of his Ordination to the PRIESTHOOD! - 11/02/2023
Українськa Православнa громадa столиці штату Каліфорнії - Сакраменто, молитовно вшанувала настоятеля Української Православної Місії Пресвятої Трійці - протоієрея Мирослав Турчак із 20-ти літтям священичого служіння! |
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 10/31/2023
Archbishop Daniel Meets with the Delegation of the Reformed Church of America - 10/31/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Провів Екуменічну Зустріч із Представниками Реформованої Церкви Америки |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word for October - 10/24/2023
Українське Православне Слово за жовтень |
Sacred Pilgrimage to the Myrrh-Streaming icon - the Kardiotissa, “The Tender Heart” Brought Forth for Veneration in Brooklyn, NY - 10/24/2023
Мироточива ікона Богородиці «Помʼякшення сердець» молитовно вшанована Українською Православною громадою Брукліна, Ню Йорк |
UOC of the USA Holds Annual Clergy Conference - 10/24/2023
Духовенство УПЦ США Взяло Участь у Річній Конференції Духовенства |
Зерно — це слово Боже - 10/24/2023
Господь наш Ісус Христос знову зібравши багато людей навколо Себе, повчає їх притчею про сівача, який вийшов щоб посіяти зерно своє. Святі апостоли не зрозумівши Божественного вчення, просять Христа щоб Він пояснив їм її значення. Тоді Ісус пояснив її так. “Ось що означає ця притча: Зерно-це Боже Слово. А котрі край дороги, - це ті. Хто слухає, але потім приходить диявол, і забирає слово з їхнього серця, щоб не ввірували й не спаслися вони. А що на кам'янистому грунті,- це ті, хто тільки почує, то слово приймає з радістю; та кореня не мають вони, вірують дочасно, - і за час випробовання відпадають. А що впало між терен, - це ті, хто слухає слово, але, ходячи, бувають придушені клопотами розкошами, - і плоду вони не дають. А те, що добрій землі, - це оті, хто як слово почує, береже його в щирому й доброму серці, - і плід приносять вони в терпеливості”. (Лк. 8, 11-15). |
AXIOS! Subdeacon Roman Marchyshak Ordained to Deaconate - 10/22/2023
ДОСТОЙНИЙ! Іподиякон Роман Марчишак Отримав Дияконську Хіротонію |
The Icons of the Patron Saints of the YOUTH of the UOC of the USA - Holy Martyrs Christina and Julian Blessed and Distributed to the Parish Communities of the Church During the Annual Clergy Conference - 10/19/2023
Молитовне освячення та розповсюдження ікони Покровителів Молоді УПЦ США - СВЯТИХ МУЧЕНИКІВ ХРИСТИНИ ТА ЮЛІАНА парафіям Церкви під час річної Конференції духовенства УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Philadelphia, PA Marks 97th Anniversary - 10/19/2023
Українська Православна громада Філадельфії, Пенсильванія відзначила 97 річницю служіння |
Dedication of the icon of the Patron Saints of the YOUTH of the UOC of the USA - 10/10/2023
Mолитовнe освячення та розповсюдження ікони Покровителів Молоді УПЦ США |
UOL Bulletin for October - 10/09/2023
Бюлетень УПЛ за жовтень |
Inspiring Moments of the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 10/08/2023
Надихаючі миті Духовного Осередку УПЦ США |
Remember, that even from across the ocean, thousands of miles away, you too can save a life! - UOC of the USA Purchased Additional Medical Ambulances for the Field Hospitals in Ukraine! - 10/07/2023
Пам’ятайте, що навіть з-за океану, за тисячі миль, ви теж можете врятувати життя! - УПЦ США придбала додаткові машини швидкої допомоги для польових госпіталів в Україні! |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Marks 38th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration - 10/06/2023
Високопреосвященний Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 38-му річницю Архиєрейського служіння |
UOC of the USA Announces Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in December of 2023 - 10/04/2023
УПЦ США оголошує паломництво на Святу Землю в грудні 2023 року |
Get to Know the Seminarians of Our Church - 10/01/2023
Знайомтесь… Наші Семінаристи… |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - September Issue - 10/01/2023
Українське Православне Слово за вересень |
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 09/30/2023
The Joy of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross with the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Community of Chicago, IL - 09/29/2023
Благодать свята Воздвиження Хреста Господнього із Українською Православною кафедральною громадою Чикаго, ІЛ |
Happy Birthday, Your Eminence Archbishop Daniel! - 09/28/2023
З днем народження, Високопреосвященніший Архиєпископе Даниїле! |
Archpastoral Visit of His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church: Dover, Delaware - 09/28/2023
Митрополит Антоній здійснив відвідини Української Православної Громади св. Миколая у Довер, штат Делавер |
2023-2024 Youth Ministry Theme - With Faith & Love Draw Near! - 09/24/2023
Оголошену ТЕМУ Служіння Молоді Церкви на 2023-2024 рік |
The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross! - 09/23/2023
On September 27th, the Church celebrates the feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Two events connected to the Honorable Cross of our Lord are commemorated this day: first, the finding of the Cross by the Empress Helena in the Holy Land; and second, the return of the Cross from Persia to Jerusalem in the year 628.
"O Lord, save Your people, and bless You inheritance. Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians over their adversaries. And by virtue of Your Cross, preserve Your habitation." |
Parable of the Talents - 09/23/2023
Oftentimes, especially during hard economic times, a question is raised by some about inequality of material possessions between people, and whether wealth should be redistributed in some fair fashion. On the other hand, some are wondering whether able but idle people already get more than they deserve. The Parable of the Talents gives us a perspective that helps us to put us on the right side of those issues. |
Nativity of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, New Britain, CT Welcomes Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel for the Parish Feast Day - 09/20/2023
Українська Православна Парафія Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці Молитовно Привітала Митрополита Антонія та Архієпископа Даниїла під час вшанування Храмового Свята парафії в Ню Британ, Конeктикат |
AXIOS! Subdeacon Andrii Vatrych Ordained to Deaconate as St. Sophia Seminary Begins the 48th Academic Year! - 09/19/2023
ДОСТОЙНИЙ! Іподиякон Андрій Ватрич Отримав Дияконське Рукоположення в День Початку 48-го навчального року Свято-Софіївської Семінарії |
Memory Eternal: Dobrodijka Maryann Chubenko - 09/17/2023
Вічна пам'ять: добродійка Маріанна Чубенко |
Join us for the Opening of the New Academic Year 2023-2024 - 09/13/2023
Приєднюйтесь до Молитовного Відкриття Нового Навчального Року Семінарії |
Ukrainian Orthodox Faithful of South America Honor their Eparchial Bishop as he marks the 30th Anniversary of Consecration - 09/10/2023
Українська Православна Єпархія Південної Америки молитовно вшановує єпархіального єпископа з нагоди 30-ти ліття хіротонії |
Memory Eternal: Dobrodijka Kateryna Chuhaj - 09/10/2023
Вічна пам'ять: добродійка Катерина Чугай |
Mission of Kindness Continues Through the Efforts of the UOC of the USA - 09/10/2023
Місія Добра Продовжується Служінням УПЦ США |
Багато покликаних, але мало вибраних - 09/06/2023
Дорогі у Христі, всі ми покликані до Царства Божого, яке, за словом Спасителя, подібне до весільного бенкету. В Євангельській притчі, яка читається у чотирнадцяту неділю після Святої Тройці, нам слід розуміти, що цар, який зробив весілля своєму синові - це Бог Отець, Творець неба і землі. Царський син - це Єдинородний Його Син Ісус Христос, а наречена - Церква, що об’єднує всіх вірних. Святий апостол Павло говорить : «заручив бо я вас одному чоловікові, щоб Христові привести вас чистою дівою» (2Кор. 11,2). Під весільним бенкетом слід розуміти Царство Боже, в якому всі віруючі назавжди з’єднуються з Ісусом Христом. |
The Guests at the Marriage Feast - 09/06/2023
The 14th Sunday after Pentecost The king gave a marriage feast for his son. This requires no particular explanation; it is normal for a father to give a marriage feast for his son (the modern American custom of the bride’s family giving the wedding reception is relatively recent). But, when the quests were notified to come, they did not. Even today this would be a shocking insult; no polite person accepts a dinner invitation, even for a less formal occasion than a married feast, and then refuses to attend. And no prudent person would insult the king, of all people, so outrageously. |
Apply for the Youth Ministry Certification Course - 09/05/2023
Курс Навчання в Програмі Християнської Праці з Молоддю: The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry in collaboration with St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a Youth Ministry Certification program |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin for September - 09/04/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за вересень |
THE BEAUTY OF GOD’S CREATION: A few moments with nature at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 09/03/2023
КРАСА БОЖОГО ТВОРІННЯ: Кілька митей з природою в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
The Alley of Honor Dedicated to the Fallen Heroes of Ukraine at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 09/01/2023
У Духовному центрі УПЦ США освячено алею пошани полеглих воїнів України |
Patriarchal Message for the Beginning of the Church Year - 08/31/2023
Патріарше Звернення з нагоди початку Нового Церковного Року |
The Joy of the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Northampton, PA - 08/31/2023
Радісне святкування свята Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в Нортгемптоні, Пенсильванія |
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/29/2023
Let Us Prayerfully Honor the Lives of the Fallen Heroes of Ukraine as we Mark the 32nd Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 08/26/2023
У 32 річницю Незалежності України ми молитовно вшановуємо памʼять полеглих героїв України |
Земне Багатство - 08/26/2023
Сьогоднішнє Євангельське читання має справу з одним з найбільш чутливих, делікатних і в той самий час, з одним з найважливіших питань пов'язаних з духовним життям кожної віручої людини. Це питання - є питанням нашого ставлення до земних багатств. Правильне розуміння та належне відношення до земних багатств має настільки важливе духовне значення, що одна шоста всіх Христових повчань, та третина всіх Його притч пов'язана з цим питанням. |
Dormition of the Mother of God - 08/26/2023
I was told the story of an old peasant woman. When she was younger she lost her only son, and only child. He was killed in the Second World War. Her neighbours, remembering she had almost idolized the child, thought that she would be inconsolable, and they were astonished when she adopted another son. They were still more astonished because he was a little black boy. She gave him everything that her son had owned. There was no doubt of her love for him. There could be none for those who saw her face, weather-beaten and lined, marked and sealed with sorrow, and yet shining with quiet happiness. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora at the Celebration of 32nd Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 24 August, 2023 - 08/23/2023
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США та Діаспори з нагоди святкування 32-ї річниці Дня Незалежності України |
UOC of the USA Serves in Time of Need Caring for the Sanctity of Life - 08/23/2023
УПЦ США несе служіння в час потреби опіки святістю життя |
All Saints Camp Annual Family Fest: 1-4 September, 2023 - 08/23/2023
Фестиваль Родини на оселі Табору Всіх Святих: 1-4 вересня, 2023 року |
Parish Feast Day in Brooklyn, NY - 08/22/2023
Храмове свято в Бpукліні, Ню Йорк |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - August Issue - 08/18/2023
Українське Православне Слово за серпень місяць |
The UOC of the USA Continues Aiding Those in the Warzone - 08/17/2023
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Допомогу Людям Які Перебувають в Бойових Зонах України |
Безжалісний слуга - 08/17/2023
Сьогодні із Євангелія ми чули притчу про милосердного царя і безжалісного слугу. Цю притчу Христос сказав у відповідь на питання апостола Петра: скільки разів маємо прощати, коли прогрішить брат мій супроти мене? Може до семи разів? Христос йому відповів: Не кажу тобі до семи, але до сімдесяти разів по семи (Матв. 18 21-22). |
The Transfiguration of Mankind - 08/17/2023
“After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.” (St. Mark 9.2-4) When Moses and Elijah were with Jesus during His transfiguration on Mount Tabor, they had, in a very real sense, already been transfigured – Moses on Mount Sinai and Elijah in the fiery chariot. Nor were they alone in the changing of their appearances. |
The Beauty of God’s Creation Leads Us Closer to Him - Let’s Introduce You to the Amazing Animal World of the Spiritual Center - Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 08/06/2023
Краса Божого творіння зближує нас до Бога - ЗНАЙОМТЕСЬ: неймовірний тваринний світ Митрополії УПЦ США |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Ukrainian Community of Cincinnati, OH, Leads them in Prayer and Participates in the Ukrainian Festival - 08/06/2023
Архиєпископ Даниїл відвідав українську громаду Синсинеті, Огайо, та молитовно взяв участь в Українському фестивалі |
Food and Logistical Supplies Purchased and Deliver to Ukrainian Towns via Generosity of the UOC of the USA - 08/02/2023
Продукти харчування та промислові товари надіслані та роздані в містах і селах Східної України намаганнями УПЦ США |
UOC of the USA Delivers the Humanitarian Aid of the Basic Need for Survival to Kherson - WATER - 07/30/2023
УПЦ США доставила до Херсона гуманітарну допомогу першої необхідності для виживання - ВОДУ |
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/30/2023
30 July, 2023 - Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday - 07/29/2023
30 липня 2023 року - Неділя Опіки В'язнями |
76th Annual UOL Convention - 27-30 July, 2023 - Конвенція УПЛіги - 07/27/2023
Archbishop Daniel Visits Los Alamos Orthodox Parish Community - 07/25/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Українську Православну громаду Лос Аламос, Нова Мексика |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - July Issue - 07/23/2023
Українське Православне Слово за липень |
Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Millville, NJ Prayerfully Celebrated Patronal Feast Day - 07/16/2023
Українська Православна парафія Св. Петра і Павла в Милвил, Н. Дж. молитовно відзначила храмове свято |
Annual Teenage Conference Encampment Took Place at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA - 07/16/2023
Річний церковний табір для підлітків успішно закінчився на оселі ВСІХ СВЯТИХ в Емлентон, Пенсильванія |
Give a Gift of the Life-Giving WATER for Ukraine - 07/13/2023
УВАГА - Життєдайна ВОДА для України - ДОПОМОЖІТЬ! |
UOC of the USA Through the Cooperation with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Purchases yet Another Ambulance for Ukraine - 07/11/2023
УПЦ США через співпрацю з Православною Церквою України Придбали Мобільний Медичний кабінет Швидкої Допомоги для України |
Hierarchs Conclude Archpastoral Visit to the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand - 07/11/2023
Ієрархи Завершили Відвідини Української Православної Єпархії Австралії та Нової Зеландії |
The Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul - 07/07/2023
As for us brethren let us celebrate this great day * and cry out to these two Apostles * "Rejoice, Apostle Peter so closely linked with your Teacher Christ our God * Rejoice O most beloved Paul preacher of the faith and teacher to the universe * O you two holy ones because of your high position and rank * pray to Christ God that He may save our souls" (From the Vespers of the Feast) |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 247th Anniversary of US Independence - 07/03/2023
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США з нагоди 247 річниці Незалежності США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Essendon (Melbourne) Welcomes and Prays with the Hierarchs of the Church in Australia - 07/03/2023
Українська Православна Громада Есендону (Мельбурна) Привітала та Помолилася з Ієрархами Церкви в Австралії |
The Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora Met With Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia - 07/01/2023
Ієрархи Української Православної Церкви США та Діаспори Провели Зустріч з Архієпископом Грецької Православної Архієпархії Австралії Макарієм |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/01/2023
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - June Issue - 06/30/2023
Українське Православне Слово за червень |
UOC of the USA through the Cooperation with the OCU Delivers over 20 tons of water in Aid to Kherson, Ukraine - 06/30/2023
УПЦ США у співпраці з ПЦУ передала в в Херсон понад 20 тон питної води |
Vacation from God? - 06/29/2023
Ah, summertime! Each of us looks forward to the time of year where we get a break from our daily work and school routine.
In the United States, we call it vacation. Other countries call it holiday. Irrelevant of the name, it brings images of leisure time, travel, friends, family, and sometimes adventure.
Whether it is a trip to the shore, a cabin in the mountains, a tent in a park, a luxury hotel, or a cruise on the open seas, we all need a break from our normal routine to recharge our personal batteries. As each of us is different, we all have our own idea of what constitutes the best use of our time away from the office or the classroom. |
Зцілення сотникового слуги - 06/29/2023
“Господи, я не вартий, щоб Ти увійшов під мою покрівлю; скажи тільки слово, то й одужає хлопець мій”,- так сказав римський сотник до Ісуса Христа, коли Господь хотів піти оздоровити його слугу. Слова знамениті – повні покори та найглибшої віри. Ці слова говорить сотник римського війська, найкращого, найсильнішого в світі у той час. Сотник цей міг би дуже гордитися своїм становищем і вважати, що це він робить приємність для галилейського Учителя, запрошуючи Його у свій дім. Та він у душі пізнав, що це Божий Посланець, перед Яким кожна людина повинна схилитися з найбільшою покорою та смиренністю. |
4 Tons of Humanitarian Aid Shipped to Ukraine via Charitable Efforts of the Church - 06/28/2023
4 тони гуманітарної допомоги надіслано Україну завдяки благодійності Церкви |
Diocesan Church School Camp Begins at All Saints Camp with Visit from His Eminence Archbishop Daniel - 06/27/2023
Молодіжний табір УПЦ США на Оселі Всіх Святих розпочався з благословенням Архієпископа Даниїла |
Archbishop Daniel Presided Over the Liturgical Services at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Sharon, PA - 06/26/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Очолив Богослужіння в Українській Православній Парафії Св. Івана Хрестителя в Шерон, Пенсильванія |
Ukrainian Orthodox Christians of Cincinnati, OH Gathered in Prayer with Archbishop Daniel - 06/25/2023
Українські Православні християни околиці Синсинеті, штат Огайо зібрались на спільну молитву з Архієпископом Даниїлом |
Шукайте Царства Небесного - 06/22/2023
Епіцентром сьогоднішньої Євангелії є людська проникливість базована на розум. Євангелія починається словами: “Око то світильник для тіла”. Тут не йдеться про наше фізичне око, а про духовне око, яке називається “ноус” (з грецької мови) або мудрість душі. Іоан Дамаскин говорить, що “ноус” не є предмет який існує окремо від душі, тому що є найсвітла/чистіша частина душі. Ця свята мудрість народжує важливий елемент людського існування, а саме відповідальність. Іншими словами відповідальність є результат здорової душі. Що це означає? |
UOC of the USA Delivers Ambulances and Charitable Aid to Ukraine Amid Ongoing Attacks Against the Sanctity of Human Life - 06/20/2023
УПЦ США доставляє в Україну машини швидкої допомоги та благодійну допомогу на тлі триваючих нападів на святість людського життя |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Berlin, Germany Prays for Ukraine and Celebrates the Spiritual Legacy of All Saints of Ukraine Sunday - 06/19/2023
Українська Православна громада Берліну (Німеччина) помолилась за Україну та молитовна вшанувала духовну спадщину Українського Православʼя в Неділю Всіх Святих Землі Української |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Germany and Central Europe - 06/19/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Відвідав Грецьку Православну Митрополію Німеччини та Центральної Європи |
Archbishop Daniel Meets with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany - 06/19/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Провів Зустріч з Послом України в Німеччині |
Archbishop Daniel Begins His Archpastoral Visit to the Western-European Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Diaspora - 06/18/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Розпочав Архіпастирські Відвідини Західно-Європейської Єпархії Української Православної Церкви Діаспори |
Life-Giving Support Continues to be Delivered to Ukrainian Refugees Through the Generosity and Care of the UOC of the USA - 06/17/2023
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Життєвідновлюючу Підтримку Українським Біженцям |
Вірою царства вони перемагали - 06/15/2023
Друга неділя після Зелених свят присвячується всім святим, що в землі українській прославилися, всім тим від віку померлим, що своїм життям угодили Богові. Душі їхні перейшли до Царства Небесного і в теперішній час своїми молитвами для нас випрошують Божу ласку.
Кожний народ має своїх видатних заслужених мужів, яким віддає пошану, ставить сучасникам в приклад для наслідування. Кожному українцеві відомі такі імена, як свята княгиня Ольга та Володимир, Ярослав Мудрий, Іван Мазепа чи Тарас Шевченко - це ті світочі церковного і суспільно-політичного життя української держави, які формували нашу самобутність . В тисячолітній історії таких людей було багато. |
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New York City Celebrates Patronal Feast Day With the Hierarchs of the Church - 06/14/2023
Українська Православна Парафія Всіх Святих в Ню Йорку Відсвяткувала Храмове Святе з Архієреями Церкви |
Metropolitan ANTONY visited St. Nicholas Parish in Charlottesville, VA as They Mark the 25th Parish Anniversary - 06/14/2023
Митрополит АНТОНІЙ відвідав парафію Св. Чудотворця МИКОЛАЯ в Шарлотсвил, Вірджинія з нагоди 25-ти ліття громади |
The Audit Commission of the UOC of the USA Convened for the Annual Audit - 06/14/2023
Контрольна Комісія УПЦ США Проводить Річну Аудиторську Перевірку |
Recognizing the Graduates - 06/11/2023
Вшанування Випусників |
2023 Summer Camping Programs - 06/08/2023
2023 - Літні Табори на Оселі Всіх Святих |
Consistory of the UOC of the USA Meets at the Spiritual Center of the Church - 06/07/2023
Консисторія УПЦ США Провела засідання в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Archpastoral visit to Holy Trinity Parish in Brooklyn New York on the Feast Day of Holy Pentecost - 06/07/2023
Ієрархи Церкви Відвідали Українську Православну громаду околиці Брукліна в Ню Йорку |
Pilgrims of the UOC of the USA Visited Constantinople - 06/06/2023
Паломники УПЦ США Відвідали Константинополь |
The Pilgrims of the UOC of the USA Meet with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 06/03/2023
Паломники УПЦ США Провідали Вселенську Патріархію та отримали благословення Патріарха Варфоломія |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin for June - 06/01/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за червень |
Holy Land Pilgrimage Continues - 06/01/2023
Паломництво на Святу Землю Продовжується |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/31/2023
Archbishop Daniel, Joined by the Pilgrims of the UOC of the USA, Received by the Patriarch of Jerusalem at the Private Audience - 05/28/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл та паломники УПЦ США взяли участь у приватній аудієнції з Блаженнішим Феофілом - Патріархом Єрусалиму |
Pilgrims of the UOC of the USA Continue to Visit the Sacred Sites of the Holy Land - 05/28/2023
Паломники УПЦ США Продовжують Подорожувати Місцями Святої Землі |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - May Issue - 05/27/2023
Українське Православне Слово за травень |
The Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council - 05/26/2023
Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Gospel teachings is constantly calling all people to salvation and eternal life! This blessedness begins here in our earthly lives through the knowledge of “the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent”, the Savior of the world”. |
Second Day of the Holy Land Pilgrimage with Archbishop Daniel - 05/25/2023
Другий День Паломництва на Святу Землю з Архієпископом Даниїлом |
Pilgrims of the UOC of the USA Embarked on the Sacred Journey in the Holy Land - 05/24/2023
Паломники УПЦ США Розпочали Паломництво Святою Землею |
The Grace of the Holy Spirit Bestowed Upon the Young Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Carnegie, PA - 05/24/2023
Наймолодші парафіяни Української Православної Парафії Св. Петра і Павла у Карнегі, Пенсильванія Отримали Благодать Дару Святого Духа |
UOC of the USA Commemorates the 11th Anniversary of Repose of Metropolitan Constantine - 05/22/2023
УПЦ США вшанувала пам’ять Митрополита Константина в 11 річницю упокоєння |
LET US HONOR OUR GRADUATES: Class of 2023 Commencement Submissions - 05/19/2023
ВШАНУЙМО НАШИХ ВИПУСКНИКІB - Подайте Інформацію про випускників парафіяльних громад для привітання |
St. Nicholas Ministry: Supporting our Youth with Unique Needs - 05/18/2023
Програма Служіння св. Миколая: Надаємо опіку Молоді з Особливими Потребами |
The Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Youngstown, OH is Thriving: Archbishop Daniel Visits the Parish for the Baptism, Eucharistic Celebration, Tonsuring of a Subdeacon, and School Dedication - 05/16/2023
Українська Православна Громада в Янгстауні, штат Огайо, розвивається і зростає: Архиєпископ Даниїл відвідав парафію, охрестивши немовля, відслуживши Євхаристійну Літургію, рукоположивши іподиякона та освятивши оновлене шкільне приміщення |
ARCHBISHOP DANIEL HONORED AT ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 22 Years of Priesthood – 15 Years of Episcopacy - 05/15/2023
ВШАНУВАННЯ СЛУЖІННЯ АРХІЄПИСКОПА ДАНИЇЛА: 22 роки Священства та 15 років Архиєрейського Служіння |
11th Anniversary of Repose of Metropolitan Constantine - 21 May, 2023 - 05/15/2023
Молитовне Вшанування Річниці Упокоєння Митрополита Константина - 21 травня, 2023 р. |
A fountain of water springing up into everlasting life - 05/13/2023
Today, on the 5th Sunday of Pascha, the Church celebrates the memory of the Samaritan Woman, who, although unnamed in Holy Scripture, is known to the Church as being St. Photini. And while I usually point out that each Sunday Gospel Reading contains many things for us to learn, I believe that this particular Reading has as much, if not more, than any of the others. It is so full of information, of theology, of lessons for us, about how God wants us to live. Consider, this morning, for example, the manner in which St. Photini went from seeing Jesus as simply a stranger, and a Jew, to seeing Him as a prophet, and then recognizing that, indeed, He is the Christ, the Chosen One of God. And with this new-found knowledge, she rushed back to the people of her village, to say: Come! Listen to One Who has spoken as no-one else has ever spoken, One Who, without hearing a word from my lips has seen into the depth of my heart, into the darkness of my life, has seen and known everything. |
Archbishop Daniel Marks 15th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration - 05/10/2023
Архієпіскоп Даниїл Відзначає 15 річницю Архипастирського Служіння |
UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Assistance to Those in Warzone - 05/09/2023
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Допомогy Людям, Які Перебувають в Бойових Зонах України |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Yardville, NJ Celebrates Parish Feast Day - 05/07/2023
Українська Православна Громада околиці Ярдвил, Н. Дж. Відзначила Храмове Свято |
The Healing of the Paralytic - 05/06/2023
Today’s Gospel is the usual reading for the ‘Third Sunday After Pascha’. This is the third in a series of six Sundays between the feast days of Pascha and Pentecost, which help to form the fifty-day period between the Resurrection of Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit. |
Fr. Andriy Matlak is a Recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award - 05/05/2023
о. Андрій Матлак отримав нагороду директора Федеральної Служби Безпеки США за бездоганне служіння громаді Сіетлу, штат Вашингтон |
Metropolitan John (Theodorovych) Prayerfully Commemorated on the Anniversary of His Repose - 05/03/2023
В Річницю Упокоєння Митрополита Іона (Теодоровича) УПЦ США Молитовно Вшанувала Свого Першого Митрополита |
Would You Consider Helping Ukrainian Children in the Time of War? - 05/01/2023
Маєте Бажання Допомогти Українським Дітям в Час Війни? |
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2023
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Milwaukee, WI Welcomes the Eparchial Hierarch - 04/30/2023
Українську Православну Громаду міста Милвакі Відвідав Єпархіальний Архієрей |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - April Issue - 04/29/2023
Українське Православне Слово за квітень |
Applications Accepted for Staff Members of our UOC of the USA Camping Ministry at All Saints Camp - 04/27/2023
Розпочався Набір Працівників та Волентерів для Праці на Літніх Таборах УПЦ США |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora: 26 April, 1986 - 26 April, 2023 - Remembering Chornobyl... - 04/26/2023
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США та Діаспори: 37-літня Трагедія: Молитовно Вшановуємо Жертви Чорнобильської Трагедії |
The Pilgrimage of St. Thomas Sunday United Thousands in Prayer at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 04/23/2023
Паломництво Фоминої Неділі Обєднало у Молитві Тисячі Паломників Духовного Осередку УПЦ США |
Ukrainian-American Community of Cincinnati, OH celebrates Pascha with Archbishop Daniel - 04/23/2023
Українська громада Синсинеті, штат Огайо Відсвяткувала Пасху із Архієпископом Даниїлом |
UOC of the USA Announces Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Constantinople - 22 May - June 3, 2023 - 04/20/2023
УПЦ США оголошує паломництво на Святі Землі та до Константинополя - 22 травня - 3 червня, 2023 |
Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/19/2023
Запрошуємо на Паломництво Фоминої Неділі |
PASCHA Archpastoral Reflection of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora - 04/15/2023
Архіпастирське Пасхальне Послання Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США та Діаспори |
Ecumenical Patriarchate: Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha - 04/15/2023
Патріарше Послання на Пасху |
The Joy and Brightness of Pascha Dispenses the Darkness of the Sadness of War - UOC of the USA Delivers Paschal Baskets to the Refugees and Soldiers in Ukraine - 04/15/2023
Радість і світло Пасхи розганяє темряву смутку війни - УПЦ США передала біженцям та військовим в Україні пасхальні кошики |
Great and Holy Saturday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/15/2023
Богослужіння Страсної Суботи в Українському Православному Соборі св. Володимира в Чікаго, штат Ілиной |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Liturgical Services of the Great and Holy Friday in Bensenville, IL - 04/14/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Очолив Богослужіння Великої Пʼятниці у Бенсенвил, штат Ілиной |
Holy and Great Thursday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral - Chicago, IL - 04/14/2023
Великий і Страсний Четвер в Українському Православному Соборі св. Князя Володимира в Чікаго, ІЛ |
Holy Unction Service in Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Church - 04/12/2023
Чин Маслосвяття в Українській Православній Парафії св. Петра і Павла у Пейлос Парку, ІЛ |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin for April-May - 04/12/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за квітень-травень |
Holy and Sacred Monday Liturgical Service in Lakewood, OH - 04/10/2023
Богослужіння Страсного Понеділка в Українській Православній громаді міста Лейквуд, штату Огайо |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Parma, OH Prayerfully Celebrated the Feast of the Entrance of our Lord in Jerusalem - 04/10/2023
Українська Православна громада Парми, Огайо Молитовно Відсвяткувала Свято Входу Господнього до Єрусалиму |
Weekly Journey to Pascha - Подорож до Пасхи - 04/09/2023
The Kobzar's Prayer for Ukraine - Молитва Кобзаря за Україну - 04/06/2023
The evening of prayer, music and reflection at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - Вечір молитви, музики та роздумів в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
The UOC of the USA Provides for Those Under Attack - 04/05/2023
УПЦ США Надає Допомогу Серед Руїн |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: April Issue - Українське Православне Слово за квітень - 04/01/2023
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - March Issue - 04/01/2023
Українське Православне Слово за березень |
St. Mary of Egypt - 04/01/2023
“You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized;” Christ admonishes His disciples. When in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays, “let this cup pass from me…” Let me avoid this suffering. His human will is fearful of the pain which He will endure and this is the cup that the disciples will share. All but one of the disciples, all but the beloved Saint John, met their end in the death of martyrdom. |
Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці - 04/01/2023
Святе Передання та наші богослужбові тексти розповідають, що Пречиста Діва Марія в трьохрічному віці була віддана на служіння при єрусалимському храмі. Згідно іудейського закону, коли ці дівчата-служниці ставали повнолітніми і вже не мали права постійно находитись та прислуговувати у храмі, то вони могли вийти заміж та влаштовувати своє особисте життя. У випадку з Дівою Марією це питання полагоджували служителі єрусалимського храму, бо рідні батьки Її Йоаким та Анна давно вже померли. Бачачи побожність юної Марії та знаючи про Її прагнення до чистого та цнотливого життя, священики не видали юну Марію заміж в повному сенсі цього слова, але тільки заручили Її з пристарілим восьмидесятилітнім старцем Йосипом. Юна Діва Марія повинна була доглядати та допомагати старцю Йосипу в його старості. Треба теж нам пам'ятати, що в тогочасному суспільстві заручення було тільки першим юридичним кроком до одруження, декларацією наміру одружитися, але не одруженням в повному сенсі цього слова. |
6 April, 2023 - Akathist to the Birth-Giver of God - the Healer of Cancer and Other Illnesses - 04/01/2023
6 квітня, 2023 р. - Акафіст до Богородиці ВСЕЦАРИЦІ - Уздоровлення від Ракових Захворювань |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/01/2023
2023 Great Lent GiveAway - the Youth of the UOC of the USA Serves the Needs of Children of Ukrainian Refugees - 04/01/2023
Молодь УПЦ США Протягом Великого Посту Допомогає Дітям Біженців з України |
The Historic 14th Century Augsburg (Germany) Church Became Once Again a Home for the Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Bavaria - 03/27/2023
Сторадавній історичний храм XIV століття в Аусбургу, Німеччина знову став храмом Української Православної Єпархії в Західній Європі |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Ingolshtadt, Germany Hosts the Clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Western Europe - 03/25/2023
Духовенство Української Православної Єпархії в Західній Європі Провело Зустріч в Українській Православній громаді Інгольштату, Німеччина |
Medical Ambulances Donated, Delivered and Dedicated to Serve the Needs of the People of Ukraine - 03/23/2023
Карети Швидкої Допомоги Придбані, Доставлені та Освячені для Служіння Народу України |
Memory Eternal: Emil Skocypec – Long-term Member of the Council of Metropolia - 03/19/2023
Вічна Пам'ять: Упокоївся Омелян Скочипець – Довголітній член Ради Митрополії УПЦ США |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Met With His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 03/18/2023
Ієрархи УПЦ США Провели Зустріч з Вселенським Патріархом Варфоломієм в Константинополі |
The Second Sunday of Great Lent – St. Gregory Palamas - 03/10/2023
The procession of icons during Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers is one of the most memorable events of the entire Liturgical year, as the holy icons we normally gaze upon from afar are brought into our midst reaffirming the proclamation of the 7th Ecumenical Council. Like many of the Church's teachings, there is a significance to the timing of this commemoration and also different levels of understanding: on one hand we have the definitive historical context, but there is also practical reason that can benefit us every day during Lent. Last Sunday we venerated the likeness of the saints who are to be our models over the course of the Great Fast and beyond. Our re-dedication to a spiritual life and a more Godlike existence is made possible by embracing the lessons these saints taught. |
Food, Logistical Supplies and Kindness Offered and Delivered to Ukraine by the Charitable Ministry of the UOC of the USA - 03/08/2023
Благодійне Служіння УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати в Україну Продукти Харчування, Матеріально-Технічне Забезпечення та Доброту |
Seminarians Cook and Serve the Community While Helping the People of Ukraine - 03/06/2023
Семінарійний відділ УПЛіги організував благодійний обід із збіркою коштів для потреб потребуючих в період Російської агресії проти народу України… |
Somerset, NJ Elementary School: Share the Light of Heat Project - 03/06/2023
Проект школи для малят м. Самерсет в підтримку дітей України |
Archbishop Daniel Addresses the Assembly of the New Jersey Diocese of the Episcopal Church of the USA - 03/04/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Звернувся з Промовою Під Час Засідання Генеральної Асамблеї Єпархії Ню Джерсі Єпископальної Церкви Америки |
Project for the Youth of the Church: Letter of Love for UKRAINE! - 03/03/2023
Проект для Молоді Церкви: Листи Любові - УКРАЇНІ! |
UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Life-Supporting Means to the People of Ukraine - Three Additional Medical and Supply Vehicles Blessed - 03/02/2023
УПЦ США Надалі Надсилає Карети Медичної Допомоги в Україну |
Council of Metropolia Meets at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 03/01/2023
Рада Митрополії Завершила Річні Збори в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 03/01/2023
Akathist to the Birth-Giver of God - the Healer of Cancer and Other Illnesses - 03/01/2023
Акафіст до Богородиці ВСЕЦАРИЦІ - Уздоровлення від Ракових Захворювань |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - February Issue - 03/01/2023
Українське Православне Слово за лютий місяць |
Archpastoral Letter of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for the Great and Holy Lent - 02/26/2023
Великопосне послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США |
Lenten Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 02/26/2023
Великопосне Послання Вселенського Патріарха Варфоломія |
UOC of the USA and the Representation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Opened “Center of Invincibility” in Kyiv - 02/24/2023
УПЦ США та Ставропігія Вселенського Патріархату Відкрили Пункт Незламності в Києві |
18 March, 2023 - Annual Western PA/OH Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat - 02/24/2023
Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary Offer Their Charitable Support for the People of Ukraine - 02/24/2023
Семінаристи Свято-Софіївської Семінарію Надають Благодійну допомогу народу України |
Let’s Prayerfully Honor the Victims of the War in UKRAINE: Commemorative Prayer Vigil - 23 February, 2023 - 02/21/2023
Річниця війни в Україні - Молитовне Богослужіння - 23 лютого 2023 року |
The Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participated in the Ecumenical Prayer Service for the Peace in Ukraine - 02/20/2023
Ієрархи УПЦ США Взяли Участь в Екуменічній Молитві за Мир в Україні |
UOC of the USA Supports Ukraine by Sponsoring Ukrainian Musical Art - 02/20/2023
УПЦ США Надає Допомогу Україні, Підтримуючи Українське Музичне Мистецтво |
Last Judgment - 02/16/2023
In his homily on the Last Judgment, St. Gregory of Nyssa asks “why would God set standards of charity for entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven?” We need to know the answer. Why have conditions at all? Isn’t God’s love for us unconditional? Hasn’t He taught us that forgiveness and mercy are expressions of His will? How can there be a Judgment at all if it really is God’s will that “all men be saved” (1 Timothy 2:4)? |
THREE HOLY HIERARCHS: St. Sophia Seminary Community Prayerfully Celebrates Chapel’s Feast Day - 02/13/2023
ТРИ СВЯТИТЕЛІ: Семінарійна Спільнота Відсвяткувала Храмове Свято Каплиці |
Archpastoral Visit of Metropolitan Antony to St. Nicholas Dover, Delaware - 02/13/2023
Архипастирські відвідини митрополита Антонія Парафіяльної Громади св. МИКОЛАЯ у Довер, штат Делавер |
Praying our way together during Great Lent - 02/12/2023
Sign up by March 1 |
February 12, 2023 - UOL Souper Bowl Sunday - 02/11/2023
12 лютого 2023 року - Неділя Благодійності Української Православної Ліги |
St. Nicholas National Orthodox Shrine Welcomes Ukrainian Heroes - 02/09/2023
Церква св. МИКОЛАЯ на території зруйнованих «близнюків» Ню Йорку Вітає Українських героїв |
A Sacred Outpouring of Grace The Isaiah 44 Project – Wells for Malawi - 02/09/2023
Почуття Божественної благодаті - Проект «Ісая 44» – Джерела Води у Малаві |
Metropolitan Antony Elevates the Very Reverend Gerald Ozlanski to Protopresbyter at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, Chester, PA - 02/09/2023
Митрополит Антоній Відвідав Українську Православну парафію в Честер, Пенсильванія та вшанував настоятеля громади о. Якова Озланського почесним титулом Протопресвітера УПЦ США |
April 1, 2023 - Lenten Retreat - 02/08/2023
Jenkintown, PA |
UOC of the USA and Diaspora Obtains Four Ambulances and Medical Field Unit for the People of Ukraine - 02/08/2023
УПЦ США та Діаспори Прибдали та Надіслали в Україну 4 Карети Швидкої Допомоги та Логістичний Пересувний Медичний Кабінет |
Exarch of Ecumenical Patriarch in Kyiv, Ukraine Presented the UOC of the USA with the first in recent history Gospel-aprakos in the Ukrainian language - 02/07/2023
Екзарх Вселенського Патріарха в Києві, Україна передав УПЦ США перше в новітній історії Євангеліє-апракос українською мовою |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin - February-March Issue - 02/06/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за лютий-березень |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Lodz-Posnan Diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church - 02/05/2023
Архієпископ Даниїл Відвідав Лодзько-Познанську Єпархію Польської Автокефальної Православної Церкви |
UOC of the USA Ships 100 Generators to Ukraine - 02/02/2023
УПЦ США Надіслала 100 Генераторів в Україну |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participated in the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America in Los Angeles, CA - 02/02/2023
Ієрархи УПЦ США Взяли Активну Участь в Пленарних Засіданнях Асамблеї Канонічних Єпископів США в Лос Анджелесі, Каліфорнія |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2023-2024 Academic Year - 02/01/2023
Розпочинається набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївській Семінарії УПЦ США на 2023-2024 навчальний рік |
Akathist to the Birth-Giver of God - the Healer of Cancer and Other Illnesses - 02/01/2023
Акафіст до Богородиці ВСЕЦАРИЦІ - Уздоровлення від Ракових Захворювань |
The First Issue of 2023 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX WORD Posted Online - 01/31/2023
Перший випуск УКРАЇНСЬКОГО ПРАВОСЛАВНОГО СЛОВА 2023 року вже в мережі інтернету |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/31/2023
Blessed Name's Day and Happy Birthday to Metropolitan Antony - 01/30/2023
Вітаємо Високопреосвященного Митрополита Антонія з Іменинами та Днем Народження! |
Stavropygia of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine in cooperation with the UOC of the USA presented the first in recent history Gospel-aprakos in the Ukrainian language - 01/27/2023
У Ставропігії Вселенського Патріархату в Україні та за співпрацею із УПЦ США презентували перше в новітній історії Євангеліє-апракос українською мовою |
02/02/23 - ASC Capital Improvement Project Kickoff Meeting - 01/27/2023
The online meeting will take place on Thursday, February 2, 2023, at 7:30 PM |
Metropolitan ANTONY Marks the 10th Anniversary of Enthronement as the Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 01/27/2023
Митрополит Антоній Відзначив 10 річницю Інтронізації на Митрополичий Престіл УПЦ США |
Axios! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 10th Anniversary of his Enthronement as Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA - 01/26/2023
Достойний! Worthy! Axios! 10-та річниця митрополичого служіння Предстоятеля УПЦ США |
Неділя про Закхея - 01/26/2023
У сьогоднішньому Євангелії ми чули про Ісуса що проходив через Єрихон по дорозі до Єрусалиму. Якщо б ідея цього уривку була застосована у якійсь історії чи поемі то вона б не привернула нашу увагу. Але в Біблії кожне слово має своє значення і зв'язок. Я буду зосереджуватися на сьогоднішньому Євангелії і покажу вам глибше значення цього уривку з Біблії і як воно може служити нам за приклад. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participated in the Ecumenical Prayer Service During the 2023 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - 01/25/2023
Ієрархи УПЦ США взяли участь в Екуменічній Молитві під час Тижня молитов за єдність християн у 2023 році |
Medical and Logistical Vehicles Delivered to Ukraine via the Sponsorship of UOC of the USA and Close Cooperation with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 01/23/2023
УПЦ США в співпраці з ПЦУ передали автомобілі для захисників України |
Angels of LOVE... Create Paper Angels and Send to the Consistory to Commemorate the 1-Year Anniversary of the War in Ukraine - 01/22/2023
Ангели ЛЮБОВІ... Ствoріть паперові ангели на надішліть до Консисторії в пам’ять ПЕРШОЇ річниці війни в Україні |
UOC of the USA Continues to Serve: Food and Warmth of Heart Delivered as the Cold Reality of War Continues to Impact the Lives on Innocent People - 01/22/2023
УПЦ США продовжує нести служити: їжа та тепло сердець опікуються людьми; a холодна реальність війни продовжує впливати на життя невинних людей |
UOC of the USA Participates in the 50th Annual March for Life in Washington, DC - 01/21/2023
УПЦ США Прийняла Участь у 50-тій річній ХОДІ ЗА ЖИТТЯ в столиці США |
UPDATED INFORMATION: Memory Eternal - Вічна Пам'ять - Protopresbyter William Diakiw - 01/20/2023
It is with a profound sense of our own loss - yet in the inextinguishable light of peace and mercy that is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - that we inform the faithful of our Holy Metropolia of the passing from this life of the servant of God Protopresbyter WILLIAM DIAKIW, pastor-emeritus of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lyndora, PA. Schedule of services will be posted as soon as they are available. |
Celebration of the Feast of Theophany at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD - 01/19/2023
Молитовнe святкування ХРЕЩЕННЯ ГОСПОДНЬОГО в Українському Православному Соборі св. Андрія Первозванного в Силвер Спринг, Меріленд |
The UOC of the USA Partners with the KIND DEEDS Inc. In Order to Assist the Wounded Soldiers of Ukraine - 01/18/2023
УПЦ США Разом із Благодійною Організацією ДОБРІ ВЧИНКИ Допомагають Пораненим Воїнам України |
Theophany - 01/18/2023
Theophany is one of the most important feast days in the Orthodox Church along with Easter, Pentecost and Christmas. Theophany commemorates the event of Jesus’ baptism. According to the Gospels, when Jesus came to be baptized heaven opened, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove and God the Father by His heavenly voice gave witness that Jesus was His beloved Son. Jesus’ baptism signified not only His own divine identity as Son of God but also disclosed the glory of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thus, along with the themes of the sanctification of the waters, purification from sin and renewal, Theophany also celebrates the revelation of God to the world. “Theophany” means divine manifestation – the manifestation of God to the world as Trinity, the three great Lights of Father, Son and Spirit, one in essence and glory. |
2023 Caroling for Christ at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/16/2023
Коляда для Христа в Духовному Осередку - Митрополії УПЦ США |
The Joy of the Sacred Nativity and Theophany of our Lord Season Prayerfully Shared by the entire Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Lyndora, PA - 01/16/2023
Радість і Святість РІЗДВЯНИХ СВЯТ та БОГОЯВЛЕННЯ молитовно вшанувала Українська Православна громада Линдори, Пенсильванія |
Archbishop Daniel Baptizes a Child of a Pastor of Sts Peter and Paul Parish Community in Lyndora, PA: Live Your Life on the Foundation of Christ’s Love and Mercy - 01/14/2023
Архиєпископ Даниїл охрестив сина настоятеля парафіяльної громади Св. Петра і Павла в Линдорі, Пенсильванія: Живи своє життям на основі любові та милосердя Христа |
Join us at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA for the Annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST on January 14, 2023 - 01/13/2023
Приєднуйтесь до нас в Українському Культурному Центрі Духовного Осередку Митрополії УПЦ США на щорічний Різдвяний концерт - КОЛЯДА ДЛЯ ХРИСТА - 14 січня 2023 року |
A Bright Moment in Washington State - 01/12/2023
Блискуча мить у штаті Вашингтон |
11 February, 2023 - JOIN US for the Celebration of St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Patron Feast Day - 01/12/2023
11 лютого 2023 року - храмове свято Семінарійної каплиці - ПРИЄДНЮЙТЕСЬ ДО СВЯТКУВАННЯ |
The Celebration of Nativity/Christmas Focuses on the Manifestation of Christ to the World! Our Invitation to do so Continues, as Archbishop Daniel Celebrates Nativity of Christ at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 01/12/2023
Святкування Різдва Христового зосереджується на явленні Спасителя світові - Архієпископ Даниїл очолив Різдвяні Богослужіння в Пармі, штат Огайо |
David the King, Joseph the Betrothed and James, the Brother of the Lord - 01/12/2023
The Birth of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ in the Flesh is celebrated for 8 days, and on the Sunday after the Nativity, the Church celebrates in particular the memory of the Holy Righteous Ones: David the King, Joseph the Betrothed and James, the Brother of the Lord. The Orthodox Church draws our attention on this Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lord, as it does for all important feasts, to the lesser characters who are involved in the meaning of the feast. This happens twice during the eight-day Nativity celebration: The day after the Nativity when we gather to commemorate the Holy Birthgiver-of-God, and on this Sunday following the feast. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Attended the NJ State of the State Address by the Governor of the State - 01/11/2023
Ієрархи УПЦ США Запрошені на Річну Промову СТАН ШТАТУ Губернатора Ню Джерсі |
Protectress Pokrova Parish (Southfield-Detroit MI) Supporting Ukraine through the Ministry of St. Andrew’s Society - 01/11/2023
Українська Православна Катедра Пресвятої Богородиці Околиці Детройту Робить Внесок у Служіння Товариства Святого Андрія Первозванного |
Archpastoral Letter for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA - 01/06/2023
Архипастирське Послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США на Свято Різдва Господнього |
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Nativity of Christ - 01/06/2023
Різдвяне Послання Вселенського Патріарха |
Memory Eternal: Pani-matka Sonia Diakiw - 01/03/2023
Вічна Пам'ять: Упокоїлась пані-матка Соня Дяків |
Members of the FAITH, HOPE and LOVE Residential Community for Handicapped in Ukraine Received the Humanitarian Aid of the UOC of the USA - 01/02/2023
«Будиночок сиріт з інвалідністю «Оселя Віри, Надії, Любові» отримав суттєву допомогу від Української Православної Церкви США – пожертву в сумі $11,000 доларів США. |
The genealogy of Jesus Christ - 01/01/2023
On this, the Sunday before the Nativity, the Church prescribes the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. The second half of the reading is the nativity story. Joseph is betrothed to Mary, but she is found to be with child, and so his marriage to her remains a secret until after the birth. It is the story we all know; the story we have heard every year, all of our lives. |
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - 12/31/2022
Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви |
Happy and Blessed New 2023 Year of our Lord from the President of the Consistory - 12/31/2022
Вітання з Новим 2023 Роком Голови Консисторії УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - December Issue - 12/30/2022
Українське Православне Слово за грудень |
Happy Names Day - Archbishop Daniel - 12/30/2022
З Днем Ангела - Владико Даниїл |
Warm the Lives of the People of Ukraine by Supporting “Generators of Hope” - 12/29/2022
Зігрійте Життя Людей України Підтримуючи акцію «Генератори Надії» |
UOC of the USA Represented at the Historic Address of the President of Ukraine in the US Congress - 12/22/2022
Представники УПЦ США Присутні у Конгресі США під Час Історичної Промови Президента України |
Students and Faculty of St. Sophia Seminary Family Learn About the Serbian Orthodox Traditions - 12/22/2022
Семінаристи та Викладачі Свято-Софіївської Семінарію Вивчають Православні Традиції Місцевої Сербської Православної Громади |
UOC of the USA Sponsors Food, Clothing, and Supplies for the People of Ukraine - 12/22/2022
УПЦ США Надає Гуманітарну Допомогу із Закупівлею Продуктів Харчування та одягу в Україні |
Akathist to the Birth-Giver of God - the Healer of Cancer and Other Illnesses - 12/20/2022
Акафіст до Богородиці ВСЕЦАРИЦІ - Уздоровлення від Ракових Захворювань |
UOC of the USA Offers “Assistance” to St. Nicholas, as the Children of the Wounded and Fallen Ukrainian Soldiers Receive Seasonal Gifts - 12/19/2022
УПЦ США Надала «Допомогу» Служінню св. Миколая, вручаючи подарунки дітям поранених або загинувших воїнів Збройних Сил України |
Liberated Kherson Hospital Received Ambulances Sponsored by the UOC of the USA and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 12/19/2022
Визволений Херсонський Госпіталь Отримав Карети Швидкої Допомоги Завдяки Співпраці УПЦ США та ПЦУ |
Parish Feast Day and the 40th Anniversary of Ordination Celebration at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 12/19/2022
Парафіяльне Храмове Свято та Вшанування Настоятеля в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
17 December, 2022 - Join us for the Christmas at the Seminary - 12/16/2022
Give $12 for All Saints Youth Camp - 12/16/2022
Пожертвуйте 12 дол. до молодіжного Табору Всіх Святих |
Consistory Nativity Tree Decorated by the Youth of the Church - 12/14/2022
Різдв’яна Ялинка Консисторії Прикрашена Молоддю Церкви |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Sts. Peter and Paul in Palos Park, IL to Celebrate 45th Anniversary of Fr. Howard Sloan Ordination to the Holy Priesthood - 12/14/2022
Молитовне Відзначення 45-ти ліття Священичого Служіння в Пейлос Парк, штат Іллиной |
Pre-order Your 2023 Calendar - 12/13/2022
Замовляйте ваш Календар на 2023 рік |
UOC of the USA and California Association to Aid Ukraine Providing Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine TOGETHER by Purchasing Medical Ambulances - 12/08/2022
УПЦ США та Товариство Допомоги Україні в Каліфорнії СПІЛЬНО допомагають Україні Закуповуючи Карети Швидкої Допомоги |
How to understand suffering - 12/08/2022
There are several passages in the New Testament where we hear of the people suffering for an incomprehensibly long period of time - in fact three of them are part of the regular cycle of readings which are taken on Sunday, including the 'Man Born Blind', the 'Woman with the Hemorrhage' (38 years) and today's story of the woman made infirm by a demonic spirit for eighteen years.
What Happens When I See Chronic Suffering? |
The JOY of the Nativity Season is Brought to the Evacuated Residents of Znamyanka Orphanage in Poland - 12/07/2022
УПЦ США Поділилась Радістю РІЗДВА із Вихованцями Знам‘янського Дитячого Будинку-Інтернату, Яких Евакуювали до Польщі |
287th day of the War… UOC of the USA Continues to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 12/07/2022
287 день війни… УПЦ США продовжує надавати Гуманітарну Допомогу в Україні |
7,320 ft over the sea level - the Archpastoral Visit to the Top of the Mountain - Archbishop Daniel Visits St. Job of Pochaiv Parish in Los Alamos, NM - 12/07/2022
2,235 метрів над рівнем води - архипастирські відвідини вершини гори - Архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Українську Православну громаду Преподобного Іова Почаївського в Лос Аламос, Нова Мексика |
In the Darkness of the Night – the LIGHT of LIFE is Shining Through the Ministry of the UOC of the USA - 12/07/2022
Навіть Серед Темряви Ночі – СВІТЛО ЖИТТЯ Сіяє Через Служіння УПЦ США |
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory - Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії Церкви - 12/06/2022
Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії Церкви |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: ARCHPASTORAL NATIVITY FAST EPISTLE - 12/06/2022
Собор Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США: АРХИПАСТИРСЬКЕ ЗВЕРНЕННЯ НА РІЗДВЯНИЙ ПІСТ |
Order Your Fall/Winter Jackets with the Logo of the UOC of the USA - 12/05/2022
Замовляйте - Кількість Обмежена: Осінньо-зимові куртки із логотипом УПЦ США |
UOL Bulletin for December - 12/04/2022
Бюлетень УПЛ за грудень |
Akathist to the Birth-Giver of God - the Healer of Cancer and Other Illnesses - 12/01/2022
Акафіст до Богородиці ВСЕЦАРИЦІ - Уздоровлення від Ракових Захворювань |
Ecumenical Prayer Service for the People and Nation of Ukraine in Lehigh Valley, PA - 12/01/2022
Екуменічне Богослужіння за Мир в Україні в Околиці Аллентавн, Пенсильванія |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/29/2022
IT IS TOMORROW: Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 29 - 11/28/2022
Підтримаймо Семінарію Святої Софії у вівторок, 29 листопада 2022 р. – Зробіть свій внесок у майбутнє Церкви |
Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA Prayerfully Honored the Victims of Genocidal HOLODOMOR and Repressions Against the People of Ukraine - 11/27/2022
В Духовному Осередку УПЦ США Молитовно Вшанували Пам’ять Жертв ГОЛОДОМОРУ та Репресій в Україні |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/26/2022
Вітання митрополиту Антонію з нагоди 50-ої річниці священичої хіротонії |
Archpastoral Letter of Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora: 90th Anniversary of HOLODOMOR: The Truth Must Not Be Silenced - 11/26/2022
Архіпастирське Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США та Діаспори: 90-ти ліття ГОЛОДОМОРУ: Правда Неповинна Бути Замовченою |
The Good Samaritan - 11/25/2022
In today's Gospel, Jesus gives us the straightforward direction about how we may attain to eternal life. He sums it up in the quotation "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. The duty towards God is quite clearly set forth, but to be explicitly clear, who then is one's neighbor? The parable of the Good Samaritan is meant to be an eminent explication which no one could misconstrue. The priest and the Levite, who consciously evade any contact with the man who had been mugged and left for dead, were consciously chosen as types, who should have taken a positive action towards the victim. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Gratitude is the Heart of Thanksgiving - 11/23/2022
Собор Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США: Вдячність – це є Суть Подяки |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - November Issue - 11/21/2022
Українське Православне Слово за листопад |
Archpastoral Visit of the Ukrainian Orthodox Community of San Francisco, CA - 11/21/2022
Архипастиські відвідини Української Православної громади Сан Франциско, Каліфорнія |
Blessed Feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and All Bodiless Powers of Heaven - 11/21/2022
Собор Архістратига Михаїла та iнших Небесних Сил безплотних |
90th Anniversary of HOLODOMOR: Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine Remembered - 11/21/2022
90 Річниця ГОЛОДОМОРУ: Молитовне Вшанування Жертв Штучноствореного Голодомору в Україні |
UOC of the USA Sponsors Food, Clothing and Supplies for the People of Ukraine: 170 tons of Water Delivered - 11/19/2022
УПЦ США Надає Гуманітарну Допомогу Закупівлею Продуктів Харчування та одягу в Україні: 170 тон Питної Води Доставлено |
Let's Prayerfully Honor the Victims of Genocidal HOLODOMOR in Ukraine - 11/18/2022
Вшануймо разом память невинних жертв Геноцидного Голодомору в Україні |
4 December - Annual UOL Sunday - 11/18/2022
4 грудня - Неділя Вшанування Служіння Української Православної Ліги |
UOL Thanksgiving Project - Проект УПЛ на День Подяки - 11/16/2022
November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S. and also the month we commemorate the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine.
Листопад – це місяць, який ми відзначаємо День подяки в США, а також місяць, коли ми вшановуємо пам'ять жертв Голодомору в Україні. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Genk, Belgium - 11/15/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл Відвідав Українську Православну Громаду в Геньку, Бельгія |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Veterans Day - 2022! - 11/11/2022
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США з нагоди Дня Ветеранів - 11 листопада, 2022 |
People of Ukraine Offer Gratitude for the Charitable Assistance of the UOC of the USA (Ukr. Lang.) - 11/10/2022
Подяка з України за жертовну допомогу УПЦ США |
November 29, 2022 - Prayer Vigil for Ukraine in Allentown, PA - 11/08/2022
29 листопада 2022 року - молитовне зібрання в підтримку народу України |
Archbishop Daniel Met With the Consul General of Ukraine in Istanbul (Constantinople) - 11/06/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл Провів Зустріч із Генеральним Консулом України в Станбулі (Константинополь) |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - October Issue - 11/05/2022
Українське Православне Слово за жовтень |
UOC of the USA and the Representation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine Launch Humanitarian Mission to Help Ukrainians - 11/04/2022
УПЦ США та Ставропігія Вселенського патріархату в Україні розпочинають гуманітарну місію для допомоги українцям |
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus - 11/04/2022
The rich man descends from luxury to suffering, while Lazarus is promoted from pain to Blessedness. In this life Lazarus lies at the gate. In Greek it suggests Lazarus is “thrown” or “dumped” there affording the rich man to help him but he doesn’t. In today’s Gospel, Lazarus does not blame anyone for his poverty and misery. He certainly doesn’t blame God for his situation. He doesn’t blame the rich man for his mean spirit. Thus, due to his humility he went to heaven, to the bosom of Abraham. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Detroit Metropolitan Area Marks 72nd Anniversary of Service - 11/02/2022
Українська Православна Громада Околиці Детройту Відзначила 72 річницю Духовного Служіння |
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 11/01/2022
The City of Lyman (Donetsk Region) Receives Humanitarian Aid from the UOC of the USA - 10/28/2022
Жителі міста Лиман (Донецької області) отримали гуманітарну допомогу УПЦ США |
UOC of the USA Honors the Ministry of Her First Metropolitan - 10/27/2022
УПЦ США Вшанувала Служіння Першого Митрополита Церкви |
UOC of the USA Delivers an Ambulance to Luhansk Military Unit - 10/27/2022
УПЦ США Передала Карету Швидкої Допомоги Луганській Військовій Частині |
The Parable of the Sower - 10/27/2022
The parable for today is the parable of the sower. In our lifetimes, many, if not most, of us have not actually seen a farmer walking across his plowed field and manually throwing seed in order to plant his next crop. As a result of industrialization, scientific advances and technological improvements, most farming in our time and place, is done by large conglomerates with highly advanced machinery and techniques. Mom and pop farms are disappearing just like mom and pop stores. But the concept is simple enough for most of us to understand and identify with. |
В Духовному центрі УПЦ США зібралась коаліція релігійних лідерів Нью-Джерсі - 10/26/2022
NJ Coalition of Religious Leaders Meets at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA |
NJ Coalition of Religious Leaders Meets at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 10/24/2022
Коаліція Релігійних Лідерів Штату Ню Джерсі Провела зустріч в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Community of Brooklyn, NY Marks the 20th Anniversary of Ministry of Holy Greta-Martyr Panteleimon Ukrainian Orthodox Parish - 10/24/2022
У Брукліні, Ню Йорку Відзначили 20-ту Річницю з Дня Заснування Української Православної Парафії св. Великомученика Пантелеймона |
Неділя Отців Сьомого Вселенського Собору - 10/22/2022
В жовтні місяці в неділю найближчу до 24 жовтня дорогі брати і сестри, Церква відзначає пам'ять Святих Отців 7-го Вселенського Собору. У різний час протягом року згадуються святі отці інших шести Вселенських Соборів. Церква ухвалила поминати Вселенські Собори в першу чергу заради того, щоб віддати належну честь світлим умам святих отців, які, керовані Духом Святим, так старанно потрудилися для очищення Церкви від злобливих єресей і для відновлення істини церковних догматів. Але це не єдина причина. Нам вкрай важливо не забувати праці Вселенських Соборів ще й тому, що всі єресі, ретельно розглянуті на соборах, хоча і були засуджені святими отцями, але не були зжиті з церковного життя. |
The XXIII Sobor of the UOC of the USA Concluded at the Spiritual Center of the Church - 10/17/2022
ХХІІІ Собор Української Православної Церкви США Завершився в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Seminary Board of Trustees Meets at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 10/12/2022
Дорадча Рада Семінарії провела зустріч в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США |
Guardians of the Metropolia - Who Are They? - 10/12/2022
Покровителі Митрополії - хто Вони? |
The Church Embraces with Love the People of Ukraine in the Time of War - 10/11/2022
Церква Огортає Любов’ю Народ України в Час Війни |
Council of Metropolia Meets in the Pre-Sobor Session of the UOC of the USA - 10/11/2022
Рада Митрополії Розпочала Пленарне Засідання Напередодні Собору УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - September Issue - 10/10/2022
Українське Православне Слово за вересень |
Get to Know the Seminarians of our Church… Знайомтесь з семінаристами нашої Церкви... - 10/07/2022
Exhibit of Posters “IMAGES OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND GENOCIDE: PHOTOS OF THE UNJUSTIFIED RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE - 2022” Opened at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 10/06/2022
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Marks 37th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration - 10/06/2022
Високопреосвященний Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 37-му річницю Архиєрейського служіння |
Prayerful Charitable Act of Kindness by the Clergy and Faithful of the UOC of the USA and Western Europe in Munich, Germany - 10/02/2022
Молитовний Вчинок Любові Духовенства та Мирян УПЦ США і Західньої Європи для Народу України |
UOL Bulletin for October - 10/02/2022
Бюлетень УПЛ за жовтень |
October 2022 Liturgical Schedule of Archbishop Daniel - 10/01/2022
Літургійний Розпорядок Богослужінь Архієпископа Даниїла на Жовтень 2022 року |
Mugs of CHRISTIAN LOVE: Together with my Church, I am helping… - 10/01/2022
Кружки ХРИСТИЯНСЬКОЇ ЛЮБОВІ: Разом із моєю церквою я допомагаю ... |
XXIII Regular SOBOR of the UOC of the USA - Registration Available NOW - 10/01/2022
Розпочато Реєстрацію на 23 Собор УПЦ США |
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 10/01/2022
Help us to Rebuild a Local Hospital in Trostianets (Sumy region), Ukraine - 09/30/2022
Допоможіть відбудувати міську лікарню в Тростянці, Сумська область, Україна |
UOC of the USA Sponsors Food and Logistical Supplies for the People of Ukraine - 09/29/2022
УПЦ США Надає Гуманітарну Допомогу із Закупівлею Продуктів Харчування в Україні |
Таланти... - 09/29/2022
Притча про таланти була сказана Ісусом Христом в Страсну Середу на Єлеонській горі. Звичайно Христос проповідував людям, але в цьому випадку Він навчав тільки апостолів.
Оливна гора є найвища гора в Юдеї. З цієї гори було прекрасно видно увесь Єрусалим. З вершини гори було видно Червоне море. Оливна гора знаходиться на схід від Єрусалиму на віддаль ходьби суботнього дня. В суботу юдеям можна було пройти не більше як дві тисячі кроків, що приблизно рівняється одній милі. Багато важливих подій у Новому Заповіті відбувалися на горі або внизу гори. |
Happy 50th Birthday! - З днем народження! - 09/28/2022
May God grant you many blessed and healthy years in the service in God’s vineyard! Нехай Бог дасть вам багато благословенних та здорових років на службі у Божому Винограднику! |
Holy Assumption (Dormition) of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Northampton, PA is 101 Years Old! - 09/27/2022
Українська Православна Парафіяльна громада Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці у Нортгемптон, Пенсильванія Відсвяткувала Першу Річницю 100-ліття |
Sacred Arts Contest: PRAY FOR UKRAINE - 09/26/2022
Мистецькі Сакральні Роботі в Підтримку України |
Заповіді Любові - 09/24/2022
Щo oзначає:” Вoзлюби Господа Бога свого всім серцем своїм, і всією душею своєю, і всією своєю думкою”. В цих слoвах вказується нам любити Бoга не тiльки oднiєю частинoю душi, але всiєю свoєю iстoтoю. Всi нашi здiбнoстi, якими oбдарoвує нас Гoспoдь, ми пoвиннi направляти дo Ньoгo, щoб вoни прoсвiтилися любoв’ю дo Бoга. Гoспoдь є наш Твoрець, Вiн дарував для кoжнoгo з нас найбiльше блаженствo – життя, Вiн oбдарoвує нас рiзними здiбнoстями, через якi ми пiзнаємo та вiдчуваємo дивну красoту всiєï вселеннoï. Вiн Крoв’ю Свoгo Сина, цiнoю хресних страждань викупив нашi грiхи, вiдкрив нам Царствo Небесне. Вiн є Справедливий i дає кoжнoму iз нас пo нашим заслугам. Ми, християни, Йoгo дiти, є дoрoгi i любi для Ньoгo, яким Вiн завжди бажає дoбра i душевнoгo спасiння. Як дoбрий Батькo, Гoспoдь наказує нам, щoб ми завжди жили в спoкoï та згoдi, любили oднi oдних i кoли є пoтреба в дoпoмoзi, дoпoмагали oднi oдним. На превеликий жаль, цьoгo не вистачає нам, не тiльки у свiтi, але i у наших рoдинах. |
Memory Eternal: Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Expresses Condolences on the Repose of Metropolitan John (former metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada) - 09/23/2022
Вічна Пам’ять: Собор Єпископів УПЦ США висловлює співчуття з приводу відходу у вічність митрополита Івана (попереднього митрополита Української Православної Церкви Канади) |
We Continue to Nurture the TEMPLES of Human Life in Ukraine! UOC of the USA Continues to Provide Charitable Aid in Ukraine! - 09/21/2022
Продовжуємо плекати ХРАМИ людського життя в Україні! УПЦ США продовжує надавати благодійну допомогу людям України! |
IT IS A CENTENNIAL! Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Lyndora, PA Celebrates 100 Years of Ministry - 09/20/2022
СВЯТКУЄМО 100-ліття! Українська Православна Церква св. Петра і Павла у Линдора, Пенсильванія відзначає ювілей духовного служіння! |
MEMORY ETERNAL! Metropolitan Emeritus of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, His Eminence John (Stinka) Reposed in the Lord - 09/20/2022
ВІЧНА ПАМ’ЯТЬ! Упокоївся Митрополит Емерит Української Православної Церкви в Канаді, Високопреосвященніший Іван (Стінка) |
Memory Eternal - Вічна Пам'ять - Panimatka Halyna Podhurec - 09/16/2022
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer we prayerfully announce that the handmaiden of God, Panimatka Halyna (wife of Fr. Hryhoriy Podhurec) has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life. May her memory be eternal! |
Exhibit Opening - Ukraine 1933: A Cookbook Linocuts by Mykola Bondarenko - Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, the genocidal artificial famine of 1932-1933 - 09/15/2022
Відкриття Нової Виставки - Україна 1933: Кулінарна Книга - Лінорити Миколи Бондаренка |
Medical Logistical Vehicles Delivered to Ukraine via the Sponsorship of UOC of the USA - 09/13/2022
Медичні та Логістична Автомобілі Доставлені в Україну Завдяки Пожертвам УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community Prays for the Innocent Victims of 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack - 09/11/2022
УПЦ США Молитовно Вшанувала Памʼять Жертв Терористичного Нападу на США 11 вересня, 2001 року |
Axios! Subdeacon Pavlo Vysotslyi Ordained to Deaconate - 09/11/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл рукоположив нового диякона УПЦ США |
Herod’s Fear - 09/10/2022
Today the Church commemorates the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner- one of very few Feasts in the course of the Liturgical Year upon which we fast (another, of course, being the Elevation of the Holy Cross in September). Now, the person known as Herod about whom we hear in today’s Gospel Reading is actually one of the sons of Herod the Great, the king who murdered 14,000 male babies and young children in and around Palestine at the time of Jesus’ birth. However, as this was all inside the limits of the Roman Empire, any king, or ruler, was appointed by Rome- it was not a hereditary position. So, while his father had been king, this particular Herod was actually a governor, and not royalty, although he was raised as though he were. And, because his father, in his position as king, had accumulated vast wealth, Herod, now a grown man and having inherited a portion of his father’s wealth, could afford to set himself up and live like a prince. He had multiple palaces, many servants, and a small army in his employ. |
XVIth Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of South America Convenes in Curitiba, Brazil Welcoming Delegates from Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil - 09/04/2022
ХVI Собор Української Православної Єпархії Південної Америки Проходить у Курітибі, Бразилія, Зібравши Делегатів із Аргентини, Бразилії та Парагваю |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - August Issue - 09/02/2022
Українське Православне Слово видання за серпень |
Join us for the Daily Evening Prayers: Live-Streamed from the Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary - 09/01/2022
Приєднюйтесь до спільної Вечірньої молитви: пряма трансляція із каплиці св. Трьох Святителів Свято-Софіївської Семінарії |
What Good Thing Must We Do To Get Eternal Life? - 09/01/2022
Within our Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in this country we find so many that have parents, grandparents; or both, who have immigrated to the United States. They came to a land they lovingly called America the beautiful and America the richest nation on earth. They passed down to their children and grandchildren their strong work ethic, that in order to be successful; you must work hard and earn it yourself. |
Patriarchal Message for the Beginning of the Church Year - 08/31/2022
Патріарше Звернення з нагоди початку Нового Церковного Року |
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/31/2022
Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA Prayerfully Celebrates the Feast of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God and Solemnly Marks the 31st Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 08/29/2022
В Духовному Осередку Митрополії УПЦ США Молитовно Відсвяткували Свято Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці та Відзначили 31-шу річницю Незалежності України |
WE ACT - BECAUSE OF THE LORD: The clergy and Faithful of the UOC of the USA Continue to Offer Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine - 08/27/2022
МИ ДІЄМО ЗАВДЯКИ НАСЛІДУВАННЮ ХРИСТА: Духовенство та Миряни УПЦ США Продовжують Надавати Гуманітарну Допомогу в Україні |
Spirit of Liberty Foundation Concludes “Drive For Ukraine - Freedom Tour” - 08/26/2022
Фундація «ДУХ ВОЛІ» Завершила «Поїздка за Україну - Тур Свободи» |
Історичні свідчення про Святкування Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці - 08/25/2022
Урочисте святкування Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці 15(28) серпня встановлено за царювання благочестивого царя Маврикія.
Існує, достойний віри, переказ про те, що патріарх єрусалимський Ювеналій стверджував перед імператором Маркіяном (450-457р) достовірність розповсюджених на той час переказів про чудесне взяття Богоматері на небо. Він навіть прислав до Царгороду погребальні пелени Богородиці, які цариця Пульхерія положила в побудованому нею храмі Богоматері у Влахерні на початку царювання Маркіяна. Це передання про патріарха Ювеналія записане 2-го липня в місяцеслові імператора Василія 10 століття, автор якого, якщо не сам імператор, то житель Царгороду, без сумніву знав на основі достовірних джерел про погребальні пелени у Влахернському храмі. |
Reflection on Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos - 08/25/2022
Why the Holy Church gives such unprecedented attention to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary? But it is not only Dormition church always glorifying her in a way as no other righteous person or saint. Without any doubt it is because she is Mother of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. This is why throughout the life of the Theotokos we are witnessing constant heavenly presence; her earthly life was directed to heavenly life. As a child she went to the temple, heaven on earth, she also was visited by Angel. Her knowledge of God and His Kingdom made it possible for her to accept words of an Angel and act according to God’s will. And as she was carrying in her womb Son of God she herself became part of Heaven and Heavenly Kingdom. And from that time on all her thoughts and all her existence was surrounded only by Heavenly presence. She knew her Son only as she could, and no one else. It was given to her to be Living Altar of the Son of God. |
Let's Prayerfully Celebrate the 31st Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence - August 28, 2022 - 08/25/2022
Давайте Разом МОЛИТОВНО Відзначимо 31 Річницю Незалежності України - 28 серпня, 2022 року |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora at the Celebration of 31st Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 24 August, 2022 - 08/24/2022
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православна Церква США та Діаспори з нагоди святкування 31-ї річниці з Дня Незалежності України - 24 серпня 2022 року |
Join us for the Opening of the New Academic Year 2022-2023 - 08/23/2022
Приєднюйтесь до Молитовного Відкриття Нового Навчального Року Семінарії |
The Feast of Transfiguration of our Lord at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/20/2022
Митрополія УПЦ США Молитовно Відзначила свято ПРЕОБРАЖЕННЯ Господнього |
UOC of the USA Reaches Out to Evacuated Children of Ukrainian Orphanage in Poland - 08/17/2022
УПЦ США Надає Допомогу Евакуйованим Вихованцям Знам’янського Дитячого Будинку Інтернату в Польщі |
With the Cross of CHRIST in our Hands we PROCLAIM HIS LOVE TO THE WORLD: Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord Celebrated at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/14/2022
Із знаменом Хреста ХРИСТОВОГО Проголошуємо Світу Навколо Нас ЛЮБОВ ГОСПОДНЮ: Винесення чесного Животворчого Хреста Господнього, свято Всемилостивого Спаса та Пресвятої Богородицi, семи мучеників Маккавеєвих в Духовному Осередку Митрополії |
Church Offers Help to Ukrainian Elderly and Children During the Time of War - 08/13/2022
Церква Надає Допомогу Людям Літнього Віку та Дітям в Час Війни в Україні |
If You Want to Walk on the Water Then Get Out of the Boat - 08/10/2022
In this week’s Gospel lesson we find the Disciples of our Lord trapped in a storm. They find themselves in that storm because they have been commanded by the Lord to cross the Sea of Galilee. These men are following the will of the Lord and yet, we see them struggling against the storm. Have not we found ourselves in that place also? Have not we found ourselves in life’s storms and no matter how hard we try, no matter what we do; it seems that we cannot make it through? |
Mommy & Me/ Daddy & Me Encampment Receives a Surprise Visit of Archbishop Daniel - 08/05/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл провідав «Мама і Я/ Тато і Я» табір УПЦ США |
We Serve the People of Ukraine via Our Daily Prayers and Deeds of Love - 08/01/2022
Несемо Служіння Народу України нашими Щоденними Молитвами та Вчинками Любові |
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/01/2022
Youth Ministry Certification Offered Through St. Sophia Seminary! - 07/30/2022
Свято-Софіївська Семінарія Оголошує Набір на Програму Сертифікації по Праці з Молоддю |
75th UOL Convention Convenes in Carnegie, PA - 07/28/2022
75-та Річна Конвенція Української Православної Ліги Розпочалась в Карнегі, Пенсильванія |
6th Regular Youth Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Takes Place at All Saints Camp - 07/26/2022
УПЦ США Провела СОБОР представників МОЛОДІ Церкви |
57th Annual UOL Convention - Have Your Registered? - 07/26/2022
Реєстрація на Річну Конвенцію УПЛіги Продовжується |
AXIOS: 30 Years of Dedicated Service of Fr. Todor Mazur - 07/25/2022
АКСІОС: 30-ти ліття священства протоієрея Тодора Мазура |
Ukrainian Orthodox Faithful of Glen Spey, NY Mark the 50th Anniversary of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Community - 07/24/2022
Відзначаючи 50-ти ліття Парафіяльної громади у Глен Спей, НЙ – Церква Вкладає у Мабутнє! |
Blessed Equal-to-the-Apostles Olha, princess of Kyiv - 07/23/2022
Moving on to today’s meditation, St Olha is distant from us in time but no less an example of holiness both aspired to and achieved in this life. Her name means “holy,” and presumably she possessed insight, depth, and a sober mind. Olha’s husband Prince Igor was killed in battle in 945, and Olha took over governance with firm hands, instituting many improvements through building and organization across the realm, elevating the culture of her time. |
The Images of the Actions that SERVE in the Name of Christ - 07/22/2022
Світлини вчинків милосердя які СЛУЖАТЬ в Ім‘я Христа |
Beds and Logistical supplies purchased and delivered of the elderly refugees in Ukraine - 07/21/2022
Спальні ліжка та допоміжні засоби для щоденного життя придбані та доставлені літнім біженцям України |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - July Issue - 07/20/2022
Українське Православне Слово за липень |
Beacon of Faith: Saints Peter and Paul parish family of Palos Park, IL Celebrates 113 Years of Service to God and His People - 07/19/2022
Промінь Віри: Парафіяльна Родина Української Православної Церкви св. Петра і Павла у Пейлос Парк, штат Ілліной, святкує 113 років служіння Богові та Його людям |
UOC of the USA via the Ministry of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral (Silver Spring, MD) Partners with CitiHope Relief and Development Program and Provides $6 Million in Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 07/14/2022
УПЦ США завдяки місцевому служінню Українського Православного Собору Святого Андрія Первозванного (Сілвер Спрінг, Меріленд) та співпрацю з програмою допомоги та розвитку CitiHope надали Україні гуманітарну допомогу на суму 6 мільйонів доларів США |
Ukrainian Trident Made Out of 550 Photos of the Atrocities of the War In Ukraine - Became A Subject of Prayers and Reflection At All Saints Camp - 07/12/2022
Молитовний ТРИЗУБ, Викладений Із 550 Світлин Війни В Україні Став Об’єктом Духовного Моління Та Роздумів На Оселі Всіх Святих |
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New York City Marks 60th Anniversary - 07/10/2022
Молитовне Відзначення 60-ти Ліття Української Православної Парафії Всіх Святих у Місті Ню Йорку |
Archpastoral Visit of the Diocesan Church School Camp in Emlenton, PA - 07/08/2022
Архипастирські Відвідини Дитячого Табору на Оселі Всіх Святих УПЦ СШA |
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul: A Lesson for Healing the Divisions among Us - 07/08/2022
While we may be surprised to see such behavior among Christians, it is nothing new. In fact, Christians have even gone so far as to claim patrons from among the saints – and even Christ Himself - as proponents of their fallen notions. Let me give you an example from today's feast. One of the things that created divisions (and eventual schism) within the Church was an argument over who had the power to decide matters of faith and direction. The Romans, seeking to bolster the centrality and power of their pope, turned Saint Peter into the patron of their cause, reading into his life proof that their position on (Roman) Papal Primacy was the only correct and natural one. When we read such claims, we learn more about Roman Catholic doctrine and its defenders than we do about the actual life and ministry of St. Peter. He was clearly the “first among equals”, but the rock of his confession and the keys to the kingdom were not uniquely his, but the salvific witness and ministry of the Church. |
75th UOL Convention - Press Release - 07/08/2022
Details regarding dinner, tickets, and more. |
UOC of the USA Delivers Additional Medical Emergency Vehicles to Ukraine - 07/06/2022
УПЦ США Передала Додаткові Карети Швидкої Допомоги в Україну |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 246th Anniversary of US Independence - 07/01/2022
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США з нагоди 246 річниці Незалежності США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - June Issue - 06/30/2022
Українське Православне Слово за червень |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/29/2022
The UOC of the USA Donated Washing Machines for the Refugees in Ukraine - 06/29/2022
УПЦ США Подарувала Пральні Машинки для Потреб Біженців в Україні |
Thanks to the efforts of the UOC of the USA, the Ukrainian Children’s Summer Camp “Barvinok” has opened! - 06/28/2022
Завдяки УПЦ США, український дитячий табір «Барвінок» в Стамбулі розпочав свою роботу! |
2022 UOC of the USA Camping Ministry - Registration Open! - 06/25/2022
УПЦ США Розпочинає Реєстрацію на літні церковні табори 2022 року |
Statement of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops on the Sacredness of Human Life And Its Untimely Termination - 06/21/2022
Заява Асамблеї Єпископів Щодо Святості Людського Життя та Його Передчасного Припинення |
Humanitarian Aid of the UOC of the USA Reaches Kharkiv Eparchy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 06/21/2022
Гуманітарна Допомога УПЦ США Роздана у Харківській Єпархії Православної Церкви України |
We Continue to Serve Because YOU Continue to Respond to Christ’s Call of Selfless Service - 06/20/2022
Ми Продовжуємо Нести Служіння бо ВИ Продовжуєте Відгукуватись на Христовий Заклик Самовідданого Служіння |
The 6th Regular Youth Sobor Will Take Place During the 2022 Teenage Conference at All Saints Camp - 06/18/2022
Собор Молоді Церкви Пройде Під Час Молодіжного Табору для Підлітків |
16 July at 9:30AM - All Saints Camp Annual ONLINE Meeting - 06/18/2022
All Saints Camp Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at 9:30 AM as a “virtual zoom meeting”. |
Your Charitable Donations Are Our Responsibility: TOGETHER We Serve the Needs of the People of Ukraine - 06/14/2022
Ваші Благодійні Пожертви – Наша Відповідальність: РАЗОМ Допомагаємо Людям України |
5th Anniversary Celebration of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Sacramento, CA - 06/13/2022
5-та річниця духовного служіння Української Православної Місії Пресвятої Трійці в Сакрамнто, Каліфорнія |
UOC of USA 2022 Commencement: The Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Honor Their 2022 Graduates with an On-line Commencement Ceremony! - 06/12/2022
Вітання Архієреїв УПЦ США випускникам навчвльних закладів 2022 року |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Welcomes A Journey of Hope, a 100-mile bike ride for the 100th day of the war in Ukraine - 06/09/2022
Мандрівка Надії Задля Миру в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
TOYS FOR KIDS – UOC of the USA Shipment Reaches Children of the Devasted Areas of Ukraine - 06/07/2022
ІГРАШКИ ДЛЯ ДІТЕЙ – Благодійна Допомога УПЦ США роздається дітям зруйнованих районів України |
AXIOS! Fr. Alexander Smoktunowicz Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 06/06/2022
ГІДНИЙ! Хіротонія Нового Священнослужителя УПЦ Діаспори |
UOC of the USA Deliveries "Chariots" of Salvation to the Medical Units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces - 06/04/2022
УПЦ США Надала Допомогу Військовим Медичним Частинам Збройних Сил України |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/01/2022
LET US HONOR OUR GRADUATES: Class of 2022 Commencement Submissions - 06/01/2022
ВШАНУЙМО НАШИХ ВИПУСКНИКІB - Подайте Інформацію про випускників парафіяльних громад для привітання |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - May Issue - 06/01/2022
Українське Православне Слово за травень |
The Ascension of our Lord - 06/01/2022
Brothers and sisters, on Thursday the Holy Orthodox Church celebrated the ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the 40th day after Pascha our Lord stood on the Mount of Olives as he had done so many times during his earthly ministry. |
UOC of the USA Marks Memorial Day at the National Memorial of Ukrainian-American Veterans in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ - 05/30/2022
УПЦ США Молитовно Відзначила День Пам‘яті США біля Національного пам’ятника Українських Американських Ветеранів на території Митрополії Церкви в Савт Бавнд Брук/Самерсет, Ню Джерсі |
88th Parish Anniversary of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in South Plainfield, NJ - 05/30/2022
88 річниця Духовного Служіння Української Православної Парафії Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці в Савт Плейнфилд, Н. Дж. |
Memorial Day Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 05/28/2022
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США з нагоди відзначення Національного Дня Пам'яті в США |
Memorial Day Prayer Service at the National Monument of the Ukrainian-American Veterans in South Bound Brook, NJ - 05/27/2022
Приєднуйтесь до МОЛИТОВНОГО Вшанування ДНЯ ПАМ‘ЯТІ в Духовному Осередку (Митрополії) УПЦ США біля Національного пам’ятника Українських-Американських Ветеранів в Савт Бавнд Бруці, Н. Дж. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA On School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas - 05/26/2022
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США Щодо Масового Розстрілу в Шкільному Закладі Штату Техас |
UOC of the USA Continues to Remain on the Frontline of Humanitarian Assistance for the People of Ukraine - 05/25/2022
УПЦ США Перебуває на «Передовій» Гуманітарного Служіння Народу України |
Archpastoral Visit to Pittsburgh, PA - 05/24/2022
Архіпастирські відвідини Української Православної громади у Піттсбург, штат Пенсильванія |
UOC of the USA Commemorates the 10th Anniversary of Repose of Metropolitan Constantine! - 05/22/2022
УПЦ США вшанувала пам’ять Митрополита Константина в 10 річницю упокоєння |
75th UOL Convention - Newsletter - 05/20/2022
Register by May 31 |
Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA Welcomes FREEDOM FOR UKRAINE Bicycle Riders Heading for Washington, DC - 05/20/2022
Духовний Осередок УПЦ США Привітав Учасників Велосипедної Подорожі з штата Ню Джерсі до Вашингтону - ПРОЇЗДУ ЗА СВОБОДУ УКРАЇНИ |
May 21, 2022 - 10th Anniversary of Repose of Metropolitan CONSTANTINE of Blessed Memory! - 05/18/2022
21 травня 2022 року - 10 річниця упокоєння блаженної пам'яті Митрополита Константина |
Taiwanese American Community Offers Support to the People of Ukraine During the Meeting with Archbishop Daniel - 05/17/2022
Тайванська Спільнота США Висловила Підтримку Народу України під час зустрічі з Архієпископом Даниїлом |
Archpastoral Prayer For Ukraine With the Clergy and Faithful of St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Yardville, NJ - 05/16/2022
Архіпастирська Молитва за Україну з Духовенством та Парафіянами Української Православної Громади св. Юрія Переможця у Ярдвил, Н. Дж. |
UOC of the USA in Cooperation With the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Continue to Serve in the Time of War - 05/15/2022
УПЦ США у Співпраці з Православною Церквою України Несуть Служіння в Час Війни |
Metropolitan Antony Discharged From the Hospital - 05/13/2022
Митрополит Антоній Виписиний з Лікарні |
Archbishop Daniel Attends the Sami-Annual Meeting of NJ Coalition of Religious Leaders - 05/13/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл Взяв Участь у Засіданні Піврічної Конференції Коаліції Релігійних Лідерів штату Ню Джерсі |
A Letter of Gratitude from the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 05/12/2022
Молитовний лист вдячності Предстоятеля Православної Церкви України |
Metropolitan Antony Underwent Successful Medical Procedure - 05/10/2022
Митрополит Антоній Перебуває в Лікарні Після Успішно Проведеної Медичної Операції |
Archbishop Daniel Visits St. Anthony of the Desert Mission, Las Cruces, New Mexico - 05/09/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл Відвідав Українську Православну Місію св. Антонія Великого а Лас Крусес, штат Нова Мексика |
Information About the Well-being of Metropolitan Antony - 05/09/2022
Повідомлення про стан здоров’я митрополита Антонія |
A Letter of Gratitude from the Metropolitan of Donetsk and Mariupol - 05/08/2022
Молитовний лист вдячності Митрополита Донецького та Маріупольського |
Prayerfully Honoring the LIVES of the Innocent Victims of the War in Ukraine - 05/05/2022
Молитовно Вшановуємо ЖИТТЯ невинних жертв Війни в Україні |
UOC of the USA: Our Humanitarian Mission in Ukraine - 05/04/2022
УПЦ США: Наше Благодійне Служіння в Україні |
UOC of the USA Continues to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 05/04/2022
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Гуманітарну Допомогу Україні |
UOC of the USA and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Dedicate 8 Additional Emergency Vehicles on the Grounds of St. Michael Monastery - 05/03/2022
УПЦ США та Православна Церква України Освятили 8 додаткових карет Швидкої Допомоги на території Свято-Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря |
St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage Brings Thousands to the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ - 05/03/2022
Річне Паломництво Неділі св. Фоми зібрав тисячі людей в Духовному осередку - Митрополії Української Православної Церкви США в Саут-Баунд-Бруку, Нью-Джерсі |
AXIOS! Fr. Myroslav Mykytyuk Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 05/03/2022
ГІДНИЙ! Хіротонія Нового Священнослужителя УПЦ США |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - April Issue - 04/30/2022
Українське Православне Слово за квітень |
Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/28/2022
Запрошуємо на Паломництво Фоминої Неділі |
Convocation of the XXIII Regular SOBOR of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 04/27/2022
Скликання ХХІІІ Звичайного Собору Української Православної Церкви США |
UOC of the USA and Orthodox Church of Ukraine Distributed 15,000 Pascha gifts (traditional baskets) in Ukraine - 04/27/2022
УПЦ США та Православна Церква України Роздали 15,000 Великодніх приношень (традиційних великодніх кошиків) в Україні |
PASCHA Archpastoral Reflection of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora - 04/23/2022
Архіпастирське Пасхальне Послання Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США та Діаспори |
Ecumenical Patriarchate: Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha - 04/23/2022
Патріарше Послання на Пасху |
Great and Holy Saturday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/23/2022
Богослужіння Страсної Суботи в Українському Православному Соборі св. Володимира в Чікаго, штат Ілиной |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Liturgical Services of the Great and Holy Friday in Bensenville, IL - 04/22/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл Очолив Богослужіння Великої Пʼятниці у Бенсенвил, штат Ілиной |
UOC of the USA and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Together Bring the Joy of Pascha (Easter) to the Residents of the Destroyed Cities of Ukraine - 04/22/2022
УПЦ США та Православна Церква України Разом Несуть Радість Пасхи Господньої до Жителів Зруйнованих Міст України |
Archbishop Daniel Leads the Liturgical Services of Holy and Great Thursday in Chicago, IL - 04/22/2022
Утреня із читанням Страсних Євангелій в Українській Православній катедрі св. Володимира в Чікаго, ІЛ |
The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Met with the Refugee Families Impacted by Russian Aggression and Conveyed Gifts of Love from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 04/19/2022
Предстоятель Православної Церкви України Зустрівся з Родинами, які Постраждали Внаслідок Російської Агресії та Передав Дари Любові Української Православної Церкви США |
The Church Helps Carry the Cross By Continuing to Provide Humanitarian Aid - 04/19/2022
Церква Продовжує Нести Хреста - Продовжуючи Надавати Гуманітарну Допомогу |
Holy Week in the Orthodox Church - 04/17/2022
Страсний Тиждень Православної Церкви |
Blessed PALM SUNDAY from Bavaria, Germany - the feast of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem - 04/17/2022
Благословенної ВЕРБНОЇ НЕДІЛІ із Баварії, Німеччина - свято Входу Господнього до Єрусалиму! |
Palm Sunday Celebration in Brooklyn, NY - 04/17/2022
На Свято Входу Господнього в Єрусалим, Митрополит Антоній відвідав парафію Св. Вмч. Пантелеймона в м. Бруклін |
Join us for the daily Prayer Services for the people of Ukraine before the Miraculous Myrrh-streaming Kardiotissa Icon - 04/15/2022
Моліться разом з нами за народ України перед чудотворною мироточивою іконою Богородиці - Пом’якшення Сердець |
Ambulances, Humanitarian Aid and Portable Trucks - the Newest Delivery of the UOC of the USA to Ukraine - 04/13/2022
Машини Швидкої Допомоги, Гуманітарна Допомога та Вантажівки для Перевезення Харчів - найновіша допомога УПЦ США в Україні |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Joins the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Delivering Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 04/13/2022
УПЦ США Разом із Православною Церквою України Надають Гуманітарну Допомогу |
LSSK Scholarship Applications Due May 31, 2022 - 04/11/2022
Please visit the UOL Website to view all the information and requirements for applying for the LSSK Scholarship. |
May 22 - Junior UOL Basket Raffle - 04/11/2022
Great Lent Giveaway 2022 |
Ukrainian and Georgian Orthodox Communities Prayerfully Mark the Day of National Unity of Georgia - 04/10/2022
Українська та Грузинська Православні Громади Молитовно Вшанували День Національної Єдності Грузії |
The Hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA offered intercessory prayers before the historic icon of St. Nicholas - 04/10/2022
Ієрархи, духовенство та вірні Української Православної Церкви США вознесли усердні молитви перед історичною іконою Святого Миколая |
Join Georgian and Ukrainina Orthodox Communities in Prayer for Ukraine and Her People - 04/05/2022
Приєднайтесь до молитви Грузинської та Української Православних Церков за Мир в Україні |
UOC of the USA Joins the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations Appeal on the provision of air defense for Ukraine and humanitarian corridors for the rescue of civilians - 04/01/2022
УПЦ США Підтримує Звернення Всеукраїнської Ради Церков і релігійних організацій про надання засобів протиповітряної оборони для України та гуманітарних коридорів |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/01/2022
UOL Lenten Webinar - April 7, 2022 at 7 PM EDT via ZOOM - 04/01/2022
Subject: The Didache (The Teaching / Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles) |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - March Issue - 04/01/2022
Українське Православне Слово за березень |
UOC of the USA Continues to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 03/29/2022
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Гуманітарну Допомогу в Україну |
ST. JOHN OF THE LADDER - 03/29/2022
This is a difficult Sunday for Orthodox Christians. Not as difficult as St. Mary of Egypt, perhaps, but nonetheless a day that convicts us and confronts us with our Lenten practice. Let’s face it: many Orthodox are exceedingly lax in Lenten disciplines. Laziness may be the heart of the problem, and we should not let ourselves off the hook too easily, but it is not the sole reason. |
Religious Leaders of Munich, Germany Hold Ecumenical Prayer Service for the People and Nation of Ukraine - 03/28/2022
Релігійні Діячі Мюнхена, Німеччина Зібрались на Молитовне Екуменічне Богослужіння за Народ України |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Munich, Germany Prays Together on the Third Sunday of Great and Holy Lent - 03/28/2022
Українська Православна громада Мюнхена (Німеччина) Молитовно Вшанувала Третю Неділю Великого Посту |
UOC of the USA Partners with Welcome.us to Aid Refugees from Ukraine - 03/24/2022
УПЦ США Розпочала Співпрацю із Організацією Welcome.us Задля Опіки Біженцями з України |
In Search of God! The Spiritual Power of Humility - 03/24/2022
2022 Pan-Orthodox LENTEN RETREAT - Saturday, March 26, 2022 - 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM |
Ось ми знаходимося в середині Великого посту. Кожна людина зазвичай дуже ревно розпочинає піст. Перші два тижні ми наполегливо змагаємося зі своїми пристрастями, але коли проминає час, ми знесилюємося. Дещо про такі людські немочі знає і Церква, тому в цю неділю вона ставить нам за взірець Ісуса Христа, Який був розп'ятий на хресті. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Portland, OR Gathers in Prayer on the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 03/22/2022
Українська Православна Громада в Портленд, Орегон - Молитовно Єдина в Другу Неділю Великого Посту |
The Local Police Department of the Metropolia of the UOC of the USA Supports Ukraine Through the Sale of T-shirts and Challenge Coins - 03/19/2022
Поліцейський відділ околиці Митрополії УПЦ США підтримує Україну через продаж футболок та пам’ятних медалей |
Ukrainian and Georgian Orthodox Communities UNITED in prayer for Ukraine - 03/17/2022
Українські та Грузинські Православні Громади ОБ‘ЄДНАНІ у молитві за Україну |
Orthodox Community of Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Celebrates Pan-Orthodox Vespers and Offers Prayer for Ukraine - 03/16/2022
Православні громади околиці Бостону зібрались на спільну молитву за Україну |
Join the Ukrainian And Georgian Orthodox Communities in Prayer for Ukraine - 03/15/2022
Приєднайтесь до МОЛИТВИ ЗА УКРАЇНУ разом із Українськими та Грузинськими громадами околиці Митрополії УПЦ США в Ню Джерсі |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Met with the Ecumenical Patriarch - 03/14/2022
Ієрархи УПЦ США Провели Зустріч із Вселенським Патріархом |
Faith, Hope and Love: Archbishop Daniel is Set to Meet the Youth of the Church via Mobile Platform to Discuss the War in Ukraine - 03/12/2022
Віра, Надія та Любов: Архієпиіскоп Даниїл Проведе Зустріч із Молоддю Обговорюючи Болючі Миті Війни в Україні |
UOC of the USA Delivers Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 03/11/2022
УПЦ США Розпочала Постачання Гуманітарної Допомоги в Україну |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Visit Consulate General of Ukraine in Istanbul, Turkey - 03/11/2022
Ієрархи УПЦ США Провели Зустріч в Генеральному Консульстві України в Станбулі, Туреччина |
Orthodox, Interfaith and Political Leaders Gather in New York City for Ecumenical Prayer Service in Support of Ukraine - 03/10/2022
Релігійні та Політичні Лідери Зібралися на Молитовне Богослужіння за Народ України |
Metropolitan Antony Delivers Prayer and Invocation - 03/09/2022
Митрополит Антоній Розпочав Молитвою Засідання Сенату Штату Ню Джерсі |
Join the Ukrainian Orthodox Community and the Leaders of the Greater NY Religious Community in Prayer for Ukraine - 03/07/2022
Помолімось разом із Українською Православною громадою та представниками релігійних громад Ню Йорку |
AXIOS! Fr. Michael Abrahamson Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 03/07/2022
ГІДНИЙ! Хіротонія Нового Священнослужителя УПЦ США |
UOC of the USA With the People of Ukraine - 03/07/2022
УПЦ США із народом України |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Divine Services of the Sunday of Forgiveness at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD - 03/07/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл очолив богослужіння Сиропусної Неділі в Українському Православному Соборі св. Андрія Первозванного в Силвер Спринг, Мериланд |
Proclamation of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for the Great and Holy Lent - 03/06/2022
Великопосне послання Собору Єпископів УПЦ США |
Lenten Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 03/06/2022
Великопосне Послання Вселенського Патріарха Варфоломія |
Council of Metropolia Issues a Statement on the Ongoing War in Ukraine - 03/04/2022
Звернення Ради Митрополії УПЦ США |
Archbishop Daniel Joins the Members of the Ukrainian-American Community in the Meeting with the US Secretary of State - 03/03/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл та Представники Української Американської громади провели зустріч із Держсекретарем США |
The Ukrainian Orthodox Community of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA Holds Community Prayer Vigil in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ - 03/01/2022
Українська Православна Громада Митрополії УПЦ США Молитовно Об’єднала Штат Ню Джерсі в Молитвах за Україну |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 03/01/2022
Join the Ukrainian Orthodox Community at the Spiritual Center - Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for a Prayer Vigil in Time of Russian Aggression Against the People of Ukraine - 02/28/2022
Приєднайтесь до Молитовного Богослужіння за УКРАЇНУ в Період Російської Агресії супроти народу України |
Council of Metropolia Meets Under Much Stress and Issues a Statement - 02/28/2022
Рада Mитрополії УПЦ США закликала всіх волелюбних людей виявляти свою підтримку народу України |
Statement by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew about the War in Ukraine - 02/27/2022
Звернення Вселенського Патріарха |
Останній або Страшний Суд - 02/25/2022
Повчання про Страшний або Останній суд було сказано Ісусом Христом декілька днів до розп'яття. Бог створив наших прапредків Адама і Єву і вони жили в раю. “І створив Бог Людину за образом Своїм, за образом Божим створив її; чоловіка і жінку створив їх” (Буття 1, 27). Бог приходив до Адама і Єви і з ними говорив. Бог створив людей для вічного життя. По намові диявола, Адам і Єва з’їли з дерева пізнання добра і зла, що було заборонено Богом. Вони згрішили, тобто порушили заповідь Божу. Адам і Єва пізнали зло і стали смертними людьми. Вони в собі знівечивши подобу Божу і за це були вигнані з раю. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Pray for Ukraine! - 02/24/2022
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США: Молімось за Україну! |
Road to Pascha: Journeying Together Through Great Lent - 02/23/2022
Дорога до Пасхи: Великопосна Спільна Подорож |
Lenten Journey: Photo-A-Day Challenge - 02/23/2022
Великопосна Подорож: Щоденний Фотовиклик |
The Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Sent Letter of Support to the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 02/22/2022
Ієрархи УПЦ США Надіслали Листа Підтримки Предстоятелю Православної Церкви України |
Join us for daily Live-stream of the Moleben - Intercession Service for the People and Nation of Ukraine via St. Sophia Seminary Facebook - 02/22/2022
Приєднюйтесь до живої трансляції (в мережі Фейсбук) щоденного служіння Молебня за Народ України о 9 годині вечора із семінарійної каплиці Трьох Святителів |
“That is which is being perpetrated by the Russian Federation is an act of terrorism against all humanity” - Archbishop Daniel - 02/22/2022
"Те, що чинить Російська Федерація, є актом тероризму проти цілого людства", - архієпископ УПЦ США Даниїл |
The Memory of the Fallen Heroes of the “Heavenly Hundred” is ALIVE at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 02/21/2022
Поминання Героїв Небесної Сотні в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Ecumenical Patriarch: We are called to pray fervently with all our hearts for the preservation of peace in Ukraine - 02/19/2022
Вселенський патріарх: ми покликані всім серцем палко молитися про збереження миру в Україні |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - February Issue - 02/18/2022
Українське Православне Слово за лютий місяць |
Lenten Retreat - April 2, 2022 - 02/16/2022
Постові Реколекції - 2 квітня 2022 р.Б. |
Praying our way Together during Great Lent - Sign up by Mar. 1 - 02/16/2022
Молимося разом під час Великого Посту - Підписуйтесь до 1 березня |
Archbishop Daniel Holds Meeting with the Mayor and Chief Police of South Bound Brook, NJ - 02/16/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл провів зустріч із офіційною делегацією місцевої мерії та поліції |
В УПЦ США засвітили свічу любові і миру в молитві за Україну |
Memory Eternal: Protopresbyter George Hnatko - Вічна Пам'ять: протопресвітер Юрій Гнатко - 02/14/2022
It is with a profound depth of sadness that we hereby inform you of the repose, in the morning hours of February 14, 2022 of Protopresbyter George Hantko, a long-term pastor of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Dixonville, PA and Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Nanty Glo, PA and the Dean of Pittsburgh Deanery, who recently retired from the active pastoral ministry and celebrated his 89th birthday. |
Meeting of The Lord - 02/14/2022
“This Virgin is the Theotokos, Mary, the Most Glorious of God, from Whose womb the Most Divine came forth in the flesh, and by Whom He Himself arranged a wondrous temple for Himself. She conceived without seed and gave birth without corruption, since Her Son was God, though also He was born in the flesh, without mingling and without travail” |
DO NOT BE AFRAID TO LOVE AND SERVE: Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Raised $1,000 for the needs of the Soup Kitchens of the UOC of the USA - 02/13/2022
НЕБІЙТЕСЯ ЛЮБИТИ І СЛУЖИТИ: Семінаристи Свято-Софіївської семінарії УПЦ США зібрали $1,000 на потреби благодійних їдалень УПЦ США |
Patronal Feast of the Synaxis of the Three Holy Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Gregory the Theologian at the Seminary Chapel - 02/13/2022
Свято-Софіївська Семінарія Молитовно Вшанувала Храмове свято каплиці |
12 February, 2022 - JOIN US for the Celebration of St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Patron Feast Day - 02/10/2022
12 лютого 2022 року - храмове свято Семінарійної каплиці - ПРИЄДНЮЙТЕСЬ ДО СВЯТКУВАННЯ! |
Souper Bowl Sunday 2022 is FEBRUARY 13, 2022! - 02/09/2022
13 лютого, 2022 року - Неділя Футболу в США |
Archbishop Daniel Laid Flowers on Behalf of the UOC of the USA and Memorial Wall, Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifices of the Ukrainian Military - 02/09/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл Поклав Квіти біля Пам’ятної Стіни - Меморіалу Воїнам України від Імені УПЦ США |
St. Sophia Seminary and Kyiv Theological Academy Signed Agreement of Academic Cooperation - 02/08/2022
Свято-Софіївська Семінарія та Київська Богословська Академія Підписали Договір про Співпрацю |
Archbishop Daniel Takes Part in the Act of Canonization of Two Saints of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 02/05/2022
Архієпископ Даниїл Взяв Участь в Акті Канонізації Двох Святих Православної Церкви України |
UOC of the USA Joins the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Marking the 3rd Anniversary of Enthronement of Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine - 02/03/2022
УПЦ США Взяла Участь у Відзначенні Третьої Річниці Інтронізації Митрополита Київського та Всієї України Епіфанія - Предстоятеля Православної Церкви України |
Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA Offered Prayers for Ukraine and Honored Metropolitan Antony on His Birthday and Name’s Day - 02/02/2022
В Митрополії УПЦ США Молились за Україну та Вшанували Предстоятеля Церкви з нагоди іменин та 75-ти ліття |
College Age Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages and Charitable Institutions - 02/01/2022
Місійна подорож в Україну для молоді: служімо Христу через опіку сиротами та потребуючими |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 02/01/2022
Happy Names Day - Metropolitan Antony - Happy Birthday - 01/30/2022
Вітаємо Митрополита Антонія із іменинами та днем народження |
Winter Snowstorm at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/29/2022
Зимовий снігопад в Митрополії УПЦ США |
Staff Application NOW AVAILABLE for the 2022 Camping Season at All Saints Camp - 01/28/2022
Служіть Церкві Христовій - Служачи Молоді Церкви на Таборі Всіх Святих |
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Допомогу в Україні - 01/27/2022
UOC of the USA Continues to Offer Charitable Assistance in Ukraine |
Axios! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 9th Anniversary of his Enthronement as Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA - 01/26/2022
Достойний! Worthy! Axios! 9-та річниця митрополичого служіння Предстоятеля УПЦ США |
UOC of the USA Participates in the 49th Annual March for Life in Washington, DC - 01/22/2022
УПЦ США Прийняла Участь у 49-тій річній ХОДІ ЗА ЖИТТЯ в столиці США |
Assembly of Bishops’ Delegation Opens March for Life Rally in Prayer - 01/21/2022
Православні Ієрархи США Розпочали з Молитви ПОХІД ЗА ЖИТТЯ в столиці США |
21 January, 2022 - Join Us in This Year’s MARCH FOR LIFE - 01/20/2022
21 січня, 2022 року - Візьміть участь у ХОДІ за Життя |
Prayerful Feast of Theophany at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 01/19/2022
Молитовне святкування Богоявлення Господнього в Митрополії Церкви |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2022-2023 Academic Year - 01/17/2022
Розпочинається набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївській Семінарії УПЦ США на 2022-2023 навчальний рік |
Joyful Celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord in Minnesota - 01/13/2022
Радісне Святкування Різдва Господнього у Міннесоті |
GIVE A GIFT TO THE NEWBORN CHRIST JESUS BY SUPPORTING A CHILD IN THE NEED OF LOVE: Benefitting children in Mariupol and the Donbas War Region - 01/11/2022
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - January Issue - 01/11/2022
Українське Православне Слово за січень |
Visit St. Andrew Church Goods and Bookstore - 01/10/2022
Церковна крамниця св. Андрія Первозванного пропонує новий товар для парафіяльних та особистих потреб |
Nativity of our Lord Archpastoral Letter - 01/06/2022
Різдвяне Архипастирське Послання |
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Nativity of Christ - Різдвяне Послання Вселенського Патріарха - 01/06/2022
Having once again arrived at the splendid feast of the Nativity in the flesh of our Savior Christ , who visited us from the heights, we glorify with psalms and hymns His all-heavenly name. |
New Year - New Resource: UOC of the USA Youth Interactive Magazine - 01/03/2022
В Новому Році - НОВИЙ МЕТОД Служіння Молоді Церкви |
UOC of the USA Offers Assistance to the Elderly in Ukraine - 01/03/2022
Завдяки УПЦ США та благодійникам з Канади українські самотні літні люди отримали продукти харчування |
New 2022 Year Greeting of Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 01/01/2022
Привітання митрополита Антонія, Предстоятеля Української Православної Церкви США з нагоди Нового 2022 року |
Happy and Blessed New 2022 Year of our Lord from the President of the Consistory - 12/31/2021
Вітання з Новим 2022 Роком від Голови Консисторії УПЦ США |
St. Job of Pochaiv Parish Family Provides Support for the Orphanages in Ukraine - 12/30/2021
Українська Православна громада Нової Мексики надає допомогу Українським сиротам |
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/30/2021
Happy Names Day - Archbishop Daniel - 12/30/2021
Іс полла еті Деспота! |
UOL Bulletin for January 2022 - 12/30/2021
УПС Бюлетень за січень 2022 р. |
Winter Issue of the Consistory Circular Released - 12/28/2021
Опубліковане Видання Зимового Випуску Обіжника Консисторії |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - December Issue - 12/26/2021
Українське Православне Слово за грудень |
Academic Retreat at St. Sophia Seminary - 12/23/2021
Академічні Духовні Реколекції в Свято-Софіївській Семінарії |
"Let the Children Come to Me": Evening Prayer Service for the Unborn Children at the Metropolia Center - 12/22/2021
«Дозвольте дітям приходити до мене»: Вечірня молитва за ненароджених дітей в Духовному Осередку Митрополії |
Consistory Nativity Tree Decorated by the Youth of the Church - 12/22/2021
Різдвяна Ялинка Консисторії Прикрашена Молоддю Церкви |
Parish Feast Day and St. Nicholas Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 12/21/2021
Храмове свято та День св. Миколая в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Annual Christmas in the Seminary Program Presented by the Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary - 12/19/2021
Семінаристи Привітали Гостей на Святковому Дійстві "РІЗДВО В СЕМІНАРІЇ" |
Students, Teachers and Parents of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church School of Ukrainian Language and Religion (at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA) Gather for the Annual St. Nicholas Program - 12/19/2021
Дітки, Вчителі та Батьки Школи Українознавства та Релігії при Українській Православній Громаді св. Андрія Первозванного в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США (Савт Бавнд Брук, Н. Дж.) Провели Святкове Дійство Присвячене Життю Святителя Миколая |
18 December, 2021 - Join us for the Christmas at the Seminary - 12/17/2021
18 грудня 2021 року - Різдво в Семінарії |
UOC of the USA Represented at the Observance of the Third Anniversary of Unification Council of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 12/15/2021
УПЦ США Взяла Участь у Відзначенні Третьої Річниці Об’єднавчого Собору Православної Церкви України |
UOC of the USA Delivers Liturgical Eucharistic Sets for the Military Chaplains of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 12/14/2021
УПЦ США Передала Євхаристійні Літургійні Набори Капеланам Православної Церкви України |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Celebrates Cathedral Patronal Feast Day - 12/13/2021
Українська Православна Громада околиці Вашингтону та Силвер Спринг, Мериланд Відсвяткувала Храмове Свято Кафедрального Собору |
Memory Eternal: Protopresbyter Anfir Ostaptschuk - Long-term pastor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Communities in Germany - 12/10/2021
Вічна Пам’ять: протопресвітер Анфір Остапчук - довголітній настоятель Українських Православних громад Німеччини |
Faith, Hope & Love is Back! We are very excited to have a winter break edition of Faith, Hope, & Love on December 28th - 12/09/2021
Приєднюйтесь до молодіжних розмов напередодні Різдва! |
Prayerful Archpastoral Visit to Madison, WI - Celebrating 25th Anniversary of Holy Priesthood of Fr. Gregory Jensen - 12/07/2021
Молитовні АРХИПАСТИРСЬКІ Відвідини Української Православнoї громади у Медісон, Висконсин: о. Григорій Дженсен відзначив 25-ти ліття священичого служіння |
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory - Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії Церкви - 12/05/2021
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory - Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії Церкви |
UPDATED SCHEDULE: Memory Eternal: Pani Matka Lillian Hnatko Reposed in the Lord - 12/02/2021
Вічна Пам'ять: Упокоїлась пані-матка Ліліана Гнатко |
Seminarians OFFER GRATITUDE on Giving Tuesday! - 12/01/2021
Семінаристи Висловили ВДЯЧНІСТЬ в День Благодійної Жертовності |
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 30 - 11/30/2021
Розпочнімо завчасно: підтримаймо Семінарію Святої Софії у вівторок, 30 листопада 2021 р. – Зробіть свій внесок у майбутнє Церкви |
Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine for the Nativity Fast - 11/28/2021
Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України на Різдвяний Піст |
Ukrainian Community of Metropolitan NY Area Commemorated HOLODOMOR Anniversary - 11/27/2021
Українська Громада Околиці Ню Йорку Молитовно Вшанувала Пам’ять Жертв Штучноствореного Голодомору в Україні |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/27/2021
Join us for the Annual Holodomor Commemoration in New York City - 11/26/2021
Приєднайтесь до молитовного вшанування ПАМ'ЯТІ Жертв ГОЛОДОМОРУ |
In Memory of the Victims of the Holodomor 1932-1933 - В пам'яті жертв Голодомору 1932-33 років - 11/26/2021
In Memory of the Victims of the Holodomor 1932-1933 - В пам'яті жертв Голодомору 1932-33 років |
UOC of the USA Bestows Church Honors on Ukrainian Navy Sailors - 11/26/2021
УПЦ США Вшанувала Українських Моряків Церковними нагородами |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Begins 50th Year of Priestly Service in the UOC of the USA! - 11/26/2021
ДОСТOЙНИЙ! Митрополит Антоній Розпочав 50 річницю служіння в УПЦ США! |
Happy Anniversary Metropolitan ANTONY! - 11/25/2021
Вітаємо Митрополита АНТОНІЯ з Ювілеєм! |
Archpastoral Message for 2021 Thanksgiving Day: We Offer Praise and Thanksgiving - 11/25/2021
Архіпастирське Послання до Дня Подяки 2021 року: Возносимо Хвалу та Подяку |
UOL Thanksgiving Project - 11/24/2021
Проект Служіння УПЛіги щодо Можливості Служіння в Час Відзначення Дня Подяки |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community United in Prayer in Minneapolis, MN - 11/23/2021
Українська Православна громада Духовно Об’єднана Молитвою в Міннеаполісі, Міннесота |
Let's Introduce to you: Guardians of the Metropolia is a Charitable, Auxiliary Organization of the UOC of USA, Established at the 22nd Regular Sobor of the Church - 11/21/2021
Дозвольте Познайомити: Покровителі Митрополії - благодійна, допоміжна організація Української Православної Церкви Сполучених Штатів Америки, заснована на 22-му Соборі Церкви |
UOW November Issue - УПС за листопад - 11/17/2021
Нове видання за листопад - New Publication for November |
LET’S JOIN THE VIRTUAL FOOD DRIVE! Please consider donating $19.33 to end food insecurities in the United States in memory of the 7-10 million victims of the Holodomor - 11/17/2021
ПРИЄДНУЙМОСЯ ДО ОНЛАЙН ПОЖЕРТВИ ДЛЯ ГОЛОДУЮЧИХ! Подумайте над тим, щоб здійснити пожертву у розмірі $19,33 та цим припинити голодування у Сполучених Штатах в пам’ять про 7-10 мільйонів жертв Голодомору. |
Archbishop Daniel Joins the Delegation of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA at the General Session of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - 11/16/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл взяв участь в делегації Асамблеї Канонічних Православних Єпископів США під час засідання Генеральної Асамблеї Католицьких Єпископів США |
PRAYER! LOVE and JOY! These three words describe the sentiments of the Archpastoral visit of Archbishop Daniel to Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Sacramento, CA - 11/16/2021
МОЛИТВА! ЛЮБОВ та РАДІСТЬ! Ці три слова описують архипастирські відвідини Архієпископом Даниїлом Українську Православну Місію Пресвятої Трійці в Сакраменто, Каліфорнія |
Assumption of the Birth-Giver of God Parish in Chester, PA Celebrates 90th Anniversary - 11/15/2021
Парафія Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці, Честер, Пенсильванія Відзначила 90-ліття |
The Eleventh Minute After the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month – Armistice Day – the Precise Moment Ending World War I – Veterans Day - 11/13/2021
Українські-Американські Ветерани Вшановані в Духовному Осередку Церкви в День Ветерана США |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Honoring Our Veterans on Veterans Day - 11/09/2021
November 11, 2021 - Veterans Day - 11 листопада, 2021 року - День Ветерана в США |
Join us at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA for the Annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST on January 15, 2022 - 11/08/2021
Приєднуйтесь до нас в Українському Культурному Центрі Духовного Осередку Митрополії УПЦ США на щорічний Різдвяний концерт - КОЛЯДА ДЛЯ ХРИСТА - 15 січня 2022 року |
Asking and Offering Prayers for the well-being of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch - 11/03/2021
Звертаємось із Проханням про молитву за Патріарха Варфоломія |
A LIFE-GIVING and Prayerful Day: St. Andrei Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Jamaica, NY Renewed and Consecrated - 11/03/2021
Молитовний та ЖИТТЄДАЙНИЙ день в Українській Православній парафії св. Андрія Первозванного в Джамейці, штат Ню Йорк - храм оновлений та освячений для духовного служіння громади |
Archbishop Daniel Met with the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine - 11/02/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл провів зустріч із Предстоятелем Православної Церкви України Блаженнішим Митрополитом Київським і Всієї України Епіфанієм |
New Publication of the Bilingual SERVICE BOOK of the UOC of the USA (small format) - 11/01/2021
Нове видання двомовного СЛУЖЕБНИКА УПЦ США (малого розміру) |
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 10/31/2021
Patriarchal Encyclical For The Feast of The Holy Physicians - 10/30/2021
Патріарше Послання На Свято Собору Всіх Святих Цілителів |
Pre-order Your Calendar - 2022 - Замовляйте ваш Календар - 10/29/2021
Calendar 2022 / Orthodox Daily Planner |
Celebration of Pastoral Leadership at St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruces, NM - 10/27/2021
Молитовне відзначення пастирського служіння в Українській Православній місії УПЦ США в Лас Крусес, Нова Мексика |
Metropolitan Antony Participates in Pan-Orthodox Service, Welcoming the Ecumenical Patriarch on His Apostolic Visit to the USA - 10/25/2021
Митрополит Антоній Прийняв участь у Всеправославному молитовному Богослужінні, вітаючи Вселенського Патріарха в США |
Pokrova Celebration at St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Rochester New York - 10/21/2021
Українська Православна Парафія Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці в Рочестер, НЙ Відсвяткувала Храмове Свято |
Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Spring Valley, CA Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Ministry - 10/18/2021
Українська Православна Парафіяльна громада у Спринг Валей Відзначила 60-ти ліття Духовного Служіння |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - October Issue - 10/15/2021
Українське Православне Слово за жовтень |
Prayerful celebration of the feast of the PROTECTION of the BIRTH-GIVER OF GOD in the Spiritual Center of the Church - 10/15/2021
Молитовне вшанування свята ПОКРОВА ПРЕСВЯТОЇ БОГОРОДИЦІ в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Свято Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці - 10/13/2021
Поміж Богородичними cвятами нашого церковного року на особливу увагу заслуговує свято Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці. Культ Божої Матері, як Покровительки нашого народу, тягнеться золотою ниткою від княжих часів аж по сьогодні. Секрет того постійного, улюбленого й ревного культу Богоматері як Покровительки, лежить, мабуть, в тому, що тут ідеться не про земне, людське, але небесне й могутнє заступництво. А такого заступництва й опіки хоче кожна людина, родина й народ. Тому свято Покрова завжди було і є для нашого українського народу днем великого вияву любові і вдячності для Пресвятої Богородиці та днем радісної прослави і звеличення її покрова й заступництва. |
Oklahoma Orthodox Clergy Association Met with the Hierarch of the UOC of the USA - 10/13/2021
Духовенство різних Православних Юрисдикцій міста Оклагоми зустрілися із Ієрархом УПЦ США |
Protection of the Mother of God - 10/13/2021
Early one morning, two sisters were getting ready for school, as one sister walked out of her room with one pillow on her back and one pillow on her chest. Her sister asked, “why do you have pillows on you?” “Well,” she said, “the pillow on my chest is to protect from all the boys that will break my heart. And the pillow on my back is to protect me from all the friends that will stab me in the back." |
Archpastoral Visitation of the Formation of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Jones, Oklahoma - 10/13/2021
Архипастирські відвідини Української Православної Парафії Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в Джонс, Оклагома |
95th Anniversary of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and the Feast of the Protectіon of the Mother of God - 10/12/2021
95 Річниця Існування Парафії Та Храмового Свята Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці |
2021 Annual Clergy Conference Took Place via Zoom Platform - 10/11/2021
Духовенство УПЦ США прийняло участь у річній Конференції |
A Group of Seminary Students Visit St. Sophia Seminary Library - 10/09/2021
Група Семінаристей ознайомились із працею Семінарійної бібліотеки |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Marks 36th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration - 10/05/2021
Високопреосвященний Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 36-ту річницю Архиєрейського служіння |
Assembly of Bishops Concludes 10th Anniversary Meetings, Creates New Agencies - 10/05/2021
10 річна Асамблея Канонічних Православних Єпископів США пройшла в околиці столиці США - Вашингтоні |
Archpastoral Visit to Holy Trinity Parish in Trenton, NJ - 10/04/2021
Архипастирський Візит Митрополита Антонія до Української Праославної Парафії Пресвятої Трійці в Трентоні, Н. Дж. |
Ordination of the Holy Priesthood in Los Alamos, New Mexico - 10/01/2021
Хіротонія Нового Священнослужителя в Лос Аламос, Нова Мексика |
Люби свого ближнього, як самого себе - 10/01/2021
Яка мета Закону Божого? Фарисеї пишалися із знання Закону Божого і присвячували багато часу для виконання всіх його традицій та ритуалів. Вони майже все своє життя проводили вивчаючи 616 заповідей Старого Заповіту, а також численних равинських коментарів. Вони перевірили Ісуса Христа, чи і Він правильно розуміє Закон Божий, так як вони його розуміють.
Але Ісус вразив їх своєю глибокою простотою, майстерністю знання Закону Божого і його ціллю, до цього рівня, що як закінчує Євангелист Матвій: “ніхто не спромігся відповісти Йому ані слова... І ніхто з того дня не наважувався більш питати Його.” |
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 10/01/2021
Two Commandments for Our Times - 10/01/2021
The 15th Sunday After Pentecost |
Before Your Cross We Bow Down In Worship O Master, And Your Holy Resurrection We Glorify! - 09/29/2021
Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Coatesville, PA Celebrates 112th Anniversary of Foundation - 09/29/2021
112 Річниця Духовного Служіння Української Православної Парафії Святого Духа в Ковтсвил, Пенсильванія |
A prayerful and joyful day at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Troy, NY: Subdeacon Volodymyr Pichkurov Ordained to Deaconate! - 09/28/2021
Молитовні та щирі вихідні у спільноті Української Православної парафії св. Миколая Чудотворця в містечку Трой, штат Ню Йорк: іподиякон Володимир Пічкуров отримав дияконську хіротонію |
A Celebration of Faith, Family, and Tradition – St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church Celebrates 95 years - 09/24/2021
Парафія св. Івана Хрестителя святкує ювілей 95 років |
Get to Know our Seminarians… - 09/23/2021
Знайомтесь з нашими семінаристами... |
Elevation of the Life-Giving Cross - 09/23/2021
Today we celebrate Elevation of the Life Given Cross of Our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Cross, the symbol of our victory, a protection that is always available to us in the struggles for salvation of our souls. The Cross of our Lord on which He manifests His absolute love to humankind thru the suffering that He willingly accepted for the salvation of many. |
UOC of the USA Blessed with a New Priest - 09/19/2021
УПЦ США Благословенна Новим Священнослужителем |
The UOC of the USA Continues Charitable Ministry in Ukraine - 09/14/2021
УПЦ США Продовжує Благодійне Служіння в Україні |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Visits Holy Trinity Mission in Whaleyville, MD - 09/13/2021
Митрополит Антоній Відвідав Українську Православну громаду на узбережжі Атлантичного океану штату Меріленд |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Los Alamos, NM - the Parish Community Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Terrorist Attack Upon the US - 09/13/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл Відвідав Українську Православну громаду в Лос Аламос, Нова Мексика - Громада молитовно вшанувала пам'ять невинних жертв терористичного нападу на США - 09/11/2001 |
«Коли ж хочеш увійти в життя вічне,- дотримуйся заповідей» - 09/10/2021
Сьогоднішня свята Євангелія розповідає нам, як одного разу прийшов до Ісуса Христа молодий юнак і поставив Йому важливе питання: «Учителю, – каже він – що доброго маю чинити, щоб мати життя вічне?». А Христос коротко і зрозуміло йому відповів: «Коли ж хочеш увійти в життя вічне, дотримуйся заповідей». |
Joint statement on climate change by the Ecumenical Patriarch, Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury - 09/07/2021
Спільна Заява Вселенського Патріарха, Папи Римського та Архієпископа Кентерберійського щодо Змін у Кліматі |
St. Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Family of Warners, NY Prays, Ministers and Celebrates Together - 09/07/2021
Пaрафіяльна громада Української Православної Церкви св. Луки у Ворнерс, НЙ Молиться та Служить Разом |
School Year Begins in Parochial Schools of the Church: Archbishop blesses children and teachers of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church School of Ukrainian Studies and Religion at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 09/04/2021
Новий Навчальний рік розпочинається в парафіяльних школах Церкви: архієпископ благословив діток та вчителів Школи Українознавства та Релігії при Церкві-пам’ятнику св. Андрія Первозванного в Савт Бавнд Бруці, Н. Дж. |
Your Prayers, Love and Support are Needed: the Metropolia Center of the Church is Flooded - 09/02/2021
Ваші молитви, любов та підтримка потрібні в ці миті: Духовний Осередок Митрополії Затоплений Наслідками Повені Урагану |
Synaxis of Hierarchs Continues in Constantinople - 09/02/2021
Собор Ієрархів Продовжується в Константинополі |
Archbishop Daniel Participates in the Synaxis of the Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 09/01/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл Приймає Участь в Соборі Ієрархів Вселенської Патріархії |
NOTICE: IRS Sending Letters to Parishes - 09/01/2021
УВАГА: Податкова Інспекція Надсилає Листи Парафіяльним Громадам |
A Merciless Servant - 09/01/2021
In today’s Gospel lesson we heard the parable about the merciful king and a merciless servant. Jesus Christ told this parable when Apostle Peter asked the Savior: “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.” (Mt. 18:21). |
Притча про немилосердного боржника - 09/01/2021
Господь наш Ісус Христос проповідуючи в своєму земному перебуванні Євангеліє Царства Божого, навчає народи прикладами простими й зрозумілими для кожної людини. Читаючи сьогодні притчу Христа, в якій Він уподібнює Царство Небесне пану, що захотів розрахуватися з рабами своїми — боржниками, ми приймаємо істину Господню, що є любов до ближнього і що є Царство Небесне. |
Patriarchal Message for the Beginning of the Church Year and the Solemn Day of Prayers for Natural Environment - 09/01/2021
Патріарше Звернення з нагоди початку Нового Церковного Року та Вшанування Дня Опіки Природнього Середовища |
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/31/2021
Metropolia Center of the Church Celebrates the 30th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence - 08/31/2021
Духовний осередок УПЦ США молитовно вшанував 30-ту річницю відновлення Незалежності України |
Joyful Baptismal Celebration on the Feast of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God at the Spiritual Center of the Church - 08/30/2021
Охрещуючи мале немовля, Митрополія Церкви відсвяткувала Свято Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці |
UOW August Issue - УПС за серпень - 08/29/2021
New Publication |
Memory Eternal: Pani Maryann Cherkas - 08/27/2021
It is with a profound sense of our own loss - yet in the inextinguishable light of peace and mercy that is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - that we inform the faithful of our Holy Church of the passing from this life of the servant of God Pani Maryann Cherkas, wife of Deacon Paul Cherkas. |
Order Calendar 2022 / Orthodox Daily Planner - 08/23/2021
Orthodox Daily Planner 2022 - Православний Щоденний Календар 2022 |
Pre-order your 2022 Calendar - Замовляйте ваш Календар 2022 - 08/23/2021
Statement of the Council of Bishops Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora On the Celebration of 30th Ukrainian Independence Day - 24 August, 2021 - 08/23/2021
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православна Церква США та Діаспори з нагоди святкування 30-ї річниці з Дня Незалежності України - 24 серпня 2021 року |
29 August, 2021 - Join us for the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 08/22/2021
29 серпня, 2021 р. - Запрошуємо ВАС на Парафіяльний Пікнік з нагоди 30-ти ліття Незалежності України! |
REGISTER for the Youth Ministry Certification Course - 08/18/2021
Відкрита Реєстрація на Курс Навчання в Програмі Християнської Праці з Молоддю |
2022 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Constantinople with Archbishop Daniel - 08/18/2021
Паломництво на Святу Землю та до Константинополя із Архієпископом Даниїлом |
Days V-VI: Days of Prayer and Reflection: Seminarians of the Church Conclude Service at Znamyanka Orphanage - 08/17/2021
Дні Молитви та Роздумів: Місійна Група Семінаристів Церкви Завершила Своє Служіння в Знам’янському Дитячому Будинку-інтернаті |
Day IV: SIMPLICITY OF SERVICE – Seminarians of the Church Bring Joy into the Live of 125 Chldren of Znamyanka Orphanage - 08/15/2021
ЧЕТВЕРТИЙ ДЕНЬ СЛУЖІННЯ: ПРОСТОТА В СЛУЖІННІ – Семінаристи Церкви Створюють Радісні Миті в Житті 125 Вихованців Дитячого Сиротинця в Знам’янці |
DAY III: Ministry of Love in Action by the Mission Team of Seminarians of the UOC of the USA - 08/14/2021
ТРЕТІЙ ДЕНЬ СЛУЖІННЯ: Любов Проявляється у Вчинках Через Служіння Місійної Групи Семінаристів УПЦ США |
DAY II: Seminarians Conclude Another Day of Service at Znamyanka Orphanage, Ukraine - 08/13/2021
Семінаристи Завершили ДРУГИЙ ДЕНЬ Служіння в Знам’янському Інтернаті |
The Mission Team of Seminarians of the Church Completes First Full Day at Znamyanka Orphanage - 08/12/2021
Завершився Перший День Служіння Семінаристів УПЦ США в Знам'янському сиротинці |
Mission Team of Seminarians Arrived to Znamyanka Orphanage in Ukraine - 08/10/2021
Місійна група семінаристів Церкви прибула до Знам’янського дитячого будинку-інтернату |
St. Panteleimon Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Brooklyn, NY Celebrates Its Feast Day - 08/10/2021
Храмове свято на Парафії Св. Великомученика і Цілителя Пантелеймона |
Saint Sophia Seminary Board of Trustees Annual Meeting - 08/08/2021
Відбулося Засідання Опікунської Ради Семінарії |
St. Nicholas Program for Individuals With Special Needs of All Ages and Their Families! - 08/07/2021
Програма відпочинку для дітей з особливими потребами та обмеженими можливостями та їхніх родин |
Consistory of the UOC of the USA Holds Monthly Meeting - 08/03/2021
Відбулося Засідання Консисторії УПЦ США |
Archbishop Daniel Makes His First Visit to the West Coast in Covid-19 Pandemic Reality - 08/02/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл Здійснив Першу Подорож на Західнє Узбережжя США в Час Пандемії Коронавірусу |
UPDATED: Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Changing Metrics Associated With the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Necessity of Responsible and Measured Means to Combat Them - 07/30/2021
ОНОВЛЕНО: Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: Зміна Статистики, Пов'язана з Пандемією Covid-19 І Необхідність Відповідального І Відповідного Засобу Для Боротьби з Нею |
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/29/2021
Assembly of Bishops Joins Other Christians in Filing Amicus Brief in Major Abortion Case before the U.S. Supreme Court - 07/29/2021
Асамблея Єпископів Приєднюється до Юридичного Слухання Справи Щодо Святості Життя |
Dual Celebration Takes Place at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 07/26/2021
Подвійне Храмове свято в Українській Православній Катедрі св. Володимира - Парма, ОГ |
74th Annual UOL Convention Takes Place via ZOOM Platform - 07/26/2021
74-та Річна Конвенція УПЛіги Пройшла а мережі ZOOM |
Archbishop Daniel Blesses New Dome for St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Sharon, PA - 07/24/2021
Новий Хрест та Купол Освячені для Української Православної Парафії св. Івана Хрестителя в Шерон, Пенсильванія |
Join us for the 74th VIRTUAL Annual UOL Convention - 07/22/2021
Прийміть участь у Віртуальному зібранні Української Православної Ліги |
УПЦ США взяла участь у Міжнародному Cаміті з Питань Релігійної Свободи у Вашингтоні - 07/22/2021
Assembly of Bishops: Encyclical for Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday - 25 July, 2021 - 07/20/2021
Звернення Асамблеї Канонічних Православних Єпископів США: 25 липня 2021 року - Молитовно Згадуємо Людей у В'язницях |
Saints Peter and Paul Parish Family in Palos Park, IL Celebrates Yet Another Successful Year of Service to God and His People - 07/19/2021
Новий купол та хрест освячені під час парафіяльного храмового свята Української Православної Церкви св. Петра і Павла в Пейлос Парк, ІЛ |
UOC of the USA is Blessed With a New Priest - Fr. Mykola Zomchak! - 07/17/2021
УПЦ США Благословення Новим Священником - о. Микола Зомчак |
UOC of the USA Participates in the International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, DC - 07/17/2021
УПЦ США Взяла Участь в Міжнародній Конференції Присвяченій Свободі Віросповідання |
All Saints Camp for Adults - Aug. 6-8 - 07/16/2021
Register Now: ASC for Adults - August 6-8, 2021 |
60th Jr. UOL Convention Convenes! - 07/16/2021
Congratulations to the new Jr. UOL National Executive Board members! |
Hierarchs of the Church Visited All Saints Camp - 07/13/2021
Ієрархи Церкви Відвідали Табір Всіх Святих |
Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Millville, NJ Celebrates 104 Years of Ministry - 07/12/2021
Українська Православна Парафія св. Петра і Павла в Милвил, Н. Дж. Відзначила 104-річний ювілей Духовного Служіння |
2021 Camping Program Season is Open - 07/05/2021
Табір Всіх Святих Відкривається |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 245th Anniversary of US Independence - 07/01/2021
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США з нагоди 245 річниці Дня Незалежності США |
The Audit Committee of the UOC of the USA Convened for the 2019-2020 Annual Audits - 06/29/2021
Контрольна Комісія УПЦ США Розпочала Свою Роботу Опрацьовуючи Документацію за 2019-2020 роки |
96 Years of Dedicated Ministry… in 4 Years a Centennial Celebration of the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arnold, PA - 06/27/2021
96 років щирого молитовного служіння… Відзначення Століття Української Православної Церкви Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці в 2025 |
All Saints Sunday - 06/26/2021
Today we are called to remember all of the saints who followed the example of Christ! They came from all walks of life, they all have had different talents, social positions in life, some were peasants and others may have come from noble backgrounds. They were men and women who were known and many who were unknown, yet they all have one thing in common, they imitated Christ in their lives. |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/25/2021
Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine – What is the Purpose for this Sunday? - 06/24/2021
On the second Sunday after Pentecost our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates the Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine. Sadly, many of our parishes are witnessing a decline in Sunday worship and in membership. Our parishes are doing everything possible just to keep up with the monthly expenses. Is praying for the bills to be paid the main purpose for the Church? There is another purpose for the church – that purpose is to make people holy. A church that does not make it’s people holy is not a church, it is merely an organization which uses the word 'Church'. The Church celebrates the memory of the holy ones, the saints, to show us living examples of people whose souls were saved, so that we can imitate them in our lives. They teach us how to please God. Today is the Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine and we commemorate all of those men, women and children that are famously known to us and those who are known only to God. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Met With His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch - 06/20/2021
Митрополит Антоній та Архієпископ Даниїл провели зустріч із Вселенським Патріархом в Константинополі |
UOC of the USA Continues to Deliver Charitable Aid to Donbas Region of Ukraine - 06/19/2021
УПЦ США Продовжує Надавати Благодійну Допомогу Населенню Донбасу в Східній Україні |
95th Anniversary of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Community of Sharon, PA - 06/17/2021
Відзначення 95-тої Річниці Духовного Служіння Української Православної Громади Св. Івана Хрестителя в Шерон, Пенсильванія |
The Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Meet with the Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA - 06/16/2021
Ієрархи УПЦ США Зустрілися із Новопризначеним Послом України в США |
2021 Commencement Day Presentation - 06/13/2021
Вітання випусників 2021 року |
June 13, 2021 - Commencement Day for all high school and college graduates of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. - 06/11/2021
13 червня 2021 року - Випускний День для всіх випускників шкіл та коледжів Української Православної Церкви США. |
Join us for the Midnight Service of the Leave-taking of Pascha - 06/06/2021
Приєднюйтесь до молитви оповночі, молитовно вшановуючи Відання ПАСХИ |
New UHEC Exhibition: Autonomy Lost and Regained: The Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolia of Kyiv, 1633-2019 - 06/03/2021
St. Sophia Seminary Holds Commencement Exercises - 06/03/2021
Відбулося Вручення Дипломів Випускникам Свято-Софіївської Семінарії УПЦ США |
Annual Memorial Day Commemoration At Ukrainian-American Veterans Monument - 06/03/2021
Річне Молитовне Поминання в День Пам’яті Біля Національного Меморіалу Українських-Американських Ветеранів |
Seminary UOL Chapter Closes the School Year with a Chapter Meeting & Election of New Officers - 06/02/2021
Семінарійний Відділ УПЛіги Провів Підсумкову Зустріч та Звітував про Діяльність |
2021 Memorial Day Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 05/30/2021
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США в національний День Пам’яті США |
Fifth Sunday After Pascha: Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - Memorial Day Weekend - 05/30/2021
П'ята неділя Після Пасхи: Неділя Самарянки - День Пам'яті в США |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/28/2021
29 May, 2021 - St. Sophia Seminary Graduation - 05/24/2021
29 травня 2021 року - вручення дипломів випускникам Семінарії |
Video Recording of the Memorial Service Honoring the 9th Anniversary of Repose of Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory - 05/21/2021
Відеозапис поминального богослужіння в 9-ту річницю упокоєння блаженної пам'яті митрополита Константина |
9th Anniversary of Repose: Let’s Prayerfully Honor the Life and Ministry of Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory - 05/19/2021
Молитовно вшануймо життя і служіння блаженної пам’яті митрополита Константина в 9-ту річницю упокоєння |
It is May: But We Need Your Help - 500 Jackets for Children - 500 Курток для дітей - 05/18/2021
Orthodox Theological Society of America Offers Online Seminar - 05/16/2021
Православна Богословська Спілка Америки Пропонує Семінар на тему: "Мішані Подружжя в Православній Церкві" |
Metropolitan Antony Leads the Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 05/13/2021
Щорічне Паломництво у Фомину Неділю |
Archbishop Daniel Released from the Hospital - 05/12/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл Виписаний з лікарні |
Axios! Many Blessed Years, Archbishop Daniel! - 05/12/2021
Вітаємо Архиєпископа Даниїла! |
On the third of May 1971, the First Primate of our Church of the U.S.A., His Beatitude, John, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of North and South America, fell asleep in the Lord. The Funeral Services and Eulogies on his behalf, witnessed unto the entire world the extreme sorrow with which the clergy and faithful accepted his repose. Thousands of his spiritual flock along with all the clergy and faithful of other churches and faiths paid homage while he lay in state. Faithful of other Orthodox Churches with their hierarchs and clergy conducted memorial prayers. “These services, eulogies and farewells formed an undying wreath, which we placed upon his fresh grave out of a deep respect and love for him.” (Archbishop Mstyslav) |
Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 8-9 May, 2021 - Паломництво на Фомину Неділю - 05/07/2021
Asking for Prayers - Просимо молитов - 05/06/2021
Archbishop Daniel is hospitalized - Владика Даниїл перебуває у лікарні |
White House Advisor Briefs Ukrainian American Representatives on U.S.-Ukraine Relations - 05/04/2021
UOL Bulletin - May Issue - 05/03/2021
Seminarians of the Church Celebrate the Bright Feast of Pascha in Chicago, IL - 05/03/2021
Семінаристи Церки відсвяткували ПАСХУ в Чікаго, ІЛ |
PASCHA: A Message from the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine to the Clergy, Monastics and Faithful of Ukraine and the Diaspora - 05/01/2021
ПАСХА: Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України Духовенству, Монашеству та Вірним України та Діаспори |
Патріарше Послання На Святу Пасху |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Liturgical Services of the Great and Holy Friday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 05/01/2021
СВЯТА ВЕЛИКА П'ЯТНИЦЯ в Українському Православному Соборі св. Володимира в Чікаго, ІЛ |
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2021
Archbishop Daniel Celebrates Holy Thursday Divine Services in Chicago, IL - 04/30/2021
Утреня із читанням Страсних Євангелій в Українській Православній катедрі св. Володимира в Чікаго, ІЛ |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - May Issue | Українське Православне Слово за травень - 04/28/2021
Memory Eternal: UOC of the USA Expresses Prayerful Condolences to Metropolitan Antony upon the Repose of his brother Ronald of Blessed Memory - 04/26/2021
Вічна Пам’ять: УПЦ США Висловлює Молитовні Співчуття Митрополиту Антонію з приводу відходу у вічність наймолодшого брата Рональда |
UOC of the USA Remembers: 35th Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster - 04/26/2021
УПЦ США Пам’ятає: 35-та річниця Чорнобильської Атомної Катастрофи |
PALM SUNDAY Celebrated with the Prayerful Ordination of a New Deacon for the UOC of the USA in North Carolina - 04/25/2021
Вербна Неділя: свято Входу Господнього в Єрусалим - ГІДНИЙ/АКСІОС: в УПЦ США новий диякон у Північній Кароліні |
Вхід Господній в Єрусалим - 04/23/2021
В Квітну Неділю наша Свята Православна Церква святкує пам’ять дуже важливих хвилин з життя Ісуса Христа, - пам’ять Його торжественного в’їзду в Єрусалим на добровільні страждання. Десь у давній-давнині виголосив пророк Захарія: “Радій вельми, о дочко Сіону! Веселись, о дочко Єрусалиму! Ось Цар твій до тебе їде, справедливий і повний спасіння, покірний, і верхи на ослі їде, на осляті, на молоденькій ослиці.“ (Зах. 9,9) |
Mark Your Calendars - Earth Day - 22 April, 2021 - ДЕНЬ ЗЕМЛІ - 04/22/2021
Spring 2021 Consistory Circular - 04/21/2021
Обіжник Консисторії: Весна 2021 року |
APRIL 2021: Faith, Hope and Love - Home Edition! - 04/21/2021
The program provides youth with opportunities to gather on-line to learn about and discuss their faith. |
Archbishop Daniel Visited St. Anthony of the Desert Mission of the UOC of the USA, Las Cruces New Mexico - 04/20/2021
Архиєпископ Даниїл Відвідав Українську Православну Місію в Лас Крусес, Нова Мексика |
Archbishop DANIEL Visits St. George Mission of the UOC of the USA in Alamogordo, New Mexico - 04/20/2021
Архиєпископ Даниїл Відвідав Українську Православну Місію в Ла Луз, Нова Мексика |
ATTENTION STUDENTS of the UOC of the USA: 2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships Available! - 04/19/2021
Оголошено Нові Можливості для Отримання Стипендій для Студентів Вищих Навчальних Закладів |
Attention: Scholarships Available from the Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting - 04/18/2021
Увага: Православна Спілка Опіки Скаутами Надає Стипендії |
Great Lent Giveaway 2021 - 04/17/2021
Благодійність для молоді в час ВЕЛИКОГО ПОСТУ! |
Mental Health Needs Assessment Survey - 04/14/2021
Асамблея Єпископів Проводить Опитування |
Tune in for the 1st “Meet Your Bishop Townhall” hosted by the Assembly of Bishops for YOUTH on April 13th at 7pm EST! - 04/13/2021
Запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у першій зустрічі МОЛОДІ ІЗ ІЄРАРХАМИ - Митрополит Антоній, Предстоятель УПЦ США візьме участь у події в мережі інтернету. |
Archpastoral Visit of Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel to All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New York - 04/13/2021
рхіпастирський Візит Митрополита Антонія та Архієпископа Даниїла на Українську Православну Парафію Всіх Святих в Нью Йорку |
Pastor of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD - who is also a chaplain in the US AIR FORCE - provides spiritual and logistical support during COVID-19 vaccination - 04/13/2021
Prayerful Celebration of the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New York City - 04/12/2021
Молитовне відзначення Четвертої Неділі Великого Посту в Українській Православній Парафії Всіх Святих в Нью Йорку |
New Publication of the UOC of the USA: Order Your Copy - 04/10/2021
Нове видавництво УПЦ США: замовляйте! |
April 17: UOL Lenten Retreat - 04/08/2021
17 квітня: Великопосні РЕКОЛЕКЦІЇ - Духовні Врави та Роздуми |
Video Recording of the Eucharistic Celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Birth-Giver of God - 04/07/2021
Відеозапис Євхаристійного Вшанування свята Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці |
Join Us for the Eucharistic Celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Birth-Giver of God - 04/06/2021
Приєднюйтесь до молитовного Євхаристійного Вшанування свята Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці |
Online Lecture: Journeying through Lent, Holy Week and Pascha in Ritual Art - 04/06/2021
Духовні Лекції в мережі інтернету: Подорож святими іконами періоду Великого Посту, Страсного Тижня та Пасхи |
Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Journaling Through the Feasts and Fasts - 04/04/2021
Відділ Праці Консисторії з молоддю: Подорожуймо сторінками власних духовних журналів в літургійні періоди свят та постів |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/01/2021
Covid-19 vaccines: How they are made and how they work to prime the immune system to fight SARS-CoV2 - 03/30/2021
Vaccines are a safe way to prevent viral infections. Vaccination is critical to lower overall morbidity and mortality of all SARS-CoV2 variants. While there are different vaccines, all vaccine technologies try to do the same thing: activate the immune system to be prepared to fight against the actual virus should the individual become infected. Currently, there are 242 vaccines being developed to protect the population from Covid-19.This documentprovides answers to frequently asked questions regarding vaccines. |
From the Desk of Archbishop Daniel: Take Part in 2021 Youth Ministry Survey of the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry - 03/29/2021
Прохання від Архієпископа Даниїла: Знайдіть час для того щоб взяти участь в опитуванні відділу праці Консисторії в справах опіки молоддю |
Prayer for the Youth - Молитва за Молодь - 03/28/2021
Archbishop Daniel Concelebrates with the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 03/28/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл Співслужив Предстоятелю Православної Церкви України |
Video - UOC of the USA Joins the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Delivering Humanitarian Aid to Those Who are in Need in Ukraine - 03/25/2021
Відео - УПЦ США Разом із Православною Церквою України Надає Допомогу Потребуючим в столиці України - Києві |
UOC of the USA Joins the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Delivering Humanitarian Aid to Those Who are in Need in Ukraine - 03/23/2021
УПЦ США Разом із Православною Церквою України Надає Допомогу Потребуючим в столиці України - Києві |
Statement of the Executive Committee on the Proposed Equality Act - 03/22/2021
Звернення Асамблеї Канонічних Православних Єпископів США |
Archbishop Daniel Attends the Enthronement Ceremony of the New Metropolitan of Chalcedon- His Eminence Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel - 03/21/2021
Архієпископ Даниїл взяв участь в інтронізації нового митрополита стародавньої митрополії Халкедону - Високопреосвященного митрополита Емануїла |
YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHURCH: Make a donation to support the Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 03/21/2021
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ Своїй ЦЕРКВІ: Зробіть пожертву для підтримки Відділів Служіння Церкви |
First Week of Holy and Great Lent at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 03/21/2021
Перший тиждень Великого Посту в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Great Lent Photo-a-Day 2021 - 03/18/2021
Великопосний Виклик Усім: ФОТО ЩОДНЯ! |
Archbishop Daniel Completes Archpastoral Visit to Minneapolis, MN - 03/17/2021
Архиєпископ Даниїл Завершив Архипастирську подорож до Міннеаполісу |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ДОСТОЙНИЙ! Subdeacon Ihor Protsak Ordained a DEACON - 03/16/2021
Хіротонія Іподиякона Ігора Процака в Дияконський сан |
Lenten Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 03/14/2021
Великопосне Послання Вселенського Патріарха Варфоломія |
The Great Lent Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 03/14/2021
Великопосне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів Поза Межами України |
As Archbishop Daniel Visits St. Panteleimon Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Brooklyn, NY - the parish community honors Fr. Vasyl Shak on his 5th anniversary of ordination to the Holy Priesthood - 03/08/2021
Українська Православна громада св. Великомученика Пантелеймона в Брукліні, НЙ відзначила 5-ти літній ювілей священичої хіротонії настоятеля |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ДОСТОЙНИЙ! Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak Ordained a DEACON - 03/08/2021
Хіротонія Іподиякона Миколи Зомчак в Дияконський сан |
Walking Alongside our Faithful with Special Needs: Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Webinar - 03/05/2021
Вебінар Відділу Праці Консисторії: Опіка Людьми з Особливими Вадами |
March 2021: Faith Hope and Love Home Edition! - 03/01/2021
Faith, Hope and Love - Home Edition! Provides youth with opportunities to gather on-line to learn about and discuss their faith. |
Join us for a short LIVE FACEBOOK video presentation of the new Service Project in the ministry of the UOC of the USA - 02/28/2021
Знайдіть кілька хвилин в понеділок вечером і приєднайтесь до ЖИВОЇ трансляції в мережі FACEBOOK для ознайомлення із новим проектом СЛУЖІННЯ УПЦ США |
Council of the Metropolia Meets in Virtual Annual Session - 02/27/2021
Відбулося Річне Засідання РАДИ МИТРОПОЛІЇ УПЦ США в Режимі Платформи ZOOM |
Parishes and Ministries of the UOC of the USA are Eligible for the Latest PPP Forgivable Loans! - 02/26/2021
Парафії та Місії Служіння УПЦ США можуть отримати допомогу! |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 02/25/2021
Jr. UOL Virtual Lock-In at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA - 02/25/2021
Молодіжна Зустріч в мережі Інтернету |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2021-2022 Academic Year - 02/25/2021
Набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївській Семінарії УПЦ США на 2021-2022 навчальний рік |
A Message From the President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA About COVID-19 Safety Steps in the Metropolia Center of the Church - 02/25/2021
Звернення Голови Консисторії УПЦ США |
The Memory of the Fallen Heroes of the “Heavenly Hundred” is ALIVE at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 02/22/2021
Поминання Героїв Небесної Сотні в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Prayerful Commemoration of the Heroes of the HEAVENLY HUNDRED During the Liturgy of the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 02/21/2021
Молитовнe Вшанування Героїв НЕБЕСНОЇ СОТНІ під час Літургії в Неділю Митаря і Фарисея |
Join us for the Prayerful Commemoration of the Heroes of the HEAVENLY HUNDRED During the Liturgy of the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 02/20/2021
Приєднайтесь до Молитовного Вшанування Героїв НЕБЕСНОЇ СОТНІ під час Літургії в Неділю Митаря і Фарисея |
Consecration of Antimins in St. Sophia Seminary Chapel of the Three Holy Hierarchs – St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory the Theologian and St. Basil the Great - 02/19/2021
Відбулося Освячення Нових Антимінсів УПЦ США |
Humility - 02/19/2021
In the Orthodox tradition, humility has often been called the “mother of all virtues,” and pride has been named “the cause of all sin.” The wise and honest person is the one who is humble. Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor, than to divide the spoils with the proud. A man’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will retain honor. (Proverbs 16:18, 16:19, 29:23) |
The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 02/15/2021
Свято Стрітення Господнього в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
DO NOT BE AFRAID TO LOVE AND SERVE: Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Raised $1,000 for the needs of the Soup Kitchens of the UOC of the USA - 02/14/2021
НЕБІЙТЕСЯ ЛЮБИТИ І СЛУЖИТИ: Семінаристи Свято-Софіївської семінарії УПЦ США зібрали $1,000 на потреби благодійних їдалень УПЦ США |
36th Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of Zacchaeus at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 02/14/2021
Неділя про Закхея в Митрополії УПЦ США |
Our Spiritual Journey to Pascha - 02/14/2021
Наша Духовна Подорож до Пасхи |
UOL Virtual Retreat (over Zoom) - February 27 - 02/13/2021
Being Orthodox during Covid and Social Unrest - UOL Virtual Retreat (over Zoom) - February 27, 9:30am - 12:30pm. Speaker: Fr. Anthony Perkins. |
2021: The Year of the Youth - 02/10/2021
2021 рік - РІК МОЛОДІ |
Statement Regarding Developments in Medicine: COVID-19 Vaccines & Immunizations - 02/09/2021
Заява щодо розвитку в медицині: вакцина та імунізація проти COVID-19 |
Archbishop Daniel Celebrates Divine Liturgy at Sts. Peter & Paul, in Lyndora, PA - 02/09/2021
Архієрейський візит на парафії св. Петра і Павла у Линдорі, шт. Пенсильванія |
35th Sunday After Pentecost at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Lyndora, PA - 02/09/2021
35-та Неділя Після П'ятидесятниці в Українській Православній Парафії св. Петра і Павла в Линдорі, Пенсильванія |
Archbishop Daniel Serves Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation in Lyndora, PA - 02/09/2021
Святі Тайни Хрещення та Миропомазання в Українській Православній Парафії св. Петра і Павла в Линдорі, Пенсильванія |
Recording of the Holy Mystery of Baptism Service from Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Lyndora, PA - 02/06/2021
СУПер Бол «Souper Bowl» Sunday - Charitable Outreach Event - 01/31/2021
СУПер Бол «Souper Bowl» Sunday - Charitable Outreach Event |
34th Sunday After Pentecost at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/31/2021
34-та Неділя Після П'ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Recording of the Live Stream Liturgy of Metropolitan Antony’s Namee’s Day Celebration and Ordination of Subdeacon Myroslav Mykytyuk to Deaconate - 01/31/2021
Відеозапис Божественної Літуррії молитовного відзначення іменин Митрополита Антонія та рукоположення в диякони іподиякона Мирослава Микитюка |
Double Celebration at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/30/2021
Подвійне свято в Духовному Осередку - Митрополії УПЦ США |
Blessed Name's Day and Happy Birthday to Metropolitan Antony - 01/29/2021
Вітаємо Високопреосвященного Митрополита Антонія з Іменинами та Днем Народження! |
Join us for the Online Live Broadcast of the Ordination to Deaconate of the Seminarian of St. Sophia Seminary - Subdeacon Myroslav Mykytyuk - 01/27/2021
Consistory of the UOC of the USA Holds First Monthly Meeting of 2021 - 01/27/2021
Відбулося Перше Засідання Консисторії УПЦ США 2021 року |
Axios! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 8th Anniversary of his Enthronement as Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA - 01/25/2021
Достойний! Worthy! Axios! 8-ма річниця митрополичого служіння Предстоятеля УПЦ США |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/25/2021
HALKI SUMMIT IV - “COVID-19 AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Living with and Learning from a Pandemic” - 01/20/2021
ХАЛКІ Конференція: "COVID-19 та зміна клімату: життя в час Пандемії та її уроки" |
The Feast of Theophany at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/20/2021
Свято Богоявлення Господнього в Духовному Осередку Митрополії УПЦ США |
Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA Participates in the National Moment of Unity and Remembrance of COVID-19 Victims - 01/19/2021
Духовний осередок Митрополії УПЦ США взяв участь у Національній Миті Єдності та Пам'яті за жертвами COVID-19 |
Celebration of the Glorious Feast of THEOPHANY (Baptism) of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/19/2021
Молитовне святкування БОГОЯВЛЕННЯ (Хрещення) Господнього |
Join us for the celebration of the Glorious Feast of THEOPHANY (Baptism) of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/18/2021
Запрошуємо Вас приєднатися до молитовного святкування БОГОЯВЛЕННЯ (Хрещення) Господнього |
Sunday Before Theophany at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/17/2021
Неділя Перед Богоявленням в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
The Feast of the Naming of the Lord at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 01/14/2021
Свято Найменування Господнього в Духовному Осередку - Митрополії УПЦ США |
Archbishop Daniel and Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary Offer Assistance to the Homeless Population of Detroit Metropolitan Area - 01/10/2021
Семінаристи Свято-Софіївської Семінарії разом із Архієпископом Даниїлом роздали допомогу потребуючим в околиці Детройту |
Sunday After Nativity of our Lord at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 01/10/2021
Богослужіння в Неділю Після Різдва в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Nativity of Christ Archpastoral Visits to the Parishes of the Western Eparchy of the Church - 01/09/2021
Різдвяні Архипастирські відвідини парафіяльних громад Західньої Єпархії |
Nativity/Christmas Divine Liturgy from St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 01/08/2021
Різдвянa Літургія із Українського Православного Кафедрального Собору св. князя Володимира Великого в Чікаго, ІЛ |
Втеча від Ірода — втеча від гріха - 01/08/2021
Сьогодні Євангельська розповідь навчає нас як рано у своєму земному житті Господь наш Ісус Христос почав страждати, щоб принести спасіння усьому роду людському. Можливо ми часом забуваємо що Христос почав страждати ще до того як Він народився. Згадаймо, що не одна родина не відкрила дверей перед Вседівою Марією перед Різдвом ЇЇ сина. Не одна людина не відкрила дверей свого серця Господу. |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 01/06/2021
Різдвяне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України |
As we journey with the All-Holy Virgin, who comes “to give birth ineffably” to the pre-eternal Word, and as we gaze upon Bethlehem, which prepares itself to receive the holy infant, behold we have once more reached Christmas filled with sentiments of gratitude to the God of love. |
UOC of the USA Charitable Projects Discussed and Planned for 2021 - 01/05/2021
Благодійні проекти УПЦ США Сплановано на 2021 рік |
COVID-19 Regulations for the Nativity of our Lord Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/03/2021
Зміни Місцезнаходження Святкування РІЗДВА ГОСПОДНЬОГО в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Sunday Before the Nativity of Christ at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 01/03/2021
Неділя Перед Різдвом Господнім в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Genealogy - 01/01/2021
Genealogy is a popular pastime for many Americans today. There are numerous high-profile websites and even TV programs dedicated to helping people learn “who they are”. Many people begin their ancestry search hoping to find wealthy or noble predecessors, naively hoping to find someone who came over on the Mayflower (little danger of that for us Ukrainian Orthodox!) Yet as any experienced genealogist will confirm, it’s not what you want to find, but what you really do find that you must be prepared to accept. |
New 2021 Year Greeting of Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 01/01/2021
Привітання митрополита Антонія, Предстоятеля Української Православної Церкви США з нагоди Нового 2021 року |
Happy and Blessed New 2021 Year of our Lord from the President of the Consistory - 12/31/2020
З НОВИМ РОКОМ! On behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Members of the Council of Metropolia and Consistory, I wish you health, love, and happiness in this New Year and beyond. God bless you always! |
Nativity of our Lord - Seminary CHRISTMAS CD - Order Today! - 12/31/2020
Замовляйте вже сьогодні - новий Різдвяний Диск Семінаристів УПЦ США |
Nativity of our Lord is Coming… Do not Forget to Order Your Copy of Christmas Carols - 12/31/2020
Різдво Христове зближається… незабудьте замовити копію диска з Різдвяними колядками |
Order Your Copy of 2021 UOC of the USA Calendar - 12/31/2020
Замовляйте Церковний Календар УПЦ США на 2021 рік |
29 December, 2020 - Youth Ministry Webinar - Youth Ministry That Works Now! - 12/28/2020
A Banquet - 12/25/2020
Once upon a time, a young man walked into a car dealership to inquire about the purchase of an automobile. The salesmen on duty that day could see that he was young and that he had arrived on his bicycle. They proceeded to explain how good their brand of automobile was, and that one should not aspire to own one of their autos as one’s ‘first purchase’ of a vehicle, but rather that one should ‘work one’s way up’ to their ‘higher class’ model. They laughed as they sent the young man on his way. The young man bought his first car somewhere else, but never reached the point of going back to that first dealership. Years later he read that the ‘higher class’ brand of auto was being discontinued due to poor sales figures. |
UOC of the USA Provides Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 12/24/2020
УПЦ США знову надає Гуманітарну Допомогу в Україні |
December 26 – Annual Yalynka & Koliada Virtual Fundraiser – 5PM - 12/24/2020
26 грудня - Благодійна Програма Річної Коляди Біля Ялинки о 17:00 |
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/23/2020
UOC of the USA Sends Nativity Season Love to the Children and Staff of Znamyanka Orphanage in Ukraine - 12/23/2020
During the most recent trip to Ukraine, December 21-23, 2020 – Archbishop Daniel delivered financial assistance from the faithful of the Church for the most necessary repairs of the heating pipes in the orphanage. |
Christmas at the Seminary - the Eve of Nativity of our Lord Carols - 12/23/2020
Dear brothers and sisters, as the brightest and most joyous holiday approaches, the birth of Christ, a holiday when the world overflows with love, we know that the Star of Bethlehem’s light will illuminate our souls, renew our hope, strengthen our faith, igniting the rays of love within our hearts. |
Nativity/Christmas Tree Decorated at the Consistory Offices of the Spiritual Center/Metropolia of the UOC of the USA - 12/22/2020
Archbishop Daniel, assisted by the children of the Metropolia Center Decorated Nativity/Christmas Tree of the Consistory with the ornaments sent to the Spiritual Center of the Church by the children of parish communities of the UOC of the USA. |
Nativity of our Lord - Seminary CHRISTMAS CD - Order Today! - 12/22/2020
Замовляйте вже сьогодні - новий Різдвяний Диск Семінаристів УПЦ США |
Recording of the CHRISTMAS AT THE SEMINARY - 12/20/2020
Відеозапис Рідвяної програми РІЗДВО В СЕМІНАРІЇ |
Join us for the VIRTUAL “Christmas at the Seminary” Fundraiser - 12/16/2020
Запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у цьогорічній ВІРТУАЛЬНІЙ програмі “Різдво в Семінарії” та зборі коштів і подарунків на підтримку семінарії |
Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary of the UOC of the USA CALLED to Serve: Two Readers and a Subdeacon Tonsured and Set Aside by Archbishop Daniel - 12/15/2020
ПОКЛИК до Служіння: три семінаристи Свято-Софіївської Семінарії УПЦ США отримали хіротонії з рук архієпископа Даниїла |
Celebration of the Feast Day of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Memorial Church - 12/13/2020
Молитовне святкування храмового свята Української Православної Церкви-пам’ятника св. Андрія Первозванного в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США (Савт Бавнд Брук, Н. Дж.) |
Join us for the VIRTUAL “Christmas at the Seminary” Fundraiser - 12/12/2020
Запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у цьогорічній ВІРТУАЛЬНІЙ програмі “Різдво в Семінарії” та зборі коштів і подарунків на підтримку семінарії |
Join us for the Celebration of the Feast Day of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Memorial Church - 12/12/2020
Приєднюйтесь до Трансляції молитовного святкування храмового свята Української Православної Церкви-пам’ятника св. Андрія Первозванного в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США (Савт Бавнд Брук, Н. Дж.) |
Council of Metropolia Convened for an Informative Meeting by Metropolitan Antony - 12/06/2020
Митрополит Антоній Провів Засідання Ради Митрополії |
The Feast of the Entrance of the Birth-Giver of God Into the Temple at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 12/05/2020
Святкування Введення в Храм Пресвятої Богородиці в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
A Message From the President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA About COVID-19 Safety Steps in the Metropolia Center of the Church - 12/04/2020
Повідомлення від Голови Консисторії УПЦ США щодо вжитих заходів в духовному осередку Митрополії Церкви |
Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine for the Nativity Fast - 12/02/2020
Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України на Різдвяний Піст |
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, DECEMBER 1, 2020 - 11/29/2020
Підтримайте майбутнє Свято-Софіївської Семінарії в традиційний день жертовності - ВІВТОРОК ПІСЛЯ ДНЯ ПОДЯКИ - 1 грудня, 2020 року |
25th Sunday After Pentecost at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 11/29/2020
25 Неділя Після П'ятидесятниці в Митрополії УПЦ США |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/29/2020
Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA Honors the Memory of Victims of the Artificially Created Genocidal Famine - HOLODOMOR in Ukraine - 11/28/2020
Духовний Осередок УПЦ США молитлвно вшанував пам’ять невинних жертв Штучноствореного Геноцидного ГОЛОДОМОРУ в Україні |
Let’s Honor Together the Memory of the Innocent Victims of the Artificially Created Genocidal Famine – HOLODOMOR in Ukraine - 11/26/2020
Вшануймо разом пам'ять жертв Штучноствореного ГОЛОДОМОРУ |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 48th Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/26/2020
ДОСТОЙНИЙ! ГІДНИЙ! WORTHY! Митрополит Антоній Відзначає 48 річницю Священичого Служіння! |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Thanksgiving Day - 11/25/2020
Time for Gratitude and for the Action of Responsibility |
Let’s Pray Together in Thanksgiving to God - by Celebrating Eucharistic Thanksgiving Liturgy - 11/24/2020
Святкуймо разом День Подяки - молячись під час Євхаристійної Літургії |
2020 UOL National Thanksgiving Project - 11/24/2020
Приєднюйтесь до Національного Проекту УПЛіги - Блaгодійний вчинок а День Подяки! |
2020 Annual Holodomor Memorial at St. Patrick Cathedral - 11/24/2020
The annual Memorial Service for the victims of the HOLODOMOR – THE MAN-MADE GENOCIDAL FAMINE AGAINST UKRAINE – was very different in the incredibly different an difficult year of 2020. |
Annual Commemoration of the Holodomor Ukrainian Famine - 11/20/2020
Thank you for joining us at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City to solemnly mark the 87th Anniversary of the Holodomor, The Famine-Genocide in Ukraine from 1932 to 1933. |
The Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Send Condolences to the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church On the Repose of Patriarch Irinej of Serbia - 11/20/2020
Собор Єпископів Української Православної Церкви в США висловлюють співчуття Священному Синоду Сербської Православної Церкви з приводу упокоєння Патріарха Сербії Іринея |
Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Meets in ZOOM Format - 11/17/2020
Консисторія УПЦ США Провела Зустріч у Форматі ZOOM |
Archbishop Daniel Makes His First Archpastoral Visit to St. Thomas the Apostle Mission in Mountain Home, AR - 11/15/2020
Архієпископ Даниїл Завершив Перші Архієрейські Відвідини Новоствореної місії св. Апостола Фоми у Маунтейн Хом, штат Аркенсас |
Veterans Day Prayers Offered at the National UAV Monument - 11/12/2020
On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 numerous Ukrainian-American Veterans, who served in our nation’s Armed Forces from World War II, the Korean war, the Vietnam War, the War in Iraq and that in Afghanistan, among other conflicts, were joined by Ukrainian Orthodox Church members and other visitors at the National Ukrainian-American Veterans Memorial Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Veterans Day Prayer Service at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 11/11/2020
ЖИВА трансляція Молитовного Богоcлужіння в День Вшанування ВЕТЕРАНІВ |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Honoring Our Veterans on Veterans Day - 11/10/2020
День Ветеранів у Сполучених Штатах Америки |
11 November, 2020 - 11AM - Let’s Honor our Veterans via LIVE Veterans Day Prayer Service - 11/08/2020
11 листопада - в 11 годині ранку - ЖИВА трансляція Молитовного Богомлужіння в День Вшанування ВЕТЕРАНІВ |
Liturgical Services of the 22nd Sunday After Pentecost - National Orphans Sunday - the Feast of Holy Great-Martyr Demetrius - 11/08/2020
Літургійні Богослужіння 22 Неділі Після П'ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Memorial Service: Honoring the Lives of the Innocent Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine: The Virtual Commemoration of the 5th Anniversary of the Holodomor Memorial Dedication in Washington, DC - 11/07/2020
Панахида: Вшановуємо пам’ять невинних жертв Штучноствореного Голодомору в Україні: віртуальне вшанування 5-ої річниці відкриття Пам’ятника Жертв Голодомору у Вашингтоні |
Join us on Sunday, November 8, 2020 - as millions of men and women across the globe observe Orphan Sunday - 11/06/2020
Запрошуємо Вас в неділю, 8 листопада 2020 р. - разом з мільйонами людей по всьому світу молитовно вшанувати НеділюОпіки Сиротами |
Memory Eternal: Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Expresses Condolences on the Repose of Metropolitan Maximus (former metropolitan of Pittsburgh of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America) - 11/03/2020
Вічна Пам’ять: Собор Єпископів УПЦ США висловлює співчуття з приводу відходу у вічність митрополита Максима (попереднього митрополита Пітсбургу - Грецької Православної Архієпархії США) |
UOC of the USA Delivers Assistance to the “Mercy House of Hospitality” for elderly in Eastern Ukraine - 11/03/2020
УПЦ США надала допомогу БУДИНКУ МИЛОСЕРДЯ для людей літнього віку в Східній Україні |
UOL November Bulletin - 10/29/2020
UOC of the USA Holds Annual Clergy Conference - 10/26/2020
Духовенство УПЦ США Взяло Участь у Річній Конференції Духовенства |
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 10/25/2020
Order Your Copy of 2021 UOC of the USA Calendar - 10/24/2020
Замовляйте Церковний Календар УПЦ США на 2021 рік |
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory - Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії Церкви - 10/20/2020
Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New Haven, CT Welcomes Archbishop Daniel for the Parish Feast Day - 10/20/2020
Храмове свято в парафії Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці м. Нью-Хейвен, Коннектикут |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Extends Condolences to the Orthodox Church of America Upon the Repose of Metropolitan Theodosius - 10/19/2020
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США надіслав листа із спічуттями з приводу відходу у вічність Митрополита Феодосія |
Memory Eternal: Honoring the Sacrifices of the Fallen Heroes of Ukrainian Insurgent Army - 10/18/2020
Вшанування Пам'яті полеглих воїнів УПА в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
19th Sunday After Pentecost Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - Honoring the Sacrifices of the Fallen Heroes of Ukrainian Insurgent Army - 10/18/2020
Святкування 19 неділі після П'ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США - Вшанування Пам'яті полеглих воїнів УПА |
94th Anniversary of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA - 10/18/2020
Відзначення 94-ої річниці Українського Православного Собору св. Володимира у Філадельфії, штат Пенсильванія |
Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New Haven, CT Celebrates the Parish Feast Day - 10/17/2020
Святкування Храмового Свята в Нью Хейвен, штат Конектикат |
Autumn 2020 Issue of Consistory Circular Released - 10/13/2020
Опубліковано Випуск Обіжника Консисторії на осінь 2020 року |
Fishers of Men - 10/09/2020
Today the Church begins the cycle of Gospel Readings from St. Luke. Now, St. Luke was a Gentile, and not a Jew, and, by profession he was a physician, so it’s not surprising that we see a great number of healing accounts in St. Luke’s Gospel, as well as an emphasis on mission and evangelism, his obvious desire in writing this account of the Gospel being to present it in a way so as to be more effective in the evangelization of the Gentile people- most all of us. |
A Message of Hope from the Assembly of Bishops - 10/07/2020
Звернення Асамблеї Канонічних Православних Єпископів США |
Assembly of Bishops Convenes Digitally, Declares “2021 the Year of the Youth” - 10/07/2020
Асамблея Канонічних Православних Єпископів США проголосила 2021 рік - роком Молоді |
Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 35th Anniversary of Archpastoral Service - 10/06/2020
Митрополит Антоній відзначає 35 річницю Архиєрейського служіння |
The Spiritual Flock of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Greets Metropolitan Antony on the 35th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration - 10/05/2020
Паства Української Православної Церкви США вітає свого духовного Пастиря - митрополита АНТОНІЯ із 35-тою річницею Архієрейського служіння |
Let's Honor His Eminence Metropolitan Antony on the 35th Anniversary of Archpastoral Consecration - 10/04/2020
Join us for the Outdoor Liturgical Celebration at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary |
Video Report of the Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop Daniel to St. Panteleimon Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Brooklynns, NY - 10/04/2020
Архипастирські відвідини Високопреосвященним архієпископом Даниїлом Української Православної Церкви св. Великомученика Пантелеймона у Брукліні, Н. Й. |
Join us for the Celebration of the 17th Sunday After Pentecost and Leave-Taking of the Exaltation of the Cross - 10/03/2020
Приєднюйтесь до молитовного служіння в 17 неділю після П’ятидесятниці |
Зцілення дочки жінки хананеянки - 10/01/2020
Сьогоднішня Євангелія - про зцілення. Чим зцілення дочки жінки хананеянки виділяється з-поміж інших зцілень та чудес, які Ісус чинив протягом Його земного буття? Чому саме ця історія потрапила до Святого Письма? Чим вона цінна саме для нас, християн 21 століття?
У той час Ісус залишив Юдею і подорожував у країні Тирській і Сідонській. Очевидно, чутка про дивовижні зцілення уже випередила Ісуса. Жінка, що мала хвору дочку, дізналася про Спасителя, і вирішила просити у Нього допомоги. Вона знала про що вона буде говорити з Ісусом. Найбільшою проблемою її життя було здоров'я її дитини. Не вагаючись, вона підійшла до Господа і розповіла Йому про своє горе. Ісус мовчав. Але жінка наполягала, вона прийшла сюди, щоб отримати найнеобхідніше, і не хотіла залишитися з нічим. |
Just Enough Crumbs - 10/01/2020
On the 17th Sunday after Pentecost we read in the Gospel of St. Matthew about a Canaanite woman whose daughter is possessed by a demon. No one else has been able to help her, so she comes to Jesus and begs for His help. His response is startling. At first He ignores her. When she persists, He refers to her and the people of her country as little dogs not worthy of His blessings because they are not Jews. |
Faith, Hope and Love - Home Edition! - 09/30/2020
We will pray together and then talk about how Faith, Hope and Love will work during the fall! |
Many Blessed Years Archbishop Daniel! - 09/28/2020
The Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA, Metropolitan Antony, along with the Council of Metropolia, members of the Consistory, clergy, faithful and the student body of St. Sophia Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA express their sincere greetings and assurance of prayers for His Eminence Archbishop Daniel on the occasion of His Birthday.
We thank Almighty God for your ministry to the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.
May God grant you many blessed and healthy years in the service of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA!
Первоієрарх УПЦ США Митрополит Антоній, разом з Радою Митрополії, членами Консисторії, духовенством, вірними і студентським корпусом Свято-Софійської духовної семінарії Української Православної Церкви США висловлюють щирі вітання і запевняють у молитвах Його Високопреосвященсво Архієпископа Даниїла з нагоди дня його народження.
Ми дякуємо Всемогутньому Богу за ваше служіння вірним Української Православної Церкви в США.
Нехай Бог дасть вам багато благословенних та здорових років на службі нашої Святої Української Православної Церкви в США! |
Celebration of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 09/27/2020
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 09/22/2020
Consistory of the UOC of the USA Holds Virtual Meeting - 09/22/2020
On the first day of Autumn, September 22, having served Divine Liturgy commemorating Righteous Joachim and Anna, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, called to order the meeting of the Consistory Board via ZOOM. |
COVID-19 Resources that Offer Prayerful Help - 09/22/2020
The current pandemic is changing all of our lives, creating stress and unsettling many of us. As care providers, many of us are called on to assist by providing useful information and resources. OCAMPR has reviewed a variety of online resources and chosen the ones we think are the best and most useful. |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Lecture Series 2020 - 09/22/2020
OCAMPR 2020 Conference "Christ, The Measure of Wellness: Healing Mind, Body, and Soul” - 09/22/2020
OCAMPR is an endorsed agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops (formerly SCOBA) and exists to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote Christian fellowship among healing professionals in medicine, psychology and religion. |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Holds Faculty Meeting - 09/22/2020
В період COVID-19 пандемії, Вчена Рада Свято-Софіївської Семінарії провела нараду в електронному режимі |
Welcome to the Offices of Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 09/22/2020
Join us for the Prayerful Celebration of the Feast of Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord - 09/21/2020
Live Broadcast Via Facebook Media of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary |
Celebration of the Feast of the Nativity of the Birth-Giver of God - 09/21/2020
Live Broadcast from the Chapel of the Three Holy Hierarchs of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
Let's Celebrate Together the Feast of the Nativity of the Birth-Giver of God - 09/20/2020
Join us for the Live Broadcast via Facebook Page of the UOC of the USA from the Chapel of the Three Holy Hierarchs of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
Celebration of the 15th Sunday After Pentecost at the Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary - 09/20/2020
Join His Eminence Archbishop Daniel and Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary for the Celebration of the Divine Liturgy - 09/18/2020
Nativity of the Birth-giver of God - 09/18/2020
“Today is the beginning of joy for all the world; today the winds that bring the tidings of salvation blow.” “The barrenness of our nature has been loosed.” Such are the words with which the Church sings of the Birth of the Holy Theotokos. Eight days after we celebrated the New Year of the Church, we are now celebrating another New Year, a new beginning for the whole universe, Her Birth. |
His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew's Encyclical For The New Ecclesiastical Year - 09/14/2020
...We wish all of you a propitious and all-blessed new ecclesiastical year, fruitful in Christ-like deeds, for the benefit of all creation and to the glory of the all-wise Creator of all. And we invoke upon you, through the intercessions of the All-Holy Theotokos, the Pammakaristos, the grace and mercy of the God of wonders. |
Celebrate With Us the Beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year - 09/12/2020
New Academic Year Begins with Outdoor Divine Liturgy at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - 09/12/2020
Відкриття Нового Навчального 2020-2021 року в Свято-Софіївській Українській Православній Богословській Семінарії |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community Prays for the Innocent Victims of 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack - 09/11/2020
Українська Православна Спільнота Згадує в молитвах невинні жертви терористичного нападу на США 11 вересня 2001 року |
Join Us for the Opening of the 2020-2021 Academic Year at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - 09/11/2020
Запрошуємо Вас на відкриття Нового Навчального 2020-2021 року в Свято-Софіївській Українській Православній Богословській Семінарії |
19 Years Later... WE REMEMBER and HONOR... - 09/10/2020
Let's Celebrate Together The DAY OF THE LORD! - 09/10/2020
Let's Pray Together, if not in person, at least via mobile devices, celebrating the 14th Sunday After Pentecost - Помолімось разом, якщо не в храмі, то бодай через мобільні пристрої, в 14 неділю після П'ятидесятниці |
Запрошені та не йдуть - 09/10/2020
Сьогодні ми з вами у євангелії, записаній святим апостолом і євангелістом Матвієм, чули притчу про весільний бенкет. У давнину, коли цар влаштовував весільний бенкет для свого сина. це була подія, до якої ретельно готувалися. Готувалася особливо вишукана їжа і напитки. Це була подія суспільна і державна, яка стосувалася всіх людей. Бути присутнім на весіллі у царського сина було надзвичайно великою честю, не тільки тому, що людина опинялася серед розкішного бенкету, але й тому, що бути запрошеним царем, це саме по собі вже велика честь. |
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! - 09/10/2020
Today the Holy Orthodox Church commemorates the beheading of the glorious prophet, forerunner, and Baptist John. The Church reverences the holy saint with three separate and distinct titles: prophet, forerunner and Baptist. The first title associated with St. John is prophet. This is due to the fact that the Holy Orthodox Church widely considers St. John to be the last and greatest prophet of the Old Testament. His role as prophet is reaffirmed by Christ Himself in the Gospel of St. Matthew when he says: “Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. (Matthew 11:9,14). His role as prophet is once again reaffirmed by his own father prophet Zachariah in the Gospel of St. Luke when he proclaims: “And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High” (Luke 1:76). In addition, these proclamations fulfill Old Testament prophecy which prefigure St. John’s role as prophet. In Malachi 4:5, it is written: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes”. Therefore, we see that the role of St. John as prophet is not only pre-figured in Old Testament scripture, but is also re-affirmed by Christ Himself. |
Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost Prayerfully Celebrated at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 09/06/2020
13-та Неділя Після П'ятидесйтничі молитовно відзначена в Духовному Осередку Митрополії Церкви |
Let's Pray Together, if not in person, at least via mobile devices, celebrating the 13th Sunday After Pentecost and attending virtual Family Fest at All Saints Camp of the Church - 09/05/2020
Помолімось разом, якщо не в храмі, то бодай через мобільні пристрої, в 13 неділю після П'ятидесятниці - приймаючи участь у мобільному відзначенні Фестивалю Родини на Таборі Всіх Святих |
7 September, 2020 - Join the Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary for the Daily Prayers via Facebook Page - 09/03/2020
Починаючи з Вівтірка - 8 вересня, 2020 року - Приєднюйтесь до щоденної молитви з семінаристами Свято-Софіївської Семінарії |
St. Sophia Seminary Announces "Going Back to School" Event - 09/03/2020
Visit St. Andrew Church and Goods Bookstore of the UOC of the USA for the Latest Seminary Products |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary To Resume In-Person Instructions in September of 2020 - 09/01/2020
Свято-Софіївська Семінарія УПЦ США розпочне новий навчальний семестр у вересні 2020 року |
Let's Pray Together on the 12th Sunday After Pentecost - 08/29/2020
Join us for the Live Broadcast of the Divine Liturgy from St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ |
Celebration of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/28/2020
Свято Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
St. Sophia Seminary Announces Youth Ministry Certification Course - 08/27/2020
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in collaboration with the UOC of the USA Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry is pleased to announce a Youth Ministry Certification program. Delegates of the UOC of the USA Youth Sobor have repeatedly offered resolutions requesting advanced education for youth workers; we developed this course to address their requests and to help support this ministry that is so vital to the health of our parishes. |
UOC of the USA Offers Financial Assistance to the Flood Victims in Western Ukraine - 08/26/2020
УПЦ США надає фінансову допомогу потерпілим від повені на Західній Україні |
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/25/2020
Let's Celebrate the Feast of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God TOGETHER - 08/25/2020
Святкуймо РАЗОМ свято Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці |
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond The Borders of Ukraine: Twenty-Ninth Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence - 08/24/2020
Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України: 29 РІЧНИЦЯ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТІ УКРАЇНИ |
ORDER TODAY: Washable Face Mask (in times of COVID-19 pandemic) with the official LOGO of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 08/24/2020
ЗАМОВЛЯЙТЕ СЬОГОДНІ: Маска для обличчя (виготовлені для зручного прання) на період пандемії Коронавірусу із логотипом Української Православної Церкви США |
11th Sunday After Pentecost at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/23/2020
Одинадцята Неділя Після П'ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
St. Sophia Seminary Library Intern Completes Her Work - 08/22/2020
Completing an internship in a field of study of what you are currently studying in school is starting to become a popular trend and necessary in education. I saw this summer as an opportunity to help people have an easier way of getting to the information and rich history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
Let's Pray Together on the 11th Sunday After Pentecost - 08/22/2020
Молімось разом в 11-ту Неділю Після П'ятидесятниці |
The Bright Feast of Transfiguration of our Lord Celebrated at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/19/2020
Світле Свято Преображення Господнього в Митрополії УПЦ США |
Let's Joyfully Pray Together as We Celebrate the Bright Feast of Transfiguration of out Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 08/18/2020
Молімось разом в Світлий День Свята ПРЕОБРАЖЕННЯ ГОСПОДНЬОГО |
10th Sunday After Pentecost Celebrated at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/16/2020
Десята Неділя Після П'ятидесятниці Молитовно Відзначенена в Митрополії Церкви |
9 August, 2020 - Let's Pray Together, Honoring the Life of St. Panteleimon the Healer - 08/07/2020
9 серпня, 2020 року - Молімось разом, вшановуючи життя і служіння Святого Цілителя Пантелеймона |
8th Sunday After Pentecost and the Life of Holy Prophet Elijah Celebrated at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/02/2020
Восьма Неділя Після П'ятидесятниці та Духовний Приклад Життя і Служіння Пророка Іллі Молитовно Відзначені в Митрополії Церкви |
UPDATED: From the Office of the President of the Consistory: Parishes of the Church Begin the Process of Re-Opening - 07/31/2020
Від Голови Консисторії: Парафії Церкви Розпочинають Процес Відкриття Храмів |
Ukrainian Orthodox League of the UOC of the USA Holds Online Jr. and Sr. Conventions - 07/29/2020
Українська Прaвославна Ліга УПЦ США Провела Конвенцію в Цифровому Форматі |
Celebration of the Feast of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr - 07/28/2020
Молитовне відзначення свята Рівноапостольного Великого князя Володимира |
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 07/26/2020
Сьома Неділя Після П’ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Let's Pray Together - 26 July, 2020 - Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils - Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel - 07/25/2020
Помолімося Разом в неділю - 26 липня - внановуючи Святих Отців Перших Шести Вселенських Соборів та свято Собору Святого Архангела Гавриїла |
26 July, 2020 - Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday - 07/25/2020
26 липня 2020 р. - Православний День Опіки В'язнями |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: THE LEGACY OF HAGIA SOPHIA - A LEGACY FOR ALL CHRISTIANS - 07/24/2020
Archbishop Daniel Leads Prayers for St. Sophia Cathedral (Hagia Sophia) of Constantinople, honoring the Life of Service of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Princess Olha - 07/24/2020
Архієпископ Даниїл Відслужив Божественну Літургію, вшановуючи Собор Святої Софії в Константинополі - Святкуючи життя і служіння Рівноапостольної Великої Княгині Ольги |
Diocesan Church School Camp Concludes its Two-Week Online Program! - 07/23/2020
St. Andrew Cemetery Temporary CLOSED to visitors due to THUNDERSTORM DAMAGE - 07/23/2020
Цвинтар св. Андрія Первозванного тимчасово ЗАКРИТИЙ для відвідувачів через ПРИРОДНІ пошкодження |
Registration Available for the 73rd Annual Online UOL Convention - 07/23/2020
Реєстрація Відкрита на Одноденну Конвенцію УПЛіги в Інтернетному Режимі |
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/22/2020
Statement on the Tragic Conversion of Hagia Sophia from Museum to Mosque - 07/21/2020
Заява Асамблеї Канонічних Православних Єпископів Щодо Перетворення Історичного Собору св. Софії в Константинополі на мечеть |
2020 Youth Virtual Camp Programming - 07/14/2020
Церковний Табір у Віртуальному Просторі |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Requests Prayers and Donations for Those that are Affected by the Floods in Western Ukraine - 07/13/2020
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США звертається з проханням про усердні молитви та пожертви для тих, хто зазнавнаслідків повені на Західній Україні |
YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHURCH: Make a donation to support the Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 07/13/2020
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ Своїй ЦЕРКВІ: Зробіть пожертву для підтримки Відділів Служіння Церкви |
Fifth Sunday After Pentecost at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - The Feast of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - 07/12/2020
П'ята Неділя Після П’ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку Церкви - Святих Апостолів Петра і Павла |
Let's Pray Together - 12 July, 2020 - the Feast of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - 07/11/2020
Молімося разом - 12 липня, 2020 року - Свято св. Апостолів Петра і Павла |
Food, Love and Touch of Faith Through the Service of the Metropolia Center of the Church - 07/09/2020
Їжа, Любов та Дотик Віри - Служіння Митрополії УПЦ США |
Fourth Sunday After Pentecost at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - Celebration of the 244th Anniversary of US Independence - 07/05/2020
Четверта Неділя Після П’ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку Церкви - Відзначення 244-ої річниці Дня Незалежності США |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 244th Anniversary of US Independence - 07/04/2020
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE TO DAY TO ALL! Let us live and do all that is necessary to ensure that this day remains a happy celebration long after our own earthly journey concludes – LET US CONTRIBUTE THE BEST OF OURSELVES FOR THE GOOD OF ALL! |
UOC of the USA Establishes New Mission: St. George Community in Alamogordo area, New Mexico - 07/03/2020
УПЦ США Відкрила Нову Місійну Громаду Святого Юрія в околиці місті Аламоґордо, штат Нова Мексика |
Let Us Pray Together - 5 JULY, 2020 - Third Sunday After Pentecost - Celebrating US Independence Day - 07/02/2020
Молімося разом - 5 ЛИПНЯ, 2020 року - Третя Неділя Після П’ятидесятниці - Відзначення Дня Незалежності США |
UOC of the USA Establishes New Mission: St. Thomas the Apostle Community in Mountain Home, Arkansas - 07/01/2020
УПЦ США Відкрила Нову Місійну Громаду Святого Апостола Фоми у місті Маунтаін Хом, штат Аркензас |
Fresh Food and Love Shared With Those in Need at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 07/01/2020
Митрополія УПЦ США: свіжі продукти харчування та невтомні почуття ЛЮБОВІ подані всім, хто потребував опіки в час Пандемії Коронавірусу |
Third Sunday After Pentecost at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 06/28/2020
Третя Неділя Після П’ятидесятниці в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Ukrainian Orthodox Christians Cared For in Time of COVID-19 Crisis - 06/27/2020
Церква Опікується Парафіянами в Час Пандемії Коронавірусу |
Let Us Pray Together - 28 June, 2020 - Third Sunday After Pentecost - 06/26/2020
Молімося разом - 28 червня, 2020 року - Третя Неділя Після П’ятидесятниці |
UOC of the USA Continues to Serve in Time of COVID-19 Pandemic |
Діла Милосердя УПЦ США в Час Епідемії Коронавірусу - 06/22/2020
Зокрема, УПЦ США в співпраці з Благодійною фундацією «СІЛЬ» («The SALT») при Духовному Осередку - Митрополії в Савт Бавнд Бруці/Самерсет, Н. Дж. щосереди, вже більше трьох місяців, здійснює благодійні вчинки любові, роздаючи їжу для потребуючих людей. |
Sunday of the All Saints of Ukraine - Father's Day at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 06/22/2020
Неділя Всіх Святих Землі Української - Відзначення Дня Батька в Духовному Осередку Церкви |
Watch and Enjoy the Recording of the Evening of Sacred Music and Reflection With Seminarians of the Church - 06/22/2020
Запрошуємо до перегляду відеозапису Вечора Духовної Пісні із Семінаристами Свято-Софіївської Семінарії |
Come, See and Be Cared For: UOC of the USA Offers Prayerful Assistance to Those in Need - 06/21/2020
Прийдіть, Подивіться і Відчуйте Нашу Опіку: УПЦ США Надає Допомогу Потребуючим |
Let Us Pray Together - 21 June, 2020 - Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine - 06/20/2020
Молімося разом - 21 червня, 2020 року - Неділя Всіх Святих Землі Української |
Join the Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary for an Evening of Spiritual Songs and Prayers - 06/20/2020
Запрошуємо Вас на вечір духовної пісні із семінаристами Свято-Софіївської Семінарії |
21 June, 2020 - Let Us Honor Our Fathers and Father's Day - 06/19/2020
MINISTRY of DELIVERY.... of the Love of God... - 06/17/2020
СЛУЖІННЯ ПОДАННЯ Любові ближньому... |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/16/2020
Assembly of Bishops Releases Guidelines and Considerations for Safer Orthodox Church Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic - 06/16/2020
Додаткові поради щодо безпеки духовенства та парафін в громадах Церкви |
Faith! Hope! Love! - Ministry of the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry - 06/16/2020
Віра! Надія! Любов! - Освітній Проект Служіння Відділу Праці Консисторії з Молоддю |
UOC of USA 2020 Commencement: The Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA honor their 2020 Graduates with an on-line commencement ceremony! - 06/15/2020
Вітання Архієреїв УПЦ США випускникам навчальних закладів 2020 року |
Celebration of the First Sunday After Pentecost - the Sunday of All Saints - at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 06/15/2020
Молитовне Служіння Першої Неділі Після П’ятидесятниці - Неділі Всіх Святих в Митрополії УПЦ США |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 06/13/2020
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США |
Pray With Us on the First Sunday After Pentecost - the Sunday of All Saints - June 14, 2020 - 06/13/2020
Запрошуємо до Спільної Молитви в Першу Неділю Після П’ятидесятниці - Неділю Всіх Святих на Сторінці УПЦ США у Facebook |
Молимось Разом Впродовж Апостольського Посту 2020 - 06/11/2020
Молимось Разом Впродовж Апостольського Посту 2020 |
Metropolia Commemoration: 27th Anniversary of Metropolitan/Patriarch Mstyslav's Falling Asleep in the Lord - 06/11/2020
Memory Eternal - Вічная Пам'ять: В духовному осередку Митрополії УПЦ США молитовно відзначили 27-му річницю упокоєння митрополита та патріарха Мстислава |
Love, Compassion and Kindness in the Time of Need: the UOC of the USA Continues to Serve - 06/10/2020
As more and more people are at risk of acute hunger because of the global coronavirus pandemic, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA partnered with The SALT Foundation on a charitable campaign to raise awareness, advocate and provide food for those in need. |
2020 Commencement - Випускний 2020 - 06/09/2020
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry with blessing of our Hierarchs is pleased to announce Commencement 2020! Although we are unable to celebrate with our 2020 graduates in-person, we would like to honor them in a special way and in the life of the church. |
Assembly of Bishops’ Executive Committee Calls All to Prayer for Justice and Peace during Nationwide Civil Unrest - 06/09/2020
Асамблея Канонічних Православних Єпископів США закликає до молитви та встановлення справедливості в період національних протестів |
Practical Guidance: Learn About Protective Measures in Times of CORONAVIRUS Epidemic - 06/09/2020
Практичні поради: Дізнайтесь більше про засоби охорони в час загрози Епідемії КОРОНАВІРУСУ |
10 June, 2020 - Help is Available - Звертайтесь за Допомогою - 06/09/2020
Якщо Вам потрібна допомога із харчами, або Ви знаєте когось кому потрібна допомога, приїзджайте до Духовного Осередку УПЦ США (135 Davidson Ave; Somerset, NJ 08873) в середу - 10 червня, 2020 року із 13:00 дня |
Celebration of the Feast of the Holy Spirit at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 06/08/2020
Молитовне відзначення Дня СВЯТОГО ДУХА в Митрополії УПЦ США |
Celebration of PENTECOST - the Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon Apostles - 06/07/2020
Свято Зшестя Святого Духа - П'ятидесятниця |
Let's Us Pray Together, Celebrating the Day of the Holy Spirit - 06/07/2020
Join Us for the Celebration of PENTECOST - the Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon Apostles - 06/05/2020
Whether it Rains or Shines: UOC of the USA & the Salt Foundation Distribute Food for Those in Need - 06/03/2020
У будь які погодні умови (навіть коли падає дощ) УПЦ США Надає Допомогу Потребуючим в Час Епідемії Коронавірусу |
Praying Our Way Together Through Apostles' Lent 2020 - 06/01/2020
Having a difficult time living through this coronavirus pandemic? Let us find some solace together! Come, join your brothers and sisters in Christ as we pray together during the Apostles' Lent. |
3 June, 2020 - Help is Available - Звертайтесь за Допомогою - 06/01/2020
If you are in need of assistance (food items) or know someone who needs help, please VISIT THE SPIRITUAL Center of the UOC of the USA (135 Davidson Ave; Somerset, NJ 08873) on Wednesday - 3 June, 2020 from 1-3pm |
Liturgical Celebration of the 7th Sunday After Pascha at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 05/31/2020
Літургійне служіння Сьомої Неділі Після Пасхи в Духовному Осередку - Митрополії УПЦ США |
The Glorious Feast of Ascension of our Lord Celebrated at the Spiritual Center - Metropolia of the Church - 05/28/2020
Світле свято Вознесіння Господнього в церкві-пам'ятнику св. Андрія Первозванного |
Struggling for the Basic Food Items: UOC of the USA & the Salt Foundation Distribute Food for Those in Need - 05/28/2020
УПЦ США Надає Допомогу Потребуючим в Час Епідемії Коронавірусу |
Leave-Taking of the Glorious and Bright Feast of Pascha - 05/27/2020
Віддання Свілого Свята Воскресіння Господнього |
Help is Available - Звертайтесь за Допомогою - 05/26/2020
If you are in need of assistance (food items) or know someone who needs help, please VISIT THE SPIRITUAL Center of the UOC of the USA (135 Davidson Ave; Somerset, NJ 08873) on Wednesday - 27 May, 2020 from 1-3pm |
LEAVE-TAKING OF PASCHA - Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: JOIN US FOR THE MIDNIGHT LITURGY at the Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - 05/26/2020
ВІДДАННЯ ПАСХИ - Воскресіння Господа Бога і Спаса Нашого Ісуса Христа: Моліться з нами під час Літургії опівночі в каплиці Святих Трьох Святителів Свято-Софіївської Української Православної Богословської Семінарії |
Pray with Us on the Feast of Ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ via Facebook Live-Stream - 05/25/2020
2020 Memorial Day Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 05/25/2020
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США з Нагоди Дня Пам'яті в США |
Metropolia Center of the Church Honors the Men and Women of the US Armed Forces on Memorial Day - 05/24/2020
Archbishop Daniel Presides over the Liturgical Services at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church on the Sixth Sunday After Pascha |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/24/2020
Pray With Us on the Seventh Sunday After Pascha - May 31, 2020 - Запрошуємо до Спільної Молитви в Сьому Неділю Після Пасхи на Сторінці УПЦ США у Facebook - 05/24/2020
Welcome to the Tour of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA - 05/23/2020
Вітаємо усіх на екскурсії Консисторією УПЦ США |
Join us on the Tour of the Main Administrative Building of the Church - Consistory of the UOC of the USA - 05/23/2020
Запрошуємо всіх ВІРТУАЛЬНО відвідати головний адміністративний будинок Консисторії УПЦ США |
Benefactors of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Honored via Live-Streamed Prayer Service - 05/22/2020
Молебень за здоров’я усіх жертводавців Української Православної Богословської Семінарії Св. Софії |
Gratitude For the Blessing Received in Action - 05/21/2020
В середу, 20 травня 2020 року, ВДЯЧНІСТЬ можна було почути і відчути під час ОБІДУ від людей, які отримали продукти харчування в час карантину COVID-19. |
Sunday of the Man Born Blind - 05/21/2020
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him” (John9:3). These words were heard during the reading of the Gospel for this Sunday. It would seem that a great misfortune had afflicted this man: he was born blind, and he never saw the beauty of God’s world. When people saw this man blind from birth, they immediately thought that God had sent him this misfortune as a severe punishment for his sins, or those of his parents, because children are often punished for their parents’ sins. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: IS IT TIME TO GO HOME? Concerning the Return to Our Parish Churches - 05/20/2020
Собор Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США: ЧАС ДОДОМУ? Щодо Повернення до Наших Парафіяльних Храмів |
Honoring our Heritage - 21 May - Ukrainian Embroidery Day - 05/19/2020
The Victims of the Soviet Totalitarian Regime Prayerfully Honored at the Spiritual Center - Metropolia of the UOC of the USA - 05/19/2020
День Пам’яті Жертв Політичних Репресій Молитовно Вшановано в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Ready to Serve in the Name of the Lord - 05/18/2020
Готові Служити в Ім'я Христа |
June 6: Annual All Saints Camp Meeting (Teleconference) - 05/18/2020
Fifth Sunday After Pascha - Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - 05/17/2020
П'ята Неділя Після Пасхи - Неділя про Самарянку |
Pray With Us on the Sixth Sunday After Pascha - the Sunday of the Blind Man - May 24, 2020 - 05/17/2020
Запрошуємо до Спільної Молитви в Шосту Неділю Після Пасхи на Сторінці УПЦ США у Facebook |
Come and See: Welcome to St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the UOC of the USA - 05/16/2020
Прийдіть і подивіться: Вітаємо на екскурсії в Українській Православній Богословській Семінарії Святої Софії УПЦ США |
Come and See: Visit St. Sophia Seminary via Facebook Live-Stream - 05/16/2020
Запрошуємо відвідати Семінарію у ЖИВОМУ форматі на сторінці Семінарії у Facebook |
Pray With Us on the Fifth Sunday After Pascha - the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - May 17, 2020 via Facebook Live-Stream - 05/15/2020
Запрошуємо до Спільної Молитви в П'яту Неділю Після Пасхи на Сторінці УПЦ США у Facebook |
The Samaritan Woman - 05/14/2020
It was the sixth-hour of the day, the hottest part of the day with the sun at its zenith. It was perhaps the worst time of the day to visit Jacob’s well. But water was the life blood of any Samaritan village and the community well had to be visited daily. There would be no avoiding it even though this particular Samaritan woman, whom tradition calls Photini, had little desire to have any kind of chance meetings with fellow Samaritans. Her life, with its multiple marriages and taint of fornication, had made her an outcast among the other good women of this town. In order to avoid the shame and displeasure of being shunned, she came late that day. The resulting meeting with the man who waited at the well, despite the initial social awkwardness of this seemingly chance encounter, would change everything. |
The Banners of Gratitude Installed at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 05/14/2020
Знаки ВДЯЧНОСТІ Bстановлeно в Духовнoмy Осередкy - Митрополії УПЦ США |
Struggling for the Basic Food Items: UOC of the USA & the Salt Foundation Distribute Food for Those in Need - 05/13/2020
Церква Надає Допомогу Потребуючим в Час Епідемії Коронавірусу |
If you are in need of assistance (food items) or know someone who needs help, please VISIT THE SPIRITUAL Center of the UOC of the USA (135 Davidson Ave; Somerset, NJ 08873) on Wednesday - 13 May, 2020 from 1-3pm. - 05/12/2020
Якщо Вам потрібна допомога із харчами, або Ви знаєте когось кому потрібна допомога, приїзджайте до Духовного Осередку УПЦ США (135 Davidson Ave; Somerset, NJ 08873) в середу - 13 травня, 2020 року із 13:00-15:00 дня. |
Mothers Honored at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 05/11/2020
With over 300 images of MOTHERS of the parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully displayed at St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA (South Bound Brook, NJ), His Eminence Archbishop Daniel led the celebration of the Divine Liturgy for the Fourth Sunday after Pascha on May 10, 2020. |
Fourth Sunday After PASCHA - Mother's Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 05/10/2020
4-та неділя після Пасхи - День Матері |
Axios! Many Blessed Years Vladyko! - Аксіос! На многії і благії літа, владико! - 05/09/2020
May God grant you many blessed and healthy years in the service of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA! |
National Prayer Day at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 05/08/2020
Національний День Молитви в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Let's Pray Together on the Fourth Sunday of Pascha via Facebook Live-Stream - 05/08/2020
Let’s Light a Candle of Hope: A Call to Prayer on the National Day of Prayer - 05/07/2020
Засвітімо Свічку Надії: заклик до молитви в Національний День Молитви |
Let's Honor Our Mothers on Mother's Day - 05/07/2020
Вшануймо наших матерів в День Матері |
Stewardship in Action: THE LOVE of God for Those in Times of COVID-19 - 05/06/2020
Благодійний вчинок любові зроблено спільною співпрацею Української Православної Церкви США та Благодійною фундацією СІЛЬ |
Myrrh-Bearing Sunday Liturgy at St. Andrew Memorial Church of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 05/03/2020
Божественна Літургія в Неділю Жінок Мироносиць в церкві-пам'ятнику св. Андрія Первозванного в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Communication of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Concerning the Tentative Relaxation of State and Local Government Regulations and Restrictions Regarding Covid-19 - 05/02/2020
Повідомлення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США Стосовно Послаблення Державними та Місцевими Урядами Постанов та Обмежень Щодо Covid-19 |
Pray With Us on Myrrh-Bearing Women Sunday - May 3, 2020 via Facebook Live-Stream - 05/02/2020
Запрошуємо до Спільної Молитви в Неділю Мироносиць на Сторінці УПЦ США у Facebook |
If you are in need of assistance (food items) or know someone who needs help, please VISIT THE SPIRITUAL Center of the UOC of the USA (135 Davidson Ave; Somerset, NJ 08873) on Wednesday - 6 May, 2020 from 1-3pm. - 05/01/2020
Якщо Вам потрібна допомога із харчами, або Ви знаєте когось кому потрібна допомога, приїзджайте до Духовного Осередку УПЦ США (135 Davidson Ave; Somerset, NJ 08873) в середу - 6 травня, 2020 року із 13:00-15:00 дня. |
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2020
Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA in Cooperation with the SALT Foundation Serves the Needs of the Local Community - 04/30/2020
Духовний Осередок УПЦ США Щотижня Надає Допомогу Місцевій Громаді |
A POWERFUL message of LOVE by Lily Powers, a young parishioners of the Protection (Pokrova) of the Birth-Giver of Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield (Detroit), MI - 04/30/2020
«СИЛЬНИЙ» та ЖЕРТОВНИЙ вчинок Лілії Паверс, молодої парафіянки Української Православної Катедри Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці із Саутфілд (околиця Детройту), Мічиган |
Annual UOL 2020 Essay Contest - Річний Конкурс Писемності УПЛіги - 04/28/2020
Submissions are now open for the 2020 Essay Contest! Please share with your Chapter and Parish! |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA LIGHTS UP St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in LIGHT BLUE Colors to Thank Health Care Workers... - 04/27/2020
Українська Православна Церква США освітила Свято-Андріївську Українську Православну Церкву-Пам’ятник у яскравий СИНІЙ колір, вшановуючи усіх працівників медичної сфери... |
Join the Students of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary for Daily Prayers at the Three Holy hierarchs Chapel of the Seminary - 04/27/2020
Запрошуємо до молитви із семінаристами |
Scholarships Available for Ukrainian Orthodox Scouts - 04/27/2020
Стипендії для Українських Православних Скаутів |
Faith, Hope and Love - Home Edition - OYM Program In Response to COVID-19 School Cancellations - 04/27/2020
In Response to COVID-19 School Cancellations, the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Invites you to join us Monday - Friday for live, interactive, on-line presentations for youth of all ages! Learn about your faith and meet other young people. To find out about our schedule, presenters and how to join click here! |
St. Thomas Sunday Liturgy at St. Andrew Memorial Church of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 04/26/2020
Богослужіння Фоминої Неділі в Духовному Осередку Митрополії |
ATTENTION: Please, Respect the Living and the Memory of the Loved Ones During St. Thomas Sunday Weekend - 04/25/2020
УВАГА: Поважайте ЖИТТЯ Людей Вшановуючи пам'ять спочилих |
POSTPONED: Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - ВІДКЛАДЕНО - 04/24/2020
Join us for the Live Broadcast of the Divine Liturgy from St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church - 04/23/2020
Let's pray together via Mobie Divices from the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA |
LOVE in Action... Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA Serves the Needs of the Local Community - 04/23/2020
ЛЮБОB у Вчинку... Духовний Осередок УПЦ США Обслуговує потреби місцевої громади |
Memory Eternal Ann Rosolowicz - 04/22/2020
BRIGHT TUESDAY: Archbishop Daniel Serves at St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - 04/21/2020
СВІТЛИЙ ВІВТОРОК: Архієрейське служіння Архієпископа Даниїла в духовному осередку УПЦ США |
2020 Pascha Greeting of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA - 04/21/2020
Пасхальне відеопривітання Архієреїв УПЦ США |
BRIGHT MONDAY: Archbishop Daniel Serves at St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - 04/20/2020
СВІТЛИЙ ПОНЕДІЛОК: Архієрейське служіння Архієпископа Даниїла в духовному осередку УПЦ США |
Vespers of the Bright Feast of our Lord's Glorious Resurrection - 04/19/2020
Вечірня в день Світлого Свята Христового Воскресіння |
Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom - 04/18/2020
If any man be devout and loves God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore. If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried even until the eleventh hour, let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as the first; he gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour, even as unto him who hath wrought from the first hour. And he shows mercy upon the last, and cares for the first; and to the one he gives, and upon the other he bestows gifts. And he both accepts the deeds, and welcomes the intention, and honors the acts and praises the offering. |
PASCHAL Letter of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 04/18/2020
Пасхальне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України |
Holy and Great Saturday: Vespers with the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - 04/18/2020
Liturgical Services at St. Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church |
Celebration of the Bright Feast of Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the Metropolia Spiritual Center of the Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - 04/18/2020
Урочисте святкування Воскресіння Христового в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Memory Eternal: Protopresbyter Nestor Kowal - 04/17/2020
Вічна Пам'ять: протопресвітер Нестор Коваль |
Holy and Great Friday Services at Saint Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church - 04/17/2020
Богослуження Страсної П'ятниці в церкві-пам'ятнику св. Андрія Первозванного |
Holy Week and Pascha Celebrations at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 04/17/2020
Blessing of Paschal Food - 04/17/2020
Благословення Пасхальних Страв |
Holy Thursday Liturgical Services at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church - 04/16/2020
Богослуження Страсного Четверга в церкві-пам'ятнику св. Андрія Первозванного |
Holy Thursday Liturgical Services: Vespers and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church - 04/16/2020
Богослуження Страсного Четверга: Вечірня та Літургія Святого Василія Великого |
Message By His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the Beginning of Holy and Great Week - 04/11/2020
Звернення Вселенського Патріарха на Початок Страсного Тижня |
Memory Eternal: Dobrodijka Shirley Neal - 04/09/2020
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God Dobrodijka SHIRLEY, wife of Deacon Paul Neal of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Dixonville, PA |
St. Sophia Seminary Community Invites you for the Celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts - 04/09/2020
Archbishop Daniel Participates in a National Conference Call with President of the United States of America and Faith Leaders Regarding the COVID-19 Response - 04/08/2020
Архієпископ Даниїл прийняв участь в телефонній розмові із Президентом США щодо кроків протидії Коронавірусу |
Join Us For the LIVE STREAM of the Celebration of the Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday! - 04/07/2020
Приєднюйтесь до молитовного відзначення Вербної Неділі - Входу Господнього до Єрусалиму |
Blessing of Paschal Food - Благословення Пасхальних Страв - 04/07/2020
Let's Pray Together This Coming Sunday via Facebook UOC of the USA Page - 04/04/2020
Молімося разом в П'яту Неділю Великого Посту - Let’s Pray Together on the Fifth Sunday of the Holy and Great Lent |
Join us for the Celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Birth-Giver of God - 04/03/2020
The Spiritual Center of Metropolia Honors the Lost Lives of COVID-19 - 04/03/2020
Духовний Осередок Митрополії Молитовно Вшановує Жертви Епідемії КОРОНАВІРУСУ |
Join us as We Pray the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete via Facebook Mobile Application - 03/31/2020
Приєднюйтесь до молитовного читання Канону св. Андрія Критського |
Join us for the Celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts at Three Holy Hierarchs Ukrainian Orthodox Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary on Friday - 3 April, 2020 - 03/30/2020
Приєднюйтесь до нас в п’ятницю, 3 квітня о 6 годині вечора(часовий пояс Східнього Узбережжя) через мережу семінарійного сполучення у Фейсбук |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 03/29/2020
Let's Pray Together This Coming Sunday via Facebook UOC of the USA Page - 03/27/2020
Молімося разом в Четверту Неділю Великого Посту - Let’s Pray Together on the Fourth Sunday of the Holy and Great Lent |
Assembly of Bishops USA Announces COVID-19 Resource Center for Orthodox Christians - 03/27/2020
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA announces a resource center for clergy and faithful during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Resource Center includes updated news from the various jurisdictions as well as practical guidelines and resources for families, ministry leaders, parish leadership, and everyone. |
The Hierarchs of the Church Conduct Video/Tele Clergy Conference of the UOC of the USA - 03/26/2020
On Wednesday evening, March 25, 2020 – the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA held ZOOM Video/Teleconference with the clergy of the Church. The call was organized by the Consistory of the UOC of the USA and attended by over 80 active clergy. |
Join us for the Celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts at Three Holy Hierarchs Ukrainian Orthodox Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary on Friday - March 27, 2020 - 03/24/2020
Приєднюйтесь до нас в п’ятницю, 27 березня о 6 годині вечора (часовий пояс Східнього Узбережжя) через мережу семінарійного сполучення у Фейсбук |
Let's Pray Together This Coming Sunday via Facebook UOC of the USA Page - 03/20/2020
Молімося разом у Христопоклонну Неділю - Let’s Pray Together on the Sunday of the Cross |
Homily on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder - 03/20/2020
Saint John of the Ladder: challenges us to take the Gospel seriously. As such, it continues last week’s message: Deny Yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Christ. Why? Because the world has fallen, and we have fallen with it; and it takes energy to restore things to their proper state. It takes a lot of effort to fix something that has been broken. When we refuse that challenge, we are really saying that we prefer things the way they are; that we are comfortable with the mess we have made of this world and of the mess we have made of our lives. More importantly, we are saying that it is not worth the bother to help others recover from all their pain and suffering. That we prefer sitting in our own warm filth too much to get up and lend a hand to people in desperate need of help. Because that is what it means to follow Christ: it means to put the needs of others before our own. What else is love than the denial of the self in service to another? This is the love God has for all His children, and it is the same love He expects us to have for one another. And He expects this of us 24/7. |
Message from the President of the Consistory - Повідомлення від Голови Консисторії - 03/19/2020
Taking into consideration that the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA draws large numbers of visitors each day, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Consistory Offices of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ - will not be open to public until April 13, 2020 |
Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary and Archbishop Daniel Give a Gift of Life – Donate Blood - 03/18/2020
The challenges presented by COVID-19 are unprecedented and rapidly evolving. The health of our community remains the top priority of Robert Wood Johnson New Brunswick Blood Services and we are committed to the safety of our patients and blood donors. Now more than ever, we rely on the generosity of volunteer blood donors... |
In times of Coronavirus Threat, join the Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the UOC of the USA for the Daily Prayers via Facebook Page at - 03/17/2020
В час розповсюдження Коронавірусу, приєднюйтесь до щоденної молитви із семінаристами Української Православної Семінарії св. Софії на Фейсбуці |
URGENT Directive Concerning Liturgical Services in All Parishes of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora - 03/16/2020
URGENT - УВАГА: Додаткові Вказівки Парафіям УПУ США та Діаспори щодо Богослужінь в Час Розповсюдження Епідемії Коронавірусу |
Archpastoral Visit to Youngstown, OH: Balancing Containment and Compassion During Coronavirus - 03/16/2020
With prayer on their lips and unconditional trust in the Lord, the faithful of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Youngstown, OH gathered in the parish temple for the celebration of the Eucharistic Divine Liturgy on the Second Sunday of the Great and Holy Lent – March 15, 2020. |
Iconography Workshop - 03/13/2020
The workshop will be an intense 6 days where the student will create an icon using acrylic/gouache techniques... Learn basic color mixing, drawing and painting techniques... Be instructed in the history and theology of the icon... Receive personal instruction and demonstration for each stage of painting... Gain a deeper understanding of the mystical art of the icon and its place in the Church. |
Further Directives to Clergy and the Faithful of the UOC of the USA Concerning Necessary Precautions During the CORONAVIRUS Pandemic - 03/13/2020
Додаткові вказівки духовенству та мирянам УПЦ США щодо заходів гігієни в час розповсюдження Коронавірусу |
Communique of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 03/12/2020
The Holy and Great Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, convened under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and among other issues, thoroughly deliberated upon the events of the COVID-19 (Corona) virus and with a feeling of pastoral responsibility, points out the following: |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Prayer in Time of Coronavirus - 03/10/2020
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: Молитва в Час Розповсюдження Коронавірусу |
2020 Celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy in New York City - 03/08/2020
Each year, Orthodox Christians around the world break from their routine of worshiping in the Divine Liturgy at their regular churches to witness something special on the first Sunday of Great Lent. |
Nourished by the Holy Eucharist Through the Liturgical Prayers of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts - 03/07/2020
“The best way for a Christian soul to stay close to the Savior is to approach with faith, fear and love the Most Holy Chalice and to strengthen our spiritual and physical life by the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Savior…” Archbishop Daniel |
Молимося Pазом Bпродовж Великого Посту - 03/07/2020
Приєднуйтесь до своїх братів і сестер у Христі на шляху Великого Посту, коли ми молимося і читаємо Псалтир щодня протягом 20 днів. |
College Mission Trip to Ukraine: Serving Znamyanka Orphanage and Soup Kitchens in Kyiv - 03/06/2020
The College Student Mission Trip to aid orphanages in Ukraine, is a ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We hope to bring aid and comfort to special needs orphans and orphanages in a country that currently does not have the means to do so. By our actions, we hope to show the face of Christ to these children, their caregivers, their administrators, our host families and all we come in contact with and by doing so reaffirm the Holy Orthodox Faith amongst the people of Ukraine. |
Archpastoral Reflection for the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/06/2020
We ask you to join us in the holy labors of prayer, fasting, and service that God will restore His pure image in each of us in order to offer that image to a world in need of seeing that pristine beauty with each and every human person has been created. |
Неділя 1-ша Великого посту. Торжество Православ’я. - 03/05/2020
Свята, Православна, Соборна і Апостольська Церква святкує сьогодні день свого торжества. Церква за весь період свого існування піддавалася великим гонінням, і ці гоніння тривають і до нині. Але, найбільші гоніння випали на перші століття християнства, на період розколів і єресей. На семи Вселенських Соборах святі отці і вчителі Церкви відстоювали святість і єдність Церкви. Весь цей період закінчився перемогою Православ’я над єресями, і у 842 р. за візантійського імператора Михаїла і його матері Феодори, коли Константинопольським Патріархом був святитель Мефодій, встановлено свято «Торжества Православ’я». |
The First Sunday of the Great Lent - 03/05/2020
The liturgical celebration of the First Sunday of the Great Fast, like all the other Sundays of the Great Fast, has gone through an evolution over the course of time. Originally it was a commemoration of the Old Testament prophets and their prophesies concerning our Lord based on the Gospel account wherein Philip tells Nathaniel, "We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the Law, and also the prophets,” (John 1:45). The Apostolic Reading from Hebrews also speaks about the prophets and their sufferings and concludes, “therefore, since we for our part are surrounded by this cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every encumbrance of sin which clings to us and persevere in running the race which lies ahead; let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2) Additionally the Alleluia verses also uphold this theme: Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel among those who called upon His Name. They called upon the Lord, and He answered them. (Psalm 98:6) |
Forgiveness Sunday at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Lyndora, PA - 03/05/2020
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA joined by Rev. Fr. Yurii Bobko and parishioners of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish community presided over the Eucharistic Liturgical Services of the Cheesefare/Forgiveness Sunday for the beginning of Great and Holy Lent on Sunday, 1 March, 2020. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: CORONAVIRUS or COVID-19 Threat - 03/03/2020
Звернення Собору Єпископів УПЦ США щодо Коронавірусу |
First Days of Holy and Great Lent: The Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete - 03/02/2020
For the first four days of Holy and Great Lent, the Holy Orthodox Church conducts the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete at the Orthodox parishes across the country and throughout the world. It is one of the most spiritually uplifting and inspiring in the Holy Tradition of our Church. |
The Great Lent Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 02/26/2020
Великопoсне Послання Постійної Конференції Православних Українських Єпископів поза межами України |
2020 Catechetical Homily of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the Beginning of Holy and Great Lent - 02/26/2020
We offer hymns of thanks to the God of love as once again we enter Holy and Great Lent, the arena of ascetic struggle, fasting and abstinence, of vigilance and spiritual awareness, of guarding our senses and prayer, of humility and self-knowledge. |
Mission Sunday 2020 - 02/25/2020
Sunday, March 1st, has been designated Mission Sunday by the Hierarchs of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. |
Відзначення 70-ти ліття Школи Українознавства та Релігії в Чікаго - 02/25/2020
St. Volodymyr Cathedral's School of Religion and Ukrainian Language in Chicago Marks 70th Anniversary |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 02/24/2020
Archbishop Daniel Offers Prayers on Meatfare Saturday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 02/24/2020
On Saturday before Meat-fare Sunday, the calendar of the Holy Orthodox Church commemorates of all those who, from ages past, have piously fallen asleep, in the hope of resurrection unto life eternal. His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, while on his archpastoral visit to St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Il presided over the liturgical service of the Saturday of Souls at the main cathedral of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Celebrating Pascha We Shall Honor the Memory of the Lost Victims of Chornobyl Tragedy - Midnight Divine Liturgy - 02/21/2020
Святкуючи Пасху, вшануємо пам'ять жертв Чорнобильської Трагедії - Нічна Свята Літургія |
12-15 June, 2020- St. Nicholas Program - Special Needs Family Camp - 02/21/2020
Запрошуємо взяти участь в цьогорічному Таборі св. Миколая для Родин з Особливими Потребами |
2020 HOLY LAND and Cappadocia PIlgrimage with Archbishop Daniel - 02/20/2020
УПЦ США оголошує паломництво на Святу Землю та до Константинополя |
This morning we continue with the Sundays of preparation for our beginning of the journey we all make during Great Lent. We began two Sundays ago with the time of preparation for the Great Fast with being reminded of the importance of humility for our journey as we heard the parable of the Publican and Pharisee. Then last Sunday with the parable of the Prodigal Son, we were reminded of how the Love of God is central to our making this journey. Now we come to the Sunday of the Last Judgment as we are now reminded the reason for this journey we soon will embark upon: that with humility and aware of the Love of God for us, we begin this journey of cleansing of soul and body not only to properly celebrate the coming Feast of Feasts but to prepare ourselves for the coming day of the Last Judgment. We prepare ourselves in this way so that on that terrible and awesome Day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns to judge the living and the dead, we may be found worthy to stand on the right hand with those who lived their lives responding to the Love of God by extending that Love to our fellow man. |
Archbishop Daniel Meets with the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Australia - 02/18/2020
On Tuesday – February 18, 2020 – on the eve of his departure from Australia, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Michael Solomko (president of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand of the UOC in Diaspora) traveled to Sydney for a meeting with the His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. |
Archpastoral Visitation of Archbishop Daniel to St Aphanasius Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, Granville, Sydney - 02/18/2020
Parishioners and clergy were overjoyed to welcome His Eminence Archbishop Daniel to St Aphanasius Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Granville, Sydney, for a Moleben and brunch reception on 17 February 2020. |
Praying Our Way Together Through Great Lent 2020 - 02/16/2020
Come join your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on a Lenten journey as we pray and read the Psalter each day for 20 days! |
Archbishop Daniel Visits the Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Capital of Australia - 02/16/2020
On Sunday, February 16, 2020, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel led the Eucharistic Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Canberra, Australia. The parish serves as a center for the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand of the UOC in Diaspora. |
Saint Sophia Seminary Prayerfully Celebrates Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel Feast Day - 02/15/2020
On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 the St. Sophia Seminary celebrated the Three Holy Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom and St. Gregory the Theologian – the Heavenly Protectors of the Seminary Chapel. The Tropar and Kondak were solemnly chanted on Tuesday evening during the Great Vespers and on Wednesday morning during the Divine Liturgy as local clergy, seminarians and Consistory workers of the UOC of USA gathered together to commemorate these three spiritual giants and to unite in the Eucharist – Holy Communion. |
2020 Lenten Journey Retreats - 02/12/2020
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Made Archpastoral Visit to the Parish of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in the city of Perth, Western Australia - 02/11/2020
On February 10, 2020, the archpastoral visit of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora to the Ukrainian Orthodox parish of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the city of Perth, Western Australia took place. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Brisbane, Queensland (Australia) - 02/09/2020
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Diaspora and USA, Vladyka Daniel arrived on the premises of the parish community on Sunday morning, February 9, 2020, in order to serve the Eucharistic Divine Liturgy for the faithful of the community parish family. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Carlton, Victoria – Thus Completing His Archpastoral Visit to Melbourne - 02/05/2020
On Thursday, February 6, 2020, the feast day of Venerable Xenia (Oksana) of Rome the Ukrainian Orthodox community of Holy Trinity Parish in Carlton, Victoria welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Daniel on his archpastoral visit. |
Brotherly Encounter in Melbourne, Australia - 02/04/2020
In a spirit of brotherly love and upon the invitation of Most Rev. Bishop Petro Stasiuk, eparchial bishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Diocese of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel paid a visit to the eparchial center and the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Melbourne, Victoria. |
Archbishop Daniel Visited a Care Home for the Disabled in Melbourne - 02/04/2020
On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, accompanied by Very Rev. Fr. Michael Solomko, president of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand of the UOC in Diaspora, traveled to Kalyna Care Nursing Home in order to visit numerous residents of the facility. |
Geelong, Victoria – Place of Prayer and Spiritual Encounter - 02/03/2020
Following an uplifting archpastoral visit to the local parishes of Melbourne city limits, Archbishop Daniel traveled to the Southern part of the State of Victoria on February 3, 2020, in order to visit the Nativity of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Geelong, where Very Rev. Fr. Vasyl Kasyan serves the spiritual needs of the local Ukrainian Orthodox community. |
СУПер Бол «Souper Bowl» Sunday - Charitable Outreach Event - 02/03/2020
2 Лютого 2020 року Божого, коли в Америці проводиться Фінальна гра з Американського футболу під назвою «Супер Бол», відбулася благодійна акція під назвою «СУПер Бол» (що означай тарілка супу), котру Архиєреї Української Православної Церкви в США, високопреосвященнійший Митрополит Антоній та високопреосвященнійший Архиєпископ Даниїл благословили проводити кожного року, по всіх парафіях Української Православної Церкви в США. |
Sunday of Zacchaeus Celebrated at the Pokrova Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Essendon, Victoria - 02/02/2020
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, continuing his archpastoral visit to the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand and after having visited Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Balaklava, on February 2, 2020 (Zacchaeus Sunday) received a warm welcome and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God in Essendon, Victoria. |
8-22 листопада 2020 року - Паломництво на СВЯТУ ЗЕМЛЮ та КАПАДОКІЮ з Архієпископом Даниїлом - 02/01/2020
2020 HOLY LAND and Cappadocia Pilgrimage with Archbishop Daniel - 02/01/2020
Balaklava Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Melbourne Area Welcomes Archbishop Daniel - 01/31/2020
On Saturday morning, February 1, 2020 – the feast day of St. Makarius the Great of Egypt, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel visited Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Balaklava (Melbourne area, Australia), where Archimandrite Onufriy serves as a pastor of the community. |
UOW January 2020 - 01/31/2020
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/30/2020
Blessed Name's Day and Happy Birthday to Metropolitan Antony - 01/30/2020
On January 30th His Eminence Metropolitan Antony celebrates his Name's Day (St. Anthony the Great) and birthday. 30 січня Високопреосвященніший Митрополит Антоній святкує свої іменини (Св. Антонія Великого) та день народження. |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Celebrated 7th Anniversary as a Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA - 01/27/2020
This year, on January 26, 2020, the 7th anniversary of the Enthronement of Metropolitan Antony was celebrated at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, NY where Eucharistic Divine Liturgy of Thanksgiving was served on this occasion. |
Seventh Anniversary of Metropolitan Antony’s Enthronement - 01/25/2020
Ювілей Інтронізації Митрополита Антонія |
Deacon Sviatoslav Hot Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 01/25/2020
The Saturday morning of January 25, 2020, a day of prayerful remembrance of Holy Martyr Tatiana, gathered clergy, seminarians and the faithful of the Church at the Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary for the ordination of Deacon Sviatoslav Hot to the Holy Priesthood. |
Ukrainian Orthodox March for Life in Washington - 01/25/2020
Ukrainian Orthodox Christians from across the country joined thousands of other Americans in demonstrating their pro-life convictions during the annual March for Life Jan. 24, 2020 in Washington, D.C. |
Archbishop Daniel Participates in the Delegation of the Assembly of Bishops for the National Prayer Vigil for Life in Washington, DC - 01/23/2020
On Thursday evening, January 23, 2020, Archbishop Daniel joined the delegation of Orthodox hierarchs of the Assembly of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, which was led by Bishop Apostolos of Medeia for the National Prayer Vigil for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. |
Feast of Theophany at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL - 01/21/2020
On the Eve of Theophany (18 January, 2020), the snow and ice fell and the temperature dropped to negative 15 with wind chills. It didn’t stop the faithful of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish family to come for a triple celebration of this weekend: Feast of Theophany, 60th birthday of parish Choir director of many years Subdeacon George Cepynsky and baptism of his first grandson Leonard Cepynsky. |
Now and Forever... A New Priest is Ordained and 'Sent on Mission' to SERVE the People of God - 01/21/2020
In a day of great joy – January 18, 2020, Deacon Yurii Bobko, a native of Kozova, Ukraine was ordained to the Holy Priesthood of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA by Archbishop Daniel at St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
2020 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry at All Saints Camp - Відкрита Реєстрація на участь в літніх таборах УПЦ США - 01/20/2020
Four Orthodox Lessons From Martin Luther King - 01/20/2020
Every January Americans pause to honor the memory of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who led a civil rights movement that called this nation to see every person as created in the image and likeness of God and worthy of equal treatment under the law. One of the most beautiful moments in American Orthodox history was when Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America chose to march against racial segregation laws with Rev. King in Selma, Alabama. This event made famous on the cover of Life Magazine serves as a constant reminder that the Orthodox faith is not a museum of history but a way of living in the world that must carefully cultivated and acted upon. What we believe as Orthodox Christians is not merely one private opinion among many but an eternal truth that has serious implications for every choice we make. The fact that the most distinguished bishop in American Orthodoxy chose to march with Rev. King reminds every Orthodox Christian that we can learn much from the witness of America’s leading civil rights leader. |
Updated: Join Us in This Year’s MARCH FOR LIFE - 01/20/2020
Прийміть участь у Ході за Життя |
2020 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry at All Saints Camp - 01/19/2020
Відкрита Реєстрація на участь в літніх таборах УПЦ США |
Seminary Souper Bowl Sunday - FEBRUARY 02, 2020 - 01/17/2020
St. Sophia Seminary UOL chapter sponsoring a soup luncheon to benefit the Soup Kitchens in Ukraine (in conjunction with the national UOL's “Souper Bowl Sunday” Fundraiser and St. Andrews Society). |
Seminary Souper Bowl Sunday - FEBRUARY 2, 2020 - 01/17/2020
St. Sophia Seminary UOL chapter sponsoring a soup luncheon to benefit the Soup Kitchens in Ukraine (in conjunction with the national UOLs “Souper Bowl Sunday” Fundraiser and St. Andrews Society). |
73rd Annual UOL Convention - 22-26 July, 2020 - 01/16/2020
Візьміть участь в річній Конвенції УПЛіги - 22-26 липня, 2020 |
Faithful From New York – New Jersey Parishes Gather At The Ukrainian Cultural Center For Sixth Annual “Caroling For Christ” Concert - 01/15/2020
One of the most joyful spiritual events at our Metropolia Center during the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST concert sponsored by the UOC of USA Consistory and the St. Andrew School of Ukrainian Studies centered in the Ukrainian Cultural Center. This year was no exception with the sixth annual concert presented on 11 January with the participation of parishes and their schools from New York City and New Jersey. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Priesthood of Very Rev. Fr. Valentyn Smoktunowicz in Munich, Germany - 01/14/2020
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel traveled to Munich, Germany in order to preside over the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood of Very. Rev. Fr. Valentyn Smoktunowicz, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Munich, Germany. The prayerful celebration took place over the weekend of 10-12 January, 2020. |
Christmas Gift of Life from the UOC of the USA - 01/10/2020
Різдвяний Дар Життя від УПЦ США |
The Church Mourns the Loss of Life in the Crash of UIA Flight 752 - 01/09/2020
Церква оплакує втрату життя польоту МАУ 752 |
The Celebration of Nativity/Christmas Focuses on the Manifestation of Christ to the World - 01/08/2020
Our Invitation to do so Continues, as Archbishop Daniel Celebrates Nativity of Christ at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bayonne, NJ |
St. Sophia Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2020-2021 Academic Year - 01/07/2020
Набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївській Семінарії УПЦ США на 2020-2021 навчальний рік |
Pray Without Ceasing - New 2020 Youth Ministry Curriculum - 01/06/2020
Pray Without Ceasing is a curriculm designed to help our youth learn what it means when St. Paul says Pray Without Ceasing. This curriculm is contains several different classes with Leader and Participant Worksheets below. The resource is divided into three groups: Young Children Ages 4-8, Older Youth Ages 8 -12 and Teenagers. |
Let Us Be Attentive: LUBA January - National Mentoring Month - 01/06/2020
Зверніть Увагу на події навколо Національного Місяця Наставництва |
Nativity Epistle - Різдвяне Послання 2019-20 - 01/05/2020
Різдвяне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України |
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Nativity of our Lord - 01/05/2020
Патріарше послання на Різдво Христове |
Sunday Before Nativity of Our Lord Archpastoral Visit to Johnstown, PA - 01/05/2020
Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church is a small parish community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA with the history of over 92 years of spiritual ministry among the faithful of Ukrainian and Slavic descent in Johnstown, PA Metropolitan area. |
Christmas Radio Program from Parma - Різвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої із Парми - 01/04/2020
Christmas Radio Program from Parma - Різвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої із Парми |
Radio and Internet broadcast of the Christmas Divine Liturgy from St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 01/03/2020
Praying, Fasting and Doing Deeds of Christmas Love from Now Through NATIVITY (CHRISTMAS) - 01/02/2020
Молимося, постимо та чинемемо діла милосердя протягом Різдвяного періоду |
New 2020 Year Greeting of Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 01/01/2020
Привітання митрополита Антонія, Предстоятеля Української Православної Церкви США з нагоди Нового 2020 року |
Happy and Blessed New 2020 Year of our Lord from the President of the Consistory - 12/31/2019
З Новим 2020 Роком! |
Month of January in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/30/2019
Prayerful Greetings to His Eminence Archbishop Daniel - 12/30/2019
Первоієрарх УПЦ США Митрополит Антоній, разом з Радою Митрополії, членами Консисторії, духовенством, вірними і студентським корпусом Свято-Софійської духовної семінарії Української Православної Церкви США висловлюють щирі вітання і запевняють у молитвах Його Високопреосвященсво Архієпископа Даниїла з нагоди дня його небесного покровителя святого пророка Даниїла. |
Nativity/Christmas Tree Decorated at the Consistory Offices of the Spiritual Center/Metropolia of the UOC of the USA - 12/28/2019
Standing tall and majestic, the newly erected Christmas tree stretched out its green branches, as if reaching up towards the beautiful icon of the Protection of the Mother of God which hung on the wall above it. This tree followed the centuries-old tradition, which began with the “Jesse Tree”, of decorating homes during the Christmas Season. |
Велика Вечеря - 12/26/2019
Від самого початку історії людства наш Спаситель закликає людину прокинутися від гріховного сну, голос Божий ми чуємо через читання св. Єванглія. Через почуте ми повинні жити за правдою Божою, та згідно із законами Божими, любити ближніх своїх, співчувати та допомагати знедоленим і не робити нічого злого для ближнього свого. |
Nativity of our Lord Celebrated, a New Priest Ordained - Double Celebration at the Four Holy Evangelists Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Bel Air, MD - 12/26/2019
A sense of wonder and awe filled the mission community of the Four Holy Evangelists of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in Bel Air, MD as His Eminence Archbishop Daniel visited the mission for the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (according to Gregorian Calendar) and for the ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Deacon Charles Sanderson on December 25, 2019. |
Celebrating St. Nicholas with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox mission in West Islip, Long Island - 12/23/2019
On Sunday December 22, 2019, on the day that the Holy Orthodox Church remembers the Conception by St. Anna, of "Whence is Conceived the Holy Mother of God", Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox mission had the great pleasure of receiving His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. Despite the early morning freezing temperatures, the cold weather could not bring down the joy of the parishioners awaiting the arrival of His Eminence. |
St. Nicholas Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 12/23/2019
День св. Миколая відзначили в Українській Школі при церкві-пам'ятнику Св. Андрія Первозванного у Саут Баунд Бруці в Духовному Осередку УПЦ США |
Annual CHRISTMAS AT THE SEMINARY Held at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 12/22/2019
В Семінарії Св. Софії відбулось традиційне свято Різдва в Семінарії |
St. Sophia Seminary of the UOC of the USA Holds Commencement Exercises - 12/21/2019
In the presence of over 150 guests of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, twelve students of the Seminary Graduated with the Degrees: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Applied Orthodox Theology, Licentiate of Sacred Theology and Youth Ministry Certificate. |
Nativity of Christ Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch - 12/20/2019
Having once again arrived at the great feast of the Lord’s Nativity, we glorify with hymn and spiritual song the One who emptied Himself for our sake and assumed our flesh so that He might redeem us from captivity to evil and open the gates of paradise to the human race. The Church of Christ rejoices as it liturgically experiences the whole mystery of Divine Economy and receives a foretaste of the glory of the eschatological kingdom, offering a good and godly witness to faith, hope and love in the world. |
20 December, 2019 - St. Sophia Seminary Graduation - 12/20/2019
20 грудня 2019 року - вручення дипломів випускникам Семінарії |
21 December, 2019 - Annual CHRISTMAS at the SEMINARY Family Event - 12/19/2019
Join us for an afternoon of Christmas Carols, Family atmosphere and joy! |
Nativity Epistle - Різдвяне Послання 2019-20 - 12/19/2019
Today, the Holy Orthodox Church radiantly celebrates the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the hearts of all of us are filled with great and incomprehensible joy; God in the flesh appeared on earth. All humanity had anticipated this event since the time of Adam and Eve. As the prophets of the Old Testament proclaimed: “Behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and you shall call His name Immanuel” which is translated, “ God is with us”( Isaiah 7:14). The Lord sends redemption to His people (Psalm 110:9). The salvation of the human race cannot be achieved by human forces and for this reason it is necessary for God to come into the world. |
Metropolitan Antony Underwent Successful Medical Procedure - 12/19/2019
Metropolitan Antony Hospitalized - 12/18/2019
Митрополит Антоній Госпіталізований |
Calendar 2020 / Orthodox Daily Planner - 12/17/2019
Щоденний Православний Календар 2020 |
St. Sophia Seminary: Youth Ministry Certification Course - 12/16/2019
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry in collaboration with St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a Youth Ministry Certification program. |
Archbishop Daniel Participates in the Divine Liturgy at St. Michael’s Monastery in Kyiv, Marking the First Anniversary of the Unification Council of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 12/15/2019
Архієпископ Даниїл Взяв Участь у Відзначенні Річниці Об’єднавчого Собору Православної Церкви України |
Archbishop Daniel Participates in the Liturgical Services and Formal Programs Marking the First Anniversary of the Unification Council of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 12/14/2019
Архієпископ Даниїл приймає участь в літургійних богослужіннях та відзначенні першої річниці Об’єднавчого Собору Православної Церкви України. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits St. Andrew Stavropegial Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Kyiv, Ukraine - 12/13/2019
Архієпископ Даниїл Відвідав Ставропігійну Церкву Вселенської Патріархії Святого Андрія Первозванного в Києві, Україна |
St. Sophia Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2020-2021 Academic Year - 12/10/2019
Набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївській Семінарії УПЦ США на 2020-2021 навчальний рік - 12/10/2019
St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Celebrates Patronal Feast Day with Archbishop Daniel - 12/09/2019
It is a pious tradition in the life of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD to celebrate the patron feast day with the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. However, due to Metropolitan’s illness, Archbishop Daniel traveled to the nation’s capital and presided over the weekend festivities at St. Andrew’s cathedral. |
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory - Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдвяну ялинку в Консисторії Церкви - 12/04/2019
Send in Your Christmas Ornaments for the Hierarchs Tree |
Giving Tuesday - December 3, 2019 - 12/03/2019
Вівторок Милостині - 3 грудня 2019 р. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: December – People with Disabilities Awareness Month - 12/02/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: Грудень - Місяць присвячений Людям з Обмеженими Можливостями |
Archpastoral Celebration of the Feast of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle in Jamaica, NY - 12/01/2019
Архієпископ Даниїл звершив Божественну Літургію на храмовому святі в Джамейці в Нью-Йорку |
11 January, 2020 - Annual Caroling for Christ - 12/01/2019
Join us at the Ukrainian Cultural Centerof the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA for the Annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST on January 11, 2020 |
The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - 11/29/2019
We have come to the December of yet another fleeting year, and we greet the arrival of the Feast of the Presentation, a major feast day of the Church Year. This feast is also known as The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple and is observed November 21 Gregorian Calendar / December 4 Julian Calendar. The Presentation feast day provides us another opportunity to pause, to reflect and celebrate the revealed plan of God’s salvation within the annual cycle of major feasts of the Orthodox Church. The Feast of the Presentation commemorates the bringing of the toddler child Mary, the future Birth-giver of God, to the Temple in Jerusalem where she would live and serve until her betrothal to Joseph. |
1 December, 2019 - UOL Sunday in Our Parishes - 1 грудня - Неділя УПЛіги в наших парафіях - 11/29/2019
Month of December in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/29/2019
Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: December – People with Disabilities Awareness Month - 11/29/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США - Грудень - місяць опіки людьми з інвалідністю |
Memory Eternal: Protodeacon Sviatoslav Nowytski - Вічна Пам'ять: протодиякон Святослав Новицький - 11/28/2019
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Protodeacon Sviatoslav Nowytski (of Saint Michael/St. George Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Minneapolis, NM) has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - on November 28, 2019. May his memory be eternal! |
Praying, Fasting and Doing Deeds of Christmas Love from Now Through NATIVITY (CHRISTMAS) - 11/27/2019
Молимося, постимо та чинемемо діла милосердя протягом Різдвяного періоду |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: THANKSGIVING 2019 - 11/27/2019
We greet you in the love of Jesus Christ on the joyous occasion of our national celebration of Thanksgiving. This is truly a beautiful national holiday, for it presents us with an opportunity to come together as families and communities in gratitude for the tremendous blessings that God continually bestows upon us each and every day of our lives. |
The Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Community of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin (South Plainfield, NJ) Celebrates 85 years Years - 11/26/2019
Парафіяльна громада Української Православної Церкви Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці відзначає 85-ти ліття духовного служіння. |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ГІДНИЙ! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 47th Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/25/2019
Вітання митрополиту Антонію з нагоди 47-ої річниці священичої хіротонії |
Baltimore, MD Ukrainian Orthodox Community Celebrates 70 Years - 11/24/2019
24 листопада в 23 неділю після П’ятидесятниці, правлячий архієрей Західної єпархії УПЦ США архієпископ Даниїл звершив Божественну Літургію в храмі Архістратига Божого Михаїла в місті Балтимор, штат Мериланд. |
Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Scranton, PA Marks 90th Anniversary - 11/24/2019
In March of the year of our Lord 1929 Saint Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Scranton Pennsylvania was established. A group of devoted men and women who wanted to preserve their faith and heritage, formed a place of worship where they would glorify our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ for many years to come. These men and women gave of themselves by their hard work and by donating what little they had. |
20 December, 2019 - St. Sophia Seminary Graduation - 11/22/2019
Archbishop Daniel Visits St. George’s Parish in Yardville, NJ to Bless 40th Anniversary of Holy Matrimony of Very Rev. Fr. Petro and Dobrodijka Maria Levko - 11/20/2019
On Sunday, November 17, 2019 Very Rev. Fr. Petro Levko, pastor of St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Yardville, NJ and his Dobrodijka Maria Levko celebrated 40 years since they were wedded in the Mystery of the Holy Matrimony. The celebration of their 40th jubilee was extra special. Their children Very Rev. Vasyl Sendeha with PM Olenka and Very Rev. Michael Hontaruk with PM Anna along with the parishioners of St George’s parish prepared a surprise celebration. |
St. Andrew’s Society Holds Meeting: Outreach Projects to Ukraine Tops $1.3 Million - 11/19/2019
South Bound Brook, NJ – St. Andrew’s Society of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA held its General Membership Meeting following the daily sessions of the 22th Sobor of the Church were concluded. During the meeting, which was held in the Library of the Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook, NJ, reports were presented, the auditing review was accepted, an open discussion of future projects and elections of the officers was held. |
Praying Our Way Together Through Nativity Lent 2019 - 11/19/2019
Come Join our Lenten journey as we read Scriptural wisdom from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes |
Seminarian of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Ordained to Deaconate - 11/17/2019
Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary seminarian Subdeacon Yurii Bobko was ordained to the Deaconate of the Holy Orthodox Church on November 16, 2019 at St. Volodymyr Equal-to-the-Apostles Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York, NY by Archbishop Daniel in the presence of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Holodomor is not forgotten by the Ukrainian-American Community: Solemn Commemoration in New York City - 11/17/2019
On Saturday, November 16, 2019, St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City was filled with members of the Ukrainian Community and concerned citizens of New York and neighboring states to commemorate the 86th anniversary of the Genocidal man-made Famine known as the Holodomor. |
23 Nov. - Orthodoxy Under the Stars - Carteret NJ - 11/15/2019
UOC of the USA Pilgrims Visit the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople - 11/15/2019
The 2019 group of pilgrims from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA under the spiritual leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel safely departed Tel-Alvin, Israel following a 10-day pilgrimage to the sacred sites of Holy Land and on Thursday, November 14, 2019 arrived in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). |
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Church Building - 11/14/2019
We welcome His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the 4th Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, members of the clergy, seminarians, honored guests, friends and parishioners as we mark the 50th Anniversary of the Consecration and Blessing of our newly constructed St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church on August 31, 1969. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Honoring Our Veterans on Veterans Day - 11/11/2019
It is with a profound sense of appreciation and prayer that we take this opportunity to write to you as our Nation honors our Veterans. November 11, 2019 is Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day. |
Triple Celebration in Warners, NY - 11/08/2019
Parish Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of Ministry; Pastor Marks the 20th Anniversary of Holy Priesthood and New Mosaic and Domes Blessed
У 20-ту Неділю після П’ятидесятниці громада парафії святого апостола і євангелиста Луки у Ворнерс, Н.-Й, отримала велике благословення та радість прийняти з урочистим візитом Його Високопреосвященство Митрополита Антонія, правлячого ієрарха Східної Єпархії Української Православної Церкви США, та Правлячого Архиєрея Західної єпархії УПЦ США Архиєпископа Даниїла. |
Українське Технологічне Товариство в Пітсбургу (UTS) вручило щорічну нагороду «Українець Року» Його Високопреосвященству Архієпископу Дан - 11/08/2019
Ukrainian Technological Society of Pittsburgh (UTS) Presents Its Annual 2019 Ukrainian of the Year Award to His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 11/04/2019
On Saturday, November 2, 2019 the Ukrainian Technological Society of Pittsburgh (UTS) presented its Annual 2019 Ukrainian of the Year Award to His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, recognizing his leadership and accomplishments in service to the UOC of the USA and especially as Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch in the negotiations that led to the historic granting of the Tomos of Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. |
Celebrating Founders Day At Sts. Peter And Paul Mission West Islip, Long Island - 11/02/2019
On Sunday October 27, 2019 Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox mission had the great pleasure of receiving His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the ruling hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Despite the heavy morning rainfall, the weather could not bring down the joy of the parishioners awaiting the arrival of His Eminence. |
Month of November in the Life of the Church - 10/31/2019
21 December - Annual CHRISTMAS AT THE SEMINARY Family Event - 10/31/2019
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: November is Epilepsy Awareness Month! - 10/31/2019
One of the great needs we have as Orthodox Christians is to deepen our faith and stay current in its application to issues, we face as a culture. Providing ways to do that is the motive behind this informative pastoral letter to the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: November is Epilepsy Awareness Month! - 10/30/2019
Two Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary Set Aside as Subdeacons of the Church - 10/25/2019
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the UOC of the USA, seminarians Yaroslav Bilohan and Myroslav Mykytyuk were called to serve the Christ’s Church as Readers and Subdeacons. |
The Ukrainian Technological Society is proud and honored to announce our 2019 Ukrainian of the Year - His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. - 10/25/2019
Joyful Jubilee Celebration at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Glen Spey, NY - 10/23/2019
Відзначення 50-ти річчя отця Ореста Пугальського |
XXII Regular SOBOR of the UOC of the USA Concludes at the Spiritual Center - Metropolia of the UOC of the USA - 10/23/2019
ХХІІ Собор Української Православної Церкви США Завершив Свою Роботу в Духовному Осередку Митрополії УПЦ США |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Welcome Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv at the Spiritual Center of the Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - 10/22/2019
Ієрархи УПЦ США привітали Митрополита Київського Єпіфанія у Духовному Осередку Церкви в Саут Баунд Бруці, штат Нью-Джерсі |
2019 Clergy Conference of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 10/21/2019
2019 Clergy Conference of the UOC of the USA took place before the commencement of the XXIISobor of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church (16-19 October, 2019) at the Spiritual Center of the Church in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Presentation of the Athenagoras Human Rights Award to His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine - 10/20/2019
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel, joined by Very Rev. Fr. Stephen Hutnick (Treasurer of the Consistory) and Fr. Vasyl Pasakas (personal assistant to the President of the Consistory) and Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Dr. Paul Micevych, George Cepynsky and Howard West represented UOC of the USA at the presentation of the Athenagoras Human Rights Award to His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine at the New York Hilton Midtown on October 19, 2019. |
XXII Regular SOBOR of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 10/16/2019
XXII Звичайний Собор Української Православної Церкви США |
100 YEARS OF FAITHFULNESS: Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Trenton, NJ - 10/14/2019
Світло істини – 100 літній ювілей Української Православної Парафії Пресвятої Трійці в Трентоні, Н. Дж. |
Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine to Visit Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA and to Be Honored by the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 10/13/2019
Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine to Visit Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA and to Be Honored by the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 10/12/2019
Ієрархи УПЦ США привітали Митрополита Київського Єпіфанія у Духовному Осередку Церкви в Саут Баунд Бруці, штат Нью-Джерсі |
The Church of Greece has recognized the Autocephalous Church of Ukraine - 10/12/2019
Елладська Православна Церква визнала ПЦУ |
Get to Know the Seminarians of our Church - Знайомтесь із семінаристами УПЦ США - 10/10/2019
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Visits Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Family in Palos Park, IL as They Celebrate 110th Anniversary of Service to God and His People - 10/09/2019
The parish family of Sts. Peter and Paul in Palos Park has come together to pray and celebrate a special occasion on October 4-6, 2019. There was a lot to celebrate. God has granted this small community on the south side Chicago Land to serve Him and His people for 110 years. |
International Holodomor Forum - 10/08/2019
The Renaissance Airport Hotel, Philadelphia was the venue for an International HOLODOMOR FORUM on 4-6 October. The full-day conference was organized by the National Holodomor-Genocide Awareness Committee of the USA, the body responsible for the establishment of the permanent National Holodomor Memorial located just steps away from the United States Capital Building on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C. The conference brought together Holodomor scholars and members of action committees from all across the USA and Canada. Metropolitan Antony of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA participated in the Forum as did Metropolitan Boris of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the USA. A special guest and speaker at the conference was Former Congressman Sandor Levin of Michigan. He was a co-founder of the Ukrainian Caucus of the House of Representatives in 1997 and worked tirelessly until his retirement in 2019 as a forceful supporter and sponsor of the National Memorial, seeing it through to completion. The Congressman is pictured here with the two Metropolitans. |
BARVINOK School of Religious Studies and Ukrainian Language in Palos Park, IL Celebrates 5 Years of Academic and Pastoral Service to the Parish and Community - 10/08/2019
Святкування п’ятої річниці школи співпало з святкуванням 110-ї річниці Української Православної Церкви Св. Петра і Павла на базі якої заснована школа. |
St. Vladimir Cathedral Celebrates 93rd Anniversary of Foundation & Feast of the Protection (Pokrova) of the Mother of God - 10/07/2019
St. Vladimir Cathedral Celebrates 93rd Anniversary and Pokrova Feast Day. The parish organization began in 1925 and was formally chartered by our UOC of USA First Metropolitan John (Theodorovich), who established it as his Episcopal See, the first in the history of the UOC. The present Cathedral Church edifice was consecrated in 1966 and has served as the spiritual home of hundreds, if not thousands, of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians for 53 years. |
Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 34 Years of Archpastoral Service - 10/05/2019
Thirty-four years ago, on October 6, 1985, His Eminence Metropolitan ANTONY was consecrated at St. Andrew the First Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ as bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and has been faithfully serving the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA continually before the Lord God. Vladyka takes the verse from the Book of Psalms, "THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH!” as his personal calling and applies it in his everyday life in his service to our Church. |
We shine like pearles - 10/01/2019
Growing up all of us have known people who have had beautiful gardens, we like to lay back and look at the fruit of our labor; we love to see the formation of our children, we like to see ourselves grow in our work situations, and we especially like to see and watch ourselves grow spiritually. Today in the Gospel Saint Luke is telling us how to obtain growth in our spiritual lives; first it is important to enlighten and to feed ourselves with the word of God, by reading of the scriptures daily, and by fasting, and through the practice of prayer. |
5th Youth Sobor 2019 - 09/30/2019
We are pleased to announce registration is now open for the Youth Sobor - October 17-19th. Want to find out more about why you should attend? |
Many Blessed Years, Master! - На многая і благая літа, Владико! - 09/28/2019
The Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA, Metropolitan Antony, along with the Council of Metropolia, members of the Consistory, clergy, faithful and the student body of St. Sophia Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA express their sincere greetings and assurance of prayers for His Eminence Archbishop Daniel on the occasion of His Birthday. |
St. Mary, Nativity of the Mother of God, New Britain, Welcomes Metropolitan Antony September 15, 2019 - 09/24/2019
Blessed with a bright, early-autumn day, our parish welcomed Metropolitan Antony to New Britain, Connecticut, on September 15, 2019, to celebrate our Temple Feast Day and share in mutual love and fellowship as we begin the new church year. His Eminence led the congregation of St. Mary, the Nativity of the Mother of God, in celebrating Divine Liturgy alongside our pastor Very Rev. Father Andrii Pokotylo and Proto-Deacon Anthony Szwez. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Seattle, WA - 09/24/2019
Архиєпископ Даниїл відвідав Українську Православну громаду Сіетла, штат Вашингтон |
Exaltation of the Holy and Life-giving Cross - 09/23/2019
This Feast is a day of Strict Fast, similar to other commemorations of the Holy Cross during the year, such as the Third Sunday of Great Lent and the first day of the Dormition Fast. The Gospel reading for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is very similar to the Gospel reading during Vespers on Great Friday of Holy Week, commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Met with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America - 09/20/2019
On Thursday, September 19, 2019 His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel met with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, spiritual father of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch, at the headquarters of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. |
Sacred Arts Contest Announced! - 09/17/2019
The Faith & Photography Contest has now become the Sacred Arts Contest! Entries are now being accepted and all entries will be displayed at the 22nd Sobor in October. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits St. Cyril and Methodius UOC Mission in Madison, WI - 09/15/2019
On Sunday, September 15, 2019, his Eminence Archbishop Daniel together with Subdeacon Ihor Protsak made his first pastoral to one of the newest communities in the UOC of the USA. |
The Myrrh-Streaming Icon - the Kardiotissa, “The Tender Heart” Visits Carnegie, PA - 09/14/2019
A handful of the parish family members of Saints Peter and Paul parish in Carnegie had been blessed at various times to have interacted with the Kardiotissa icon from Taylor, PA. Some had seen her at All Saints Camp, some had participated with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel on the pilgrimage to Taylor, and some had prayed with her while she was in Parma, OH during Great Lent of 2019. Though, at each experience, the parishioners had a longing for something more. The “something more” was getting the faithful that could not travel outside of Carnegie to be able to experience the icon. |
Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the UOC of the USA Entered into a New 2019-2020 Academic Year - 09/14/2019
On Saturday, September 14th 2019, a great celebration took place in St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary on the occasion of the beginning of a New Academic Year. |
Join us for the Official Opening of the New 2019-2020 Academic Year - 09/12/2019
We extend an invitation to join us for the official opening of the New 2019-2020 Academic Year of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary that will take place on Saturday, September 14, 2019 with the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Remembering the Tragedy of 9-11-2001 - 09/10/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: “Молитовно Згадуємо Трагедію 11 вересня 2001 року...” - 09/10/2019
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Remembering the Tragedy of 9-11-2001 - 09/10/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: "Молитовно Згадуємо Трагедію 9 вересня 2001 року..." |
XVth Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of South America Marks 50th Anniversary of Spiritual Ministry in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil - 09/08/2019
Over 60 delegates and clergy, representing Ukrainian Orthodox parish communities from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, gathered in Papanduva, Santa Catarina region of Brazil for the XVth Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of South America, marking the 50thanniversary of Eparchy’s establishment. |
Metropolitan Antony is a Guest of Cardinal Dolan as he Welcomes Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - 09/04/2019
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony joined Cardinal Dolan of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, as he honored Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America at a luncheon on September 4, 2019, welcoming the newly appointed Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in New York. |
Renewed Ukrainian Orthodox Chapel of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Consecrated at Ukrainian Youth Camp in Ellenville, NY - 09/03/2019
Нововідновлена Українська Православна каплиця Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці освячена на Таборі Спілки Української Молоді в Елленвілл, Нью Йорк |
Message of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the Day of the Protection of the Environment - 08/30/2019
We invite the radiant children of the Mother Church throughout the world to pray for the integrity of creation, to be sustainable and charitable in every aspect of their lives, to strive for the protection of the natural environment, as well as the promotion of peace and justice. And we proclaim once more the truth that there can be no genuine progress, when the “very good” creation and the human person made in the image and likeness of God suffer. |
Ukrainian-American Community of Philadelphia, PA Marks the 28th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 08/30/2019
Ukrainian-American community of greater Philadelphia Metropolitan area gathered together for an evening of prayer, reflection and theatrical presentation, marking the 28thanniversary of Ukraine’s Independence at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Jenkintown, PA. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits the Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Monessen, PA for the Feast of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God - 08/29/2019
A small town of Monessen, PA, population of which is 7,720 according to 2010 Census of the US government is a home for the parish family of the Ukrainian Orthodox community of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. |
Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/28/2019
25 серпня в духовному осередку – Митрополії Української Православної Церкви США відзначили 28-му річницю відновлення незалежности України |
On the Celebration of 28th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence - 08/21/2019
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США |
72nd Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention Convenes at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA - 08/20/2019
For the Seventy-Second time in history of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, delegates from various chapters of parish families from across the country gathered for the first time at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA for their annual convention. |
UOC of the USA Mission Team Unveils a Book of Poems of Valentyna Nuzhnyk from Znamyanka Orphanage - 08/19/2019
While ministering to the children of Znamyanka Orphanage of Kirovohrad Region of Ukraine, the 2019 Mission Team of the UOC of the USA had a great opportunity to participate in the presentation of a book of poetry “WONDERFUL WORLD - ЧУДЕСНИЙ МИР” by Valia Nyzhnyk - a young lady in a wheelchair from the Orphanage. |
The 2019 Mission Team of the UOC of the USA Completes the Work of Love at the Orphanage in Ukraine - 08/16/2019
The 2019 Mission Team of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to Znamyanka Orphanage in Ukraine consisted of 12 Mission Team Members: Very Rev. Fr. Taras Naumenko, Very Rev. Fr. Vasyl Sendeha, Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak, Subdeacon Ivan Venhryn, Reader Roman Baker, Natalia Hlushko, Alexis Naumenko, Andrew Powers, Daniel Steliac, Mariya Pavlusyk, Olena Lymar under the leadership of Archbishop Daniel. |
Praying Our Way Together Through Dormition Lent 2019 - 08/09/2019
Mission Team of the Church Departs for the Annual Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 08/07/2019
On a breezy, warm August 5, 2019 afternoon, a group of missionaries gathered at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, in South Bound Brook, New Jersey. Arriving from all corners of the United States, they came to fulfill that Great Commission given them by Christ, by traveling to share His love by visiting several orphanages in Ukraine. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Joins National Council of Churches in the Statement: “Gun Violence Must End Now" - 08/04/2019
In prayerful unison with the National Council of Churches, organization that serves as a leading voice of witness to the living Christ in the public square since 1950, the NCC brings together 38 member communions and more than 40 million Christians in a common commitment to God’s love and promise of unity, the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA blessed to forward to the parishes of the UOC of the USA the following statement: |
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH Marks the 95th Anniversary - 07/30/2019
As the sun rose on Sunday, July 28th, 2019, the sleepy city of Parma, Ohio, yawned beneath soft white clouds as the bells of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral rang, echoing down the streets of the drowsy town. The faithful of the parish gathered on the steps of the church, happily awaiting the arrival of their beloved hierarchs, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Metropolitan & Prime Hierarch of UOC of the USA and Diaspora; and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and Consistory President. |
AXIOS! Deacon Richard Jendras Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 07/30/2019
The spiritually uplifting day had finally arrived, as the parishioners of the Protection of the Holy Theotokos Ukrainian Orthodox church, in Allentown, PA, gathered excitedly on the steps of their church. Saturday, July 27th2019 was the day that long-time friend, colleague, and instructor, Deacon Richard Jendras would be ordained into the Holy Priesthood of the Holy Orthodox Church. |
72nd Annual UOL Convention: 1-4 August, 2019 - 07/28/2019
Save the Date! The Ukrainian Orthodox League of the USA Cordially Invites You to Attend its 72nd Annual Convention Hosted at All Saints Camp, Emlenton PA |
Hierarchs of the Church Meet with the Archbishop of Australia - 07/26/2019
On Wednesday - July 24, 2019 – the feast day of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Princess Olha, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Michael Solomko (president of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand of the UOC in Diapora) traveled to Sydney for a meeting with the newly appointed Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia - His Eminence Archbishop Makarios. |
2019 Pilgrimage to the HOLY LAND and Constantinople With Archbishop Daniel - 07/24/2019
Join us, as we explore the Biblical Holy Land and Constantinople - the Ancient Capital of Byzantium |
XIX's Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand Convened in Canberra, Australia - 07/23/2019
The hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand gathered at Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Parish in Canberra, ACT, Australia on 18-21 July, 2019 for the proceedings of the XIX Triennial SOBOR of the Eparchy. |
Archpastoral Visit to the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Tampa Metropolitan Area - 07/14/2019
On the fourth Sunday after Pentecost, July 14, 2019 – His Eminence Archbishop Daniel made a hierarchal visit to the parish family while presiding over the Divine Liturgy, celebrating the feast of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Princess Olha (according to Gregorian Calendar). |
Memory Eternal: Pani Matka Tetiana Zemlachenko - 07/13/2019
It is with a profound sense of our own loss - yet in the inextinguishable light of peace and mercy that is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - that we inform the faithful of our Holy Metropolia of the passing from this life of the servant of God Pani Matka Tetiana Zemlachenko, wife of Protopresbyter Michael Zemlachenko (who reposed in the Lord in February of 2013). |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Joins National Council of Churches in the Statement: "Do Not Carry Out Planned Deportations" - 07/13/2019
Since the earliest times in which Christians gathered together, churches have been places of sanctuary in which persons in danger of harm can find safety and protection. |
Archpastoral Visit of Vladyka Daniel to Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL - 07/08/2019
On the Third Sunday after Pentecost, Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, July 7, 2019, the parish family of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL was blessed to be visited by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. |
The Nativity of John the Baptist is the event leading to the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. "The star of stars, the Forerunner, is born on earth today, from a barren womb, John the beloved of God, and manifests the dawning of Christ, the Orient from on high" (from Lauds of the Feast). From this day forward the preparation of the human race begins to meet of the Son of God on earth. The announcement of the holy Archangel Gabriel to Zacharias in the Temple begins the New Testament Gospel. The announcement of the same Archangel Gabriel six months later in Nazareth to the Virgin Mary, is the continuation of the revelation of concerning the salvation of the human race. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 243rd Anniversary of US Independence - 07/03/2019
We are celebrating Independence Day as one nation under God. Whether you call it the Fourth of July or Independence Day, the tradition goes back to the American Revolution. |
Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Ordained to the Priesthood and Deaconate of the Church - 06/29/2019
In the presence of twelve priest and three deacons and about 150 parishioners and guests of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Wilmington, DE. His Eminence Archbishop Daniel ordained Deacon Oleh Kravchenko to the Holy Priesthood and Subdeacon Timothy Kelleher to the Deaconate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the feast day of St. Tychon of Amathus, June 29, 2019. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Pani-matka Tetiana Zemlanchenko - 06/27/2019
While actively reflecting on the life of a priest’s wife and the historical account of pastoral assignments that both Fr. Michael of blessed memory and pani-matka Tetiana have experienced, Archbishop Daniel offered gratitude to for her devotion and love for the Church and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony presented pani-matka Zemlachenko with the Centennial medal of the UOC of the USA. |
Rector of St. Sophia Seminary Meets with the Group of Part-Time Students - 06/27/2019
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, in his capacity of a Rector of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, met with a group of part-time students enrolled in St. Sophia Seminary’s Distance Learning Master of Arts in Applied Orthodox Theology and Master of Divinity Programs. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Present Ecclesiastical Awards - 06/26/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США вручив церковні нагороди |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Visit the Campers at the Diocesan Church School Encampment at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA - 06/26/2019
Ієрархи УПЦ США відвідали Український Православний Табір ВСІХ СВЯТИХ на оселі в Еленвиль, Пенсильванія |
Храмове свято в Українській Православній Парафії Всіх Святих в Ню Йорку - 06/25/2019
Parish Feast Day at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New York City |
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Celebrates Pastor's Birthday - 06/25/2019
Напередодні неділі Всіх Святих Український Православний Кафедральний Собор святого князя Володимира у Чикаго урочисто відзначив 50-літній ювілей з дня народження свого настоятеля, протоієрея Івана Лимара. |
Metropolitan Antony Represents the UOC of the USA at the Enthronement of New Greek Orthodox Archbishop - 06/24/2019
Expressing the prayers and best wishes of the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony attended the enthronement of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, the new leader of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. |
Ювілей парафії Української Православної Церкви Святої Трійці в передмісті Чикаго, в містечку Бенсенвіль - 06/24/2019
B передмісті Чикаго, в містечку Бенсенвіль, відбулося святкування 10-річного ювілею Української Православної Церкви Святої Трійці та 30-річчя священничої служби настоятеля церкви - отця Богдана Калинюка. Цього дня ми також святкували одне з головних 12-ти свят - свято П'ятидесятниці. Саме П'ятидесятниця вважається початком історії церкви, коли Господь відкрив апостолам повноту своєї слави у триєдинстві. За межами церкви існують традиції прикрашати свої будинки травами, зеленими гілками, тому в народі це свято називають «Зеленою неділею». |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 243rd Anniversary of US Independence - 06/24/2019
The day of 4thof July is indeed a time to celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy. This day was envisioned by our Founding Fathers on the first Independence Day when in 1776 John Adams wrote this about the Fourth of July: "It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with shows, games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more." |
Свято П’ятидесятниці. Храмове свято громади Святої Тройці в м.Чіктовага, Нью-Йорк - 06/19/2019
Вранці, в неділю, 16 червня – День Святої П’ятидесятниці – двері церкви були широко відкриті чекаючи Високопреосвященнішого Владику Антонія та численних гостей. В храмі убраному зеленим віттям в честь Святої П’ятидесятниці торжественно зустріли Владику Митрополита Антонія з квітами та сердечними вітаннями, і з словом від імені парафії зустрів голова церковної управи Віктор Зибай, а потім Владику вітав настоятель о. Юрій Касьянов. |
Pentecost Celebration, Father’s Day, 10th Anniversary of the Parish Community, 30th Anniversary of Ordination of the Pastor - Celebrations at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL - 06/19/2019
The parishioners of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL celebrated their parish feast day with a visit from His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA on Pentecost Sunday, June 16-17, 2019. |
Молимося разом в час Апостольського Посту 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
2019 UOC of the USA Camping Ministry - Registration Open! - 06/14/2019
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA offers outstanding camping programs for the youth and families of our Church. |
В духовному осередку Митрополії УПЦ США молитовно відзначили 26-ту річницю упокоєння патріарха Мстислава - 06/11/2019
Metropolia Commemoration: Twenty-Sixth Anniversary of Patriarch Mstyslav's Falling Asleep in the Lord |
Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky’s 25th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood Celebrated in Rochester, New York - 06/11/2019
The objective of the special visit June 8-9, 2019 by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel to St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Rochester, NY, was to join the congregation in the celebration of Very Rev. Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky’s 25th anniversary of ordination to the Holy Priesthood. |
Remembering the Archpastor: 26th Anniversary of Repose of Patriarch Mstyslav - 06/07/2019
Молитовно згадуємо архипастиря: 26-та річниця упокоєння митрополита та патріарха Мстислава |
Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Engaged in Missionary Charitable Activities in North Carolina - 06/06/2019
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, a group of seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, who partnered with the Consistory Office of Christian Charity (under the leadership of Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay) traveled for over 750 miles from the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA to Waynesville, NC in order to deliver over 200 packages of diapers and clothing to the local North Carolina Haywood County. |
Homily for the Sunday after Ascension - 06/05/2019
In Between Time
This (“in between time”) term summarizes so much for us. We all seem to be living in the time between one thing and another.
For youth. For our youth, this is the time between when our youth have been granted adult bodies and a certain knowledge of how the world works - and the time when they can put those bodies and their talents to good use. And no longer does such a description simply apply to the challenges of being a teenager; our culture has extended this time of waiting past its natural breaking point, well into adulthood. This creates tremendous dissonance and tension between what their biology and morality tell them to be natural and correct and what the world tells them is the right way they should live. It is also a time of great anticipation as they wait for their chance to “make a difference”, but this anticipation can be incredibly stressful and brings strong temptations for nihilism, hedonism, self-absorption, superficiality, and despondency.
Archpastoral Visit of Vladyka Daniel to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Troy, NY - 06/03/2019
On Sunday June 2, 2019 our parish was blessed to have His Eminence Archbishop Daniel lead the Divine Liturgy. The special day of prayers started with Fr. Vasyl Dovgan receiving his first ecclesiastical award - AXIOS!!! |
Deacon Chaplain Adrian Mazur Honored - 06/03/2019
Deacon Adrian Mazur is a M. Div. graduate of St. Sophia Seminary and North Shore Long Island Hospital Clinical Pastoral Education Program, assigned to Holy Trinity Cathedral, New York City, as an assistant to the Cathedral Priest – his father – V. Rev. Todor Mazur. After completing his seminary education and the CPE program he was immediately hired by Northwell Hospital, which is part of the Northwell Health medical system consisting today of 23 hospitals in the New York City and Long Island area. The system is the largest health care system, and the largest employer in the state of New York, with over 63,800 on staff. |
UOC of the USA Studies Pastoral Ministerial Opportunities in North Carolina - 05/29/2019
As part of the ongoing efforts of the various offices of ministry of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, accompanied by Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Perkins (outgoing Vocations Director of the UOC of the USA) traveled to the State of North Carolina in order to do a feasibility study on the establishment of the new mission of the Church in Waynesville, NC. |
Memorial Day Observed at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 05/28/2019
With the chiming of church bells of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ began this year’s prayerful observance of Memorial Day at the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on May 27, 2019. |
Про сліпонародженого - 05/27/2019
“По вірі вашій, нехай буде вам.” Сказав Господь. Ми знаємо, що за гріхи батьків Бог наказує до четвертого покоління. Тому і учні запитали Його, хто согрішив, що він сліпим народився. Ісус відповів; ні він не согрішив, ні батьки його, а це для того, щоб відкрились на ньому діла Божі. (Ін. 9.3-7) |
Hierarchical visit to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Portland, Oregon - 05/27/2019
Archbishop Daniel, hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA visited the parish of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Portland, Oregon on Saturday and Sunday, May 25-26. |
2019 Memorial Day Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 05/25/2019
This weekend our nation observes Memorial Day - a date on the civil calendar when the nation can (and should) honor the men and women who died in battle on behalf of our nation. |
The Liturgical Day of Prayerful Gratitude – Archbishop Daniel Leads the Services of the Fourth Sunday of Pascha at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 05/20/2019
The fourth Sunday following Pascha, was truly a day of spiritual gratitude and prayer at St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church at the Spiritual Center/Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox church of the USA in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ. |
Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC): Sign up for 2019 Mission Teams Today! - 05/15/2019
Empower the Church at home and abroad by working, witnessing, worshipping and making disciples on an Orthodox Mission Team. Minister to the needs of Orthodox communities around the world by: presenting a visible expression of the love, unity and support; sharing the teachings of the Orthodox Faith and providing labor to communities; and increasingawareness of the unending mission efforts of the Church. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits the Eastern Part of Ukraine – Ten Miles Away from the Active War Zone - 05/14/2019
Архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Маріуполь – місто-порт Східньої України, за десять кілометрів від поля бою |
Joyful Parish Feast Day on a Rainy Spring Day in Yardville, NJ - 05/12/2019
On rainy Sunday of May 12th, 2019, which is also the day of the annual observance of the Mothers Day, about 200 faithful of the parish community welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel for the parochial celebratory festivities. |
A Note of Gratitude from Archbishop Daniel - Слова подяки від Архієпископа Даниїла: - 05/10/2019
Overwhelmed by the sanctity of the received greetings upon the anniversary of my consecration, by which I was blessed by the Providence of Almighty God, I utter the words written centuries past by the Apostle Paul to his disciple Timothy: “I thank Him who has given me the strength for this, Christ Jesus our Lord because he judged me faithful by appointing me to His service… to Him, the King of the Ages, immortal, invisible, the only God be honor and glory for ever and ever.” (1 Timothy 1: 12, 17). |
11th anniversary of Archbishop Daniel – 11 річниця Архієрейської хіротонії - 05/10/2019
The Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA, Metropolitan Antony, along with the Council of Metropolia, members of the Consistory, clergy, faithful and the student body of St. Sophia Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA express their sincere greetings and assurance of prayers for His Eminence Archbishop Daniel on the occasion of His 11th Anniversary of the Episcopal consecration.
Первоієрарх УПЦ США Митрополит Антоній, разом з Радою Митрополії, членами Консисторії, духовенством, вірними і студентським корпусом Свято-Софійської духовної семінарії Української Православної Церкви США висловлюють щирі вітання і запевняють у молитвах Його Високопреосвященсво Архієпископа Даниїла з нагоди 11 річниці з дня висвячення у архієрейський сан. |
2019 Annual St. Thomas Sunday-Provody: Weekend Pilgrimage to South Bound Brook, NJ – Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - a Success Despite the Rain and Cold - 05/05/2019
Braving rain and a cold wind on the Saturday of St. Thomas Sunday, the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA made their annual pilgrimage to the Spiritual Center – Metropolia of the UOC of the USA, especially St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery in South Bound Brook, NJ. Despite the chilly Saturday weather a sizeable group of 2,000 took part in the two-day pilgrimage. |
1 June, 2019 - All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - 05/03/2019
5-17 November, 2019 - Sacred Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Constantinople with Archbishop Daniel - 05/01/2019
Join us, as we explore the Biblical Holy Land and Constantinople - the ancient capital of Byzantium |
Bright Monday and Tuesday Celebrations with Archbishop Daniel in Chicago Deanery - 04/30/2019
Pascha at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/28/2019
With about 4 inches of snow on the ground in the Metropolitan Chicago area, the Pascha liturgical services began in total darkness, as Archbishop Daniel chanted the announcement of Resurrection and carried out the flame from the tomb of the Savior, which was brought from Jerusalem to St. Volodymyr’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! |
The 2019 Pascha Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 04/27/2019
Пасхальне Послання 2019 року Божого Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України |
The 2019 Pascha Epistle of the Ecumenical Patriarch - 04/27/2019
Having run the course of the race of Holy and Great Lent in prayer and fasting, and having reached the salvific passion of Christ God, today we are rendered participants in the joy of His splendid Resurrection. |
Great and Holy Saturday at the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL - 04/27/2019
On Holy Saturday (April 26, 2019), His Eminence Archbishop Daniel once again presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL, during which numerous faithful of Chicago Metropolitan area prayerfully gathered to reflect upon the great Mystery of Salvation of the Crucified Savior. The pastor of the cathedral parish family Very Rev. Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk assisted Vladyka Daniel. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Liturgical Services of the Great and Holy Friday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/26/2019
On Good and Holy Friday (April 26, 2019), the most solemn day of the liturgical year, parishioners, relatives and members of the community at large gathered in St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL, for a solemn witness of the sacrifice of the Lord in order to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Remembering Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster - 04/26/2019
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США: Пам’ятаючи Чорнобильську Атомну Катастрофу |
Holy Thursday: His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Led the Service of the Passions of our Lord - 04/26/2019
On Thursday evening (25 April, 2019), His Eminence Archbishop Daniel led the service of the Passions of our Lord - the Reading of the 12 Gospels at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL. |
Archbishop Daniel Celebrates Holy Thursday Divine Services in Chicago, IL - 04/25/2019
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA marked the beginning of last three days of Holy Week on Thursday morning, April 25, with Holy Thursday Vesperal Divine Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr the Great in Chicago, IL (Very Rev. Fr. Ivan Lymar – pastor). |
Holy Unction Service at Saints Peter and Paul UOC Served by the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel and the Clergy of Chicago Deanery - 04/25/2019
Seven local Ukrainian Orthodox clergy of the greater Chicago Metropolitan area, representing parishes of Chicago Deanery, gathered together with the bishop of Western Eparchy, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, for the celebration of the Mystery of Holy Unction at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Palos Park, IL. |
Holy and Sacred Monday Liturgical Service in Lakewood, OH - 04/22/2019
The clergy and faithful of the Cleveland, OH Metropolitan area have entered the sacred time of Holy and Great Week with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel and his personal participation in the liturgical services of the week. |
“Hosanna! Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord!” Palm Sunday at the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, MI - 04/21/2019
Lazarus Saturday Celebrated at the Pokrova Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield (Detroit), MI - 04/20/2019
The clouds rolled in thick and dark, casting the interior of the Protection of the Mother of God Cathedral, in Southfield, Michigan in to darkness. However, the deepest of shadows were soon dispelled by the brightness of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, who arrived to celebrate Lazarus Saturday with the faithful. |
Memory Eternal: Pani Matka Julia Sikorska - 04/16/2019
It is with a profound sense of our own loss - yet in the inextinguishable light of peace and mercy that is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - that we inform the faithful of our Holy Metropolia of the passing from this life of the servant of God Pani Matka Julia Sikorska, wife of Rev. Fr. Juriy Sikorsky (who reposed in the Lord in December of 1969). |
AXIOS! Deacon Frank Lucero Begins His Service as the Newest Deacon of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 04/14/2019
Taking the next step on his journey toward the Holy Priesthood, Frank Lucero, a vocation of the Venerable Job of Pochaiv Orthodox Parish of the UOC of the USA and a seminarian of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ), was ordained to the sacred Deaconate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA through the laying-on-of hands of the eparchial hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Church – His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. |
Please, help us to raise funds for Diapers in Znamyanka Orphanage in Ukraine |
Sacred Altar Dedicated at the Venerable Job of Pochaiv Orthodox Parish in Los Alamos, NM - 04/13/2019
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel celebrated the Great Consecration of the Altar for the Venerable Job of Pochaiv Parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in Los Alamos, NM on Akathist Saturday, April 13, 2019. |
UOL Lenten Retreat Takes Place in Bethlehem, PA - 04/13/2019
The UOL Lenten Retreat took place on Saturday, April 13, 2019 at St. Francis Center for Renewal in Bethlehem, PA. For the last several years the UOL has worked with ACRY (American Carpatho-Russian Youth) in hosting the retreat. |
Seminarians Joined Archbishop Daniel on a Tour of the New Exhibit at the Ukrainian Museum in New York City, Dedicated to the Centennial of Ukrainian Statehood - 04/12/2019
Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary recently accompanied His Eminence Archbishop Daniel on a visit of the new exhibit “Full Circle: Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence 100 Years Ago, 1917-1921” at the Ukrainian Museum in New York City. |
Holy Thursday Services in Chicago Deanery - 04/07/2019
The Eve of the Feast of Annunciation of the Birth-Giver God Brings Nearly 1,000 Faithful to Venerate the Myrrh-Streaming Icon in Brooklyn, NY - 04/07/2019
Молитовне вшанування мироточивої ікони у Брукліні, Н. Й. |
Youngstown, OH and Western PA UOL Lenten Retreat - 04/02/2019
On Saturday, March 30, 2019 the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches of Ohio and Western Pennsylvania met at the Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center for the annual Lenten retreat sponsored by the UOL. Fr. Ivan Tchopko opened the day by leading morning prayers and serving a Panahyda for the late Very Reverend Fr. John Harvey whose presence was missed as this was an event at which he not only participated but also loved. |
Sunday of the Holy Cross at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD - 04/02/2019
The doors of St. Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD opened its doors to welcome hundreds of faithful of the local community, giving them a place of a warm environment (considering the strong wind and rain of the day) for prayer and reflection on a Sunday that the entire Holy Orthodox Church venerates the Most Precious Cross of the Lord. |
Over Six Hundred Flock to the Myrrh-Streaming Icon at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, OH - 04/02/2019
As millions of Orthodox Christians around the world journey the Sacred Period of Great Lent leading to the greatest miracle in the history of humanity – our Lord’s Glorious Resurrection, hundreds of Orthodox Christians from across the Cleveland, OH Metropolitan area were flocking to Saint Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, in Parma, OH on Friday and Saturday, 29-30 March, 2019 to see what they believe to be a different miracle. |
NJ/NY Deanery Holds Lenten Liturgical Services Meets at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, NY - 04/02/2019
The Wednesday of the Third Sunday of Great and Holy Lent (27 March, 2019) at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral was truly a time for spiritual reflection and prayer for individual parishioners, the entire Holy Trinity cathedral parish family and the greater New York/New Jersey Deanery of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
Great Lent Giveaways 2019 (1) - 04/01/2019
The Great Lent Giveaway (GLG) is a program sponsored by the Consistory Office of Youth Ministry and the Jr Ukrainian Orthodox League. Each year our youth across the country join together to live their faith during the Great Fast - deepening their relationship with Christ by helping others! This year the efforts of the GLG will benefit Heifer International. |
Chicago Deanery Releases Holy Week Schedule with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Presiding - 03/26/2019
Chicago Deanery Releases Holy Week Schedule with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Presiding - 03/26/2019
Chicago Deanery Meets at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 03/26/2019
The weekend of the Second Sunday of Great and Holy Lent (22-24 March, 2019) at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral was truly a time for spiritual reflection and prayer for individual parishioners, the entire St. Volodymyr cathedral parish family and the greater Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads the Liturgical Services of the Second Sunday of the Great and Holy Lent - 03/26/2019
The weekend of the Second Sunday of Great and Holy Lent (22-24 March, 2019) at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral was truly a time for spiritual reflection and prayer for individual parishioners, the entire St. Volodymyr cathedral parish family and the greater Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
Celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Munich, Germany - 03/19/2019
On Sunday, March 17, 2019 a shrine of numerous pilgrimages, dedicated to the Birth-Giver of God of Altotting (1489) in the heart of Munich, Germany became a place of a spiritual pilgrimage and renewal for the faithful of the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Munich, Germany. |
The Clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Western Europe Meet with Archbishop Daniel - 03/17/2019
Духовенство Української Православної Церкви Діспори (Німеччини, Бельгії та Франції) Провело Зустріч із Архієпископом Даниїлом |
Archbishop Daniel Leads the Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete during the First Week of Great Lent in Munich, Germany - 03/15/2019
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Archbishop Daniel, in his capacity as a spiritual father of the parishes in Western Europe, traveled to Munich, Germany in order to visit the Ukrainian Orthodox communities in Germany and to hold a meeting with the clergy of the Western European Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora. |
Chicago Deanery of the Church Scheduled to Meet for the Annual Retreat on March 22, 2019 - 03/12/2019
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, the clergy of Chicago Deanery of the Church will gather at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL for the annual spiritual retreat/Deanery meeting with Vladyka Daniel presiding on March 22, 2019. |
Молимося разом в час Великого посту 2019 - 03/12/2019
Приєднуйтесь до своїх братів і сестер у Христі на шляху Великого Посту, коли ми молимося і читаємо Псалтир щодня протягом двадцяти днів. |
The 2019 Great Lent Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 03/06/2019
Великопосне Послання 2019 року Постійної Конференції Православних Єпископів Поза Межами України |
Catechetical Homily of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch at the Opening of Holy and Great Lent - 03/06/2019
With the grace of God, the giver of all gifts, we have once again arrived at Holy and Great Lent, the arena of ascetical struggle, in order to purify ourselves with the Lord’s assistance through prayer, fasting and humility, as well as to prepare ourselves for a spiritual experience of the venerable Passion and the celebration of the splendid Resurrection of Christ the Savior.
Archbishop Daniel Ordains New Subdeacon and Deacon in New Mexico: ‘Not to Be Served, but to Serve’ - 03/03/2019
The sacred day of Meatfare Sunday welcomed everyone to St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruces, NM – a community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, with the temperatures in low 80s. |
Archbishop Daniel Begins Archpastoral Visit to St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruses, NM - 03/03/2019
Having battled the snowy conditions of the Northern New Jersey, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, accompanied by the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Subdeacon Ihor Protsak and Yaroslav Bilohan, with a slight delay arrived to El Paso, TX International airport and later in the day to Las Cruces, NM – the town that embraced the mission of St. Anthony of the Desert – a community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Over $15,000 Raised for Wounded Soldiers in Ukraine via Icons on Ammo Boxes Exhibition in the Parishes of the UOC of the USA - 02/28/2019
Over $15,000 has been raised for the needs of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital from the sale of Icons on Ammo Boxes during exhibitions in the parishes of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. The local parish exhibits were held under the “Buy and Icon – Save a Life” joint project of the PFVMH and artists Sofia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko. The amount seems to be not final since several potential buyers are still considering a purchase of icons. |
LUBA - Trisomy Awareness Month! - 02/28/2019
Trisomy is a condition where an individual is born with an extra chromosome in their DNA. That one extra little chromosome may cause a person a wide array of health issues ranging from mild intellectual and developmental disabilities to severe physical problems. |
UOL Bulletin - March 2019 - 02/28/2019
UOL Bulletin for March 2019 |
Catechetical Homily of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch at the Opening of Holy and Great Lent - 02/26/2019
With the grace of God, the giver of all gifts, we have once again arrived at Holy and Great Lent, the arena of ascetical struggle, in order to purify ourselves with the Lord’s assistance through prayer, fasting and humility, as well as to prepare ourselves for a spiritual experience of the venerable Passion and the celebration of the splendid Resurrection of Christ the Savior.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry at All Saints Camp - 02/23/2019
Registration Open for the 2019 Season! - Відкрита Реєстрація на участь в Церковних Таборах УПЦ США! |
Praying Our Way Together Through Great Lent 2019 - 02/23/2019
Come join your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on a Lenten journey as we pray and read the Psalter each day for 20 days! Please respond by March 13. |
2019 Summer College Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 02/22/2019
7-17 August, 2019: The College Student Mission Trip to aid orphanages in Ukraine, is a ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We hope to bring aid and comfort to special needs orphans and orphanages in a country that currently does not have the means to do so. |
The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko Joined the Ukrainian-American Community in Prayer for the HEAVENLY HUNDRED - 02/21/2019
Clergy and Parishioners from the five states that surround the Metropolitan New York area battled the snowy day of February 20th, 2019 in order to join the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in the solemn Memorial Service, commemorating the sacrifices of the HEAVENLY HUNDRED – the young men and women that in February 2014 lost their lives on Maydan in Kyiv. |
“Heavenly Hundred” Memorial Program and Charitable Iconography Exhibit at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 02/21/2019
As the world-wide community in general and the Ukrainian-American community in particular marked the 5thanniversary of the slaughter of the innocent victims of the “Heavenly Hundred” on Kyiv’s Maydan in February of 2014, the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ became a place of a profound prayerful reflection about the tragedy and the need for the community to engage itself in the promotion of the sacredness of life and its protection. |
ATTENTION STUDENTS: 2019 Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships Available! - 02/21/2019
Applications for scholarships are available for awards to be made for the 2019-2020 academic year. The deadline for submitting an application for any of these scholarships is May 3, 2019. |
“Heavenly Hundred” Commemorated at the Nation’s Capital – Washington, DC - 02/20/2019
On Sunday, February 17th, 2019 - the Ukrainian-American Community of the greater Washington, DC Metropolitan area gathered in the nation’s capital for the prayerful solemn observance of the 5thanniversary of the tragic loss of life – the HEVANLY HUNDRED – the young men and women of Kyiv’s Maydan that were shot to death in February of 2014. |
20th February, 2019 - Remembering the "Heavenly Hundred" - PLEASE NOTE the NEW TIME AND LOCATION - 02/19/2019
PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME AND LOCATIONJoin the Ukrainian Orthodox Community of the Spiritul Center of the UOC of the USA for the Memorial Service and Program |
Joyful and Spiritually Uplifting Archpastoral Visit to Washington, DC Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and the Greater Ukrainian-American Community - 02/18/2019
February 17-18, 2019 weekend – the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, was truly a spiritual and uplifting weekend for the faithful of St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral community in Silver Spring, MD. |
The Annual Meeting of the Council of the Metropolia - 02/17/2019
The Annual Meeting of the Council of the Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA began on a high note as the members of the council participated in Divine Liturgy on the Feast Day of the Meeting of our Lord and Savior. With the Seminarians of the St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary singing, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA and the Diaspora, celebrated the Liturgy, assisted by many local clergy. |
Rushnyky: Ritual Cloths of the Cossack Lands of Ukraine - New Exhibit of the Ukrainian History and Education Center - 02/11/2019
The exhibition opening and gallery talk will be on Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 1 PM at the Ukrainian History and Education Center’s Library Gallery located at 135 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, NJ, 08873. |
St. Sophia Seminary UOL Chapter Sponsors “SOUP-er Bowl” Charitable Luncheon - 02/10/2019
Супний Обід, організований семінарійним відділом УПЛіги, в залі Сестрицтва Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці, зібрав понад $1,500 на благодійні їдальні Товариства Святого Андрія УПЦ США. |
The 2019 Great Lent Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 02/10/2019
Великопосне Послання 2019 року Постійної Конференції Православних Єпископів Поза Межами України |
St. Sophia Seminary Graduate Subdeacon Valentine Olynyk Ordained to Deaconate - 02/09/2019
“You are called to love, to forgive, to be salt and light in a very special way,” His Eminence Archbishop Daniel said in his homily directed at Subdeacon Valentine Olynyk, who in the presence of his wife Olia, children and brothers in the Holy Priesthood awaited the moment of sacred ordination to the Holy Deaconate of the graduate of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Mark Your Calendars - 2019 Lenten Retreats - 02/08/2019
6 April, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Troy, NY - 02/08/2019
23 March, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Tampa, FL - 02/08/2019
30 March, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Youngstown, OH - 02/08/2019
13 April, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Bethlehem, PA - 02/08/2019
1-4 August, 2019 - 72nd Annual UOL Convention at All Saints Camp - 02/08/2019
Seminary Souper Bowl Sunday - FEBRUARY 10, 2019! - 02/08/2019
Відділ УПЛіги Свято-Софіївської семінарії запрошує Вас взяти участь в благодійному обіді, котрий має за мету надати підтримку благодійним їдальням в Україні (в період проведення УПЛігою тематичної Супової неділі для благодійної діяльності Товариства Святого Андрія Первозванного). |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Met with the President of Ukraine - 02/07/2019
Ієрархи УПЦ США зустрілися з Президентом України |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Met with the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 02/06/2019
On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, the feast of Venerable Ksenia of Rome (Oksana), the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA held a meeting with His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphany of Kyiv and All Ukraine, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Enthronement of the Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine -Інтронізація Митрополита Київського і всієї України Епіфанія - 02/04/2019
2 і 3 лютого 2019 р. у Києві відбулися урочисті заходи та богослужіння з нагоди інтронізації Блаженнішого Епіфанія, Митрополита Київського і всієї України, Предстоятеля Помісної автокефальної Української Православної Церкви. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Enthronement of the Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine at St. Sophia Orthodox Cathedral - 02/03/2019
Ієрархи УПЦ США прийняли участь в інтронізації митрополита Київського та всієї України |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Attend Installation Service of the Permanent Representative - Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Kyiv - 02/02/2019
Ієрархи УПЦ США прийняли участь у представленні Постійного Представника Вселенської Патріархії в Києві |
The Church Honors Metropolitan Antony on His Birthday, Name Day and Enthronement Anniversary - 02/02/2019
In the 4th century AD the deserts of Egypt, Palestine, Arabia and Persia were settled by people who left behind them a strange reputation. They were the first Christian hermits, who abandoned the cities of the ancient Roman world to live in the solitude and silence of the desert. Why did they do this? The reasons were many and various, but they can all be summed up in one brief phrase: the quest for salvation. Among these men and women are the life and witness of St. Anthony the Great. |
Souper Bowl Sunday 2019 is FEBRUARY 3, 2019! - 02/01/2019
Team up with Ukrainian Orthodox League of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in our Annual Souper Bowl of Caring. Rally your parish and church youth to champion this social service ministry by feeding the poor and caring for those in need around the world. |
St. Sophia Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2019-2020 Academic Year - 02/01/2019
Набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївській Семінарії УПЦ США |
Statement on the Sanctity of Life by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America - 01/31/2019
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America affirms the sanctity of life based on the firm conviction that life begins at the moment of conception. |
February 20, 2019 - Let's Remember the Fallen Heroes of Ukraine: HEAVENLY HUNDRED - Memorial Prayer Service and Iconography Exhibition - 01/26/2019
20 лютого, 2019: Молитовно Вшануймо Пам'ять Героїв НЕБЕСНОЇ СОТНІ - Панахида та Виставка Іконопису на дереві із ящиків, в котрих містилися Боєприпаси |
Sixth Anniversary of Metropolitan Antony’s Enthronement - 6 річниця митрополичого служіння Предстоятеля УПЦ США - 01/26/2019
Six years ago His Eminence Metropolitan Antony was formally Enthroned as the 4th Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in St. Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD. |
Virtual Town Meting Aims to Clarify the Issue of Ukrainian Autocephaly - 01/25/2019
It is one of the most vexing and important questions confronting the Church in our time, and one of the least understood: the granting of autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople has rocked the Church more than any event in the last millennium. |
Archbishop Daniel Meets with Bishop Andriy of Ukrainian Catholic Church in Philadelphia, PA - 01/23/2019
During the cordial ecumenical meeting, the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia discussed a number of pastoral issues pertaining to the life of the greater Ukrainian-American community and in particular to the parishes of both Churches. |
St. Sophia Seminary Student Participates in the Charitable IOCC Outreach Activities - 01/23/2019
IOCC is the official international humanitarian agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. Since its inception in 1992, IOCC has distributed over $625 million in emergency relief and development assistance to families and communities in more than sixty countries. |
Joyful Celebration of the Great Feast of Theophany at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 01/21/2019
Nearly 450 faithful and visitors to St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL gathered at their parish temple to celebrate the feast day of Theophany of our Lord! The services of the feast day were led by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Holy Great-Martyr and Healer Panteleimon Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Brooklyn, NY - 01/16/2019
Парафію Святого Великомученика і Цілителя Пантелеймона відвідав Високопреосвященніший Архієпископ Даниїл |
Professors of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Represent UOC of the USA at Largest International Gathering of Orthodox Scholars in Modern History! - 01/15/2019
The International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) assembled for its Inaugural Conference in Iaşi, Romania on January 9-12, 2019. Three members of the St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary faculty participated: Dr. Gayle Woloschak, Dr. Carrie Frederick Frost, and Fr. Anthony Perkins. |
30 January, 2019: Celebration of the Name's Day and Birthday of Metropolitan Antony - 01/14/2019
Caroling for Christ: Bethlehem Story Alive at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 01/12/2019
“Caroling for Christ” has become an annual event, eagerly anticipated by the local parishes and faithful. Each year people gather at the Ukrainian Cultural Center located on the grounds of the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Visited the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States of America - 01/12/2019
Ієрархи УПЦ США провели зустріч в Посольстві України в США |
Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day: February 9, 2019 - 01/10/2019
Запрошуємо Вас на святкування храмового свята Свято-Софіївського Семінарійного храму Трьох Святителів: Архієрейська Літургія з чином дияконської хіротонії іподиякона Валентина Олійника |
12 January, 2019 - Annual Caroling for Christ - 01/10/2019
Join us at the Ukrainian Cultural Centerof the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA for the Annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST on January 12, 2019 |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine - 01/06/2019
Різдвяне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України |
Nativity of Christ Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch - 01/06/2019
We humbly kneel before the Divine Infant of Bethlehem and His All- Holy Mother, who holds Him in her arms, while venerating the Incarnate “most perfect God,” and bestow upon the children of the Holy and Great Church of Christ throughout the world—from the ever-vigilant Phanar—our Patriarchal blessing for the Holy Twelve Days of Christmas, wishing you a healthy, fruitful and joyous new year in the Lord’s favor. |
Tomos Granting Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Signed and Presented According to Ancient Tradition - 01/06/2019
Томос про надання Автокефалії Православній Церкві України підписаний та вручений згідно стародавньої традиції |
Archbishop Daniel Receives the Award of Ukrainian State: Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise - 01/06/2019
Ми пройшли всі випробування і створили незалежну Православну Церкву України - Президент України вручив державні нагороди |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Greets the Newly-Elected Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine - 01/05/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США надіслав вітання новообраному митрополиту Православної Церкви України |
UOL Bulletin - January 2019 - 01/03/2019
New Nativity of our Lord (Christmas) CD - 01/02/2019
Recorder by the Semianrians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) |
Happy and Blessed New 2019 Year of our Lord! - 12/31/2018
Christmas Radio Program – Трансляція Різдвяної Служби - 12/31/2018
із Українського Православного Собору Св. Володимира в понеділок, 7-го січня 2019 р. від 9 до 11 години ранку на радіостанції WJMO 1300 AM Служба Божа також буде на інтернет на praisecleveland.com
CHRISTMAS RADIO PROGRAM of the Divine Liturgy from St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma will be broadcast live on Monday, January 7, 2019 on radio station WJMO 1300 AM from 9 to 11 in the morning. One may also listen, throughout the United States, Canada & Ukraine on the internet at praisecleveland.com. Go to the radio station website for Praise 1300 AM, click on “listen live” on the right hand side or by going to the parish’s website http://www.stvladimirs.org |
Prayerful Greetings to His Eminence Archbishop Daniel - 12/30/2018
Молитовні вітання Архієпископу Даниїлу |
Consistory Members Meet for the Last Time in 2018 Year of our Lord - 12/27/2018
In mid-December the Consistory Board members met for their final meeting 2018, to review the busy year and plan for the future. |
Nativity of our Lord Celebrated, Pastor and Parishioners Honored, Deacon Ordained - Triple Celebration at the Nativity of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in South Plainfield, NJ - 12/26/2018
December 25, 2018 – the glorious feast of the Nativity of our Lord (according to Gregorian Calendar) was truly celebrated by clergy and faithful of the Nativity of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in South Plainfield, NJ. |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine - 12/25/2018
Bowing before the manger in Bethlehem, we offer the New-born Christ Child our sincere andheartfelt prayers, and thank Him for all that we have. May the joy of the Nativity enter into every Christian heart, be present within every family, and everabide among all of you. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: December Issue - 12/25/2018
Nativity/Christmas Tree Decorated at the Consistory Offices of the Spiritual Center/Metropolia of the UOC of the USA - 12/24/2018
We invite you to come and see the tree in person at the Metropolia Center atrium. You will be struck by its beauty, by the unique ornaments, and the creativity. Come and witness the love of the children which surround you, who fill your parishes, and fill our hearts with joy. |
Archpastoral Visit to Oklahoma: Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Jones, OK Commemorates the Victims of the Artificially Created Famine in Ukraine - 12/24/2018
A small town of about 3,000 residents and a history of 120 years - is a home for the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish. |
Nativity of Christ Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch - 12/24/2018
We humbly kneel before the Divine Infant of Bethlehem and His All- Holy Mother, who holds Him in her arms, while venerating the Incarnate “most perfect God,” and bestow upon the children of the Holy and Great Church of Christ throughout the world—from the ever-vigilant Phanar—our Patriarchal blessing for the Holy Twelve Days of Christmas, wishing you a healthy, fruitful and joyous new year in the Lord’s favor. |
Students of St. Sophia Seminary Programs Meet for Spiritual and Academic Formation - 12/23/2018
For the full-timers, this was finals week. It was such a blessing to see the way they greeted the distance learners and shared their time and space with them. The depth of their hospitality was an indicator that the Lord has indeed sent us virtuous laborers from our ancestral homeland to tend this soil! |
Christmas at the Seminary - Another Successful Event - 12/23/2018
St. Sophia Seminary's annual fundraiser "Christmas at the Seminary" took place, which has become a remarkable seminary tradition already for several years. Many parishioners and guests from the local parishes and communities came for this festive celebration to support the Seminary. His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, as well as local clergy, were present at this year’s fundraiser. |
16 грудня 2018 року відбулося святкування 65 річчя Сестрицтва Пресвятої Покрови при Церкві-пам’ятнику Святого Андрія Первозванного у Саут Баунд Бруці, Нью Джерзи. |
The Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Receive the Highest Award of the Ukrainian Parliament - 12/18/2018
On December 15, 2018, a crowd of thousands gathered in the St. Sophia Square, eagerly awaiting the results of the Unification Sobor. At the conclusion of the Council, which took place inside the ancient, 1,000-year-old majestic Saint Sophia Cathedral, aptly named “Holy Wisdom”, the announcement of the establishment of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Ukraine was made to the patiently awaiting crowd outside. |
Announcement From the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople - 12/17/2018
Заява Константинопольської Патріархії |
On Sunday, December 9, 2018 His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, accompanied by Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak and seminarian Myroslav Mykytyuk, visited St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston. The occasion was the 60th Anniversary of the church edifice and the 40th anniversary of the ordination of its pastor, Very Reverend Roman Tarnavsky. His Eminence was greeted with flowers at the church door by the children of the parish and then welcomed into the church by parish president, Jane Yavarow. In her greeting she stressed that St. Andrew’s was more than just four walls, but a place to ground us, a place to come together to worship as a community, a place to rely on for spiritual health and healing, and a place for us to be the body of Christ. |
2019 Daily Planner/Calendar Pre-Order Forms - 12/14/2018
Published by the Consistory Office of Publications |
Increase in Love - Increase in Service - 12/12/2018
115th Anniversary at St. Peter and Paul Parish, Carnegie PA |
Praying Our Way Together Through Nativity Fast 2018 - 12/11/2018
Sign up by Dec. 16 |
Get to Know the Seminarians of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 12/06/2018
Знайомтесь із семінаристами нашої Української Православної Церкви США |
Have you Made Plans for this Year’s pre-Christmas St. Philip’s Fast Season Charitable ACT? - 12/03/2018
Чи Ви зробили практичний духовний план щодо цьогорічного перед-Різдвяного Посту - Пилипівки?
Message By His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew On the 85th Anniversary of the Holodomor - 12/02/2018
As every year, we are communicating with all of you with a heavy heart from the historic and martyric Mother Church of Constantinople while prayerfully commemorating the Holodomor of the Ukrainian People, the tragic and inhumane events of the years 1932-1933, when countless human beings lost their lives through deliberate and brutal famine. |
LUBA - Let Us Be Attentive - 12/01/2018
Icon Workshop at St. Sophia Seminary - 11/30/2018
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA hosted an iconography workshop for seminarians, clergy of the Church, and their wives. |
Commemoration of the 85th Anniversary of Holodomor - 11/30/2018
It was the fourth Saturday of November, and the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, were joining the millions worldwide who would be united in time and space by common synchronized prayer. On this day at 4 PM in Ukraine, 9:00 AM EST in the USA, 1 AM in Australia, thousands would wake early, stay up late, pause their daily activities, gather in churches, at memorials and with loved ones, to commemorate a horrific event in the history of their families, in the history of Ukraine, and in the history of the world. |
Thanksgiving Day Celebration at the Seminary - 11/29/2018
Thanksgiving Day – a chance for families to gather together, to feast and to enjoy being with one another, but more importantly, a chance to give gratitude to God for His blessings. Each year, Americans all over the country celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. Most families follow traditions which began on the first Thanksgiving, one of which is to have a festive dinner with family. Along with the rest of the country, on November 22, 2018, Saint Sophia Seminary celebrated this holiday with dinner and gratitude. |
Support St. Sophia Seminary of Giving Tuesday - 11/27/2018
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 27 |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 46th Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/26/2018
Вітання митрополиту Антонію з нагоди 46-ої річниці священичої хіротонії |
Holodomor Commemoration in New York City 2018 - 11/25/2018
On Saturday, November 17, 2018, St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York filled with members of the Ukrainian Community and concerned citizens of New York and neighboring states to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the man-made famine known as the Holodomor which took place from 1932-33. St. Patrick’s is one of the largest cathedrals in the New York Metropolitan area and is utilized annually to host the thousands of people who attend the yearly Requiem Service. |
November 24, 2018 - Join Us in Prayer for the Victims of Ukrainian Genocidal Holodomor - 11/23/2018
Let's Light a Memorial Candle with the Millions of Ukrainians Throughout the World - 9AM in South Bound Brook, NJ - 4PM in Kyiv, Ukraine |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: 2018 Thanksgiving Day Message to the Clergy and Faithful of the Church - 11/21/2018
We pray that you and your loved ones will be blessed with a joyful Thanksgiving Day and that during the upcoming holy season of St. Philip’s Fast and Nativity of our Savior, we may continue to bring the Gospel to a world that needs Christ to be born in the hearts of all. |
Announcement of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - Заява Вселенської Патріархії - 11/19/2018
In preparation for the meeting of the Holy and Sacred Synod from November 27-29, 2018, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople reiterates its sacred decision to grant the Tomos of Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. |
On August 24th, 1958, in a private residence in San Francisco, the first Divine Liturgy of what would become St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church was held. Only a handful of newly immigrated families were in attendance, but they were the newly planted roots of our Parish that would begin to grow and flourish over the years. On November 22nd, 1959, our very first “Khramove Svyato” (Patron Saint Day) Celebration was held and from that day, St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church became a centerpiece of our Ukrainian Community here in the San Francisco Bay Area and it has remained so ever since. |
November 17, 2018 - HOLODOMOR Memorial Service in New York City - 11/17/2018
Remembering the victims of Ukrainian Holodomor... |
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory! - 11/13/2018
We are very pleased to announce a unique and special opportunity for the youth of our church. His Eminence Archbishop Daniel invites all youth to create and submit handmade ornaments for a special Christmas tree at the Consistory Offices. Ornaments should be handmade by the youth themselves and appropriate for display in the rotunda of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
St. Andrew Cemetery Offers New Service in Time for Nativity/Christmas Season - 11/13/2018
We are Here to Serve, Visit our Page |
15 December, 2018 - Christmas at the Seminary - 11/13/2018
St. Sophia Seminary Apparel - 11/13/2018
New Items: Have you Ordered Your Seminary Logo Water Bottles and Aprons? |
Wonder-working Icon of the Mother of God Visits More Cities - 11/12/2018
On Nov 3rd 2018, with the Blessing of our Ruling Hierarch, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 74 Harris Ave, Woonsocket RI hosted the Wonder-working Icon of the Mother of God, otherwise known as - “The Crying Icon of Taylor, PA”. Saturday at 10 AM St. Michael was filled with clergy and faithful anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Icon. As Father Mark Leasure, from St. George Parish in Taylor, walked through the doors of the Church bringing the Holy Icon into the midst of clergy and laity the atmosphere immediately changed. The strong fragrance of myrrh filled the senses of the faithful as the St. Michael choir sang praises to the Mother of God. |
St. Demetrius Cathedral (Carteret, NJ) Feast Day Celebration - 11/12/2018
As the cold weather set upon New Jersey, the heat was on at St. Demetrius as the celebration of their feast day took place on the 11th of November with Metropolitan Antony leading the services. The Divine Liturgy began at 9:00am with the greeting of the Hierarch by Fr. Taras and Deacon Richard, Subdeacon Peter, Seminarians Yaroslaw, Oleh, Myroslaw, Altar servers James Dougles, Qory, and Ryan, the children of the parish who presented flowers, and the president of the parish council Stanley Nartowicz who greeted our Hierarch with the traditional bread and salt. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Honoring Our Veterans on Veterans Day - 11/09/2018
We offer our prayers of Thanksgiving for our veterans and their families. May God bless each one of you – our veterans, our present Armed Forces and our great country – the United States of America. |
Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday - 11/09/2018
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 27 |
Statement on the Recent Attack in Thousand Oaks, California - 11/08/2018
Deeply saddened and profoundly concerned, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America condemns the heinous and murderous shooting at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California. Regrettably, it has become all too common for peace to be broken by bloodshed. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: 2018 Thanksgiving Day Message to the Clergy and Faithful of the Church - 11/08/2018
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: Звернення до духовенства та вірних Церкви з нагоди Дня Подяки 2018 року |
Honoring Our Veterans on Veteran's Day - 11/08/2018
Join us at the Ukrainian-American National Veterans Monument at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA |
President Petro Poroshenko and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signed the Agreement "On Cooperation and Interaction between Ukraine and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople". - 11/03/2018
Президент Петро Порошенко та Вселенський Патріарх Варфоломій підписали Угоду «Про співробітництво та взаємодію між Україною та Вселенським Константинопольським Патріархатом». |
Growing in the Faith for 99 years – Зростаємо у Вірі Христовій вже 99 років - 11/01/2018
У неділю 28 жовтня, парафію Святої Трійці у місті Трентон штата Нью Джерзі відвідав Високопреосвященніший Митрополит Антоній.
Було дуже приємно молитись з ним та послухати його глибоко - духовну проповідь.
Цього дня парафіяльна родина святкувала 99 років свого заснування. |
UOC of the USA: Our History is Our Story - 10/31/2018
Learn About the History of the UOC of the USA - УПЦ США: Історія нашого служіння Христові та людям |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA - 10/30/2018
Learn About and View the Formal Photos of the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
Stewardship of Charitable Love in Action: Archbishop Daniel Delivers Funds for the Elderly Charitable House in Mariupol, Ukraine - 10/26/2018
While in Ukraine, the Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch and in the capacity of the President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel was honored to hand-deliver funds collected by St. Andrew Society for the purchase of coal and food for the residents of the Mercy House in Mariupol, Ukraine. |
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia Celebrates 92nd Anniversary and the Feast of Pokrova - 10/24/2018
On the outskirts of Philadelphia resides St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, a parish that has ministered to orthodox Christians for generations.
Organized in 1925 as a Ukrainian Orthodox Community dedicated to St. Andrew the First-called Apostle, the Cathedral of St. Vladimir continues to proclaim the Gospel of Christ for the spiritual benefit of parish family members from Eastern and Western Ukraine and generations born in America. |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ГІДНИЙ! Archbishop Daniel Ordains Deacon Ivan Tchopko to the Holy Priesthood - 10/22/2018
A cool breeze blew as the faithful began to arrive at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church (South Bound Brook, NJ) for Sunday Divine Liturgy. Today, Deacon Ivan Tchopko would be answering an even deeper inner calling and embarking on a life-long journey; for today, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA would be ordaining him to the Holy Priesthood. |
100th Anniversary Celebration of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ - 10/20/2018
In preparation for our 100th Anniversary Celebration the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Holy Ascension became alive. The founders of our church forged ahead with dedication and commitment to establish a community in their new land that would serve them both spiritually as well as maintain their cultural heritage. With that determination the new immigration of Ukrainians that arrived In Newark, New Jersey in 1918 began to make their vision a reality. They made a commitment to establish a church in their new land that would allow them to worship God according to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Faith as well as maintain their cultural heritage. |
President of Ukraine Met with the Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine - 10/16/2018
Президент України Петро Порошенко зустрівся з екзархами Вселенського Патріарха в Україні Архієпископом Памфільським УПЦ США Даниїлом та Єпископом Едмонтонським УПЦ в Канаді Іларіоном |
From the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod - 10/12/2018
Оголошення Вселенського Патріархату |
Metropolitan Antony’s First Parish Visit After Recovery - 10/09/2018
On Sunday 7 October 2018, Four Evangelists Orthodox Church in Bel Air, Maryland welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony in celebration of the parish's feast day (for the Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, originally to be celebrated on 26 September). The parish was overjoyed to receive His Eminence, who by the grace of God has been steadily recovering from his serious accident and subsequent surgery in July. His Eminence joined the parish for celebration of Great Vespers on Saturday evening, followed by a meal with the clergy. |
8-10 November, 2018 - Annual OCAMPR Conference at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 10/09/2018
AXIOS! WORTHY! ГІДНИЙ! - Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 6th Anniversary of Election as Metropolitan of the UOC of the USA - 10/08/2018
The Council of Metropolia, Consistory, the clergy, monastics, and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, greet our beloved Prime-Hierarch of the UOC of the USA His Eminence Metropolitan Antony on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of election as Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
October 7th is College Student Sunday! - 10/07/2018
The Assembly of Bishops has designated the first Sunday of October, in conjunction with OCF’s Orthodox Awareness Month, as the date for College Student Sunday. For 2018, this falls on Sunday, October 7th. On this Sunday, we ask that your parish recognizes its college students by allowing a student share their experiences in OCF. |
Announcement of the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 10/06/2018
Appoitment of the Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate |
The Exarchs of Ecumenical Throne, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel (UOC of the USA) and His Grace Bishop Ilarion (UOC of Canada) met the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Mr. Evhen Nyschuk - 10/06/2018
Екзархи Вселенської Патріархії, Архиєпископ Даниїл (УПЦ США) та єпископ Іларіон (УПЦ Канади) провели зустріч із Міністром культури України Євгеном Нищуком |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ГІДНИЙ! - Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 33rd Anniversary of Archpastoral Service - 10/06/2018
On behalf of the Council of Metropolia, Consistory, the clergy, monastics, and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, we pray that our Lord will grant him peace, security, honor, health, and length of days rightly teaching the word of God’s truth. May God grant many years for our beloved hierarch! |
Annual Faith and Photography Contest - 10/05/2018
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce a new opportunity for the youth of our church to express their faith. The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry wants to encourage youth and young adults to explore their creative talents and to glorify God through art, with the 3rd Annual Ukrainian Orthodox Church Faith and Photography Contest. |
Archbishop Daniel of the UOC of the USA and Bishop Ilarion of the UOC of Canada – Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople to Ukraine - Met with the Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament - 10/05/2018
The Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament, His Excellency Andriy Parubiy held a meeting with the Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine - Archbishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the UOC in the United States of America and Bishop Ilarion of Edmonton and the Western Eparchy of the UOC in Canada on October 5, 2018. |
Message of the 9th Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America - 10/05/2018
We, the members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, gathered in Cleveland, Ohio, for our ninth annual meeting on October 2-3, 2018, greet you all with love in Christ as we offer glory and gratitude to Him. |
“CANDLE OF REMEMBRANCE”: South Bound Brook/Somerset, New Jersey commemorates the 85th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor Genocide - 10/05/2018
In the evening of Thursday, October 4th, the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA,located in South Bound Brook, NJ held a “CANDLE OF REMEMBRANCE” memorial event. |
70th Anniversary Celebrations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand at the Ukrainian Orthodox Center in Canberra - 10/04/2018
The year 2018 is a milestone one in the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora, Diocese of Australia and New Zealand (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople). It is during this year that our church celebrates the 70th anniversary of the first Ukrainian liturgy to be held on the Australian continent. |
Orthodox Christian Hierarchs Gather for Second Day of Annual Meeting - 10/04/2018
During the morning session, the Hierarchs discussed ways to support cross-jurisdictional cooperation among parishes at the local level. The Hierarchs issued the following statement in that regard: “The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America is committed to encouraging spiritual unity, communication, and cooperation among the parishes of various jurisdictions situated in the same geographic areas. The work of local clergy brotherhoods is a critical part of this process of achieving greater unity. In particular, the Assembly encourages all parishes to engage in joint liturgical events, educational activities, and outreach ministries, with respective hierarchical blessings.” |
2018 Winter Mission Trip to Znamyanka Orphanage - 10/04/2018
Have you ever considered going on a Mission Trip? Why not offer yourself in service to the children of Ukrainian Orphanage this coming December? |
Ninth Annual Assembly Convenes in Cleveland - 10/03/2018
he Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened its ninth annual meeting on October 2, 2018 in Cleveland, Ohio. The day began with a celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, Ohio. |
The Ecumenical Throne and the Church of Ukraine: The Documents Speak - 10/03/2018
UOL Bulletin - October 2018 - 10/02/2018
Archbishop Daniel Leads Solemn Memorial Service, Honoring the Fallen ANZAC’s (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) - 10/02/2018
Вшанування пам’яті “українських АНЗАКів” - перших українських поселенців в Австралії, які воювали у складі Австралійсько-новозеландського армійського корпусу в роки Першої світової війни, відбулося в Канберрі |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Australia and Meets with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia Mr. Mykola Kulinich - 10/02/2018
У Канберрі відзначили 100-річчя української державності |
Commemorating the 85th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor Genocide - 09/29/2018
Candle in Remembrance - October 4 - 7pm — St. Andrew Memorial Church |
UOC of the USA Centennial Celebration in the West Coast Deanery - Los Angeles, CA - 09/28/2018
The home of Hollywood, Universal and Paramount Studios, Santa Monica, and Venice Beach, is also the home of many Ukrainian Orthodox faithful. Having celebrated the Centennial on the East Coast in July and at All Saints Camp in September, the faithful of the West Coast now gathered to celebrate this once in a lifetime event. Traveling from the State of Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey, and other states, as well as Canada and South America, people arrived in California to celebrate 100 years of Ukrainian Orthodox ministry that reached across the breadth of the USA. |
West Coast Centennial Celebration: 22-23 September, 2018 - 09/21/2018
Celebrating Academic New Year - 09/19/2018
A pious Church tradition teaches that Christ began preaching the good news of His mission on September 1st, which is the date our Lord entered the Synagogue in Nazareth, and was given the book of the Prophet Isaiah to read, and He opened it and found the place where it is written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. |
Seminary Board Meeting Sept. 15 - 09/18/2018
Having attended that morning’s Divine Liturgy, commemorating the start of the Ecclesiastic Church New Year, as well as the start of the new academic year at the St. Sophia Theological Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary, the Board of the Trustees of the Seminary met for a short meeting.
Present were His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and the Diaspora, Rector and Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Very Rev. Stephen Hutnick, Treasurer; Elizabeth Symonenko, Secretary; Very Rev. Gregory Czumak, Very Rev. Mykola Andrushkiv, and Serhiy Hoshovsky. Joining the Board Members were Very Rev. Anthony Perkins, Vocations Director, and Rev. Vasyl Pasakas, Dean of Students. |
Archbishop Daniel of the UOC of the USA and Bishop Ilarion of the UOC of Canada – Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople to Ukraine - Met with the President of Ukraine - 09/17/2018
Following the announcement of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, appointing Archbishop Daniel, the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to the formal responsibility of an Exarch of the Ecumenical throne to Ukraine, the archbishop traveled to the capitol of Ukraine – Kyiv in order to begin the fulfillment of his temporary assignment along with His Grace Bishop Ilarion of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community Prays for the Lost of 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack - 09/11/2018
Seventeen years have passed since the day that every person throughout the world, and in the United States of America in particular, felt the loss of human life from the hands of terrorists that hijacked several commercial airplanes and attacked the most sacred gift of God – the life of His creation.
9/11/2001 – over 3000 people lost their lives and thousands others, if not millions, continue to live their lives in the post 9/11 reality having lost their children, spouses, parents, friends… |
Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop Daniel to Brazil - 09/09/2018
As the nation of Brazil prepared to celebrate 196thAnniversary of Independence, the Ukrainian Orthodox communities of South America: Brazil, Paraguay and Argentine entered into their own celebration, sharing the joy of historical legacy of Brazil with the Ukrainian-Brazilian community. |
Centennial Celebration at All Saints Camp, Emlenton, PA - 09/03/2018
The early morning mist swirled around the lush green mountain tops, illuminated by ethereal rays of sunshine as they burst through gaps in the earthbound clouds. Mesmerized by the otherworldly beauty the faithful who were traveling to attend the Centennial Celebration of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania, slowly wound their way through the hilltops, making one final turn onto a country road to begin a slow descent into a hidden valley nestled in the crook of a luxurious green mountain, which rose along the majestic Allegheny River. |
Archbishop Daniel Participates in Synaxis of Hierarchs of The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople - 09/01/2018
For five days (31 August - September 4, 2018), His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA along with over 100 Orthodox Metropolitans and Archbishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from all over the world gathered in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) in order to participate in a Synaxis (Assembly) of the Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate convened upon the invitation and under the Presidency of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. |
The ecological culture of the Orthodox faith is the realization of its Eucharistic vision of creation, summarized and expressed in its church life and practice. This is the Orthodox Church’s eternal message on the issue of ecology. |
1-3 September, 2018 - LABOR DAY WEEKEND - Centennial Celebration at All Saints Camp! - 08/31/2018
Youth Ministry Certification Course at St. Sophia Seminary - Apply Today! - 08/30/2018
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry in collaboration with St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a Youth Ministry Certification program. Delegates of the UOC-USA Youth Sobor have repeatedly offered resolutions requesting advanced education for youth workers; we developed this course to address their requests and to help support this ministry that is so vital to the health of our parishes. |
Parable of the Marriage Feast - 08/29/2018
Each of us views his world through his own lens - sometimes clear, other times foggy, or rose-colored. For me, since I’ve begun work on Orthodox Stewardship, I’ve begun to see a lot of things in terms of stewardship, most notably the passages of Holy Scripture. If you ask whether the idea of stewardship shows up in the Bible, I would say, “It’s everywhere.” In fact, I’ve wanted to compile some short homilies on how stewardship shows up in the regular Sunday readings, so this is a great opportunity to start! |
Archbishop Daniel Honored by the State of Ukraine - 08/28/2018
Архиєпископ Даниїл отримав нагороду Президента України |
The Feast of Dormition of the Mother of God was Solemnly Celebrated at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ - 08/28/2018
On August 28, 2018, the Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, Archbishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in the Spiritual Center/Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Ukrainian Idependence Day Celebration at the Metroplia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/27/2018
В Митрополії УПЦ США відсвяткували Річницю Незалежності України |
Pennsylvania Parish Honors the Pastor on the 51st Anniversary of His Pastoral Service - 08/26/2018
St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Blakely, PA was a site of a prayerful celebration on August 25, 2018. Very Rev. Fr. Benjamin Worlinky, a long-term pastor of the parish family was formally retiring that day from the pastoral service of the parish. |
World-Wide Synchronized Prayer Held at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/25/2018
Over a dozen of clergy from the local NY/NJ/PA parishes gathered with about 100 people of the South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ Orthodox community at exactly 11AM (6PM – Kyiv time) in order to unite in prayer with Ukrainian Christians in Australia, Austria, Germany, France, Canada, Japan, China, Romania, Belgium, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ukraine, etc. |
Worldwide Prayer for Ukraine - 08/23/2018
Join us at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA (South Bound Brook, NJ) for the Worldwide Prayer for Ukraine - August 24, 2018 |
26 August, 2018 - Ukrainian Independence Day Observance at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/23/2018
Join the Local Metropolia Center Ukrainian-American Community in the Celebration of the 27th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence |
Archpastoral Statement on the 27th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence - 08/22/2018
Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України: 27 РІЧНИЦЯ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТІ УКРАЇНИ |
The Feast of Transfiguration at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/19/2018
The Holy and Great Feast of Transfiguration, celebrated on August 19 (according to Julian Ecclesiastical Calendar) gathered about two hundred people for the Eucharistic Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew The First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Archbishop Daniel Scheduled to Participate in the Synaxis of the Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople (Istanbul) - 08/16/2018
The Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod has announced that the next Synaxis of all Hierarchy of the Venerable Throne “from all the ends of the oikoumene” will convene at the Sacred Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople (Istanbul) from September 1-3, 2018. |
360° Virtual Tour of the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 08/13/2018
Take a fully interactive 360° Virtual Tour of the Metropolia Center in S. Bound Brook, NJ. |
The Feast of the Transfiguration! - 08/12/2018
In the biblical narratives of our Lord's Transfiguration it is easy to discern different points of inclusion and emphasis peculiar to each writer. Only Luke, for instance, mentions that Jesus was praying was He was transfigured, and only Matthew remarks that the disciples "fell on their faces." |
Metropolitan Antony Released From the Hospital - 08/12/2018
A Note to Archbishop Daniel, Clergy and Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Concluded Formal Centennial Celebration Festivities in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. - 08/12/2018
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, who continues to recover following a major car accident, Archbishop Daniel represented the fullness of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora at the events of the Centennial Celebration of the UOCC. |
Archbishop Daniel Represents UOC of the USA at the Centennial Celebration of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada - 08/10/2018
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, who continues to recover following a major car accident, Archbishop Daniel departed for Saskatoon, Canada in order to represent the fullness of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at the Centennial Celebration of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads the Parish Feast Day of St. Panteleimon Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Brooklyn, NY - 08/08/2018
У місті Брукліні, штат Нью Йорк молитовно відзначили Храмове Свято |
1-3 September, 2018 - LABOR DAY WEEKEND - Centennial Celebration at All Saints Camp! - 08/07/2018
Join us for the Annual Family Fest and the Celebration of the Centenniual of the UOC of the USA at All Saints Ukrainian Orhtodox Camp in Emlenton, PA! |
Praying Our Way Together Through Dormition Lent 2018 - 08/03/2018
Prayer and Praise to the Theotokos by reading and praying the Small Paraklesis and Akathist to her. |
One Hundred Sunflowers From the Youth of the Church for the Centennial Celebration of the Church - 08/03/2018
A unique art installation was unveiled, during the Centennial celebrations for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, the weekend of July 27-29, 2018 at the Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook, NJ to commemorate the event. The campers and staff of Diocesan Church School Camp and Teenage Conference (two of our long-running summer ministry programs), loving crafted hand-painted and sequined sunflowers under the leadership of the director of Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Mrs. Natalie Kapeluck-Nixon. |
Metropolitan Antony on the Mend - 08/02/2018
Earlier this afternoon His Eminence Metropolitan Antony was released from the hospital and transferred to a local NJ Rehabilitation Center. |
The first Divine Liturgy of a New Centennial Served at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/02/2018
Following the festive celebration of 100 Years of Spiritual ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the North American Continent, the clergy and faithful of the Church gathered at St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South bound Brook, NJ in order to spiritually enter into a new century of ministry. |
UOC of the USA Celebrates The Centennial of Ministry - 08/02/2018
The peaceful morning of Saturday, July 28th, dawned bright and sunny. The incessant rains that had showered down upon South Bound Brook, NJ, for the entire week, had washed clean the streets, curbs and byways, leaving the entire city sparkling, and ready to meet this most important day in the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
26 August, 2018 - Ukrainian Independence Day Observance at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/01/2018
Коротенькі новини про святкування Століття - 07/31/2018
Коротко про святкування Століття Української Православної Церкви США від Голосу Америки |
Archbishop Daniel Participates in the Meeting with the President of Ukraine, While Representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Celebration of 1030th Anniversary of Orthodoxy in Ukraine - 07/27/2018
Centennial Exhibit Opening — Відкриття Ювілейної Виставки - 07/27/2018
Centennial Celebration opened with the Exhibition about Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the New Land: 100 years in the United State of America. Святкування Сторіччя розпочалось із виставки про Українське Православ'я у Новій Землі: 100 років у Сполучених Штатах Америки. |
71st UOL Convention - 07/26/2018
The Ukrainian Orthodox League joins together once again for their UOL Convention, this year celebrating our 71st Convention. We are truly blessed to be celebrating with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America and their 100 year anniversary. On the first day of the 71st UOL Convention business sessions were opened and His Eminence Metropolitan Antony gave His blessing. |
Have you Included in your Summer Plans the Centennial Celebration of the UOC of the USA on 26-28 July, 2018? - 07/25/2018
Чи Ви вже спланували свою подорож до духовного осередку нашої Церви на відзначення 100 літнього ювілею УПЦ США - 26-28 липня, 2018? |
71st Annual UOL Convention - 07/24/2018
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prepare you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 |
Parish Celebrations in Glen Spay, NY with the Hierarchs of the Church - 07/23/2018
On Sunday morning, with cross in hand, V. Rev. Orest Poukhalskii stood in the Narthex, along with his parishioners, who awaited to greet their hierarchs with flowers, and the traditional bread and salt. The faithful all burst out in smiles as they spotted His Eminence Metropolitan Antony (Metropolitan & Prime Hierarch of UOC of the USA and Diaspora), and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, (President of the Consistory and Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy). |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Teenage Conference Encampment - 07/23/2018
The second session of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry, Teenage Conference, convened at All Saints Camp from July 8-21, 2018 forging into yet another year of spiritual success! |
UOC of the USA Introduces New Web Site - 07/14/2018
A Note from Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel: “We Invite You to Explore This Website Now and Then Visit Again!” At its founding in 1918 the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA immediately began serving the immigrant communities that settled in the continental United States of America. Today, a century later, we continue to serve over sixty thousand Ukrainian Orthodox Christians in two Eparchies – Eastern and Western. Within our Metropolia you will find 100 parishes and missions with liturgical services offered in Ukrainian and English languages. We worship together and also serve our neighbors through active social service, education and charitable outreach. |
Aug. 31-Sep. 3 — Family Fest 2018 - 07/13/2018
2018 Summer Camping Programs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 07/05/2018
Join us for the Summer Encampments at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA |
"Kobzarska Sich" Bandura and Vocal Programs at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA - 07/04/2018
Have your friends and family registered yet for KS 2018? We've extended the Bandura program registration deadline to July 1, but be sure to register now to make sure you get a spot! |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 242nd Anniversary of US Independence - 07/03/2018
Once again, we are celebrating the Fourth of July - Independence Day - the national celebration that makes to wonder how we experience or think about such words and notions as freedom, independence, and liberty. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Meet with His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople - 07/02/2018
On June 29-30, 2018, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), residence of Patriarchs of Constantinople. |
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel recently visited two Ukrainian Orthodox Communities in Paris, France - 07/02/2018
Holy Apostle Andrew, the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox parish is located in the small town of Vesines-Chalette-Sur Loing of the suburban Metropolian area of the French capital. |
Місійна Група Церкви відвідала школу-інтернат на Вінничині - 06/26/2018
Mission Team of the Church Visits Orphanage in Vinnytsia Region of Ukraine |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 06/20/2018
2018 Mission Team of the UOC of the USA Completes Missionary Activities in Ukrainian Orphanages - 06/20/2018
This year as we entered the Apostle’s Fast, during which we honor and commemorate the work and sacrifice of Christ’s Disciples, our own Apostles began their journey to spread the love of Christ across the globe, following the instructions of the Lord and the example of the first Twelve who spread the Word throughout the Lands. |
Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men - 06/14/2018
Today we gather on this 2nd Sunday after Pentecost to honor all of those who have lived righteous lives in following the teachings and commandments of our Lord in Ukraine. On this Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine we commemorate those in our ancestral homeland who having received the grace of the Holy Spirit lived their lives in so as to fulfill the assignment of our Lord to be “fishers of men”. |
College Age Mission Team Departs for Annual Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 06/04/2018
Reflecting upon the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: “'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”, the college age students of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully responded to our Lord’s call and offered themselves to serve as Mission Team Members of the UOC of the USA to the Ukrainian Orphanages during 4-19 June, 2018. |
Remembering the Archpastor: 25th Anniversary of Repose of Patriarch Mstyslav - 06/03/2018
Згадуємо в молитвах Архипастиря: духовного отця Української Православної Церкви США, Діаспори та України - меморіальна програма з нагоди 25-ти ліття упокоєння Митрополита та Патріарха Мстислава.... |
Saint Sophia Seminary Holds Its Commencement Exercises - 06/01/2018
With complete confidence and faith in Almighty God the Holy Trinity, Giver of all good and perfect gifts, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary began its forty-second academic year in the Autumn of 2017. The seminary, in addition to being a training ground for future clergy, serves as the center of the spiritual and intellectual life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church here and abroad - a model of Orthodox Christianity. |
St. Sophia Seminary Commencement Ceremonies - 06/01/2018
Remembering the Archpastor: 25th Anniversary of Repose of Patriarch Mstyslav - 06/01/2018
The Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA has designated Saturday, 2 June 2018, as a Day of Prayer in memory of Patriarch Mstyslav. On that day, a Memorial Service will be served at 11 a.m. in his Holy Resurrection Mausoleum Crypt of St. Andrew Memorial Church, South Bound Brook, NJ. Following the service, a Luncheon and Memorial “Academia” will take place in Pokrova Sisterhood Community Social Center, with the presentations of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Dr. Oleksander Sahan (National Academy of Science of Ukraine) and Dr. Andriy Smyrnov (Ostroh University). Throughout the day, the Ukrainian History and Education Center will offer tours of the Patriarch’s resting place and of memorial exhibit surrounding it, honoring his life and ministry. |
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2018 - 05/30/2018
"And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God the Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints." (1 Thes. 3:12-13) |
St. Nicholas Program - A Place for Differently Abled to Grow Closer to God! - 05/30/2018
This past Saturday, May 26, 2018, we opened the gates at All Saints Camp to welcome visitors interested in our St. Nicholas Program. What is the St. Nicholas Program (SNP)? SNP is designed for parents and their child with disabilities to spend time together in an Orthodox Family Environment. |
Archbishop Daniel Consecrated New Land and Cross for the Building of a New Church for the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Seattle, WA - 05/28/2018
Архієпископ Даниїл звершив Чин Освячення Хреста та земельної ділянки для будівництва Українського Православного храму в міті Сіетлі, штат Вашингтон. |
Memorial Day Observed at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 05/28/2018
With the chiming of church bells of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ began this year’s prayerful observance of Memorial Day at the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on May 28, 2018. |
2018 Consistory Circular January - May - 05/25/2018
St. Nicholas Pro-Cathedral in Lakewood, OH Suffers Vandalism Attacks - 05/24/2018
Earlier today, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel and the Consistory Office of the Church, was informed by Very Rev. Fr. Dennis Kristof, pastor of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral in Lakewood, OH that the parish temple was vandalized in the form of spray painted inappropriate terminology on the doors, bricks and shingles. |
Memory Eternal: Pani-Matka Anna Hrynyshyn - 05/24/2018
It is with profound sadness that I write to inform you of the repose of Panimatka Anna Hrynyshyn. We pray that her soul rests in eternal happiness where the Light of our Lord’s Countenance shines upon her and that her memory will live from generation to generation in God’s Heavenly Kingdom. |
St. Nicholas Program for Parents and Their Children with Disabilities - 05/24/2018
SNP is designed for parents and their child with disabilities to spend time together in an Orthodox Family Environment. The campers are introduced to camp life at All Saints Camp and the parents are given the opportunity to meet fellow Orthodox parents who are tackling the same challenges in today’s world. |
Archbishop Daniel Consecrates Sacramento, CA’s Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Mission’s church - 05/22/2018
On Sunday, May 20, 2018, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA consecrated Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sacramento, CA. |
Help us to Sponsor Handicapped Children to a Summer of Camp Activity in Ukraine - 05/22/2018
Our sponsorship program is designed to assure that at least 15 wheel-chair bound handicapped children from Znamyanka (Ukraine) orphanage will have a chance to spend 7 days in a specially designed Camp for children with severe physical and mental disabilities. |
This Thursday - St. Sophia Seminary Library Book Club - 05/21/2018
Join us in person or via Faccebook live coverage |
Memory Eternal Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha - 05/16/2018
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God Very Rev. Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha, pastor of Assumption of the Virgin Mary Parish, Northampton, PA |
UOC of the USA Marks the 10th Anniversary of Archbishop Daniel's Consecration - 05/13/2018
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel celebrated the tenth anniversary of his consecration as bishop with a special Divine Liturgy on May 12th - marking also the 17th anniversary of priestly ordination. More than thirty priests and deacons from throughout the Metropolia participated in the Divine Liturgy at St Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ, the very same place of ordination, for back than Fr. Volodymyr Zelinsky, who was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Metropolitan (Archbishop) Antony. |
Summer Camp Early Bird Deadline May 15th! - 05/12/2018
If your families want to get the early bird rate for either Diocesan Church School or Teenage Conference, they need to register by May 15th! It is super simple - it is now all on-line! www.uocyouth.org. |
Archbishop Daniel – 10th Anniversary - 05/12/2018
Today, May 10th, is 10th Anniversary of the Episcopal Consecration of our beloved Archbishop Daniel! May God grant him good health, happiness, success, and the blessing of Our Lord Jesus Christ be upon him for Many Blessed Years! Εις πολλά έτη Δέσποτα! |
Hundreds Flock to the Myrrh-Streaming Icon at the Holy Evangelist Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Warners, NY - 05/11/2018
As millions of Orthodox Christians around the world prepare themselves for the glorious feast of Ascension of our Lord, hundreds of Orthodox Christians from across Syracuse (Upstate New York) Metropolitan area flocked to the Holy Evangelist Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Church parish in Warners, NY on Monday, 6 May, 2018 to see what they believe to be a different miracle. |
UOW May 2018 - 05/09/2018
Parish Feast Day in Yardville, NJ - 05/09/2018
Recently, St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Yardville, NJ has celebrated its parish feast day. Metropolitan Anthony and Archbishop Daniel blessed newly installed icons on the walls of the parish temple. |
June 9 - All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - 05/07/2018
Archbishop Daniel Ordains Deacon Volodymyr Yavorskyi to the Holy Priesthood - 05/07/2018
On the feast of Venerable Vitaliy of Alexandria, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, eparchial hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, presided over a Hierarchical Liturgy (at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City) that included the ordination of fourth–year M.Div. student of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - Deacon Volodymyr Yavorskyi to the Holy Priesthood. |
10th Anniversary of Archbishop Daniel's Consecration - 04/27/2018
May 12, 2018 0 Join Us for the Joyful Celebration at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church |
Empowering Veterans, Building Partnerships Focus of VA’s Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships - 04/27/2018
With blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, Rev. Fr. Vasyl Dovgan (pastor of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Troy, NY) recently participated in a Veterans Roundtable, sponsored by theDepartment of Veterans Affairs Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (CFBNP) in Washington, DC. |
32nd Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster - 04/26/2018
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orhtfodox Church of the USA: Remembering Chronobyl Nuclear Disaster |
Statement of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 04/25/2018
Звернення Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів Поза Межами України |
Young Adult Pilgrimage to Ukraine - Visit Holy and Sacred Sites of Ukraine - 04/24/2018
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA, and in commemoration of the Centennial of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, the Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry is pleased to announce a pilgrimage to the homeland of our ancestors. |
Increase in Faith - Increase in Love - Charlottesville, VA - 04/24/2018
With the Paschal season now coming to full bloom after a downright cold and rainy (and even snowy) beginning, the Saturday of Thomas week (April 21st) served as fitting moment for the faithful of St. Nicholas parish in Charlottesville to welcome our spiritual father and leader, His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony, to the community for the festivities surrounding the parish’s celebration of its 20th Anniversary. His Eminence was accompanied by, and capably served by Deacon. Volodymyr Jaworskyj, Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak and Seminarian Oleh Kravchenko of St. Sophia Seminary. |
Las Cruces, NM: St. Antony of the Desert Mission Celebrates the 10th Anniversary, While Planning the New Year of Ministry in the Risen Lord - 04/23/2018
St. Anthony of the Desert Mission has had a rich history of service in the first decade of its existence. Three readers, three subdeacons, and two deacons have served the parish along with Fr. Gabriel. Two of the readers and two of the subdeacons have moved elsewhere, and our beloved Deacon David Mascarenas reposed in December 2015. Throughout the years, however, since early after the mission began, we have always had additional liturgical assistance. One of those subdeacons is now Fr. Theophan Mackey of St Job of Pochaiv, our UOC mission parish in Los Alamos NM. We anticipate more entrants into the pastoral ministry in the near future. |
Delegation of Dnipro City Council Visits the Metropolia Center of the Church - 04/18/2018
The Mayor of Dnipro – Mr. Borys Filatov, was in the U.S. on a State visit, and had requested to begin his journey at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Honoring his request, and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Archbishop Daniel gladly took time to show the honored guests around the Consistory, sharing with them interesting historical facts about the Church and the faithful in the diaspora. |
Thousands Participate in the Annual St. Thomas Sunday Weekend Pilgrimage to the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 04/16/2018
The Liturgical Services of the Pilgrimahe Weekend were lead by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony (First Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthfodox Church of the USA and in Diaspora), Archbishop Jeremiah of the Ukrainian Orhtfodox Eparchy of South America and Archbishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
BRIGHT TUESDAY: Archbishop Daniel Visits Hammond, IN - 04/10/2018
"Christ is risen! Indeed, He is Risen!" - was once again the Paschal theme of the Liturgy of Bright and Holy Tuesday, as St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral in Hammond, IN was blessed with the presence of the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA - His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. It was a glorious day and a moving Divine Liturgy in giving praise to our Lord and God for the Gift of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Resurrection with our archbishop, celebrating clergy, and the faithful! |
BRIGHT MONDAY: Archbishop Daniel Visits Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL - 04/09/2018
On the Second day of Pascha, April 9, 2018, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Wester Eparchy and the President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA graced the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Palos Park, IL with his humble visit. |
Pascha at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/09/2018
On Saturday night the 7th and Sunday the 8th of April, divine services for the great feast of Christ’s Resurrection were served in St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral (Chicago, IL), led by the cathedral’s spiritual father, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. He was co-served by Very Rev. Fr. Ivan Lymar (pastor), Rev. Fr. John Charest and Protodeacon Andriy Fronchak. Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) subdeacons Mykola Zomchak, Ivan Venhryn, Myroslav Mykytuyk and Yaroslav Bilohan assisted the archbishop. The Paschal sermon of the Holy Hierarch John Chrysostom at the end of Matins was read aloud by Vladyka Daniel. |
CHRIST IS RISEN! XPUCTOC BOCKPEC! - Pascha Archpastoral Letter of the Permanent Conference of the Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 04/07/2018
The Paschal Encyclical of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyound the Borders of Ukraine |
14-15 April - 2018 Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/07/2018
Join us for the Annual Pilgrimage to St. Andrew Ukrainian Orhtodox Cemetery and the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
“Christ is Risen!” Therefore, we pray that our Lord who suffered, was buried and arose, may illumine our minds, hearts and whole life, guiding our steps toward every good deed and strengthening His people to witness the Gospel of Love “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8) for the glory of His name that is “above all names”. |
Holy and Great Friday Services at Saint Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL Metropolitan Area - 04/06/2018
Over 200 parishioners, relatives and members of the community at large gathered in the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr (Chicago, IL) in solemn witness of the sacrifice of the Lord in order to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
Holy Thursday Liturgical Services in Chicago Deanery of the Church - 04/06/2018
There are four events commemorated on Thursday of Holy Week: the washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Holy Mystery of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. |
Holy Unction Service in Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Church - 04/04/2018
Seven local Ukrainian Orthodox clergy of the greater Chicago Metropolitan area, representing parishes of Chicago Deanery, gathered together with the bishop of Western Eparchy, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, for the celebration of the Mystery of Holy Unction at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL. |
Holy and Sacred Tuesday Liturgical Services with Archbishop Daniel - 04/04/2018
On Holy Tuesday the Church calls to remembrance two parables, which are related to the Second Coming. The one is the parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-3); the other the parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). |
Who and What Are You Called to Be? - The Call of Palm Sunday at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 04/02/2018
Lazarus Saturday Archpastoral Visit of Vladyka Daniel to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Monessen, PA - 04/01/2018
A small Pittsburgh suburban town, with 7,720 population was blessed to receive a visit from the hierarch of the Church. Upon the entrance to the temple, several parishioners of the parish community who arrived on Saturday afternoon for a meeting with their bishop welcomed Vladyka Daniel. |
HOLY and BRIGHT Weeks Services in Chicago Deanery with Archbishop Daniel - 03/30/2018
Holy Week and Bright Week Services in Chicago Deanery with Archbishop Daniel - 03/29/2018
St. Sophia Seminary Monthly Book Club - 03/29/2018
Join St. Sophia Library's Monthly Book Club Series. Fr. Gabriel Rochelle (UOC of USA) will be presenting his book "A Staff to the Pilgrim: Meditations on the Way with Nine Celtic Saints". |
“Luba” in Action! - 03/28/2018
In the spirit of this Lenten season, “LET US BE ATTENTIVE!” (LUBA) is a call to be attentive to our neighbor, to our community, to our parish family and to Christ! This year, as a Lenten Project, parishioners of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston undertook a charitable activity to assist the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) in shipping emergency hygiene kits to those in need around the world. Imagine a child being so poor that soap and washcloths are considered luxury items. Imagine being a refugee who has fled from home with only the items he carries in his hands. Imagine being the victim of a natural disaster and losing all of your possessions. For the faithful of St. Andrew’s, assembling and sending these emergency kits was a practical and tangible way to provide aid and to make life a bit better for those in need. |
Lenten Mission Weekend at St. Andrew Parish in Boston - 03/27/2018
On Saturday, March 17 and Sunday, March 18, 2018 St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston held its annual Lenten Mission with special guest, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony of the UOC of the USA. The Mission began on Saturday evening with Vespers led by Very Reverend Roman Tarnavsky of St. Andrew’s and assisted by visiting clergy, Very Reverend Stephen Masliuk from Bridgeport, CT, Reverend Borislav Kroner and Deacon Paul Cherkas both from Woonsocket, RI. The responses were rendered by Archdeacon Vasyl Janick, Deacon Michael Abrahamson, both from Woonsocket, RI and the choir of St. Andrew’s. After Vespers attendees partook of a Lenten supper prepared by St. Olha’s Sisterhood. Many parishioners contributed their Lenten specialties for all to enjoy. |
Monthly “Book Club” at the Library of St. Sophia Seminary - 03/15/2018
The Consistory Office of Public Relations is pleased to announce the formation of a monthly “Book Club” gathering at Saint Sophia Theological Library, which will launch in May 2017. The Library serves the needs of the student body of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary as well as clergy of the UOC of USA and any other interested patrons. |
Myrrh-streaming Kardiotissa Icon of Mother of God visits more people - 03/14/2018
On March 9, hundreds of Orthodox faithful from area churches gathered at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD, to venerate the myrrh-streaming Kardiotissa Icon from Taylor, PA. This was a Lenten retreat for which planning had begun over a year earlier. Visitors were already taking their seats an hour in advance, in anticipation of seeing the miraculous icon. For the next sixteen hours, Church services would continue, comprised of the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, a Supplication Service to Bohorodytsia, and an All-Night Vigil. Local clergy from Ukrainian, Greek, Romanian and Serbian Orthodox parishes, in ecumenical unity, were part of all services conducted. The Cathedral choir was also joined by choir members from local Orthodox parishes. |
Axios! Subdeacon Volodymyr Yavorskyi Ordained to Deaconate - 03/11/2018
Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (South Bound Brook, NJ) was once again a place of the solemn and joyful liturgical celebration on Saturday, March 10, 2018, as Archbishop Daniel ordained seminarian Subdeacon Volodymyr Yavorskyi as a deacon of the Church. |
Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat Hosted by Holy Protection Orthodox Church, Dover, Florida a Great Success - 03/09/2018
The “Need for Repentance in an Un-Sorry World” was the theme of a Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat hosted by Holy Protection Orthodox Church of Dover, Florida under the sponsorship of the Ukrainian Orthodox League. The Lenten Retreat was held at Bethany Center in Lutz, Florida just north of Tampa, FL. |
March LUBA: American Red Cross - 03/08/2018
UOL March Bulletin - Read Online - 03/06/2018
Applications for scholarships administered by the Assembly of the Canoniclal Orthfodox Bishops of the United States of America - by the Office of the Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America are available for awards to be made for the 2018-2019 academic year. Click on the links below to download and print the scholarships instructions and applications. The deadline for submitting an application for any of these scholarships is May 4, 2018. |
ATTENTION STUDENTS of the UOC of the USA: The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Scholarships Available! - 03/03/2018
We are committed to supporting the scholastic future of all eligible students. We encourage students to honor Dr. Kulis’ legacy by considering pursuing a career in the field of science or medicine and our scholarship committee is particularly interested in rewarding students with exemplary community or church service records. We offer a variety of different types of scholarships. We invite you to learn more about which scholarship might be the right for you and to apply if you meet the eligibility requirements. |
Great Lent Giveaway 2018: Champions of the Faith! - 03/03/2018
The Great Lent Giveaway was designed as a way for our youth to learn about the beauty of Great Lent and instill in them that Great Lent is not only a time of fasting but a time to do good works and of contemplation, while preparing for the death and Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
The White Angels of Peace - Honoring the Memory of the HEAVENLY HUNDRED - 02/28/2018
The White Angels of Peace... Honoring the Memory of the HEAVENLY HUNDRED - 02/28/2018
On this 4th anniversary of the Euromaidan Revolution—Revolution of Dignity—which took place in Ukraine in February 2014, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully remembers those whose lives were tragically cut short. In Kyiv in 2018, on the anniversary, Ukrainians hung white paper angels on the trees along the street in downtown Kyiv near Maidan Nezalezhnosti were lives were lost. Alongside our fellow Ukrainians, our community will also pay tribute to those souls by also hanging white paper angels. With the blessing of the Prime Hierarch of the UOC of USA, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, we ask all local parishes and church communities to participate with us in remembering the lost lives during the Revolution of Dignity. |
Parish Information Form 2018 - 02/27/2018
Archbishop Daniel Leads Divine Services in St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, IL - 02/26/2018
On Sunday, February 25, the feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, Archbishop Daniel celebrated Divine Liturgy in the cathedral. His Eminence was co-served by Vey Rev. Fr. Ivan Lymar (pastor of St. Volodymyr Cathedral), Rev. Fr. John Charest and Protodeacon Andriy Fronchak. Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak, a seminarian of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) and the altar servers of St. Volodymyr Cathedral, provided the necessary liturgical assistance during the Divine Liturgy led by the archpastor. |
Небесну сотню Господи, прийми! The Memory of the Heavenly Hundred Honored in Chicago, IL - 02/25/2018
У пам'ять Героїв Небесної Сотні була відслежена Екуменічна Панахида в катедрі св Миколая в Чикаго за участю духовенства Православної та Греко-Католицької Церков, учнів та вчителів Рідної Школи в Чикаго. 24 лютого 2018. |
Remembering HEAVENLY HUNDRED with the Students and Teachers of the Ukrainian School of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 02/24/2018
Meeting with the leadership and teachers of the School, Vladyka Daniel offered his gratitude for their investments in the upbringing of Chicago based Ukrainian Christian youth. At the school, some 90 children, age 6 months to 16 years, study Ukrainian Language, art, music, history and religion. |
First Days of Holy and Great Lent: The Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete - 02/20/2018
For the first four days of Holy and Great Lent, the Holy Orthodox Church conducts the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete at the Orthodox parishes across the country and throughout the world. It is one of the most spiritually uplifting and inspiring in the Holy Tradition of our Church. |
Forgiveness Sunday Archpastoral Services at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL - 02/19/2018
On Saturday and Sunday, February 17-18, 2018 the entire parish family of the Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Palos Park, IL experienced a triple celebration in the life of the community: the leave-taking of the holy feast of Presentation of our Lord, beginning of the Holy and Great Lent and a Baptist of Amilia Grace Sendeha, daughter of Very Rev. Fr. Vasyl and Dobrodijka Olenka Sendeha. |
Icon Workshop for Seminarians and Clergy March 12-16 - 02/19/2018
For Seminarians, Clergy and their spouses |
Forgiveness Sunday Vespers in NJ/NY Deanery - 02/18/2018
In the evening of Cheese-Fare Sunday, February 18, 2018, clergy and faithful of the NJ/NY Deanery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered in prayer at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in South Plainfield, New Jersey for Sunday of Forgiveness Vespers. |
The Great Lent (2018) Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 02/18/2018
Let us begin the all-holy season of fasting with joy; let us shine with the bright radiance of the holy commandments of Christ our God: with the brightness of love and the splendor of prayer, the strength of good courage and the purity of holiness! So, clothed in garments of light, let us hasten to the holy resurrection on the third day, that shines on the world with the glory of eternal life! |
Ecumenical Patriarch's Catechetical Homily on the Opening of Holy and Great Lent (2018) - 02/18/2018
In a world averse to asceticism, in the presence of contemporary de-sanctification of life and domination of self-centered and self-indulgent ideals, the Orthodox Church insists on a Lenten period of spiritual struggle and “venerable abstinence” for its children in preparation for Holy Week, the Passion and Cross of Christ, so that we may become witnesses and partakers of His glorious Resurrection. |
Ecumenical Patriarch's Catechetical Homily on the Opening of Holy and Great Lent (2018) - 02/17/2018
18 February, 2018 - OCMC Mission Sunday - 02/17/2018
This Sunday, February 18th, the last day before Great and Holy Lent begins, known as Forgiveness Sunday, is also Mission Sunday. As we begin our journey toward Christ's glorious Resurrection, please remind the faithful in your community that the salvation He made possible is to be shared with the world. |
Historical Commemorative Book Parish Listings Submission by May 25 - 02/16/2018
Submit your Parish Listing |
March 12-16 - Icon Workshop for Seminarians and Clergy - 02/16/2018
The Great Lent (2018) Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 02/15/2018
Archbishop Daniel Leads Liturgical Services for the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord - 02/15/2018
On Thursday, February 15, the great feast of the Meeting of the Lord, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, led the liturgical services of the feast day at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Carnegie, PA. His Eminence was co-served by pastor Very Rev. Fr. Steven Repa and Deacon Evan O’Neil with the assistance of Reader Michael Kapeluck. |
Стрітення Господнє - 02/14/2018
На сороковий день після свята Різдва Христового, Православна Церква святкує одне з дванадцятьох найбільших церковних свят - свято Стрітення Господнього. Святий апостол і євангелист Лука в своїм Євангелії розповідає про подію, що лежить в основі цього свята (Лк.2). В сороковий день після народження Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, Пречиста Діва Марія відправилась у Храм з Божественним Немовлятком, аби сповнити обряд очищення, приписаний Мойсеєвим Законом (Лев.12). У храмі їх чекала несподівана зустріч: .... |
2018 Encampments at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA - 02/14/2018
March 24 – Bethlehem UOL Retreat - 02/13/2018
St. Francis Center for Renewal 395 Bridle Path Road Bethlehem, PA |
March 3, 2018 – Ohio/WPA UOL Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat - 02/13/2018
Saturday, March 3, 2018: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
FORGIVENESS The Path to Healing, Wholeness, and Holiness (Practical Applications for Daily Living) |
Praying Our Way Together Through Great Lent 2018 - 02/13/2018
Eph.6:17-18 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to the end with all perseverance…” |
Saint Sophia Seminary Celebrates Patronal Feast of the Three Hierarchs - 02/12/2018
On Monday 12th of February, 2018, the faculty and students of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary, along with the clergy and faithful of NY/NJ/PA/CT surrounding parishes, celebrated the feast of their heavenly intercessors and stalwarts of theological study, the Holy Three Universal Teachers and Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. |
Meatfare Sunday Liturgical Services at the Metropolia Center - У М’ясопусну Неділю Архієпископ Даниїл очолив Божественну літургію в Духовному осередку УПЦ США - 02/11/2018
11 лютого, у м’ясопусну неділю, наша Свята Українська Православна Церква згадує та роздумує над Євангельким уривком про Страшний Суд. Високопреосвященний Владика Даниїл, архієпископ Західної Єпархії УПЦ США прибув до храму – церкви-памятника на честь Святого Апостола Андрія Первозванного та очолив уставні богослужіння. Його Високопреосвященству співслужили протоієрей Юрій Сівко, протоієрей Іван Лишик, ієрей Мирон Коростіль та диякон Іван Чопко. |
12 February, 2018 - Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 02/11/2018
12 February, 2018 - St. Sophia Seminary's Chapel Patron Feast Day |
Remembering the Archpastor: 25th Anniversary of Repose of Patriarch Mstyslav - 02/09/2018
Archpastoral Visit to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Troy, NY - 02/05/2018
Нещодавно, архієпископ Західної Єпархії Української Православної Церкви США Даниїл, очолив Літургію у храмі Святого Миколая Чудотворця міста Трой, Нью Йорк. |
The Youth of the Church in the United States of America Prayerfully Remembers the Heroes of Ukraine - 02/05/2018
Over a hundred students from St. Andrew School of Ukrainian Language and Religion (South Bound Brook, NJ), came to the very heart of the historic spiritual center of the UOC of the USA, marking a sad event of Ukrainian history - the ultimate sacrifice of young students in the service of the Ancestral Homeland Ukraine. |
Souper Bowl Sunday - Charitable Deeds in Action at the Metropolia Center for the Church - 02/04/2018
It truly was a super Sunday, on the 4th of February at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, in South Bound Brook, NJ. As the bells of the St. Andrew Memorial Church chimed, the faithful ascended the steps to the church rushing to participate in the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. |
Council of Metropolia Meeting Takes Place at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA - 02/04/2018
The meeting began with a Moleben celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. Present also for the service were the Seminarians of the St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary along with Fr. Vasyl Pasakas. Having prayed for God’s guidance and asked for discernment, the members of the Council settled down for the first of many sessions to be held. |
Caroling for Christ - Another Successful Event at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 02/03/2018
From near and far, people once again began to congregate at the Metropolia Center on a bright Saturday afternoon. “Caroling for Christ” has become an annual event, eagerly anticipated by the local parishes and faithful. Each year people gather at the Ukrainian Cultural Center located on the grounds of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Souper Bowl Sunday is FEBRUARY 4, 2018 - 02/03/2018
Team up with Ukrainian Orthodox League of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in our Annual Souper Bowl of Caring. Rally your parish and church youth to champion this social service ministry by feeding the poor and caring for those in need around the world. |
February 3, 2018 - Caroling for Christ - 02/02/2018
Join us at the Ukrainian Cultural Centerof the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA for the Annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST on February 3, 2018 |
4-19 June, 2017 - College Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 02/01/2018
The College Student Mission Trip to aid orphanages in Ukraine, is a ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We hope to bring aid and comfort to special needs orphans and orphanages in a country that currently does not have the means to do so. |
Axios! Celebrations Honoring the Metropolitan of the Church - 01/31/2018
Tuesday, the 30th of January dawned cool and crisp, with gentle snowflakes floating through the air, as the Metropolia Center awoke to a day of celebration. Today, the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA honored their Spiritual Leader, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony who was celebrating his birthday, along with the 5th anniversary of being enthroned as the Metropolitan of the Church, as well as his Name’s day. |
St. Andrew’s Society Supports Elderly Refugees in Mariupol Ukraine - 01/27/2018
Saint Andrew’s Society, the philanthropic organization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, has forwarded $2,400 this Nativity Season to the Center for Elder Care in Mariupol, Ukraine. |
Many Blessed Years Metropolitan Antony! Axios! - 01/26/2018
5th Anniversary of Metropolitan Antony’s Enthronement – Ювілей Інтронізації Митрополита Антонія |
The Feast of Theophany at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, Ohio - 01/23/2018
Archbishop Daniel: "The challenge of the Nativity/Theophany season is to take all that we believe and live it 365 days a year ... do it for the poor and the sick and the lonely and the unemployed. Do it for those who feel life isn't worth living anymore…" |
Archpastoral Visit of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel to Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church In Lyndora, PA - 01/16/2018
On Sunday, January 14, the Leave-taking of Theophany (according to Gregorian Calendar), Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lyndora, PA was blessed by the Archpastoral visit of His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 01/11/2018
12 February, 2018 - St. Sophia Seminary's Chapel Patron Feast Day |
Nativity Celebrations in Three Chicago, IL Parishes with Archbishop Daniel - 01/10/2018
The Nativity of our Lord celebrations became more festive and spiritually uplifting for the faithful of Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church f the USA, as His Eminence Archbishop Daniel visited the parish communities of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Bensenville, IL on January 6-7, 2018; St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL on January 8, 2018; and Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Palos Park, IL on January 9, 2018. |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 01/06/2018
Різдвяне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України |
Ecumenical Patriarch: Proclamation for the Glorious Feast of Christmas - 01/06/2018
Let us celebrate together—with the grace of the divine Word, who dwelt in us, as well as with delight and fullness of joy—the feasts of the Twelve Days of Christmas. |
Nativity of our Lord Pastoral Message from the Assembly of Bishops - 01/06/2018
With the Magi, the kings of the East, each of us is invited to embark on a lifelong journey to meet the Savior—the Son of God, born in the flesh by the Virgin. |
Різдвяна Радіопередача - Christmas Radio Program - 01/04/2018
The annual CHRISTMAS RADIO PROGRAM of the Divine Liturgy from St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma will be broadcast live on Sunday, January 7, 2018 on radio station WJMO 1300 AM from 9 to 11 in the morning. One may also listen, throughout the United States, Canada & Ukraine on the internet at “praisecleveland.com”. Go to the radio station website for Praise 1300 AM, click on “listen live” on the right hand side or by going to the parish’s website http://www.stvladimirs.org This 30th annual program is dedicated to the shut-in faithful of our Parma & Greater Cleveland community. |
Nativity of our Lord Pastoral Message from the Assembly of Bishops - 01/03/2018
With the Magi, the kings of the East, each of us is invited to embark on a lifelong journey to meet the Savior—the Son of God, born in the flesh by the Virgin. Our High Priest, Jesus Christ, has shared in our humanity, and thus sympathizes with us. The Lord of lords and King of kings (1 Tim 6:15) assumes flesh and becomes man under some of the harshest conditions: He is born in an uninviting cave; He is lain in a cold manger; and days after His birth, He is forced to seek refuge in foreign lands. Because Christ has endured suffering in the flesh, we are now granted absolute comfort! |
Loving and Being Loved by the Orphans of Znamyanka Orphanage - 01/03/2018
Our surreal journey began on a sunny Friday afternoon, as the members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Winter Mission Trip to Ukraine, gathered from all corners of the U.S. While this was a “first” for some, other members were returning to the orphanage on their second trip. Gathering in the Rotunda of the Consistory offices, the 11 members, were joined by the Consistory staff and administrators, as His Eminence Metropolitan Antony performed the “Service of Commissioning a Missionary”. |
Feb. 23-25, 2018 - Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat 2018 - 12/27/2017
Hosted by UOL & Holy Protection Orthodox Church, Dover FL |
UOW October-December 2017 - 12/27/2017
Archbishop Daniel Visits the Spiritual Center of the Mother Church of Constantinople - 12/22/2017
During short working visit to the Spiritual Headquarters of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in Istanbul, Turkey, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel met with the spiritual leadership of the Holy Church of Constantinople. |
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Glorious Feast of Christmas - 12/21/2017
By the grace of God, we are once again deemed worthy to reach the great feast of the birth of the divine Word in the flesh, who came into the world to grant us “well-being,” remission of sin, of captivity to the works of the law and death, in order to grant us true life and great joy, which “no one can take from us.” |
UOC of the USA Honors Ukrainian Diplomats - 12/21/2017
December 22, 2017 marks 100 years anniversary of the establishment of Ukrainian Diplomatic Corps. Moreover, the entire year of 2017 was dedicated to and honored the historic events of the Ukrainian Independence Revolution of 1917-1921. |
The Official Christmas Tree at the Consistory – Decorated! - 12/21/2017
On the 19th of December, when the Orthodox commemorate St. Nicholas, the entire Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA seemed to come alive. In contrast to the bleak and gloomy outdoors, the indoors at the Consistory burst into bright colors, laughter and song. |
October-December, 2017 Consistory Circular Posted Online - 12/20/2017
St. Andrew Feast Day - Silver Spring, Maryland - 12/14/2017
What is more beautiful than the sparkle of sunshine on freshly fallen snow? It is a parish community, warmly coming together to celebrate its Feast Day, surrounded by the wonder of such snow outside. On Sunday, December 10, 2017 Saint Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD celebrated its patron feast day, continuing a wonderful tradition of community celebration. |
Los Angeles Ukrainian Orthodox Community Welcomes Archbishop Daniel - 12/11/2017
Over the weekend of December 8-10, 2017 St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles, CA was blessed to welcome His Eminence Archbishop Daniel for the archpastoral visit of the parish family as well as to celebrate the feast day of the parish community and the 40th anniversary of Holy Priesthood of Very Rev. Fr. Vasyl Shtelen, pastor of St. Andrew’s. |
Archpastoral Visitation to the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy in Great Britain - 12/10/2017
Following the trip to Constantinople, the spiritual centre of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel arrived in Manchester, England to be greeted by Fr. Bohdan Matwijczuk, Fr. Vitalij Derewianka and Ivan Moshkun to commence their first official parish visitations to the North West and Yorkshire. |
Nativity Epistle 2017-18 Різдвяне Послання - 12/06/2017
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Meet with His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople - 12/06/2017
During the first week of December, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), residence of Patriarchs of Constantinople. |
Nativity Epistle 2017-18 - 12/05/2017
By the grace of God, again this year we can celebrate the great mystery of our faith – the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who “for us and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.” (the Nicene Creed). All creation was waiting for the arrival of the Saviour to redeem the human race from sin and death and to reconcile man with God. |
Archpastoral Reflection: St. Philip's Nativity Fast - 11/28/2017
This is a period, which is often not the focus of contemporary Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians, secularized and smothered in the over-commercialization of the “Xmas” season. The fast is, according to the Church Fathers, a time of mercy, kindness, compassion, self-examination – a time, which challenges us to personal renewal in the Light of Christ’s Gospel. |
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory Office - 11/27/2017
MESSAGE by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the 84th Anniversary of Ukrainian Holodomor - 11/25/2017
It is with a heavy heart that we call to recollection one of the greatest atrocities of the 20th century, namely, the tragic events in Ukraine during the years 1932-1933. Today, our Ecumenical Patriarchate joins Ukrainians across the globe in prayerful commemoration on the 84th anniversary of the Holodomor. Surrounded by the members of our local Ukrainian Orthodox Community and representatives of various nations serving in our City, we will preside over the celebration of the Divine Liturgy as well as personally offer a memorial service for the millions of people who inhumanely lost their lives during the orchestrated man-imposed famine. |
Praying Our Way Together Through Nativity Lent 2017 - 11/24/2017
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 28 - 11/24/2017
Our Seminary is once again participating in the #GivingTuesday global charitable movement by encouraging the alumni, faculty, students, staff, clergy and all the faithful of the #UOCofUSA to kick-off the holiday gift-giving season with a donation to St. Sophia Seminary Fund. Giving Tuesday is the global day for giving back created in response to the commercialization and consumerism of the holiday season and as a reminder of the need to support nonprofit institutions like our own Seminary. |
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on GivingTuesday, November 28, 2017 - 11/23/2017
St. Philip's Nativity Fast: Pastoral Letter of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 11/23/2017
Simply put, our goal during this Pre-Nativity Fast is to mature in Christ, to attain to spiritual quality and excellence in our profession of the Orthodox Christian Faith, to invite Christ Jesus into our very being, to proclaim to an increasingly nominal and apathetic Christian society that, which it would rather not hear: “I bring you tidings of great joy…a Savior is born…He is Christ the Lord!” and He can be found in the hearts and homes of those who proclaim Him by their willingness to “let our light so shine before men, that they might see our good works and give glory to our Father Who is in Heaven” [Matthew 5:16]. |
4-19 June, 2018 - College Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 11/23/2017
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Blessed Thanksgiving! - 11/22/2017
As 2017 year of our Lord draws to a close, and the sacred Season of St. Philip’s (Pre-Nativity) Fast about to begin, we in the U.S. come again to a peculiar weekend. Our national day of Thanksgiving is perhaps the only remaining civic holiday with an overtly religious purpose: the entire nation is meant to pause and thank God for the blessings bestowed upon it. Of course, many will spend this day without any thought of God whatsoever; since they don't think of God at other times, why should this day be any different? This is a day for the people of God to delight in, however. We are a Eucharistic people; thanksgiving is our way of life. We are never more truly ourselves than when we are conscious of our dependence upon God, and God's loving providence at work in our lives. |
Holy Archangel Michael & St. George Ukrainian Orhtodox Parish in Minneapolis, MN Celebrated Parish Feast Day - 11/20/2017
21 листопада Православна Церква вшановує свято Архістратига Михаїла. Християни вважають його одним із семи архангелів, архістратигом небесного воїнства, покровителем людського роду. В Його честь і славу, багато людей носять Його ім’я та присвячують храми. Одним з прикладів таких храмів є храм Української Правослоавної Церкви США св. Михаїла та Юрія в Мінеаполісі шт. Міннесота. |
Ukrainian-American Community of NY Metropolitan Area Remembers Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine of 1932-1933 - 11/19/2017
The 2017 Annual National Holodomor Commemoration took place on the eve of the 85th anniversary of this human tragedy at St. Patrick Cathedral, New York City on 18 November 2017 with 2,000 people participating. |
Sacred Pilgrimage to the Myrrh-streaming icon - the Kardiotissa, “The Tender Heart” with Archbishop Daniel - 11/16/2017
On Wednesday evening, November 15, 2017 His Eminence Archbishop Daniel led the Pilgrimage of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians from All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church in New York City, NY (Very Rev. Fr. Vitaliy Pawlykivsky – pastor) to Taylor, PA, where the icon is permanently located at St. George the Great-Martyr Orthodox parish. In addition to the pilgrims from NY City, several Ukrainian Orthodox clergy with their parishioners from NY/PA/NJ area traveled to Taylor, PA as well. |
Glorious Day at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL - 11/14/2017
On Sunday November 12, 2017, the Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Sts Peter and Paul in Palos Park, IL was honored to welcome His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, President of the Consistory and Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
Veterans Day Prayers Offered at the National UAV Monument - 11/13/2017
On Saturday, November 11, 2017 several dozens of Ukrainian-American Veterans were joined by a group of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians at the site of the National Ukrainian-American Veterans Memorial at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. His Eminence Archbishop Daniel led a Prayer Service at the monument for the wellbeing of numerous veterans of the US Armed forces, especially those of Ukrainian descent. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Observing Veterans Day with Thanksgiving - 11/10/2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017 is Veterans Day (this year observed on Friday, November 10th). On this day we remember all those who have served our great nation – the men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to defend our way of life and the values we hold dear, along with the freedom which guarantees that life and those values. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those killed in the line of duty, those suffering from the effects of their time of service during war and otherwise and, of course, all those who have retired from active duty. The extent of such gratitude cannot be measured. The sacrifices made by our veterans and their families are freedom’s foundation. Without the efforts of all the soldiers, airmen, sailors, marines, coast guardsmen, and their families, we would have little comprehension of what that freedom means. |
Archbishop Daniel Attends the Annual Prayer Service for the United Nations Community - 11/09/2017
On Wednesday, November 8th, the combined Hierarchs of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America and of the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches (SCOOCH) celebrated the 16th Annual Prayer Service for the United Nations. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, the Chairman of the Assembly of Bishops welcomed the assembled Hierarchs, Clergy, Ambassadors and Dignitaries of the UN Diplomatic Corps and laity to the Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral, the traditional site when an Eastern Orthodox Church hosts the service. This year, the Prayer Service was dedicated and prayers offered for millions of immigrants, refugees and victims of ongoing wars throughout the world. |
85th Anniversary Genocidal Holodomor Inaugural Event Held in Washington, DC - 11/08/2017
On a rainy Tuesday afternoon, November 7, 2017 several dozens of Ukrainian-Americans gathered in the nation’s capitol for the Memorial service (Panakhyda) at the National HOLODOMOR Memorial in Washington, DC. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Sacramento, CA - Зустріч Владики Даниїла в столиці Каліфорнії - 11/07/2017
5 листопада 2017 року Свято-Троїцька Українська Православна Місійна громада столиці штату Каліфорнії - м. Сакраменто вітала свого архипастиря. На порозі храму Правлячого Архієрея Західної Єпархії та голову Консисторії УПЦ США Високопреосвященного Архієпископа Даниїла зустрів голова церковного комітету Ярослав Дроздовський та настоятель храму протоієрей Мирослав Турчак зі своєю паствою. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: We Grieve With Sutherland Springs, TX - 11/06/2017
Since learning of this tragedy, as spiritual fathers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA we have urged all to pray for the victims, the families and first responders. Our hearts and minds are with all of those persons killed or injured, their family members, their friends and their colleagues. |
NEW EXHIBIT Opened at the Ukrainian History and Education Center of NJ: Shepherding Ukrainian Orthodoxy in New Land: The Metropolitan of the Church - Виставка про митрополитів УПЦ США - 11/05/2017
У Консисторії Української Православної Церкви США в Сомерсеті (штат Нью-Джерзі) 4 листопада урочисто відкрили виставку «Українські православні пастирі у Новому світі: митрополити УПЦ США», присвячену 100-літтю Церкви. |
New Exhibit: Shepherding Ukrainian Orthodoxy in a New Land: The Metropolitans of the Church - 11/01/2017
In preparation for the 2018 celebration of the 100th anniversary of Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the United States, the UHEC presents an exhibition documenting the lives of the Church’s prime hierarchs, the historical and cultural contexts in which they lived and worked, and their legacies through photographs, museum items, archival documents, and audio recordings. |
10 November, 2017 - Veteran's Day Prayer Service at the Metropolia Center - 10/31/2017
Join the Ukrainian-American Veterans at the UAV National Monument in South Bound Brook, NJ for a Prayer Service, Honoring the Veterans of the US Armed Forces |
2 December, 2017 - Christmas at the Seminary - 10/26/2017
Consistory of the Church Presents Financial Aid to the Post-Hurricane Parish Community in FL - 10/25/2017
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA, Archbishop Daniel in his capacity of the President of Consistory of the Church traveled to Dover, FL in order to visit Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish that suffered damages following the tragic Hurricane Irma that caused massive destruction in the State of Florida. |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ГІДНИЙ! Subdeacon Paul Neal Ordained to the Deaconate of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 10/24/2017
This past Sunday was celebrated with a milestone in the parish of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Dixonville, PA. Subdeacon Paul Neal, a member of the parish for more than 49 years was ordained to the Deaconate through the laying on of hands by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. His friends, family, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ shared in the celebration of the ordination and Divine Liturgy. |
Metropolia Center of the Church Honors the Memory of the Fallen Heroes of Ukraine - 10/24/2017
В жовтні, а точніше 14 жовтня, православні християни вшановують свято Покрови Божої Матері, яке згідно Передання, бере початок ще з 910 року коли Богородиця з’явилася віруючим, які молилися у Влахернському храмі в Константинополі. Святковими літургіями відзначили свято Святої Покрови і на парафіях Української Православної Церкви США. Зокрема в духовному осередку Митрополії УПЦ США 15 жовтня в неділю відбулась святкова Архієрейська літургія, яку очолив Високопреосвященніший Архієпископ Даниїл. |
98th Parish Anniversary in Trenton, NJ - 10/23/2017
On Sunday, October 22, the Holy Trinity Parish in Trenton, New Jersey was visited by His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony and His Eminence Archbishop Jeremiah, the ruling hierarch of our Church's South American Eparchy. |
AXIOS! WORTHY! ГІДНИЙ! Subdeacon Richard Jendras Ordained to the Holy Deaconate - 10/23/2017
Subdeacon Richard Jendras has been ordained to the Deaconate of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. The beautiful Divine Liturgy was celebrated at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Carteret, NJ on 21 October 2017. |
100th Anniversary of the Cathedral Consecration - 10/23/2017
On Saturday, October 14th His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony led our God-loving and God-protected community of St. Mary Protection of the Theotokos (Pokrova) parish in the celebration of our patronal feast and the 100th anniversary of the consecration of our beautiful cathedral (glory to God!). He was greeted in the narthex by several of our youth (Autumn and Shiloh D., Claire, Helen, and Warren P., and Owen A.) who gave him flowers, by our parish president, Nikolai Fartuch, who gave him beautifully decorated bread (thank you, Stephanie Milan!) , and by our parish priest, Fr. Anthony Perkins, who offered words of thanks for his prayers and love for his parish of St. Mary's. |
Holy Virgin Parish in Arnold, PA Marks 92nd Anniversary - 10/21/2017
On Saturday, October 21, 2017, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel along with a Seminarian delegation from South Bound Brook, NJ traveled to the little town of Arnold, PA (22 miles east of Pittsburgh) to pray with the gathered faithful to commemorate the parish founding in 1925. |
2017 Annual Clergy Conference Takes Place in South Bound Brook, NJ - 10/16/2017
It was with a great sense of joy and camaraderie that the hierarchs and the priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered in South Bound Brook for the annual clergy conference on Sunday, October 15th. |
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of New York City Visits Metropolia Center of the Church - 10/15/2017
15 жовтня після служби Божої поїхали до Савт Бавнд Бруку. Поїздка співпала з шанованим в Україні і українській діаспорі релігійним святом Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, а також річницями історичних подій – 75-річчям УПА і 70-річчям Акції «Вісла». В цей день в українській православній церкві-пам’ятнику св. Андрія Первозваного Високопреосвященний Владика Даниїл освятив ікону Богородиці – покровительки українських воїнів, копію якої за оригіналом у Михайлівському Золотоверхому Соборі в Києві виготовив іконописець Юрій Нікітін. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Pokrova of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in - 10/14/2017
В суботу, 14 жовтня 2017р., у день свята Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, Високопреосвященіший Архієпископ Даниїл на запрошення настоятеля протоієрея Олександра Яцківа з Архіпастирським візитом відвідав парафію Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці в м. Нью-Хейвен, штату Коннектикут. |
Message of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America - 10/10/2017
We, the Hierarchs of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, who have gathered in Garfield, New Jersey on October 3-5, 2017 for our eighth annual meeting, greet you with love in Christ as we offer glory and thanks to Him. |
Two Worlds Unite In Prayer Honoring the Birth-Giver of God - 10/09/2017
On Sunday, October 8, 2017 a shrine of numerous pilgrimages, dedicated to the Birth-Giver of God of Altotting (1489) in the heart of Munich, Germany became a place of a spiritual pilgrimage and renewal for the faithful of the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Munich, Germany. His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, fulfilling his pastoral responsibilities of a bishop of the Eparchy of Western Europe of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora, visited the faithful of the parish in the place of their weekly worship – a 16th century temple dedicated to the miracle of Altotting. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Ulm, Germany - 10/08/2017
On Saturday, October 7, 2017 the parish was formally visited by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, present hierarch of the Western Europe Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Vladyka Daniel visited the parish and served a Memorial service at the gravesite of Metropolitan Anatoliy of blessed memory. |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 32 Years of Archpastoral Service - 10/06/2017
АКСІОС! Митрополит Антоній Святкує 32-ліття Архіпастирського Служіння |
October LUBA: Down Syndrome Awareness - 10/05/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our August-September Issue! - 10/05/2017
St. Sophia Seminary Library honors Rev. Dr. George C. Papademetriou - 10/05/2017
On Saturday, September 30, 2017, the St. Sophia Theological Seminary community, the staff of the Metropolia Center, and local clergy gathered to honor Rev. Dr. George and Presbytera Athanasia Papademetriou for their generous donation of several thousands of theological titles to the Seminary Library. Travelling with Rev. George and Presbytera Athanasia were members of his family—his sons and daughter, their spouses and grandchildren. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Sessions of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA - 10/04/2017
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened its eighth annual meeting Tuesday, October 3 in Garfield, NJ with about 40 hierarchs in attendance. The day began with a celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St George Orthodox Church in Clifton, NJ at which the hierarchs in attendance shared in the Holy and Sacred Chalice - the Holy Mystery of Eucharist. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Prayers for the Victims in Las Vegas - 10/02/2017
We find ourselves this day filled with compassion for the families of the victims who perished in the worst terroristic massacre of human life in the history of our nation. We find within ourselves this day an insatiable desire to pray for those victims, that our Lord will grant them a place of rest where the Light of His Countenance shines upon them as they await the great and final judgment. And oddly, we find ourselves this day in a state of shock that such a horrific attack can take place once again without any warning, without any obvious reason and without anyone who will really be capable of explaining. We will hear theory after conjecture, after just plain guesswork on the part of pundit after pundit after pundit. We will, however, probably never fully comprehend why such a horror as this Las Vegas attack can happen or how man can be so cruel to man. |
A Letter of Condolence From the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Upon the Repose of Bishop Antoun of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America - 10/02/2017
On behalf of the Council of Bishops, the Clergy and Lay Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, we are offering our profound condolences on the falling asleep in the Lord of the deeply beloved and respected Bishop Antoun. |
The Joyful Ordination of a New Priest - 10/02/2017
Calling the occasion one of “...joy for the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA,” His Eminence Archbishop Daniel ordained Deacon John Charest to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday, October 1st, 2017 at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL. |
Deny yourself and follow Him - 09/30/2017
Today we celebrate the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and also the Sunday after Exaltation of The Cross. We have heard two readings from the Holy Gospel, one according to St. Mark dedicated to afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and another one according to St. Mathew, the reading of this Sunday. Reflecting on the two passages we see the importance of the common theme, it is Kingdom of Heaven. In the first reading we receive the exact commandments what we should do, or how we should live our lives in order for us to inherit The Kingdom of God. And in another reading we have an example of people called, like all of us, to enter that Kingdom of Heaven but not all responded according to expectations of the Creator and therefore were not able to receive the blessing of that generous invitation. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads the Delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at the Celebration of 125 Years of Pan-Orthodox Community in Chicago, IL - 09/30/2017
The Pan-Orthodox Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated at Lane Tech Auditorium, 2501 W. Addison Western St. Chicago, IL followed by a jubilee banquet at the Chicago Marriott O'Hare, 8535 W. Higgins Rd, Chicago. |
Hierarchs of the Church Visited Consulate General of Ukraine in NY - 09/29/2017
Representatives of various Ukrainian Community Organizations of Greater New York area gathered at the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York City for the formal observance of the 26th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Post Hurricanes FL Parishes of the Church - 09/26/2017
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA, Archbishop Daniel in his capacity of the President of Consistory of the Church traveled to Dover and Pinellas Park, FL parishes in order to examine the damages and to offer words of comfort to the clergy and faithful of the Church. |
DOOR Radio Program Interviews His Eminence Archbishop Daniel - 09/25/2017
“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9. On Sunday, September 24th, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel walked through the doors of St. George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, Michigan to sit for an interview for the DOOR (Detroit’s Own Orthodox Radio) radio program. |
Celebrating 20 years of Priestly Service in Michigan - 09/25/2017
Early Sunday morning, with the sun shining brightly through the large spruce trees, which towered over the domed church, the parish of St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, in Southfield, Michigan, was bustling with activity. Entering the narthex, His Eminence donned his mantia, and entered the Sanctuary where Very Reverend Paul Bondarchuk, parish pastor, who was celebrating his 20th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood, greeted him with a Cross. The nave was decorated with Ukrainian embroidered towels hanging from the pews, along the main aisle. |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Bayonne, NJ Marks 80th Anniversary - 09/23/2017
80 years later, on September 23rd 2017, two hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel crossed the sacred threshold of the parish’s temple in order to once again mark an anniversary of faithful service. Children and members of the parish’s board of administration as well as the pastor of St. Sophia parish, Very Rev. Fr. Myroslav Schirta welcomed the hierarchs to the temple for a formal liturgical consecration of the new altar and renewed icons. |
First Lady of Ukraine visits the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 09/21/2017
The ringing of the bells cascaded over the gurgling stream and echoed off the Consistory buildings of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. as those inside scurried around preparing for the visit of Maryna Poroshenko, the First Lady of Ukraine and the wife of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. |
2017 Faith and Photography Contest - 09/19/2017
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce a new opportunity for the youth of our church to express their faith. The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry wants to encourage youth and young adults to explore their creative talents and to glorify God through art, with the 3rd Annual Ukrainian Orthodox Church Faith and Photography Contest. |
AXIOS! Subdeacon Evan O’Neil is Ordained to Deaconate - 09/18/2017
This past weekend saw an auspicious occasion in the life of the parish of St Peter and St Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Carnegie, PA - the ordination of a deacon. On Saturday, September 16th, by the Grace of God and the laying on of hands by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, Subdeacon Cliff O'Neil was ordained into the order of the diaconate as Deacon Evan (Clifford) O'Neil, a graduate of St Sophia Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
The Hierarchs of the Church Met with the President of Ukraine - 09/18/2017
On Monday, September 18, 2017, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel participated in the meeting of the Ukrainian-American Community and the representatives of the Crimean Tatar organizations with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and his wife Maryna at the Ukrainian Museum in New York City, NY |
Archbishop Daniel Attends the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Ukrainian World Congress - 09/17/2017
On 16 September 2017, the Ukrainian community in the United Sates of America, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC). The event was organized by UWC member organization – the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America led by Andriy Futey. |
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Mission In Dover, Delaware Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary - 09/16/2017
History was made today in the Capital City of Delaware. On Saturday, September 16, 2017, His Eminence, +Metropolitan Antony, First Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Ruling Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy, celebrated a full Archpastoral Divine Liturgy on the Green in Dover to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Mission. Because the indoor space of the Dover Century Club would have been too small for such an event, an outdoor Liturgy was served. |
Nativity of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New Britain, CT Welcomes Metropolitan Antony - 09/15/2017
Blessed with a bright, early-autumn day, our parish welcomed Metropolitan Antony to New Britain, Connecticut, on September 10, 2017, to celebrate our parish Name Day and share in mutual love and fellowship as we begin the new church year. His Eminence led the congregation of St. Mary, the Nativity of the Mother of God, in celebrating Divine Liturgy alongside our pastor Very Rev. Father Andrii Pokotylo and Protodeacon Anthony Szwez. |
New Academic Year at the Seminary - 09/12/2017
With the prayerful chants and the incense smoke filled chapel of the Three Holy Hierarchs, the students and faculty of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary began the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Beheading of St. John the Baptist – which also inaugurated new 2017-2018 Academic Year. |
Remembering the Tragedy of 9-11-2001 - 09/09/2017
It is difficult to believe that we have come to the sixteenth anniversary of the tragic events - the loss of nearly 3,000 human beings in the World Trade Center – the symbol of American business success and promise. |
Deacon James Cairns Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 09/09/2017
On Saturday, September 9, 2017, the fullness of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of United States of America welcomed a new Priest into the midst of priestly ranks. By the Grace of God and through the laying on of hands of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of Consistory of the UOC of the USA, Deacon James Cairns of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Carteret, NJ and a graduate of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: "...Special Prayers for the Victims of Hurricane “Irma” - 09/08/2017
We fervently request that clergy and faithful of our Metropolia offer special prayers for the victims of hurricane “Irma”, which is causing heavy damage in the State of Florida this weekend. We are all united as friends and neighbors in the states and communities affected by hurricane “Irma” and as a family in Christ we pray for protection from the consequences of the storm. We must be eager and ready to offer refuge and help to those who may be endangered or harmed. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Observance of Ukraine’s 26th Anniversary of Independence at the Permanent Mission of Ukraine at the United Nations in New York - 09/08/2017
Ієрархи УПЦ США взяли участь у відзначенні 26-ої річниці Незалежності України в Постійному Представництві України при ООН в Нью Йорку |
Joint Message of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the World Day of Prayer for Creation - 09/01/2017
The story of creation presents us with a panoramic view of the world. Scripture reveals that, “in the beginning”, God intended humanity to cooperate in the preservation and protection of the natural environment. At first, as we read in Genesis, “no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up – for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no one to till the ground” (2:5). The earth was entrusted to us as a sublime gift and legacy, for which all of us share responsibility until, “in the end”, all things in heaven and on earth will be restored in Christ (cf. Eph 1:10). Our human dignity and welfare are deeply connected to our care for the whole of creation. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund - 08/29/2017
We write to you with a heaviness of heart upon witnessing for the past many days the seemingly relentless weather disaster inflicted upon our fellow American citizens along the Gulf of Mexico coastline – primarily in Texas – but expected to move East. We have been filled with compassion as we watched thousands upon thousands of people forced to abandon all their material possessions and life as they knew it. |
Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/28/2017
Святкування розпочалось з святкової недільної літургії в Церкві-Пам’ятнику Св. Андрія первозданного. Очолив літургію архиєрей УПЦ США високопреосвященніший Архиєпископ Даниїл. Співслужили також: настоятель храму от. Юрій Сівко, от. Іван Личик та от. Василь Шак разом з дияконами Іваном Чопко та Ігорем Русин. Храм зібрав велику кількість парафіян та прихожан, які з вдячністю Богу за всі благословення, а особливо за суверенітет рідної Батьківщини, прийшли бути частиною Святої Літургії і Святого Причастя. |
Patriarchal Letter for the Beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year - 08/25/2017
With God’s grace, today we enter the new ecclesiastical year, even as we continue to provide witness “through him who loved us” (Romans 8.38) and “give an account for the hope that lies in us” (1 Peter 3.15), living in the Church, in Christ and according to Christ, who promised to be with us “all the days of our life, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28.20) |
Archpastoral Visit to Wales - 08/24/2017
From 21st - 22nd August, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel visited Wales, arriving on Monday 21st at the administrative centre of the Wales Orthodox Mission in Blaenau Ffestiniog in the County of Gwynedd, and attending Vespers at the Orthodox Church of All Saints of Wales in the same town. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Great Britain Marks 70th Anniversary - 08/21/2017
In August 1947 Bishop Mstyslav (Skrypnyk) visited Great Britain and held the first Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) Archpastoral Divine Liturgy in the country. The service was held in the auditorium of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) and is considered to be the founding moment of the Great Britain Diocese. To mark the 70th anniversary of this historic event in the life of the Church in Great Britain, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel served a Moleben of Thanksgiving at the very same site on the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord – 19 August 2017. |
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America Response to Racist Violence in Charlottesville, VA - 08/18/2017
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America stands with all people of good will in condemning the hateful violence and lamenting the loss of life that resulted from the shameful efforts to promote racial bigotry and white supremacist ideology in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Orthodox Church emphatically declares that it does not promote, protect or sanction participation in such reprehensible acts of hatred, racism, and discrimination, and proclaims that such beliefs and behaviors have no place in any community based in respect for the law and faith in a loving God. |
September LUBA: Childhood Cancer Awareness - 08/15/2017
Parish Feast Day Celebration in Brooklyn, NY - Святкування в Брукліні, Ню Йорку із Митрополитом Антонієм та Архієпископом Даниїлом. - 08/15/2017
13 серпня 2017р. Божого, в Українській Православній Парафії св. Пантелеймона в Брукліні відбулося святкове богослужіння з нагоди храмового свята. Урочисте богослужіння очолили предстоятель УПЦ США Високопреосвященніший Митрополит Антоній та Голова Консисторії Високопреосвященніший Архієпископ Даниїл у співслужінні настоятеля храму о. Миколи Филика та місцевого духовенства. |
September 11, 2017 - Official Opening of the New 2017-2018 Academic Year at St. Sophia Seminary - 08/14/2017
Join us for the Official Opening of the New 2017-2018 Academic Year at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary |
St. Sophia Seminary Youth Ministry Certification Program - 08/14/2017
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry in collaboration with St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a Youth Ministry Certification program. Delegates of the UOC-USA Youth Sobor have repeatedly offered resolutions requesting advanced education for youth workers; we developed this course to address their requests and to help support this ministry that is so vital to the health of our parishes. |
Chicago Deanery of the Church Meets at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL - 08/13/2017
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, the Dean of Chicago Deanery Very Rev. Fr. Bohdan Kalynyuk called a meeting of eleven clergymen of the Eparchy, representing 8 parishes of Chicago Metropolitan area on Saturday, August 12, 2017. |
16 Sept. - Ordination to the Holy Deaconate of Cliff O'Neil - 08/11/2017
A Letter on the Occasion of the 26th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence - 08/11/2017
Послання з нагоди 26-ї річниці проголошення незалежності України |
New Parish Temple Blessed in Los Alamos, NM - 08/08/2017
On Friday evening, August 4th, the bells of Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Freeland, Pennsylvania, rang a hierarchical greeting for the first time in their new home in Los Alamos, New Mexico. His Eminence Metropolitan ANTONY and His Eminence Archbishop DANIEL were met at the door of the new temple of the Saint Job of Pochaiv Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the President of the Parish’s Board of Administration Mr. Nicholas Gordon, the children of the parish, Father Theophan Mackey and the faithful of the church. Father Theophan then served Great Vespers to begin the celebration of the commemoration of the Our Lady of Pochaiv Icon, August 5th. |
70th Annual UOL Convention Concludes in Woonsocket, RI - 08/01/2017
The 70th Annual UOL Convention came to a formal conclusion on Sunday, July 30, 2017, as the delegates gathered at Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI for Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom concelebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel. |
Day IV of the 70th UOL Convention Concludes in Warwick, RI - 07/30/2017
The fourth day of the 70th UOL Convention in Warwick, RI began with the early morning Akathist Service in front of the icon of Pochaiv Mother of God. The chanters from various parishes and chapters joined in singing the uplifting praises to the Mother of God during the liturgical service served by Archbishop Daniel and Very Rev. Fr. Taras Naumenko. |
UOL Convention Celebrates the Legacy of St. Volodymyr the Great - 07/28/2017
The third day of UOL convention in Warwick, RI prayerfully began with the liturgical celebration of the life and legacy of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great King Volodymyr. With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the Divine Liturgy for the feast of the day was celebrated by Very Rev. Fr. Myron Oryhon, Very Rev. Fr. John Haluszczak, Rev. Fr. Vasyl Pasakas, Rev. Fr. Phulip Harendza, Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay and Deacon John Charest. In conclusion of the service, Vladyka Daniel offered a short reflection on the spiritual legacy of St. Volodymyr the Great and the call upon those in attendance to emulate the spiritual virtues of Holy and Great King of Rus-Ukraine in a day of modern challenges and uncertainties. The Archbishop called upon the delegates of the Convention to make St. Volodymyr’s legacy alive by living the Faith of ancient Forefathers and offering themselves in the service to others through the acts of charity and kindness. In particular, Vladyka Daniel called upon the participants of the Divine Liturgy to care for the environment, protecting every aspect of natural resources. |
The 70th UOL Convention Continues in Warwick, RI - 07/27/2017
The second day of this year’s Convention began with the “Teaching” Divine Liturgy that with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony ws served by Very Rev. Fr. Taras Naumenko, Archdeacon Vasyl and Deacon Ivan Tchopko, while Very Ref. Fr. Anthony Perkins offered reflections on various sections of the Divine Liturgy, calling upon the delegates of the Church to immerse themselves into the spiritually rich and uplifting treasury of Christ’s presence in our lives. |
Family Fest 2017 - 07/26/2017
Summer is in full swing, and before you know it, we will all be enjoying a fun, relaxing, and free Labor Day weekend at All Saints Camp! |
70th UOL Convention – “Declare Among the Nations His Works…” (Ps.104:1) Began in Warwick, RI - 07/26/2017
For the 70th time in the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the UOC of the USA, delegates from various chapters of parish families from across the country have gathered in Woonsocket/Warwick, RI for their annual Convention. The hosts for this year’s Convention is the Senior UOL Chapters and, in fact, all the parishioners of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Woonsocket, RI. What follows below is an outline of activities for the next several days of the Convention. |
Archpastoral Centennial Celebration of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Belfield, ND - 07/25/2017
“We welcome you with bread – God’s gift to man. We welcome you with salt – a gift from the soil…” – with these traditional words, the participants of the annual North Dakota Ukrainian Festival, Dickinson, ND, welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
Praying Our Way Together Through the Dormition Fast 2017 - 07/24/2017
Eph. 6:17-18 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication
in the Spirit, being watchful to the end with all perseverance…”
27 August - Ukrainian Independence Day Picnic - 07/24/2017
12-5pm |
Ukrainian Independence Day Picnic - 07/24/2017
Пікнік до Дня Незалежності України 12-17 |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: June-July Issue - 07/19/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: June-July 2017 Issue |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: June-July Issue - 07/19/2017
Українське Православне Слово - Червень-Липень |
Archbishop Daniel Visits Jones, OK - 07/18/2017
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, arrived in Oklahoma City during the early evening of Friday, July 14th where the parish pastor, Archimandrite Raphael, greeted Vladyka and seminarian Ihor Protsak at the airport. This is Vladyka Daniel’s first time to his parish in Central Oklahoma since being elevated to Archbishop. |
The 70th Annual UOL Convention – 26-30 July, 2017 - 07/15/2017
Register NOW! Woonsocket, RI |
Храмове свято св. Івана Хрестителя - 07/12/2017
Бог Творець, створивши світ видимий і невидимий виявляє милість Свою до всього створеного. А все Ним створене прославляє велич і святість Божу.
Особливе місце займає святкування храмового свята. Ми маємо багато назв для цього дня: день народження парафії, день освячення храму, але кожного року святкуючи, розуміємо одне, що будучи учасниками Божого промислу на нас, неприривного життя Церкви- Божого дому на землі. |
Archbishop Daniel Visits All Saints Camp - 07/11/2017
Campers, Counselors and Staff were pleased to welcome Archbishop Daniel, on his annual visit to All Saints Camp on Saturday, July 9, 2017 for the conclusion of the Diocesan Church School Camp. Over 100 campers, parents and staff assembled at our peaceful and beautiful All Saints Camp to finish the first two weeks of 2017 camping season. It was an amazing two-weeks discovering the Champions of Faith. Campers gathered daily in prayer at St. Thomas Chapel. The days that followed included interactive church school classes based on the theme, singing/music, games, crafts and various activities. |
Archpastoral Visit To St. Vladimir Parish, Ambridge PA - 07/09/2017
Some might think a sunny Sunday in the summer is not to be “wasted” in Church, but the parishioners of St. Vladimir in Ambridge know better. His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel made a much-appreciated Hierarchal visitation to the Parish on Sunday, July 9, the 5th Sunday after Pentecost, accompanied by seminarians Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak and Yurij Bobko. |
2017 Meeting of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 07/07/2017
The 2017 meeting of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine (PCB) was conducted on 30 June – 2 July 2017 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada at the Consistory Office and the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Participating in this year’s meeting were His Eminence Metropolitan Yuriy of the UOC of Canada (All Canada and the Central Eparchy), His Eminence Metropolitan Antony of the UOC of the USA (and Eastern Eparchy) and all the Church in Diaspora, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the UOC of USA and Diaspora (Western Europe) and His Grace Bishop Andriy of the UOC of Canada (Eastern Eparchy). Unable to participate in the meeting were Bishop Ilarion of the UOC of Canada (Western Eparchy), due to illness and Archbishop Jeremiah of the South America Eparchy (UOC of USA). |
5-13 August - High School Mission Trip - 07/05/2017
Application Process is Open |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 241st Anniversary of US Independence - 07/01/2017
As Ukrainian Americans and Orthodox Christians we celebrate this freedom. We recognize the blessings that freedom has provided to our families and ourselves as we live, work, and worship in this country. We also recognize the value of freedom in emphasizing our heritage and identity. We are free to share this cherished heritage in an environment that values freedom of expression and the open sharing of ideas and diversity. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Attend the Celebration of the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul (According to Gregorian Calendar) at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Chicago, IL, Welcoming a New Bishop for Ukrainian Catholics - 06/30/2017
In a spirit of ecumenical brotherly love and following the example of leaders of Orthodox and Catholic Churches: His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel attended liturgical Services of Enthronement of a new Eparchial bishop for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Diocese of Chicago on 28-29 June, 2017. |
Metropolitan Antony Leads the 60th Parish Anniversary Celebration in WA - 06/28/2017
Святкування 60-ти ліття парафіяльної родини Святої Тройці в місті Сієтл із Митрополитом Антонієм. |
Archbishop Daniel Consecrates the Renewed Altar at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Manhattan, NY - 06/27/2017
A parish building with a history of about 200 years was a place of spiritually uplifting weekend celebration of the Third Sunday After Pentecost, the feast day of St. Onufriy the Great as well as the observance of parish Feast Day of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church in New York City, NY. |
5-15 November, 2017 - Holy Land Pilgrimage - 06/24/2017
22-30 December, 2017 - Winter Mission Trip to Znamyanka Orphanage - 06/24/2017
2017 Winter Mission Trip to Znamianka Orphanage in Ukraine - 06/24/2017
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the date for the winter missionary trip to Znamyanka Orphanage for the faithful of our Church. |
The 2017 Sacred Music Retreat at St. Sophia Seminary Was A Success - 06/22/2017
From 12-16 June, St. Sophia Seminary hosted a retreat on Ukrainian Orthodox chanting and choir directing. All the participants agreed that it should be the first of many; Lord willing, that will be the case! |
LUBA July: Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul, Independence Day - 06/21/2017
Metropolitan Antony Meets With the President of Ukraine - 06/20/2017
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony met with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko as he started his working visit to the U.S. paying tribute to the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine and having a conversation with the Ukrainian community. |
5-13 August - High School Mission Trip - 06/19/2017
Application is Open Now |
Archbishop Daniel is Honored by KropyvnytskyKirovohrad State Congress - 06/19/2017
Upon the recommendation of Tatiana Ivanivna Valko, director of Znamynka children’s orphanage and upon the approval of Kirovohrad State Congress, the Speaker of the State Congress Oleksander Chervoivanenko formally received His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. During the hour long meting a discussion took place about the various ministerial opportunities of UOC of the USA in the orphanages in Ukraine as well as the assistance that has been provided by the Church to the families of fallen soldiers of the ongoing war conflict in Eastern Ukraine. |
UOC of the USA Mission Team Spends Time with the Orphans in the Capital of Ukraine - 06/19/2017
The ten-day visit to Ukrainian orphanage in Znamyanka or Kropyvnytsky region concluded with the departure of the entire Mission Team of the UOC of the USA to the capital of Ukraine – Kyiv. However, this departure also included ten children with minor mobility disability from Znamyanka. |
2017 Mission Team of the UOC of the USA Serves in Ukraine - 06/18/2017
So, as we conclude our Mission Trip to Znamyanka, we ask for your prayers for about 120 teachers, some 60 to 80 staff members and us – the Missionaries - the representatives of the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA under the leadership of our spiritual fathers Metropolitan Antony and Archbishop Daniel. |
Sunday, June 11, 2017 was a hot and humid day. It did not stop the Parish Family of Holy Trinity from celebrating its 60th Anniversary of Service to the Lord. Over 50 people crowded the small, farming village white Church in anticipation of the arrival of their Archpastor, His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony, Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Ruling Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy to celebrate the 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy of Thanksgiving. Arriving with His Eminence was Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay of the Cathedral of St. Volodymyr in Parma, Ohio. Our Seminarians from Saint Sophia Seminary also escorted His Eminence to the Church: Subdeacon Mykhaylo Bukalo, Ihor Protock, Tadei Surak and Hryhoriy Matviiv. |
UOW May 2017 - 06/06/2017
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora on the Most Recent Terrorist Attacks - 06/04/2017
This morning, as we celebrate the Life-Giving feast of Pentecost we pray, and invite all Christians of good will to pray, for those who were killed yesterday and for their families, for the injured and their loved ones and for those who are hard at work assisting them, for the police forces who face formidable challenges, and for our leaders and countries around the globe threatened by terrorist activity, so that together we will remain in unity and peace of heart. |
Memory Eternal: Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago - 06/04/2017
In behalf of all the clergy and faithful of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA we extend sincere sympathy to you all at the repose of His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago. His Eminence was truly a devoted hierarch of the Archdiocese serving in many capacities throughout his long and accomplished service to God in the Holy Trinity. |
Blessing of the Renewed Dome and Cross -Благословення Відновленого купола та хреста - 06/03/2017
У Ярдвілі‚ Ню-Джерзі‚ 30 травня Архієпископ Української Православної Церкви США Даниїл разом з настоятелем церкви св. Юрія Перемoжця от. Петром Левко і оператором крану Френсісом Гуттою піднялися над храмом і благoслoвили оновлені та позолочені купол і хрест церкви. На висоті Владика Даниïл i oтець Петрo торкнулися хреста‚ який вже понад 40 років вінчає храм. Саме під час благoслoвiння прoйшoв короткочасний дoщ‚ але вiн не порушив церемонії. |
College Age Mission Team Departs for Annual Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 06/02/2017
Reflecting upon the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: “'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”, the college age students of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully responded to our Lord’s call and offered themselves to serve as Mission Team Members of the UOC of the USA to the Ukrainian Orphanages during 2-17 June, 2017. |
Joint Committee Of Orthodox And Catholic Bishops Convenes, Talks About Unity and Pastoral Issues - 06/01/2017
The Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops and North-American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation convened on May 31-June 2, 2017, at the Saint John’s Inn in Plymouth, Michigan. The purpose of the Joint Committee is to contribute to the restoration of full communion between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church. |
Memory Eternal: A Letter of Condolence from the Council of Bishops of UOC of the USA Upon the Repose of Cardinal Lubomyr Husar - 06/01/2017
On behalf of the Council of Bishops, the Clergy and Lay Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora, we are offering our profound condolences on the falling asleep in the Lord of the deeply beloved and respected Cardinal Lubomyr Husar. |
10-12 August, 2017: Chicago Deanery Is to Host 2017 Altar Servers Retreat - 05/30/2017
Almost every time we go to our parish churches for Divine services we see altar servers in the Holy Space (sanctuary), but do we really understand their purpose there? Can we say we really appreciate the importance of their ministry? This brings up the question of whether or not the altar servers themselves understand their role in the Church. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Memorial Service at the Grave of Ukrainian Hero Symon Petliura - 05/28/2017
On Sunday afternoon, at 3PM local Paris (France) time, in the presence of Ukrainian-French community, Orthodox and Catholic clergy, representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine in France and Ambassador Oleg Shamshur, Archbishop Daniel led a Memorial Service at the cemetery in Paris for a hero who was killed 91 years ago - May 25, 1926 - Symon Vasylyovych Petliura (May 22, 1879 – May 25, 1926) a publicist, writer, journalist, Ukrainian politician, statesman of the Ukrainian People's Republic, and national leader who led Ukraine's struggle for independence was assassinated in the center of Paris. |
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Begins the Archpastoral Visit of the Ukrainian Orthodox Communities in France - 05/26/2017
On 24-29 May, 2017 His Eminence Archbishop Daniel formally conducts the Archpastoral visit of the Ukrainian Orthodox communities in France. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and upon election by the Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora, Vladyka Daniel serves as a Ruling Hierarch of the Eparchy of Western Europe as well as of Great Britain. The first Archpastoral visit began with a celebration of the Feast of Ascension at St. Simon Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Paris, France. |
Archpastoral Visit to St. Vladimir Parish in Pittsburgh, PA - 05/25/2017
On a cool, spring Sunday morning, the parish family at St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox church gathered for the Divine Liturgy, but this was not just your average Sunday. The parish family was blessed to greet His Eminence Archbishop Daniel and welcome him to our community with Deacon John Charest, Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak, and Seminarian Ihor Protsak. On this fifth Sunday after Pascha, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel joined the parishioners of St. Vladimir’s to remember the fifth anniversary of the repose of our dear spiritual father Metropolitan Constantine of blessed memory. His visit also celebrated twenty-five years of service in the Holy Priesthood of Father John Haluszczak, and the tonsuring as Reader a parishioner - Nicholas Sampson. |
LUBA June: All Saints Camp Awarness Month - 05/24/2017
Ось і завершились пасхальні дні Воскресіння Христового. Як швидко плинуть дні, минають роки життя нашого. Ще вчора наші діти були зовсім крихітками, а тепер вступають в своє свідоме доросле життя. Свята Церква, - наша добра матір,- нагадує нам про це Першою Сповіддю наших діточок. “Дорогі батьки! Ваш син, ваша дочка вступають в свідоме доросле життя! Наступив знаковий перехід від безтурботного дитинства до повсякденного усвідомлення відповідальності за свої вчинки. З цього моменту вони нарівні з вами приступатимуть до Святого Причастя після сповіді, усвідомлюючи всю складність людських поступків!” |
Remembering Metropolitan Constantine… 5 Years Later - 05/22/2017
Celebration and commemoration often go hand-in-hand. Five years have flown by, but, it seems like yesterday that Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory was celebrating the 40th anniversary of his episcopal consecration surrounded by clergy and faithful from around the nation and the world! Those gathered basked in the glow of His Beatitude as he spoke of his early years, talking fondly of Pittsburgh, of his family and church family, and happily expounding upon the joys of All Saints Camp. Everyone had smiled and rejoiced along with His Beatitude on such a momentous anniversary. However, all too soon their tears of joy, were replaced with tears of sorrow, as Metropolitan Constantine fell asleep in the Lord only a day later. |
St. Sophia Seminary Holds Its Commencement Exercises - 05/22/2017
On Saturday, May 20th, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary held its commencement celebration at St. Andrew Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, N.J. The festivities began with the procession of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, members of the faculty, and seminarians. After the hierarchs had come in and venerated the altar, Rev. Fr. Vasyl Pasakas, the Assistant Dean of Men, and Rev. Fr. Vasyl Shak, Assistant Professor of Church History, led us in the Moleben prayers. This was a wonderful reminder that without God we can do nothing (St. John 15:5) and that it is God's desire to bless us and fill our needs (St. Matthew 7:7-9) and helped us better appreciate the gift the Lord has sent us in the form of committed seminarians who are willing to sacrifice themselves to serve God and neighbor. |
St. Sophia Seminary Book Club Meets - 05/19/2017
The first St. Sophia Seminary Library Book Club meeting took place this past Thursday, May 18th. The Book Club meeting took place at Metropolitan John Library of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary at the Metropolia Center in Somerset, New Jersey. The Metropolia Center in New Jersey serves as the spiritual hub for the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and is conveniently located near several of our UOC of USA parishes in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, as well as many non-UOC parishes. This central location was a perfect spot for Orthodox and even non-Orthodox to gather to learn more about the faith and have a spiritually uplifting evening. |
26-30 July, 2017 - The 70th Annual UOL Convention - 05/17/2017
Archbishop Daniel Leads Services for the Fifth Sunday After Pascha in McKees Rocks, PA - 05/15/2017
A small town of over 6,000 residents and a rich history of over 253 years since its formal foundation – McKees Rocks, PA is a home for generations of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians that weekly worship at the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Ella Street. |
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostle's Lent 2017 - 05/11/2017
12-16 June, 2017 - Seminary Retreat: Sacred Music and Worship - 05/11/2017
We are offering a Sacred Music and Theology Retreat 12-16 June at the Seminary! It is designed for prospective and active chanters, choir directors, and anyone who wants to experience seminary life and a daily cycle of services. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our April 2017 Issue - 05/10/2017
AXIOS! Your Eminence Archbishop Daniel - 05/10/2017
AXIOS! AXIOS! AXIOS! Archbishop Daniel Celebrates
16th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination 9th Anniversary of Episcopal Consecration |
Храмове свято в церкві Святого Юрія Переможця в Ярдвілі - 05/09/2017
Щовесни, коли природа одягає свої найкращі шати, церква Святого Юрія Переможця в Ярдвілі відзначає Храмове свято. Мелодія свята розлилася по великій залі, зазирнула у класи школи, розклала останні акорди дивовижно-чудовими букетами на обідніх столах. |
Visit of Archbishop Daniel to Saint Anthony of the Desert Mission, Las Cruces, NM - 05/08/2017
In his sermon Vladyka Daniel stressed the nature of the church as healing source. All of us need spiritual healing, but in accord with the Paralytic of the Gospel for the day, Vladyka stressed that we must pay attention to that need. Cleansed by our baptism, we are free to seek out the healing that we are promised. This freedom enables us to live in community, entering into the suffering of others to aid in their healing, because we are saved not as individuals, but together in the community of Christ. |
10-12 August, 2017 - Annual Altar Servers Retreat - 05/03/2017
LUBA May: National Foster Care Month - 05/02/2017
LUBA May: National Foster Care Month - 05/02/2017
Spiritually Uplifting Celebration in Warners, NY - 05/01/2017
Кожен день є Божим благословенням. Проте є дні особливі, які потребують особливого духовного приготування, молитви, душевного піднесення, науки, старань душевних. Таким особливим став для нас, прихожан УПЦ св Апостола Луки в місті Сиракьюзи, штат Нью Йорк, день Першої Сповіді для семи наших діток. |
Consecration of Restored Sts. Peter and Paul Parish West Islip, Long Island, NY - 04/29/2017
The consecration began with the procession around the exterior of the Church with the relics of St. Basil the Great, one of the three great Holy Hierarchs and Teaches of the Orthodox Church. St. Basil’s relics were placed in the new altar and the Metropolitan assured the faithful that because of their presence, their Church edifice was never “empty”, for St. Basil will always be present offering his prayers to God for their salvation. The Metropolitan led the beautiful and ancient rite of the consecration of a new alter was very moving for all present, followed by the consecration of the entire interior of the Church through the anointment of its walls with Holy Chrism by Archbishop Daniel and the sprinkling with Holy Water. |
Monthly "Book Club" at St. Sophia Seminary - 04/28/2017
Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Mark the 31st Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Explosion at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 04/26/2017
Visitors of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA often notice a dead tree in front of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ, which for years has been informally referred to as a symbolic monument to the tragic events of April 26, 1986 – the day of Chornobyl Nuclear explosion. |
All Saints Camp on Ancient Faith Radio - 04/25/2017
Bobby Maddex interviews Natalie Kapeluck Nixon, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Fr. John Haluszczak, the priest at St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the Chaplain of St. Thomas Chapel at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania, and Larry Kopp, the Manager of All Saints Camp. |
Assembly of Bishops Releases National Study on Outreach and Evangelism in Orthodox Parishes in the US - 04/25/2017
The first ever, national study on evangelization and outreach in Orthodox parishes in the United States has been released by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. |
St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage Brings Thousands to the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ - 04/24/2017
As the bells of St. Andrew Memorial Church began to peal, echoing throughout the Metropolia Complex, the faithful, which had arrived for the St. Thomas Sunday festivities, gathered at the foot of the church steps to greet their hierarchs. The children, dressed in Ukrainian Vyshyvanka (embroidery), squirmed and rehearsed the words they would say upon greeting His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. |
Metropolitan Council Concludes Its Annual Meeting at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 04/21/2017
With the Metropolia Center bustling with activity as preparations were underway for the St. Thomas Sunday weekend festivities, the second day of the annual Metropolitan Council meeting convened with a short prayer and the blessing of the hierarchs. |
Council of Metropolia of the UOC of the USA Called Into Session - 04/20/2017
On a warm, slightly overcast day, the Metropolia Center buzzed as the members of the Metropolitan Council gathered for their annual meeting. Present were His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, along with eight members of the clergy and seven laypeople. |
2017 St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/19/2017
Great and Holy Pascha at St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Arden Hills, MN - 04/18/2017
В ніч з 15 на 16 квітня о 12 год ночі в храмі розпочалось святкове Воскресне Богослужіння. Його очолив сам Архиєрей УПЦ США Високопреосвященніший Архиєпископ Даниїл, який разом з семінаристами Іподияконом Миколою Зомчаком, Тадеєм Сураком та Юрієм Бобком здійснив свій Архипастирський візит, щоб розділити радість Світлого Воскресіння разом з настоятелем храму о. Петром та усіма парафіянами храму. Допомагали у вівтарі під час Богослужіння Іподиякон Віктор та прислужники храму. |
Pascha in our Parishes - 04/18/2017
Selection of pictures submitted by the parishes taken during Holy Week and Bright Week. |
The Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine - 04/15/2017
We offer heartfelt greetings to the clergy, deacons, and monastics of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the diaspora during this festive, Paschal season, as well as to our youth and children. We offer a special greeting to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, who are bearing various trials and difficulties at this time in defense of their homeland. May the Risen Christ bring long-awaited peace and unity to every Ukrainian family, strengthen our faith, fill our hearts with spiritual joy, and increase our love, so that we will be able to fully delight in the joy of these bright, Paschal days! |
Patriarchal Encyclical For Holy Pascha 2017 - 04/14/2017
This message – of the victory of life over death, of the triumph of the joyful light of the paschal candle over the darkness of disorder and dissolution – is announced to the whole world from the Ecumenical Patriarchate with the invitation to experience the unwaning light of the resurrection. We invite you all to stand with faith and hope before the risen Christ and before the mystery of life. We invite all of you to trust the risen Lord, the master of joy and delight, who holds the reigns of the entire creation. Christ is risen, then, brothers and sisters! May the grace and boundless mercy of the lord of life and master over death be with you all. |
Great and Holy Saturday at St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN - 04/13/2017
On Holy Saturday, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel once again presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN, during which numerous faithful of Minneapolis Metropolitan area prayerfully gathered to reflect upon the great Mystery of Salvation of the Crucified Savior. The pastor of the cathedral parish family Very Rev. Fr. Petro Siwko assisted Vladyka Daniel. |
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Gives Interview to Chicago's Ukrainian Independent Radio Station - 04/13/2017
Recorder Interview (in Ukrainian language) granted by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel to Chicago's Ukrainian Independent Radio Station, reflecting upon the spiritual meaning of our journey through the Final days of Holy Week, leading to the glorious feast of Pascha - Iнтерв'ю Архієпископа Даниїла для Українського Незалежного Радіо Чікаго, роздумуючи над останніми днями Страсного Тижня, прямуючи до Світлого та Радісного Свята Воскресіння Господнього. |
Archbishop Daniel Leads Liturgical Services of the Great and Holy Friday at St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN - 04/13/2017
On this holy day, the faithful commemorated the death of Christ on the Cross and His burial, with the spiritual father of the cathedral community and the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, who was assisted by the pastor of the parish’s community Very Rev. Fr. Petro Siwko. The liturgical services of the day are the culmination of the observance of His Passion by which our Lord suffered and died for our sins. This commemoration begins on Thursday evening with the Matins of Holy Friday and concludes with a Vespers on Friday afternoon/evening that observes the veneration of the shroud. |
Great and Holy Friday - 04/13/2017
On Great and Holy Friday the Orthodox Church commemorates the death of Christ on the Cross. This is the culmination of the observance of His Passion by which our Lord suffered and died for our sins. This commemoration begins on Thursday evening with the Matins of Holy Friday and concludes with a Vespers on Friday afternoon that observes the unnailing of Christ from the Cross and the placement of His body in the tomb. |
Holy Thursday Liturgical Services in Minneapolis, MN - 04/13/2017
There are four events commemorated on Thursday of Holy Week: the washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. The faithful of Minneapolis Ukrainian Orthodox Communities of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA were blessed to experience all four of these sacred commemorations, while attending the liturgical services of the day at St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN and Holy Archangel Michael/St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN. |
Great and Holy Thursday - 04/12/2017
On Thursday of Holy Week four events are commemorated: the washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. |
Holy Unction Service at Holy Archangel Michael/St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church Served by the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel and the Clergy of MN area - 04/12/2017
On the afternoon or evening of Great and Holy Wednesday, the Sacrament or Mystery of Holy Unction is conducted in Orthodox parishes. The Sacrament of Holy Unction is offered for the healing of soul and body and for forgiveness of sins. At the conclusion of the service of the Sacrament, the body is anointed with oil, and the grace of God, which heals infirmities of soul and body, is called down upon each person. The Sacrament is performed by a gathering of priests, ideally seven in number, however, it can be performed by a lesser number and even by a single priest. |
Great and Holy Week in the Orthodox Church - 04/10/2017
Beginning on the evening of Palm Sunday and continuing through the evening of Holy Tuesday, the Orthodox Church observes a special service known as the Service of the Bridegroom. The name of the service is from the figure of the Bridegroom in the parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13. |
A Letter of Condolence from the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago - 04/09/2017
Once again, the Holiest week of the Christian calendar has begun with an attack on the Body of Christ in the form of two bomb blasts at Palm Sunday events in Egypt. Currently, the death toll stands at 49, according to Egyptian state media reports. 18 people were killed in a blast in Alexandria, while at least 27 were killed and 78 injured in an explosion in a church in the northern city of Tanta. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Archbishop Daniel – the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy joined dozens of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago in the most solemn expression of condolence. |
Prayerful Celebration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem – Palm Sunday – at the Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in San Francisco, CA - 04/09/2017
9 квітня 2017 року Свята Православна Церква молитовно вшановує Вхід Господній в Єрусалим. З нагоди цього свята в усіх храмах Української Православної Церкви США відбулись святкові богослужіння з традиційним посвяченням верби. Не винятком став храм Св. Архистратига Божого Михаїла в м. Сан Франциско, штату Каліфорнія. |
Palm Sunday: The Feast of the Entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem - 04/08/2017
On the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most joyous feasts of the year. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem following His glorious miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Having anticipated His arrival and having heard of the miracle, the people went out to meet the Lord and welcomed Him with displays of honor and shouts of praise. On this day, we receive and worship Christ in this same manner, acknowledging Him as our King and Lord. |
Saturday of the Holy and Righteous Friend of Christ, Lazarus - 04/07/2017
On the Saturday before Holy Week, the Orthodox Church commemorates a major feast of the year, the miracle of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when he raised Lazarus from the dead after he had lain in the grave four days. Here, at the end of Great Lent and the forty days of fasting and penitence, the Church combines this celebration with that of Palm Sunday. In triumph and joy the Church bears witness to the power of Christ over death and exalts Him as King before entering the most solemn week of the year, one that leads the faithful in remembrance of His suffering and death and concludes with the great and glorious Feast of Pascha. |
Audit Committee of the UOC of the USA Convenes Prior to the Annual Meeting of the Council of Metropolia - 04/07/2017
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA’s Audit Committee met at the spiritual headquarters – Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ on Thursday and Friday, April 6-7, 2017 to review the financial reports of the Consistory, which serves as the Church’s executive body as well as financial reports of Central Organizations of the UOC of the USA. |
1-15 April, 2017 - Celebrate National Library Week at Saint Sophia Library - 04/05/2017
The Theological Library at Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary will be participating in the National Library Week from April 9-15, 2017. Visit the Library, located at the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, during business hours and learn more about the institution and services offered. |
Great Lent Giveaway 2017: Benefitting Zoe for Life - 04/05/2017
The Great Lent Giveaway was designed as a way for our youth to learn about the beauty of Great Lent and instill in them that Great Lent is not only a time of fasting but a time to do good works and of contemplation, while preparing for the death and Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The current year program and programs from past years are provided below. They may be used during Great Lent or be adapted for use during your normal Youth Group Sessions. The GLG is a partnership of the OYM and the Jr. Ukrainian Orthodox League. |
22-23 April, 2017 - Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/03/2017
31 July - 4 August, 2017 - Mommy&Me/Daddy&Me Camp Program - 04/03/2017
9-22 July, 2017 - Teenage Conference - 04/03/2017
25 June-8 July, 2017 - Diocesan Church School Camp - 04/03/2017
2017 Camping Staff Opportunities - 04/03/2017
UOC Camping Season Information - Now Available! - 04/03/2017
We are pleased to announce the schedule for the 2017 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Season at All Saints Camp - "Champions of the Faith. " Applications for campers and staff are now available. The dates for our encampments are: |
Annual UOL Lenten Retreat Took Place in Bethlehem, PA - 04/02/2017
On April 1, 2017 we were blessed that one hundred and forty eight faithful gathered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania at the St. Francis Center for Renewal. For over a decade the Ukrainian Orthodox League has been sponsoring a Lenten Retreat in the Bethlehem area. We were thrilled that over one hundred faithful from our Ukrainian Orthodox Church participated in the retreat. This was the highest attended retreat with extra seats needed in the chapel to accommodate our group. |
2017 UOC of the USA All Saints Camp Staff Opportunities - 04/01/2017
Are you interested in working with the Youth of the Church? Consider Becoming a Camp Staff Member for the 2017 Camping Season at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp in Emlenton, PA |
2017 St. Nicholas Camp Program - 04/01/2017
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry is pleased to announce they will once again sponsor the St. Nicholas Program - camping for youth with disabilities and their families. The ST. Nicholas Program (SNP) is designed for parents and their child with disabilities to spend time together in an Orthodox Family Environment. The campers are introduced to camp life at All Saints Camp and the parents are given the opportunity to meet fellow Orthodox parents who are tackling the same challenges in today’s world.
The Fifth Sunday of Great Lent: The Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt - 03/31/2017
On the Fifth Sunday of Lent the Orthodox Church commemorates our Righteous Mother Mary of Egypt, due to her recognition by the Church as a model of repentance. As a Sunday of Great Lent, the commemoration is celebrated with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, which is preceded by a Matins service. A Great Vespers is conducted on Saturday evening. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our March 2017 Issue - 03/28/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our March 2017 Issue - 03/28/2017
The New Issue of the Church's Official Publication is Available for Review Online |
The Fourth Sunday of Lent: Feast of our Righteous Father John (Climacus) of Sinai, Author of The Ladder of Divine Ascent - 03/25/2017
On the Fourth Sunday of Holy Lent the Orthodox Church commemorates our Righteous Father John Climacus. He is called Climacus due to his authorship of the great spiritual work The Ladder of Divine Ascent. His commemoration is designated by the Church on one of the Sundays of Lent as his life and writings affirm him as a supreme bearer and proponent of Christian asceticism. The ascetic example of this great Saint of the Church inspires us in our Lenten journey. |
Members of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA Visit Petrykivka Spring” Exhibit - 03/22/2017
On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 the entire Executive Body of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA toured Petrykivka Spring exhibit, organized by the Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of NJ. |
2017 UOL Lenten Retreat in Western PA and Ohio - 03/21/2017
On Saturday, March 18, 2017, the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the USA held the Ohio/Western Pennsylvania Annual Lenten Retreat at Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center in Villa Maria, PA. His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel, President of the Consistory, presided over a day of prayer, worship, learning, and fellowship for the faithful of all ages. The day began with Morning prayers, continued with inspiring talks, discussion and activities, great food, and a wonderful exchange of love filled with the joy of praying and learning with our clergy and our brothers and sisters in Christ from many different parishes. |
Sharon, PA: Archbishop Daniel Leads Services for the Sunday of the Cross at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church - 03/20/2017
On Sunday the 19th of March 2017, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, led the Great Lenten services for the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross in St. St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sharon, PA. He was accompanied by the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) Subdeacons Mykola Zomchak and Mykhaylo Bokalo, as well as Hryhorii Matviiv and Tadei Surak. |
LUBA April: Keep America Beautiful - 03/17/2017
Archbishop Daniel Participates in the Meeting of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch with the Prime Minister of Ukraine - 03/15/2017
His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman in the offices of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Istanbul, Turkey on March 15, 2017. Welcoming the Prime Minister of Ukraine to the Sacred Offices of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, His All Holiness was accompanied by Metropolitan Emanuel of France, Metropolitan Bartholomew of Smyrna – the Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and by Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Winter Blizzard at the Metropolia Center - 03/15/2017
As the early morning hours of Tuesday March 14, 2017 brought a brand new day to the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA and the residents of South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ – the winter blizzard covered with over 20 inches of snow every aspect of the entire Metropolia Center. |
United Nations Fellowships Available for Graduate and Post Graduate Students - 03/15/2017
Two applicants will be selected for yearlong stipended fellowships that will begin in the fall of 2017. The fellows will work in New York City in the department’s office at the Church Center for the United Nations. Fellows will focus their work at the U.N. in three main areas: human rights, environment, or humanitarianism. Among other activities, fellows will have the opportunity to join and participate in the work of nongovernmental organization committees at the U.N., assist in formulating oral and written statements and interventions, plan and host events during U.N. Economic and Social Council functional commissions, and participate in panel discussions at future biennial national clergy-laity congresses. |
Northern Maryland Mission Consecrates New Temple, Hosts Myrrh-Streaming Icon, and is Officially Established as Parish of the UOC of the USA - 03/14/2017
In a momentous weekend nearly 15 years in the making, Four Evangelists Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Bel Air, Maryland became a full parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA as its new temple was consecrated at the hand of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel. In a prayerful and joyous celebration, the relics of St. Basil the Great were installed in the new altar table and the newly-renovated church, located on North Hickory Avenue in the heart of downtown Bel Air, was consecrated for the singular purpose of glorifying God, that souls may be saved. |
NY/NJ Deanery Prays With Archbishop Daniel at St. Sophia Seminary During the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts - 03/10/2017
On Wednesday, March 7, 2017, the clergy of NY/NJ Deanery, under the leadership of Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko, for the first time during this year’s Lenten journey gathered together at Three Holy Hierarchs Ukrainian Orthodox Chapel of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of Consistory of the UOC of the USA for the celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts. |
Sunday of Orthodoxy Celebration in New York City, NY - 03/05/2017
Each year, Orthodox Christians around the world break from their routine of worshiping in the Divine Liturgy at their regular churches to witness something special on the first Sunday of Great Lent. Eight bishops of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America finished the First Week of Great Lent and spiritually inaugurated entrance into the Second Week of Great Lent with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy together on the Sunday of Orthodoxy at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, New York. This year, the tradition returned to its roots, as Orthodox hierarchs, representing various jurisdictions of Holy Orthodox Church gathered once again to celebrate the “Sunday of Orthodoxy”—the restoration of the holy icons to the Church once and for all in the ninth century. |
The Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/04/2017
We have begun the Great Fast in preparation for the journey to Holy Pascha by asking everyone for forgiveness. We have prepared by eliminating meat and meat products, then eggs, milk, and other dairy products…and so it begins. The Church gives us help along the pathway of preparation—services of Saint Andrew of Crete, Akathists to the Most Holy Theotokos, Memorial Saturdays, and Presanctified Liturgies are all tools to sustain us as we travel the road to Resurrection Sunday. |
Presentation of a New Publication on the Dialogue Between the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches - 03/03/2017
Prior to the formal lecture at the Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of the Seminary and meeting with the student body, author Christine Chaillot visited the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, where a cordial meeting took place with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, who is also one of the instructors at the Seminary. Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Perkins, Assistant Academic Dean introduced Dr. Chaillot to the hierarch, stressing the contribution of the author on the development of the Dialogue between Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our February 2017 Issue - 03/01/2017
First Week of Holy and Great Lent: The Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete - 02/28/2017
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Vladyka Daniel presides over the Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and the Liturgies of Presanctified Gifts during the First Week of Great Lent at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church and Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South bound Brook/Somerset, NJ. Concelebrating with the Archbishop the services of the First Week of Lenten journey are Very Rev. Fr. Yuriy Siwko, Very Rev. Fr. John Lyszyk, Rev. Fr. Vasyl Pasakas, Rev. Fr. Vasyl Shak, Deacon Ivan Tchopko and the student body of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary. |
Lenten Epistle 2017 Великопісне Послання - 02/27/2017
Permanent Conference Of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond The Borders Of Ukraine
Постійна Конференція Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України
Forgiveness Sunday at St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 02/26/2017
His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA joined by Very Rev. Fr. Ivan Lymar, Protodeacon Andrii Fronchak, Deacon John Charest and parishioners of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral parish community presided over the Archpastoral Divine Liturgy and Liturgical Services of the Cheesefare/Forgiveness Sunday for the beginning of Great and Holy Lent. |
Hundreds Flock to the Myrrh-Streaming Icon at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 02/25/2017
As millions of Orthodox Christians around the world prepared to enter into the Sacred Period of Great Lent leading to the greatest miracle in the history of humanity – our Lord’s Glorious Resurrection, hundreds of Orthodox Christians from across the New York Metropolitan area were flocking to a Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ on Saturday, February 25, 2017 to see what they believe to be a different miracle. |
March LUBA Feature: March is Reading Month - 02/24/2017
Patriarchal Catechetical Encyclical on the Opening of Great Lent - 02/24/2017
We Orthodox Christians are called to live the period of Holy and Great Lent as a time of conscientious renewal and vigilance, as an eternal moment of our Orthodox identity. That is to say, we are called to live and experience Christ Himself, to love and experience ecclesiastically and spiritually. For it is only through our life in Christ that we have the possibility to renew our conscience and ascend to the level of true freedom and the infallible criteria for our consolation and salvation. |
Annual Conference “Resiliency: Body, Mind and Spirit" - 02/23/2017
The Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion is pleased and honored to announce the 2017 Conference theme - "Resiliency: Body, Mind and Spirit." This pan-Orthodox gathering of healing professionals, clergy, and all interested persons will be held November 2 - 4 at the Cultural Center of the Spiritual Headqurters of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churchof the USA Cultural Center in Somerset, NJ. |
Junior Ukrainian Orthodox League Lock-in at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio - 02/22/2017
A candlelight evening prayer service was held to begin the 25th annual Jr. UOL lock-in at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Youngstown, Ohio. The youth and young adult lock-in had over 75 people in attendance who gathered to spend an All-Night Vigil and time of fellowship with each other while reflecting upon the theme for the gathering – “You are the Light of the World” |
UOL Bulletin March 2017 Issue - 02/21/2017
March LUBA Feature: March is Reading Month - 02/21/2017
26 February, 2017 - OCMC Mission Sunday - 02/18/2017
On this final Sunday before the Great Fast, let us look ahead to the joy that awaits us at the end of our Lenten journey, and let us join together in the work of our brothers and sisters who are bringing that joy to more and more people. Remember the work of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), a common ministry of all Orthodox Christian jurisdictions throughout our nation, endorsed by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the United States. Pray for our Orthodox missionaries and for those yet to be reached with the message of the Gospel. Consider serving as a missionary, or as part of a short-term mission team. And, remember that even if you can’t go, you can participate through your financial support to help enable the great and holy work of making disciples of all nations! |
St. Sophia’s Seminary Van Receives the Installation of the Official Logo - 02/17/2017
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary’s 10-person van received an installation of the Seminary name and logo onto the van on February 16, 2017. |
Forum on Modern Slavery Held at the Phanar - 02/15/2017
Under the auspices of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, a Forum on Modern Slavery, co-sponsored by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Church of England took place in Istanbul from February 6–7, 2017. The Forum grew out of a conversation between His All-Holiness and His Grace Archbishop Justin of Canterbury during the formal Patriarchal visit to Lambeth Palace from November 2–4, 2015, which was in response to Archbishop Justin’s first visit to the Phanar from January 13–14, 2014. |
UOC of the USA Plants a New Mission in Sacramento, CA - 02/14/2017
With a blessing of His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel and following a careful and lengthy assessment process, a group of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians of Sacramento, CA Metropolitan area formed a coordinating committee with a final goal of planting a mission of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sacramento, CA. |
St. Sophia Seminary Celebrates Seminary’s Chapel Feast Day - 02/12/2017
Once again the Three Holy Hierarchs – St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian – Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary was filled with incense and chanting of festal verses as local clergy and faithful joined the faculty and student body of the Seminary to celebrate the Chapel’s Patron Feast Day. Even though the celebration of the feast day falls on Sunday, February 12, 2017, the Seminary’s celebration took place on Saturday morning (February 11, 2017) in order to provide an opportunity for the gathered local clergy and faithful to participate in the common prayer service led by His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel. |
Metropolitan Antony Met with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia Dr. Mykola Kulinich - Зустріч Митрополита Антонія із Послом України в Австралії Миколою Кулінічем - 02/10/2017
During the most recent visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony to Australia, a meeting took place between the Metropolitan of the Church and the Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia Dr. Mykola Kulinich. |
Winter Snowstorm at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 02/09/2017
As the early morning hours of Saturday February 9, 2017 brought a brand new day to the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA and the residents of South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ – the winter blizzard covered with over 25 inches of snow every aspect of the entire Metropolia Center. |
Metropolitan Antony Visits Western Australia - 02/08/2017
A warm summer day on Monday 6th February 2017 and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of WA had a very special guest from USA - His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. |
UOC of the USA Provides Emergency Aid to Ukraine - 02/08/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in close cooperation with Ukraine’s Charitable Organization (located in Ivano-Frankivsk, Western Ukraine) that provides care for Zaluchia Orphanage and upon the request of Mariupol House for Elderly as well for the purpose of caring for the Avdiivka (Eastern Ukraine), wounded and refugees, recently provided emergency monetary donation in the amount of about $10,000. |
Honoring the Memory of the Lost - Memorial Service and Film Screening - 02/06/2017
The month of February commemorates the 4th anniversary of the Euromaidan events that unfolded in Kyiv, Ukraine: remembering the memory of the “Heavenly Hundred” (“Nebesna Sotnya”) and reminding us of the current aggression taking place in Eastern Ukraine. |
February 11, 2017 - Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 02/06/2017
Please Join the Students and Clergy of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary as They Celebrate the Patron Feast Day of the Seminary's Chapel |
Про Блудного Сина - 02/03/2017
Ісус Христос, щоб відкрити відвічну правду про Боже милосердя і про людину та її спасіння, промовляв до учнів притчами, вживаючи різні образи із сімейного та господарського життя, залишаючи їм можливість самим здогадатися про що йде мова, відкрити для себе Божу дію в їхньому житті. |
Honoring the Memory of the Lost - Memorial Service and Film Screening - 02/03/2017
Join us for a commemoration of the "Heavenly Hundred" and all Ukrainian Heroes who have perished in Eastern Ukraine. Screening of Freedom and Death, a documentary film portrait of the Maidan Civil Uprising, will follow with talk by filmaker Damian Kolodiy. |
Metropolitan Antony Visits Ukrainian Orthodox Parishes in Australia - 02/02/2017
Being sixteen hours ahead of the East Coast of the United States of America, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, fulfilling his archpastoral service, traveled to Australia in order to visit parish communities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand. |
The Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Theotokos "Tender Heart" at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 02/02/2017
Join the Clergy and Faithful of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orhtodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ as They Welcome the Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Theotokos "Tender Heart" to the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - Запрошуємо Вас до молитовного вшанування та молитви перед чудотворною та мироточивою іконою Богородиці Ласкавої - Пом'якшення Сердець (із Тейлор, ПА) в суботу - 25 лютого, 2017 в Церкві-пам'ятнику св. Андрія Первозванного |
Holy Land Pilgrimage with His Eminence Metropolitan Antony - 02/01/2017
5 February, 2017 - Orthodox Scout Sunday - 02/01/2017
On Sunday, February 5, 2017, Scouts all over the United States will celebrate National Scout Sunday. Scout Sunday is an annual event among all faiths which recognize the good work that is done by Scouts in our religious communities. The observance of Scout Sunday tradition was started years ago to make people in the church aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out of what is pledged each week. The Scout Law says that a “Scout is Reverent” and the Scouts of all ages promise to do their “Duty to God”. These values strengthen youth character in their family, community and faith. That is why this Sunday is set aside to honor God and to remind us that we are all His Creatures and made in His Image or more precisely - to image (reflect) Him to the world. |
Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! - 01/30/2017
Happy 70th Birthday, Vladyko! Happy 4th Anniversary Your Eminence Metropolitan Antony! |
Ukrainian Orthodox Christians in the United States of America Prayerfully Remembered the Heroes of Kruty - 01/29/2017
On Sunday, January 29, 2017 – Archbishop-elect Daniel presided over the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ marking two important events in the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Christians. |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 70th Birthday, Name’s Day and the 4th Anniversary as a Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA - 01/28/2017
Surrounded by clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony marked his 70th birthday with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ on Saturday, January 28, 2017. |
Historic Flooding In San Diego, California - 01/26/2017
San Diego, CA and our surrounding local community have been devastated as a result of widespread flooding from the unusual rain season, which occurred during the week of 16-23 January 2017. Our Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s sacred space, rectory and parish hall received flooding and damage. |
ATTENTION STUDENTS: John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Offers Scholarship Opportunity For the Youth of the Church - 01/25/2017
The Consistory Offices of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA have been informed that the students of our Metropolia may be eligible for a $5,000 Undergraduate or a $5,000 Graduate Scholarship through the John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation. A total of ten undergraduate and ten graduate scholarships will be awarded. |
Sunday After Theophany and Observance of Ukraine’s National Unity Day Marked at Holy Transfiguration Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in London, U.K. - 01/22/2017
With about 300 people in attendance, the Holy Transfiguration Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in London, Great Britain celebrated the Sunday after Theophany with His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel, who presided over all Theophany liturgical services in the United Kingdom. |
Caroling for Christ: Bethlehem Story Alive at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 01/21/2017
From the young to the old, singers and performers, young children and adults all dressed in embroidered Ukrainian shirts gathered at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of USA for one last celebration this Nativity Season. The annual “Caroling for Christ” concert took place on Saturday, January 17th with a total of 7 performing groups from local parishes. |
Vladyka Daniel Met with Bishop Hlib Lonchyna of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Great Britain at the Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London - 01/20/2017
Владика Даниїл провів зустріч із єпископом Глібом Лончиною Української Католицької Єпархії Великобританії в Українській Католицькій катедрі Пресвятої Родини в Лондоні |
Ambassador of Ukraine in the United Kingdom Natalia Galibarenko Held a Working Meeting with Archbishop-elect of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Western Europe Daniel and the representatives of the Church in Great Britain - 01/20/2017
Посол України у Великій Британії Наталі Галібаренко зустрілася з Архиєпископом-номінантом Української Православної Церкви Вселенського Патріархату у Великій Британії та Західній Європі Даниїлом та представниками Церкви у Великій Британії |
February - LUBA Feature: American Heart Month - 01/19/2017
The Feast of Theophany at Holy Transfiguration Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, London, Great Britain - 01/19/2017
Over 200 faithful and visitors of Holy Transfiguration Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in London, UK gathered at their parish temple to celebrate the feast day of Theophany of our Lord. His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel, a ruling hierarch of the Western European Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Diaspora, led the services of the feast day. |
Vladyka Daniel Meets With His Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain and the Leadership of the Association of Ukrainian in Great Britain - 01/18/2017
On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 His Grace Archbishop-Elect Daniel, following the arrival to the capital of United Kingdom – London, for the celebration of the Holy and Sacred Feast of Theophany of our Lord with the local Ukrainian Orthodox community met with His Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain at the offices of the Archdiocese in London. Participating in the meeting were Very Rev. Fr. Bohdan Matwijchuk, President of Consistory of the UAOC in Great Britain and Very Rev. Fr. Vitalij Derewianka, pastor of the Holy Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Genk, Belgium. |
21 January, 2017 - Caroling for Christ - 01/18/2017
Join Us for the Third Annual "Caroling for Christ" at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
Triple Celebration at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Carthedral in Los Angeles, CA - 01/16/2017
Чотирнадцятого січня люди зійшлися до Свято-Володимирського собору на Божественну Літургію Василія Великого, написану самим святителем, яку звершив Правлячий архиєрей Західної Єпархії УПЦ США владика Даниїл, у співслужінні настоятеля храму протоієрей Василя Савчура. Святковий, піднесений настрій, урочиста благоговійна тиша, неперевершений спів хору (регент Дебра Касперська)… Читання Святого Євангелія від Луки, молитовно схилені голови... Ось лунають щедрівки, сповнюючи серця новими надіями та духовними силами… Таїнство Святого Причастя, благодатне залучення душі до вічного життя… До прийняття Тіла і Крові Христових приступають діти з батьками… На серці – радість, а в душі – мир… Люди дякують Господу за щедроти і просять благословити «вінець наступаючого літа». У соборі лунає багатоголосе многоліття, особливо одній із найстарших парафіянок громади - пані Катерині Дах з нагоди її 95-ти ліття… |
2017: Year of Protection of Childhood - 01/16/2017
In hih Nativity Encyclical, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew proclaimed 2017 as the year of Protection of Childhood. “We appeal to all of you to respect the identity and sacredness of childhood. In light of the global refugee crisis that especially affects the rights of children; in light of the plague of child mortality, hunger and child labor, child abuse and psychological violence, as well as the dangers of altering children’s souls through their uncontrolled exposure to the influence of contemporary electronic means of communication and their subjection to consumerism, we declare 2017 as the Year of Protection of the Sacredness of Childhood, inviting everyone to recognize and respect the rights and integrity of children”. |
A Note of Gratitude from Ukrainian Families - Подяка від Українських Сімей - 01/12/2017
As we have entered into Nativity season the joy and peace is felt in the hearts of so many people of Ukraine which have received a Humanitarian Support from St. Andrew’s Society and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
The Feast of Holy Protomartyr Stephen Celebrated With Vladyka Daniel at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL - 01/11/2017
On the third day of Nativity we were blessed with a visit of His Eminence Archbishop-Elect Daniel - President of the Consistory; Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy. His Eminence Daniel accompanied by Fr. Ivan Lymar, pastor of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL and Fr. Vasyl Sendeha of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orhtodox parish in Palos Park, IL led the faithful in the Divine Liturgy, honoring St. Stephen the Protomartyr. After the Divine Liturgy everyone was invited to carol at the rectory and to enjoy provided lunch. Attending parishioners and guests had the opportunity to venerate the actual relics of St. Stephen, which were brought by Vladyka Daniel. His Eminence, preached to us about first martyr Stephen and what it really means to be the real follower of Christ, who is willing to sacrifice his life for Christ. He spoke of love which made St. Stephen be able to do what he has done to preach Christ through His life until the very last breath. Real examples of living in the love of Christ were shared by his Eminence. If those people were capable of spreading Christ’s love thorough their actions of compassion, so we too can share Christ’s love with the others by being Christ to those who are in need. |
Ukrainian American Veterans Scholarship Available - 01/11/2017
The Scholarship Committee of the Ukrainian American Veterans decides and awards scholarship money to college students who are descendants or relatives Ukrainian American Veterans.To be eligible for a UAV scholarship, applicants must be descendants or related to Ukrainian American Veterans and be a full-time matriculated college student in a degree program. Additionally, students from accredited trade schools or institutions that have degree programs are eligible as well. Students can apply while in their senior year of high school, college attendance will be verified before the awards are given in the fall semester. Applications are accepted all-year-round and the deadline for each year is on the last day of August. Moreover, undergraduate students may reapply for scholarship awards. |
Second Day of Nativity of Christ Celebrations at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Bensenville, IL - Другий день Різдвяних Богослужінь у Українському Православному храмі Пресвято - 01/08/2017
Восьмого січня, у день вшанування Матері Божої, Непорочної Діви Марії, Яка послужила Таємниці втілення Сина Божого, правлячий архиєрей Західної Єпархії УПЦ США архієпископ-номінант Даниїл звершив Божественну Літургію в Українському Православному храмі Пресвятої Трійці в Бенсенвил, ІЛ за тучастю настоятеля митрофорного протоієрея Богдана Калинюка, протоієрея Андрія Шельваха та протодиякона Андрія Фрончака. Хор храму (регент – Тарас Руденко) піднесено і натхненно славив Різдво Христове. За Богослужінням молилися чісленні парафіяни і храм був заповнений прихожанами і парафіянами, панував святковий піднесений настрій, віруючих об’єднала велика подія – Народження Богонемовляти Христа. Всі у храмі відчували Божу присутність і ту радість благодаті та любові, що подарувало нам пришестя Спасителя світу. Храм єдиними устами і єдиним серцем співав хвалу Тій, Яка стала Матір’ю Предвічного Бога. |
Let's Be Attentive: JANUARY - National Mentoring Month - 01/08/2017
As well as National Blood Donor Month |
Nativity of Christ Celebration at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - Різдвяні Богослужіння у Свято-Володимирському Українському Православному Соборі м. Чі - 01/07/2017
Святкове Богослужіння звершує правлячий архиєрей Західної Єпархії УПЦ США архієпископ-номінант Даниїл, настоятель Свято-Володимирського собору протоієрей Іван Лимар та протодиякон Андрій Фрончак у співслужінні духовенства храму. Священнослужителі – у білому облаченні, на серці і в душі – особливе піднесення, невимовна радість обіймає кожного…І звучить молитовний спів кліросу: «Бо з нам Бог…» Різдвяний тропар нагадує про події, описані в Святому Євангелії від Матфея: про пришестя Месії і мудреців, які прийшли до Новонародженого Немовляти, принісши в дар золото, ладан та смирну: «Різдво Твоє, Христе Боже наш, засяяло світові світло розуму…» Радувало, що було чимало молоді та дітей, люди завітали цілими сім'ями. Було звершено помазання молільників святим єлеєм… |
11 February, 2017 - Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 01/06/2017
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - Різдвяне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів по - 01/06/2017
Today Christ, as an Infant, allows us to initially experience God Incarnate with awe and joy. The Son of God enters into the history of mankind and allows us to participate in the timeless reality of the Holy Trinity – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. May we love Him all the days of our life – always, at every moment with all our heart, our soul, our mind and our strength. |
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: CHRIST IS BORN! - 01/06/2017
Grace, Mercy and Peace from the Savior Christ Born in Bethlehem - Благодать, милість і мир Від Христа Спасителя народженого у Віфлеємі. |
Christmas Radio Program - Різдвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої - 01/05/2017
7 January, 2017: 9-11am - Christmas Radio Program from St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, OH |
A Visit of Love: Winter Mission Team to Znamianka Orphanage Returns from Ukraine - 01/03/2017
Every year around the celebration of the feast of Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA offer a special seasonal gift to those for whom the Lord Himself directed to care and pray. Fulfilling the mandate of Christ and with the blessing of the spiritual father of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Archbishop-elect Daniel led a Mission Team of 11 individuals: Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Bound Brook, NJ; Olga Coffey of St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Silver Spring, MD; Tracy Galla of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church, McKees Rocks, PA; Mark and Samuel Hatala of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Johnson City, NY; Cathy Bucharew of Harrisburg, PA and All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp, Emlenton, PA; Matthew Scutchfield of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Boston, MA; Julia and Charles Ames of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Youngstown, PA; Ephrain Castro of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, South Bound Brook, NJ – the faithful of the UOC of the USA on a life-changing and uplifting missionary journey to Ukraine’s orphanage that provides daily care for the severely mentally and physically handicapped children. |
7 January, 2017: 9-11am - Christmas Radio Program - Різдвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої - 01/02/2017
February - LUBA Feature: American Heart Month - 01/02/2017
Calendar 2017 / Orthodox Daily Planner - 12/31/2016
Orthodox Daily Planner 2017 is out from press and ready for shipping. |
Reunion at Zaluchia Orphanage - 12/27/2016
Preparing for the upcoming 2016 Winter Mission Trip of 11 Missionaries of the UOC of the USA, His Grace Bishop Daniel traveled ahead of the group in order to visit Zaluchia orphanage (Snyatyn district, Ivano-Frankivsk region) and to study the progress and various missionary opportunities, which will require UOC of the USA’s donations and dedication towards the improvement of the way of live of 70 boys and about 60 ladies of the institution. |
UOW: Our November-December 2016 Issue! - 12/26/2016
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Visits Dover, Delaware - 12/26/2016
On Sunday, December 18, His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony visited with the faithful of the Mission Parish of Saint Nicholas in Dover, Delaware. Bringing with him our newly ordained Deacon, Deacon Ivan Tchopko and two of our Seminarians, Subdeacon Volodymyr Yavorskij and Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak and plenty of sunshine (the temperature reached 67 degrees), His Eminence entered into the Mission to celebrate the Divine Liturgy for the Mission’s 9th Anniversary and their patronal feast day. |
God's Invitation to the Great Supper - 12/25/2016
Blessed are those who shall partake of bread in the Kingdom of God. In today's reading from the Holy Gospel we heard the parable about the Great Supper. The closest literal meaning of this parable is related to the Kingdom of God here on earth, - to Christ's Church. In this understanding, Jesus Christ is that man who prepared a great supper; the Church of Christ is the great supper; the first called were the Jewish people; those called secondly were the so-called 'pagans', who were originally non-Jewish Greeks and Romans. The third call would include all other people. |
January - LUBA Feature: National Mentoring Month - 12/24/2016
Saint Nicholas Visits the Historical and Educational Center - 12/19/2016
On Sunday afternoon, December 18th, 2016, Saint Nicholas visited the children and families gathered at the Heinrich Fisher Home. He was greeted with the traditional Ukrainian carol "O, khto, khto, Mykolaia Liubyt’" ( "Children who love dear St. Nicholas"). St. Nicholas met with each child and rewarded them for their good behavior throughout the year by presenting a goodie bag filled with treats and toys. |
St. Nicholas Day Celebration at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church School - День св. Миколая відзначили в Українській Школі при церкві-пам'ятнику Св. Андрія Первозванн - 12/19/2016
17 грудня 2016 Школа українознавства при Українській православній церкві св. Андрія Первозваного мала зустріч із св. Миколаєм в приміщені Культурного Центру Української Православної церкви США у Саут Баунд Бруці, Нью-Джерзі. На запрошення Адміністрації Школи, вчителів та школярів, завітали на наше свято дуже багато гостей. У свою чергу були присутні Первоієрарх Української Православної Церкви США Високопреосвященніший Митрополит Антоній та Голова Консисторії Правлячий Архієрей Західної Єпархії Української Православної Церкви США Високопреосвященніший Архієпископ-номінант Даниїл, парафіяни церкви-пам'ятника Св. Андрія Первозванного, батьки учасників нашого свята. Головним гостем цього свята, на яке завжди чекають наші діти був Святий Миколай. |
Second Annual "CHRISTMAS at the SEMINARY" - 12/18/2016
The 2nd annual Christmas at the Seminary fundraiser took place this past Saturday, December 17th, 2016 at Saint Sophia Theological Seminary in Somerset, New Jersey. As the entire Ukrainian-Orthodox community began to prepare for the upcoming visit of St. Nicholas to the children and then the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the student body and extended Seminary family celebrated with their annual party and fundraiser. This event focuses on celebrating the end of the school semester, while also bringing about a greater awareness to the greater community of the school and the needs of the growing student body. During the 2016-2017 school year, the school had enrolled students into several programs: Full-Time, Part-Time program, Distance Learning and Youth Ministry Certification. |
AXIOS! Subdeacon Ivan Tchopko Ordained to Deaconate During the Celebration of the Feast Day at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - 12/12/2016
Trembling in the fear of God and with tears in his eyes, after the Anaphora, subdeacon Ivan was taken to the center of the Church. After intoned “Command” the subdeacon was brought forth to the Royal Doors and made a full prostration before the Holy Altar, where serving clergy presented him as a worthy candidate in front of His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel. With the laying of his hands Archbishop passed the Grace of the Holy Spirit through the Apostolic Succession. The new deacon than was vested, as the clergy and the people proclaimed - Axios! He is Worthy! |
Початок розпису церкви - 12/11/2016
Недiля 11 грудня 2016 рoку буде пам’ятатися, як iстoричний день для парафiï Святoгo Юрiя Перемoжця, Украïнськoï Правoславнoï Церкви у Ярдвiлi. В цей день Предстoятель Украïнськoï Церкви митрпoлит Антoнiй Благoслoвив пoчатoк рoзписання нашoï церкви. |
AXIOS! Ordination of Deacon Philip J. Harendza to the Holy Priesthood - 12/11/2016
In the life of the Church we celebrate many feasts and saints that repeat every year. But there are unique events that do not repeat, those would be the Holy Mysteries of the church like Baptism, Chrismation, Matrimony, Unction, Funeral and Ordination. Among above mentioned Holy Mysteries Ordination is even more special because it can only be done by a bishop. |
Assembly of Bishops Releases Updated Map of US Bishops, Parishes - 12/08/2016
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America recently released an updated map, titled Orthodox Bishops and Parishes in the USA. The map indicates the locations, names and jurisdictions of all active Orthodox Christian bishops in the US and the total number of Orthodox parishes in each county. |
21 January, 2017 - Caroling for Christ - 12/05/2016
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral Celebrates 100 Years - 12/05/2016
St. Nicholas Pro-Cathedral in Lakewood, Ohio celebrated the 100 year anniversary of the parish on the weekend of December 3-4, 2016. The celebration was the culmination of more than a year of preparation. Fr. Dennis Kristof, Dean of St. Nicholas, encouraged the formation of a Centennial Committee at the Parish Annual Meeting held a year earlier. Nicole Hartman and Maria Hejnal volunteered to serve on this committee, which was answerable to the Parish Council. Natalie Walsh also stepped up to be a part of this committee. All three of these young women made their First Confession together at St. Nicholas in 1992. |
Give the Gift of CAMP! - 12/05/2016
Do you often find yourself looking for the perfect gift and just can't find it? Do family and friends ask you what your child, grandchild, sister, brother, etc. may want as a gift and you aren't quite sure what to say? We are very pleased to bring you an amazing gift - the Gift of Camp! Individuals are now able to purchase gift certificates for loved ones or for the youth/families in your parish. They may be purchased at any time during the year. So how does it work? Let us explain! |
Українська Православна Катедра Святого Володимира в Нью-Йорку Величаво Відзначила Своє 90-ліття - 12/03/2016
Відзначення 90-літнього ювілею катедри розпочалося з архиєрейської Служби Божої, яку провели глава Української Православної Церкви в США, митрополит Антоній та архиєпископ Даниїл у співслужінні з нинішнім настоятелем храму о.Володимиром Музичкою та іншими православними священиками. |
Archpastoral Letter on St. Philip's Fast - 11/30/2016
Once again, presently we have formally arrived to the time of year made sacred because of our preparation for the solemn commemoration of the Nativity/Incarnation of the Only-Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. It is a time of pilgrimage, a spiritual journey which began on 15/28 November and lasts for 40 days and focuses attention on personal renewal based on not a minimal observance of the Orthodox Christian lifestyle, but on attention to quality and excellence in following the life-giving Gospel. |
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 29 - 11/29/2016
Our Seminary is once again participating in the #GivingTuesday global charitable movement by encouraging the alumni, faculty, students, staff, clergy and all the faithful of the #UOCofUSA to kick-off the holiday gift-giving season with a donation to St. Sophia Seminary Fund. Giving Tuesday is the global day for giving back created in response to the commercialization and consumerism of the holiday season and as a reminder of the need to support nonprofit institutions like our own Seminary. |
St. Nicholas Workshop at the Fisher House - December 18, 2016 - 11/23/2016
Archpastoral Message for 2016 Thanksgiving Day - 11/23/2016
As you gather on Thanksgiving Day, wherever it is you gather and with whomever you gather, we hope you have a great day! We hope you will enjoy the traditions of the day. But be sure to remember that for us – Orthodox Christians, Thanksgiving is more than a Thursday in November. It’s more than enjoying turkey, pumpkin pie and football. It is about giving thanks and being a blessing for those around us. |
Holy Archangel Michael Feast Day Celebration in Minneapolis, MN - 11/21/2016
Parishioners and parish pastor, Very Rev. Fr. Evhen Kumka of St. Michael and St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN observed its patronal feast day by welcoming His Eminence Archbishop-elect Daniel, Deacon John Charest of Chicago, IL, Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South bound Brook, NJ) joined by Very Rev. Fr. Peter Siwko and parishioners of St Katherine’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Arden Hills, MN and other guests in weekend prayer during Great Vespers on Saturday, November 19, 2016 and the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday November 20, 2016. |
December 2016 LUBA Guidelines - 11/18/2016
The word attentive has many meanings; observant, aware, vigilant, kind, conscientious, thoughtful and the list goes on. All of these adjectives describe the life of an Orthodox Christian - how we are called to live our daily life. It is no coincidence that during the Divine Liturgy we are called to "Be Attentive". In a way, being attentive is sacramental - being vigilant to Christ and His sacraments. But we are not only called to be attentive in our divine services, we are called to be attentive in our lives and to our brothers and sister in Christ. Be considerate. Be caring. Be understanding. Be sympathetic. |
Pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Fulfill the 7th day of Their Pilgrimage to Holy Land - 11/17/2016
Сьомий день паломництва паломників Української Православної Церкви УПЦ США на Святу Землю |
Pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Fulfill the 6th day of their Pilgrimage to Holy Land - 11/16/2016
Шостий день паломництва паломників Української Православної Церкви УПЦ США на Святу Землю |
Pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Fulfill the 5th day of Their Pilgrimage to Holy Land - 11/15/2016
П'ятий день паломництва паломників Української Православної Церкви УПЦ США на Святу Землю |
Pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Fulfill the 4th day of Their Pilgrimage to Holy Land - 11/15/2016
Четвертий день паломництва паломників Української Православної Церкви УПЦ США на Святу Землю |
Annual Holodomor Commemoration At St. Patrick Cathedral - Щорічне Поминання Жертв Голодомору в Катедрі Святого Патрика - 11/15/2016
On Saturday, November 12, 2016 – Hundreds of Ukrainians, guests and supporters gathered, at Manhattan’s iconic St. Patrick Cathedral for an ecumenical requiem service and commemorative program dedicated to the memory of Ukraine’s Holodomor, Stalin’s genocide of millions of Ukrainians in 1932-1933. |
Celebration of Veteran’s Day at the Ukrainian American Veterans National Monument in South Bound Brook, New Jersey - 11/14/2016
Святкування Дня Ветеранів біля Національного Пам'ятника Українським- Американським Ветеранам у Саут Баунд Бруці, Нью-Джерсі |
Pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Fulfill 3rd Day of Their Pilgrimage to Holy Land - 11/12/2016
Третій день паломництва паломників Української Православної Церкви УПЦ США на Святу Землю |
The Pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Complete Second Day of Their Pilgrimage to Holy Land - 11/11/2016
Паломники Української Православної Церкви США завершили другий день подорожі до Святої Землі |
A Group of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians of the UOC of the USA Begins a Pilgrimage to Holy Land With His Grace Bishop Daniel - 11/10/2016
Паломники Української Православної Церкви США прибули до Назарету - Паломництво УПЦ США на Святу Землю 2016 року Божого |
Seminary Appeal 2016 - 11/10/2016
Dear and beloved benefactors of St. Sophia Seminary,
St. Sophia Seminary has again embarked upon a new academic year, 2016 – 2017, of study, spiritual formation and vigilant prayer. With the blessing of our Rector, His Eminence Antony, Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., I turn to you to solicit your generous prayerful and charitable support of the life of the seminary and its wellbeing. This support is absolutely crucial. St. Sophia Seminary relies on your donations, viewed as stewardship, to ensure a continuous line of dedicated priests who will serve the needs of the People of God. |
God and Country - 11/09/2016
On 6 Nov 2016 in upstate New York, there was an early frost and it was still pitch dark at 5:45 AM, when Robert Onysko (his son Michael served 2 tours of duty in Iraq as a US Marine) placed several roasters full of holubtsi into the ovens. A short time later, David Mihalko (his father John served in the US Army during WW 2 North Africa, Italy, France, Germany) began seasoning the several huge pieces of roast beef for the ovens. What was going on at St. John’s in Johnson City, NY on Sunday 6 Nov 2016? |
Patriarchal Proclamation on the 25th Anniversary of His All-Holiness' Election to the Ecumenical Throne - 11/08/2016
We offer praise and glory to the Triune God, who deemed us worthy to reach the twenty-fifth anniversary since the day when, by the mandate of our Holy and Sacred Synod, we ascended the martyred Apostolic Throne of the Church of Constantinople. With God’s grace, having gladly run this long course of service in the First-Throne among the Orthodox Churches, we look back the experiences, events, prayers, journeys and activities, while at the same time looking forward with a spirit of optimism and steadfast hope to the future, even as today we exclaim the words of our saintly predecessor, St. John Chrysostom: “Glory be to God for all things.” |
2017 College Mission Trip to Ukraine Announced - 11/04/2016
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce the dates for the College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2017. The 2017 trip will take place June 2 - June 17th, which includes a training day in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
November 2016 LUBA Guidelines - 11/02/2016
The word attentive has many meanings; observant, aware, vigilant, kind, conscientious, thoughtful and the list goes on. All of these adjectives describe the life of an Orthodox Christian - how we are called to live our daily life. It is no coincidence that during the Divine Liturgy we are called to "Be Attentive". In a way, being attentive is sacramental - being vigilant to Christ and His sacraments. But we are not only called to be attentive in our divine services, we are called to be attentive in our lives and to our brothers and sister in Christ. Be considerate. Be caring. Be understanding. Be sympathetic. |
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL Celebrates 100 Years - 11/01/2016
A century old history of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL became alive over the last weekend of October 2016. Hundreds of parishioners, visitors and local neighbors joined each other in celebration of exactly 100 years of spiritual ministry of the cathedral community in the Metropolitan Chicago area. |
2nd Annual Faith and Photography Contest - 11/01/2016
Part of our mission, is to provide youth and college aged young adults the opportunity to become more involved with their faith, while showcasing the talented and creative youth we have within in our Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. We want our youth to realize that having fun and utilizing creativity can be manifested in a project that shows how they correlate their life with their faith. |
Christmas at the Seminary - 17 December, 2016 - 10/31/2016
Please, join the students of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Semary fo an afternoon of prayerful reflection, caroling and Nativity of our Lord themed festivities on Saturday - December 17, 2016 |
17 December, 2016 - Christmas at the Seminary - 10/26/2016
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Trenton, NY Celebrates 97th Anniversary - 10/25/2016
У неділю 23 жовтня 2016 р. Українська Православна Церква Святої Трійці у місті Трентон, Нью-Джерсі відсвяткувала свою 97 річницю заснування. Це був духовно-піднесений день. |
XXI Собор Української Православної Церкви США: Покликані Христом, обдаровані Духом Святим - 10/24/2016
З 19 по 22 жовтня 2016 року в Осередку Митрополії (Савт Бавнд Бруці, Н. Дж.), відбувся XXI-й Звичайний Собор Української Православної Церкви США. У середу вранці, 19 жовтня все почалося з Божественної Літургії, яку очолив Високопреосвященніший митрополит Антоній, у співслужінні духовенства Святої Української Православної Церкви США, які прибули на Конференцію Духовенства та яка відбулася перед початком Собору. |
XXIst Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: CALLED BY CHRIST, GIFTED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT - 10/24/2016
The 21st Regular Sobor began at the Consistory Rotunda, where the delegates, clergy and hierarchs gathered in anticipation of the opening procession. The Church is the Body of Christ, and is composed of those who have chosen to follow Christ and been baptized in to the Church. God is glorified through His Saints - regular people, who were faced with extraordinary circumstances, and had chosen to give of themselves, even onto their very lives, to follow Christ. These same saints, which intercede for us, pray for us, and strengthen us, this year, led the way to the commencement of one of the most highly anticipated and life changing Sobors. |
And this is Eternal Life... - 10/23/2016
Today’s second Gospel Reading, prescribed for the commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, is from the Gospel of St. John:
Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. |
UOL Bulletin November 2016 issue - 10/20/2016
Prayer Book – Молитовник 2016 - 10/20/2016
New Prayer Book - ORDER NOW - Новий Молитовник Можна Замовляти в Крамниці Консисторії |
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia Celebrates its 90th Anniversary - 10/18/2016
On October 16th, the faithful of St. Vladimir Cathedral gathered together to celebrate a special day in the history of the parish - the 90th anniversary of the existence of the parish, and the 50th anniversary of the current church temple on 5th Street in Philadelphia. This celebration coincided with the recent feast day of the Protection of the Theotokos, the second parish feast of the year. |
NY Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Becomes Recipient of Patriarch Athenagoras Human Rights Award - 10/17/2016
Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of New York, receive this year's Patriarch Athenagoras Human Rights Award presented by the Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, at the organization's annual banquet Saturday, October 15, 2016 at the New York Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. Upon the invitation of the Archons of the Order of St. Andrew, His Grace Bishop Daniel participated in the award ceremony in New York City on October 15, 2016, honoring the Governor of New York. |
Parish Feast Day in New Haven, CT - Храмове свято в парафії Покрова Богородиці в Нью Хейвен, КТ - 10/15/2016
У день престольного свята Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці, на запрошення настоятеля протоієрея Олександра Яцківа і парафіяльної громади, єпископ Даниїл, звершив святкову Божественну літургію святителя Іоана Золотоустого у Покровському храмі м. Нью Хейвен (Конектикут). |
A Powerful Transformation - 10/08/2016
Today the reading is telling us about Our Lord standing by the Lake of Genesaret, and while He was standing there at a distance there were men washing their fishing nets. Jesus entered into one of the ships which belonged to Simon Peter, and He asked Simon to go out away from the shore and He began to use the ship as a pulpit in order to teach the bystanders. After the Lord had finished teaching the people he told Peter to take the ship out into the deep water and to let down the nets. Peter retorted and said that he was fishing all night and had caught nothing. Nevertheless Simon Peter did as he was told and he and the others on the ship caught a multitude of fish and their nets began to break as they were pulling them in. |
Message of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America - 10/06/2016
We, the members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, gathered in Detroit, Michigan, for our seventh annual meeting on October 4-6, 2016 greet you with love in Christ as we offer glory and thanksgiving to Him. |
AXIOS – Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 31 Years of Archpastoral Service - 10/06/2016
Aксіос – Митрополит Антоній святкує 31 річницю Архиєрейської Хіротонії |
UOW: Our September-October 2016 issue - 10/04/2016
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Proceedings of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America in Detroit, MI - 10/04/2016
Forty hierarchs from across the United States of America arrived to Detroit, Michigan in order to participate in the Seventh Annual Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. |
90th Anniversary Celebration in Johnson City, NY - 09/28/2016
On sunny but cool autumn morning parishioners of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Johnson City NY, together with the guests gathered to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the parish. |
College Student Sunday is October 2nd - 09/28/2016
The Assembly of Bishops has designated the first Sunday of October, in conjunction with OCF’s Orthodox Awareness Month, as the date for College Student Sunday. For 2016, this falls on Sunday, October 2nd. On this Sunday, we ask that your parish recognizes its college students by allowing a student share their experiences in OCF. We also ask that you take a collection to continue supporting the vital ministry of Orthodox Christian Fellowship.
California Association to Aid Ukraine contributes $15,000 to St Andrew Society Charities - 09/27/2016
Recognizing the important work of the St Andrew Society in their charitable and humanitarian efforts during these last 25 years, CAAU has contributed $15,000 (over 4 years) towards supporting soup kitchens and food bank centers in Kyiv, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Chernihiv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and most recently in Mariupol near the conflict zone in the Donbas region. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Genk (Belgium) Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Consecration of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church - 09/25/2016
Over the weekend of September 25, 2016 – the Sunday before Exaltation of the Precious Cross of the Lord – Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Genk (Belgium) celebrated the 30th anniversary of consecration of parish temple. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora, His Grace Bishop Daniel traveled to Belgium to lead the prayerful celebration of the festivities. |
Bishop Daniel Meets With Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium - 09/23/2016
On Friday, September 23, 2016 His Grace Bishop Daniel, following the arrival to the capital of European union – Brussels, for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Genk (Belgium) met with His Eminence Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium, Exarch of Benelux at the offices of the Metropolis of Belgium. Participating in the meeting was Very Rev. Fr. Vitalij Derewianka, pastor of the Holy Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Genk. |
LUBA Feature: OCF College Student Sunday - 09/21/2016
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of New York City Holds Retreat at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA - 09/21/2016
The beautiful gold-leafed hills of Western, PA and especially All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA welcomed a group of parishioners of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church from New York City, NY that traveled over 8 hours in order to spend time in prayer and reflection at the Church’s Camp. As a group of 30 pilgrims arrived to Holy Apostle Thomas Ukrainian Orthodox Camp Chapel, Mr. Larry Kopp, Camp Manager welcomed the group to the Church’s Camping facility. Vespers service and the entire retreat was served and led by His Grace Bishop Daniel, who traveled to Emlenton, PA following the prayerful celebration of the 85th anniversary of parish ministry of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lorain, OH. |
Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lorain, OH Celebrates the 85th Anniversary of Parish Ministry - 09/19/2016
For many Orthodox Christians in the Northeastern Ohio on Lake Erie, Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish was a part of their growing up. Founded in 1931, the parish family worked tirelessly for the past 85 years nurturing the spirit of Holy Orthodox way of life, yet maintaining beautiful and rich Ukrainian culture, folklore and customs. |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Begins New Academic Year - Початок нового навчального року в семінарії св. Софії - 09/14/2016
14 вересня 2016 року Божого, в каплиці Трьох Святителів Української Православної Богословської семінарії Святої Софії (Савт Бавнд Брук, Н. Дж.) відбулось святкове Богослужіння з нагоди “індикту”, тобто початку нового церковного року та паралельно нового навчального року в стінах семінарії. Високопреосвященніший Митрополит Антоній та преосвященніший єпископ Даниїл очолили сьогоднішнє богослужіння. Також близко двадцяти священослужителів співслужили з архиєреями, котрі прибули з навколишніх парафій, щоб розділити це свято. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Observance of Ukraine’s 25th Anniversary of Independence at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC - Ієрархи УПЦ США взяли участь у відзначенні 25-т - 09/14/2016
Для урочистого відзначення у м.Вашингтон 25-ї річниці незалежності нашої держави Посольством України в США було обрано місце із символічною назвою – Інститут миру, що розташований у самому центі американської столиці. |
Bishop Daniel Leads 9/11 Memorial Prayers Service at Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Pinellas Park, FL - 09/12/2016
With about 100 people in attendance, the parish family of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Pinellas Park, FL prayed on Sunday – September 11, 2016 – marking the 15th anniversary of the most tragic event in the modern history of the United States of America – terrorist attack upon the US on 9/11/2001. |
14 September, 2016 – Opening of the New Seminary Academic Ecclesiastical Year - 09/12/2016
Please join the faculty and students of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orhtodox Theological Seminary for the official opening of the New Acaemic Year. |
By 31 October – 2nd Annual Faith and Photography Contest - 09/10/2016
Family Fest 2016 at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA - 09/09/2016
Family Fest at All Saints Camp Labor Day weekend this year was fantastic! Families and friends attended from near and far for a weekend full of fellowship, fun and relaxation! It was great to see old friends and meet many new friends during the weekend! |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Has Raised Over $60,000 to the Soup Kitchen Project of St. Andrew’s Society - 09/08/2016
The Ukrainian Orthodox League (UOL) has actively participated in the “Soup-er” Bowl Project of Saint Andrew’s Society, which feeds the needy elderly in Ukraine. Since the founding of Saint Andrew’s Society in 1990, humanitarian support to the needy and disenfranchised has been an integral part of the mission of the Society. After the collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union, the faithful here in the United States have supported efforts in Ukraine in providing meals for the elderly poor. Presently, centers supported by the Society are in Kyiv (3), Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Chernihiv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and the newest center for the elderly refugees in Mariupol near the conflict zone in the Donbas region. |
XIV's Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of South America Convened in Curitiba, Brazil - 09/04/2016
About a hundred delegates from Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina gathered for the 14th Triennial SOBOR of the South American Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is under spiritual omophorion of the Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony the Sobor was convened during the weekend of 2-4 September 2016. His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel traveled to Curitiba, Brazil, in order to preside over and participate in the proceedings of the Sobor. |
Велике Боже Милосердя - 09/01/2016
Cьогоднішня Євангельська притча є образом великого Божого милосердя до нас, людей, а водночас і образом нашого лукавства відносно наших ближніх. Цар, який хотів звести рахунки зі своїми слугами, - це Господь Бог, а ті боржники — це ми, люди, бо кожен з нас, починаючи від маленької дитини і аж до старості, входить у борг перед своїм Творцем, бо скільки разів згрішимо, стільки разів входимо у борг за який змушені раніше чи пізніше давати звіт. Господь Бог має повне право судити нас справедливо за ці борги, має повне право покарати нас в'язницею, - тобто вічними муками. Але чи робить так Господь із нами? Ні! Він має велике милосердя над нами! |
Family Festival 2016 at All Saints Camp - 09/01/2016
2 – 5 September |
The Newly Elected National Executive Board of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the USA Held Their First Full Meeting of the Year Hosted by the St. Sophia Seminary Chapter of the UOL - 08/30/2016
The ideas and motions of the 69th UOL Convention held in July were discussed and assigned for future action. The most significant vote was in support of the 69th UOL Convention delegates' unanimous resolution to repay the $16,000 loan that was taken by the Seminary to support the purchase of a 12-passenger van to be used as transportation for the seminarians of St. Sophia's. The Board decided to pay off the loan immediately using UOL general funds so as not to incur any additional interest charges, and to also immediately launch a National Fund Drive to replenish the UOL accounts. Funds received beyond the $16,000 will be forwarded to the Seminary to offset future insurance and maintenance expenses. |
Looking to the Future: A Story of Faith, Family and Fulfillment - 08/29/2016
The last Sunday of August, on its patronal feast day, the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos, St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel to the commemoration of its 110th year as a parish community. Protopresbyter William Diakiw and Pani-matka Sonia Diakiw, Very Rev. Steve Repa, Very Rev. Roman Yatskiv, and Rev. Paisius McGrath joined our Hierarchs and Very Rev. Tim Tomson and Pani-matka Svitlana Tomson and the faithful of this Holy Church. |
Parma’s Ukrainian Community Celebrates Ukrainian Independence Day - 08/27/2016
On Saturday, August 27, 2016 – a bright and sunny day - the Ukrainian community in Parma, Ohio celebrated the 25th Silver Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence with a parade down State Road, through the heart of Ukrainian Village, as designated by the City of Parma. |
Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel Participate in the Observance of the 25th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence in Kyiv, Ukraine - 08/26/2016
Thousands of people arrived to the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv on August 24, 2016 to take part in the historic observance of the 25th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence. With the blessing of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and upon the invitation of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, accompanied by His Grace Bishop Daniel, represented the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora during the formal festivities of the silver jubilee. |
September - LUBA Feature: Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross - 08/24/2016
Annual Celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day - a Family Affair at Metropolia Center, South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ - 08/23/2016
Parishioners and visitors of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, joined by hundreds of visitors to the Spiritual Center - Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, prayerfully marked the 25th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence (24 August, 1991) on Sunday, August 21, 2016. |
Transfiguration of our Lord Celebration in South Bound Brook, NJ with Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel - 08/20/2016
19 серпня 2016 року Божого, в церкві-пам'ятнику св. Андрія Первозванного відбулося святкування свята Преображення Господнього. Святкове богослужіння очолив, предстоятель УПЦ США високопреосвященніший митрополит Антоній та преосвященніший єпископ Даниїл. Також співслужили з архиєреями настоятель храму о. Юрій Сівко, о. Іван Лишик, о. Орест Пугальський та о. Василь Шак. |
High School Students Complete Their Missionary Trip - 08/16/2016
On Sunday, August 14th, the 2016 high school mission team completed its 9-day missionary trip. The 2016 team of students consisted of Charles Ames (Sts. Peter & Paul, Youngstown, OH), Stephanie Chubenko (St. Demetrius, Carteret, NJ), and Anna Swindle (Holy Virgin, Arnold, PA). Former team member Andrea Linck (of Philadelphia, PA) also participated in the trip in South Bound Brook. This year’s trip was organized by Fr. Taras and Dobrodijka Laura Naumenko (St. Vladimir, Philadelphia, PA) and Fr. Vasyl & Dobrodijka Oksana Pasakas (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, South Plainfield, NJ). The missionary trip this year unfolded with a three-part purpose and goal—to help in the restoration of the Heindrick Fisher Cemetery Plot located at St. Andrew’s Cemetery in South Bound Brook, to assist the unified St. Vladimir & Pokrova parish community of Philadelphia after the devastating fire which completely destroyed the church building in August 2013, and to provide a ministry to the needy communities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. |
14 September, 2016 – Opening New Academic Ecclesiastical Year - 08/12/2016
ЗВЕРНЕННЯ СОБОРУ ЄПИСКОПІВ з нагоди святкування 25-ої річниці Незалежності України - 08/11/2016
В цей День Незалежності ми молимося, щоб Бог поглибив наше розуміння волі і свободи у всій їх величині, щоб наша любов до Нього і один до одного також укріплялася. Нехай же Милість Господня і Його Благословення буде зі всіма вами назавжди. |
STATEMENT OF THE COUNCIL OF BISHOPS on the Celebration of 25th Ukrainian Independence Day - 08/11/2016
On this Day of Independence, we pray that God may deepen our understanding of freedom and liberty in all their dimensions, that our love for Him and for one another may be also intensified. May His peace and abundant blessings abide in your hearts forever. |
August - LUBA Feature: Feasts of the Dormition and Transfiguration - 08/10/2016
17-18 September, 2016 - 14th Washington Ukrainian Festival - 08/10/2016
High School Mission Team Completes Visit to the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ - 08/10/2016
Wednesday, August 10, 2016 marked a busy fifth day for the 2016 High School Mission Team (members: Anna Swindle, Stephanie Chubenko, Charles Ames and Andrea Linck) to the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Parishioners of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church from New York, NY Embark on a Pilgrimage of the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA with Bishop Daniel - 08/09/2016
Одним із скарбів духовності, української культури та історії в Америці є Осередок Митрополії Української Православної Церкви (Саут Бавнд Брук, Н.Дж.) Саме сюди здійснили свою першу в історії Храму " Всіх Святих"( Ню-Йорк) прощу 35 прочан. |
Triple Celebration at St. Panteleimon Mission in Brooklyn, NY with Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel - 08/07/2016
7 серпня 2016 р. Божого, в Українській Православній місії св. Пантелеймона в місті Нью Йорк відбулося святкове богослужіння з нагоди храмового свята. Урочисте богослужіння очолили предстоятель УПЦ США високопреосвященніший митрополит Антоній та преосвященніший єпископ Даниїл. |
1 April, 2017 - UOL Lenten Retreat, Bethlehem, PA - 08/06/2016
Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary and Bishop Daniel Give a Gift of Life – Donate Blood - 08/06/2016
Understanding the Church’s teaching on a value of human life and the need to offer unconditionally in saving lives of others, the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) Subdeacon Volodymyr Yavorskyy, Mykola Zomchak, Hryhorii Matviiv, Mykhaylo Bokalo, Vasyl Hrytskiv and Vladyslav Huk accompanied His Grace Bishop Daniel on a trip to a local Somerset, NJ area medical institution – Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center – in order to donate blood as an act of charity, fraternal love and self sacrifice. |
Mommy and Me, Daddy and Me Program Celebrates 15 Years - 08/05/2016
This summer marks the 15th anniversary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s Mommy and Me, Daddy and Me program (MMDM). The director of Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Natalie Kapeluck and the then Office of Family Director Debra Burgan founded MMDM. The hope was to provide a place for parents and children to spend time together in an Orthodox Family Environment. The children would be introduced to camp life at All Saints Camp and the parents given the opportunity to meet fellow Orthodox parents who are tackling the same challenges in today’s world. Fifteen years later, the program has far exceeded the expectations of its founders and become so much more than anticipated. |
UOC Camping Ministry Offers Programs with Faith, Fellowship, and Fun - 08/05/2016
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church finishes its fourth camping session of the summer today as families leave after a week of the Mommy and Me, Daddy and Me (MMDM) program. The St. Nicholas program, which ran for the first time this June, was dedicated to families of children with disabilities. The other two programs, Teenage Conference and Diocesan Church School Camp (DCSC), were both two weeks long and ran back to back from June to July. Over 130 campers participated between the four programs, and children came from over 20 different parishes from America, Canada, and Ukraine. |
UOW: Our July-August 2016 issue! - 08/02/2016
69th Annual UOL Convention - 08/02/2016
The hosts for the convention, which took place on 27-31 July in Lancaster, PA, were the Junior and Senior UOL Chapters of Holy Ghost Parish, Coatesville, PA, along with their pastor, V. Rev. Anthony Ugolnik and the parish membership. UOL members from chapters all over the USA participated in the convention, which followed a new format with featured presentations and discussions as part of the daily plenary sessions. |
Parish Feast Day Celebration of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 08/01/2016
On the bright and sunny morning of July 24, the festivities had continued with a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Grace Bishop Daniel. As His Grace walked into the Cathedral, he was greeted by children welcoming him with flowers and was presented a beautiful loaf of korovaj (bread) by the Sisterhood and Parish Board President. Next, the pastor of St.Volodymyr Ukrainian orthodox Cathedral, Fr.Ivan Lymar, had greeted Bishop Daniel, asking him to pray for our Parish and our Motherland Ukraine. Celebrating the liturgy with Bishop Daniel and Fr.Ivan were Deacon John Charest, seminarians Mykhaylo Bokalo, Mykola Zomchak, and many of the Cathedral's altar servers. |
15 October, 2016 - From Social Realism to Church Art - 07/27/2016
19-22 October, 2016 – 21st Regular Sobor - 07/27/2016
19 October, 2016 - Clergy Conference Registration - 07/27/2016
Register for the 69th UOL Convention - July 27-31, 2016 - 07/26/2016
Remember to Register for the 69th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention Hosted by Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Church and UOL Chapters of Coatesville, PA |
Teenage Conference Encampment – Spiritual Success Again - 07/21/2016
The second session of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry, Teenage Conference, convened at All Saints Camp from July 10-23, 2016 forging into yet another year of spiritual success! Campers and staff joined together in the spirit of "Faith, Hope and Love", the TC 2016 theme. |
18th Regular Council (SOBOR) of Australia and New Zealand Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Diaspora - 07/15/2016
The hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand gathered at Pokrova – Protection of the Mother of God – Parish in Flemington (Sydney), New South Wales, Australia on 9-10 July. The Sobor meeting itself was preceded by meetings of the Eparchial Council, the Consistory and a short clergy conference. The participants of the Sobor represented all the parishes of the Eparchy. Metropolitan Antony, prime hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora, opened the Sobor with prayer and asked the other two hierarchs – the Eparchial Ruling Hierarch, Archbishop Ioan and His Grace Bishop Daniel, member of the Council of Bishops of the Church in Diaspora – to join him in blessing the Sobor. |
Metropolitan Antony: “This Synod will be part of the history of the modern world” - 07/15/2016
Metropolitan Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora talks to Pemptousia and OCN and gives important information about the processes of the Holy Synod... Предстoятель Украïнськoï Правoславнoï церкви США i Дiаспoри, Митрoпoлит Антoнiй: "Цей Сoбoр стане iстoрiєю в цьoму мoдернoму свiтi." |
Stewardship and the Great Council - A Reflection by Very Rev. Fr. Robert Holet - 07/15/2016
The timing couldn’t be better – as the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church convened in Crete with the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost, concluding on the Sunday of All Saints. Much will be written by many with far more profound insights into the historical, spiritual and theological meaning of the Council – as well as the implications of the participation of the Churches and, more notably, the non-participation of others, for whatever reasons. From my perspective, what is so encouraging is the refreshing sight of the Fathers of the Church as they step up – prayerfully, visibly and publically – to act as the stewards of the Lord’s Church in our age. Quietly, the prayer of many Orthodox Christians was that, through the Council, the Lord would pour forth a wave of spiritual enthusiasm, renewed insight and where necessary, needed change, to the Orthodox Church’s life and witness in the world today. |
Introducing New “Orthodoxy in America” App - Available at No Charge - 07/14/2016
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is pleased to introduce to the users of our web site a new app, created by Orthodox Web Solutions (Rev. Fr. John Parcells) - the host company of the web resources of the UOC of the USA |
Ключі до Царства Небесного - 07/09/2016
Христос Спаситель, як чули ми з св. Євангелії, сказав Петрові: «Я дам тобі ключі до царства небесного, і що ти зв’яжеш на землі, то буде зв’язане і на небі, а що розв’яжеш на землі, то буде розв’язане і на небі». Чи дав же Христос Петрові ці ключі, про які зараз обіцяє, і як дав, то коли, і що це за ключі? |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Offers Prayers Following the Police Officer Shootings in Downtown Dallas, TX - 07/08/2016
Once again, the news media confronts us with the sad reality to inhumane distraction of the most sacred God-given human life. Following the most horrific, deplorable, and senseless acts of Police shooting in Dallas, TX, the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA expresses its solidarity with the people of Dallas, TX, whose residents were shaken by violence and extends heartfelt prayers to the families of those who were killed or injured as a result of the attack. |
Hierarchs of the Church Meet with the Archbishop of Australia - 07/07/2016
On Thursday - July 7, 2016 – the feast day of Nativity of Holy Prophet John the Baptist, following the Liturgical services at St. Afanasiy Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Granville, (Australia) His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Michael Solomko (St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Canberra) traveled to Sydney for a meeting with His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. |
2016 Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage - 07/06/2016
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the date for the winter missionary trip to Znamyanka Orphanage for the faithful of our Church. This trip will take place 21-30 December, 2016. |
9-19 November, 2016 - Holy Land Pilgrimage - 07/06/2016
Join His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Spiritual Father and Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the Trip to HOLY LAND during the month of November of 2016. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 240th Anniversary of US Independence - 07/04/2016
This weekend we celebrate Independence Day as one nation under God. Whether you call it the Fourth of July or Independence Day, the tradition goes back to the American Revolution. As students of history we know about the representatives of the 13 colonies gathering in June 1776, to consider a resolution that would declare that independence from Great Britain. First, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence on July 2nd and then just two days later, its delegates adopted the document drafted by Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Arrived to Australia to Participate in the 18th Regular Sobor Activities of Australia and New Zealand Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora - 07/03/2016
Ієрархи УПЦ США прибули до Сіднею, Австралії, для прийняття участі в 18-му Соборі Єпархії Австралії та Нової Зеландії Української Православної Церкви Діаспори. |
Cleveland Community Donates $6,000 to the Church’s Orphanage Project - 07/01/2016
Клівлендська Громада Жертвує $6,000 на Церковний Фонд Сиротинців |
Bishop Daniel Visits Diocesan Church School Camp at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA - 06/29/2016
The Camping Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA began on Sunday. June 26, 2016. The first session, Diocesan Church School Camp - offers an amazing program for children between the ages of 9 and 13. Over 90 campers and staff are enjoying fun-filled and faithful days. On June 27, 2016, the feast day of Holy Prophet Elisha, His Grace Bishop Daniel, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Vasyl Pasakas (Nativity of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in South Plainfield, NJ) traveled to Emlenton, PA to visit the campers of the Diocesan Church School Camp at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Offers Prayers Following the Terrorist Attack at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport - 06/28/2016
The Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, speaking on behalf of the entire plentitude of the Church condemns the blind violence that causes so much suffering and implores God for the gift of peace. Sadly, this murderous attack is only the latest in a series of attacks aimed at killing of innocent civilians. Such attacks must reinforce the determination of the worldwide community to work closely with each other to counter the scourge of terrorism and support all those across the planet who are working to promote peace and reconciliation. |
IOCC Responds To Communities Drenched By Deadly West Virginia Floods - 06/27/2016
Baltimore, MD (IOCC) — In the aftermath of record-breaking rains and destructive flooding in West Virginia that have left least 23 people dead and hundreds of families homeless from storm damage, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) has been in contact with Orthodox Church parishes in the most impacted areas of West Virginia, and with local ecumenical partners to determine the best emergency response for families in distress. Members of the IOCC Emergency Response Network, known as Frontliners, living in the affected area have been called on for possible deployment as the needs emerge. |
Message of the Holy Council - 06/27/2016
Message of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church |
Bishop Daniel Visits Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Family of Goshen, IN - 06/26/2016
On the weekend of June 25-26, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Goshen, Indiana received an archpastoral visit from His Grace Bishop Daniel for the commemoration of All the Saints. At the Saturday evening Vespers, His Grace spoke about the saints who came before us, and what it took them to perfect their lives and to be recognized as saints. He reminded those present that for many saints, it took a lifetime of the Holy Spirit working through them before being considered as saints. In the same way, he explained, we should be mindful of every aspect of our lives and how we interact with this world, the world beyond the doors of the church temple proper. After vespers, Vladyka Daniel met informally with many of the parishioners in a relaxed manner during dinner. He pointed out his pleasant surprise at the beauty of the Goshen countryside, as he had an opportunity to explore the area a little before vespers. |
July - LUBA Feature: Feast of St. Peter & St. Paul, Independence Day - 06/24/2016
18 March, 2017 - OH/Western PA - UOL Lenten Retreat (WEST) - 06/22/2016
21-30 December, 2016 - Winter Mission Trip to Znamyanka Orphanage - 06/22/2016
Call for Youth and Youth Workers to Pray for the Holy Council - 06/22/2016
At this crucial moment in the history of our Holy Orthodox Church, the youth and youth workers of the North American continent ask everyone to fervently pray for the Pan-Orthodox Council beginning during the week of Pentecost that the Church as a whole, may discern that the work of the Council is of the Holy Spirit. We pray, as the youth of the Church, for the many challenges this Council will and will not address. As the youth and youth workers of the Holy Orthodox Church here in North America, we ask all Orthodox young people and youth workers to increase their prayers and supplications for the leaders of our Orthodox Churches around the world, that they preserve and proclaim the teachings and unity of the Apostles, in this current age. |
Ecumenical Patriarch, Primates and Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church Begin Deliberations of the Holy and Great Council in Crete - 06/20/2016
CHANIA, Crete (Greece) – The people, the island and the Church of Crete welcomed warmly His-All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and hierarchs of various Orthodox Church communities, who arrived in Chania International Airport to convene the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, which will take place June 19-26, 2016. |
Celebration of the Glorious Feast of Pentecost and the 65th Anniversary of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Cheektowaga, NY - 06/19/2016
Свято Пятидесятниці і відзначення 65 річниці заснування громади Святої Тройці в м. Чіктовага, Нью-Йорк |
UOC of the USA 2016 Mission Team Visits Two Orphanages in Ukraine - 06/14/2016
The feeling of being loved was overwhelming – brought tears to many eyes that morning - the day we departed for home. The team felt blessed to have had the opportunity to support and represent the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on this journey of fellowship, love and hope. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Amidst Devastation a Call to Prayer and Action - 06/13/2016
The tragic events in Orlando, FL early Sunday morning saddened and shocked many people throughout the world. Often when we hear of tragic events such at the one that occurred on June 12, 2016 our immediate reaction is one of shock and disbelief. We are unable to comprehend and process all that has occurred. We are on overload. We simply cannot take it all in that that many people were shot and killed or injured. We are stunned by the magnitude of the devastation. |
Metropolia Commemoration: Twenty-Third Anniversary of Patriarch Mstyslav's Falling Asleep in the Lord - 06/12/2016
On 11 June, the 23rd anniversary of the repose of Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora and first Patriarch of the Reborn Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, Metropolitan/Patriarch Mstyslav, the Consistory staff and a few dozen faithful gathered in Holy Resurrection Mausoleum around the crypt where the Partriarch rests. Members of the Consistory, friends, clergy and faithful of our church gathered to recall the incredible leadership and contributions the Patriarch made in the life of our Church, especially with the establishment of St. Andrew Memorial Center and Church Headquarters located in South Bound Brook – Somerset, NJ. |
2016 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry - 06/03/2016
Visit the Web Page of the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in Order to Plan Your Summer Camping Activities! |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Selected As Member of Ecumenical Patriarchate's Delegation At The Holy And Great Council - 06/02/2016
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony has been informed that he has been invited to serve as a member the Ecumenical Patriarchate's official delegation at the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, to be held from June 16-27 in Crete. For the first time in 1200 years, the primates of all 14 Orthodox autocephalous (or self-governed) Churches, along with more than 300 bishops and others, will meet to pray and discuss issues of common concern. |
College Age Mission Team Departs for Annual Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 05/31/2016
Reflecting upon the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: “'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”, the college age students of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully responded to our Lord’s call and offered themselves to serve as Mission Team Members of the UOC of the USA to the Ukrainian Orphanages during May 31-June 11, 2016. |
Memorial Day Observed at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 05/30/2016
With the chiming of church bells of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ began this year’s prayerful observance of Memorial Day at the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on May 30, 2016. |
Triple Prayerful Observance at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Troy, NY) Over Memorial Day Weekend - 05/29/2016
The doors of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Troy, NY were widely opened early in the morning hours of Sunday, May 29, 2016 as numerous visitors of the parish family arrived prior to the beginning of the Divine Liturgy in order to observe a triple celebration with His Grace Bishop Daniel leading the liturgical celebrations of the day. |
Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops Meets in New Hampshire - 05/29/2016
On May 22-24, 2016 gathered at St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center in Catocook, New Hampshire 15 Orthodox and Catholic bishops gathered for the annual meeting, addressing and reviewing joint pastoral initiatives of both Orthodox and Catholic Churches in the United States of America and throughout the world. |
June - LUBA Feature: All Saints Awareness Month - 05/25/2016
St. Mary, Nativity of the Mother of God, New Britain, Welcomes Metropolitan Antony - 05/24/2016
One of the first warm May days this year set the scene for Metropolitan Antony’s visit to New Britain, Connecticut, on May 22, 2016. His Eminence led the congregation of St. Mary, the Nativity of the Mother of God, in celebrating Divine Liturgy alongside our pastor Very Rev. Father Andrii Pokotylo and Protodeacon Anthony Szwez. |
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of Portland, OR Welcomes His Grace Bishop Daniel - 05/18/2016
Великдень (Пасха) - Світле Христове Воскресіння, найбільша і найвеличніша радість, Свято над Святами. Пасхальний період продовжується на протязі Світлої Сідниці і впродовж, аж до Вознесіння Господнього. Це величне свято Пасхи святкуємо кожного року, і кожний рік отримуємо повноту радості і благодаті. Саме у часі цього святкового торжества, на третю неділю Святих Жінок- Мироносиць, з Архіпастирським візитом Преосвященніший Владика Даниїл завітав до міста Портленд в штаті Орегон на парафію Святого Івана Хрестителя, що є на західному узбережжі Америки. |
Two-fold celebration at St. George Parish, Yardville, NJ - 05/16/2016
Sunday May 15, 2016 important historic date in the life of the parish family of St. George in Yardville, NJ. On this Warm Spring Sunday, the parish community was celebrating two occasions. The parish Feast Day of St. George and anniversary of priesthood of their pastor Very Rev. Peter Levko. |
High School Mission Trip - 6-14 August - 05/14/2016
The High School Student Mission Trip is a ministry of the UkrainianOrthodox Church of the USA. We hope to bring aid and comfort tothose in need through out our country. It is easy to turn a blindeye to those reaching out a hand for help in our local communities. By our actions, we hope to show the face of Christ to these people in need and all we come in contact with and by doing so reaffirm the Holy Orthodox Faith in an Orthodox Service Community. We pray that by offering daily prayer services, as well as our love and works, that we will bring not only ourselves but all involved closer to Christ our God. |
Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage a Success Despite the Rain and Cold - 05/13/2016
Braving rain and a cold wind on the Saturday of St. Thomas Sunday, the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA made their annual pilgrimage to the Spiritual Center – Metropolia of the UOC of the USA, especially St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery in South Bound Brook, NJ. Despite the chilly Saturday weather a sizeable group of 2500 took part in the two-day pilgrimage. |
St. Nicholas Program for Children with Disabilities - 17-20 June, 2016 - 05/13/2016
SNP is designed for parents and their child with disabilities to spend time together in an Orthodox Family Environment. The campers are introduced to camp life at All Saints Camp and the parents are given the opportunity to meet fellow Orthodox parents who are tackling the same challenges in today’s world. |
UOC of the USA Continues to Deliver Aid to Ukraine - 05/12/2016
As this year’s Lenten journey came to conclusion and we all have entered into the glorious Pascha celebrations, the joy of peace and comfort is not truly felt in the hearts of so many people of Donetsk and Mariupol regions of Ukraine... Prior to the beginning of this year’s Lenten journey, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Society and the Consistory Office of Christian Charity collected and delivered the necessary aid to the numerous refugees, wounded soldiers and displaced families with children. |
St. Christina and St. Julian - Patron Saints of the Youth of the UOC of USA - 05/11/2016
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Offices of Youth & Young Adult Ministry offered the youth of the UOC of the USA the opportunity to prayerfully choose a patron saint for the youth of our church. The program was designed to give our youth the opportunity to learn about teenage saints of the church and use their voice in selecting one of them to intercede on their behalf with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. |
New Blog – Office of Stewardship - 05/11/2016
Eighth Anniversary of Bishop Daniel's Consecration - 05/10/2016
Восьма річниця хіротонії Владики Даниїла |
Metropolitan Antony Visits St. Mary’s Parish, Chester, PA - 05/09/2016
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony visited St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Chester, Pennsylvania. Greeting the Metropolitan in Ukrainian with the traditional bread and salt was Mrs. Halyna Cichanowsky. Jenna Ludlow, granddaughter of Father Jerry and Pani Matka Mary Ann presented the Metropolitan red roses. Christine Kurman, welcomed His Eminence on behalf of the Parish Council and the parishioners. Finally, Father Jerry greeted the Metropolitan with holy water and cross in the entrance of the church. |
Bright Saturday of St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage at the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ - 05/07/2016
The rainy morning of Bright Saturday of 2016 Annual St. Thomas Sunday Weekend Pilgrimage started with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ. As the prayerful chanting of CHRIS is RISEN penetrated the hearts of those in attendance, the walls of the Memorial Church once again felt the historical presence of traditional prayers on the weekend following Glorious Pascha celebration... As the rain stopped for the afternoon hours, more and more visitors began to arrive to the spiritual headquarters of the UOC of the USA. Over 1200 people walked through the gates of St. Andrew Cemetery and Metropolia Center in order to share in Paschal joy with the loved ones who found eternal rest at St. Andrew Cemetery. |
7-8 May, 2016 - Annual Saint Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 05/07/2016
Please, Join Us at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA as We Share the Joy of PASCHA With Each Other During the Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! |
Sincere Prayers Offered for the People of Canada in Time of Tragedy - 05/06/2016
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orhtodox Church of the USA and Eparchy of South America |
6-14 August – High School Mission Trip - 05/05/2016
Pascha in our Parishes - 05/03/2016
Pascha in Philadelphia - 05/03/2016
At daybreak on Pascha, the faithful of St. Vladimir Cathedral parish welcomed his Eminence Metropolitan Antony for celebration of the Feast of Feasts. Despite the light rain, the faithful of the parish participated in a holy procession on the church grounds, remembering the myrrh-bearing women who came to Christ’s tomb, only to learn the glorious news of His holy resurrection. A decorative banner was placed on the outside of the church, designed by Vitality Hrytsay, proclaiming “Christ is Risen! Христос Воскрес!”, sharing the message with the wider community. |
7 May, 2016 - St. Thomas Saturday - Picnic at St. Sophia Seminary - Sponsored by UOL - 05/03/2016
Join the Students and Vistors of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary for a PICNIC During the Annual St. Thomas Sunday Weekend in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ |
Bright and Holy Monday in Detroit, MI - 05/02/2016
Today, Bright Monday, the experience continued. His Grace Bishop Daniel served Divine Liturgy, assisted by three seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) Mykola Zomchak, Ihor Protsak and Mykhaylo Bokalo... Hours later...we are all still smiling...still glowing...still feeling embraced, glowing from the inside out...wondering how are we supposed to come down off Cloud 9, and return to reality...back to work tomorrow. |
Living the FAITH on Pascha - 05/02/2016
During one of his many sermons over the last few days at the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, MI, His Grace Daniel, the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, mentioned that our salvation extends beyond ourselves... On Pascha – May 1, 2016, His Grace, assisted by seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) Ihor Protsak, Mykhaylo Bokalo and Mykola Zomchak took to the streets of the Detroit area to do just what he had instructed us to do...to bring a smile, a hug, a kind word to someone...to share the joy of the Resurrected Christ with the world...to take that light that lit up the sanctuary this morning, out into the dim world, and dispel the darkness. |
Pascha Night at Pokrova of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, MI - 05/02/2016
...Any other day a heavy downpour would have dampened spirits...but, when death has lost its grip, when Christ is Resurrected, when all things are made new again...nothing can stop the human spirit from rejoicing and celebrating. |
The Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine in the Year of our Lord 2016 - 04/30/2016
There is no event and no greater news that is more joyful in the life of the Christian than the news of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ for the Orthodox Church is the Feast of Feasts and the Festival of Festivals because the Resurrection of our Lord is the victory of life over death, of love over hatred, of truth over falsehood, of good over evil, of humility over pride, of faith over hopelessness, and of holiness over sin. |
Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha 2016 - 04/30/2016
We wholeheartedly address you from the See of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with the joyous greeting “Christ is risen!” The resurrection of Christ is the center of our Orthodox faith. Without the resurrection, our faith is “in vain” (1 Cor. 15:14). Through His resurrection, the divine Word rendered humanity – created in the image of God but wounded and stained by sin – incorrupt and deified, granting us once again the possibility of achieving divine likeness, of which we were deprived through disobedience. |
Statement by the President of the United States of America on the Occasion of Orthodox Pascha (Easter) - 04/30/2016
Michelle and I extend our best wishes to members of the Orthodox Christian community here in America and around the world as they observe Holy Friday and the Feast of the Resurrection... For Orthodox Christians, this is a time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to rejoice in the victory of the Resurrection and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in accordance with God's will. |
Cleveland Ukrainian American Community Commemorates Chornobyl Tragedy - 04/30/2016
On Sunday April 24, 2016, the greater Cleveland Ukrainian American Community commemorated a tragedy that befell Ukraine and the whole world when 30 years ago an explosion and release of radiation occurred at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The remembrance organized by the United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and St. Vladimir Cathedral Parish, began with a Prayer Service for the living and deceased. The prayers were led by His Grace Bishop Daniel (UOC USA), His Grace Bishop Robert (retired bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church) and 10 local Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic clergy. Reposes were sung by the Cathedral Choir of St. Vladimir directed by Markian Komichak. |
7 May, 2016 - Support the Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary - 04/29/2016
Paschalion – Пасхалія - 04/29/2016
Paschal Hours – Пасхальні Часи - 04/29/2016
Holy and Great Friday Services at the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Detroit, MI Metropolitan Area - 04/29/2016
Over 200 parishioners, relatives and members of the community at large gathered in the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Southfield, MI, in solemn witness of the sacrifice of the Lord in order to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
Great and Holy Friday - 04/29/2016
On Great and Holy Friday the Orthodox Church commemorates the death of Christ on the Cross. This is the culmination of the observance of His Passion by which our Lord suffered and died for our sins. This commemoration begins on Thursday evening with the Matins of Holy Friday and concludes with a Vespers on Friday afternoon that observes the unnailing of Christ from the Cross and the placement of His body in the tomb. |
LUBA - May 2016 Projects and Ideas! - 04/29/2016
The word attentive has many meanings; observant, aware, vigilant, kind, conscientious, thoughtful and the list goes on. All of these adjectives describe the life of an Orthodox Christian - how we are called to live our daily life. It is no coincidence that during the Divine Liturgy we are called to "Be Attentive". In a way, being attentive is sacramental - being vigilant to Christ and His sacraments. But we are not only called to be attentive in our divine services, we are called to be attentive in our lives and to our brothers and sister in Christ. Be considerate. Be caring. Be understanding. Be sympathetic. It is interesting that the acronym for Let us be Attentive is LUBA, which is a derivative of the Ukrainian word lubov or love. In a way, when we are called to Be Attentive, we are also being called to LOVE! This new program of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is a call to be attentive to your neighbor, to your community, to your parish family and to Christ! On the 20th of each month, the Consistory will highlight one of the nationally commemorated events on the LUBA calendar providing you with resources for your parish. Focus on the highlighted event or choose one of your own and be creative in how you may BE CHRIST. We ask that you send photos and articles of your LUBA efforts to be shared with all of our faithful. You may utilize your LUBA calendar as a parish, as small groups, as families and as personal ministry. |
Bishop Daniel Celebrates Holy Thursday Divine Services in Southfield, MI - 04/28/2016
His Grace Bishop Daniel, the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA marked the beginning of last three days of Holy Week on Thursday morning, April 28, with Holy Thursday Vesperal Divine Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God in Southfield, MI (Very Rev. Fr. Pavlo Bodnarchuk – pastor), commemorating the Last Supper that Jesus shared with His disciples. |
Great and Holy Thursday - 04/28/2016
On Thursday of Holy Week four events are commemorated: the washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. |
Holy Unction Service at Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Detroit, MI Served by His Grace Bishop Daniel - the Spiritual Father of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA - 04/28/2016
The faithful of the Pokrova of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, MI, had an opportunity to receive so much needed spiritual healing in the evening on Holy Wednesday (27 April, 2016). Mystery of Holy Unction or Anointing unto Healing with Holy Oil was served by the local clergy under the leadership of the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
Patriarchal Pascha Epistle - Пасхальне Послання Патріарха - 04/27/2016
27 May, 2016 - Preparing for the Great and Holy Council: Theological Reflections by (OTSA) Orthodox Theological Society in America - 04/27/2016
Holy Wednesday and the Sacrament of Holy Unction - 04/27/2016
On the afternoon or evening of Great and Holy Wednesday, the Sacrament or Mystery of Holy Unction is conducted in Orthodox parishes. The Sacrament of Holy Unction is offered for the healing of soul and body and for forgiveness of sins. At the conclusion of the service of the Sacrament, the body is anointed with oil, and the grace of God, which heals infirmities of soul and body, is called down upon each person. The Sacrament is performed by a gathering of priests, ideally seven in number, however, it can be performed by a lesser number and even by a single priest. |
Ecumenical Patriarch: The Power of Memory - Chornobyl Thirty Years Later - 04/26/2016
Thirty years ago, in the early morning of April 26, 1986, even as the Orthodox Church was about to embark on its holiest of weeks leading to the joy of Easter, the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine exploded, creating the worst nuclear disaster that the world had seen up to that time. The consequences of the disaster were felt far and wide: in the extension of contaminating radioactive particles into Russia, Belarus, as well as countries to the North and West; in human desertion and ecological destruction of vast surrounding areas; in long-lasting and permanent damage to health and loss of human life estimated at one million premature deaths. |
Victims of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster Remembered at Metropolia Center - 04/25/2016
Faithful members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered together with other Ukrainian community members at St. Andrew Memorial Church, South Bound Brook, NJ – part of the Church’s Metropolia Center – to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the worst nuclear disaster the world has known – the explosion of the Soviet era power plant located in Chornobyl, Ukraine. His Eminence Metropolitan Antony conducted a solemn memorial service along with clergy from the Center and neighboring parishes. Visiting clergy, St. Sophia Seminary students and members of the Memorial Church Choir graciously and beautifully sang the responses for the service. |
Vladyka Daniel Leads the Prayers of Holy Monday at the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Lorain, OH - 04/25/2016
As the celebration of this year’s Palm Sunday (Entrance of our Lord in Jerusalem) concluded, the sacred time of Holy Week started in parishes of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Full liturgical schedule is carefully offered and crafted for the faithful of the Church so that they may re-live the sacred moments of our Lord’s journey from the gates of Jerusalem to the place of crucifixion and burial. On Holy Monday (April 25, 2016) the faithful of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Lorain, OH celebrated the first day of Holy and Sacred Week with their spiritual father and Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA – His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
Holy Monday and Tuesday of the Holy Week - The Services of the Bridegroom - 04/24/2016
Beginning on the evening of Palm Sunday and continuing through the evening of Holy Tuesday, the Orthodox Church observes a special service known as the Service of the Bridegroom. Each evening service is the Matins or Orthros service of the following day (e.g. the service held on Sunday evening is the Orthros service for Holy Monday). The name of the service is from the figure of the Bridegroom in the parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13. |
Archpastoral Palm Sunday Visit to St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH! - 04/24/2016
On the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most joyous feasts of the year. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem following His glorious miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Having anticipated His arrival and having heard of the miracle, the people when out to meet the Lord and welcomed Him with displays of honor and shouts of praise. On this day, the Orthodox Christians receive and worship Christ in this same manner, acknowledging Him as our King and Lord. To celebrate this great feast of the Church year St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH was blessed to welcome among their midst their spiritual father and the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
Урочистий в'їзд Ісуса до Єрусалиму - 04/23/2016
Цієї неділі, останньої неділі перед початком Страсного тижня ми, дорогі брати і сестри у Христі, святкуємо урочистий вхід Господа нашого Ісуса Христа в Єрусалим. Тож в чому полягає ця урочистість? І наскільки урочистим це свято є для кожного із нас в 21-му столітті? Яку ж роль покладаємо ми на себе, називаючи себе Христовим наслідником? Місія перебування Христа на землі наближається до кінця. Проголошена Нагірна проповідь, нагодовано тисячі людей, розказано притчі, пояснено Писання. Господь наш Ісус Христос завершує свою земну мандрівку до Єрусалиму – до свого Розп’яття і Воскресіння, двома великими подіями: воскресінням Лазаря та тріумфальним в’їздом до Єрусалиму. |
Palm Sunday: Hosanna in the Highest - 04/23/2016
Two millennia ago, the residents of Jerusalem welcomed Christ as the savior of the Jewish people—a worldly ruler who would free them from the yoke of the Roman empire. Their Messiah would be a king in the conventional sense—with royal purple robes, a crown encrusted with precious stones, a scepter to show his earthly position, and a sword to lead his armies into battle and victory over all who would oppress his people. |
Palm Sunday: The Feast of the Entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem - 04/23/2016
On the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most joyous feasts of the year. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem following His glorious miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Having anticipated His arrival and having heard of the miracle, the people when out to meet the Lord and welcomed Him with displays of honor and shouts of praise. On this day, we receive and worship Christ in this same manner, acknowledging Him as our King and Lord. |
Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches Offer Common Prayer Service for the Release of Two Orthodox Hierarchs - 04/22/2016
The hierarchs of the Assembly of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America and hierarchs of the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches gathered on Thursday evening – 21 April 2016 at St. Gabriel Syriac Orthodox Church in Haworth, NJ for the Prayer Service for the safe return of the two kidnapped hierarchs from Aleppo – Metropolitan Paul Yazigi of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and Archbishop Mor Gregorios Yuhanna Ibrahim of the Syriac Orthodox Church and for all those suffering calamities in the Middle East. |
Parma, OH Community Plans to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Chornobyl Tragedy - 04/22/2016
We invite all of you to commemorate victims on the 30th Anniversary of the Chornobyl Explosion at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, Ohio, on April 24, 2016, at 3:00 PM. - Ми запрoшуємo всiх прийти дo Украïнськoгo Правoславнoгo кафедральнoгo сoбoру св. Вoлoдимира, Парма, Огio, у недiлю 24 квiтня в 3 гoдинi дня пoм'янути всiх жертв Чoрнoбильськoï катастрoфи. |
30th Anniversary of Chornobyl Tragedy - Commemorative Event at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 04/20/2016
Join Us, as We Offer Prayers for the Fallen and Victims of the Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster on April 25, 2016 at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - Молімось разом за жертви трагедії 30-ти річної давності - трагедії в Чорнобилі |
The Sacralization of the Holodomor: The Role of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA and the Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ - 04/19/2016
The Paschal Epistle – Великоднє Послання - 04/18/2016
4-5 November, 2016 - Third Annual Ukrainian Genealogy Conference - 04/18/2016
2016 Lenten Retreat at St. Andrew’s in Boston - 04/18/2016
On April 16 & 17, 2016, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston held its annual Lenten Mission. The parish was extremely fortunate to have His Grace Bishop Daniel, as its guest for the weekend. |
2016 Scholarships Opportunities! - 04/17/2016
Attention Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the UOC of the USA: 2016 Malta Scholarship - Undergraduate and 2016 Paleologos Scholarship - Graduate Levels Available! |
Great Lent Giveaway 2016 - The Miracle of Healing - 04/17/2016
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, the GREAT LENT GIVEAWAY of 2016 will benefit the ST. Jude Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude cares for children with cancer and other life threatening conditions at no cost to their families. This year we are asking that all youth of our church support this effort by helping to raise funds for and awareness through the Great Lent Giveaway about the work and patients at St. Jude. Our financial goal is to raise $1,500 for this program. |
Pani-matka Tamara Kowal of Blessed Memory! - 04/16/2016
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Church about the falling asleep of Pani-matka Tamara Kowal of blessed memory, a wife of Protopresbyter Nestor Kowal. |
25 April, 2016 - Remembering Chornobyl - 30th Anniversary of the Tragedy - St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church (South Bound Brook, NJ) - 04/15/2016
17 July - August 20, 2016 - Ukrainian Summer Immersion, Cultural & Leadership Camp - University of Saskatchewan, Canada - 04/15/2016
A Weekend of Worship and Fellowship with Bishop Daniel in Carnegie, PA - 04/14/2016
His Grace Bishop Daniel honored the parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Carnegie Pa. with a pastoral visit the weekend of April 9th and 10th. Among the many highlights of the weekend was a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. As Bishop Daniel entered the church he was greeted by our pastor the V. Rev. Father Steve Repa, our Board of Directors President, Howard West, and Vice President Shelly Trondle. They presented to our bishop the traditional greeting of bread and salt and the children of the parish welcomed him with a bouquet of flowers. |
UOL Retreat 2016 (Bethlehem, PA) a Great Success! - 04/06/2016
This year the retreat was entitled “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1 The retreat focused on the challenges we all face throughout life, looking at the psychological stages of life. The retreat was divided into three life stages, childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, and middle and late adulthood. Natalie Bilynsky, a licensed psychologist, provided an overview of the life stages and challenges faced within each stage. Father Anthony Perkins looked at each stage from an Orthodox perspective. |
Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Summer Internship Applications Being Accepted! - 04/05/2016
We are pleased to announce that applications for paid and volunteer summer internships with the Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry are now being accepted. The internship program is now entering its 15th year of offering our young adults professional job experience, as well as serving Christ's church in a meaningful way.
16-17 April, 2016 - Lenten Retreat in Boston, MA - 04/04/2016
Los Angeles, CA: Bishop Daniel Leads Services for Sunday of the Cross in St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral - 04/04/2016
On Saturday the 2nd and Sunday the 3rd of April, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, led the Great Lenten services for the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross in St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA. |
April - Autism Awareness Month - 04/01/2016
The word attentive has many meanings; observant, aware, vigilant, kind, conscientious, thoughtful and the list goes on. All of these adjectives describe the life of an Orthodox Christian - how we are called to live our daily life. It is no coincidence that during the Divine Liturgy we are called to "Be Attentive"... It is interesting that the acronym for Let us be Attentive is LUBA, which is a derivative of the Ukrainian word lubov or love. In a way, when we are called to Be Attentive, we are also being called to LOVE! This new program of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is a call to be attentive to your neighbor, to your community, to your parish family and to Christ! |
UOL Lenten Retreat in Western PA and Ohio - 03/24/2016
On Saturday, March 19, 2016, the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the USA welcomed His Grace, Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory, Christal Chaney, Ph.D., Professor of Education (Point Park College), Rev. Fathers John Harvey, Andrew Gall, Dan Rohan, and Gregory Becker, Seminarians Tadei Surak and Vladyslav Huk, Michael Komichak, President of the UOL, Taylor Gladys, Junior UOL Advisor, and over 60 participants from parishes in Youngstown, Pittsburgh, Sharon, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Carnegie and Lyndora to the 2016 UOL Lenten Retreat (West). |
Council Of The Metropolia Annual Meeting - 03/23/2016
Following the Strategic Planning Retreat earlier in the week, those elected at the 20th Regular Sobor of our Holy Church, the members of the Council of the Metropolia (Metropolitan Council), remained at the Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook-Somerset, NJ for their annual meeting to hear reports from Consistory members, offices of ministry and to set the budget for the current fiscal year of 2016. The meeting took place in the Ukrainian Cultural Center conference room on 9-10 March. Members present at the meeting were: His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, His Grace Bishop Daniel; V Rev. Myron Oryhon V. Rev. Taras Chubenko, V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha, V. Rev. Robert Holet , V. Rev. Anthony Ugolnik, V. Rev. Timothy Tomson, V. Rev. Anthony Perkins, Dr. Gayle Woloschak, Helen Boyko-Greenleaf, Michael Kapeluck, Elizabeth Symonenko, Olga Coffey, Lydia Dzus; Michael Komichak (UOL), Deacon Dr. Ihor Mahlay (St. Andrew’s Society). V. Rev. Stephen Hutnick also participated fully as Treasurer of the Consistory. Dr. Paul Micevych was present for the Strategic Planning Retreat earlier in the week, but was unable to remain for the council meeting. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Offers Prayers Following the Terrorist Attack in Brussels - 03/23/2016
Following the most horrific, deplorable, and senseless acts of violence and terror in Brussels, the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA expresses its solidarity with the people of Belgium and extends heartfelt prayers to the families of our brothers and sisters who were killed or injured as a result of the attack. Our hearts and minds are prayerfully also with the emergency responders, law enforcement agents, and security officers. |
May 18 Due Date – UOL ANNUAL ESSAY CONTEST - 03/21/2016
“Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” James 1:19 |
Archpastoral Visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel to Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Slickville, PA - 03/21/2016
On Sunday, March 20, 2016, His Grace Bishop Daniel visited Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Slickville, PA, to celebrate the Divine Liturgy on the first Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy. His Grace was greeted in the vestibule by church president Andy Torick and vice president Harry Batch with the traditional gifts of bread and salt, welcoming him to our humble parish. Bishop Daniel jokingly asked if Harry had baked the bread himself. His Grace explained that while Holy Ghost may be a small, humble parish, by celebrating Liturgy with a bishop representing the Western Eparchy, Holy Ghost is concelebrating with the entirety of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on its journey through the Great Fast. |
Summer Positions Available for UOC Camping Ministry at All Saints Camp - 03/21/2016
As our UOC Camping Ministry enters its 58th year, we are pleased to announce an array of paid and volunteer positions available for the summer of 2016. We are looking for individuals of all ages who are looking to serve the Lord in the beautiful setting of our very own All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA. |
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Issues 2016 Sunday of Orthodoxy Message - 03/19/2016
As we celebrate the great feast of Sunday of Orthodoxy and mark the restoration of the holy icons in the Church, we join our own family and friends in our parishes not only to bear holy icons in our hands, but to also become living icons of Christ and, by God’s grace, to proclaim our common Orthodox faith in the world. |
Patriarchal and Synodical Encyclical on the Convocation of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church - 03/18/2016
Today, we find ourselves in a position to officially announce from our ecumenical throne that, by the grace of God, and with the consent of all the Primates of the Holy Orthodox Churches, that we will realize a decision taken more than fifty years ago and convene the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church on the island of Crete on June 18-27, 2016. |
Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts Served by His Grace Bishop Daniel at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Youngstown, OH - 03/18/2016
On March 18, 2016 the Friday of the First Week of Great Lent, His Grace Bishop Daniel served the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, OH. The Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA was warmly welcomed at the door to the parish’s temple by the President of the Parish’s Board of Administration Joseph and his wife Betty Ewanish. The pastor of the local Ukrainian Orthodox parish family - Fr. John Harvey, assisted by Very Rev. Fr. Andrew Gall of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Sharon, PA likewise welcomed the bishop and presented the holy water and cross. |
"Grace Shining Forth ..." – Teen Retreat Track - 03/17/2016
Parma, OH Community to Mark 30th Anniversary of Chornobyl Tragedy - April 24, 2016 - Palm Sunday! - 03/16/2016
7-8 May, 2016 - Saint Thomas Sunday - 03/15/2016
16 April, 2016 – All Saints Camp Kitchen Shower! - 03/15/2016
2-5 September, 2016 – ASC FAMILY FEST 2016 - 03/15/2016
1-2 October, 2016 – ALL Saints Camp Fall Festival 2016 - 03/15/2016
Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete at St. Andrew Memorial Church at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA! - 03/15/2016
During the first four days of Lent (March 14, 15, 16, 17) the penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete is celebrated (7PM) at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
ATTENTION STUDENTS of the UOC of the USA: The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Scholarships Available! - 03/15/2016
We are committed to supporting the scholastic future of all eligible students. We encourage students to honor Dr. Kulis’ legacy by considering pursuing a career in the field of science or medicine and our scholarship committee is particularly interested in rewarding students with exemplary community or church service records. We offer a variety of different types of scholarships. We invite you to learn more about which scholarship might be the right for you and to apply if you meet the eligibility requirements. |
April 12, 2016 - Ukrainian Pysanka Workshop at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in South Bound Brook, NJ - 03/14/2016
April 9, 2016 - Ukrainian Pysanka Workshop at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in South Bound Brook, NJ - 03/14/2016
Patriarchal Epistle - Послання Патріарха - 03/13/2016
Forgiveness Sunday Archpastoral Services at St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 03/13/2016
His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA joined Fr. Ivan Lymar, Protodeacon Andriy Fronchak, parishioners and guests of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL, for the beginning of Great and Holy Lent with the celebration of Cheese-fare, or more commonly know as Forgiveness Sunday. |
April 2 - Lenten Retreat - 03/13/2016
AXIOS! Worthy! ГІДНИЙ!- Deacon Vasyl Shak Ordained as a Priest by Bishop Daniel - 03/12/2016
12 березня, у м'ясопусну суботу, у місті Савт Бавнд Брук, Н. Дж. в церкві-пам’тнику святого Андрія Первозванного відбулась архиєрейська літургія з нагоди хіротонії диякона Шака Василя в сан Пресвітера, котру очолили преосвященніший владика Даниїл у присутності первоієрарха УПЦ США митрополита Антонія, настоятеля храму Андрія Первозванного отця Юрія Сівка і священників з ближніх і дальніх околиць, котрі завітали до нас у цей святковий день, а також хор у складі семінаристів Свято-Софіївської Семнарії. |
Protopresbyter Nestor Kowal Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood - 03/10/2016
On Saturday of February 27, 2016 His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony, Ruling Hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy, visited St. Michael's Parish in Scranton on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Priesthood and of the 50th anniversary as a pastor of St. Michael Church, Protopresbyter Nestor Kowal. It was also the day that Fr. Nestor entered into a well-deserved retirement. Unfortunately, Fr. Nestor was not able to attend the Liturgy and the reception, due to his unexpected admission to hospital that very morning. |
March - LUBA Feature: Women's History Month - 03/10/2016
The life of women in the Church is rich and vast. There are many ways in which we, as Orthodox Christians may honor women during Women's History Month. |
New Program - Let us be Attentive! (LUBA) - 03/10/2016
On the 20th of each month, the Consistory will highlight one of the nationally commemorated events on the LUBA calendar providing you with resources for your parish. Focus on the highlighted event or choose one of your own and be creative in how you may BE CHRIST. We ask that you send photos and articles of your LUBA efforts to be shared with all of our faithful. Procedures of how, when and where to send your submission are included in this packet. You may utilize your LUBA calendar as a parish, as small groups, as families and as personal ministry. |
President: We are grateful to Ecumenical Patriarch for constantly supporting Ukraine - 03/09/2016
Президент: Ми вдячні Вселенському Патріарху за постійну підтримку України - 03/09/2016
Ordination to Deaconate of Subdeacon Adrian Mazur at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City! - 03/07/2016
On Meatfare Sunday - March 6, 2016 - a wonderful event took place in the life of the student body of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. Faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered together at the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, NY to witness the ordination of a recent graduate of St. Sophia Seminary Subdeacon Adrian Mazur to Deaconate. |
Bishop Daniel Participates in the Blessing of a New ZOE for LIFE House in Parma, OH - 03/05/2016
With almost 200 people in attendance, five Orthodox Christian bishops blessed the new ZOE House of ZOE for Life in Parma’s original post office at 5454 State Road during its open house on Friday, March 4, 2016. |
The Sacralization of the Holodomor: The Role of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA and the Memorial Church in Bound Brook - 03/03/2016
Archpastoral Visit to St. Anthony of the Desert Mission - 03/01/2016
His Grace Bishop Daniel traveled to St. Anthony of the Desert Mission, Las Cruces New Mexico, for his annual Episcopal visitation on the weekend of the 26-28 February, 2016. His Grace was accompanied by a seminarian of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) Ivan Hlakhuniak. |
Bishop Daniel is Among Five Orthodox Hierarchs to Bless New ZOE for LIFE House on March 4th, 2016 - 02/28/2016
Five Orthodox Christian bishops will bless the new ZOE House of ZOE for Life in Parma’s original post office at 5454 State Road during its open house on Friday, March 4, 2016. The open house will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the blessing scheduled to take place at 7:00 p.m. |
Prodigal Son - 02/26/2016
“When I disobeyed in ignorance Thy fatherly glory, I wasted in iniquities the riches that Thou gavest me. Wherefore, I cry to Thee with the voice of the prodigal son, saying, I have sinned before Thee, O compassionate Father, receive me repentant, and make me as one of Thy hired servants.”
Of the four Sundays preceding Great Lent, none is more full of hope than that of the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the two brothers are poised at the crossroads of their adulthood. It is the realization point for the younger and perhaps the older that there is something more out there besides hearth and home. It is the realization and dream of every young person when attaining maturity to be set free from parental bonds, no matter how loving. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Pray With the Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) - 02/21/2016
On Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee, February 21, 2016, - with the blessing of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel, joined by the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian and Greek Orthodox communities in Istanbul (Turkey) lead a Eucharistic Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. |
Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel Meet With the Ecumenical Patriarch - 02/20/2016
Following the recent Pre-Conciliar meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches, which took place in Geneva a few weeks ago, much information began to appear on the Internet about discussions and decisions that took place during the gathering. The source of this information was the press office of the Patriarchate of Moscow. Much of the information was extremely critical in reference to the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches in the USA and Canada. Most of that criticism was completely false as was the quoted response of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the criticism, which had been stated during the Geneva meeting. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Remembering the Sacrifices of Many for the Benefit of Those Who Live On… - 02/20/2016
Two years ago the world in awe witnessed the redefining events in the life of 25-year-old independent Ukraine – a redefinition, which had great impact on history books and our lives as the profound expression of democracy exploded on the streets of the nation’s capital – the city of Kyiv. The parishes of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA once again were bathed in candlelight as vigils and prayers were offered for the ancestral homeland by so many of the faithful of the UOC of the USA and throughout the world. |
“Heavenly Hundred” Commemoration Event at the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington, DC - 02/19/2016
The Heavenly Hundred Fallen Heroes were commemorated by the Embassy of Ukraine jointly with the defenders of Ukraine who are currently on medical rehabilitation in Washington, DC, US Ukrainian community and Americans who care about the developments in Ukraine – the Revolution of Dignity and counteracting Russian aggression...
Пам'ять загиблих Героїв Небесної Сотні Посольство України у США вшанувало спільно із захисниками України, які проходять медичну реабілітацію у Вашингтоні, місцевою українською громадою та американцями, які щиро переймаються трагічними подіями в Україні періоду Революції Гідності та послідуючої російської агресії.
Archpastoral Visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel to Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 02/15/2016
Sunday, February 14, 2016 was viewed as Valentine’s Day for most of America. While this wasn’t the point of His Grace Bishop Daniel’s visit to St. Mary Protectress parish, the visitation was filled with love. From the moment His Grace was greeted by Fr. Walter Hvostik and the president of the parish’s board of administration Volodymyr Herasynych, there was a warmth in the church that made those in attendance forget about the plummeting temperatures they braved to get there. The church was filled to near capacity as the faithful participated in a full hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Noteworthy events from the Liturgy were the beautiful triple litanies sung by the choir and the sermon delivered by His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
On the Great Council of the Orthodox Church - 02/15/2016
Already there is much talk about the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. Between now and June 19, 2016, when the council officially opens on the island of Crete, there will be many rumors and much spin. Some will be justified; like other patriarchal institutions, Orthodox Churches are not normally known for their transparency. However, other chatter will be less than helpful. What follow are some brief clarifications on basic questions surrounding the council. |
Three Holy Hierarchs Feast Day Observed in the Seminary’s Chapel - 02/14/2016
On February 12, 2015 – St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary celebrated its patronal feast, commemorating the Three Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. In Eastern Christianity they are also known as the Three Great Hierarchs and Ecumenical Teachers. All Christians are indebted to these “Pillars of Faith” for their defense of the Divinity of Jesus Christ and their faithful articulation of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. They are held in honor by the Church as vessels of God’s grace who preserved the Christian Faith for us today. For they were not only bishops and theologians, but ascetics, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. |
Bishop Daniel Visits Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL as the Parish Sponsors UOL Souper Bowl Sunday - 02/07/2016
The day has started with the Divine Liturgy led by His Grace Bishop Daniel, president of the Consistory and Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The cold, windy and gloomy day of winter in February all of a sudden turned into a day filled with Triumphant light of Christ that overcomes darkness and fills each heart with love and tranquility. As my pews were filling up with people and kids chatter was bouncing of the walls my spirits were lifted up. |
UOW: Our January-February 2016 Issue! - 02/04/2016
Souper Bowl Sunday 2016 is FEBRUARY 7, 2016! - 02/01/2016
Team up with Ukrainian Orthodox League of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in our Annual Souper Bowl of Caring. Rally your parish and church youth to champion this social service ministry by feeding the poor and caring for those in need around the world. It's easy! Your parish youth can collect donations on or near February 7, 2016 and direct the collected donations to UOL in order to benefit the ministry of St. Andrew Society of our Holy Church – benefitting the elderly and soup kitchens in Ukraine. |
2016 College Student Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 02/01/2016
The College Student Mission Trip to aid orphanages in Ukraine, is a ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We hope to bring aid and comfort to special needs orphans and orphanages in a country that currently does not have the means to do so. By our actions, we hope to show the face of Christ to these children, their caregivers, their administrators, our host families and all we come in contact with and by doing so reaffirm the Holy Orthodox Faith amongst the people of Ukraine.
March 19, 2016 – Lenten Retreat - 01/30/2016
Third Anniversary of Metropolitan Antony’s Enthronement - 01/30/2016
Three years ago His Eminence Metropolitan Antony was formally Enthroned as the 4th Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in St. Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD. On January 30th His Eminence Metropolitan Antony celebrates his Name's Day (St. Anthony the Great) and his birthday. |
7 February, 2016 – Orthodox Scout Sunday! - 01/28/2016
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA has designated February 7, 2016 as Orthodox Scout Sunday. The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting is an official agency of the Assembly of Bishops. |
March 19 - "Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors" Spring 2016 Genealogy Workshop - 01/28/2016
Featuring staff members of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, who will give presentations on documenting the experiences of Ukrainians and other ethnic groups during and after World War II, and how to make use of the research resources at the USHMM and the International Tracing Service. |
2016 OCF REAL BREAK Opportunities - 01/27/2016
OCF’s Real Break aims to prepare college students to be socially informed Orthodox Christian citizens of this world, while directing their focus on the world to come, the kingdom of heaven. Built on a foundation of fellowship, education, worship, and service, Real Break provides students the opportunity to understand the true meaning of seeing Christ in the other – traveling to all parts of the world deepening their faith, serving those in need, and cultivating relationships with like-minded peers. |
Winter Wonderland at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 01/24/2016
As the early morning hours of Saturday January 23, 2016 brought a brand new day to the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA and the residents of South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ – the winter blizzard covered with over 20 inches of snow every aspect of the entire Metropolia Center. |
The Light That Shines - 01/23/2016
The Argo, a merchant ship sailing off the New England coast, ran aground and lost its cargo. It was traveling at night and in dense fog. The captain later explained that the ship was only three degrees off course. Those three degrees eventually meant a difference of ten miles at the point the ship hit ground. The ship's instruments had malfunctioned and in the darkness the captain could not see that he was approaching land. |
Theophany of our Lord Celebration with Bishop Daniel in Jones, Oklahoma - 01/20/2016
On Sunday 17 January 2016, His Grace Bishop DANIEL assisted by three subdeacons and seven altar servers presided over a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at his parish of St Mary Dormition Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Jones, Oklahoma. |
Caroling for Christ: Bethlehem Story Alive at the Metropolia - 01/18/2016
With about 200 participants in the second annual “Caroling for Christ” concert sponsored by the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, some 350 people witnessed a powerful and spiritually uplifting event at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the UOC of the USA on Saturday, January 16, 2016. |
12 February, 2016 - Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 01/13/2016
NY City Archpastoral Visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel - Владика Даниїл відвідав парафію Пресвятої Тройці в Ню Йорку - 01/11/2016
10 січня 2016 року, у першу Неділю після Різдва Христового, Преосвященний Владика Даниїл відвідав парафію Пресвятої Трійці у місті Ню Йорку. Нашого Владику зустріли юні вихованці зі школи Святої Трійці, котрі привітали Архиєрея теплими словами і щирою колядою, побажавши міцного здоров'я. А разом із настоятелем храму Святої Трійці протоієреєм Тодором Мазуром та протоієреєм Степаном Чопком, просили у нашого Архиєрея молитов перед Господом та Божого Благословіння усім парафіянам цього святого храму. |
UOC of the USA Represented at Scholars’ Meeting at Ecumenical Patriarchate - 01/10/2016
Dr. Gayle Woloschak, member of the Council of Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA was among a group of 30 Orthodox Christian scholars who participated in a gathering at the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople here January 4-5, 2016 for the purpose of establishing connections with theologians and academics working in various disciplines and ministries throughout the world and to become better acquainted with their interests and aspirations for the Church, especially in light of the forthcoming Holy and Great Council. |
Celebration of the Nativity of Christ at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 01/09/2016
During this Nativity Season, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral parish family in Parma, Ohio experienced the wondrous mystery of the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.B People rejoiced celebrating the Lord’s Nativity, especially as the entire parish family was blessed to have both hierarchs – the spiritual fathers of the UOC of the USA to share with them the great news of the Birth of Christ the Savior! |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 01/06/2016
The light of Christ’s birth shines upon all of us once again. The Star beckons us to follow through the forty days of fasting and preparation of our bodies and souls. Let us glorify Him not just by words, but with our whole lives. As we gather with our families for the Nativity feast day, we pray that we will see the Light of the World, like the shepherds and Magi on that Bethlehem night and become “heralds of grace.” This is the Light of God’s Truth and Love. |
CHRISTMAS ENCYCLICAL of Ecumenical Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW - 01/05/2016
The sweetness of the holy night of Christmas once again embraces the world. In the midst of human toil and suffering, crisis and challenge, greed and hatred, anxiety and despair, the mystery of the divine incarnation presents the same cha rm as a truly tangible and ever contemporary reality, urging “the inhabitants of the world to learn righteousness” (cf. Is. 26:9), for “today our Savior is born” (Lk 2:11). |
UPDATED: Mrs. Dorothy Scharba of Blessed Memory! - 01/04/2016
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God Dorothy Scharba, mother of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness on January 4, 2016. May her memory be eternal! |
Nativity of our Lord Archpastoral Letter of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America! - 01/04/2016
On these most blessed days of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are all invited to consider how we may manifest among our neighbors the love, mercy and compassion of the Christ-child. This is especially important because Christmas represents the profound and sacred point in history when invisible God, taking the form of a servant,dwells among us. From this time forth the eternal message of salvation is not merely declared through law and prophetic message, but is finally something, as Saint John the Evangelist says, thatwehave heard, that we have seen with our eyes, that we have looked at and touched with our hands (1 John 1: 1). |
Annual Nativity/Christmas Radio Program from St. Vladimir Cathedral in Parma, OH - 01/02/2016
The Missionaries of the UOC of the USA and Diaspora Complete the Winter Mission Trip Outreach Activities in Znamianka, Ukraine - 12/27/2015
Nine individuals from across the globe traveled to Znamianka (Kirovohrad region), Ukraine during the Gregorian Calendar Christmas celebration season in order to share the joy of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker feast with over 100 handicapped children of Znamianka State Orphanage. |
Nativity Message from the Assembly Chairman - 12/24/2015
Give the Gift of Camp! - 12/22/2015
Looking for the perfect gift for birthdays, graduations or Christmas? Look no further! You can give the gift of camp by gifting an entire or portion of a camper's registration... A certificate in the amount of the gift and with your personal message will be sent to you or directly to the recipient! |
2016 OCMC Mission Trip Opportunities - 12/21/2015
2016 Orthodox Mission Teams are now available! Please prayerfully consider joining one of the teams that will be serving in Alaska, Albania, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, and Uganda. Spend two weeks volunteering at a youth camp, teaching the faith, empowering Orthodox women, restoring a church, or providing healthcare. All are needed, and anyone over 18 can serve! |
19 грудня 2015р. Українська Школа при церкві-пам'ятнику Св. Андрія Первозванного відсвяткувала свято Миколая - 12/19/2015
На запрошення Адміністрації Школи, вчителів та школярів у Культурному Центрі Української Православної Церкви США відбувся концерт до дня Святого Миколая. Завітали на наше свято дуже багато гостей. У свою чергу були присутні Голова Консисторії та Єпископ Західної Єпархії Преосвященніший Єпископ Даниїл, парафіяни церкви-пам'ятника Св. Андрія Первозванного, семінаристи, батьки учасників нашого свята. Головним гостем цього свята, на яке завжди чекають наші діти був Святий Миколай. |
The Youth of Portland, OR Helps the Children of Ukrainian Orphanages - Парафіяльна молодь із Портланд, ОР допомагає дітям Українських інтернатів - 12/15/2015
In this grateful spirit, the children and teenagers of St. John the Baptist in Portland, Oregon have presented a check for $1,000 to His Grace Bishop Daniel to help support the children of the Znamyanka orphanage in Ukraine. They raised these funds by making and then selling handcrafted items at our church craft fair in November. This is just one opportunity for our children to give to the children of Znamyanka. But, they were happy to give even more. |
Give a Christmas Gift to Attend All Saints Camp Encampments - 12/14/2015
St. Andrew Parish Feast Day in Silver Spring, MD - 12/14/2015
The parish feast day at St Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD (on the outskirts of Washington, DC) is always a wonderful celebration. This year, it was made more special by the fact that we, as a parish, marked the anniversary of 20 years in the Holy Priesthood of our beloved Very Rev. Father Volodymyr Steliac. |
From the Hills of Kyiv to the Hills of Hollywood – St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Los Angeles, CA Celebrates Patronal Feast Day - 12/14/2015
Sunday morning, December 13, 2015 was a day of fervent spiritual reflection for many Orthodox Christians throughout the world, but especially for many Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, as the Church celebrated the feast of Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the Enlightener of Kyiv Rus-Ukraine. |
The Inaugural “Christmas at the Seminary” Fundraiser - 12/13/2015
As Christians prepare themselves this Lenten Season for the upcoming feast of the Nativity of Christ, so do the students of Saint Sophia's Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, New Jersey. In between classes and preparing for their semester’s final exams, the students began to decorate their home for the first ever “Christmas at the Seminary”- capturing the essence of the Holy Wonderworker Saint Nicholas. On Saturday, December 12th, friends and supporters of the Seminary were welcomed into the Seminary building that to learn about the school, the historic building, and meet with the current full-time and part-time students. |
Громада церкви-пам’ятника Св. Андрія Первозванного у Саут Баунд Бруці відсвяткували храмове свято - 12/10/2015
6 грудня 2015 року у церкві-пам'ятнику Святого Апостола Андрія Первозванного відбулися урочистості з нагоди храмового свята. У цей гарний недільний та сонячний ранок перед Божественною Літургією на сходах храму діти Суботньої Школи, Староста Дмитро Козлюк, від імені Сестрицтва п. д. Леся Сівко із хлібом та сіллю та настоятель храму отець Юрій Сівко привітали Високопреосвященніного Митрополита Антонія. |
Memory Eternal: Deacon David Mascarenas - 12/09/2015
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Deacon David Mascarenas (of St. Anthony of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Las Cruses, NM) has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness on December 9, 2015. May his memory be eternal! |
Join Us for the First Annual CHRISTMAS AT THE SEMINARY - 12/09/2015
The Faculty and seminarians of our St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary are grateful for your financial support throughout the year and we hope that you join us for the inaugural “Christmas at the Seminary”. This event is open for the whole family on Saturday, December 12, 2015 from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Sophia Seminary (1950 Easton Avenue, Somerset, NJ). There will be drop-in Christmas-themed activities, ornament making and cookie decorating for the entire family. Light refreshments will also be served. |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship’s Real Break 2015 - 12/09/2015
Announcing Orthodox Christian Fellowship’s Real Break 2015 - during spring break! Real Break provides college students the opportunity to understand the true meaning of seeing Christ in others - traveling to all parts of the world deepening their faith, serving those in need, and cultivating relationships with like-minded peers. |
64th Anniversary of St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN! - 12/07/2015
The month of December is always special for the local Ukrainian Orthodox community in Arden Hills, MN dedicated to St. Katherine the Great, which anticipated with happiness and excitement a grand celebration of the holy fourth-century saint’s Godly life. This day also comes with reflection and thanksgiving on the sacrifice and ministry of the parish family that bears her name, and this formed the focus of the festivities this year. |
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, December 1 - 11/30/2015
Our Seminary is once again participating in the #GivingTuesday global charitable movement by encouraging the alumni, faculty, students, staff, clergy and all the faithful of the #UOCofUSA to kick-off the holiday gift-giving season with a donation to St. Sophia Seminary Fund. Giving Tuesday is the global day for giving back created in response to the commercialization and consumerism of the holiday season and as a reminder of the need to support nonprofit institutions like our own Seminary. |
St. Andrei Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Opens Its Doors Following the Formation of a New Parish Family - 11/28/2015
November 28, 2015 - Saturday following Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States of America became a true Thanksgiving Day for the parish family of St. Andrei Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Jamaica, NY. Both hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA traveled from the Metropolia Center of the Church (South Bound Brook, NJ) to the newly reestablished Orthodox family of Christians from various ethnic backgrounds. Greetings and joyful chanting in Ukrainian, Romanian, English, Church-Slovanic and Polish languages enabled faithful of Jamaica (New York Metropolitan area) to participate in a truly multinational Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel, who led the prayer service of the day. |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 43rd Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/25/2015
On Thursday, November 26, 2015 – the feast day of St. John Chrysostom, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, First Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA marks the 43rd anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Priesthood of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA through the laying on of hands of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine (of blessed memory). |
Students of St. Sophia Seminary Tour the St. Sophia Seminary Library at the Metropolia Center - 11/24/2015
On Wednesday, November 25, 2015 the current full-time student body of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary visited and toured the Seminary Library. Saint Sophia Seminary Library is located at the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, New Jersey. A presentation of the library, its holdings and most importantly how to check out a library book was presented to the gathered students by librarian, Pani Laryssa Bulya. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Visit Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Community of Baltimore, MD - 11/23/2015
On November 22nd, 2015 the parish family of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD celebrated its Feast Day with His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, His Grace Bishop Daniel and clergy from other parishes with their families, the parishioners, and guests. |
Ukrainian-American Community of NY Metropolitan Area Remembers Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine of 1932-1933 - 11/22/2015
As millions of Ukrainians throughout the world marked the 82nd Anniversary of Ukraine’s Genocidal Famine of 1932-1933, the walls of the 19th century St. Patrick Cathedral in New York, NY welcomed and were filled with thousands of people and solemn chanting of a Memorial service, honoring the memory of about 10 million people, the victims of the artificially created Genocide-Famine in Ukraine. |
16 January, 2016 – Caroling for Christ / Коляда для Христа - 11/20/2015
Annual Fall Retreat in Wilmington, DE - 11/20/2015
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Ukrainian Orthodox League Sponsors Their Annual Fall Retreat
On Saturday, November 14, Parishioners from Churches in Wilmington, DE, Dover, DE and Trenton, NJ gathered together at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Wilmington, DE to participate in our UOL sponsored Fall Retreat. Thirty-five people came in anticipation of hearing our Spiritual Father and Shepherd, His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony, deliver the opening address. |
19 March, 2016 - Growing in Orthodoxy ... Growing in Ministry - 11/16/2015
Metropolitan Antony Visits Wilmington, Delaware - 11/16/2015
On a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning, November 15, 2015, His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony, First Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Ruling Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy visited Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church. His Eminence was greeted at the door with roses by Grace Duncan who represented the youth of the Parish. |
Do not Like the Sin - 11/15/2015
How can one person see its sins and other person with similar sins can say I'm just a normal person, nothing is wrong with me? What happens when we are overloaded with "regular" sins, or the sins that every body else does. Find answers in this refrection. |
Our Prayers are with the People of FRANCE - Нарід Франції в Наших Молитвах - 11/14/2015
As terrorists continue their evil and barbaric attacks in France, we are once again forced to witness the resulting death on our television screens. It is difficult to believe that once again the actions of evil people force us to relive the moments of the terrorist attack upon our own people in the United States of America, with the loss in 2001 of nearly 3,000 human beings in the World Trade Center attack. |
2 April, 2016 — Lenten Retreat for Adults and Adolescents, Bethlehem, PA - 11/12/2015
Veterans Day Moleben Prayer Service - 11/12/2015
On November 11th, 2015 – the nation’s Veterans Day, at 11 o'clock in the morning upon the request of Ukrainian-American Veterans, Moleben service was held for all the Veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces. |
THE FUTURE OF OUR UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH: Strategic Plan Process is under way! - 11/11/2015
The Mission of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is to offer healing, comfort, wholeness, spiritual fulfillment and joy as we work together to reveal the beauty of God’s creation by proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. |
Observing Veterans Day with Thanksgiving and Prayer - 11/10/2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 is Veterans Day. On this day we remember all those who have served our great nation – the men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to defend our way of life and the values we hold dear, along with the freedom which guarantees that life and those values. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those killed in the line of duty, those suffering from the effects of their time of service during war and otherwise and, of course, all those who have retired from active duty. |
The First Lady of Ukraine Visits St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Silver Spring, MD - 11/10/2015
On Sunday, November 8, 2015, the entire Ukrainian Orthodox community of Metropolitan DC area was treated to a rare opportunity to welcome in their midst a special guest of honor. In the early hours of Sunday morning, Mrs. Maryna Poroshenko entered through the doors of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox cathedral in Silver Spring, MD in order to share in a prayer service for the fallen victims of Ukrainian Genocide. |
Ukrainian-American Community Dedicates Great Famine of 1932-1933 Memorial in US capital - 11/09/2015
A historic monument commemorating the millions of Ukrainians who died during a Soviet-era famine was unveiled on November 7, 2015 in the US capital, in a ceremony that brought back horrific memories for survivors. |
11-й Звичайний Собор Українських Православних Громад в Діаспорі відбувся в Мюнхені, Німеччина - 11/08/2015
Духовенство та віруючі з різних Українських Православних парафіяльних громад Франції, Німеччини, Австрії, Бельгії, Великобританії, Австралії та Нової Зеландії зібралися у Мюнхені, Німеччина для 11-го Звичайного Собору Української Православної Церкви в Діаспорі за участі духовенства та мирян з 30 жовтня – по 1 листопада 2015 року. |
"Молитва гоїть рани минулого" - у США молилися за жертв Голодомору. Відео - 11/08/2015
"Prayer Heals the wounds of the past" |
Veteran's Day 2015 - 11/06/2015
11am on 11 November — Moleben Service to honor All our Veterans. Service will be held in front of the Veteran's Monument. |
ASC Booster Club 2016 Calendars - 11/05/2015
27 May – 5 June, 2016 — Make ASC Sparkle - 11/05/2015
65th Anniversary Celebration St. Mary Protectress - Pokrova Parish, Rochester, NY - 11/01/2015
On a gray, chilly, misty morning of Sunday, October 25, 2015, the children of St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Rochester, New York, welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony with flowers, Parish Council President Lydia Dzus & Sisterhood President Zina Dzus-DeBole greeted him with the traditional bread & salt, welcoming him to the parish on the monumental occasion of the 65th Parish Jubilee. Then, Metropolitan Antony was greeted by parish rector, Rev. Ihor Krekhovetsky, along with visiting clergy from the Western New York Deanery, Rev. Yuri Kasyanov of Holy Trinity Parish, Cheektowaga; Rev. Mykola Andrushkiw of St. Luke’s, Warners; Rev. Vasyl Dovgan of St. Nicholas, Troy. |
11th Regular Sobor of Ukrainian Orthodox Communities in Diaspora Took Place in Munich, Germany - 11/01/2015
Clergy and faithful from various Ukrainian Orthodox parish communities from across France, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand gathered in Munich, Germany for the 11th Regular Clergy-Laity Gathering- Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora during the weekend of October 30 – November 1, 2015. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Meet with the Ecumenical Patriarch - 10/30/2015
On Thursday, October 30, 2015 His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and His Grace Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). |
Prayers for the Cancer Patients Offered at St. Andrew Memorial Church - 10/27/2015
It was mostly silent inside St. Andrew the First Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church on Monday evening (October 26, 2015) as roughly 100 parishioners stood in reflection of the spiritual and physical journey of many cancer patients for whom a healing prayer service – Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God – Healer of Caner was served by Bishop Daniel and chanted by the student body of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Bishop Daniel Visits Venerable Job of Pochaiv Parish Community in Los Alamos, NM - 10/26/2015
On October 24th and 25th, 2015, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the United States of America, made his first official visit to the parish of St. Job of Pochaiv parish family in Los Alamos, New Mexico. He presided over Great Vespers on Saturday evening and served the Divine Liturgy on the following morning, helping the parish family celebrate the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council. |
Akathist to the Mother of God Healer of Cancer - Акафіст до Божої Матері Цілительці від Захворювання на рак - 10/25/2015
Annually, the month of October is dedicated in our country to National Breast Cancer Awareness. On Monday October 26 at 7:00 p.m. come and join us for the celebration of the Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God “Healer of Cancer.” at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ... We invite all to come who are in need of the healing touch of the Mother of God. The hymns of this particular Akathist Service will console anyone who is suffering from cancer, or who has loved ones who are ill. Come and bring a friend for this Prayer Service that strengthens and gives hope during a time of suffering and pain. |
Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of New Jersey: Fall 2015 "Nashi Predky" Ukrainian Genealogy Conference - Great Success - 10/24/2015
2015 Annual Clergy Conference - 10/24/2015
Our UOC of the USA is blessed in so many ways; one of those blessings is our committed and God-loving bishops, deacons, and priests. While it is hard to carve out the time and find the money for it, they enjoy getting together each year at the Clergy Conference to renew friendships, share joys and sorrows, worship, and learn from conference speakers. This year the conference took on greater depth as it included the funeral services for V. Rev. Anatoliy Dokhvat, the priest of Sts. Peter and Paul parish in Millville NJ. |
Camp Manager vacancy - 10/22/2015
October 25th is College Student Sunday! - 10/22/2015
The Assembly of Bishops has designated the fourth Sunday of October, in conjunction with OCF’sOrthodox Awareness Month, as the date for College Student Sunday. For 2015, this falls on Sunday, October 25th. |
All Saints Camp Manager – Position Available - 10/22/2015
The Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA opens an active search for a Manager position of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp in Emlenton, PA |
Memory Eternal: Priest Anatoliy Dokhvat of blessed memory... - 10/20/2015
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God Very Rev. Fr. Anatoliy Dokhvat, pastor of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Millville, NJ. |
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Trenton, NJ Celebrates 96th Anniversary with Bishop Daniel - 10/19/2015
In the basement of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Sunday morning – October 18, 2015 - 8 women paused from cutting up bread, carrots and cantaloupe, stirring corn and mopping the floor to reflect on the celebration for which they were working so hard to prepare. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Award Ceremony for Vice President Joe Biden as the Recipient of the 2015 Athenagoras Human Rights Award - 10/17/2015
Upon the invitation of the Archons of the Order of St. Andrew, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel participated in the award ceremony in New York City on October 17, 2015, honoring the Vice President of the United States of America Joe Biden. |
2016 College Student Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 10/16/2015
Благодійна допомога з-за океану (Івано-Франківськ Новини) - 10/15/2015
Молитва в день свята Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці - 10/15/2015
14 вересня 2015р. у день свята Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці на цвинтарі Св. Андрія Первозванного в духовному осередку митрополії УПЦ США в Савт Бавнд Бруці, Н. Дж. була проведена панахида за загиблими воїнами УПА, які відстоювали волю і незалежність України. |
12 December, 2015 - Join the Seminary Students for the First Annual CHRISTMAS AT THE SEMINARY - 10/14/2015
Memory Eternal: Pani Matka Carole Hotrovich of Blessed Memory - 10/14/2015
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God Pani Matka Carole Hotrovich, wife of Fr. Peter Hotrovich of blessed memory. |
Bishop Daniel Visits the Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Sharon, PA - 10/12/2015
On Sunday, October 11, 2015, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the United States of America, made a pastoral visit to St John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sharon, Pennsylvania. He was accompanied by four seminarians from St. Sophia Seminary in South Bound Brook, New Jersey – Subdeacon Ivan Chopko, seminarians Mykola Zomchak, Mykhailo Bokalo and Ihor Protsak. The congregation was excited to have the honor of hosting their hierarch, but it was also the day for two of its faithful to be recognized. |
All Saints Camp Needs Your Help! - 10/06/2015
AXIOS – Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 30 Years of Archpastoral Service - 10/05/2015
Thirty years ago, October 6, 1985, His Eminence Metropolitan ANTONY was consecrated at St. Andrew the First Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ as bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Bishop Daniel Ordains Subdeacon Vasyl Shak to Deaconate - 10/04/2015
“I felt like I was in heaven, watching and participating in the Divine Liturgy with the ordination of a new Deacon,” Pavlo Symonchuk, a recent immigrant from Ukraine to Somerset/Bridgewater, NJ, was talking about the ordination to the Holy Deaconate on Sunday, October 4, 2015 at St. Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Ukrainian American Veterans National Monument Dedicated at the Spiritual Headquarters of the UOC of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ - 10/04/2015
For decades there has been a strong desire among the membership of the Ukrainian American Veterans (UAV) to construct a national monument that would pay tribute to the hundreds of thousands of Americans of Ukrainian ancestry who gave so much – in far too many cases their very lives – in service to the United States. |
Bізит єпископа Даниїла запам'ятається малечі школи св. Трійці надовго - His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits Cathedral Parish School in New York City - 10/03/2015
Ще минулого роки трьохрічна дітвора вивчала з книжечок, що “священник у високій золотій шапці” - це єпископ. А у суботу, 3 жовтня 2015 року, до Школи св. Трійці що у знаходиться у Манхетені при церкві св. Трійці, завітав єпископ Даниїл. |
3 October, 2015 - Ukrainian American Veterans to Bless National Monument-Memorial to Honor Ukrainian Americans Who Served in the United States Armed Forces - 10/02/2015
"Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors" Fall 2015 Conference - 09/30/2015
Faith and Photography Contest - Faith, Hope and Love - 09/30/2015
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce a new opportunity for the youth of our church to express their faith. The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry wants to encourage youth and young adults to explore their creative talents and to glorify God through art, with the 1st Annual Ukrainian Orthodox Church Faith and Photography Contest. Faith and Photography Contest - Faith, Hope and Love – submit by October 31, 2015. |
Bishop Daniel Attends a Meeting with the President of Ukraine - 09/28/2015
On Saturday, September 26, 2015 His Grace Bishop Daniel, representing His Eminence Metropolitan Antony took part in a formal meeting with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and his wife Maryna, who began the journey to the United States of America for the opening of the 70th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York City. |
Bishop Daniel Attends Inter-Faith Papal Gathering at NYC’s 9/11 Memorial - 09/25/2015
On Friday, September 25, 2015 with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Bishop Daniel represented the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at the gathering of some 700 people at the site of Ground Zero, led by the Bishop of Rome – Pope Francis, who paid tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims and those who responded to the worst attacks on US soil that killed nearly 3,000 people on September 11, 2001. |
3 October, 2015 - Ukrainian American Veterans to Bless National Monument-Memorial to Honor Ukrainian Americans Who Served in the United States Armed Forces - 09/24/2015
Orthodox Christian Fellowship - 2015/2016 College Conference - 09/24/2015
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official college ministry of the Assembly of Bishops and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. In addition to the on-campus ministry, they provide college students several national programs designed to bring our young people together in different capacities. College Conference is just such a program. Four days to meet fellow Orthodox students, deepen their faith, and create new and lasting friendships. |
Ride With Us - Bus Service to Holodomor Monument Dedication from the Metropolia Center - 09/23/2015
Bishop Daniel and St. Sophia Seminary Students Give a GIFT of LIFE – Donate Blood! - 09/23/2015
On Wednesday morning, September 23, 2015 several seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) following their regular calls schedule and being moved by the discussion in PPM301 Class- Filed Education Ministry Practicum (His Grace Bishop Daniel – Instructor) traveled to Robert Woods Johnson Medical Center in Somerset, NJ in order to respond to the appeal for Blood Donation. |
St. Mary’s in New Britain Celebrates 105th Anniversary with Metropolitan Antony - 09/23/2015
Beautiful autumn weather set the scene for Metropolitan Antony’s visit to New Britain, Connecticut, on September 20th, 2015. His Eminence led the congregation of St. Mary, the Nativity of the Mother of God, in celebrating our parish’s name day and its amazing 105th anniversary, alongside our pastor Very Rev. Father Andrii Pokotylo and Very Rev. Stephen Masliuk of St. Mary’s in Bridgeport, Connecticut. |
New Web Site of the Consistory Office of Religious Education - 09/23/2015
Welcome to the website of the Office of Religious Education of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Offering free resources to all individuals, families and parishes resources to understand the Faith delivered by Christ for the life of the world, and share it with their children, loved ones, and complete strangers for their salvation, which is our calling by baptism, chrismation and communtion. |
Calling All Young Adults - 09/23/2015
With the blessing of our hierarchs, we are excited to announce the formation of a New Young Adult Movement sponsored by the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. |
IOCC Race to Respond - Are You a Runner? - 09/23/2015
Are you a runner, cyclist, or triathlete? Are you participating in an athletic event and want to RACE TO RESPOND to the needs of those in need around the world? By fundraising while competing in an event, you can make a difference in the lives of those affected by manmade and natural disasters. Join TEAM IOCC now! |
Prayers Offered at Crypt of Patriarch Mstyslav - 09/22/2015
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony represented His All-Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, in response to the Ukrainian government’s invitation to participate in the official commemoration in Kyiv of the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Baptizer of Ukraine, St. Volodymyr the Great at the end of July this year. During this visit to the Ukrainian capital, the Metropolitan had the opportunity to meet briefly with Patriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC-KP). |
13th Annual Washington, DC Ukrainian Festival - 09/21/2015
For the last thirteen years, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral has hosted the Washington Ukrainian Festival. With the support of the Ukrainian Embassy and local organizations, this is a wonderful two-day celebration of Ukrainian culture. The reputation of the Festival has grown, and it is now established as one of the most popular traditional events in the metropolitan Washington DC area. This year the Festival took place September 19-20, and the weather was picture-perfect, with blue skies and temperatures in the 80’s. |
2015 Family Fest at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp - 09/20/2015
Family Fest at All Saints Camp this past Labor Day weekend was AMAZING! There were families and friends from near and far for a weekend full of fellowship, fun and relaxation! We had close to 100 people join us throughout the weekend for the various activities or just to say “Hello!” It was great to see old faces and new faces during the weekend! |
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America Issued a Message to the Faithful - 09/19/2015
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America Issued a Message to the Faithful - 09/19/2015
Microsoft Word - Assembly Message, 2015 Final.doc
Forty-five bishops assembled in order to recognize and affirm our unity in the Orthodox faith, to celebrate our communion in the Holy Eucharist, to recall what has been achieved in fraternal collaboration over the past year and reflect on the challenging work that lies ahead of us.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship - 2015/2016 College Conference - 09/18/2015
Assembly Convenes Sixth Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL - 09/16/2015
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened its sixth annual meeting Tuesday, September 15-17, 2015 in Chicago, IL with 45 hierarchs in attendance. The first day of the Assembly - 15 September, 2015 began with a celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Des Plaines, IL. |
2015-2016 New Academic Year at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - 09/14/2015
Early morning sun of September 14, 2015 streamed through glass windows bathing the Three Holy Hierarchs Ukrainian Orthodox Chapel in warm shades of gold as His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA and Consistory President entered the chapel and was welcomed by the faculty and students, seminarians and non-seminarians, as well as numerous visitors to the Seminary at the beginning of yet another year of study at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
100th Anniversary of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Troy, NY - 09/13/2015
On September13, 2015, St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Troy, NY celebrated the 100th Anniversary of its church building. This long awaited momentous milestone, for which parishioners all worked together tirelessly, began with voices raised in prayer. At the entrance of the church, all the children from the youngest to the oldest -- gathered with flowers in hand and smiles on their faces to greet His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community Prays for the Lost of 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack - 09/12/2015
Fourteen years have passed since the day that every person throughout the world, and in the United States of America in particular, felt the loss of human life from the hands of terrorists that hijacked several commercial airplanes and attacked the most sacred gift of God – the life of His creation. |
New 2015-2016 Academic Year at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orhtodox Theological Seminary - 09/10/2015
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, it is our pleasure and privilege to invite the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to join the student body of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary for the opening of New 2015-2016 Academic Year. |
15 September, 2015 - Pan-Orthodox Youth Gathering in Chicago, IL - 09/09/2015
2015-2016 Youth Ministry Certification Course - 09/08/2015
St. Sophia Theological Seminary and our own Office of Youth + Young Adult Ministry announce that enrollment for the 2015-2016 Youth Ministry Certification Course is now open! More information here: http://www.uocyouth.org/ymcertification.html |
Patriarchal Message for the New Ecclesiastical Year and the Day for the Protection of the Natural Environment - 09/07/2015
As everyone knows, September 1st of each year has been dedicated at the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate – and recently also by the Roman Catholic Church – as a day of prayer for the protection of the natural environment. On this day, we especially beseech the supreme God to gladden His creation so that human life therein may be joyful and fruitful. This prayer includes of course the petition that the inevitable natural climate changes may occur and be permitted within tolerable levels both for human survival and for the planet’s sustainability. |
UOC of the USA Delivers Assistance to Donetsk Region of Ukraine - 09/06/2015
A small village in Donetsk region of Eastern Ukraine became a recipient of a generous donation of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Society of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – 30 tons of coal was purchased in order to provide warm winter season environment for about 111 residents of a charitable elderly assistant living facility that provides residence for people that range in between 60-90 years of age. |
Communiqué of the Synaxis of the Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne - 09/05/2015
From August 29th to September 3rd, 2015, at the invitation and under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the venerable Hierarchy of the Ecumenical Throne, together with Hierarchs under its canonical charge, including the Autonomous Churches of Finland and Estonia as well as the Ukrainians and Carpatho-Russians under its protection, convened in Synaxis at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stavrodromion, Istanbul. |
Chicago, IL site of Assembly of Bishops’ Sixth Annual Meeting - September 15-17, 2015 - 09/04/2015
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America will hold its sixth annual meeting at the Hilton Chicago O’Hare Airport Hotel here September 15-17, 2015. |
2015 Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 09/04/2015
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the date for the winter missionary trip to Znamyanka Orphanage for the faithful of our Church. This trip will take place 20-27 December, 2015... The cost of the Mission Trip, which includes the flight, in country travel, lodging and food, is $2,500 (travel to and from New Jersey is NOT included). |
IOCC - Assemble a CWS School Kit to Help Needy Children Worlwide - 09/03/2015
Pencils, paper, crayons, ruler. For a few dollars and a few minutes of your time, you can make learning possible for a child in need. Assembling a school kit is easy: www.iocc.org/schoolkits |
Patron Saint for the Youth of the Church - 09/03/2015
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Offices of Youth & Young Adult Ministry would like to announce choosing a patron saint for the youth of our Metropolia. This program is designed to give our youth the opportunity to learn about teenage saints of the church and use their voice in selecting one of them to intercede on their behalf with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. |
Holy Land Pilgrimage 2015 - 09/03/2015
UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND and CONSTANTINOPLE With Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel 4 – 16 October, 2015. $3,695.00 per person from JFK airport. |
UPDATED: Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in Synaxis of Hierarchs of The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople - 09/02/2015
For five days (29 August - September 2, 2015), His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA along with Orthodox hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from all over the world gathered in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) in order to participate in a Synaxis (Assembly) of the Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate convened upon the invitation and under the Presidency of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. |
Patriarchal Message for the New Ecclesiastical Year and the Day for the Protection of the Natural Environment - 08/31/2015
As everyone knows, September 1st of each year has been dedicated at the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate – and recently also by the Roman Catholic Church – as a day of prayer for the protection of the natural environment. On this day, we especially beseech the supreme God to gladden His creation so that human life therein may be joyful and fruitful. This prayer includes of course the petition that the inevitable natural climate changes may occur and be permitted within tolerable levels both for human survival and for the planet’s sustainability. |
2015 Labor Day Weekend - All Saints Camp Family Fest - 08/29/2015
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Presents Awards to St. Sophia Seminary Instructors - 08/29/2015
Recognizing the generosity of time, talents and most importantly volunteer spirit of Anna and Francis Diamante, the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA presented both sisters with the newly established award in honor of Saint Petro Mohyla. The orden of Venerable Petro Mohyla – for outstanding service on the cultural or academic level – was awarded to Diamante sisters on Sunday, August 23rd 2015, as the local St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, prayerfully in the parish temple, and joyfully with the expressions of Ukrainian ethnic traditions and cuisine, honored the observance of the 24th Independence Day celebration of Ukraine. |
15 September, 2015 - Pan-Orthodox Youth Gathering in Chicago, IL - 08/27/2015
Ukrainian Orthodox League Executive Boards Hold First Quarterly Meeting - 08/26/2015
The newly elected Senior and Junior National Executive Boards of the Ukrainian Orthodox League held their first quarterly meeting on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook, New Jersey hosted by the St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Chapter of the Ukrainian Orthodox League. |
We remain in solidarity with our Orthodox, Catholic and other Faith leaders in Ukraine who have proved their devotion to their flocks in their steadfast prayer and ministry to those who sat on the cold cobble-stoned Maidan, and care for the wounded soldiers on the front-line in Eastern Ukraine and at the same time care for the refugees. |
Annual Celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day a Family Affair at Metropolia Center - 08/24/2015
The celebration of the 24th anniversary of Ukrainian Independence Day at our Metropolia Center was an event filled with joy and fellowship. Throughout the day cars full of people continued to arrive and join those already present. It was estimated that considering the 240 balloons sent up to “announce” the celebration, between the liturgical services and the family celebration over three hundred people participated. Especially noteworthy was the number of children present and participating in the concert – either the official concert – or the “non-official” dance concert presented by all the young children who “performed” on stage throughout the afternoon. These children were very happy to receive the ice cream and candy bars distributed by the Metropolitan and Bishop following the concert. |
24th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence - 08/23/2015
The Grace of God has brought Ukraine and all her faithful people to this, the twenty-fourth Anniversary of its exodus from the evil empire, its Declaration of Independence and the enjoyment of the fruits of freedom, righteousness and equality. Today our ancestral homeland faces another almost incredible challenge to this independence through the invasion of terroristic forces sponsored and supported, as the whole world knows, by the neighbor that simply cannot accept the loss of its illegal and illogical control domination the people-nation, which have been for that neighbor for over a millennium, the most profound example of spiritual, cultural and social life. |
24 October, 2015 - "Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors" Fall 2015 Conference - 08/20/2015
The Feast of Transfiguration of our Lord at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church – the “heart” of the UOC of the USA - 08/19/2015
For the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration (August 19), His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony presided over the liturgical services of the feast at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ. |
20th Anniversary of Priestly Service – a Priest’s Son Reflection - 08/16/2015
On Sunday, August 16, 2015 the entire parish family of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ gathered for a prayer service – Divine Liturgy – The Holy Eucharist – The Thanksgiving service for the years of pastoral service of Very Rev. Fr. Yuriy Siwko. |
Мир і благодать - 08/13/2015
Мир і благодать- це є Господь, любов і довершеність- це є Господь, світло для світу, Пастир добрий, що покладе голову за овець своїх, Трисвяте світло, яке освітлює і є захистом для тих, хто взиває Ім’я Боже,- це і є невичерпне джерело. Від Нього одержуємо все, що потрібно для життя і спасіння. |
Шлях.Істина. Життя: ЗЦІЛИ НАС, ВЕЛЕЛЮБНИЙ ЛІКАРЮ! - 08/13/2015
9 серпня парафія Святого Пантелеймона-цілителя Української Православної Церкви США в Брукліні, де настоятелем отець Микола Филик, відзначала храмове свято. Храмовий празник розпочався опівдні урочистою Архиєрейською службою, яку провели глава Української Православної Церкви США Митрополит Антоній, голова Консисторії УПЦ США Єпископ Даниїл, парох храму Св. Пантелеймона-цілителя отець Микола Филик разом зі священництвом інших американських українських православних церков та за участі семінаристів. |
Forgiving Others - 08/12/2015
C. E. Macartney, a Christian writer, has pointed out that when Leonardo da Vinci was about to paint his “Last Supper,” he had a quarrel with a fellow artist. He became so enraged that he decided to take his revenge by painting the face of his enemy into the face of Judas. He had determined to make the man go down in infamy. But when he came to paint the face of Christ, da Vinci could make no progress. Something was holding him back – his vengeful spirit. When he realized it, he painted out the face of Judas and began anew on the face of Christ which he finished with the success which the ages have acclaimed. Macartney comments: “You cannot at one and the same time be painting the features of Christ into your own life, and painting another face with the colors of enmity and hatred.” |
Family Fest Memory Slides - 08/11/2015
Family Fest Memory Slides 2014, application, great news |
UOC of the USA Stewardship Advisory Committee Meets to Develop New Stewardship Program - 08/10/2015
On Saturday, August 8th, the hierarchs called forth the newly-established Stewardship Advisory Committee of the UOC of USA, to formally launch this work. His Eminence Metropolitan Antony opened the meeting with a prayer commending to the Lord the work of the Committee and our broader stewardship efforts as a Church, and offered thoughtful remarks about the need to grow our understanding and practice of stewardship in the Church today, and the great potential that it holds for the entire Church. His Grace Bishop Daniel, as President of the Consistory, also committed his personal support and the resources of Consistory to the work of the Committee. Participants in the meeting also included Fr. Robert Holet, Director of the Consistory Office of Stewardship, Steve Revucky of St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Philadelphia, Pa., Stephanie Romedio of the Ss Peter and Paul parish in Youngstown, Ohio, Charles Sanderson of Four Evangelists mission in Bel Air, Maryland, and Lisa Ryan, of Ss Peter and Paul in Carnegie, Pa. Mark Host of St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Parma, Ohio participated in the meeting by phone. |
5-7 November, 2015 - OCAMPR 2015 Conference Speakers - 08/07/2015
Register for Clergy Conference 2015 - 08/06/2015
Храмове свято в Українському Православному Соборі св. кн. Володимира - 08/06/2015
Неділя 2 серпня видалась особливим днем для української православної парафії собору св. кн. Володимира і багатьох прихильників і друзів нашої громади. Як уже здавна повелося, храмовий празник – це не тільки святкування, але і вияв активного громадського і культурного життя парафії... Розділити радість парафіян, прихожан та гостей до нас прибув Преосвященніший владика Даниїл – єпископ Західної Єпархії Української Православної Церкви в Сполучених Штатах Америки та Предстоятель собору, який щойно у суботу ввечері прилетів до Чикаго прямо з України... Владика Даниїл поділився враженнями про ці події на проповіді під час Божественної Літургії та у приватних бесідах з парафіянами та гостями. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our July-August 2015 issue! - 08/05/2015
Memory Eternal: Pani-matka Ann Marie Natishan - 08/05/2015
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a pani-matka Ann Marie Natishan, a wife of the servant of God of blessed memory Fr. Peter Natishan, who served our St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox parish in McKees Rocks, PA. |
Exploring Faith, Hope, and Love as Christian Families - 08/04/2015
Families from as far away as Ukraine and as close to home as Pennsylvania came together in Christian community at All Saints Camp, located in Emlenton, Pennsylvania. 2015 was a year of fellowship; children who would never otherwise meet were given the opportunity to make friends with the same beliefs, parents could socialize with others who shared the great joy and responsibility of raising a child in the faith, and the Big Brother/Big Sister staff members could form ties with children and parents alike as they worked closely with families to make their experience at camp more enjoyable. Orthodox and Catholic, American and Ukrainian, the families brought their diverse backgrounds together and learned about living lives of Faith, Hope, and Love in the modern, secular world of the 2010s. |
Parish Feast Day in Chicago, IL - 08/02/2015
A memorable weekend was celebrated in Chicago, Illinois on 1-2 August, 2015. The cathedral parish community of St. Volodymyr in Chicago celebrated not only the patronal feast day, but also the ninety-ninth anniversary of prayerful witness of St. Volodymyr’s legacy among the Christians of his heritage. This year, the cathedral community also commemorated the 1000th anniversary of repose of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr. It was truly a special opportunity and time to celebrate these momentous occasions. |
Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel Meet with the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Mrs. Natalie Jaresko - 08/01/2015
On Friday morning, July 31, 2015 His Eminence Metropolitan Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, and His Grace Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA met with the Minister of Finance of Ukraine – Mrs. Natalie Jaresko in her office at the Cabinet of Ministers in Kyiv, Ukraine. |
Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel Deliver Additional 117,000HRV in Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine - 07/31/2015
Many Ukrainian Patriots are in the line of fire without proper medical support and training. International experience shows that 60% of deaths in combat are caused by critical bleeding, 30% from tension pneumothorax (the accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity due to chest wounds), and 10% from blocked airways. These three states – Critical bleeding, tension pneumothorax and blocked airways--require immediate attention before even seeing a doctor... Namely because of these facts that His Eminence Metropoliutan Antony, who recently traveled to Ukraine upon the invitation of the President of Ukraine, in order to participate in the observance of 1000 years of repose of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr, and His Grace Bishop Daniel, who visited Ukraine due to the academic theological advancement program of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orhtodox Theological Seminary, reached out to "Patriot Defence" organization, a humanitarian initiative of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) that began its activities in May 2014. |
On July 28-August 14 Ukraine celebrates 1027 years of Christianity. You can listen to the wonderful concert of sacred music here. - 07/29/2015
Порошенко зустрівся з представниками Вселенського Патріарха - 07/29/2015
Metropolitans of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Canada Visit Ukraine for the Observance of 1000 Years of the Repose of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr - 07/29/2015
Upon the Invitation of the president of Ukraine, the primates of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Canada, representing His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch, traveled to Ukraine on July 27-29, 2015 in order to participate in the observance of 1000 Years of the Repose of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr. |
68th Annual UOL Convention Concludes – Celebrating the Life of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostle Prince Volodymyr the Great - 07/27/2015
The 68th Annual UOL Convention came to a formal conclusion on Sunday, July 26, 2015, as the delegates gathered at Holy Assumption Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Northampton, PA for Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom concelebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel – formally marking the 1000 anniversary of repose of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr. Across the nation, numerous parishes of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA will be celebrating the life of St. Volodymyr on July 28th – the calendar feast day; however, having gathered representatives from various UOL chapters and parishes from across the United States – the Council of Bishops of the Church designated the formal Church’s celebration on a Sunday prior to the feast day. |
UPDATED: 68th Annual UOL Convention Continues – Day 2! - 07/25/2015
The second full day of the 68th Annual UOL Convention began with Morning Prayers at the hotel chapel. Upon the completion of the prayer service His Grace Bishop Daniel offered a short reflection on the importance of prayer and the utilization of the Convention’s prayer booklet by the missionaries of the Church and the impact of the prayers of the missionaries on the Orphanage Adoption program of the UOC of the USA. |
7-8 November, 2015 — Holodomor Memorial Dedication – Відкриття пам'ятника жертвам Голодомору - 07/24/2015
68th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention Convenes in Northampton, PA - 07/24/2015
The Senior UOL Chapter of the Dormition (Assumption) of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Northampton, PA have worked tirelessly over the last two years preparing for this memorable week of faith, fellowship and most of all, fun. That preparation is evident as the events of the first few hours have been thoughtfully conceived and flawlessly executed, thus welcoming over 100 delegates from various chapters from across the country. |
Metropolitan Council Meets At Metropolia Center - 07/23/2015
Our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Board of Trustees – the Metropolitan Council – held its semi-annual meeting at the administrative office – Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in Somerset, NJ on 23 July, 2015 to reflect upon the life of the various ministries of the Church and to set new goals for the upcoming new ecclesiastical year in the life of the Church. |
UOC of the USA Strategic Planning Meeting - 07/22/2015
On Wednesday July 22, 2015, a dedicated group of seven clergy and laity, initially appointed by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, representing various viewpoints were invited to meet for a day at the Consistory offices of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ, to discuss a vision of the Strategic Plan for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. The participants, led by Mr. Bill Marianes, brought with them a broad background of service to the Church, reflecting the diverse geography and perspectives of our Metropolia. The discussions were very positive, and all decisions were reached by consensus and with enthusiasm. |
Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel Participate in the XXIII SOBOR of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada - 07/20/2015
The conferences of the 23rd SOBOR of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada commenced on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 and until July 19, 2015 with the clergy and faithful gathering in Winnipeg, Manitoba at the Fort Garry Hotel in the La Verendrye Room to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the Chapel for the XXIII SOBOR. His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel participated in the proceedings of the XXIII Sobor, offering greetings and reflections throughout the sessions of the Sobor, thus expressing brotherly love of the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Metropolitan Antony Received Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox College of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada - 07/17/2015
On the third day of the XXIII Sobor – Clergy/Laity Congress of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada - Friday, July 17, 2015, at 6:00 pm over 170 guests gathered on the premises of Ft. Garry hotel in Winnipeg, Canada for the Convocation, Inauguration and Awards Ceremony of St. Andrew’s College of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.
St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Society Receives $25,000.00 Donation - 07/17/2015
Members of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Society participated in the unification celebrations of Pokrova and St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in Philadelphia... Члени Товариства Святого Андрія взяли участь у спільному святкуванні парафій Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці та катедри Св. Володимира в місті Філадельфія... |
ASC Family Fest! Sept. 4-7, 2015 – FANTASTIC NEWS! - 07/16/2015
A Note of Gratitude from Ukraine - Кілька слів подяки з України - 07/16/2015
In Znamyanka orphanage (Kirovograd region) there live about 120 children with severe diseases and disabilities from childhood. 80 of the children are without parental care or are orphaned. For most of the children, the orphanage is a home and all the children and staff of the institution are one large family, with Bishop Daniel (ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of USA) as their father. Workers of the orphanage together with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA put a lot of effort to create the necessary conditions to make the orphanage comfortable, warmth and hospitable. |
100th Anniversary Celebration of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Dixonville, PA - 07/14/2015
In the early 1900’s people from the Ukraine began to immigrate to the US to find for themselves a better way of life. This brought Ukrainian people to the Dixonville area of Western Pennsylvania to work in the coal mines. Because they yearned for their own church in which to pray, a group of Ukrainian men met and formed the first body of our church in 1915. After having services in a local home for four years, they built a temple that was used until 1988. Now a century later, St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Dixonville, PA is ready to embark on the next 100 years of their existence. |
UOC of the USA Offers yet Another Charitable Gift of Love - 07/06/2015
Fulfilling the mandate of the clergy and the faithful of the Ukrainian orthodox Church of the USA, and with the blessing of the primate of the UOC of the USA His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Vladyka Daniel, being in Ukraine on various assignments relating to the ministry outreach programs, visited Ivano-Frankivsk State Office building on July 4-5, 2015, meeting with the representatives of Ukrainian government as well as members of the families of the fallen and wounded soldiers of Ukraine. |
Bishop Daniel Attends US Independence Day Celebration in Kyiv, Ukraine - 07/02/2015
At the invitation of the US Ambassador and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA attended the celebration in Kyiv on July 2nd, 2015. |
Response of Assembly of Bishops to Obergefell v. Hodges - 07/02/2015
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America strongly disagrees with the United States Supreme Court decision of June 26, Obergefell v. Hodges, in which the Court invents a constitutional right for two members of the same sex to marry, and imposes upon all States the responsibility to license and recognize such “marriages.” |
Bishop Daniel Visits Diocesan Church School Camp - 06/29/2015
Over the weekend of June 26-28, 2015 His Grace Bishop Daniel, accompanied by the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) traveled to Emlenton, PA to visit the campers of the Diocesan Church School Camp at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp. |
Assembly of Bishops Statement on Marriage and Sexuality - 06/27/2015
The Orthodox Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality, firmly grounded in Holy Scripture, 2000 years of church tradition, and canon law, holds that marriage consists in the conjugal union of a man and a woman, and that authentic marriage is blessed by God as a sacrament of the Church. Neither Scripture nor Holy Tradition blesses or sanctions such a union between persons of the same sex. |
Bishop Daniel Visits St. Anthony of the Desert Mission, Las Cruces, New Mexico - 06/22/2015
His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, accompanied by Seminarian Ihor Protsak of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ), visited St. Anthony of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Las Cruces, New Mexico on the weekend of June 19-21, 2015. |
4-16 October, 2015 – Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Constantinople - 06/19/2015
Візит до Знам’янського дитячого будинку-інтернату - 06/19/2015
10 червня з візитом до Знам’янського дитячого будинку-інтернату перебував Єписком Даниїл від Української Православної Церкви США з благословення предстоятеля УПЦ США Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія. |
ASC Summer Raffle - 06/18/2015
ASC Needs 2015 - 06/18/2015
Assembly Executive Committee Meets with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Constantinople - 06/18/2015
Istanbul - On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew warmly received the Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America at the Phanar in Constantinople. |
Bishop Daniel Pays a Visit to Znamianka Orphanage in Kirovohrad Region of Ukraine - 06/12/2015
With the blessing of the spiritual father of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Bishop Daniel traveled to the remote areas of Central and Eastern Ukraine, delivering humanitarian aid to the refugees and wounded soldiers of the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Traveling through Znamianka region, Vladyka Daniel made a special effort to visit for a day the orphanage that has a special place in the heart of the charitable outreach ministry of the UOC of the USA. |
Twenty-Second Anniversary of Repose of Patriarch Mstyslav Remembered - 06/11/2015
Patriarch-Metropolitan Mstyslav (Skrypnyk) served our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for forty-three years as Archbishop, President of the Consistory and Metropolitan from 1950 to the day of his repose in the Lord on 11 June 1993.The twenty second anniversary of the repose of His Holiness Patriarch Mstyslav was commemorated at our Metropolia Center on Thursday, 11 June 2015. Members of the Consistory, friends, clergy and faithful of our church gathered to recall the incredible leadership and contributions the Patriarch made in the life of our Church, especially with the establishment of St. Andrew Memorial Center and Church Headquarters located in South Bound Brook – Somerset, NJ. |
Decision Reached by the Joint Meeting of the Committees for Dialogue - 06/09/2015
On June 8, 2015 in the Academic Hall of Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy at St. Michael's Monastery, a joint meeting of the Committees for Dialogue of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church took place, which resulted in the acceptance of the formal statement, addressing the importance of the joint efforts towards unity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, especially the unity of the UOC-KP and UAOC. |
→ Enter to Worship † Exit to Serve → - 06/07/2015
On June 7th, 2015 in St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, Johnson City NY – a fresh and sunny morning – many events took place that have enriched the Parish Family. During the sermon Metropolitan Antony shared what he read daily on signs on the driveway of one of the local churches of Hammond, IN where he served before his consecration: “Enter to worship” at the entrance and on the exit sign - “Exit to serve”. The Metropolitan compared the message there to the first Christians were very conscious of gathering together for prayerful service and then scattering for missionary work. This makes great imagery example for our parish as well. |
UOC of the USA Reaches Out to the Refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk Regions of Ukraine - 06/07/2015
Some 180 men, women and children became recipients of $30,000 collected by the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA as well the members of the Ukrainian National Women’s Organization and Ukrainian Heritage Club of Northern California that partnered with the UOC of the USA in delivering financial assistance to those in need, especially to the dislocated population of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. |
ТРІЙЦЯ – ЦЕ ЛЮБОВ - 06/06/2015
Минулої неділі Українська православна катедра Святої Трійці в Нижньому Мангетені відзначила храмове свято |
The Great Feast of Pentecost - 05/31/2015
The Feast commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, a feast of the Jewish tradition. It also celebrates the establishment of the Church through the preaching of the Apostles and the baptism of the thousands who on that day believed in the Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ. The Feast is also seen as the culmination of the revelation of the Holy Trinity. |
Stewardship Calling – 5th Sunday Series Special Pentecost Podcast Program - 05/30/2015
Want to laugh, learn and be inspired? This Sunday night (May 31st), from 8:00 p.m. until 9:30 pm (Eastern), tune into Ancient Faith Radio: http://www.ancientfaith.com/radio/live for a special live internet radio Stewardship Calling – 5th Sunday series broadcast. Hosted by yours truly, and joined by my priest and dear friend Father Barnabas Powell, we invite you to listen and call in (or join the chat room discussion) as we explore how you can discover and live your calling. |
Об’єднання Спільних Зусиль УПЦ США та СУА в Благодійній Допомозі Україні - 05/30/2015
В понеділок, 18 травня 2015, в Консисторії Центру Митрополії УПЦ США, Преосвященний Єпископ Даниїл зустрівся з Маріанною Заєць, Головою Союзу Українок Америки (СУА). На зустрічі були розглянуті спільні проекти Української громади в Сполучених Штатах Америки та спроможність різних благодійних організацій допомогти пораненим солдатам та біженцям, які стали жертвами збройного конфлікту на Україні. |
Memory Erternal - 05/27/2015
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God - Pani-Matka Anna Hankevych, of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH. |
19-20 September, 2015 - Washington Annual Ukrainian Festival - 05/26/2015
23-26 July, 2015 - 68th UOL Convention - 05/26/2015
Pentecost - 05/25/2015
On May 31st the Holy Orthodox Church celebrates Trinity Sunday also known as Pentecost in which the Church remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles as heard in Acts 2:1-4 “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” This feast day is called Pentecost because the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and it is called Holy Trinity Day because from this day the action of the Holy Trinity was revealed to the world and people learned to venerate and glorify the three Persons of the one God, the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. |
From Horrific Tragedy to Multiple Blessings - 05/23/2015
It was on Sunday afternoon, 25 August 2013, at St. Mary Protectress (Pokrova) parish, Philadelphia, PA – just a few hours after Divine Liturgy had been celebrated and the faithful members had departed to their homes – that TRAGEDY struck in the form of a fire caused by aging electrical wiring. The fire grew rapidly and spread to encompass the whole Church building and the parish social center and school. Parishioners, along with their priest, Fr. Volodymyr Khanas, began to gather to witness the horror. Fr. Taras Naumenko, of St. Vladimir Cathedral just a few miles away was also present and had informed Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel about what was happening and by the time our hierarchs arrive an hour later to comfort the parish family, it was a five-alarm fire, meaning that five fire companies were working diligently to put an end to the fire. Unfortunately, the buildings were completely destroyed. |
UOC of the USA and UNWLA Joint Charitable Outreach in Ukraine - 05/22/2015
On Monday, May 18, 2015 His Grace Bishop Daniel met with Mrs. Marianna Zajac, President of the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) at the Consistory Offices of the Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Єпископ Даниїл відвідав поранених солдатів Української Армії в Військовому Госпіталі міста Львова - 05/14/2015
Коли ми чуємо про жертв війни, ми схильні думати про тих, хто не повернувся додому. Ми не задумуємося над тим, що багато з тих, хто служить в армії повертається додому з пораненнями різних видів та ступенів... Для духовенства, для вірних Української Православної Церкви США та особливо для Єпископа Даниїла, який служив капеланом на військовій базі Армії США, робота з пораненими солдатами, допомагаючи чоловікам і жінкам Збройних Сил знову повернутися до нормального способу життя, є ціллю, яка вийшла поза рамки просто фінансової допомоги – і стала індивідуальним та особистим підходом любові та турботи, чому не має ціни. |
Bishop Daniel Visits Wounded Soldiers of Ukrainian Army at the Military Hospital in Lviv, Ukraine - 05/12/2015
When we hear about casualties of war, we tend to think about those who don’t return home. But many in the military do return home with wounds of various types and degree…For the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, and especially His Grace Bishop Daniel, who served as a chaplain at the US Army Military Base, working with the wounded soldiers, helping the men and women of the Armed Forces to re-adjust back to normal life settings, has been a task that goes beyond monetary donations – but takes a personal approach of love and care that very often is priceless. |
Bishop Daniel Visits Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in San Francisco, CA - 05/07/2015
For many weeks parishioners of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in San Francisco, CA, have been looking forward to His Grace Bishop Daniel’s visit to the parish for the Founders Day Celebration of the parish family... Finally the long awaited weekend arrived – Vladyka Daniel and Subdeacon Volodymyr Yavorskyi of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary arrived from the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ and directly at the airport they were greeted by the members of the parish community. |
6 June, 2015 - All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - 05/06/2015
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp Annual Meeting All Saints Camp Annual Meeting will be held at All Saints Camp on Saturday, June 6, 2015. The meeting will begin at 11:00 AM and will be conducted at the Dining Hall. |
Seminarians of the Church Fulfill the Mandate of the Faithful to Aid the Needy of Ukraine - 05/06/2015
Six seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ gathered together at the main dining hall of the Seminary in the evening hours of May 6th, 2015 in order to accomplish the task of packing over 600 lb. of clothing and toys for the children Ukrainian orphanages that are sponsored by the UOC of the USA as well as clothing for the refugees from Eastern Ukraine. |
Храмове свято в церкві Святого Юрія Переможця в Ярдвілі - 05/06/2015
Третьoгo травня Бог дарував Храмове свято і чудову погоду для парафіян i гостей церкви Святого Юрія Переможця в Ярдвілі. До парафії завітав Митрополит Антоній у супроводі п'яти семінаристів. Разом з парафіянами поважного гостя зустрічали учні школи Українознавства. Діти встелили дорогу Владиці запашними трояндовими пелюстками, а хлопці прислужники чекали на нього в церкві. Вони одяглися в стихарі і виглядали дуже щасливими від почуття виявленого до них довір’я і честі допомагати в святковому Богослужінні. |
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - 05/05/2015
Christ is Risen!
Each and every one of us can relate to what it is like to be thirsty. When we are thirsty we drink something – water, coffee, tea…we drink something until we are no longer thirsty. But what happens? After time, we become thirsty once again. As human beings we will always need to drink something in order to live. We also know (or should know) that we are not perfect, especially when we look at ourselves spiritually. In fact, we can say that we have a spiritual thirst, just like the Samaritan woman we find in the Gospel lesson for this Sunday. Just like this woman, we go back to the “well” over and over again in life. The “well” in this case, can be used as a metaphor that can mean anything in our life that we continually return back to – something that we do not receive any long term reward or satisfaction. |
РУХ ЗА ВИЖИВАННЯ УКРАЇНИ: Якщо не ми, тоді хто? Якщо не зараз, тоді коли? - 05/04/2015
Мільйони невинних українців страждають через конфлікт з Росією. Іноземне вторгнення зруйнувало безліч життів. Рік тому сім’ї, які жили мирно, мали роботу і працювали 40 годин на тиждень, возили своїх дітей на футбол та балет, сьогодні залишилися бездомними, бідними, каліками, овдовілими та сиротами. Їхнє життя зруйновано і тепер вони мусять покидати свої міста, які колись були повні життя, залишаючи позаду все, що вони нажили, беручи з собою тільки те, що можна помістити у валізку, та вирушати у невідоме та небезпечне майбутнє. |
St. Sophia Seminary Fundraiser During the Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 05/04/2015
During the annual St. Thomas Sunday pilgrimage to the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, New Jersey, the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (also located on the grounds of the Metropolia Center) embarked on a fundraising effort in order to raise funds towards the recent, and needed, renovations of the Seminary. |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Visits Boston, MA - 05/01/2015
On Sunday, April 26, 2015, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston was honored to have a visit from His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. The Metropolitan was greeted with flowers by the children of the parish, bread and salt by Parish Board President, Jane Yavarow and the holy cross by Fr. Roman Tarnavsky. With the intoning of “Christ is Risen” he began the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Responses were offered by the dedicated members of the parish choir. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Metropolitan Antony invited everyone outside for a group photo. |
Save Ukraine Now CAMPAIGN - 04/29/2015
Christ taught us to love our neighbor, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take in the stranger. Today we have the perfect opportunity to heed His words and help Christ, by helping those in need. On April 29, 2015, His Grace Bishop Daniel, Consistory President and Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. joined a distinguished panel of guests among which were General Wesley K. Clark (retired), Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, and former presidential candidate to launch the “Ukraine Survival Campaign”. |
1-8 August, 2015 - High School Mission Trip - 04/28/2015
911 for All Saints Camp - 04/28/2015
A Joyous Return! - 04/28/2015
The Consecration of Saint Michael’s in Woonsocket, Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, and the Ordination of Deacon Michael Abrahamson |
Єпископ Даниїл відвідав місійну громаду Св. Тройці, міста Сіетл - Bishop Daniel Visits the Ukrainian Orthodox Community in Seattle, WA - 04/27/2015
Минулих вихідних, в суботу 25 та неділю 26 квітня, Його Преосвященство, Єпископ Даниїл виконуючи свій Архіпастирський обов’язок відвідав місійну громаду Св. Тройці, міста Сіетл, штат Вашингтон, яку від доручив в опіку отцю Андрію Матлак. Візит Архієрея завжди є радісною подією для громади. В цьому випадку радість була подвійною, як для громади так і для сім’ї отця Андрія: для отця Андрія та добродійки Надії – тому, що сам Владика приїхав щоб Охрестити та Миропомазати їхню новонароджену донечку Єлизавету; для парафіян – тому, що вони мали можливість помолитися та поспілкуватися з Владикою на протязі двох днів і тому, що їхня громада поповнилася ще однією Православною Християнкою (Новохрещеною Єлизаветою). |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Farewell Reception in Honor of Ambassador of Ukraine - 04/25/2015
On April 23, 2015, the Diplomatic Corps of Ukraine hosted a send off for one of its very own, the Ukrainian Ambassador Oleksander Motsyk. Ambassadors, government officials, representatives of Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic Churches, leaders of Ukrainian-American community and other distinguished guests gathered at the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States of America in Washington, DC in formal fashion to bid the guests of honor, Mr. Motsyk and his family, farewell. Mrs. Natalia Motsyk joined her husband in a meet and greet among guests, with the members of the Embassy’s staff by their side. |
2015 High School Mission Trip - 04/24/2015
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Offices of Youth & Young Adult Ministry and Christian Charity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce its missionary trip for High School aged teenagers to the St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI. The High School Mission Trip will take place August 1 - 9, 2015. As you know, St. Michael's experienced a devastating fire to their church building in November 2014. |
2015 Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Camping Programs - 04/23/2015
We are pleased to announce the schedule for the 2015 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Season at All Saints Camp - "I Am. " Applications for campers and staff are now available. |
Egg decoration, Малюємо писанки - 04/22/2015
Missionary to Kenya – Dr. William Black - 04/22/2015
That I would end up an Orthodox missionary was not an option on my event horizon when I first began to formulate a plan for my life. First of all, I grew up in a Protestant home – Presbyterian to be precise. While family interests biased me towards medicine or the sciences, my fascination and training, however, was in history which, however interesting, does not make for an easy career path. And I was a musician to boot, playing the viola in orchestras and ensembles. Unexpectedly, the missionary option intruded itself on my list of possibilities for my life towards the end of my college career. I was by then a sincere Evangelical involved in a campus Christian fellowship. The summer before my senior year, I exchanged my studies in Medieval and Renaissance History at Duke University for living in the rural areas of Kenya with a Kenyan pastor and his family as part of a short-term mission trip in 1980. Those three brief months changed my life. |
2015 St. Thomas Sunday-Provody: Weekend Pilgrimage to South Bound Brook, NJ – Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 04/19/2015
It was one of the most beautiful weekends we have seen for years in terms of weather that drew numerous visitors of Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic faithful to the Metropolia Center of the Church. This year’s event took place on 18-19 April and was inaugurated with the service of Divine Liturgy in St. Andrew Memorial Church on Saturday morning. During the Liturgy commemorations were made for all those buried in St. Andrew Cemetery. |
18-19 April, 2015 - Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/16/2015
The Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, the clergy and the Office of Youth Ministry encourage children and youth of our Holy Metropolia to enrich their lives by participating with their parents and family members in the various liturgical services, especially the Holy Mystery of Confession and the Holy Eucharist during this year’s Holy Pilgrimage. |
Holy Week and Pascha Photos from Parishes - 04/15/2015
2015 Malta Scholarship - Undergraduate and 2015 Paleologos Scholarship - Graduate Levels Available - 04/13/2015
Applications for scholarships administered by the Office of the Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America are available for awards to be made for the 2015-2016 academic year. The deadline for submitting an application for any of these scholarships is April 27, 2015. |
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Celebrates Pascha with the Archpastor of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 04/12/2015
The liturgical services began in total darkness, as His Grace Bishop Daniel chanted the announcement of Resurrection and carried out the flame from the tomb of the Savior, which was brought from Jerusalem to St. Volodymyr’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL!... This year, more than 500 men, women and children were welcomed to the cathedral’s temple during the Pascha Midnight service. The Boyan choir under the direction of Volodymyr Popowych led the chanting of the entire liturgical cycle of the services, thus spiritually uplifting those in attendance. Faithful from all over Chicago Metropolitan area arrived to the cathedral in order to share of joy of Pascha with people of various age groups and immigrations to the United States of America. Chanting the Gospel narrative at the Liturgy, the Word of God was proclaimed in 18 languages, thus offering a bit of Christ’s presence to the representatives of Ukrainian, Serbian, Belorysyn, German, Greek, Antiochian and other ethnic communities. |
2015 Paschal Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 04/12/2015
On this joyful and holy day of the Most-glorious and Divine Resurrection of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, we extend most heartfelt greetings to all you Orthodox Christians with the feast of the Lord’s Pascha! The magnificent feast of the Resurrection of Christ calls all of us to consider again the eternal treasures of Christian teaching and offers a golden opportunity to fill our hearts with goodness and love for God and neighbour. The Resurrection of Christ unites us all through faith in the victory of light over darkness, goodness over evil and life over death. The Holy Apostle James reminds usthat “as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (Jam 2:26)And so, on these joyful days of Pascha, we should endeavourwith especial diligenceto prayerfully alleviate the suffering of those oppressed by sorrow, encourage the downcast, perform acts of mercy, loveand compassion, and help those in need, who are waiting for us to offer our aid. |
Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom - 04/11/2015
If any man be devout and loves God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore.
Якщо хто благочестивий і любить Бога, нехай насолодиться цим світлим торжеством. Якщо хто раб благорозумний, нехай увійде, радіючи, у радість Господа свого. Якщо хто потрудився, постячися, нехай прийме нині винагороду. Якщо хто від першої години працював, нехай отримає нині справедливу заплату. Якщо хто після третьої години прийде, дякуючи, нехай святкує. Якщо хто після шостої години з'явився, нехай не засумнівається, тому що нічого не втратив. |
Encyclical of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for the Feast of Holy Pascha 2015 - 04/11/2015
Great and Holy Saturday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/11/2015
On Holy Saturday, His Grace Bishop Daniel once again presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL, during which numerous faithful of Chicago Metropolitan area prayerfully gathered to reflect upon the great Mystery of salvation of the Crucified Savior. The pastor of the cathedral parish family Very Rev. Fr. Ivan Lymar assisted Vladyka Daniel. |
Great and Holy Friday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/10/2015
On Good and Holy Friday, the most somber day of the liturgical year, about 200 parishioners, relatives and members of the community at large gathered in Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, IL, in solemn witness of the sacrifice of the Lord in order to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
OCMC News - 2015 OCMC Mission Team Opportunities Now Available! - 04/10/2015
Consider joining an OCMC Orthodox Mission Team in 2015 and serving our Holy Orthodox Church’s unending mission effort that all people may come to know the saving love of our Lord. Be a living witness and teach the faith in Indonesia, Moldova, or Kenya; assist building efforts in Guatemala or Kenya; spread the Gospel in Albania; work with youth in Alaska, Moldova, or Albania; offer healthcare in Uganda or Guatemala; or offer your talents on other OCMC Teams. Applications and details are available online at http://www.ocmc.org/about/open_teams.aspx or by calling the OCMC at 1-877-463-6787 ext. 141. |
Holy Thursday Liturgical Services with His Grace Bishop Daniel in Chicago Deanery - 04/09/2015
There are four events commemorated on Thursday of Holy Week: the washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Holy Mystery of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas... The faithful of Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA were blessed to experience all four of these sacred commemorations, while attending the liturgical services of the day at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL. |
Holy Unction Service at Sts Peter and Paul UOC Served by the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, His Grace Bishop Daniel and the Clergy of Chicago Deanery - 04/08/2015
There is no man on the earth, who would not benefit from receiving healing. We are all in a need of some type of healing, either physical or spiritual; especially after the strain of “not so happy events” that have shaken our country and shaken the whole world… We have fallen into a spiritual distress. Pastors of various religious congregations have been encouraging laity to seek spiritual healing. One after the other has been reminding their faithful of the importance of wellbeing of one’s soul. Our Holy Orthodox Church, besides providing healing through the comforting words of its clergy provides spiritual healing through miracle working sacraments: Holy Confession, Holy Eucharist and in particular Holy Unction. |
4-7 September, 2015 — Think ASC Family Fest! - 04/07/2015
Great and Holy Monday, Tuesday, And Wednesday - 04/06/2015
The first part of Great Week presents us with an array of themes based chiefly on the last days of Jesus' earthly life. The story of the Passion, as told and recorded by the Evangelists, is preceded by a series of incidents located in Jerusalem and a collection of parables, sayings and discourses centered on Jesus' divine sonship, the kingdom of God, the Parousia, and Jesus' castigation of the hypocrisy and dark motives of the religious leaders. The observances of the first three days of Great Week are rooted in these incidents and sayings. The three days constitute a single liturgical unit. They have the same cycle and system of daily prayer. The Scripture lessons, hymns, commemorations, and ceremonials that make up the festal elements in the respective services of the cycle highlight significant aspects of salvation history, by calling to mind the events that anticipated the Passion and by proclaiming the inevitability and significance of the Parousia. |
Archpastoral Palm Sunday Visit to St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 04/05/2015
On the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most joyous feasts of the year. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem following His glorious miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Having anticipated His arrival and having heard of the miracle, the people when out to meet the Lord and welcomed Him with displays of honor and shouts of praise. On this day, the Orthodox Christians receive and worship Christ in this same manner, acknowledging Him as our King and Lord. To celebrate this great feast of the Church year St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH was blessed to welcome among their midst their spiritual father and the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – His Grace Bishop Daniel. Very Rev. Fr. John Nakonachny, pastor, and Very Rev. Fr. Michael Hontaruk, assistant pastor, concelebrated along with Bishop Daniel. The choirs sang beautifully under the direction of Markian Komichak. |
Metropolitan Antony Visits St. Nicholas UOC Parish in Charlottesville (Greenwood), Virginia - 04/03/2015
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Charlottesville received a special blessing during this last week of Great Lent, when we welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, accompanied by sub-deacons Ivan Chopko and Volodymyr Yavorskyi from St. Sophia Theological Seminary. Their weekend visit, even with the long drive from South Bound Brook, allowed them to avoid a threatening spring snow approaching the northern states! While in our midst, His Eminence not only spent time with parish priest Fr. Robert Holet, presiding over Saturday evening Vespers and a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, but he fully immersed himself in the life of the parish. |
Archpastoral Visit of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh, PA - 03/31/2015
Sunday March 29th was a special day for the members of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. On that day His Grace Daniel, Ruling Bishop of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in USA visited our parish. |
UOC of the USA Participates in IOCC Syrian Relief Fund Raising in Pittsburgh, PA - 03/31/2015
On Sunday, March 29, 2015 the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Pittsburgh Metropolitan Committee held a Vespers prayer service and fund raising dinner benefitting Syrian brothers and sisters in Christ. This Syrian Relief gathering of about 500 people was held at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh, PA. |
2015 Ukrainian Orthodox Camping Ministry! - 03/26/2015
Bishop Daniel Visits St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, IL - Відвідини Владикою Даниїлом Свято-Володимирського Кафедрального Собору - 03/23/2015
Неділя 22 березня, 2015 р. була незвичайною для громади Українського Православного Кафедрального Собору св. кн. Володимира у Чикаго. У цей день Преосвященніший Єпископ Даниїл завітав до своєї боголюбивої пастви. І хоч після тижневого потепління наші сподівання на скорий прихід весни начебто розвіялися, настрій присутніх у нашому храмі був піднесений та по-весняному бадьорий. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Meet With the Ecumenical Patriarch - 03/22/2015
Following the conclusion of the plenary sessions of the annual meeting of the Permanent Conference of the Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine, the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA traveled to the ancient city of Constantinople in order to hold an audience with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on March 16-18, 2015. |
"Nashi Predky" 2015 Genealogy Workshop a Resounding Success - 03/21/2015
The participants in the Center's Family History Group "Nashi Predky - Our Ancestors" 2015 spring workshop that took place on March 21 received information and research tools to help answer some of those questions. Nearly 40 people took part in this truly international event, with attendees and speakers from Canada, Poland, and Ukraine, as well distant US locations such as central Pennsylvania, Ohio, Chicago, and Minneapolis. |
"Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors" Spring 2015 Genealogy Workshop - 21 March, 2015! - 03/19/2015
Join the Historical and Educational Center for its annual half-day Family History Group workshop... Join expert speakers Aleksandra Kacprzak and Michael Buryk on an exploration of Ukrainian-American history for genealogists and the history and archival resources for ethnic Ukrainians in Poland. |
Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary Learn How to Make Traditional Ukrainian Pysanky - 03/18/2015
Every year before Pascha (Easter), the Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ attend a workshop on creating traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs, called pysanky. |
21 March, 2015 - Workshop - Ancient Ukrainian Icons on Glass - СТАРОВИННА УКРАЇНСЬКА ІКОНА НА СКЛІ - 03/11/2015
Georgian Orthodox Bishop Sava Visits Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 03/09/2015
On the third Monday of Great Lent, the feast day of Venerable Erasmus of the monastery of Kyiv Caves - March 9, 2015, His Grace Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA received in the spiritual center of the Church His Grace Bishop Sava, a Ruling Hierarch of the Georgian Orthodox Diocese of North America. |
Fraternal Encounter of the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox and Ukrainian Catholic Churches of North America - 03/05/2015
A fraternal encounter of the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches of North America was held from March 3-5, 2015 in Clearwater, FL... Братерська зустріч ієрархів Української Католицької та Української Православної Церков Північної Америки відбувалася 3-5 березня цього року у місті Клеарвотер, Флорида (Clearwater, FL). |
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine Meets - 03/05/2015
Following the week long trip to Ukraine, marking the First Anniversary of the Repose of the Heavenly Hundred during the tragic events of February 18-20, 2014 in Kyiv, Ukraine and still being moved by the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and throughout the world, the hierarchs of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine convened their annual meeting on 2-4 March, 2015 in Clearwater, FL. |
22 March, 2015 - Ukrainian Pysanka Workshop! - 03/02/2015
Protopresbyter Michael Kudanovych of Blessed Memory! - 03/02/2015
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Protopresbyter Michael Kudanovych has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness on 28 February, 2015. |
21 March, 2015 - "Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors" Spring 2015 Genealogy Workshop! - 03/01/2015
18-19 April – St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - Фомина Провідна Неділя - 03/01/2015
Come and share in the light, grace and Gospel of the Risen Lord with others! Прийдіть розділити світло, радість і благовість ВОСКРЕСЛОГО ХРИСТА! |
Great Lent Giveaway 2015 - 03/01/2015
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, the GLG of 2015 will benefit the refugees of the Ukraine Conflict through the Ukrainian Aid Fund of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. The Ukrainian Aid Fund was established by the Hierarchs of our archdiocese following the tragic events in February 2014 when one hundred individuals lost their lives. This year we are asking that all youth of our church support this effort by helping to raise funds for and awareness through the Great Lent Giveaway about those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Our financial goal is to raise $3,000 for this program. |
Sunday of Orthodoxy 2015 - 02/28/2015
At the onset of our journey to Holy Pascha, the Church designates the first Sunday of Holy and Great Lent as the Sunday of Orthodoxy... Beloved brothers and sisters, perhaps now more than ever before, it is important to declare our Orthodox Christian Faith, for the world is suffering and desperately searching for peace and reconciliation. As the world produces distorted images of the truth, we must share the beauty of the Gospel. As the world resorts to violence and hatred, we must respond with love and forgiveness. And as the world falls deeper into despair, let us ask God to grant us courage to endure and to allow us to serve as icons of hope for our neighbor. |
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Visit Wounded Soldiers of Ukrainian Army at the Military Hospital in Lviv, Ukraine - 02/22/2015
“Please, stay with us for another moment and offer us a blessing…” These were the words of one of the wounded soldiers at Lviv Regional Military Hospital which was visited by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel on Sunday, February 22, 2015 following their arrival to Lviv. |
The UOC of the USA Delegation Meets with the Church Leaders of Ukraine and the Ambassador of the United Sates of America in Ukraine - 02/21/2015
The third day – Thursday, 19 February, 2015 – of the current visit of our UOC of USA delegation to Ukraine as part of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine (PCB) to the various ecclesiastical jurisdictions in Ukraine was an extremely busy one with very important discussions and prayerful homage to important Ukrainian memorials. |
Delegation of the UOC of the USA Visits "Heavenly Hundred" memorial as well as LOGOS Center and Homeless Shelter in Kyiv, Ukraine - 02/18/2015
Following the formal meeting with the President of Ukraine and the Nationwide Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, the delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA spent the first full day in Ukraine – February 18, 2015, visiting the site of a year long tragedy – a place of slaughter of innocent protestors, people of good will of HEAVENLY HUNDRED. |
President of Ukraine Held a Meeting with the Members of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine and the Nationwide Council of Churches and Religious Organizations - 02/17/2015
On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko held a meeting with the Nationwide Council of Churches and Religious Organizations of Ukraine at the Presidential Administration in Kyiv, Ukraine. Upon the invitation of President of Ukraine, the hierarchs of the Permanent Conference of the Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine participated in the meeting. |
St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day Celebration with Bishop Daniel! - 02/14/2015
On Thursday, February 12, 2015 - Three Holy Hierarchs – St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian – Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary was filled with incense and chanting of festal verses as local clergy and faithful joined the faculty and student body of the Seminary to celebrate the Chapel’s Patron Feast Day. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 02/14/2015
Commemorating the First Anniversary of the Repose of the Heavenly Hundred during the tragic events of February 18-20, 2014 in Kyiv, Ukraine - Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США з приводу першої річниці масового вбивства в Києві 18-20-го лютого, 2014 р. |
Стрітення - 02/13/2015
Стрітення святкують на 40-й день після народження Ісуса Христа. Ще в Старому Заповіті закон постановляв принести дитину для очищення в Храм хлопчика до 40 днів, а дівчинку до 80 днів. Дати в знак подяки Богові ягня чи горлицю. |
Council of the Metropolia Completes Annual Meeting - 02/10/2015
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony called the Annual Council of the Metropolia meeting to order on Thursday, 5 February in the HEC Exhibit Annex of the Ukrainian Cultural Center and led the members in prayer for all the clergy and faithful of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Following the invocation, His Eminence offered a meditation for consideration by the Council members, which was meant to guide the decision making process of the meeting. The theme of the meditation was “Trust in God” – under all circumstances – positive or negative. Such trust has always been expressed and exhibited by the leadership and faithful of our Church throughout its history from the Baptism of the Ukrainian nation in 988. Even when confronted with threats, catastrophes, suppression, oppression, genocide, secularism – all similar to the faithful Job of the Old Testament – faith and trust in God’s love for all mankind has resulted in the continued existence of the Church in Ukraine and here beyond her borders. |
Two Orthodox Communities Offer Prayers for the People of Ukraine and Georgia - 02/09/2015
Two Orthodox communities that share much of modern day history gathered together over the weekend of the Sunday of Prodigal Son (February 7-8, 2015) for the prayerful celebration of the Holy Eucharist, as a sign of mutual love, respect in the midst of tension in their ancestral homelands. |
Statement of the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago - 02/08/2015
The Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago, at which Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is represented by His grace Bishop Daniel, issued a formal statement addressing the atrocities perpetrated by ISIS in the recent beheading of two Japanese citizens and the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot. |
Students of St. Sophia Tour the Seminary Library - 02/08/2015
On Monday, February 2, 2015 the students of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary were beginning their day like any other school-day. They began their day with Divine Liturgy at 7:00 am in the Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel in the Seminary. After Liturgy they had breakfast and started their classes. |
St. Sophia Seminary Welcomes New Students from Ukraine! - 02/07/2015
On January 28, a big event happened at Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - four new students arrived from Ukraine. Before their arrival, the seminary as a whole was preparing for their arrival... On the 28th, His Grace Bishop Daniel returned to New Jersey with the four new students: Taras Kaluzny, Yurii Bobko, Tadey Surak, and Ihor Protsak. |
8 February, 2015 - Orthodox Scout Sunday - 02/03/2015
On Sunday, February 8, 2015, Scouts all over the United States will celebrate National Scout Sunday. Scout Sunday is an annual event among all faiths which recognize the good work that is done by Scouts in our religious communities. The observance of Scout Sunday tradition was started years ago to make people in the church aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out of what is pledged each week. The Scout Law says that a “Scout is Reverent” and the Scouts of all ages promise to do their “Duty to God”. These values strengthen youth character in their family, community and faith. That is why this Sunday is set aside to honor God and to remind us that we are all His Creatures and made in His Image or more precisely - to image (reflect) Him to the world. |
Souper Bowl Sunday 2015 is FEBRUARY 1, 2015! - 02/01/2015
On Sunday, February 1st, numerous people across the country will gather to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. We are truly so fortunate to enjoy God’s blessings; this is the perfect opportunity to remember and to share with the less fortunate. Again this year, the Ukrainian Orthodox League requests that all UOL Chapters take a collection, and/or host a fundraising meal to support Saint Andrew’s Society’s Soup Kitchens in Ukraine. With the blessing of your pastor and in cooperation with the parish administration, we request you distribute the brochures, sharing them with the faithful. |
February 12, 2015 - St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day! - 02/01/2015
Join the Student Body of St. Sophia Seminary for the celebration of the Feast Day of Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel |
Pan-Orthodox College Retreat - 02/01/2015
The Antiochian Village Camp is sponsoring a pan-Orthodox retreat for college students, the weekend of Orthodoxy Sunday. In addition to the activities that you see here, we will be having Liturgy and subsequent services for Orthodoxy Sunday as a pan-Orthodox college student community. |
Assembly Launches National Study on Church Giving! - 01/31/2015
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America has launched a national study, "Exploring Orthodox Generosity: Giving in US Orthodox Parishes." All Orthodox clergy and laity are invited to take part in this unique project. |
ATTENTION STUDENTS of the UOC of the USA: The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Scholarships Available - 01/31/2015
The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation, commonly known as the Kulis Foundation, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting religious, humanitarian, and educational initiatives benefiting Orthodox Christian communities worldwide. The Foundation hopes that its philanthropic efforts will help to strengthen these communities and welcomes any requests that align with this mission. |
Metropolitan Antony Celebrates Patronal Feast Day - 01/30/2015
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and the Locum Tenens of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora celebrated his patronal feast day at St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ on Friday, January 30, 2015. |
St. Sophia Seminary Students Commemorate the Battle of Kruty Heroes - 01/29/2015
97 years ago - 29 January, 1918 - 300 Kyiv students, cadets and high school pupils fought in the Battle of Kruty defending their homeland, their independence and ultimately their future. The history of the exploits of the Heroes of Kruty has been passed from mouth to mouth for decades. The young patriots demonstrated that their love for their country was more powerful than any internal or external danger. |
Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США - Ukrainian Unity Day at the Metropolia Center - 01/22/2015
Щорічно 22 січня вся Україна та українська діаспора святкує День Соборності. Не оминуло це свято і осередку нашої Митрополії у С. Баунд Бруку. Близько полудня, як і 96 років тому, у церкві-пам’ятнику св. Андрія зібралися парафіяни, працівники, члени Консисторії та гості, щоб відслужити молебень за мир та добробут України та її народу. Молебень відслужили первоієрарх УПЦ США Високопреосвященніший митрополит Антоній та Преосвященніший єпископ Даниїл - голова Консисторії Церкви у співслужінні місцевого духовенства. У духовній єдності з піднятим синьо-жовтим прапором об’єдналися українці різних поколінь, щоб помолитися за свій знівечений народ. Адже ж цього року, відзначення цієї події відчувається особливе, беручи до уваги події в Україні. |
Youth workers, representing Orthodox jurisdictions from across the country, met at Antiochian Village today, and are excited to announce a new series of unprecedented, inter-jurisdictional "Be the Bee" themed events. |
Свято Богоявлення з Преосвященнішим Владикою Даниїлом - 01/21/2015
Початок святкування Богоявлення відноситься до часів апостольських, бо в цей день було явлення Христового Божества, що засвідчувалось Богом Отцем при Хрещенні, і Утішителем Духом Святим, у вигляді голубинному, що показав присутнім засвітченного. Піснеспіви і канони до святкування складені дуже давно, але по сьогодні мають велику духовну силу, яка передається з покоління в покоління. |
2015 OCF Real Break - 01/19/2015
OCF’s Real Break aims to prepare college students to be socially informed Orthodox Christian citizens of this world, while directing their focus on the world to come, the kingdom of heaven. Built on a foundation of fellowship, education, worship, and service, Real Break provides students the opportunity to understand the true meaning of seeing Christ in the other – traveling to all parts of the world deepening their faith, serving those in need, and cultivating relationships with like-minded peers. |
ATTENTION STUDENTS of the UOC of the USA: The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Scholarships Available - 01/16/2015
22 січня, 2015 - Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США! - 01/15/2015
28 March, 2015 - UOL Lenten Retreat in Bethlehem, PA - 01/15/2015
12 February, 2015 - St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day! - 01/15/2015
22 січня, 2015 - Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США! - 01/14/2015
22 January, 2015 - Ukrainian Day of Unity Celebration at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA |
2015 Malanka at the Metropolia Center - January 24, 2015! - 01/10/2015
Caroling for Christ: Bethlehem Story Alive at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 01/10/2015
With over 150 participants of the first annual “Caroling for Christ” concert sponsored by the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, some 250 people witnessed a powerful and spiritually uplifting event at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the UOC of the USA on Saturday, January 10, 2015. |
Joyous Celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior with His Grace Bishop Daniel, in Southfield, Michigan - 01/09/2015
While the temperature outside hovered around 0o F, it was warm and welcoming inside the parish of St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, in Southfield, Michigan. As the setting sun darkened the church interior, the Christmas lights shimmered and sparkled, reflecting the twinkle in everyone’s eyes, as they gathered, eagerly anticipating the proclamation that “Christ is born!” |
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine: Feast of the Nativity of our Lord! - 01/05/2015
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Feast of Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! - 01/04/2015
God has appeared on earth and, at the same time, we have seen the perfect man together with the inconceivable value of the human person. Today especially, we experience the condition of humanity after the fall, as we daily affirm with the Psalmist that "all have gone stray, they are all alike corrupt; there is none that does good – no, not one!" (Psalm 13.3; Rom. 3.12-13) |
ATTENTION PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS - January 10, 2015 - Caroling for Christ! - 01/03/2015
UOC of the USA Delivers Aid to the Wounded Soldiers and Refugees of Ukraine - 01/03/2015
Once again, fulfilling the mandate of the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, who answered the Archpastoral Appeal of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory of the Church sent additional $20,000 to the Military Medical Clinical Centers of Ukraine as well as the refugee Camps of displaced persons from Donbas region of Ukraine. |
Charitable Benefit Banquet – Touching the Lives of Ukrainian Orphans - 01/02/2015
7 February, 2015 - REUNION of the Missionaries of the Church at our Metropolia’s Spiritual Center in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
2015 Summer College Age Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 01/01/2015
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce the dates for the College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2015. The 2015 trip will take place May 28 - June 13th, which includes a training day in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
All Saints Camp Work Weekend! - 12/31/2014
24-26 April, 2015 |
Різдвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої – CHRISTMAS RADIO PROGRAM of the Divine Liturgy - 12/29/2014
Patriarchal Proclamation of Christmas - 12/27/2014
We pray that everyone may experience the joy of utmost respect for the human person, of our fellow human being. We also pray for the cessation of every form of violence, which can only be overcome through the love promoted and provided by the "angel of great counsel," the "prince of peace," our Savior Christ... May the grace, boundless mercy and goodwill of the newly-born and incarnate Lord of glory, peace and love be with you all. |
Свято дітей Знам’янського дитячого будинку-інтернату - 12/27/2014
Свято для дітей Знам’янського дитячого будинку-інтернату розпочалось з перших кроків , які вони зробили у місті Києві, куди їх запросив Владика Даниїл єпископ Української Православної церкви США. Мар’яна Воронович організувала екскурсію до дельфінарію, на якій діти побачили Різдвяне шоу дельфінів. Було багато позитивних емоцій, захвату, щастя, сміху. |
Children of Znamynka Orphanage Treated to a Special Gift - 12/25/2014
Every year around the celebration of the feast of Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA offer a special seasonal gift to those for whom the Lord Himself directed to care and pray. |
Missionary Appointment – Evangelization in Africa: Parishioner of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Commissioned as Missionary to Kenya - 12/22/2014
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) has appointed Dr. William Black as an Orthodox Christian missionary to Kenya. Dr. Black’s dual assignment will include teaching missionaries at the Patriarchal Orthodox Seminary in Nairobi and serving as Senior Lecturer in History and Theology at St. Paul’s University in Nairobi, under the Omophorion of His Eminence Makarios, Archbishop of Kenya. |
Nativity Epistle - 12/19/2014
OCF Board of Directors Holds Its Annual Meeting - 12/19/2014
The OCF Board of Directors held its annual meeting December 4-5, 2014 at Hellenic College & Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA. |
Fall Semester Concludes at St. Sophia Seminary - 12/18/2014
Immersing themselves into the lives of Holy Great-martyr Barbara and Venerable John of Damascus, the distance-learning class of seminarians of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary gathered on Wednesday morning, December 17, 2014 for the Divine Liturgy celebrated at Three Holy Hierarchs chapel of the Seminary. With blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Daniel, who was assisted by the Provost and Academic Dean of the Seminary Very Rev. Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha as well as the faculty of the academic institution of the Church. |
Patron Feast Day at St. Andrew Memorial Church, South Bound Brook, NJ - 12/15/2014
It was a special day of thanksgiving at Holy Apostle Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South bound Brook, NJ, Sunday, December 14, 2014, as the entire Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA celebrated the feast of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle, Founder of Christ’s Church in Kyiv Rus-Ukraine. |
Use AmazonSmile as amazon.com - 12/14/2014
You Shop. Amazon gives. |
7 February, 2015 - REUNION of the Missionaries of the Church at our Metropolia’s Spiritual Center in South Bound Brook, NJ - 12/12/2014
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Participate in the Meeting with the Patriarch of Antioch in New York City - 12/09/2014
On Tuesday, December 9, the North American visit of His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, continued as he and His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph led an Archdiocese group to a meeting, prayers, and reception with the hierarchs of various Orthodox Churches in the United States of America. Both hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel participated in the event. |
24-26 April, 2015 - All Saints Camp Work Weekend! - 12/08/2014
Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Meet with Patriarch of Antioch John X - 12/08/2014
The Patriarch of Antioch, His Beatitude John X, (who is the head of one of the oldest Christian Churches in the world) traveled from Damascus, Syria to the United States of America for the enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph as the new spiritual father of the Antiochian Orthodox Church in North America. |
Cookie Walk and Christmas Bazaar at the St Andrew Church Hall at our Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook, NJ - 12/06/2014
The Ukrainian Orthodox League Chapters of Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Maplewood, New Jersey kicked off the Holiday Season by hosting a Cookie Walk and Christmas Bazaar at the St Andrew Church Hall at our Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook, NJ on Saturday, December 6, 2014. |
I AM - OYM 2014 - 2015 Theme - 12/01/2014
We would like to introduce the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry programming theme for the 2014/2015 year: I AM. Through this theme we hope our youth gain a better understanding of who Jesus Christ is and who he is in their life. |
Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, December 2, 2014 - 12/01/2014
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis Sign Joint Declaration - 11/29/2014
Спільна декларація, підписана Папою Франциском та Вселенським Патріархом Вартоломеєм І у Стамбулі 30 листопада 2014 року |
Epistle for the Nativity Fast - 11/28/2014
In forty days’ time the Holy Orthodox Church will be rejoicing in the appearance of God in the flesh on the feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Before this wondrous feast day, starting on November 28, the Mother Church will lead its faithful through 40 days of preparation called the Nativity Fast. This period is also known as St. Philip’s Fast because it begins on the day following the Feast Day of St. Philip. |
Historic Encounter: Visit of Pope Francis to Constantinople - 11/28/2014
At the invitation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis of Rome will visit the Phanar from November 29-30, 2014, in order to celebrate the feast day of St. Andrew the Apostle, the Thronal Feast of the Church of Constantinople. |
THANKSGIVING 2014 - 11/26/2014
As 2014 year of our Lord draws to a close, and the sacred Season of St. Philip’s (Pre-Nativity) Fast begins, we in the U.S. come again to a peculiar weekend. Our national day of Thanksgiving is perhaps the only remaining civic holiday with an overtly religious purpose: the entire nation is meant to pause and thank God for the blessings bestowed upon it. Of course, many will spend this day without any thought of God whatsoever; since they don't think of God at other times, why should this day be any different? This is a day for the people of God to delight in, however. We are a Eucharistic people; thanksgiving is our way of life. We are never more truly ourselves than when we are conscious of our dependence upon God, and God's loving providence at work in our lives. |
AXIOS! Metropolitan Antony Celebrates 42nd Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood! - 11/25/2014
On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 – the feast day of St. John Chrysostom, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, First Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA marks the 42nd anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Priesthood of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USDA through the laying on of hands of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine (of blessed memory). |
Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine Remembered! - 11/24/2014
On Saturday, November 22, 2014, the Ukrainian community, under the leadership of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) held its now annual requiem service to commemorate the 81st Anniversary of Ukraine’s Genocide of 1932-1933, known in Ukrainian as the Holodomor. |
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony Visits St. Nicholas Mission Parish in Dover, Delaware - 11/23/2014
On Sunday, November 23, 2014, His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Ruling Hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy, made his third Archpastoral visitation as Ruling Hierarch and first Archpastoral visit as Metropolitan to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Mission Parish in Dover, Delaware. |
UOC of the USA Pilgrims Meet With the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople - 11/23/2014
On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 the group of pilgrims under the leadership of His Grace Bishop Daniel arrived in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). The itinerary of this year’s pilgrimage placed the faithful of the Church at the ancient homeland of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church. |
Epistle оn the 81st Anniversary of the 1932-33 Famine-Genocide in Ukraine - 11/21/2014
At present, when our native homeland of Ukraine is enduring perhaps its greatest trials since achieving independence, we Ukrainians in the Diaspora and in Ukraine remember the Holodomor of 1932-33, this most sorrowful and tragic event in our Ukrainian history. Together, we prayerfully honour the memory of millions of innocent people who were martyred by hunger in Ukraine. |
Elevation of Deacon Michael Sawarynski to the rank of Protodeacon - 11/18/2014
Sunday, 16 November, 2014 was a day of grace for the parish family of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Northampton, Pennsylvania. His Eminence Antony, Metropolitan of the U.O.C. of U.S.A., visited his spiritual children and bestowed upon them the blessings of Christ Himself through the celebration of the Eucharistic Banquet at the Holy Altar of the Lord. |
Pilgrims of the Church Visit the Church of Nativity of our Lord in Bethlehem! - 11/18/2014
On November 18, 2014, His Grace Bishop Daniel and a group of pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, who are in Holy Land on their annual pilgrimage, participated in a celebration of the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Nativity of our Lord in Bethlehem. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Pilgrims Pray at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher - 11/16/2014
In lighting of candles we remember and truly live the words of Our Lord: "I am the Light of the World." The Light of Christ was truly experience by the pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in the early hours of Sunday morning, November 16, 2014, when surrounded by several thousands of pilgrims from around the world, three bishops led a procession to the grave of the Savior for the celebration of the Holy Mystery of Eucharist. |
Pilgrims of the UOC of the USA Visit Patriarchate of Jerusalem - 11/15/2014
Reflecting upon the answer to the daily question of the pilgrimage: “What does it mean to be an Orthodox Christian in Jerusalem?” the pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA visited the Ancient Patriarchate of Jerusalem. |
Sacred Holy Land Pilgrimage 2014 - 11/15/2014
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, 25 pilgrims of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA under the spiritual leadership of His Grace Bishop Daniel traveled to Nazareth (Israel) to begin a spiritual journey of the UOC of the USA to Holy Land. |
80th Anniversary of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish! - 11/14/2014
On November 8, 2014 at 9:30 AM, the bell at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in South Plainfield was joyfully ringing, welcoming the ruling bishop of the Eastern Eparchy His Eminence Metropolitan Antony to the parish. Metropolitan Antony was coming for an Archpastoral visit to his spiritual children—the flock entrusted into his hands by Christ Himself—who were celebrating the 80th anniversary of their parish. |
Observing Veterans Day with Thanksgiving - 11/08/2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 is Veterans Day. On this day we remember all those who have served our great nation – the men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to defend our way of life and the values we hold dear, along with the freedom which guarantees that life and those values. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those killed in the line of duty, those suffering from the effects of their time of service during war and otherwise and, of course, all those who have retired from active duty. |
Parish Feast Day in Minneapolis, MN! - 11/06/2014
В суботу, 1 Листопада 2014 р. Б. парафія святих Архистратигів Михаїла та Юрія в Мініаполісі штат Мінессота, була благословенна візитом свого правлячого архиєрея Єпископа Даниїла. В аеропорту Владику, котрий прибув на парафію у супроводі іподиякона Володимира Суканця, зустрічали члени парафіяльної управи громади. |
ATTENTION PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS - 10 January, 2015 - Caroling for Christ! - 11/05/2014
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Trenton, NJ – 95! - 11/05/2014
On Sunday, November 2, 2014 the parish family of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Trenton, NJ celebrated their 95th Anniversary. On that blessed day His Eminence Metropolitan Antony led the clergy and the faithful in the Divine Liturgy, giving thanks and glory to God for His mercy and love. Also that day, the parish community prayed for all of those who established the parish and for the current parishioners. |
Stewardship Workshop: Igniting a Flame... - 11/04/2014
For many of our ancestors and family members, the fall months were a time of hard labor followed by the intense relief and joy of a bountiful harvest. For a growing number of the clergy and laity of our Holy Church, the autumn of 2014 will be remembered as a time when the seeds of renewal were sown in preparation for the harvest of revitalization and rebirth in our parishes. |
27 February, 2015 – Pan-Orthodox College Retreat - 11/01/2014
10 November, 2014 – St. Herman House FOCUS Cleveland Presents: An Evening With Fr. Jerome Sanderson - 10/31/2014
90th Anniversary Celebration at St. Vladimir Cathedral in Parma, Ohio - 10/31/2014
A memorable weekend was celebrated in Parma, Ohio on the last weekend in October. The cathedral parish community of St. Vladimir in Parma is ninety years old. It was time to celebrate this momentous occasion. The 90th Anniversary Committee led by Committee Chairman Serhij Peter Nahornyj, planned the celebration activities. |
16 Seminarians Admitted to Various Programs of St. Sophia Seminary - 10/29/2014
16 Seminarians of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (South Bound Brook, NJ) began their theological studies this fall. |
OCMC News - 2015 OCMC Mission Team Opportunities Now Available! - 10/28/2014
Consider joining an OCMC Orthodox Mission Team in 2015 and serving our Holy Orthodox Church’s unending mission effort that all people may come to know the saving love of our Lord. Be a living witness and teach the faith in Indonesia, Moldova, or Kenya; assist building efforts in Guatemala or Kenya; spread the Gospel in Albania; work with youth in Alaska, Moldova, or Albania; offer healthcare in Uganda or Guatemala; or offer your talents on other OCMC Teams. Applications and details are available online at http://www.ocmc.org/about/open_teams.aspx or by calling the OCMC at 1-877-463-6787 ext. 141. |
Igniting the Flame of Stewardship - 10/24/2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church Carnegie, PA |
Consecration of New Holy Table and Iconography at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Broome St. – New York City - 10/23/2014
A beautiful fall day of 18 October, 2014 was the background after nearly five years of careful preparation, planning and arduous spiritual and physical effort, as the faithful of Holy Trinity Cathedral, along with their parish priest and Spiritual Father V. Rev. Todor Mazur, finally arrived at the blessed day on which the heart of their parish family – a new altar – along with a completely icon written interior of their church edifice – were consecrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
25 October, 2014 - Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors Fall Conference - 10/23/2014
Join the Historical and Educational Center for the first full-day conference of the Family History Group. |
Ground Blessing for Saint Nicholas at WTC, a Place of Prayer and Peace, a Place of Hope and Love - 10/20/2014
NEW YORK – More than 2,000 people gathered on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 130 Liberty Street, the new site for Saint Nicholas Orthodox National Shrine at the World Trade Center, for the historic event of the Blessing of the Ground and the symbolic “laying of the corner stone.” |
UOC of the USA Continues to Help the Wounded Soldiers of Ukraine - 10/15/2014
Fulfilling the mandate of the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, who answered to the Archpastoral Appeal of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory of the Church send additional $20,000 to the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region in Lviv, Ukraine. |
Inaugural Follow Me Pilgrimage Concludes! - 10/14/2014
Over Columbus Day Weekend, high school and college students from across the country made a pilgrimage to the Metropolitan Center in South Bound Brook, NJ. The weekend was designed to guide the participants through a journey or pilgrimage that was not only physical but spiritual. The Pilgrimage was conceived following the success of the High School Mission to the Metropolitan Center in 2013. Members of that mission team really enjoyed the experience and thought it would be wonderful for more youth to experience life at St. Sophia Seminary and the Consistory Office as well as being able to give back to the church in a meaningful way... the Follow Me Pilgrimage was the answer to this call. |
Annual Clergy Conference - Day 2! - 10/09/2014
Day two of the Clergy Conference featured an incredibly enriching – spiritually, intellectually, pastorally and emotionally – full-day presentation by Mr. Bill Marines – Attorney, Legal Consultant to the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA and motivational speaker concerning Stewardship in Orthodox parishes all over the USA and beyond. The title of the presentation was: “How can we Better Live our Callings and Improve our Lives, Parishes and Parishioners?” |
Annual Clergy Conference Convenes - 10/07/2014
On Monday evening, 6 October, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel welcomed the participants in Clergy Conference 2014 to the Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA beginning with a Vesper service in Three Hierarchs Chapel at St. Sophia Seminary. |
All Saints Camp needs your help! - 10/06/2014
The All Saints Camp Maintenance Committee is looking for men, women and teenagers to help with various projects and tasks requiring upkeep or completion at the camp. |
Archpastoral Visit to Lorain, OH - 10/03/2014
Sunday September 28th was a special day for the members of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lorain Ohio. On that day His Grace Daniel, Ruling Bishop of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in USA visited our parish. He was escorted by Ver. Rev. John Harvey, Dean of PennOhio Deanery pastor of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Youngstown, OH and Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay from St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH. One of the main reasons for the visit was to officially install Fr. Dmitri Belenki as a fulltime pastor of our parish. |
Celebration in Parma, OH - 09/29/2014
On Sunday, September 28, 2014 the United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio celebrated their 85th Anniversary. The celebration began with a memorial service at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, which was led by the Archpastor of the Cathedral – His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the US. |
Family Fest 2014 - 09/28/2014
Family Fest participants was extremely moved that His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and the Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) were able to join us for part of the weekend! |
2014 Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 09/28/2014
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the date for the winter missionary trip to Znamianka Orphanage for the faithful of our Church. |
Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk Met with Ukrainian Community in U.S.A. - 09/26/2014
On Thursday, September 25, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk met with the Ukrainian community in the United States in New York, where the Head of Government stays on a working visit. |
Follow Me Pilgrimage - 09/26/2014
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry is excited to announce the first Follow Me Pilgrimage for high school and college students to be held Columbus Day Weekend (October 10-13, 2014) at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Sts Peter & Paul Parish in Youngstown Celebrates 90 Blessed Years - 09/23/2014
Some ninety years ago, out of small house-church gatherings, Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, OH was founded and incorporated. This movement took hold and property was purchased on the West Side. A wooden church and hall were quickly outgrown and more properties were purchased, a cemetery established leading to the magnificent church structure, the Ukrainian Orthodox Center and Pavilion that exist today. |
New Mosaic Blessed in Bayonne, NJ - 09/21/2014
On Sunday, September 21, the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Holy Wisdom Ukrainian Orthodox parish, Bayonne, NJ. Assisting the hierarchs of the Church were Rev. Fr. Myroslav Schirta - pastor of the parish family, Archimandrite Athanasiy of St. Tikhon Orthodox Monastery and Hieromonk Paisius (Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese). |
Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of New Jersey Represented at Franklin Day Festival - 09/20/2014
Live music, vendors, artists, craftspeople, dance performances, great food, children’s activities and more entertained attendees at the Franklin Day Festival on Saturday, September 20, 2014 in the beautiful, scenic Colonial Park in Somerset, NJ. |
Assembly of Bishops Issues Statement on Middle East - 09/19/2014
Assembly of Bishops Issues Message to the Faithful - 09/19/2014
Youth Ministry Certification Offered through St. Sophia Seminary! - 09/19/2014
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry in collaboration with St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary is pleased to announce a Youth Ministry Certification program. Delegates of the UOC-USA Youth Sobor have repeatedly offered resolutions requesting advanced education for youth workers; we developed this course to address their requests and to help support this ministry that is so vital to the health of our parishes. |
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko Visited Washington, DC - 09/19/2014
On September 18, 2014, the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko concluded his working visit to the United States of America. During his visit to the nation’s capital, the President of Ukraine met with President Barack Obama. |
Assembly of Bishops Issues Message to the Faithful - 09/18/2014
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America concluded its fifth annual meeting on Thursday in Dallas, Texas. The Assembly issued a message to the faithful: |
27-30 December, 2014 - Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) College Conference! - 09/17/2014
Annual Assembly Meeting Progresses with Constructive Dialogue - 09/17/2014
More than 35 members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America joined in celebrating the Divine Liturgy Tuesday morning, September 16, at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Dallas, Texas. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, the bishops offered a memorial service for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Philip of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. The bishops are gathered in Dallas for the fifth annual meeting of the Assembly of Bishops. |
Annual Assembly Convenes with Clergy-Laity Gathering in Dallas, TX - 09/16/2014
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America commenced its fifth annual meeting Monday, September 15, with a Pan-Orthodox Clergy-Laity Gathering in Dallas, Texas. Some two hundred people attended, including more than 30 bishops representing the member jurisdictions of the Assembly. |
OCF College Conference! - 09/14/2014
Each year during Christmas Break, OCF’s College Conferences host hundreds of college students from across North America for four days of fellowship, prayer, and exposure to reputable Orthodox speakers. |
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine Meets - 09/13/2014
Moved by the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and throughout the world, the hierarchs of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine convened their annual meeting on 9-11 September, 2014 in Clearwater, FL. |
12-13 September, 2014 - OCF Mid-Atlantic Retreat - 09/09/2014
20 September, 2014 - Ukrainian Orthodox Stewardship Seminar - 09/08/2014
19-28 December, 2014 - Winter Mission Trip to Znamianka Orphanage! - 09/08/2014
20 September, 2014 - Ukrainian Orthodox Stewardship Seminar - 09/08/2014
With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony, and His Grace, Bishop Daniel and their full spiritual support and encouragement, I am pleased to inform you of an critical series of Ukrainian Orthodox Stewardship Seminars to be held regionally across the country, beginning in September. These seminars represent a commitment of our Consistory to help our faithful experience the ways that Orthodox Stewardship can be a dynamic force for positive change and spiritual growth in our Ukrainian Orthodox parishes and across the Metropolia. |
Consistory Circular Posted Online - 09/08/2014
English Language September-November 2014 Issue |
OCAMPR to Hold Annual Conference - 6-8 November, 2014 - 09/07/2014
Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion - OCAMPR exists to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote Christian fellowship among healing professionals in medicine, psychology and religion. Members pursue an understanding of the whole person which integrates the basic assumptions of medicine, psychology and religion within the Orthodox Christian faith in educating and serving Church and community. |
September-November 2014 Issue of the Consistory Circular - 09/07/2014
In Ukrainian Language |
UOC of USA Sends Two Representatives to the IOCC Serve-Xtreme Youth Conference - 09/05/2014
The Consistory Office of Youth and Ypung Adult Ministry was pleased to send two representatives to the International Orthodox Christian Charities(IOCC) Youth Conference in Minneapolis, MN from August 3 - 9, 2014. |
12-13 September, 2014 - OCF Mid-Atlantic Retreat - 09/03/2014
Patriarchal Encyclical on Preservation of God's Creation - 08/29/2014
Having “within ourselves the inviolable memory of the Lord’s judgment,” we give witness from this Sacred Centre of all Orthodoxy to the truth of the Word and draw the attention of all to the dangers that lie before us, which God’s grace will surely avoid in its loving providence. And we invite everyone to work for the preservation and return of our world to the Source of Life, through the intercessions of our All-holy and Ever-blessed Theotokos, of St. Symeon the Stylite, and of all the Saints. Amen.
Family Fest 2014 - 08/29/2014
Hope everyone is having a good start to their summer! It’s not too early to start planning to attend Family Fest at All Saints Camp this coming Labor Day Weekend! A flyer and registration form are attached. Please feel free to post at your church and forward onto family and friends. Young adults and singles are welcome to join our “Family Fest Family”! |
Mommy and Me Daddy and Me 2014 - 08/28/2014
Mommy and Me/Daddy and Me 2014 participants enjoyed a wonderful, if somewhat chilly encampment this year. Families traveled from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Indiana to spend a week at the beautiful All Saints Camp facility in Emlenton, PA learning more about the week’s theme, “I Am…”. The week provided exciting activities for the children, a relaxing setting for parents, and spiritually edifying programming for all. |
Do you have pride? - 08/24/2014
In the gospel today of saint Matthew we read about a young man who approaches our Lord and says “what must I do in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?" Our Savior says to the young man that he must keep the Ten Commandments and the man said that he is faithful to the Law of Moses. This man is kind of proud about keeping up with the spiritual precepts, and then he goes on and ask “what else must be done in order to enter the Kingdom and have eternal life.” At this point our Lord says something very powerful “go sell everything you have, give the money to the poor and come follow me.” (Mt. 19:21-22) |
Гімн України мовами світу - Anthem of Ukraine in different languages - 08/24/2014
New Publication: Small Prayer Book! - 08/24/2014
Available for shipment in August. PREORDER NOW! |
25 October, 2014 - Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors Fall Conference - 08/23/2014
23rd Ukrainian Independence Day Observance at the Metropolia Center - 08/23/2014
Various Ukrainian-American religious and secular community centers throughout the country are marking the 23rd Independence Day of Ukraine during the weekend of August 22-24, 2014. Such celebration took place at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ on Friday, August 22nd. The Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of New Jersey in cooperation with the Consistory Offices of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA organized the event. |
On the Celebration of 23rd Ukrainian Independence Day - 08/22/2014
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Reaches Out to Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers - 08/18/2014
For many Americans, the ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine seems like a distant event that rarely reaches into their lives. But at the parish communities of the UOC of the USA, every single Sunday, the congregations come face to face with stories of people wounded in that war and offer prayers, conversations, concern, and a bit of healing for the souls at the places of worship. |
St. Nicholas Parish Picnic in Troy, NY - 08/17/2014
17 серпня 2014 року парaфія св. Миколая в місті Трой, Нью-Йорк відчинила свої двері для свого ієрарха, Високопреосвященнішого митрополита Антонія, який завітав разом з усіма семінаристами на парафіяльний традиційний щорічний пікнік. У такий особливий спосіб віряни та духовенство поєднали щиру молитву з відпочинком. Божественна літургія, яку очолював Високопреосвященніший владика Антоній разом з настоятелем отцем Василем, відбулася в парку, неподалік міста Трой. |
Patriarchal Encyclical on Preservation of God's Creation - 08/16/2014
The common Mother of all Orthodox, the Church of Christ, the Body of our eternal Lord and divine-human Jesus Christ, compassionately ministers through all of its activities, but especially through the Divine Eucharist, by offering its holy gifts to their Creator in the mystery of salvation. It does this with proven boundless and indiscriminate love toward all of its members to the degree also demonstrated by our heavenly Father.
In its prayerful memory, the Church always bears in mind the presence of its children, maintaining a vivid interest and concern for all that relates to and influences their lives. This is why it does not remain unmoved or indifferent by the on-going and daily destruction of the natural environment resulting from human greed and vain profit, which in turn implies an essential turning of the Lord’s face and results in consequential turbulence in nature and fracture in its crown, namely human existence, whose very survival is threatened. |
Clergy Conference Registration - Реєстрація на конференцію духовенства - 08/15/2014
Despite Daily Dangers, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Assists Eastern Ukraine’s Refugees - 08/14/2014
When Ukrainian citizens took to the streets in November of 2013 to protest the ruling government, they could not have imagined the wave of political and economic events that would soon follow. Yet, the free spirit of Ukrainian citizens welcomed the days of suffering and the sacrifice of human life for the sake of God-given freedom of Ukrainian people throughout the world, and especially in their own homeland. |
Archpastoral Mission Visit to Znamianka Orphanage in Ukraine - 08/13/2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 was a spiritually uplifting day for everyone at Znamianka Children orphanage of Kirovohrad region. Children, administration staff and volunteers gathered at the main auditorium of the orphanage to welcome a long awaited visitor - His Grace Bishop Daniel, the President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA, who was accompanied by Very Rev. John Haluszczak of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox parish of Pittsburgh, PA. |
My Faith... My Church... My Generation... - 08/12/2014
Have you ever wanted to let people know what it is like to be a young adult attempting to live their faith in the 21st Century? The Consistory Offices of Young Adult Ministry and Public Relations are hoping to give you a chance to do just that. |
Parish Feast Day in New York City - 08/10/2014
10 серпня, парафія Святого Пантелеймона-Цілителя Української Православної Церкви в Брукліні, де настоятелем отець Микола Филик, відзначала храмове свято. |
67th Annual Convention – Ukrainian Orthodox League of the UOC of the USA - 08/09/2014
67 щорічна конвенція Української Православної Ліги Української Православної Церкви США |
High School Mission Team 2014 Kicks-off in Cleveland - 08/06/2014
The team arrived in Cleveland, OH on Monday evening to be greeted by Very Rev. Fr. Dennis Kristof, pastor of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral in Lakewood, OH. |
Celebrate Ukrainian Independence at the Center! - 08/04/2014
Join us for a concert celebrating Ukrainian Independence Day on Friday August 22, 2104 at 7:30 pm |
Help - DIAPERS PROJECT for Znamianka Orphanage - 08/01/2014
59th Year of Teenage Conference Encampments! - 07/30/2014
The second session of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry, Teenage Conference, convened at All Saints Camp from July 6 –19, 2014 forging into their 56th year! Campers and staff joined together in the spirit of "Faith, Fellowship and Fun", the TC motto, while exploring the 2014 theme, I AM. |
Institute for Orthodox Christian Thought and Culture at Eastern University - 07/27/2014
Eastern University and a group of Orthodox clergy, laity, and academics propose an Institute for Orthodox Thought and Culture. The Institute will serve as an intellectual and spiritual home for Orthodox students and scholars, exploring the Greek, Arabic, Ukrainian and Slavic Orthodox traditions through their literature, thought, philosophy, theology, history, art, and music. |
UOC Mission to Southwest Virginia - 07/25/2014
From Sunday, July 5 to Friday, July 10, a team of 9 adults from our UOC parishes journeyed again to Grundy, in far Southwest Virginia, to provide support to local Christian ministries active in the Buchanan County area in their work to serve those in need. The primary focus was reconstruction work on two homes in poor condition that required substantial renovation, particularly in their bathroom facilities. This year, Joe Truchan of St. Mary's parish in Allentown joined parishioners from St. Nicholas parish in Charlottesville, Virginia: including Karl and Karen Bowman, David Murphy, Tim Stratos, Brian Siebeking, Bill Black, Debbie Hutson and pastor, Fr. Robert Holet, for the 6 hour trek to the mountains of Appalachia. |
67th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention - 07/24/2014
July 23 – 27, 2014 South Bound Brook, NJ Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” Matthew 5:6 |
Archpastoral Visit to Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Family in Seattle, WA - 07/23/2014
В суботу, 19 липня 2014 року Божого, парафія Святої Трійці в м. Сієтлі, штату Вашингтон, зустрічала Преосвященнішого Владику Даниїла, правлячого Архієрея Західної Єпархії, Голову консисторії УПЦ в США. |
22 August, 2014 - Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center! - 07/22/2014
Archpastoral Visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony to Saints Peter & Paul, Wilmington, DE - 07/21/2014
Sunday, July 20th was a day of great joy and spiritual fulfillment as our Father Bishop, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, arrived at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Wilmington, Delaware to celebrate the Divine Liturgy commemorating our Parish Feast Day. His Eminence was greeted at the door of the Church first by our youth with a presentation of a bouquet of flowers by Anastasia Hutnick. The Vice-President of the Parish Board, Mr. Alexander Czernik, greeted the Metropolitan on behalf of the Board and the Parish Family with the traditional bread and salt. The korovai was baked and beautifully decorated by Linda Hnatow. |
Святкування Празнику Святих Апостолів Петра і Павла у м. Міллвілл штату Н.Дж. - 07/16/2014
Недільного ранку 13 липня парафіяни Церкви Святих Апостолів Петра і Павла у місті Міллвілл, разом з настоятелем о. Анатолієм Дохват, з нетерпінням очікували на приїзд дорогих і високоповажних гостей: Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія – Предстоятеля УПЦ США та Преосвященнішого Єпископа Даниїла – Голови Консисторії УПЦ США. |
13-14 September, 2014 - Washington Ukrainian Festival in Silver Spring, MD - 07/15/2014
Parishioners Donate Second Diaper Shipment to Znamianka, Ukraine - 07/14/2014
Recently during a visit to the Cleveland area, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, joined Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay, director of the Consistory Office of Christian Charity to see the stored containers as they are repackaged for shipment at the parish School Building and then spent several hours with the benefactors expressing gratitude on behalf of the Church and the orphans in Ukraine. |
Sts Peter and Paul Feast Day Kerhonkson, NY - 07/12/2014
На вигляд, це, можливо, не стільки церква, скільки церковця, навіть не церковця, а каплиця, яка загубилася посеред лісу в Кетскільських горах. |
Diocesan Church School Camp 2014 Concludes with Banner Year! - 07/09/2014
Over 85 campers and staff assembled at our peaceful and beautiful All Saints Camp to kick-off the 2014 camping season. It was an amazing two-weeks discovering the Great I Am's of Christ. Campers gathered daily in prayer at St. Thomas Chapel. The days that followed included interactive church school classes based on the theme, singing/music, games, crafts and various activities. |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Calls Upon the Faithful of the Church to Assist the Refugees from Crimea and Eastern Ukraine - 07/07/2014
Check out St. Sophia Seminary’s NEW PROGRAM for LATE VOCATIONS! - 07/07/2014
We are accepting applications NOW for Fall Enrollment!
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) in Priestly Studies is designed for candidates to Holy Orders and others interested in advanced theological training who, due to personal circumstances, cannot commit to full-time residency at St. Sophia Seminary. |
Archbishop Joseph Elected Metropolitan by Holy Synod of Antioch - 07/05/2014
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Sends a Letter of Congratulations to the Newly Elected Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America |
Help - DIAPERS PROJECT for Znamianka Orphanage - 07/03/2014
4-7 August, 2014 - Annual Altar Servers Conference in Palos Park, IL! - 07/02/2014
Archpastoral Visit Of His Grace Bishop Daniel To Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lyndora, PA - 07/01/2014
On Saturday and Sunday, June 28/29, Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Lyndora, PA was blessed and pleased to welcome their Archpastor and Spiritual Father His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA into their midst. His Grace made this trip to our corner of God’s world to be with us as we celebrated the Patronal Feast of our Parish and honored our heavenly intercessors- the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. |
Protopresbyter Wsewolod Shemetylo of Blessed Memory! - 06/23/2014
It is with a profound depth of sadness that we hereby inform you of the repose, in the morning hours of 23 June, 2014 of Protopresbyter Wsewolod Shemetylo, a long-term pastor of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Jamaica, NY. |
Hierarchical Visit to Commemorate 75th Anniversary of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Dearborn, Michigan - 06/22/2014
The usually quiet Dearborn, Michigan neighborhood awoke on the morning of June 21, 2014, to excited voices echoing off the old ranch style homes. Surpassing the birdsong, were the elated voices of the parishioners of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who were gathering up and down the street awaiting the arrival of His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. It was a special day in the history of the parish, for today marked their 75th anniversary. Three quarters of a century of prayer, fellowship, and service. |
UOC of the USA Participates in the Meeting of the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago - 06/20/2014
The Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago (CRLMC) presented the Interreligious Leadership Award to three distinguished individuals - His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, Rabbi Herman Schaalman, and Mrs. Ilene Shaw - in recognition of their unique contributions to interreligious relations in the Chicago Metropolitan area. |
OCMC Magazine - Spring 2014 - 06/18/2014
Sponsored by the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus Emlenton, Pennsylvania - All Saints Camp August 2 - 16, 2014 |
Archangel Icons — Icon Workshop - 06/18/2014
In St. Michael Parish, Woonsocket, RI |
His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits Jones, Oklahoma Parish - 06/17/2014
Sunday of All Saints was a hot, sunny, and humid day in the Central Oklahoma community of Jones, OK, where parishioners of the Dormiton of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish family gathered for a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy served by His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
15 червня в Українській Православній церкві Всіх Святих, що на 11-й вулиці в Мангетені, відбулося храмове свято |
Recent Shipments to Needy Children in Ukraine - 06/14/2014
Nicholas Spak, a Pittsburgh resident, active in scouting and frequent participant of the camping program at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Emlenton, PA recently completed his Eagle Project. Nick is a Boy Scout with Troop 28 from Bower Hill Community Church in Mount Lebanon Pittsburgh. |
Check out St. Sophia Seminary’s NEW PROGRAM for LATE VOCATIONS! - 06/12/2014
Liturgical Commission of the Church Meets! - 06/12/2014
Following the glorious celebration of Pentecost, the members of Liturgical Commission of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered via Teleconference for its 2014 quarterly meeting on June 12, 2014. |
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States Committee Chairmen Meet in New York City, NY - 06/11/2014
A historic face-to-face meeting of the Assembly’s committee chairmen was organized by the Secretariat’s Coordinator for Committees, Bishop Maxim (Serbian Orthodox Church of North America), and was held on June 10 at the Archdiosecan Center of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and was hosted by Archbishop Demetrios. Since much of the work of the Assembly of Bishops falls within the purview of its thirteen committees, the success of these committees is essential for the success of the Assembly as a whole. |
Dual Celebration in Bensenville, IL! - 06/11/2014
Подвійний ювілей парафії Святої Тройці в Бенсенвіл |
Graduation at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! - 06/07/2014
On Saturday, June 7, 2014, the faculty and student body of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of South Bound Brook, NJ gathered at the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, NY for the Commencement ceremony. Following the completion of a three-year program of study, including many church services and at least four years of field work, Subdeacon Adrian Mazur received his Master of Divinity Degree. |
Congratulatory Letter to Ukraine’s President! - 06/06/2014
Як ієрархи Української Православної Церкви США, а також від імені духовенства та вірних Церкви, ми хотіли б висловити Вам щирі вітання з нагоди обрання Вас на посаду президента України. |
The Feast of Pentecost - 06/05/2014
The Feast of Pentecost is often an under-appreciated Feast, given its high ranking. However, it is also often misunderstood. For example, we see that some call Pentecost “the birthday of the Church.” However, the Church teaches us otherwise. The Synaxarion states the following: “Some erroneously hold that Pentecost is the ‘birthday of the Church.’ But this is not true, for the teaching of the holy Fathers is that the Church existed before all other things.” |
4-7 August, 2014 - Annual Altar Servers Conference in Palos Park, IL - 06/05/2014
Archpastoral Visit to Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL - 06/04/2014
On the morning of June 1, the joyous sun gently was warming up the south suburbs of Chicago Metropolitan area, as Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Family was preparing to share in the joy of eight children: Nicholas McEvilly, Antony Sendeha, Clare Rolando, Jacob Drewno, Mallory Zvonek, Mikey Supilowski, Nathan Larson and Nina Kulchytsky, who were about to receive for the very first time the Holy Mystery of Confession. |
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp Committee Meets - 05/31/2014
The All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp Committee gathered for its annual regular meeting of the 2014 Summer Camp season on Saturday, May 31st at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA. |
UOC High School Mission Trip - 05/30/2014
The High School Student Mission Trip is a ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We hope to bring aid and comfort tothose in need through out our country. It is easy to turn a blindeye to those reaching out a hand for help in our local communities. By our actions, we hope to show the face of Christ to these people in need and all we come in contact with and by doing so reaffirm the Holy Orthodox Faith in an Orthodox Service Community. We pray that by offering daily prayer services, as well as our love and works, that we will bring not only ourselves but all involved closer to Christ our God. |
Get Ready for Camping Season! - 05/30/2014
Tired of winter? Then plan some HOT camping this year! |
Icon Workshops - 05/29/2014
June 9-14, 2014 – Archangel Icons Studio, Pittsburgh, PA
June 23 - 28, 2014 – Archangel Icons Studio, Pittsburgh, PA |
UOC of the USA Announces Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Constantinople - 05/29/2014
Jerusalem, the Holy City! Since the earliest days of Christianity, pilgrims have made their way to this place. In 2014, we will follow in the ancient and venerated footsteps of these faithful Christians. |
Deacon Theophan Mackey Ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 05/28/2014
Graduating seminarian Deacon Theophan Mackey was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox of the USA at a Divine Liturgy on the feast day of the Ascension of our Lord at St. Andrew Ukrainian Memorial Orthodox Church in South Bound Brook, NJ on Thursday May 29, 2014. |
Regarding the Presidential Election in Ukraine - 05/28/2014
Statement of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine Regarding the Presidential Election in Ukraine |
Metropolitan Antony and Bishop Daniel Participate in the Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Archpastoral Service of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada - 05/28/2014
May 22, 2014 — For Orthodox Parents & Teens UNDERAGE ALCOHOL & SUBSTANCE PREVENTION - 05/21/2014
May 22, 2014 — For Orthodox Parents & Teens UNDERAGE ALCOHOL & SUBSTANCE PREVENTION |
Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday - May 25, 2014 - 05/20/2014
Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory: 1936-2012 - 05/19/2014
Marking Second Anniversary of Metropolitan Constantine's Anniversary |
Apostolic Pilgrimage to Jerusalem — Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 05/19/2014
May 24-26, 2014 |
May 22, 2014 — For Orthodox Parents & Teens UNDERAGE ALCOHOL & SUBSTANCE PREVENTION - 05/14/2014
May 24-26, 2014 – Apostolic Pilgrimage to Jerusalem — Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 05/14/2014
Bishop Daniel Visits St Anthony of the Desert Mission, Las Cruces - 05/12/2014
This year His Grace Bishop DANIEL, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA visited our mission in Las Cruces during the Paschal season. He arrived on Friday, May 9th with seminarian Subdeacon Adrian Mazur of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary. |
UOC Participation in International Youth Forum of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 05/11/2014
His All Holiness Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, called together youth workers from around the world to participate in the International Youth Forum May 2-4, 2014. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA was represented by our director of Youth & Young Ministry, Natalie Kapeluck Nixon. The youth directors and coordinators present portrayed the diversity of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with representatives from such varying locations as Korea, New Zealand and Finland. |
Holy Week and Pascha in the Parishes of the UOC of the USA - 05/10/2014
2014 Appalachia Mission Trip to Southwest Virginia - 05/09/2014
A weeklong work-trip to assist in construction - July 5-11, 2014
Cost: $600/person (includes lodging, food, and funding of project) excluding transportation to Charlottesville, VA
For more information, contact (434) 244-2851 (David Murphy) or appalachia@uocusa.net
Applications due May 15, 2014
Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. (Luke 6:47-48)
Sponsored by St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Charlottesville Va. and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |
Свято у Ярдвілі - 05/07/2014
Цей травневий день був причинoю багатьoх святкувань, щo збагатили память людей, хтo пoспiшав на тoржественну недiльну Службу Бoжу. Булo вiдoмo, щo церква Святoгo Юрiя Перемoжця, недiльнoгo ранку oчiкує великих гoстей, Митрoпoлита Антoнiя, предстoятеля Украïнськoï Правoславнoï Церкви в Америцi та Владику Даниïла, Президента Кoнсистoрiï нашoï Церкви. З великим нетерпiнням дiти шкoли Украïнoзнавства oчiкували зустрiчi з Владиками та Благoслoвiння вiд них. Прикрашенi кoшики, напoвненi пелюстками свiжих трoянд, були пригoтавленi вчителями i учнями шкoли, щoб встелити дoрoгу для гoстей на ранкoву Службу дo Святoгo Храму. У супрoвoдi людей з Хрестoм i Хoругвами, дiтoчoк з квiтами, Владик на пoрoзi, з хлiбoм i сiллю на вишитoму рушнику, чекав гoлoва парафiяльнoï Управи Василь Дерека. У притвoрi церкви, з привiтальним слoвoм, зустрiв настoятель oтець Петрo. Храмoве святo цьoгo рoку oсoбливе, 60 РОКІВ назад була запoчаткoвана Грoмада церкви святoгo Юрiя Перемoжця. |
May 23-26, 2014 – Young Adult Memorial Day Weekend Retreat - 05/07/2014
Have fun and do it right! |
May 18, 2014 - Memorial Commemoration of Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory! - 05/06/2014
Vocations Retreat at St. Sophia Seminary! - 05/03/2014
Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary is one of the jewels of our Metropolitan Center. It has trained generations of clergy to serve the people and parishes of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church. But vocations are about more than training clergy and our parishes need more than priests. |
Memory Eternal: Deacon Dennis Lapushansky - 05/02/2014
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God Deacon Dennis Lapushansky of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Carnegie, PA. |
May 31, 2014 – All Saints Camp Meetings - 05/01/2014
St. Philip the Deacon Seminarian Scholarship Application – Apply by July 31, 2014 - 05/01/2014
Aug. 29 – Sept. 1 – Family Fest 2014 - 05/01/2014
Rain Flooding at the Metropolia Center - 05/01/2014
As you most assuredly have seen it the news, the Central and Northern New Jersey witnessed a significant amount of rain storms in the last few days. Earlier this morning, May 1, 2014 - at about 6:30AM the Emergency Vehicles of Franklin Township and South Bound Brook, NJ were summoned on the Main Street of South Bound Brook, NJ due to the extensive flooding that took place around the Metropolia Center’s property line. |
Thousands Participate in Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/30/2014
It has been a pious tradition among Ukrainians living in the USA, Canada and throughout Diaspora to visit the monumental St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Cemetery in South Bound Brook, NJ on the first weekend after Pascha (Easter). It has become known as the St. Thomas Sunday or Provody Pilgrimage during which we gather at the gravesites of our loved ones to share in prayerful unity with them the joy of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
10-13 October, 2014 – Follow Me Pilgrimage - 04/29/2014
May 23-26, 2014 – Young Adult Memorial Day Weekend Retreat - 04/29/2014
Have fun and do it right! |
July 5-11, 2014 — Appalachia Outreach Mission Trip to Southwest Virginia - 04/23/2014
Paschal Epistle - Пасхальне Послання 2014 - 04/21/2014
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine for 2014 in the Year of Our Lord
Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України у 2014 році Божому |
Paschalion – Пасхалія 2014 – 2024 - 04/20/2014
The Assembly of Canonial Orthodox Bishops of the USA Remembers Abducted Bishops - 04/20/2014
Full Statement |
Holy Week and Pascha Pictures from parishes - 04/18/2014
College Mission Trip to Orphanages in Ukraine 2014 - 04/18/2014
NEW DATES: August 11 - 18, 2014 |
UOL Essay Contest - 04/18/2014
Entries must be postmarked by April 30, 2014 |
Great and Holy Friday at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH! - 04/17/2014
On Great and Holy Friday, the most somber day of the liturgical year, about 200 parishioners, relatives and members of the community at large gathered in Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, OH, in solemn witness of the sacrifice of the Lord in order to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
Holy Thursday Liturgical Services at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH! - 04/17/2014
Those, in attendance at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH, had an opportunity to once again participate in the prayers and the historical sequence of the events, as related in the Gospels and hymns, providing a vivid foundation for the great events yet to come. |
Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha - 04/16/2014
Resurrection and life are the gifts and the light of Jesus Christ which “shines upon all.” Let us all honor this gift. Let us all thank the Giver, Who by His flesh, shone in the world like in a mirror and has presented the light of the resurrection to the world. Let us then receive the light from the unwaning Light of Life. Let us receive and welcome the gift of the resurrection and cry out from the bottom of our hearts: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death, and to those in the grave bestowing Life! Rejoice nations and be happy! |
The emotional state of the Lord’s disciples was grim after His Crucifixion because, by the Lord’s death on the Cross, the hopes of His disciples were dispersed that He and they would one day prevail as a political power. They had perceived the triumphant entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, following the resurrection of Lazarus and the miraculous feeding of five thousand men, with additional women and children, by five loaves of bread and two fish, as a prelude of their conquering of secular authority. The mother of two of them, moreover, requested that her two sons sit by each side of the Lord when He came to power. All these, however, dissipated as childish imaginations on account of the awful execution of Jesus Christ. |
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America - 04/16/2014
Together, as one family, we have completed the spiritual journey of Great Lent. Standing on Golgotha with the Most-blessed Theotokos and John the Evangelist, we have witnessed the Author of creation nailed to the Cross. With boldness and profound faith, together with Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, we have dared to touch the life-giving Body of our Lord. And with the Myrrh-bearing Women, we have received the eternal peace and experienced the deafening silence of the Cenotaph of Jesus Christ. |
Holy Unction Service in Penn-Ohio Deanery! - 04/16/2014
This year, the clergy of Penn-Ohio Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, along with their spiritual father and hierarch His Grace Bishop Daniel, gathered for this Holy Mystery at Holy Wonderworker Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox pro-Cathedral in Lakewood, OH. At about 6:30PM, the parish church temple was filled with parishioners and visitors to the parish family to take part in the Holy Unction Mystery. |
May 10, 2014 - Vocations Retreat at St. Sophia Seminary! - 04/15/2014
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America: Pascha 2014 - 04/15/2014
23-27 July – 67th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention in South Bound Brook NJ - 04/13/2014
Palm Sunday at St. Panteleimon Parish in Brooklyn, NY - 04/13/2014
Metropolitan Antony has visited St. Panteleimon parish on Palm Sunday for many years and talks about the visit for weeks after each year’s visit. He speaks of the personal joy at witnessing so many of the faithful present with the hope that the willow branches they receive from him will remind them throughout Holy Week and the entire year following the Feast of Feasts – the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – that theirs is a sacred responsibility to live virtuous lives and to live in the Love of the One who gave Himself as a ransom for their salvation. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Call for Peace Amid Escalating Violence! - 04/13/2014
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ: greetings in His Holy Name, as we journey through the sacred days of this year’s Holy Week! It is with the heavy hearts that we write this note to the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and the Christian community throughout the world. The situation in our ancestral homeland Ukraine is of increasing concern. |
Palm Sunday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 04/13/2014
Message of the Ecumenical Patriarch to the Devout Ukrainian People - 04/12/2014
Message By His All-Holiness to the Devout Ukrainian People on the Occasion of the Triumphal Entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into the Holy City of Jerusalem |
UKRAINE – A WOUNDED NATION: UOC of the USA Delivers Humanitarian Aid - 04/12/2014
УКРАЇНА – ПОРАНЕНА НАЦІЯ: УПЦ США Доставляє Гуманітарну Допомогу... With the blessing of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the President of the Consistory and the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Church, His Grace Bishop Daniel, traveled to the various parts of Ukraine during the first week of April. |
Paschal Epistle - Пасхальне Послання 2014 - 04/10/2014
April 26-27, 2014 - Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 04/10/2014
Annual Pysanka Workshop at Saint Sophia Seminary! - 04/10/2014
As Great Lent was coming to a close and Pascha quickly approaching, local young adults met at Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary on Monday evening to continue the Ukrainian springtime tradition of creating beautiful pysanky. |
Ukrainians in U.S. Warn: ‘Mr. Putin, Heroes Do Not Die’ - 04/05/2014
New Jersey’s defiant Ukrainian population marked the death of the fallen in Maidan square with a stark warning for the Russian president. |
Meet the Seminarians Picnic - 03/31/2014
“NEBESNA SOTNYA” – 40th Day Memorial - 03/31/2014
The Ukrainian Cultural Center at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA was the site on Sunday evening 30 March (already 31 March in Kyiv, Ukraine – the actual 40th day after repose) of an ecumenical memorial service for the “Nebesna Sotnya”. |
April 7, 2014 - Pysanka Workshop at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ - 03/29/2014
Come and Join Us in Prayer for Those Who Lost Their Lives! - 03/28/2014
Молитовно вшануймо пам'ять Героїв НЕБЕСНОЇ СОТНІ - Let us remember the fallen Heroes of Ukraine - "НЕБЕСНА СОТНЯ" |
John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Offers Scholarship Opportunity For the Youth of the Church - 03/27/2014
Hierarchs of the Church Participate in the Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Ukrainian Poet Taras Shevchenko! - 03/27/2014
It was exactly a month ago, on the International Mother Language Day, February 27, 2014, the United Nations Organization was supposed to honor the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko - the renowned Ukrainian poet, artist and political prisoner, who significantly contributed to the treasury of world culture. However, the tragic political events in Ukraine made it impossible for the Ukrainian-American community to gather in order to observe the anniversary. However, on Thursday, March 27, 2014 some 400 people gathered at the United Nations building to honor the poet of Ukraine. |
Memorial Service for Metropolitan Philip! - 03/27/2014
On Thursday, March 27, 2014 – His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel, accompanied by Very Rev. Todor Mazur, pastor of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, Very Rev. Mykola Filyk of St. Panteleimon Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Brooklyn, NY; Rev. Vasyl Pasakas of Nativity of the Theotokos Ukrainian Orthodox Church in South Plainfield, NJ; Rev. Vasyl Dovgan and Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH traveled to St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Brooklyn, NY in order to serve a Memorial Panakhyda for the newly reposed servant of God Metropolitan Philip, the spiritual father of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. |
Archpastoral Visit to Woonsocket, RI - 03/26/2014
When I arrived at Seminary a few Mondays ago to teach, I noticed several young men clearing snow. They spoke perfect Ukrainian, so I thought that perhaps His Grace, Bishop Daniel had smuggled them in luggage during his most recent trip to Ukraine. At Vespers that evening, I learned the truth: they were a men choir from Ivan-Frankivsk. After serving Lenten Vespers with them that evening, I immediately got in touch with His Grace and asked if they could come and serve Presanctified Liturgy with us in Woonsocket. Bishop Daniel agreed and offered to bring them on March 26th. |
Відзначення 200-ліття Т. Г. Шевченка в осередку митрополії УПЦ США - 03/23/2014
23 березня 2014 року річниця з дня народження українського поета, художника, громадського діяча та великого патріота Тараса Григоровича Шевченка об'єднала українців у Культурному центрі, в осередку Митрополії Української Православної Церкви США в м. Саут-Баунд-Брук, Нью-Джерсі. Концерт, присвячений цій події, відбувся за сприяння Консисторії УПЦ США та ініціативою Історико-Наукового центру Нью-Джерсі. |
Sunday of the Cross at St. Andrew Memorial Church! - 03/23/2014
The doors of St. Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ opened its doors to welcome hundreds of faithful of the local community, giving them a place of a warm environment (considering the strong wind of the day) for prayer and reflection on a Sunday that the entire Holy Orthodox Church venerates the Most Precious Cross of the Lord. |
Passing of Metropolitan Philip - 03/20/2014
On behalf of the clergymen, monastics, and laymen of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA we express deep and heartfelt condolences at the repose of His Eminence Metropolitan Philip, the Primate of the brotherly Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. |
Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine in Philadelphia, PA - 03/16/2014
A Special Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine was held Sunday, March 16 at 5 pm in the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA. His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA concelebrated the Prayer Service with Archbishop Stefan Soroka, of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy (Archdiocese) of Philadelphia, and Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. of the Latin Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. |
Молитовно вшануймо пам'ять Героїв НЕБЕСНОЇ СОТНІ - Let us remember the fallen Heroes of Ukraine - "НЕБЕСНА СОТНЯ" - 03/10/2014
His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits Dixonville, PA - 03/09/2014
In his stirring sermon, His Grace reminded us that we have icons in the church to help us picture in our minds those that we are asking to pray for us. The Bishop said, “…The icons help me see the divine reality of the God I believe in.” He continued saying that especially during Lent we really need to ask ourselves if we fit into the story of the Saints around us. Like all of us, everyday he is faced with choices of how he should preach, believe, and depict his responsibilities to God. So it comes down to knowing how to make the right choices. Bishop Daniel went on to say that memorizing scriptures does not make you a Christian, but being a Christian involves knowing what is right and wrong. His sermon was well received by all the faithful who listened intently to his message. |
Відзначення 200-ліття від дня народження Тараса Григоровича Шевченка - 03/08/2014
8-го березня у приміщенні Зали Сестрицства Святої Покрови Школа Українознавства при церкві-пам’ятнику святого Андрія разом з Його Високопреосвященством Митрополитом Антонієм,Його Преосвященством Єпископом Даниїлом, отцями Юрієм Сівком і Василем Пасакасом та усіма присутніми віддали шану Кобзареві. До ювілею школа підготувала концерт, на який також завітали родичі і знайомі учнів, парафіяни, студенти Семінарії Св. Софії, члени Сестрицтва Святої Покрови, голова Шкільної Ради д-р Євген Федоренко, представники Української Національної Федеральної Кредитівки та компанії «Міст». |
Sunday of Orthodoxy! - 03/07/2014
Gathering in our Churches as members of the undivided Body of Christ to celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we call to mind the holy men and women who defended holy icons, succeeded in restoring them, and pronounced the authentic faith and worship of the Church.
Our beloved brothers and sisters, for us Orthodox Christians the presence of icons in our churches and in our homes bears witness to the Incarnation of God and His presence in our lives. Icons also remind us of His invitation to draw closer to Him. Sunday of Orthodoxy and the weeks that follow in Holy and Great Lent help facilitate our effort to become united to Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is our heartfelt prayer that through the veneration of holy icons a doorway to Christ will be opened unto us, permitting us to enter into the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19). |
Ukrainian Orthodox Community Gathers in Washington, DC - 03/07/2014
Over two thousand Ukrainian Americans gathered on Thursday, March 6, 2014, in front of the White House at the nation’s capital in Washington, DC for a peaceful and prayerful demonstration, sharing with the greater American community the conditions under which the Ukrainian society functions following the bloodshed events of the last month in Kyiv. Almost three thousand people, holding Ukrainian and American flags prayed, sang and listened to Ukrainian-American leaders reflecting on the most recent events in Crimea, Ukraine and the political and military aggression of the Russian Federation. |
NPR interview with Metropolitan Antony - 03/06/2014
Great Lent Giveaway 2014 - 03/06/2014
Focus on Giving
Benefiting FOCUS North America — Back to School Initiative |
The Dmytro and Eva Wasylko Memorial High School Essay Contest - 03/05/2014
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Summer Camp Staff needed! - 03/03/2014
Lenten Epistle - Постове Послання - 03/02/2014
“Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?’Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jn 14:6) |
Members of Local Ukrainian Communities Providing Aid to Those in the Ukraine - 03/01/2014
Members of local Ukrainian communities are coming to the aid of Ukraine in its time of need. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA! - 03/01/2014
We remain in solidarity with our Orthodox, Catholic and other Faith leaders in Ukraine who have proved their devotion to their flocks in their steadfast prayer and ministry to those who sat on the cold cobble-stoned Maidan. |
УПЦ США Надає Негайну Допомогу Україні - 03/01/2014
Слухаючи заклики до негайних дій з України, і, бачачи зображення виїзних лікарень в церквах і громадських центрах по всьому Києві, з благословення Високопреосвященнішого Митрополита Антонія, єпископ Даниїл - голова Консисторії Української Православної Церкви побував у Києві, надавши перші $10,000 для потребуючих. |
2014 Lenten Homily from Patriarch Bartholomew - 02/28/2014
“Behold, now is the favorable time, now is the time of salvation.” (2 Cor. 6.2) |
UOC of the USA Delivers Financial Aid to Ukraine - 02/25/2014
Listening to the urgent appeals from Ukraine, and seeing the images of portable hospitals being established in churches and community centers throughout Kyiv, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, His Grace Bishop Daniel – President of the Consistory of the Church traveled to Kyiv, Ukraine delivering the first $10,000 to those in need. |
As the news agencies around the world have informed, the situation in Ukraine has become worse, almost beyond comprehension, to the point that the government is deliberately firing into crowds of demonstrators in Independence Square in Kyiv with horrific results in the deaths of now over one hundred people. |
2014 Camp and Youth Workers Conference – “Writing Icons of the Kingdom” - 02/24/2014
The 12th Annual Orthodox Christian Camp and Youth Workers Conference took place at Antiochian Village in Ligonier, PA from January 23-25, 2014. Over 80 youth workers from across the United States and Canada gathered together for this year’s Conference. The Conference is sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Camps Association (orthodoxcamps.org) and all Jurisdictional Youth Departments, however a different sponsoring member takes on the responsibility of hosting the event each year. This year’s Conference was co-hosted by the Youth and Camping Ministries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. Our archdiocese was well represented with several staff from our camping ministry and parish youth workers. The theme of the Conference was “Writing Icons of the Kingdom: Understanding our Youth as Icons we are Helping to Write.” |
The Video Message of His All-Holiness on the tragic situation in Ukraine - 02/24/2014
His All-Holiness Holds Memorial Service for Ukrainian Victims - 02/23/2014
On Sunday, February 23, 2014, following the Divine Liturgy, His All-Holiness held a Memorial Service (Trisagion) for those who lost their lives during the recent ongoing protests in Ukraine. |
Lenten Epistle - Постове Послання - 02/22/2014
Day of Remembrance in Parma, Ohio - 02/22/2014
As we know, there have been many tragic events in Ukraine. The worst of all of the happenings were last week, where many people have either been killed or heavily injured. All of these activists were fighting for their own Ukrainian freedom. In the memory of the deceased activists in Ukraine, on February 22nd, 2014 our St. Vladimir clergy and the staff and students of the Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies in Parma, Ohio held a memorial service with lit candles and sang “Memory Eternal.” |
Закликаємо до молитви - Asking for Prayers - 02/21/2014
Закликаємо до молитви - Asking for Prayers - 02/21/2014
The Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Prayerfully Asks the Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and every person of good will to join the parishes of the Church throughout the country for prayer services for peace and stability in Ukraine on Sunday, February 23, 2014. |
Bishop Leads an Emotional Prayer Service at the Consistory - 02/19/2014
Leading a group of faithful in prayer for peace in Ukraine, His Grace Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA said that the present armed conflict in the ancestral homeland of so many faithful of the UOC of the USA is ultimately caused by selfishness and can be overcome only through expressions of love and fraternity and never with violence. |
Message By His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew On the Tragic Situation in Ukraine - 02/18/2014
Beloved children and friends in Ukraine and abroad, It is with heavy heart that we have been following the ongoing and, indeed, only escalating tragic circumstances in Ukraine over the last weeks. We feel that our brothers and sisters in Ukraine are our own flesh and blood. “We endure the same sufferings that you suffer and we work with you for your joy,” as St. Paul says. |
Закликаємо припинити насильство в Україні - Violence Must Stop Immediately - 02/18/2014
Українська Православна Церква США просить владу припинити насильство над Українським народом... |
The Patron Feast Day at the Seminary - 02/13/2014
On February 12, 2014, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary celebrated its patronal feast, commemorating the Three Holy Hierarchs Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. Although named in honor of the Holy Wisdom – St. Sophia, the seminary chapel is under the protection of these three great Hierarchs of the Eastern Church, noted for their great piety and wisdom. |
Metropolia Center - Winter Wonderland! - 02/12/2014
For us, at the offices of the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA today was one of those days. The spiritual center of the Church was truly a snow-covered winter wonderland. |
March 22 - Family History Group Spring 2014 Workshop - 02/05/2014
16 лютого - Народна скульптура та оздоблення покоїв Мазепи у Батурині: Археологічні дослідження 2013 р. - 02/05/2014
2014 Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students Available Through the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America - 02/05/2014
2014 Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students Available - 02/05/2014
The Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is pleased to offer the following information about the availability of Scholarship funds for Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the UOC of the USA. |
UN Celebrates 200th Anniversary of Taras Shevchenko - 02/02/2014
З нагоди 200 ліття від народження Т. Шевченка - 200th Anniversary of Taras Shevchenko! |
Souper Bowl Sunday 2014 is TODAY! - 02/01/2014
Team up with Ukrainian Orthodox League of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in our Annual Souper Bowl of Caring. Rally your parish and church youth to champion this social service ministry by feeding the poor and caring for those in need around the world. |
“Souper Bowl” Sunday ~ February 2, 2014 - 01/28/2014
Silver Anniversary Celebration in Brazil - 01/26/2014
Over a thousand faithful from across Brazil and Paraguay gathered at the site of the soon to be constructed Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Papanduva, Parana province of Brazil for the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Holy Priesthood of the Ruling Hierarch of the Eparchy of South America – His Eminence Archbishop Jeremiah. |
Святкування 95-ї річниці Дня Соборності України - 01/22/2014
Кожного року 22 січня вся Україна та українці в Діаспорі святкують День Соборності. Яке ж значення має для нас, українців, це свято? Адже проголошений Акт злуки УНР та ЗУНР був політичним та юридичним, проте не відбувся на державному рівні, Україна продовжувала бути епіцентром загарбницьких війн. Це свято є дуже символічним і несе за собою ідею єдності українського народу. Цю єдність ми сьогодні можемо бачити у людях, які вийшли на майдани по цілій Україні, щоб відстоювати те, за що наші прадіди боролися, відстоювали та віддали свої життя і заповідали нам робити так. Саме тому ми так урочисто щороку піднімаємо прапор у супроводі гімну і віддаємо шану цьому дню. |
St. Thomas Sunday - Провідна неділя - 26-27 April, 2014 - 01/21/2014
Theophany Celebration in Western Deanery of the Church - 01/19/2014
“We hope that it will become a pious tradition for our Eparchial Bishop to celebrate the Great Feast of Theophany of our Lord with the faithful of the Western Deanery...” – with such words of welcome to St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, Very Rev. Fr. Vasile Sauciur greeted His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, as the bishop entered the parish temple on Sunday, January 19, 2014. |
All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - February 15, 2014 - 01/15/2014
All Saints Camp Development Meeting - Jan. 25, 2014 - 01/15/2014
Taras Shevchenko Essay Contest Ends on January 31, 2014 - 01/15/2014
Музей імені Патріарха Мстислава історичного та Освітнього комплексу УПЦ США Отримав Різдвяні Подарунки - 01/15/2014
Відразу після суворих зимових заметіль в центрі та на сході Сполучених Штатів Америки відбулася довгоочікувана подорож голови Консисторії Української Православної Церкви США Преосвященного єпископа Даниїла до Міннеаполісу, Міннесота для виконання подвійної місії в житті Церкви. |
St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day - February 12, 2014 - 01/14/2014
Nativity of our Lord Celebration at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church! - 01/07/2014
2014 Summer College Age Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 01/06/2014
The College Student Mission Trip to aid orphanages in Ukraine, is a ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We hope to bring aid and comfort to special needs orphans and orphanages in a country that currently does not have the means to do so. |
A Visit of Love: 2013 Winter Mission Team to Znamianka Orphanage Returns from Ukraine! - 01/05/2014
For the past three years the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA make prayerful efforts to share the great feast of Holy Wonderworker Nicholas with the children of Znaminaka orphanage in Kirovohrad region of Ukraine. This particular orphanage provides daily care for severely handicapped children with mental and physical disabilities. |
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine: Feast of the Nativity of our Lord! - 01/04/2014
Nativity Carol Sing-A-Long - Mid-Atlantic Deanery Event - January 25, 2014 - 01/02/2014
Malanka in Philadelphia - January 25, 2014 - 01/02/2014
Bethlehem Lenten Retreat - March 22, 2014 - 01/02/2014
UOL Lenten Retreat - March 29, 2014 - 01/02/2014
Patriarchal Encyclical for Nativity of our Savior - 01/02/2014
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given." (Isaiah 9.5) |
Ordination of Subdeacon Paul to the Holy Deaconate - 12/29/2013
by Metropolitan Antony at St. Michael Parish, Woonsocket, RI |
Metropolitan Antony Visits Los Angeles, CA! - 12/25/2013
Over the weekend of December 21-22, 2013 the parishioners of St. Andrew the First Called Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Los Angeles, California welcomed to the parish the Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. This was the first visit of our Metropolitan to southern California since his enthronement in January of this year at another parish of St Andrew - in Silver Springs, MD. The Metropolitan visited with Father Vasyl Shtelen and Pani Matka of St Andrew and Father Vasile Sauciur of the sister parish of St Vladimir in Los Angeles to learn first hand of their pastoral duties and successes. |
Carnegie Parish Welcomes Bishop Daniel and Seminarians - 12/22/2013
On the weekend of December 13-15, 2013, Bishop Daniel and three Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ (Ivan Chopko, Volodymyr Sukanets Sr., and Volodymyr Sukanets Jr.) honored the St. Peter and St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Carnegie, Pennsylvania with a visit. |
Music for the Divine Liturgy is Published by the UOC of the USA - 12/19/2013
Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2013/2014 - 12/19/2013
Annual Nativity Broadcast from St. Vladimir Cathedral in Parma, OH! - 12/19/2013
Parishes of the UOC of the USA Participate in Coats and Shoes Drive for Orphans! - 12/19/2013
With the Blessing of the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, the faithful of our Church embarked this fall on a nationwide warm clothes drive for needy children in Ukraine. |
Holodomor Memorial Groundbreaking Ceremony in Washington, DC! - 12/16/2013
The year of our 2013 marks 80th anniversary of Holodomor-Genocide 1932-1933, and there is no better way to show how much the Ukrainian-American community of the United States of America thinks of all the victims of Genocidal Famine than to set a foundation for a monument in their memory. |
The First and Finest - Just Released! - 12/15/2013
Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering An Orthodox Stewardship Resource for Individuals, Parishes, and Christian Educational Institutions |
The Premier Website on Orthodox Christian Vocations - 12/15/2013
Свято cв. Миколая у Школі Українознавства при Українському Катедральному Соборі Св. Кн.Володимира у Чикаго! - 12/15/2013
День Святого Миколая - свято, на яке з нетерпінням чекають і діти і дорослі. Цього року Школа Українознавства при Українському Православному Катедральному Соборі Св. Кн. Володимира святкувала його у неділю, 15 грудня. У цей нелегкий для нашої Батьківщини час учителі та вихованці Школи присвятили його Євромайдану - як самій ідеї боротьби за європейське майбутнє України, так і його учасникам - цвітові української нації, що не бажає стояти осторонь, а,незважаючи на заборони та силовий спротив теперішньої злочинної влади, прагнуть вибороти гідне життя для усієї країни. |
The most wonderful time of the year - 12/14/2013
We always come around to this Gospel lesson more or less at this time every year, sometime in December, before Christmas. By now, the Christmas carols (Andy Williams is one of my favorites) are continuous on several radio stations, as are the ‘spots’, the commercials, urging us to visit some retailer or other, to purchase yet another unaffordable and unnecessary luxury item as a present… to ourselves presumably. |
Lenten Epistle - Послання на Різдв'яний Піст 2013 - 12/14/2013
Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Offer Prayers for Ukrainian Nation! - 12/11/2013
В середу 11 грудня 2013 року Божого в каплиці семінарії св. Софії, що у м. Саут-Баунд-Брук, штату Нью-Джерсі Преосвященніший єпископ Даниїл разом з ієреєм Василем Довганом, ієреєм Василем Пасакасом, та всіма семінаристами відслужили акафіст до Пресвятої Богородиці Діви Марії як до Заступниці та Покровительки всіх вірних християн, щоб випросила в Господа Бога терпіння, мужності, миру та любові для всіх українців, які переживають зараз важкий час становлення своєї демократичної держави, шляхом волевиявлення. |
His Grace Bishop Daniel Makes an Archpastoral Visit to Arden Hills, MN! - 12/08/2013
Over the weekend of December 6-8, 2013 the parishioners of Holy Great-Martyr Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Arden Hills, MN welcomed to the parish family their Eparchial hierarch – His Grace Bishop Daniel. Almost immediately following the arrival to Minneapolis/St. Paul International airport, the bishop was greeted by the pastor of the parish family- Very Rev. Petro Siwko, and escorted Bishop Daniel to a local nursing home in order to pay a visit to Very Rev. Michael Kudanovich, a long term priest of the UOC of the USA who also served the Ukrainian Orthodox communities in Minneapolis Metropolitan area. Visiting with Fr. Kudanovich, the bishop had an opportunity to express personal greetings of the Prime Hierarch of the Church His Eminence Metropolitan Antony to Fr. Michael and also to learn a bit more about Fr. Michael’s pastoral path. |
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Prays for Ukraine - 12/05/2013
In our historical and paternal love for our beloved people of Ukraine, especially after their recent joyous celebrations of the 1025th anniversary since the baptism of the Kievan Rus, we cannot but express our heartfelt sorrow as well as our compassionate concern at the unfortunate and painful events unfolding over the last days in Kiev. It is deeply heartbreaking for us to witness through the media how the festive joy that only months ago assembled the crowds in religious processions has been eclipsed by the shocking violence encountered today in the very same streets. |
Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США - 12/04/2013
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Will Democracy in Ukraine Survive in the Face of Government Aggression? |
Archpastoral Visit to Boston, MA! - 12/03/2013
On Sunday, December 1, 2013, the Parish of Saint Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Church welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel to Boston. They were invited by the parish to celebrate our Patron Saint’s Day and to bless the renovated and restored interior of our 60-year-old edifice. Our Hierarchs were presented with flowers by the children of the parish and greeted with the traditional bread and salt by the president of the parish board of administration, Jane Yavarow. Very Reverend Roman Tarnavsky, pastor of the parish family, offered the hierarchs the cross. Thus began a many faceted morning. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA - 12/01/2013
Використання сили, боротьби та насильства не допоможуть у вирішенні політичних проблем. The use of force, confrontation and violence will fail to resolve political issues! |
Join the Giving Tuesday Movement to Encourage Spending With A Purpose - 11/29/2013
Giving Tuesday is a national movement to harness the collective power of individuals, families, organizations and businesses to transform how we think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. Giving Tuesday will take place on December 3, 2013 - immediately after the materially-motivated cultural events "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" - and should remind us that the spirit of the holiday season should be about community and not just consumerism. |
1 December, 2013 - UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX LEAGUE SUNDAY - 11/28/2013
The first Sunday of December has been set aside as "UOL SUNDAY" for the past thirty some years in the life of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. This is a day when both Senior and Junior local chapters in parishes around the nation invite their parish members to join in a celebration of the UOL'S accomplishments and vision in living up to its motto: "Dedicated to our Church - Devoted to her Youth". It is also a day when those chapters invite parishioners to join this, one of the Central Organizations of the Church, to become part of the UOL'S mission of service and love and a day to reach out to sister parishes of our Church with encouragement to establish new UPL chapters where none exists. |
Archpastoral Message for 2013 Thanksgiving Day: We Offer Praise and Thanksgiving - 11/27/2013
Once again, our nation pauses to celebrate Thanksgiving. Our tables will be spilling over with food and our homes will resonate with laughter and conversation as we gather to celebrate this special day. Thanksgiving is a quintessentially North American holiday. It is a day when we remember the hardships faced by the first immigrants to this great land, and the gracious kindness with which the native people greeted them. The familiar traditions that surround the origins of Thanksgiving Day when the Native Americans and the settlers of the Plymouth colony came together indicate that gratitude to God was the focus of that first thanksgiving feast. Gratitude to God expressed by those two very different peoples sharing with one another at the same table. |
Ukrainian Holodomor Memorial in Washington, DC - 80th Anniversary of Famine (Holodomor) in Ukraine: 1932 - 1933 - 11/27/2013
Крайовий Комітет США для Визнання Голодомору Ґеноцидом 1932-1933рр. у співпраці з Посольством України в США запрошує усіх нас взяти участь в урочистій церемонії початку будівництва Меморіялу Голодомору у столиці США, місті Вашингтон. Також, до Вашої уваги, у цьому листі ми висилаємо Вам кілька оголошень з детальнішою інформацією щодо цього запрошення. Обидва іерархи та численне духовенство нашої Святої Церкви будуть присутні на урочистій церемонії початку будівницва цього пам’ятника 4 грудня 2013, в столиці США, місті Вашингтон - ми також запрошуємо Вас приєднатися до нас у молитві! |
Happy Anniversary Metropolitan ANTONY! - 11/26/2013
His Grace Bishop Daniel along with the Council of Metropolia, members of the Consistory, clergy, faithful and the student body of St. Sophia Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA express their most sincerest greetings and assurance of prayers to His Eminence Metropolitan Antony – Prime Hierarch and Spiritual Father of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on the 41st Anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Priesthood. |
1 December, 2013 - UOL Sunday - 11/24/2013
Archpastoral Visit to San Francisco, CA! - 11/24/2013
Holy Archangel Michael Parish in San Francisco celebrated the Feast Day of (Patron Saint) Holy Archangel Michael, together with its 55th Anniversary, on Sunday, November 24, 2013. The small yet active parish is the only Ukrainian Orthodox Church within 350 miles of San Francisco and has been serving the spiritual and cultural needs of the faithful since its humble beginnings in the private home of one of its founding trustees. |
Archpastoral Visit to Pinellas Park, FL - 11/24/2013
The parish temple of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Pinellas Park, FL was filled to its capacity for the celebration of the community’s Name’s Day. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Ruling Hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, His Grace Bishop Daniel traveled to Tampa Metropolitan area in order to lead the celebration of the parish’s family. As in the past, considering a long history of relationship that exists between Bishop Daniel, who served the parish as a substitute priest, and the community – on Sunday, November 24, 2013, the bishop brought the larger Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA a bit closer to the local community with a visit to the parish. |
Ukrainian-American Community of NY Metropolitan Area Remembers Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine of 1932-1933 - 11/23/2013
As millions of Ukrainians throughout the world marked the 80th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Genocidal Famine of 1932-1933, the walls of the 19th century St. Patrick Cathedral in New York, NY welcomed and were filled with about 5000 people and solemn chanting of a Memorial service, honoring the memory of about 10 million people, the victims of the artificially created Genocide-Famine in Ukraine. |
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine: 80th Anniversary of the Holodomor - 11/23/2013
Once again we have come to the annual commemoration of the victims of one of, if not the worst, acts of genocide ever committed against mankind – the purposefully created and perpetrated 1932-33 artificial and genocidal famine in Ukraine, masterminded by Josef Stalin himself and managed by those who devoted their lives to him and carried out every command – regardless of what the consequences were for not only the seven to ten million Ukrainian men, women and children who succumbed to the famine, but also for the countless thousands or even more millions of Ukrainians and others who dared to challenge the “plan” of the day – all throughout the Stalin era. The famine was a part of the master plan to destroy the mind (intelligentsia), the soul (the church and her clergy) and the spirit (farmers and villagers, who embodied the national culture and ancient traditions) of the Ukrainian nation. |
Patriarch on 80th Anniversary of Holodomor - 11/22/2013
His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew I on 80th Anniversary of Holodomor. Video message>>> |
Doctors and Medical Personnel Needed for OCMC Health Care Missions in 2014 - 11/22/2013
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the 80th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor - 11/22/2013
2014 Orthodox Christian Camp and Youth Worker Conference - 11/20/2013
As Youth Workers we are "writing" icons of the Kingdom - these icons are our youth - every relationship, every program activity is a "stroke of the brush". What do you want your icons to look like? What kinds of icons are helping God reveal to the world? Discover your path as the iconographer at the Orthodox Camp and Youth Worker Conference, January 23-25, 2014. Open to all Orthodox clergy, youth workers, camp staff and OCF Chaplains. |
Children Remember the Victims of Ukrainian Holodomor - 11/19/2013
Церемонія Запалення Cвічок Пам'яті: Надія Мірчук розповіла дітям про Голод |
2013 Nativity Fast - 11/18/2013
The Nativity Fast – and not only this fast, but all the other fasts prescribed by our Church – is a means by which we are able to place the spirit before the flesh and to bring desires of the flesh under the control of our spiritual and moral aspirations. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself sanctified fasting with his own example, when he fasted and prayed for 40 days and nights, preparing Himself for ministry to the human race. According to the teaching of the Saviour, fasting helps us to cleanse our soul from sin, frees us from the dominion of the devil and restores us to communion with God. “This kind can only be expelled by prayer and fasting,” (Mt 17:21) says the Lord. Emulating our Lord, Jesus Christ, we, on our life’s path, should take full advantage of this God-given time of the Nativity Fast to maintain a prayerful state of soul, for sincere repentance, and to be worthy of meeting the New-born Christ Child – the Saviour of the World. |
Archpastoral Visit at St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, MI - 11/18/2013
The parish was eagerly awaiting the arrival of their two hierarchs, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Metropolitan and Prime Hierarch, and His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, and Consistory President of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. As the adults watched and took photos, the children were eager to begin what would be the culmination of an already unforgettable weekend. |
St. Sophia Seminary is Restarting Weekend Classes in January... - 11/16/2013
and You Should Join Us! |
November 11, 2013 - Nation's Annual Veterans Day! - 11/11/2013
As the nation pauses on November 11 to observe Veterans Day, let us all give thanks for our 25 million military veterans, thanking God for their sacrifice, dedication and service to country. Let us pray for those who struggle with disabilities and pain, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, asking God to bring powerful healing and renewal. |
Pray and Offer Help, as Super Typhoon Leaves Path of Destruction in the Philippines - 11/10/2013
The Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in cooperation with the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) kindly requests prayers for the victims of the devastating storm in the Philippines, where one of the most powerful storms to ever make landfall has slammed into the Philippines, setting off landslides, cutting off power and communications across the country, and forcing nearly 720,000 people to evacuate from towns and villages in Typhoon Haiyan's path. International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is reaching out through partners to assess the emerging needs and appropriate response in the Philippines. |
Holy Trinity Cathedral Welcomes Two Hierarchs - 11/10/2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013 was a wonderful morning in New York City, as the sun brightly enlightened everything around Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, which is conveniently located in the middle of Chinatown of NY City. There was clearly a feeling of excitement, and yet Peace, Prayer and Silence reigned around the cathedral. At that exact moment His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel were coming to visit cathedral’s family, and when they arrived – there was no disappointment. Spiritual inspiration filled the souls of those people who were present. |
November 16, 2013 - Vocations Retreat - 11/09/2013
Penn-Ohio Deanery Meeting in Youngstown, OH! - 11/07/2013
During the past decade, most of the deaneries of our church became dysfunctional and either would not meet with regularity or were ineffective. As in the body, the health of individual cells or groups of cells affects the whole, so too our church was affected by malaise from individual marginalized parishes or regions which had ceased to function through apathy. Our hierarchs have issued a wake-up call and recently called a meeting of the Deans to challenge them to be creative in revitalizing their areas, promoting fraternal ties and to be vigilant that parishes do not wither to the state in which they may be forced to close. Invoking the life-giving power of the Gospel, the hierarchs will visit each Deanery to propose ideas which may prove to alleviate local problems and revive apathetic situations. |
Archpastoral Visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel to Youngstown, OH - 11/07/2013
The weekend of November 2nd-3rd, 2013 saw His Grace, Bishop Daniel conduct an in-depth pastoral visitation at Sts. Peter and Paul parish in Youngstown, Ohio. Saturday morning saw the Liturgy with Deanery clergy for the All Souls Saturday commemoration to be followed by a meeting of the Penn-Ohio Deanery. Late afternoon saw Great Vespers, at which our choir gave the responses. |
Archpastoral Visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony to St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Cartert, NJ - 11/07/2013
On November 3, 2013, the prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony once again visited his beloved flock at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral for their annual celebration of St. Demetrius Day. |
23 листопада, 2013 - Соборна Панахида за жертвами Голодомору 1932-1933рр в Нью-Йорку - 11/06/2013
November 23, 2013 - NY City Memorial Service to Honor the 10 Million Innocent Victims of the Ukrainian Famine Genocide of 1932-1933 - 11/06/2013
November 24, 2013 – Ukrainian Famine Commemoration/Memorial Service in Los Angeles, CA - 11/05/2013
Храмове свято в парафії Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці м. Рочестер - 11/02/2013
Parish Feast Day at Protection of the Mother of God Parish in Rochester, NY |
St John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Family, Portland, Oregon Contributes to UOC of the USA Orphanage Fund! - 11/01/2013
During this season of Thanksgiving we are especially aware that we have much to be grateful for. In this spirit of gratitude to Almighty God, the children, young adults and parishioners of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox parish family in Portland, Oregon would like to present Bishop Daniel with a check to aid the children at Znamyanka Orphanage in Ukraine. Our young people at St. John’s are able to contribute through their ongoing help in our Varenyky (Perogie) production and sales. |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship: November 20, 2013 - Day of Light Program - 11/01/2013
On NOVEMBER 20th, join us in celebrating Day of Light with your chapter. Day of Light is an easy way for OCF chapters to table on their campuses, to take prayer requests from all students, and to offer them a chance to light a candle at a Paraklesis service. Our hope as OCF is to share the Light of Christ with our neighbors by doing something we do every Sunday, lighting candles for ourselves and for our loved ones! |
Patriarchal Video Message to the 20th Regular Sobor - 10/24/2013
January 18, 2014 - Greater Rochester Ukrainian Community in Concert! - 10/23/2013
2013 Message of the 20th Regular SOBOR of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Faithful - 10/20/2013
Just as about 6years ago, following the events of the 18th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, on the first day of the 20th Regular SOBOR of the UOC of the USA, the faithful of the Church were leaving plenary sessions, stating: “It was the Sobor I have waited for all my life – Christ centered and Spirit filled… The Sobor was witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit, vivifying, inspiring, embracing, clarifying, healing… I met so many gifted and devoted people who are ready to offer their services to God through our Holy Church… I actually feel that I am now part of a spontaneously created network of faithful people who fully comprehend that they have a ministry to fulfill.” Such were the comments received by various members and staff of the Consistory since the close of the first day of the Church’s Sobor that virtually all its participants did not want to end. This triennial event in the life of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – the gathering of faithful and clergy – to discuss in depth the progress of her various ministries and to set the course for the future direction of our ministry to save souls, is truly a spiritual and life-confirming moment for all of its participants, particularly under the theme: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” |
Pre-Sobor Activities at the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ! - 10/16/2013
The first two days of Pre-Sobor activities at the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ were full of constructive work and reflection on the ministry of the Church in her service to the flock of the 21st century. |
The Way of Life and the Way of Death - 10/15/2013
We know, from Holy Scripture, that in the early days of the Church, our Faith, later to be called “Christianity”, was originally referred to as “the Way.” Its adherents, Christ’s disciples, were followers “of the Way.” Indeed, in the Didache, one of the oldest Christian documents not to have been canonized as Holy Scripture, being written towards the end of the first century, the opening line is, “There are two ways, one of life and one of death; but a great difference between the two ways.” |
May 30-June 14, 2014 - College Age Summer Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 10/08/2013
Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Chester, PA Welcomes Bishop Daniel - 10/08/2013
For the first time, on a beautiful sunny and warm Sunday, September 29th, 2013, the faithful of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Chester, Pennsylvania, welcomed His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and president of Consistory of UOC of the USA to their parish. |
Metropolitan Antony Blesses Prayer Trail at St. John's Parish - 10/06/2013
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony graced Johnson City, NY with his presence to bless a prayer trail constructed by the SR UOL of St. John the Baptist Church. A very spiritual weekend was filled with prayer and celebration of his 28 years of episcopacy. From Vespers, a bountiful meal, and socializing on Saturday, to Divine Liturgy, glorification and veneration of icons on the prayer trail, and feasting together on Sunday, the parishioners thoroughly enjoyed the weekend’s festivities, and their guests. Accompanying His Eminence were seminarians: Subdeacon Ivan Chopko, Volodymyr Yavorsky, Volodymyr Sukanets, Volodymyr Sukanets Jr., Eduardo Mourov Goncalves. Fr. Charles Baxter from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada was also visiting, while assisting Fr. Ivan Synevskyy, and Deacon Philip Harendza at the Altar of St. John's parish. |
Seminarians of the Church Ship Boxes of Montessori Supplies to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 10/05/2013
Eight seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ gathered together at the Consistory Offices of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on October 2, 2013 to accomplish the task of making Nativity of Christ alive in the lives of over 200 orphans of Ukrainian orphanages that are sponsored by the UOC of the USA. The seminarians packed boxes with humanitarian aid, especially Montessori equipment, designated for the orphanage in Central Ukraine. Finally, the boxes were delivered to a shipping location in NJ, ready to travel to Ukraine. |
November 8-10, 2013 - All Saints Camp Work Weekend - 10/03/2013
New 2013-2014 Academic Year at Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! - 10/01/2013
On Saturday, September 28, 2013 His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel began a new chapter in the Seminary’s Academic year, celebrating the Holy Mystery of Eucharist, inviting the faithful of the Church to share in the learning experiences of the Church’s Seminary. |
Archpastoral Visit to Seattle, WA! - 09/25/2013
Візит Преосвященнійшого Владики Даниїла до місійної парафії Св. Трійці у м. Сіетл. |
Coats and Shoes Project - 09/24/2013
Office of Christian Charity - UOC of USA |
2013 Message of the Assembly of Bishops to Orthodox Christian Faithful Throughout North and Central America - 09/21/2013
2013 Assembly Statement on the Middle East - 09/21/2013
2013 Assembly Statement on Marriage and Sexuality - 09/21/2013
Prayer Books and New Testament Books for Soldiers - 09/20/2013
Архипастирська візитація Преосвященного Владики Даниїла в містo Портленд штат Орегон - 09/20/2013
Archpastoral Visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Portland, Oregon |
2013 Assembly of Bishops Convenes in Chicago, IL - 09/19/2013
The hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA are among 65 hierarchs participating in the 2013 annual meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America at the Chicago Marriott from Tuesday through Thursday, September 17-19, 2013. |
The Birth of Mary, Mother of God - 09/17/2013
Our remembrance of Mary today is both odd and countercultural. Odd: a huge feast, a big deal out of her birth, but no record in the Bible anywhere. Source: Gospel of James, a non-canonical source tells much of the detail in Mary's life (second half of second century). The Protoevangelion’s absence from the canon does not mean that all of its material was polluted. The Greek fathers found much of this source to be trustworthy, especially stories about Mary. |
Father Andrii Pokotylo Elevated to the Rank of Protopriest - 09/16/2013
Metropolitan Antony Visits St. Mary’s UOC, New Britain, CT Blessed with a day of gloriously warm and bright weather, St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, New Britain, Connecticut, welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony to celebrate its feast day, the Nativity of the Mother of God, on September 15, 2013. In addition, our parish celebrated two joyful occasions that day, the elevation of our pastor, Father Andrii Pokotylo, to the rank of Protopriest, and the First Holy Penance of two of our parish young people, Alina Dmytrenko and Arsen Shtefan. |
The Pickle Project - 09/15/2013
When Linda Norris was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to travel to Ukraine as a museum studies consultant at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, she didn’t know that Ukrainian food would become a major part of her life. However, during her stay, she became fascinated by Ukrainian home cooking, the complexity of regional Ukrainian foodways, and how the difficulties of 20th century Ukrainian history has impacted how people eat in Ukraine today. |
Turning the World Upside Down: 5 Ideas for Orthodox College Students - 09/14/2013
Keeping college students connected to the Church has been the focus of campus ministry for decades. However, the question must be asked: What kind of Church are we keeping college students connected to? Is it a Church that frequently worships emphasizing ethos of various ethnic communities? Is it the social Church of meetings, committees, conventions and festivals? Or is it the Church founded by Jesus Christ and lived by the Apostles – a church that changes lives and since Apostolic times has “turned the world upside down”?(Acts 17:5-7) |
XIII's Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of South America Convened in Fram, Paraguay - 09/12/2013
About a hundred delegates from Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina gathered for the 13th Triennial SOBOR of the South American Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is under spiritual omophorion of the Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and upon the invitation of Archbishop Jeremiah, the Ruling Hierarch of the Eparchy of South America of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Grace Bishop Daniel traveled to Fram, Paraguay, representing the Metropolitan at the South American Sobor. |
Family Festival 2013 - 09/09/2013
Sun, Fun and Fellowship! What a great Labor Day Weekend at All Saints Camp for the Annual Family Fest Weekend. Family Fest brought family and friends from near and far for a weekend full of relaxation and fellowship. |
Archpastoral Visit to Oklahoma! - 09/05/2013
Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Jones, OK received a special visitor over the Labor Day weekend. In order to celebrate the parish’s Feast day, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA arrived to Oklahoma City, OK on Friday August, 30, 2013. |
Ukrainian Sacred Music Workshop Held at All Saints Camp - 09/03/2013
The seventh Ukrainian Sacred Music Workshop was held from Wednesday, August 7 through Sunday August 11, 2013 at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania. The course was sponsored by the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and was held in conjunction with the annual bandura and vocal courses known as Kobzarska Sich. The participants of the Ukrainian Sacred Music were church choir singers, choir conductors, cantors, and choral enthusiasts of Ukrainian Orthodox and Ukrainian Catholic parishes. All participants had the opportunity to learn new things about Ukrainian sacred music, sing unique compositions, and become better vocalists. |
Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all - 09/02/2013
On the 11th Sunday after Pentecost we hear a parable in which the kingdom of heaven is described as a king who wants to settle accounts with his servants. When one of the servants approaches the King he is unable to pay his debt. Falling down before the king he begs for mercy saying “Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all”. Having compassion the king released him from all his debt obligations. Unfortunately, this servant did not show compassion to his own servants. Finding one of them, he demanded that he be re-paid one-hundred denarii that was owed him. This servant unable to pay fell before him and begged for patience and mercy. |
Patriarchal Encyclical for the Ecclesiastical New Year - 09/02/2013
College Student Sunday - 08/29/2013
On Sunday, September 15, 2013 parishes across North America will celebrate College Student Sunday (CSS) -- recognizing our college students and bringing awareness to Orthodox campus ministry! |
Dormition of Most Holy Birth-giver of God - 08/27/2013
August 15/28 |
UPDATED: Fire Damage at Pokrova Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA - 08/26/2013
As the lines of this release are being posted, firefighters are battling a fire alarm at the physical location of the parish church. At approximately 1:30 p.m. this day, the beautiful parish church caught fire and continues to burn. |
Ukrainian Independence Day Observance at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/24/2013
The morning hours of Sunday morning, August 25, 2013 gathered several hundreds of faithful of the Church and visitors to the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ for a prayerful Divine Liturgy, Moleben and an afternoon Concert Program in honor of the twenty-second anniversary of Ukrainian Independence. |
Blessing of Monument and Cross at Archbishop Vsevolod’s Gravesite - 08/17/2013
A kind and generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous has sponsored the creation and setting of a beautiful monument and cross over the gravesite of His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod who was ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at the time of his death in December of 2007. |
Mommy and Me/Daddy and Me Encampment Continues to Grow! - 08/16/2013
This year’s encampment was the largest yet with 97 participants and staff! Families traveled across state and international borders to join us for a fun filled week at beautiful All Saints Camp as we learned about the theme, “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” |
15-річчя парафії Святого Андрія Первозванного в Атланті - 08/15/2013
А все почалося з теплої хлібо-сільної зустрічі в притворі церкви парафіян, прихожан та гостей з Владикою. Йому були адресовані поетичні рядки про найбільшу цінність християнина – віру і церкву, які сама складала і натхненно прочитала парафіянка церкви - Ольга Хенсон. |
Archpastoral Visit to Nativity of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in South Plainfield, NJ - 08/12/2013
On Sunday, August 11, 2013 His Grace Bishop Daniel, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, made an archpastoral visit to Nativity of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in South Plainfield, NJ. |
Celebration of the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 08/11/2013
The 1025th Anniversary of Baptism of Kyiv-Rus Ukraine brought people from all over the continental United States of America to the spiritual center – Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. On Saturday, August 10, 2013 His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and the Locum Tenens of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora along with His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA led about 40 priests and hundreds of Ukrainian Orthodox faithful in a prayerful observance of yet another monumental celebration of Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the Ancestral Homeland of Ukraine and the United States of America. |
Meeting of the Deans of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at the Metropolia Center - 08/10/2013
Meeting of On August 9, 2013, a meeting of the Deans of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA was called by His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel. The Bishops and Deans met to discuss a strategic plan for the future of the Deaneries at the Consistory of the UOC of the USA. |
UPDATED: 2013 High School Mission Trip South Bound Brook Buzzzzz - 08/09/2013
Sunday Reporter - Natalie Kapeluck Nixon - Director of the Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry |
2013 Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 08/08/2013
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the dates for a winter missionary trip to the Znamianka Orphanage to celebrate the Life of St. Nicholas, for the faithful of our Church. |
Fourth Watch - 08/03/2013
After the multitudes were fed “Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.” (Matt. 14:22) In this verse the Lord is teaching us prudence, for often we humans have the weakness of lingering with the people who praise our so called good works. Thus, we fall into temptation and eagerly embrace men’s praise instead of heavenly rewards. Therefore, Jesus sends His disciples away immediately so that the Apostles not fall into temptation and the multitudes not fall into idolatry for the miracle performed. |
20th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA! - 08/02/2013
Sobor Information and Registration |
66th Annual UOL Convention Concludes in Parma, OH! - 08/01/2013
For 66 years Ukrainian Orthodox League members have gathered together for the Annual UOL Convention. A true family in Christ, the Ukrainian Orthodox League is a unique organization with families both young and old gathering together as on family united in the Church. The 66th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention was truly a celebration of the UOL family. Exemplifying the convention motto, “O Lord, how manifold are Your works, in wisdom You have made them all.” |
25 August, 2013 - Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center - День Незалежності України - 07/31/2013
Ukrainian Independence Day - День Незалежності України - 07/31/2013
Запрошуємо на святкування! You are invited! |
Geoffrey Pyatt Sworn in as New U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine - 07/30/2013
On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 His Grace Bishop Daniel and representatives of Ukrainian-American community traveled to the U. S. Department of State in Washington, DC in order to participate in the solemn Oath of Office ceremony, as Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt was sworn in as the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. |
Teenage Conference - We're 55! - 07/29/2013
The second session of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry, Teenage Conference, convened at All Saints Camp from July 7-20th celebrating their 55th year! Campers and staff joined together in the spirit of "Faith, Fellowship and Fun", the TC motto, while exploring the 2013 theme, Am I My Brother's Keeper? |
З хлібом-сіллю від нашого сестрицтва Cв.Kнягині Ольги, з чудовими квітами у руках найменьших наших діток та з духовною радістю в очах всіх людей щиро зустрічали і вітали нашого дорогого архіпастиря -преосвященнішого Даниїла, єпископа Західної епархії. Настоятель cвятого xраму, протоієрей Іван Лимар, із хрестом у руках привітав владику Даниїла і виразив велику радість та вдячність владиці за його опіку та теплі молитви за своїх духовних чад. |
Archpastoral Visit to Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Johnstown, PA - 07/27/2013
On Sunday July 21st His Grace Bishop Daniel paid an Archpastoral visit to Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church in Johnstown PA. His Grace was greeted at the church by the president Richard Youchak and the parish priest Rev. Mark Phillips with the traditional gifts of bread, salt, and flowers. After celebrating a Moleben to the Birth-Giver of God, His Grace visited with the members of the parish and shared light refreshments and fellowship. |
Message by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the Devout Ukrainian People on the Occasion of the 1025th Anniversary since the Baptism of the Kievan Rus (English) - 07/26/2013
The Holy Mother and Great Church of Christ, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, learned with great joy about your joint decision regarding the celebration of another milestone, the 1025th anniversary since the collective baptism of your predecessors. For, indeed, the acceptance of the Christian faith by the people in the region of Ukraine constituted a supreme event in its history, through which it was grafted into the body of Christ, the Church, and entered into the community of Christian Churches of Europe. |
Reflections on Southwest Virginia Mission Trip, July 2013 - 07/25/2013
The primary way that the Lord stayed is in His Church. In this season after Pentecost, we especially call to mind the gift of the Holy Spirit given to those who had already received the Great Commission from the Lord before His Ascension. We, too, are recipients of the Holy Spirit through the mystery of Chrismation. The Lord Jesus Christ has called us, sent us, and equipped us to do the good work of acting as His hands and feet in the world. |
У неділю 21 липня Парафія Місії св. Володимира урочисто відсвяткувала своє храмове свято в церкві св. первоверховних Апостолів Петра і Павла. Місцева громада та гості зібралися перед початком Божественної Літургії у Храмі, щоб привітати Митрополита, правлячoго ієрарха східної єпархії, Владику Антонія. За нашою українською давньою традицією з хлібом і сіллю вітала п. Ніна Дудар, а з квітами вітали Владику дівчатка, Зоя Щепко, та Вікторія і Наталія МекМікен. При вході до храму настоятель о. Юрій Базилевський вітав владику з Хрестом та коротким привітальним словом. |
Archpastoral Visit to Holy Ghost Parish, Slickville, PA - 07/23/2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013, was a noteworthy day in Holy Ghost Parish in the quiet town of Slickville, Pennsylvania. His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy was visiting to elevate Rev. Fr. Robert Popichak to the dignity of protopriest and to present him with a gift from the parish family. |
20th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 07/22/2013
October 17-20, 2013 - Registration, Information, Agenda - Реєстрація, інформація, розклад |
Святкування 1025 -річчя Хрещення Русі - України в Святотроїцькій парафії м.Чіктовага Н.Й. - 07/22/2013
28 липня 2013 року в день Святого Рівноапостольного князя Володимира в парафії Святої Трійці Української православної церкви м.Чіктовага,Нью-Йорк відбулася непересічна подія в житті Української громади в околицях Баффало — перший Українсько-Американський фестиваль присвячений 1025- річниці Хрещення України. Відзначали величну подію християнської історії нашої України. Вагома подія зібрала християн разом, велика кількість людей прибула на святкування з околиць Баффало та Рочестеру, а також завітали гості з Канади. |
Відзначення 1025-річчя Хрещення Київської Руси в Мюнхені - 07/22/2013
13 і 14 липня 2013 року відбулося урочисте відзначення 1025-річчя Хрещення Київської Руси та Храмового свято Парафії святих первоверховних Апостолів Петра і Павла в Мюнхені. Так як день пам'яті Апостолів Петра і Павла припав на тижні (п'ятниця), через еміграційні обставини свято було перенесене на першу неділю після 12 липня. |
1-2 November, 2013 - OCAMPR Annual Conference - 07/18/2013
2013 OCAMPR Annual Conference - 07/18/2013
November 1-2, 2013 |
Ukrainian-American Community Meets with Two Ambassadors - 07/18/2013
On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 representatives of Ukrainian-American community traveled to the United States Department of State in Washington, DC in order to meet with the newly appointed Ambassador of the United States of America to Ukraine His Excellency Geoffrey R. Pyatt. |
Parish Feast Day in Palos Park, IL - 07/15/2013
His Grace, Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory and Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church paid a visit and led my faithful in the Divine Liturgy. His presence in my walls is always exceptional and spiritually uplifting. You could hear a pin drop when the time has come during the Divine Liturgy for Him to preach. |
Liturgical Commission: New Service Book Published! - 07/10/2013
Service Book Vol 1 - Служебник Том 1 >>> Order Now |
Scholarship Offered for Church Choir Conductors of Ukrainian Sacred Music Course at All Saints Camp! - 07/09/2013
This year, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is offering two full paid scholarships through the Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary for clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. The course is to be held from August 7 - 11, 2013 in conjunction with the Bandura and Vocal Workshops held at All Saints Camp - Emlenton, Pennsylvania. This course is sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus. |
Scholarship Offered for Clergy Participants of Ukrainian Sacred Music Course at All Saints Camp! - 07/09/2013
This year, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is offering two full paid scholarships through the Saint Sophia Seminary Continuing Education Program for clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. The course is to be held from August 7 - 11, 2013 in conjunction with the Bandura and Vocal Workshops held at All Saints Camp - Emlenton, Pennsylvania. This course is sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus. The Scholarship in the sum of $250 covers all the costs associated with the workshop. |
Ukrainian Sacred Music Workshop Planned For All Saints Camp – Emlenton, Pennsylvania! - 07/09/2013
For several years, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus has sponsored a Ukrainian Sacred Music Seminar. Such workshops have been held in the past at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania during the Bandura Courses and at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological seminary in South Bound Brook, New Jersey. This year the Ukrainian Sacred Music Course will be held on August 7 - 11, 2013. |
Encyclical of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine on the Occasion of the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine - 07/08/2013
З нагоди 1025-ліття Хрещення Київської Русі-України |
Archpastoral Visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel to Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lyndora, PA - 07/03/2013
On Saturday and Sunday, June 29-30, 2013, Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lyndora, PA was blessed by the Archpastoral visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to commemorate the patronal feast of the parish. |
21-28 December, 2013 - Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 07/01/2013
UOC Camping Season Begins with Diocesan Church School Camp! - 07/01/2013
The Camping Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA began a week ago at All Saints Camp. Our first session, Diocesan Church School Camp, offers an amazing program for children between the ages of 9 and 13. Over 70 campers and staff are enjoying fun-filled and faithful days. |
Parish Feast Day with Metropolitan Antony! - 06/24/2013
Sunday, June 23rd 2013, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony made a pastoral visit to Holy Trinity Church in Trenton, NJ. to celebrate the Feast Day of Pentecost. It was a special day for all those who prayed that day with the Metropolitan. |
Bishop Daniel Visits Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL! - 06/24/2013
The congregation of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL welcomed His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on Trinity Sunday to celebrate their Patronal Fest Day. |
Святкування Престольного свята парафією Святої Тройці у місті Сіетл - 06/23/2013
Parish Feast Day in Seattle, WA |
August 10, 2013 - 1025-th Anniversary of Baptism of Ukraine into Holy Orthodoxy - 06/17/2013
2013 Mission Team Concludes Its Visit to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 06/15/2013
Some 35 suitcases of humanitarian aid and toys were delivered to the Ukrainian orphanages sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, when the College Age Mission Team of Students of the Church landed in Kyiv Boryspil International Airport on Saturday, June 1st, 2013. |
2013 Mission Team Visits Shelter for Homeless in Kyiv, Ukraine! - 06/14/2013
As the work among the children of Ukrainian orphanages concluded, His Grace Bishop Daniel accompanied by members of the Mission Team of College Students of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA traveled to a shelter for homeless people in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv in order to learn about the new outreach ministry of St. Andrew Society, a central organization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
All Saints Camp BIG DAY - 06/14/2013
Irene Sherba Donates $30,000 to the Ministries of the Church - 06/13/2013
“There are people that need this money a whole lot more than I do,” said Irene Sherba, a parishioner of Pokrova of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA, who recently visited Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and in the presence of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Ms. Olga Coffey, member of the Metropolia Council of the Church, presented Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA with two checks in the amount of $30,000 designated for the ministries of the Church - $20,000 to assist Orphanage Relief Program and $10,000 to the General Fund of the UOC of the USA, supporting numerous outreach projects of the Church. |
UOL Convention 2013 - 06/11/2013
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedra |
1025-th Anniversary of Baptism of Ukraine into Holy Orthodoxy - 06/10/2013
988 - 2013 1025-ліття Хрещення України в Святу Православну Віру Церква-пам’ятник Св. Андрія Первозванного, Савт Баунд Брук, Н. Дж. Субота, 10 серпня, 2013 Р.Б. 10:00 год. р. - Архиєрейська Божественна Літургія та Велике Освячення Води 1:30 після обіду - Бенкет та святкова програма в Українському Культурному Центрі 1025-th Anniversary of Baptism of Ukraine into Holy Orthodoxy St. Andrew Memorial Church, South Bound Brook, NJ Saturday, August 10, 2013 10:00 am - Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of Water 1:30 pm - Banquet and Program at the Ukrainian Cultural Center |
Patriarch-Metropolitan Mstyslav (Skrypnyk) served our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for forty-three years as Archbishop, President of the Consistory and Metropolitan from 1950 to the day of his repose in the Lord on 11 June 1993.The twentieth anniversary of the repose of His Holiness Patriarch Mstyslav was commemorated at our Metropolia Center on Saturday 8 June 2013. Members of his family, friends, clergy and faithful of our church gathered to recall the incredible leadership and contributions the Patriarch made in the life of our Church, especially with the establishment of St. Andrew Memorial Center and Church Headquarters located in South Bound Brook – Somerset, NJ. |
UOL Convention Registration - 06/06/2013
UOL Convention 2013 - Be Our Guest - 06/06/2013
Mission Team of College Students of the Church Leaves for Ukraine! - 06/06/2013
On Friday May 31, 2013, fourteen college students embark on a three weeks-long mission trip to Ukraine in order to minister among the orphaned children of two orphanages with severe mental and physical illnesses. The students – Mission team members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA have been working for several months in anticipation of this trip – filling out paperwork, fundraising, and praying for God’s power and love to be experienced by all. |
Закiнчення Шкiльнoгo Рoку у Шкoлах при Кафедральнoму Сoбoрi св. Вoлoдимира, Парма, Огайo - 06/05/2013
При Кафедральнoму Сoбoрi св. Вoлoдимира у Парма, Огайo, дiє вiсiм шкiл: Недiльна Шкoла, Шкoла Укаïнoзнавства, Шкoла Украïнських Танцiв, Малювання, Гoнчарства, Спiву, Бандури та Цимбалiв. Кoжнoгo тижня бiльше 250 дiтей Великoгo Клiвленду беруть участь у навчаннi. |
Cultural Activities Conclude at St. Vladimir’s in Parma - 06/05/2013
Since the founding of St. Vladimir’s Parish in Cleveland Ohio in 1924, this parish has been known to the community as a center for religious and cultural activities. From the early years, the parish hosted a choir, a theatrical group, dance ensemble and a parish Ukrainian and Religion School. Today, the parish continues to be a focal point for the Ukrainian American community in the heart of an officially designate Ukrainian Village in the suburb of Parma. |
Чудовий день видався в неділю 2 червня в околиці м. Баффало, в українській православній церкві Святої Трійці (м. Чіктовага) відбувся концерт української духовності та культури. Після служби Божої в залі, при Святотроїцькому храмі, почали сходитися люди з місцевих околиць західної частини штату Нью-Йорк, Чудовий день видався в неділю 2 червня в околиці м. Баффало, в українській православній церкві Святої Трійці (м. Чіктовага) відбувся концерт української духовності та культури. Після служби Божої в залі, при Святотроїцькому храмі, почали сходитися люди з місцевих околиць західної частини штату Нью-Йорк, а також приїхали гості з Канади.а також приїхали гості з Канади. |
New Altar Boys Blessed at St. Vladimir Cathedral, Parma, OH - 06/05/2013
On St. Thomas Sunday, May 12, 2013, prior to the Divine Liturgy at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, Ohio, and following two months of preparation, Mykola Logvyniuk and Alexander Schillling were blessed for the first time to wear Altar Boys’ robes. Special prayers were read in front of the Iconostas before the boys put on their robes. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, the clergy presented the boys with Icons from the Senior U.O.L. chapter as a remembrance of this special day. |
7-20 July, 2013 - Teenage Conference! - 05/28/2013
June 23 - July 6, 2013 - Diocesan Church School Camp! - 05/28/2013
July 28 - August 2, 2013 - Mommy & Me/Daddy & Me Camp! - 05/28/2013
Archpastoral Visit to Monessen, PA - 05/28/2013
On Sunday, May 26, the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Monessen, PA was blessed by the Archpastoral visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Graduation at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - 05/25/2013
Seventeen graduates received degrees during commencement exercises at Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) on Friday, May 24, 2013. |
2013 Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday Encyclical - 05/24/2013
We greet you in the surpassing joy of the Risen Christ. By the grace of God, we are blessed to observe the Sixth Sunday of Pascha, which this year falls on June 9, as Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday. We embrace the diakonia of prison ministry in keeping with the example of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Physician of our souls, who did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; who ate in the houses of thieves and forgave the sins of harlots; and who said that, when we visit those in prison, we are in truth visiting Him, the Lord of Glory. |
Prayers Urged, Metropolia Reaches Out, as Deadly Tornadoes Hit Oklahoma! - 05/21/2013
Just yesterday, our entire country witnessed the horrors of another natural disaster: this time striking in the form of a mammoth tornado at our fellow citizens living in Oklahoma. |
Parish Feast Day in Yardville, NJ - 05/20/2013
З самoгo ранку дiти нашoï шкoли з нетерпiнням чекали дoрoгих гoстей бiля будинку настoятеля, щoб oтримати першими благoслoвiння митрoпoлита i встелити пелюстками рoз дoрoгу для владик. З Церкoвним Хрестoм, Хoругвами i мoлитoвним пiднесенням супрoвoджували дoрoгих гoстей дo святoгo храму, де на пoрoзi з чудoвими караваями i теплими слoвами, зустрiчали Гoлoва парафiяльнoï Управи пан Василь Дерека i старoста пан Іван Івахненкo. |
Metropolia Commemorates 1st Anniversary of the Repose of Metropolitan Constantine! - 05/18/2013
On Saturday, May 18, 2013 on the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Irene, the first anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Constantine – third Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA– was prayerfully commemorated at Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Pittsburgh (Southside), PA. |
2013 Annual Saint Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 05/14/2013
Вже вкотре Митрополія Української Православної Церкви США приймає на своїх землях тисячі паломників, які з’їжджаються з цілої країни на "Проводи" або Фомину неділю. Епіцентром події став цвинтар св. Андрія, на землях якого поховані тисячі не тільки наших вірних, але й ієрархи нашої святої Церкви, духовенство, жертви терору 11 вересня, воїни УПА, воїни Першої та Другої Світової війни, відомі поети, письменники, режисери, художники, композитори, музиканти та багато інших. |
Appalachia Ministry Trip - 05/11/2013
Family Fest 2013 - 05/09/2013
Paschal Encyclical of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 05/07/2013
Today millions of people – elderly and young, healthy and ailing, rich and poor, learned and unlearned, together raise their voices and, from the depths of their soul, glorify God on High and greet each other exuberantly: “Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!” |
Appalachia Ministry Trip - 05/06/2013
In conjunction with the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (Office of Christian Charity), St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Charlottesville (Greenwood), Virginia is pleased to announce plans for the second annual summer mission trip to serve our friends and neighbors in Buchanan County, Virginia, from Sunday, July 7th until midday, on Friday July12. |
Chicago Deanery: The Paschal Celebration Continues! - 05/06/2013
As sunny and warm spring worked diligently to beautify the surroundings with its magnificent colors, the celebration of the Feast of Feasts - Pascha continued. On Monday, May 6, 2013 His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy led the faithful of Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL in the celebration of the Second Day of Resurrection, “Bright Monday.” |
Pascha at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 05/06/2013
Українськa Православнa кaтeдpa Святого Володимира – Великодня Воскресна Літургія! |
Pascha Celebration in the Parishes - 05/05/2013
Christ is Risen! Христос Воскрес |
St. Thomas Sunday - Провідна неділя - 05/05/2013
Seminarians of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Learn About the Ancient Tradition of Pysanky! - 05/04/2013
Пасхальне Послання Постійної Конференції Українських Православних Єпископів поза межами України у 2013 році Божому - 05/04/2013
Сьогодні мільйони вірних – старі і молоді, здорові і немічні, багаті і вбогі, освічені і неосвічені разом підносять свої голоси й з глибини своєї душі прославляють Всевишнього Бога і вітають один одного гучними словами: “Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!” |
Great and Holy Saturday at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL! - 05/03/2013
On Holy Saturday, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL, during which numerous faithful of Chicago Deanery and greater Chicago Metropolitan area prayerfully gathered to reflect upon the great Mystery of salvation of the Crucified Savior. |
Послання Святішого Патріарха Варфоломія на Пасху Христову 2013 р. Б. - 05/03/2013
Звістка жінок мироносиць учням Христовим про Його Воскресіння була неймовірною. До того ж, слово, сприйняте спочатку як неймовірне — пізніше підтвердилося Істиною. Воскреслий Господь з'являвся Своїм учням декілька разів. |
Great and Holy Friday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 05/03/2013
On Good and Holy Friday, the most somber day of the liturgical year, about 200 parishioners, relatives and members of the community at large gathered in Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, IL, in solemn witness of the sacrifice of the Lord in order to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
Encyclical of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for Holy Pascha 2013 - 05/03/2013
The proclamation of the Resurrection by the myrrh-bearing women to the disciples of Christ was considered delirious. Yet, the word, formerly conceived as delirious, was confirmed as Truth. The risen Lord appeared to His disciples on several occasions. |
Great and Holy Thursday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, IL! - 05/02/2013
By the Grace of God the cathedral community of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL gathered at the parish’s temple for the Matins of the Passion Gospels on Thursday evening, May 2, 2013 – as the grateful nation of the United Sattes of America marked National Prayer Day. |
Holy Unction Service at Sts. Peter and Paul UOC Served by the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, His Grace Bishop Daniel and the Clergy of Chicago Deanery - 05/01/2013
Palm - Willow Sunday at St. Panteleimon Parish, Brooklyn, NY - 04/30/2013
In the life of the Holy Church, a tradition consists of any event or practice that occurs regularly in a diocese or even a local parish and has become expectation in the lives of the faithful. Such a tradition begins with a small “t” as opposed to Holy Tradition (capital “T”), which is equal to Holy Scripture – the teachings and dogmas handed down throughout the life of Christ’s Church. A tradition has developed in St. Panteleimon Parish, Brooklyn, NY according to which Metropolitan Antony annually visits the parish to bless the willow branches in commemoration of our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem when the population of the city greeted Him – mistakenly, of course as an earthly king – crying out “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel”! |
St. Andrew Memorial Church Paschal Schedule / Пасхальний розклад - 04/29/2013
May 24, 2013 - St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary Commencement Exercises! - 04/29/2013
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary Commencement Exercises! - 04/29/2013
May 24, 2013 - St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary Commencement Exercises! |
Palm Sunday at St. Vladimir UOC Cathedral in Parma, OH! - 04/28/2013
В цьoму рoцi святo Вхoду Гoспoдньoгo в Єрусалим булo урoчистo вiдсвяткoванo у Кафедральнoму сoбoрi св. Вoлoдимира, щo у Пармi. Святкування цьoгo свята звеличив Гoлoва Кoнсистoрiï УПЦ в США, керуючий iєрарх Захiдньoï Єпархiï Святoï нашoï Церкви - Владика Даниïл. Йoгo Преoсвященствo прибув дo Парми на oстаннєзасiдання Украïнськoï Правoславнoï Лiги перед Кoнвенцiєю, яка вiдбудеться в цьoму рoцi у Пармi, Огайo. У Лазареву субoту, перед засiданням, Владика Даниïл oчoлив Бoжественну Лiтургiю у Сoбoрi св. Вoлoдимира у спiвслужiннi з заступникoм настoятеля o. Михайлoм Гoнтарукoм та диякoнoм Іванoм Шерестoм. Такoж у цей день у вечерi була вiдслужена Велика Вечiрня з Лiтiєю, яку oчoлив Йoгo Преoсвященствo разoм у спiвслужiннi o. Михайлoм Гoнтарукoм, o. Іванoм Генрi та прoтoдиякoнoм Ігoрем Махлаєм. |
Senior National Executive UOL Board Meets in Parma, OH! - 04/27/2013
The National Executive Board spent the last day of Great Lent and Lazarus Saturday in Parma Ohio. Senior National Executive Board Members traveled to Parma to review accomplishments and prepare for the 66th Annual UOL Convention. On Saturday the National Executive Board gathered in the Cathedral for Divine Liturgy. It is always beautiful for the Board to have the opportunity to start the Board Meeting with Divine Liturgy. His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Spiritual Father of Sr. UOL and President of the Consistory as well as Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA celebrated Divine Liturgy and inspired board members and the faithful to dedicate their lives to the service our Lord and His creation. In conclusion o his remarks, Bishop Daniel greeted the Board on behalf of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. |
27th Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Explosion Remembered at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA! - 04/26/2013
About one hundred faithful of Ukrainian Orthodox parish communities of NY/NJ Metropolitan area gathered at St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church on April 25, 2013 to pray for the victims of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster that happened exactly to a minute (6:23AM) on August 26, 1986. The timing of this prayer service was crucial, as the time difference between Ukraine and Chicago is 7 hours. While the bells of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church struck in South Bound Brook, NJ 27 times in the evening hours on Thursday, April 25th, it was exactly 1:23am in Ukraine on August 26 – the time of the 27-year old explosion. |
Remembering Chornobyl - 27 Years Later! - 04/25/2013
NY/NJ Deanery Welcomes Bishop Daniel at the Liturgy of Presantified Gifts in Carteret, NJ! - 04/24/2013
On Wednesday, April 24, 2013, the clergy of NY/NJ Deanery, under the leadership Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko, for the last time during this year’s Lenten journey gathered at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Carteret, NJ with His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA for the celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts. |
Пам'ятаймо Чорнобиль - 04/24/2013
St. Sophia Seminary Restoration Project! - 04/23/2013
During the last two weeks of Great Lent, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ entered into the last stages of a slow recovery from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, following the immediate full restoration of electricity and heat, as well as repairs being made to the exterior of the Seminary’s building. |
Why Do We Need To Have Palm Sunday? - 04/22/2013
As Orthodox Christians we consider Palm Sunday as one of our beloved Major Feast Days. This day is also known as the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. All four Biblical Gospel accounts tell the story. A week before His Resurrection, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem riding a donkey. The people who greeted Jesus, in a manner of honor, covered His path by laying down clothing and branches. The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is “triumphal” because it is an event intended to proclaim that the Prince of Peace (Jesus Christ) has arrived as the King of Israel. This is why Jesus rode on a donkey - a symbol of peace, as opposed to a warrior on horseback. |
May 18-21, 2013 - Remembering Metropolitan Constantine! - 04/22/2013
June 11, 2013 - Remembering Patriarch/Metropolitan Mstyslav! - 04/22/2013
Pan-Orthodox Vespers At St Luke's - 04/21/2013
On Sunday April 21, 2013 St Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Warners, NY hosted the Pan-Orthodox Vespers service! The Vespers Service was celebrated by Fr. David Smith of St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Syracuse, NY; Fr. Elias Nasar of St Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church in Syracuse, NY; Fr. Philip McCaffery and Fr. Peter Bunitsky of Holy Transfiguration Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Syracuse, NY; Fr. Leonid Schmidt of Saints Peter and Paul OCA Church in Syracuse, NY; Fr. Deacon Nicholas Mashie of St Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church; Fr. James Gurguis of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Churchin and Fr. Borislav Kroner – rector of St. Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Warners, NY. |
UOL Retreat – “The Way of a Pilgrim…” - 04/20/2013
On April 20, 2013 UOL members and friends of the UOL gathered in Mt. Pocono to reflect on the text “The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way.” For ten years the UOL has been coordinating retreats along the east coast, typically in the Lehigh Valley. This year the retreat moved a little north to the Villa of Our Lady Retreat House in Mt. Pocono, PA. |
Once Again – Terror Shows its Ugly Face… - 04/16/2013
It is painful to be sitting down once again to reach out to the victims of terror in our great nation of the United States of America. Once again we view the agony on the faces of victims, survivors and family members of both, repeatedly shown on our television sets and our computer screens and we are compelled by Christian Love to convey to them our deepest sympathy. Although the number who were killed was relatively small, there are still many more in critical condition and hundreds more with less serious – physical, that is – injuries. |
Remembering Chornobyl - 27 Years Later! - 04/14/2013
Пам'ятаймо Чорнобиль! - 04/14/2013
St. Sophia Seminary Students Serve Divine Liturgy at Halki Theological Seminary! - 04/14/2013
On Sunday, April 14, 2013 the day of prayerful observance of the Fourth Sunday of Great and Holy Lent, also known as the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, the graduating class of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary, along with His Grace Bishop Daniel served Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at Holy Trinity Chapel of the monastery and the Theological School of Halki. |
New England Deanery - 04/13/2013
On Saturday April 13th, the clergy of the UOC-USA New England Deanery offered a "traveling mission" to the faithful of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. The turnout, support, and participation in this mission was inspiring. |
Visit to the Halki Seminary! - 04/13/2013
On Saturday morning, April 13, 2013 as the weekend of the prayerful observance of the Fourth Sunday of Great and Holy Lent, also known as the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, the graduating class of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary, along with His Grace Bishop Daniel accompanied His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on a visit to the Theological School of Halki. |
Upstate NY Deanery - 04/12/2013
On Friday, April 12, 2013 St Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Warners, NY hosted the deanery Holy Unction Service. Fr. Borislav Kroner, rector of St Luke’s and the faithful of the parish community were joined by Fr. Ihor Krekhovetsky of St. Mary Protectress in Rochester, NY; Fr. Yuriy Kasyanov of Holy Trinity Parish in Cheektowaga, NY; Fr. Ivan Semko of St Mary’s in Herkimer, NY and Fr. Ivan Synevskyy of St John the Baptist Parish in Johnson City, NY as well as guests to celebrate the mystery of Holy Unction. |
Day Four of Prayerful Pilgrimage to Constantinople! - 04/12/2013
On Friday, April 12, 2013, Vladyka Daniel and seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary attended the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts at St. George patriarchal Cathedral. His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the service, while Bishop Daniel and the seminarians-clergy of the UOC of the USA received Holy Eucharist at the altar of the cathedral. |
Graduating Class Visits Ecumenical Patriarchate - 04/11/2013
Four graduating seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of South Bound Brook, NJ Rev. Frs. Andriy Matlak, Vasyl Dovgan, Vasyl Pasakas and Deacon Philip Harendza left with His Grace Bishop Daniel, Dean of Students of St. Sophia Seminary for a visit to Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), at the invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This trip became a reality due to a full scholarship received from the Archons of Ecumenical Patriarchate that enables graduating students to spend about 10 days in Constantinople, learning about the ministry of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the history of the relationship between the Patriarchate (Mother Church) and Kyiv Rus, the cradle of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, whose 1025th anniversary of Baptism is marked in 2013. |
Четверта Неділя Великого Посту - 04/10/2013
В той самий час, як Христос, узявши з собою трох апостолів Петра, Якова, й Івана вийшов на гору Фавор і там преобразився решта учнів лишились внизу під горою, де вже стала збиратися чимала громада. Якийсь чоловік привів із собою біснуватого сина і просив учнів щоб уздоровити дитину. Учні пробували це зробити, але не змогли. Коли ж Ісус зійшов з гори на долину, нещасний батько став просити Ісуса щоб Він врятував його сина, - і Спаситель одним словом вигнав нечистого духа. Тоді учні запитали Ісуса, чому вони не змогли цого зробити. Ісус відповів: «Цей рід недуги нічим не можна вигнати, тільки молитвою й постом.» З цього бачимо, що піст і молитва – могутня зброя, якою треба воювати проти нечистого духа. Великого добродійства зазнав цей юнак від Ісуса: він з дитинства був обплутаний злим духом що люто знущався над ним. Терпів хлопець, а з ним його батьки, що безпорадно дивилися щодня на його терпіння. І нарешті всі його страждання скінчилися. Ісус взяв юнака за руку і віддав батькам. |
UOC High School Mission Trip 2013 - 04/10/2013
Applications now available! |
Deacon Vasyl Pasakas Ordained to the Holy Priesthood! - 04/07/2013
The bright Saturday morning of April 6, 2013, a day of prayerful remembrance of Venerable Zachariah of the Monastery of Kyiv Caves, gathered about 200 people at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, at the heart of the Metropolia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for the ordination of Deacon Vasyl Pasakas to the Holy Priesthood. |
St. Thomas Sunday - Провідна неділя - 04/05/2013
Presanctified Liturgy with Metropolitan Antony at St. Michael Parish - 04/01/2013
There is no better Liturgical experience of Great Lent than the Presanctified Liturgy. This experience is deepened when it is well attended by parishioners, visiting clergy, and seminarians. It is deepened even further when the chanting is prayerful and beautifully executed. And this is experience is given its fullest liturgical form when it is led by the archpastor of the parish and Metropolitan of the Church. This was the case at the parish of St. Michael the Archangel in Woonsocket on the evening of Monday, April 1st as His Eminence Metropolitan Antony led the celebration of the service. |
Metropolitan Antony Visits St. Andrew Parish in Boston, MA - 03/31/2013
His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony visited St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Boston on March 31, 2013, the second Sunday of Great Lent. He was welcomed with flowers by the children of the Parish and then was greeted with bread and salt by Jane Yavarow, Parish President. Next, Very Reverend Fr. Roman Tarnavsky extended the cross to His Eminence. |
Annual Archpastoral Visit to St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruces, NM! - 03/31/2013
Once again the mission community of St. Anthony of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Las Cruces, NM welcomed among their midst the eparchial bishop of the Western Eparchy and President of Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - His Grace Bishop Daniel, during the weekend of 29 March – April 1, 2013. He was accompanied by seminarian Subdeacon Ivan Chopko of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Metropolitan Antony Visits St. Mary Parish in Bridgeport, CT - 03/30/2013
On Saturday March 30, 2013 St. Mary’s Protection, Bridgeport CT. had a Lenten visit from His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, as he presided over a Soul Saturday Memorial Divine Liturgy. Even though it was a cool and crisp March morning, His Eminence received a warm welcome from the Parish Pastor Fr. Stephen Masliuk, Parish board President Bill Wresilo and Sisterhood President Anna Sabas. |
Great Lent Giveaway 2013 - 03/30/2013
Grant the Wish of a Child! Benefitting Make a Wish Foundation! |
URGENT: Orthodox Christians Needed to Serve on OCMC Mission Teams in 2013! - 03/30/2013
Orthodox families, healthcare workers, and teachers of the faith are still needed for 2013 OCMC mission teams. Please prayerfully consider joining today! |
The Sunday of Orthodoxy Celebrated at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ! - 03/27/2013
On Sunday, March 24, 2013, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, the First Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, celebrated Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great at the Metropolia Center’s St. Andrew Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Друга неділя великого посту - 03/26/2013
Перебуваючи в часі великого посту, ідучи дорогою духовного подвигу, для всіх нас є невід'ємною частиною нашого життя очищення для того, щоб підготовити себе до великого свята - Воскресіння Господнього. Розуміючи піст - як стримання, достоїнство людини володіти собою, перемагати зло в самому собі, перемагати свої недобрі звички та пристрасті. Піст є обмеження потреб тіла, щоб віддати більше уваги вищим прагненням душі людської. Дорога, якою ми ідемо в часі чотиридесятниці — це є високий відданий Богові настрій душі, є рішуче відмежування від усього того, що може цей настрій принизити, чи зіпсувати спокусами життя. |
Sunday of Orthodoxy in Philadelphia - 03/25/2013
Each year on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the children of the St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox cathedral are given a very special responsibility. At the end of the service, after Holy Communion, the children all make their way to the front of the Temple holding Icons. Some of the children have brought their favorite icons from their family prayer corner others received their icons from the kid’s room kept on hand for the occasion. |
Triumph of Orthodoxy - 03/23/2013
We, like Nathanael, can come to believe through our sight. But how is this not idolatry? It is not idolatry because God Himself has become an image. He is both the first icon maker and the first icon. If we then reject the physical depiction of the truly physical God-man, we are likely to reject that Jesus is truly present as God in this world. Think of the emperors who were quite happy to place their own images on things, but make God invisible. In doing so, they usurped the king of heaven and hellish behavior followed as they set themselves up as false gods. |
Конференція Північно-західного Деканату - 03/23/2013
Традиційно в час Великого Посту в Північно-Західному деканаті штату Нью-Йорк проходять збори духовенства деканату. Так і цього року 23 березня в храмі Святої Покрови м. Рочестер зібралися на Конференцію духовенства священники. |
Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete! - 03/20/2013
During the first four days of Lent (March 18, 19, 20, 21) the penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete was celebrated at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (as in most Orthodox churches around the world). |
Great Lent Giveaway 2013: Grant the Wish of a Child! - 03/20/2013
The Great Lent Giveaway was designed as a way for our youth to learn about the beauty of Great Lent and instill in them that Great Lent is not only a time of fasting but a time to do good works and of contemplation, while preparing for the death and Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
Archpastoral Letter: Great Lent 2013! - 03/18/2013
Having only been in a state of spiritual joy recently celebrating the Holy Nativity season, we scar¬cely perceived, by the grace of God, that the Holy Church has guided us to a new point in our lives – a time of fasting and prayer, a period of spiritual strengthening and purification, an occasion for spiritual advance¬ment and perfection. The Holy and Great Fast is a unique time in the life of every Christian. This is the time dedicated to repe¬ntance and forgiveness for the cleansing of our soul and body. This exceptional time provides us an opportunity to draw as close as possible to holiness and, ultimately, to God. |
Ecumenical Patriarch: Homily for Holy and Great Lent! - 03/18/2013
The holy fathers, who arranged everything in an orderly manner, instituted a period of ascetic discipline and spiritual purification for forty days prior to the great feast of the Lord’s resurrection. This ascetic rule assumes the form of a limitation on foods throughout fasting, but especially an abstinence from evil. |
Truly Blessed Day in Palos Park, IL! - 03/17/2013
On Sunday March 17, long awaited day has come to Sts. Peter and Paul Parish family in Palos Park, IL. It was truly a great and blessed day! The parish family has celebrated not one or two, but four happy occasions. First joyful occasion was a visit of the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
Subdeacon Vasyl Pasakas Ordained to Holy Deaconate! - 03/16/2013
Суботнього сніжного ранку 16 березня 2013 року Божого семінарійна каплиця Трьох Святителів знову відкрила свої двері для вірних та духовенства цього разу з нагоди Таїнства дияконської хіротонії іподиякона Василя Пасакаса, який після довгих років навчання та випробовувань свого покликання нарешті сподобився благодаті рукоположення в сан диякона. |
Subdeacon Philip Harendza Ordained to the Holy Deaconate! - 03/10/2013
On Sunday, March 10, 2013, the fullness of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of United States of America welcomed a new Deacon into the midst of priestly ranks. By the Grace of God and through the laying on of hands of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and President of Consistory of the UOC of the USA, Subdeacon Philip J. Harendza of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Johnson City, NY and a seminarians of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) was ordained to the Holy Deaconate. |
Assembly of Bishops Convenes Meeting on Information and Technology! - 03/08/2013
The Assembly of Bishops convened a meeting to share ideas and discuss collaboration between the Assembly’s communications team and the internet staff of member jurisdictions. |
10 березня 2013 року на відзначення Шевченківських днів на теренах західної частини штату Нью-Йорк зібралися святковому залі Свято-Троїцької Української Православної церкви м.Чіктоваги українці всіх конфесій, щоб вшанувати пам'ять Тараса Григоровича Шевченка. Цього року проведення святкової академії на честь великого Кобзаря співпало з днем його смерті — 152 роки тому 10 березня 1861 року пішов з життя в молодому віці геніальний поет, патріот, непересічна людина — Тарас Григорович Шевченко. |
Remembering the Great Son of the Ukrainian Nation in Chicago, IL! - 03/07/2013
For many Ukrainians of all generations, March 9th is a special day. On this day we celebrate the memory of the Great Son of the Ukrainian nation - Taras Shevchenko. |
Неділя М’ясопусна - 03/05/2013
Повчання про Страшний або Останній суд було сказано Ісусом Христом декілька днів до розп’яття. Бог створив наших предків Адама і Єву і вони жили в раю. “І створив Бог Людину за образом Своїм, за образом Божим створив її; чоловіка і жінку створив їх” (Буття 1, 27). Бог приходив до Адама і Єви і з ними говорив. Бог створив людей для вічного життя. По намові диявола, Адам і Єва з’їли з дерева пізнання добра і зла, що було заборонено Богом. Вони згрішили, тобто порушили заповідь Божу. Адам і Єва пізнали зло і стали смертними людьми. Вони в собі знівечили подобу Божу і за це були вигнані з раю. |
Archangel Icons - Icon Workshops - 03/05/2013
Busy Weekend in Parma, Ohio - 03/05/2013
On the snowy weekend of March 1 - 3, His Grace Bishop Daniel came to visit Parma, Ohio, on the occasion of the marriage of Vasyl Pasakas and Oksana Mahlay. |
Protopresbyter Michael Zemlachenko of Blessed Memory! - 02/26/2013
It is with a profound depth of sadness that we hereby inform you of the repose, in the evening hours of 26 February, 2013 of Protopresbyter Michael Zemlachenko, a long-term pastor and Member of the Council of Metropolia and Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Congratulation Letters to the New Primates of the Church of Antioch and the Church of Bulgaria! - 02/26/2013
The Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA issued letters of prayerful greetings to the newly elected Primates of the Church of Antioch and All East as well as of the Church of Bulgaria. |
Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of NJ: Students learn about Ukrainian immigration! - 02/25/2013
Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA! |
Archpastoral Portraits - 02/20/2013
New portraits are available. These portraits are printed on quality canvas and wrapped around a solid wood frame. Each wrap-around print measures 16 x 20 inches and is ready for framing or hanging. Your order will be packaged and boxed to ensure that you receive your portrait canvases safely and without any damage. Please disregard the mesage: Shipping Method: Sorry but we were unable to determine shipping rates. You may wish to check your address again to ensure that it is accurate. This shipment will be delivered to you by UPS ONLY.
Price - $150 / Set
Shipping & Handling - $20 |
The Publican and the Pharisee - 02/19/2013
There is the strange doctrine of Eternal Security as witnessed in the common saying “Once saved, always saved.” I remember the man who accosted me (yes, I was dressed as a priest) with the challenge: “Have you been saved?!?” Wow, that took a lot of gall. I responded: “I hope to be saved.” He countered with: “Well, I know if I died right now I would go immediately to Heaven!” How sad! This is the sin of pride – the very sin into which the Pharisee fell when he proclaimed he was better than other men – especially this Publican. |
Dual Pastoral Celebration in Dover, FL! - 02/17/2013
Upon the invitation of the parish community, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony – Primate of the UOC of the USA and His Grace Bishop Daniel – President of Conssitory of the UOC of the USA visited the Ukrainian Orthodox parish of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God in Dover, Florida, on Sunday February 17, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of priestly service of Rev. Fr. Harry Linsinbigler and Vladyka Metropolitan Antony’s recent elevation to Metropolitan and the Primate of our Church. |
US Air Force Chaplain School Graduation! - 02/16/2013
On the morning of February 15, 2013, the feast day of the Meeting of our Lord, Rev. Fr. Francis Rella graduated from the Air Force Chaplain Corps College, Basic Chaplain Course. He was joined by 26 other Chaplains from various Christian Denominations, who will serve in the Active Duty Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and the Air National Guard. |
Liturgical Commission of the Church Holds Its Meeting - 02/13/2013
The Liturgical Commission of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA met at the Consistory Offices of the Metropolia Center on Monday, February 11 through Wednesday, February 13, 2013. During the meeting, the Commission made final revisions to the first volume of the SERVICE BOOK (Sluzhebnyk). Involved where final corrections and editing with regard to grammar, spelling, word usage, rubrics (liturgical instructions), etc. |
Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of NJ in Ukrainian Media Publications! - 02/12/2013
Ordination to the Holy Priesthood at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! - 02/12/2013
12 лютого 2013 року Божого, в день святкування трьох святителів та вчителів Григорія Богослова, Василія Великого та Івана Золотоустого, семінарська каплиця Свято-Софіївської Української Православної Богословської Семінарії УПЦ США відкрила свої двері для християн щоб стати свідками відкриття ще однієї сторінки в історії семінарської родини. На дорогу священослужіння став диякон Василь Довган з його дружиною Ілоною. |
Архипастирський візит Преосвященнійшого Владики Даниїла до парафії Святої Тройці у Сіетлі! - 02/10/2013
Archpastoral Visit of Bishop Daniel to Seattle, WA! |
2013 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Season! - 02/09/2013
Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult MInistry: We are pleased to announce applications for campers and staff for the 2013 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Season - "Am I My Brother's Keeper?"(Genesis 4) are now available. |
2013 OCF Real Break! - 02/09/2013
Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult MInistry: Do Something Meaningful This Spring Break. Travel With OCF & Change Lives! |
Archpastoral Visit to Pittsburgh, PA - 02/04/2013
The parish of St. Vladimir’s UOC on the South Side of Pittsburgh had the opportunity to host the National Executive Boards of the Senior and Junior UOL this weekend. We were doubly blessed to have our first Eparchial visit from His Grace Bishop DANIEL. |
UOL Junior and Senior National Executive Boards Meet in Pittsburgh, PA! - 02/02/2013
Members of the Junior and Senior National Executive Boards of the Ukrainian Orthodox League gathered on the South Side of Pittsburgh over the weekend of February 1-3, 2013 for their winter meetings at Holy and Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Executive UOL Boards were graciously hosted by the parish of St. Vladimir, especially Very Reverend Fr. John Haluszczak, Larissa Kocelko, President of the Parish board of Administration and Junior UOL Chapter. |
Consistory of the Church Presents Gifts of Love and Support to Holy Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI - 02/01/2013
On Friday, February 1, 2013 acting on behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and Consistory of the UOC of the USA - His Grace Bishop Daniel, President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA transferred collected donations from various parishes and individuals of the Church in the amount of about $6,000.00 to the pastor of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI – Rev. Fr. Anthony Perkins in order to offer assistance to the parish community, following the tragic fire damage that destroyed the interior and the roof of the parish sacred space. |
Archpastoral Services at the Metropolia Center of the Church! - 02/01/2013
Щороку 29 січня український народ вшановує пам’ять загиблих молодих хлопців-студентів у битві під Крутами. З цієї нагоди у вівторок ввечері Преосвященніший Єпископ Даниїл разом із семінаристами відслужили заупокійну літію в каплиці Свято-Софіївської Української Православної Богословської семінарії в Савт Бавнд Бруці, Н. Дж., за увіковічнення пам’яті та прийняття до Царства Небесного близько 300 душ спочилих молодих студентів, які не встигли навіть підготувати себе до тих чи інших бойових дій. |
Lenten Couples Retreat - 01/30/2013
TV Edition - Enthronement of Metropolitan Antony - 01/28/2013
Silver Spring, MD - His Eminence Metropolitan Antony was enthroned on January 26, 2013, as the fourth Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA during a magnificent and traditional ceremony at St. Andrew the First Called Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD. |
Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США - 01/23/2013
Щорічно 22 січня вся Україна та українська діаспора святкує День Соборності. Не оминуло це свято і осередку нашої Митрополії у С. Баунд Бруку. О полудні, як і 94 роки тому, у церкві-пам’ятнику св. Андрія зібралися парафіяни, працівники, члени Консисторії та гості, щоб відслужити молебень за мир та добробут України та її народу. |
New Semester Begins At St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! - 01/23/2013
South Bound Brook, NJ: On Monday, January 21, 2013 St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA opened its doors for the Spring Academic Semester "with great anticipation for a blessed and prosperous school year with new faculty and students," according to Very Rev. Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha, Provost of the Church’s Theological School. |
The Feast of Theophany at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, IL! - 01/20/2013
Nearly 400 faithful and visitors to St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL gathered at their parish temple to celebrate the feast day of Theophany of our Lord! The services of the feast day were led by His Grace Bishop Daniel, a ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
UOC of the USA Presents Nativity Season Gift to Znamianka Orphanage in Ukraine! - 01/20/2013
The dream of about 120 boys and girls of Znamianka (Kirovohrad Region) Orphanage for physically disabled children came true on Saturday, January 12, 2013 when a 22 passenger minivan was delivered to the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv and officially transferred to the administration of the orphanage in the presence of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
The Feast of Theophany at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, OH - 01/19/2013
The third major feast Day after Nativity of Christ is the Feast of Holy Theophany that we celebrate every year on January 19th. On that day the Holy Trinity was revealed: Father of God spoke: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Mt. 3, 17) Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by the John the Baptist and the Holy Spiritdescending like a dove and alighting on him. Holy Theophany is the Feast of Lights in which we meeting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-Son of God, which at the age 30 years began His teaching of the Gospel to all people. |
Share the Light Sunday - 01/18/2013
Consistory Treasurer: It’s Not Too Late to Make Your 2012 Charitable Contribution! - 01/17/2013
UOL Lenten Retreat - Apr. 20, 2013 - 01/17/2013
UOL Lenten Retreat - Apr. 13, 2013 - 01/17/2013
22 січня, 2013 - Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США - 01/16/2013
February 3, 2013 - Souper Bowl Sunday 2013! - 01/16/2013
Souper Bowl Sunday 2013 is coming! Team up with International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) for our 15th annual Souper Bowl of Caring on Sunday, February 3, 2013. Rally your parishioners and church youth to champion this social service ministry by feeding the poor and caring for those in need around the world. |
22 січня, 2013 - Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США - 01/16/2013
Deacon Andriy Matlak’s Ordination to the Holy Priesthood - 01/09/2013
On Wednesday, the 9th of January 2013, His Eminence Metropolitan-Elect Antony, His Grace Bishop Daniel, clergy, faithful, relatives, choir members, and seminarians gathered together at St. Andrew Memorial Church to witness Deacon Andriy Matlak’s ordination to the Holy Priesthood of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Різдво Христове у Чікаго ІЛ - 01/07/2013
Святий і радісний день Різдва Христового ми всі чекаємо з нетерпінням і трепетом, оскільки воно є одним з найголовніших празників для християн і сімейним святом багатьох людей. |
Nativity Archpastoral Celebration in Parma, OH! - 01/07/2013
For the first time since assuming the Archpastoral responsibilities, the Eparchial Bishop of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, Ohio on the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
What Child is this? - 01/05/2013
Among all the repetitious versions of “Jingle Bell Rock” and “White Christmas” (the latter being meaningless in the south) in the month of December, one particular radio station I was listening to decided to play “What Child is this?” After I had listened to it, I began to wonder how many of us who profess to be Christians would know Who the child was, even though we claim to belong to Him. St. Joseph asked, not “what child is this” but rather “whose child is this” until the angel appeared, but then dedicated Himself and intertwined His life with Christ’s life until he reposed. |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Hierarchs Beyond the Borders of Ukraine! - 01/03/2013
Consecration of the Interior Restoration in New Britain, CT - 01/03/2013
St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Nativity of the Mother of God, welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel to consecrate its newly renovated interior and restored icons on December 30, 2012. Although nearly a foot of snow blanketed the state the night before, many of St. Mary’s parishioners braved the challenging conditions to welcome their hierarchs in celebrating a joyful Divine Liturgy in honor of this significant event in the life of the parish. |
The Annual Christmas Radio Program of the Divine Liturgy! - 01/02/2013
On Monday, January 7th, 2013, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral will sponsor its 25th annual Christmas radio programs for its sick and elderly shut-in parishioners and the entire Ukrainian community of Greater Cleveland. The Christmas Divine Liturgy will be broadcast live from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. over radio station WJMO, 1300AM. It can also be heard online at www.PraiseCleveland.com. |
Progress With the Establishment of the Holodomor Memorial Continues - 01/02/2013
The procedures associated with the establishment of the Ukrainian Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial in Washington, DC are steadily progressing. Since late October 2011, and the first in a series of hearings held on the design concept of the Ukrainian Holodomor Memorial, the month of December was inundated with Holodomor Memorial-related activities including a presentation of the concept designs to the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) on December 1, 2011; a public scoping meeting held on December 8, 2011 for residents of Washington, DC to express their opinion on the projects; and, a hearing on December 14, 2011 before the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission (NCMAC). |
2013 Summer College Age Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 01/02/2013
The 2013 trip will take place May 30 - June 16th, which includes a training day in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
2012 Winter Mission Team Returns Home - 12/28/2012
The 2012 Winter Mission Team to the Ukrainian Orphanages of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA returned to the United States of America on December 28, 2012, following ten days of inspiring moments, ministering to the children of Znamianka orphanage in Kirovohrad region of Ukraine. |
Archpastoral Nativity of our Lord Greeting! - 12/22/2012
To the Beloved Clergy, Monastics and Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches beyond the borders of Ukraine and our Ukrainian Orthodox Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine: CHRIST IS BORN! GLORIFY HIM! We greet you, our beloved spiritual children, at the bright and joyful Holy Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Christ – the Savior of the world is today manifested as the Christ-Child to all our earthly families. May the peace and harmony of these magical Nativity Holy Days fill each of our lives! Let us seek joy, solace and assistance in the Bethlehem cave where the “angels sing” and “glorify the newborn Christ-Child”. |
Різдво Господа Бога нашого і Спасителя Ісуса Христа – 2012 - 12/22/2012
До улюблених священнослужителів, монахів та вірних Української Православної Церкви поза межами України та наших українських православних братів і сестер в Україні: ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ! СЛАВІМО ЙОГО! Вітаємо вас, наші улюблені діти, у цей світлий і радісний день Різдва Господа нашого і Спасителя Ісуса Христа! Христос — Спаситель світу – сьогодні являється як Христос-Немовлятко до всіх наших земних сімей. Нехай мир і злагода чудодійних святих різдвяних днів наповнять наше життя! Шукаймо радості, потіхи і допомоги у Вифлиємській печері де “ангели співають” і “прославляють новонароджене Дитя”. |
2012 Patriarchal Christmas Encyclical - 12/21/2012
“Christ is born, glorify Him; Christ is on earth, exalt Him.” Let us rejoice in gladness for the ineffable condescension of God.The angels precede us singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will among all people.” Yet, on earth we behold and experience wars and threats of wars. Still, the joyful announcement is in no way annulled. Peace has truly come to earth through reconciliation between God and people in the person of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, however, we human beings have not been reconciled, despite God’s sacred will. We retain a hateful disposition for one another. We discriminate against one another by means of fanaticism with regard to religious and political convictions, by means of greed in the acquisition of material goods, and through expansionism in the exercise of political power. These are the reasons why we come into conflict with one another. |
2012 Winter Mission Team Leaves to Visit the Children of Ukrainian Orphanage! - 12/19/2012
Seven individuals were commissioned as Missionaries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA following the Divine Liturgy on December 19, 2012 at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, NJ, while celebrating the life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. |
Bishop Daniel Visits the West Coast of USA - 12/17/2012
Відвідини Парафії Святого Апостола Андрія у Лос Анжелес Преосвященнійшим Владикою Даниїлом, Єпископом Західньої Єпархії та Новопризначеним Головою Консисторії Української Православної Церкви у США. |
Archpastoral Visit to Troy, NY - 12/16/2012
On a chilly Sunday morning, December 16th, 2012, in Upstate New York, the Ukrainian Orthodox faithful of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church of Troy, warmly welcomed their newly elected Metropolitan Antony on their Praznyk – Patron Saint’s Day. It was also the commemoration of the 115th anniversary of the parish. One of the first acts of new Ukrainian immigrants in the 19th century was to establish the parish. Since 1897 St. Nicholas has been celebrated and remembered by Ukrainians in Troy and they were honored to have Metropolitan Antony share with them in this joyous celebration. |
“Oh Lord, Have Mercy Upon Mankind…” - Horrific Shooting in CT! - 12/14/2012
When we began to hear the horrific news coming from another small town, Newtown, Connecticut, and the murder of innocents and adults, our fear was that it would be a tragedy beyond belief because some sick mind wanted to make a statement during these Holy Days. Our worst fears have been confirmed. Nearly thirty students and adults have been slaughtered – “having done no wrong” – and our hearts are heavy with pain and we weep as did Rachel of old. We, along with all our clergy and faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church, express our profound sympathy to the parents and family members of those lost. We embrace you with in the Love of God and assure you of our continued prayers that the Almighty encompass you in His Comfort and Mercy. |
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Hierarchs Beyond the Borders of Ukraine! - 12/13/2012
Seminarians of the Church Ship Boxes to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 12/13/2012
Eight seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ gathered together at the Consistory Offices of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA on December 11-12, 2012 to accomplish the task of making Nativity of Christ alive in the lives of over 200 orphans of Ukrainian orphanages that are sponsored by the UOC of the USA. For two days in a row, the seminarians packed boxes with humanitarian aid, especially Montessori equipment, designated for two orphanages in Central and Eastern Ukraine. Finally, following the Vespers service for the feast day of St. Andrew the First-called Apostle on December 12, 2012, the seminarians delivered boxes to a shipping location in NJ, ready to travel to Ukraine. |
Patron Feast Day at St. Andrew Cathedral, Metropolitan Washington, DC! - 12/12/2012
The parish family of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Metropolitan Washington DC celebrated its annual Feast Day of St. Andrew, Founder of Christ’s Church in Ukraine on Sunday, December 9. It was, as always, a most spiritual day, on which many guests joined with the family to welcome His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and, most importantly, to offer sincere gratitude to God Almighty for another year of abundant blessings upon us all. |
St. Nicholas Parish, Charlottesville, Virginia Celebrates Patron Feast Day! - 12/06/2012
On Sunday, December 2, 2012, the UOC of USA parish in Charlottesville (Greenwood), Virginia under the patronage of St. Nicholas of Myra, welcomed His Eminence, Metropolitan-Elect Antony, for its patronal feast. Founded as a Mission effort in 1998, and Consecrated as a Parish in 2009, the Parish has recently completed an interior renovation designed by skilled members of the Parish family to increase the size of the nave, in order to accommodate the increasing numbers of faithful congregants and visitors. The weekend’s activities began with an historic, long-awaited visit by His Eminence to Southwest Virginia on Saturday and culminated in Sunday’s Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. It was with hearts full of a special spirit of thanksgiving and welcome that the traditional gifts of bread and salt were presented by Parish board chair, Ms. Cynthia Patzig and vice chair, Mr. Donald McKay, with Elena Gavrilovic representing the parish youth in an offering of flowers. The Metropolitan-Elect admitted his great love and solicitude for the Parish that he always visits with joy. V. Rev. Robert Holet, the parish pastor, welcomed His Eminence with the traditional presentation of the altar cross, noting the joy of the Parish in the announcement of the election of His Eminence to serve as Metropolitan of the UOC of USA. The clergy, including visiting Deacon Andriy Matlack, were assisted by parish Subdeacon James Guba, subdeacons/seminarians Ioan Mazur and Yurij Andreiko from St. Sophia Seminary, and altar servers Vladimir Gavrilovic and Cyrus Frost from St. Nicholas parish. |
Memory Eternal: His Beatitude Ignatius IV, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East - 12/05/2012
It is with deep sorrow that we heard the news of the death of our beloved brother in Christ, His Beatitude Ignatius IV, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, who served our Lord and his people with devotion for many years. In this time of grieving, the fullness of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is united in prayer and in mourning with the Holy Synod, the clergy and all the faithful of the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate and asks most merciful God for consolation and support. |
St. Philip's Fast in Anticipation of the Nativity of our Savior Jesus Christ - 12/04/2012
We have begun the Fast of St. Philip, called such because it commences the day after the Feast of St. Philip the Apostle, which falls on 27 November (14 November on the Gregorian or New Calendar) and continues through the Eve of the Holy Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on 6 January (24 December on the Gregorian Calendar). The pace of life and the rabid secularization of our Western society has, unfortunately, affected the lives of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians along with the rest of society in lessening the importance of this period of preparation for the Nativity of Christ and for Theophany – the manifestation of the Holy Trinity – followed by the beginning of our Lord’s earthly ministry. We appeal to you all, however, to take a step back from that process of de-Christianizing the world, to discover who you are as the inheritors of an incredible spiritual legacy in, which is our Ukrainian Orthodox Church, along with all the Orthodox world, and it’s profound devotion to Christ through the some of the most difficult and horrific moments of human history. Our forefathers and mothers provided us with example after example of devotion and dedication to Christ, the Word of God, even to the point of martyrdom. |
The Entrance of the Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 12/03/2012
Today the living Temple of the holy glory of Christ our God * Mary, the pure and blessed one, * is being brought into the temple according to the Law * to live in its holy precincts * Joachim and Anne and all the virgins * rejoice with her in spirit. * They sing hymns of praise to the Lord * and honor His Mother. (Vesper Verse for the Feast) We celebrate today the Feast of the Entrance of the holy Mother of God into the Temple. One of the first things we notice is the great joy there is in her and those around her. Mary will be dwelling in the Temple of the Lord as she is being prepared to be the Temple of the Lord – the God-bearer or the Birth-Giver of God. |
Archpastoral Visit to Southfield, MI! - 12/03/2012
Giggles and muted laughter could be heard over the pitter-patter Saturday morning, December 1, 2012, at Holy Protection (St. Mary the Protectress) Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, Michigan. The rain pounding on the rooftop was not the only source of the pitter-patter. The children of the Lesia Ukrainka School of Religion and Ukrainian Studies, affiliated with the cathedral, were all running around excitedly adding to the cacophony of noise. Their excitement stemmed from the anticipation they were experiencing in greeting their beloved hierarch, His Grace Bishop Daniel - Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. |
Metropolitan-Elect Antony and Bishop Daniel Participate in the Consecration of Bishop Gregory of Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Diocese of America! - 11/27/2012
THANKSGIVING 2012! - 11/22/2012
Let us offer special gratitude for our religious freedom and remember in prayer all who have ever helped us in a time of need. Finally, as “one nation under God”, we cannot forget those who have less or nothing at all. Let us reach out to those in need – for example, through the Ukrainian Orthodox League’s Thanksgiving Tithe Event – to share our bounty, however humble, with them. The very best way to give thanks to God for His abundant blessings upon us is to imitate Him by providing blessings to others. |
UPDATED: Fire Damage at Holy Archangel Michael UOC in Woonsocket, RI - 11/21/2012
We write with a deep sense of urgency requesting you to pray for Fr. Anthony Perkins, his family and all the parishioners of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Woonsocket, RI. At approximately 1:00 a.m. this day, the parish feast day, the beautiful parish church caught fire and burned through and throughout the entire roof and the altar area. Fr. Antony texted us as he watched the fire burn. The rectory is undamaged, but that the fire in church was still raging. Finally a few hours later the firemen were able to extinguish the fire and Father watched as the firemen carried the tabernacle out of the Church. We stated to him then that one miracle often opens out eyes to many more! |
2013 OCMC Orthodox Mission Team Opportunities Now Available! - 11/19/2012
OCMC is excited to announce 2013 Orthodox Mission Team opportunities. Next year, team members will have the opportunity to share the Orthodox Christian faith by offering evangelism, catechism, healthcare, construction, and youth ministry in 7 countries around the world. |
Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Celebrates 75th Anniversary! - 11/18/2012
His Eminence Metropolitan Antony traveled to the last parish he served as priest before his consecration as a hierarch of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church – St. Michael Parish in Hammond, IN for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the parish’s organization in 1937. The celebration took place on 18 November on a bright Fall day with the participation of many visitors from neighboring parishes – in particular, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Palos Park, IL. |
Annual Holodomor Commemoration in NY City! - 11/17/2012
The 2012 Annual National Holodomor Commemoration took place on the eve of the 80th anniversary of this human tragedy at St. Patrick Cathedral, New York City on 17 November 2012 with 4,000 people participating. The day began in Ukrainian Village on the lower southeast Manhattan as 600 people – mostly young – stepped off in an awareness march from 7thStreet and Third Avenue and walked about 3.5 miles to 51stStreet and Fifth Avenue to St. Patrick Cathedral. |
18 November, 2012 - IOCC Sunday! - 11/15/2012
Parish Feast Day in Minneapolis, MN! - 11/12/2012
В п’ятницю 9 Листопада 2012 р. Б. парафія святих Архистратигів Михаїла та Юрія в Мініаполісі штат Мінессота, була благословенна візитом свого правлячого архиєрея Єпископа Даниїла. |
Metropolitan-Elect Antony Visits Woonsocket, RI! - 11/11/2012
This past Sunday marked a historical day in the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox community in Woonsocket: His Eminence, Metropolitan-elect Antony visited St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He had visited the golden-domed parish many times as its bishop and archpastor, but this was the first time since he was elected as the leader of the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (UOC-USA). |
November 17, 2012 - ‘March of Remembrance’ in New York City! - 11/07/2012
On Saturday, November 17, 2012, thousands of Ukrainian Americans will march in New York’s borough of Manhattan under banners proclaiming “Ukraine Remembers – The World Recognizes!” and “Holodomor - Genocide in Ukraine: 1932-1933,” thus commencing a year-long tribute to the victims of the Ukrainian Holodomor of 1932-1933. |
Patriarch Maxim of Blessed Memory! - 11/06/2012
With profound grief we have learned about the repose in the Lord of His Holiness Patriarch Maxim who has carried out prayerful service as Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church for over forty years. |
Archpastoral Visit to Warners, NY! - 11/04/2012
On November 4th, 2012 in honor of the Feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, the St. Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Warners, NY was blessed by the Archpastoral visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
Metropolia Center - Post Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts - 11/03/2012
It is with the words of humble gratitude to our Savior that we are posting this note on our Church’s web site, following the challenging days of the pre and now post Hurricane Sandy events that have impacted about 14 states of our country. |
Historical Visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 11/02/2012
Our Church Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Mt. Sinai departed on their journey early on 17 October 2012. The group of pilgrims was led by His Eminence Metropolitan-Elect Antony and was only a few days into the experience when word came from the Ecumenical Patriarchate and His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew I that the Holy Synod would discuss the decision of the Extraordinary Sobor of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to formally include the name of Archbishop Antony into the Diptychs of the Holy Orthodox Church as successor to Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory during its monthly meeting on 30-31 October. |
Subdeacon Andriy Matlak’s Ordination to the Holy Deaconate! - 10/29/2012
On Saturday, 27th of October, 2012, His Grace Bishop Daniel, clergy, faithful, relatives and seminarians gathered together at Three Holy Hierarchs Chapel at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary to witness subdeacon Andriy Matlak joining the ranks of deacons of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Requests Prayers For Eastern Seaboard Parishes In The Path of Hurricane Sandy! - 10/28/2012
The Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA kindly requests prayers for the parishes and faithful of the Metropolia, as well as for the Metropolia Spiritual Center, which is located in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ, and for all who are in the path of Hurricane Sandy, which is projected to impact the U.S. Eastern Seaboard from the Carolinas to the coast of New England. |
Archpastoral Visit to Dover, FL! - 10/24/2012
On Sunday October 21, the Parish of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God in Dover Florida was fortunate to be visited by His Grace Bishop Daniel, President-elect of the Consistory, within one week of its feast day. It was a beautiful day with moderate temperatures and a blue, sunny sky. In honor of the parish’s feast day and the Bishop’s visit, the icon we call “our Lady of Dover”--several hundred years old and reputed to be miraculous--was set out on the tetrapod. This is normally only set out on the parish feast day itself but was left out in honor of His Grace’s visit. |
A Note from Metropolitan-Elect Antony: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land! - 10/22/2012
I am so very surprised to hear from you in our conversation this evening, that you have received so many emails requesting details about our present pilgrimage to the Holy Land. As promised, I will try to satisfy these requests - tonight and in the days ahead. |
30 May - 16 June, 2013: Summer College Age Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 10/19/2012
AXIOS: Metropolitan-Elect Antony - 10/19/2012
It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to the delegates to this Holy Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to elect on this 6th day of October in the year of our Lord 2012 on the 27th anniversary of his episcopal consecration and the 40th anniversary of his priestly ordination, to the office of Metropolitan of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA HIS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP ANTONY, the ruling hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy and Locum Tenens of the UOC of USA! AXIOS! |
Archpastoral Visit to Youngstown, OH - 10/16/2012
On Sunday, October 14, 2012, a warm, sunny fall day greeted the arrival of His Grace Bishop Daniel on his visitation to Sts. Peter and Paul parish in Youngstown, Ohio. |
2012 Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 10/15/2012
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Missions and Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the dates for a winter missionary trip to the Znamianka Orphanage to celebrate the Life of St. Nicholas, for the faithful of our Church. |
90th Anniversary Celebration of Sts Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lyndora, PA! - 10/13/2012
On October 12-13, 2012 a 90th Anniversary Celebration was held at Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lyndora, Pennsylvania. The celebration began with a Great Vespers on Friday evening served by Rev. Fr. Paisius McGrath, at which His Eminence Metropolitn-elect Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel presided. |
Four Evangelists Mission in Bel Air, Maryland Celebrates 10th Anniversary - 10/07/2012
On Sunday, 7 October -- just one day after the Extraordinary Sobor convened at the Meropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, New Jersey -- the Metropolitan-Elect, His Eminence Archbishop Antony, together with His Grace Bishop Daniel, joined the mission parish of the Four Holy Evangelists in Bel Air, Maryland for its 10th anniversary celebration. |
2012 Annual Clergy Conference! - 10/05/2012
The clergy: bishops, priests and deacons of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA were blessed, once again, with the opportunity to come together in faith and fellowship prior to the beginning of the Extraordinary Sobor (Clergy-Laity Congress) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for a day of prayer and reflection on October 5, 2012 at the Cultural Center of the Metropolia. |
Council of the Metropolia Meets in Annual Session at Metropolia Center! - 10/04/2012
The Council of the Metropolia – Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – held its annual meeting at the Cultural Center of the spiritual headquarters of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, New Jersey on October 4, 2012 to discuss and evaluate the life of the Church and to set the budget for the upcoming fiscal year prior to the beginning of Extraordinary Sobor (Clergy-Laity Congress) of the Church. |
2012 Family Fest at All Saints Camp - 10/03/2012
Labor Day Weekend at All Saints Camp brought friends and family from near and far for “Family Fest”. The annual end of the summer family encampment allowed families to relax and enjoy the last weekend of the summer in style. Friday night brought everyone together with arrival and ‘hanging’ out at the Dining Hall and a movie for the kids at the pavilion. |
Archpastoral Visit to Portland, OR - 10/03/2012
Once again, on Sunday After Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, the parishioners of St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox parish community in Portland, OR welcomed among their midst their spiritual father and Archpastor His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
75th Anniversary Celebration of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Church - 10/02/2012
September 22, Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Bayonne, New Jersey celebrated its Feast Day and the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of its founding with an Arch-Pastoral Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Elect Archbishop ANTONY assisted by Rev. Fr. Myroslav Schirta, the church’s pastor, V. Rev. Protopresbyter Dr. Taras Chubenko, Dean of New Jersey/New York Deanery, V. Rev. Fr. John Fencik, St. Mary Orthodox Church, Rev. Fr. Igor Kseniuk, Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church OCA, Rev. Fr. Stephen E .Krivonak, Deacon Vasyl Dovgan, Sub-deacon Richard Jendras and four St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary students.
October is Orthodox Awareness Month on College Campuses! - 10/02/2012
Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF] has designated October as Orthodox Awareness Month in an effort to foster an understanding of Orthodox Christianity and educate students on college campuses across North America. |
Archpastoral visit to Johnson City, NY - 09/29/2012
Baptismal Liturgy and installation of a new priest to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Parish
Урочисте Відкиття Навчального Року Української Православної семінарії св. Софії - 09/24/2012
24 вересня, 2012 року Божого у каплиці Святих Трьох Святителів Української Православної семінарії св. Софії (при осередку Митрополії Української Православної Церкви в США у Савт Бавнд Бруці, Н. Дж.) відбулося урочисте відкиття навчального року – одна із найважливіших подій у житті семінаристів та викладацького пересоналу. Підтримати семінаристів та розділити цю радісну подію приїхало 158 священнослужителів УПЦ в США. На святкування також прийшли усі працівники Консисторії та численні миряни. |
St. Vladimir Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA Celebrates 86th Anniversary! - 09/23/2012
On Sunday, September23, 2012, on a beautiful sunny day, a multitude of faithful gathered at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox in Philadelphia, PA to celebrate the 86th Anniversary of its founding. |
UOL Junior and Senior National Executive Boards Meet in Coatesville, PA - 09/22/2012
The Holy Ghost Parish in Coatesville, PA hosted the first Executive Board meetings of the 2012-2013 business year on September 22nd. |
Third Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops! - 09/15/2012
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America held its third annual meeting for all member hierarchs, that is, all active canonical bishops in its region. The meeting was held from September 10-12, 2012, at the Chicago O'Hare Hilton in Chicago, Illinois. Forty-three bishops were in attendance. |
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America Convenes in Chicago, IL - September 10-12, 2012! - 09/11/2012
The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America convened on Monday morning, September 10, 2012 and will continue through Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 at the O’Hare Airport Hilton Hotel, Chicago, IL. |
19-28 December, 2012: - Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 09/10/2012
Archimandrite Pankratiy Consecrated as a Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Metropolitanate of Central America! - 09/10/2012
His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in addition to His Eminence Metropolitan Athenagoras of the Greek Orthodox Metropolitanate of Central America and His Eminence Archbishop Alejo of Mexico City of the Orthodox Church in America, about a dozen of clergy and several hundreds of Orthodox Christians from Mexico, Venezuela, and other Latin American countries traveled to Holy Wisdom Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico to participate in and witness the consecration to the episcopacy of Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Pankratiy (Dubas). |
24 September, 2012 - Opening of 2012-2013 Academic School Year at St. Sophia Seminary! - 09/03/2012
Opening of 2012-2013 Academic School Year at St. Sophia Seminary! - 09/03/2012
3 November, 2012 - Youth Ministry Workshop! - 08/30/2012
Patriarchal Encyclical for the Indiction and the Day for the Protection of our Natural Environment! - 08/30/2012
Our God, who created the universe and formed the earth as a perfect dwelling place for humanity, granted us the commandment and possibility to increase, multiply and fulfill creation, with dominion over all animals and plants. |
15-16 September, 2012: 10th Washington Ukrainian Festival! - 08/29/2012
The Feast of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God in NY City! - 08/29/2012
On Tuesday, August 28, 2012, the feast day of the Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God, and upon the invitation of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, NY, the Ruling Hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy and Locum Tenens of the UOC of the USA His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Church concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with the local NY clergy and faithful. Six priest (Very Rev. Todor Mazur, Very Rev. Volodymyr Muzychka, Very Rev. Fr. Ivan and Fr. John from the Romanian Orthodox Church, Rev. Fr. Voctor Wronsky, Deacon Vasyl Dovgan) and 200 people gathered for the celebration on the occasion of the Dormition of the Theotokos, one of the main holidays of the Orthodox calendar. |
College Student Sunday is September 16, 2012! - 08/28/2012
It's that time of year again and as Orthodox students arrive on college campuses, OCF is already in high gear, organizing resources and programs to help our students stay connected to Christ and His Church. On Sunday, September 16th, parishes across North America will be celebrating College Student Sunday and recognizing our college students. |
Archpastoral Visit to Pittsburgh, PA! - 08/27/2012
On Sunday, August 5, 2012, the parish family at St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Southside, Pittsburgh, PA gathered to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Ordination of Very Rev. Fr. John Haluszczak to the Holy Priesthood. |
Eparchial Bishop Visits St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 08/27/2012
Celebrating the 21st Anniversary of Ukrainian independence, bidding farewell to the outgoing pastor and welcoming a new pastor, as well as praying with the eparchial bishop – these few events were the highlights of the past weekend (23-27 August, 2012) at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! |
Parma’s Ukrainian Community Celebrates Ukrainian Independence Day! - 08/26/2012
On Saturday, August 25th – a bright and sunny day - the Ukrainian community in Parma, Ohio celebrated the 21st anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence with a parade down State Road, through the heart of Ukrainian Village, as designated by the City of Parma. |
Mommy and Me / Daddy and Me 2012! - 08/25/2012
The Mommy and Me/ Daddy and Me encampment was once again blessed with a “full house” for the 2012 season. Twenty two families from Virginia to Ontario joined us for a week of faith and family togetherness focused around the theme, “Fruit of the Spirit.” |
Protopresbyter Peter Hotrovich of Blessed Memory - 08/25/2012
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Prtoopresbyter Peter Hotrovich has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness on 25 August, 2012. |
Ukrainian Independence Day Observance in NJ! - 08/24/2012
Over two hundred people gathered at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ on August 24th, 2012 for the observance of the 21st anniversary of Ukrainian Independence. |
День Незалежності України - 08/24/2012
Як і наші предки робили в минулому, тут у Сполучених Штатах Америки, так і ми збираємось як родини та громади, святкуючи незалежність рідної Батьківщини. Ми усвідомлюємо сьогодні вартість свободи, волі та національної гордості, що вплинули на дух наших предків. |
UOC Mission Trip to Appalachia - Southwest Virginia - 08/21/2012
During the week of August 6th, a team of eight volunteers from St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (Charlottesville, VA) journeyed through the Appalachian mountains to the town of Grundy, in Southwest Virginia, to provide support for the ongoing ministry of Buchanon Neighbors United (BNU) in that region.
2012 Mission Team Concludes Its Visit to Znamyanka Orphanage and Ukraine! - 08/21/2012
“We are all angels with one wing… and we must embrace each other in order to fly…” These are the words on a flyer over the main entrance to the social hall of Znamyanka orphanage (Kirovohrad region of Ukraine). Namely to this particular orphanage over the last ten years or so, the Mission Teams of College Age Students of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA have traveled and ministered to the children of the institution. |
Ecumenical Patriarch Expresses Concern About the Resurgence of Violence Spreading Throughout the World! - 08/14/2012
Communiqué on the resurgence of Violence spreading throughout the World |
2012 Mission Team Concludes Its Visit to Puhachiv Orphanage! - 08/08/2012
Some 500 pounds of humanitarian aid and toys were delivered to the two Ukrainian orphanages sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, when the College Age Mission Team of Students of the Church landed in Kyiv Boryspil International Airport on Friday, August 3, 2012. |
High School Mission Trip to St. Augustine, FL Lifts Off! - 08/07/2012
The members of the High School Mission Team met yesterday to begin there work in St. Augustine, FL. The team members arrived in Jacksonville airport with team leaders Fr. Dn. John Charest of Palos Park, IL and Natalie Kapeluck Nixon, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry. The High School Mission Trip was developed to provide students with the opportunity to discover that the missionary spirit is not only reserved for going over-seas but is intrinsic to our everyday Orthodox life. |
Committee for Legal Affairs Holds Meeting! - 08/06/2012
The Legal Affairs Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops held its first face to face meeting in Atlanta, Georgia on July 10, 2012. |
2012 College Age Mission Team Departs for Ukrainian Orphanages! - 08/02/2012
2012 College Age Mission Team Departs for Ukrainian Orphanages! |
Chicago Cathedral Celebrates Parish Feast Day! - 08/01/2012
His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL for the Cathedral’s Patron Feast Day! |
65th Annual UOL Convention Concludes! - 07/29/2012
The 65th Annual UOL Convention came to a formal conclusion on Sunday, July 29, 2012, as the delegates gathered at Holy Protection of the Birth-Giver-of-God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA for Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom concelebrated by his Eminence Archbishop Antony, the Locum Tenens and Acting Metropolitan as well as the Ruling Hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy and spiritual father to the Senior UOL. |
65th Annual UOL Convention – Day 3! - 07/28/2012
The last full day of the Convention began with Divine Liturgy in honor of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr, celebrated by Very Reverend Father Myron Oryhon, a pastor of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA and a spiritual advisor of the host chapter and Very Reverend Father Bazyl Zawierucha, provost of St. Sophia Seminary and a pastor of Holy Dormition of the Theotokos Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Northampton, PA. |
65th Annual UOL Convention Continues in Allentown, PA – Day 2! - 07/27/2012
The second full day of the 65th Annual UOL Convention began with Morning Prayers for the repose of the soul of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine. |
65th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention Convenes in Allentown, PA - 07/26/2012
The Junior and Senior UOL Chapters of the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA have worked tirelessly over the last two years preparing for this memorable week of faith, fellowship and most of all, fun. That preparation is evident as the events of the first two days have been thoughtfully conceived and flawlessly executed. |
Teenage Conference 2012 - We're Glad You Came! - 07/25/2012
The 2012 season for Teenage Conference held at our beautiful All Saints Camp was filled with the Fruits of the Holy Spirit - the theme for the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry for 2012-2013. Teenagers from Rhode Island to Minnesota to Georgia and everywhere in-between came together to learn and live their faith. |
UOC of the USA Delivers Hospital Beds to Buchach Regional Hospital! - 07/25/2012
About six months ago, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA shipped a container of hospital beds and furniture as well as computerized medical equipment (just shipment of which totaled in the amount of about $10,000.00), for ten hospital wards of Buchach Regional Hospital of Ternopil district in Ukraine. |
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral's Church Summer Camp! - 07/25/2012
The Annual Church Summer Camp of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA took place on June 25 – 28, 2012. |
24 August, 2012 - Celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day! - 07/23/2012
31 August - 3 September, 2012 - Annual Family Fest at All Saints Camp! - 07/12/2012
26-29 July, 2012 - 65th Annual UOL Convention! - 07/12/2012
Diocesan Church School Camp 2012 Filled with Fruit of the Spirit! - 07/11/2012
The 2012 session of Diocesan Church School Camp was blessed with increased numbers of campers and staff from many of our parishes across the country. The theme Fruit of the Spirit was explored throughout the two-weeks during church school classes and by encouraging the campers to live the fruits in their daily lives. |
Annual Church School Camp in Palos Park, IL! - 06/29/2012
The Annual Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church School Camp took place on 21-22 June, 2012 in Palos Park, IL. Fourteen youngest parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul parish family and four teenage helpers took part in the event. |
25-28 July, 2012 - St. Mary's Ukrainian Festival in McKees Rocks, PA! - 06/28/2012
Освячення церкви Пресвятої Тройці в місті Бенсенвіл, ІЛ - 06/28/2012
17 червня 2012 року парафіяни і гості Української Православної Церкви Пресвятої Тройці в місті Бенсенвіл, ІЛ були свідками події світового масштабу – освячення вівтаря. Ця подія – немов народження нової зірки: запалено ще одну свічу перед лицем Божим, ту свічку, яка пломеніє молитвою про помилування людства, окремих народів, кожної людини. Доки палатимуть такі свічі перед Господом, доки розвиватиметься їхнє сяйво, доти антихрист і його темрява не опанують цього світу. |
Chicago Deanery Hosts Altar Servers Retreat! - 06/21/2012
This year, the altar servers of Chicago Deanery and guests started the summer season of this 2012 year of our Lord with an awesome retreat (18-21 June, 2012) at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL. |
Assembly Committee Chairmen Meet at the Metropolia of the UOC of the USA! - 06/14/2012
A historic face-to-face meeting of the Assembly’s committee chairmen was organized by the Secretariat’s Coordinator for Committees, Bishop Maxim, and was held on May 30 at the Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, South Bound Brook, NJ, and was hosted by Archbishop Antony. Since much of the work of the Assembly of Bishops falls within the purview of its thirteen committees, the success of these committees is essential for the success of the Assembly as a whole. |
12-18 August, 2012 - Icon Workshop at All Saints Camp! - 06/13/2012
Archangel Icons - Icon Workshop at All Saints Camp! - 06/13/2012
Archangel Icons - Icon Workshop in conjunction with Kobzarska Sich |
6-11 August, 2012 - New Missionary Program of the UOC of the USA - 06/12/2012
Mosaic Blessed at All Saints Parish, NY City! - 06/12/2012
It could not have been a more fitting day for a Patron Saint Day – All Saints Sunday – than it was on 10 June at All Saints Parish on 11th Street in New York City. It was a sunny day in which the newly installed – stylized mosaic of the Protection of the Mother of God stood out brightly on the front of the church building above the entrance doors. |
New Missionary Program of the UOC of the USA - 06/12/2012
In response to our Lord’s command to “Love thy neighbor”, our Church is embarking this summer on a new charitable mission to the Appalachian region of the United States, establishing a new relationship with the people in Appalachian region - the backbone of the American homeland. |
Nineteenth Anniversary of Patriarch Mstyslav's Falling Asleep! - 06/11/2012
On 11 June, the 19th anniversary of the repose of Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora and first Patriarch of the Reborn Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, Metropolitan/Patriarch Mstyslav, the Consistory staff and a few dozen faithful gathered in Holy Resurrection Mausoleum around the crypt where the Partriarch rests. This was the annual commemoration of his death and to recollection of the Metropolitan’s incredible leadership of the Church from 1950-1971 as Archbishop and President of the Consistory and 1972-1993 as Metropolitan. |
Prayerful Surprise in Oklahoma! - 06/10/2012
June 9th was a very warm Saturday evening in Edmond, Oklahoma, when members of Dormition of the Birth-Giver-of-God (St. Mary’s) Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Board of Administrationl and their families gathered at the home of David & Galina Hobza for a 70th birthday supper in honor of their long time parish pastor - Archimandrite Raphael. |
OCF Launches First Forty Days Program! - 06/10/2012
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), the official campus ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North and Central America, has launched an exciting new program to reach out to incoming first-year Orthodox college students at colleges and universities throughout North America, named The First Forty Days. |
UOC of the USA Bids Farewell to Metropolitan Constantine! - 06/09/2012
An era ended as the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA bid their final farewell to their spiritual father and first hierarch, His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine, who reposed in the Lord in the early hours of Monday, May 21, 2012. |
Liturgical Commission of the Church Meets at the Metropolia Center! - 06/06/2012
Following the glorious celebration of Pentecost, the members of Liturgical Commission of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered for its 2012 quarterly meeting at the Consistory offices of the spiritual and administrative center of the UOC of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ on 5 June, 2012. |
Ordination to Deaconate at St. Sophia Seminary! - 06/06/2012
On the Feast Day of the Holy Spirit—Monday, June 4th—a wonderful event took place in the life of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. Faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered together at the Three Hierarchs Chapelof the Seminary to witness the ordination of seminarian Subdeacon Vasyl Dovgan to Deaconate. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA and the Dean of Students of the Seminary, with the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Anthony, the Locum Tenens of the Church, along with a number of clergy from the surrounding NY/NJ/PA. Responses were sung by the student body of St. Sophia Seminary along with members of the St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church choir, under the leadership of Maestro Michael Andrec. |
Archpastoral Visit to Upstate New York! - 06/05/2012
Високопреосвященніший владика Антоній відвідав одну з своїх парафій - Свято-Троїцьку парафію в м.Чіктовага, штат Нью-Йорк. |
New Altar Consecrated in Goshen, IN! - 06/04/2012
Pentecost weekend had a bittersweet feeling to it at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Goshen, Indiana this year. With the funeral of the beloved Metropolitan Constantine fresh in everyone’s minds, His Grace, Bishop Daniel came to visit Goshen for the special occasion of consecrating a new altar for the parish feast day. One year ago, Holy Trinity parish had remodeled its sanctuary in honor of the parish’s 50th anniversary. |
The Feast of Pentecost with the Eparchial Bishop! - 06/03/2012
His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Western Eparch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA was joyfully welcomed on Sunday, June 3, 2012 to the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Michigan City, IN, where he led the liturgical celebration for the feast of Pentecost. |
Kobzarska Sich at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton! - 05/31/2012
Kobzarska Sich is held at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania. All Saints offers over 90 acres of pristine beauty in the Allegheny Mountains. The camp's facilities include volleyball courts, a swimming pool, 10 cabins for participants, a Millennium Cultural Center with housing and classrooms, and an activities pavilion, tennis and basketball courts, an infirmary and nature trails. All Kobzarska Sich participants are housed on the grounds of All Saints Camp in either cabins or in the Millennium Cultural Center. |
Live Coverage of Funeral Services! - 05/24/2012
The Consistory Office of Public Relations in cooperation with the Diocesan Apostolate for Information Technology and Communications of the American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Diocese of the USA is pleased to offer the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and visitors of the Metropolia’s web site a live coverage of the funeral services for His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine of blessed memory.
Letters of Condolence - 05/23/2012
The passing of the Metropolitan is a deeply felt wound not only for the pious Ukrainian People, but for all Orthodox Christians who have admired his saintly and wise pastoral stewardship of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. His lifetime of exceptional leadership will live on in the hearts and minds of all Orthodox who were privileged to know his ministry. |
Biography of Metropolitan Constantine! - 05/22/2012
Metropolitan Constantine will be remembered above all for his love for the youth. Throughout his 45 years of priesthood, he continually reminded the adults of the need to pay attention to their children and to bear the responsibility as parents of raising them up in the faith, serving as loving examples for them. |
Funeral Services for Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory! - 05/21/2012
We write once again to share with the dear clergy and faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church, all other Orthodox Christians, family and friends of our beloved Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory the schedule for his funeral services. |
Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory! 1936 - 2012 - 05/21/2012
Memory Eternal! |
40 Years of Devotion Honored! - 05/21/2012
Metropolitan Constantine celebrates the 40th anniversary of his episcopal consecration with clergy and faithful from around the nation and the world! |
Metropolitan Constantine Released From the Hospital! - 05/17/2012
Metropolitan Constantine, the Primate of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA who was recently hospitalized, underwent a medical treatment and on Thursday, May 17, 2012, was release from the hospital. |
God's power is made perfect in weakness - 05/15/2012
The healing of the Man Born Blind was the sixth of the seven signs carried out by our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ as recounted in the Gospel according to St. John. Each sign seemed to become more spectacular than the one preceding it until the greatest sign prior to the Passion, Death and Resurrection: The raising His friend Lazarus from the tomb after he had been dead for four days. |
Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday is May 20, 2012! - 05/14/2012
Bishop Daniel Visits St. Vladimir UOC in Los Angeles, CA! - 05/14/2012
As the early rays of sun reached the iconscreen of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Pro-Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, the faithful of the congregation began to arrive to their parish temple for a double set of festivities on this second Sunday of May. |
Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday is May 20, 2012! - 05/14/2012
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and South America has designated May 20 as Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday. |
17-29 October, 2012: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & St. Catherine’s Monastery - 05/13/2012
Archpastoral Visit to Slickville, PA! - 05/09/2012
I am the teenage son of an Orthodox priest serving the quiet village of Slickville, Pennsylvania. Not many things come in the way of excitement to the mining town of less than three hundred, so when His Grace Bishop Daniel visited Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Church on May the 6th, he was welcomed as only Slickville could, with a buzz of excitement and open arms. When our parish president greeted His Grace with the traditional gifts of bread and salt, Bishop Daniel had said that he had never visited Slickville, but was glad to finally be visiting for the first time. |
Open House at All Saints Camp! - 05/08/2012
Saturday, May 5th, started off with a few clouds overhead but those were replaced by sunshine as the camp committee members carrying the church banners, seminarians, clergy and hierarchs processed from the newly-constructed clergy cabin to the St. Thomas Chapel at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, PA. |
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & St. Catherine Monastery - 05/07/2012
In Memory of Metropolitan John (Theodorovich)! - 05/03/2012
On Thursday, May 3, 2012, the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary gathered at the grave site of Metropolitan John (Theodorovich) of Blessed Memory, for the memorial service marking the 41st anniversary of his repose in the Lord. |
UOL National Executive Boards Meet in Allentown, PA - 04/30/2012
The National Executive Boards of the Senior and Junior Ukrainian Orthodox League gathered at the Pokrova Parish in Allentown, PA on the weekend of April 28-29th for their respective Pre-Convention meetings. The Senior UOL chapter of the Allentown parish will host the 65th Annual UOL Convention on July 26-29, 2012. More information on registration, hotel, theme and schedule are available at http://uol.orthodoxws.com/2012convention.html |
20th Anniversary of Holy Priesthood Celebration in NY City! - 04/30/2012
On a beautiful day of the last Sunday of April ( 29 April, 2012), the congregation of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Priesthood of Very Rev. Fr. Todor Mazur. For such a special occasion His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel, along with the seminarians came to pray with Fr. Todor, his family and his spiritual flock. |
Orthodox Christian Teacher Certification Program! - 04/29/2012
For weeks the teachers, who were also students of the program, had been working on assignments that Fr. Harry had given them in March and April. On Thursday April 27 and early Friday April 28 they made their way to the seminary at our Metropolia center for the sessions. |
2012 St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage-Provody! - 04/24/2012
St. Thomas Sunday 2012 once again brought several thousand faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and other visitors to the Metropolia Center of the Church for the Annual Pilgrimage and Provody at St. Andrew Memorial Church and Cemetery in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
UPDATED: Pascha Around the Parishes of the UOC of the USA! - 04/19/2012
Pascha at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 04/15/2012
With the prayerful understanding of the most profound feast of the Church year, the faithful of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL came together to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His Grace Bishop Daniel, the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
2012 Pascha Archpastoral Letter! - 04/14/2012
The Resurrection of Christ is the pinnacle of our expectations and hopes, the fulfilment of the Lord’s promises and the beginning of renewed life in the Lord Jesus. |
2012 Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha! - 04/14/2012
Therefore, beloved brethren and children in the Lord, let us follow the Risen Christ in all His works. Let us come to the assistance of those deprived of the means for survival so that their life may be preserved. Let us proclaim to all those who are ignorant of Christ's Resurrection that, through this, death was abolished and, as a result, they too may share in His Resurrection by believing in Him and following His way. Our own resurrection is only possible when it is offered for the resurrection of others, of our brothers and sisters. Then alone will the triumphant proclamation that "Christ is Risen!" refer to the salvation for all of humanity. Let it be so! |
Holy Saturday at Sts Peter and Paul UOC in Palos Park, IL - 04/14/2012
On Holy Saturday, April 14, 2012 His Grace Bishop Daniel presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL, during which numerous faithful of the parish family prayerfully gathered to reflect upon the great Mystery of salvation of the Crucified Savior and to honor the pastor of the parish community Rev. Fr. Vasyl Sehdeha, who marks on this day the 5th anniversary of ordination to the Holy Priesthood. |
Great and Holy Saturday! - 04/14/2012
On Great and Holy Saturday the Orthodox Church commemorates the burial of Christ and His descent into Hades. It is the day between the Crucifixion of our Lord and His glorious Resurrection. The Matins of Holy Saturday is conducted on Friday evening, and while many elements of the service represent mourning at the death and burial of Christ, the service itself is one of watchful expectation. |
Holy and Great Friday at St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Chicago, IL! - 04/13/2012
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL was once again a spiritual place, to which hundreds of people came on Friday night to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
Great and Holy Friday! - 04/13/2012
On Great and Holy Friday the Orthodox Church commemorates the death of Christ on the Cross. This is the culmination of the observance of His Passion by which our Lord suffered and died for our sins. This commemoration begins on Thursday evening with the Matins of Holy Friday and concludes with a Vespers on Friday afternoon that observes the unnailing of Christ from the Cross and the placement of His body in the tomb. |
Holy Thursday at St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Chicago, IL! - 04/12/2012
The Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA journeyed together for the Divine services of this year’s Holy Week. |
Sanctification of the Holy Myrrh in the Orthodox Church! - 04/11/2012
Process of Sanctification of Holy Myrrh at the Ecumenical Patriarchate |
Holy Unction Service in Chicago Deanery! - 04/11/2012
Once again the clergy of Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA along with their spiritual father and hierarch His Grace Bishop Daniel gathered together for this Holy Mystery at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL. |
Pani-Matka Antonia Melnyk of Blessed Memory! - 04/10/2012
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Church about the falling asleep of Pani-matka Antonia Melnyk of blessed memory, a wife of Very Rev. Volodymyr Melnyk of blessed memory. |
Annual UOL Lenten Retreat in Villa Maria, PA - 04/10/2012
All in attendance enjoyed a wonderful and spiritual event during the “Follow Me” theme based Jr/Sr UOL Lenten Retreat which revolved around Great Lent Services. |
Holy Week! - 04/09/2012
Great and Holy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! |
Archpastoral Palm Sunday Celebration at St. Mary the Protectress Cathedral in Southfield, Michigan! - 04/08/2012
“One week. You have one week to complete your homework assignment! Now, get to work!” Homework was the last thing the parishioners of St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, in Southfield, Michigan, had expected this weekend, as they happily greeted His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy, of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.
Palm Sunday: The Feast of the Entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem! - 04/07/2012
On the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week! |
“Behold Your King Comes to You!” (Jn. 12:15) - 04/06/2012
With the solemn Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, the great mystery of our salvation begins to unfold before us. Through the events of Holy Week, we, His Church, are invited behold what the Lord, who has come into Jerusalem, accomplishes. What is the meaning of this coming or entrance? Perhaps it will be helpful if we review the ways in which the Lord has come to us as revealed in the Scriptures, that we might discern His working in our midst.
Archpastoral Visit to Seattle, WA! - 04/02/2012
31 березня - 1 квітня, 2012 p. Преосвященійший Даниїл, єпископ УПЦ в США відвідав один із найвіддаленіших своїх приходів, парафію Пресвятої Тройці в м.Сієтл штат Вашингтон. |
Holy Evangelist Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Church Hosts Pan Orthodox Vespers! - 04/02/2012
On Sunday March 25, 2012 St Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Warners, NY hosted the Pan-Orthodox Vespers service! The Vespers Service was attended and celebrated by 13 clergymen of Syracuse Metropolitan area. The service was attended by close to one hundred worshippers from the Syracuse area as well as other areas in NY state. After the service Fr. Borislav greeted the clergy, parishioners and guests and remarked on the importance of Orthodox Unity. “Nowhere is our unity actualized more than in our coming together as the one undivided Body of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ in prayer and worship”, said Fr. Borislav who called on all in attendance to find the time and courage to worship together as often as possible. |
Each Sunday, both of Pre-Lent and Lent itself, has a poignant message for us so that we might take seriously the business of repentance (metanoia) and have the direction about how to achieve this goal. The Pre-Lenten Sundays are meant to shape our attitude so that we might be predisposed to enter into this sacred time without the grievous pitfall of hypocrisy. There is nothing worse than seemingly observing Lent, but through pride, lack of forgiveness or other hypocrisy to make this season of no value at all, but rather worthy of condemnation.
Chicago Deanery: 11 April, 2012 - Holy Unction Service! - 03/28/2012
11-16 June, 2012 - Archangel Icons Icon Workshop in Pittsburgh, PA! - 03/27/2012
21-22 April, 2012 - Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 03/27/2012
Bishop Daniel Visits Ukrainian Orthodox Faithful of Milwaukee, WI! - 03/25/2012
Much to the delight of the parishioners of the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God (Pokrova) Ukrainian Orthodox parish, His Grace Bishop Daniel made his annual hierarchical visit to in Milwaukee, WI over the weekend of March 25th, 2012. During his stay, His Grace provided many wonderful opportunities for the membership of the parish community to meet and interact with their hierarch. |
UOL Lenten Retreat in Bethlehem, PA! - 03/24/2012
On March 24th, 2012, clergy, UOL members and guests gathered in Bethlehem, PA for the Ninth Annual UOL Lenten Retreat to learn more about the Services of Great Lent. Faithful from Allentown, Carteret, Coatesville, Johnson City, Maplewood, Northampton, and Philadelphia gathered to learn more about their faith. |
Archpastoral Visit to St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruces, NM! - 03/22/2012
His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA visited St. Anthony of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Las Cruces, NM during the weekend of March 16-18, 2012. He was accompanied by seminarian Yurii Andreiko of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Memorial Service Marking the First Anniversary of the Repose of Metropolitan Nicholas - 03/21/2012
On Sunday March 18, 2012 at 4:00 pm, the faithful of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, were honored with a visitation by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, Locum Tenens of the American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Diocese of the USA and His Eminence, Archbishop Anthony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and a large number of Diocesan Priests, deacons and faithful of the diocesan parishes of the Eastern Seaboard region to remember the one year anniversary of the Repose of His Eminence, +Metropolitan Nicholas. |
“Triumph of Orthodoxy” Celebration in Philadelphia - 03/14/2012
Every year, the first Sunday of the Great Lenten Fast is called "Orthodoxy Sunday." This year it was observed on March 4th, 2012. It is dedicated to the Restoration of Icons on the first Sunday of the Great Lent in the year 843. |
2012 High School Mission Trip! - 03/13/2012
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, the Consistory Offices of Youth & Young Adult Ministry and Christian Charity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce its missionary trip for High School aged teenagers to Orthodox Christian Mission Center and St. Photios Shrine in St. Augustine, FL. |
Shevchenko Days in Buffalo, NY Area! - 03/12/2012
В неділю 11 березня 2012 р.Б. в Святотроїцькій парафіїї Української православної церкви Чиктовага, Ню-Йорк настоятелем отцем Юрієм Касьяновим була відслужена панахида по великому сину українського народу славетному Кобзарю-поету, митцю, полумяному патріоту України - Тарасу Григоровичу Шевченкy. |
5 May, 2012 - All Saints Camp Celebrates Metropolitan's 40th Consecration Anniversary! - 03/08/2012
19 May, 2012 - 40 Years of Archpastoral Ministry of Metropolitan Constantine! - 03/07/2012
27-28 April, 2012 - Christian Education Teacher Certification! - 03/07/2012
2012 Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) National Convocation - 03/07/2012
Save the date and make plans to attend the 2012 Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) National Convocation. OCPM, the official prison ministry of the Assembly of Bishops will be connecting Orthodox Christians in prison ministry from around the country for three days of training, worship and mutual edification. The event will take place from July 26th through the 28th in Minneapolis, MN. Mark your calendar. More details to follow! |
40 Years of Archpastoral Ministry! - 03/07/2012
In spirit of heartfelt gratitude to Almighty God together with the abundant joy, the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA personally invites all clergy and faithful of the Church to joyful and ecclesiastical celebration of the 40th anniversary of Episcopal Consecration of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine. |
27-28 April, 2012 - Christian Education Teacher Certification! - 03/07/2012
The Consistory Office of Religious Education and St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary are pleased to announce the development of its Christian Education Teacher Certification Program for those who wish to teach knowledgably and confidently Christian education classes or to further develop or establish education programs in their parish, such programs including adults. |
Into the Desert 40-Day Lenten Challenge - 03/07/2012
As we journey the Lenten season, the Consistory Offcie of Youth and Young Adult Ministries is pleased to once again announce the Into the Desert 40-Day Lenten Challenge. Into the Desert is a 40-day Lenten blog beginning on Clean Monday, which encourages our youth and young adults to fully participate in Great Lent. |
My Faith, My Church, My Generation - 03/06/2012
Have you ever wanted to let people know what it is like to be a young adult attempting to live their faith in the 21st Century? The Consistory Offices of Young Adult Ministry and Public Relations are hoping to give you a chance to do just that. Beginning in February we will be featuring a new section on the website for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA entitled - "My Faith, My Church, My Generation". |
Sunday of Orthodoxy Celebrated in Chicago Metropolitan Area! - 03/05/2012
On Sunday, March 4th, 2012, six hierarchs from Orthodox Churches who are members of the Assembly of the Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs of North America presided over the Vespers service at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Oak Lawn, IL, commemorating the feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Each year on the first Sunday of Great Lent, Orthodox Christians around the world commemorate the restoration of icon veneration, first celebrated in 843 A.D. in Constantinople. |
Washington, DC Marathon: Run for the Orphans! - 03/02/2012
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North & Central America: The Sunday of Orthodoxy! - 03/01/2012
Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 03/01/2012
During the first four days of Lent (Feb. 27, 28, 29 & March 1) the penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete was celebrated at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (as in most Orthodox churches around the world). |
Save the Date: Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry Sunday - 03/01/2012
2012 Great Lent Giveaway and High School Mission Trip - 02/29/2012
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA we would like to announce that the 2012 Great Lent Giveaway will benefit the Ukrainian Orthodox Church High School Mission Trips. |
Forgiveness Vespers of NY/NJ Deanery with Bishop Daniel! - 02/26/2012
South Bound Brook, NJ. His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA joined Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko, the Dean of NY/NJ Deanery of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, as well as Fr. Yurij Siwko, Fr. Ivan Lymar, Fr. Peter Hotrovich, Fr. Oleh Hucul, Fr. Volodymyr Zinchyshyn, Fr. Myroslav Shirta, Fr. Mykola Filyk, Fr. Volodymyr Muzychka, Fr. Ivan Synevskyy and parishioners of the Deanery parish communities and guests, as well as seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary for the beginning of Great and Holy Lent by the celebration of the Forgiveness Vespers and the service of Forgiveness, which marks in the Holy Orthodox Church the beginning of the journey of Great Lent. |
Ecumenical Patriarch Issues Catechetical Homily for Holy and Great Lent! - 02/26/2012
Дай бачити провини мої - 02/24/2012
Дорогі мої, настає час, чи може і вже настав, коли ми повинні вміти, а найперше — захотіти не осуджувати, простити і забути. Світ знаходиться в стані дрімоти, гріховного сну, спить... Будить його Бог жорстокими війнами, моровими пандеміями, техногенними катастрофами, спустошуючими пожарами, повенями, руйнівними торнадами, землетрусами, засухами, неурожаями. ... |
Неділя М'ясопусна - 02/18/2012
На початку Своєї спасенної проповіді до народу Ісус Христос у двох притчах про сівача та пшеницю й кукіль прирівнює Свою працю благовісника Божого слова до праці на ниві: “Сівач доброго насіння – це Син Чоловічеський” (Мф 13. 37) Три роки Він сіяв добре зерно Своєї науки, яке, зібране і знов посіяне Його учнями, мало давати врожай доброго насіння, тобто виховувати синів Царства Божого (Мф. 13, 38) |
18-21 June, 2012: Annual 2012 Altar Servers Conference! - 02/17/2012
Visiting and Celebrating as One Family in Christ! - 02/17/2012
As the Holy Orthodox Church commemorated the feast day of the Meeting of the Lord on February 15, 2012 (Julian Calendar), the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA traveled to Lehigh Valley, PA to participate in the Archpastoral Divine Liturgy with His Grace Bishop Daniel at the Protection of the Mother of God (St. Mary) Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA – Very Rev. Mitered Fr. Myron Oryhon, pastor. |
Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Program: Holy Gifts for the Holy! - 02/14/2012
Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Program: Holy Gifts for the Holy! - 02/14/2012
We would like to introduce the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry programming theme for the 2011-2012 year: Holy Gifts for the Holy! Our hope is to aid you in bringing our youth to a deeper love and understanding of the Divine Liturgy. |
Lecture by Dr. Volodymyr Mezentsev at Ukrainian Historical and Cultural Center! - 02/14/2012
On Sunday, February 12, 2012 Prof. Volodymyr Mezentsev returned to give us an update on his team's work related to the history of the Kozak Era in Ukraine... |
Winter at St. Vladimir’s Cathedral! - 02/14/2012
St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA has been extremely busy this winter. Our winter schedule typically starts with our annual parish Christmas Bazaar. A mainstay and major financial project of the year, for the first time in decades we made some major shifts to the Bazaar this year. Two weeks before the Bazaar we held an indoor flea market. The Bazaar is a neighborhood favorite and the first annual indoor flea market was a success with the neighbors. |
Cathedral's Assistance to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 02/13/2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012 was a special day for Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, NY and a special day for the children of Puhachiv and Znamyanka Orphanages in Ukraine as faithful of the parish community in New York City, NY hosted a fundraising event to benefit the needs of the disabled children. |
Assembly's Youth Committee Meets! - 02/13/2012
The Committee for Youth of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America held its semi-annual meeting on January 24th and 25th, 2012. The meeting convened at the Antiochian Village Heritage and Learning Center, Bolivar, PA, in conjunction with the Committee for Youth’s Consultants Meeting. Twenty-two additional diocesan and national youth leaders contribute as consultants to the Committee for Youth.
St. Sophia Seminary Celebrates Patronal Feast of the Three Hierarchs! - 02/12/2012
On February 11-12, 2012, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary celebrated its patronal feast, commemorating the Three Holy Hierarchs Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. Although named in honor of the Holy Wisdom – St. Sophia, the seminary chapel is under the protection of these three great Hierarchs of the Eastern Church, noted for their great piety and wisdom.
5-13 August, 2012: High School Mission Trip! - 02/11/2012
February 26, 2012 - OCMC Mission Sunday! - 02/08/2012
Bishop Daniel's Visit to Jones, Oklahoma! - 02/08/2012
On Friday, February 3, 2012, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA arrived in Oklahoma (formerly known as Indian Territory) for an Archpastoral Visitation to the Dormition of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God (St. Mary) Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Jones, Oklahoma. |
“Souper Bowl” Sunday at St. Peter & Paul – Palos Park, IL! - 02/07/2012
On February 5th , “Super Bowl Sunday”, Sts Peter and Paul UOL chapter and parish community participated in the “Souper Bowl” event for the St. Andrew’s Society – soup kitchens for the elderly in Ukraine. |
NY/NJ Deanery: March 3rd, 2012 - Lenten Retreat! - 02/06/2012
In response to our participant’s requests for additional learning opportunities in Orthodoxy, it is with great joy that we invite you to gather on Saturday, March 3 to take part in the NY/NJ Deanery's first annual Lenten Retreat, to examine, learn, pray, meet and to be inspired. |
Record of Protest Against the Infringement of Religious Liberty! - 02/03/2012
February 12, 2012: Lecture by Dr. Volodymyr Mezentsev at Ukrainian Historical and Cultural Center - 02/01/2012
St. Sophia Seminary Students Receive Scholarships! - 02/01/2012
Rev. Lewytzkyj Seminarian Foundation of St. Andrew’s Society Awards Scholarships to Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! |
Ukrainian Diplomats Honor the Memory of Their Forefathers! - 01/24/2012
У вівторок, 24 січня 2012 року представники дипломатичного корпусу Постійного Представництва України в ООН та Генерального Консульства України в Ню Йорку, на чолі із генеральним консулом України в Ню Йорку паном Сергієм Погорельцевим відвідали духовний осередок митрополії Української Православної Церкви в США в Савт Бавнд Бруці, Н. Дж., та взяли участь у подячному молебні з нагоди відзначення Дня Соборності України. |
Chicago Metropolitan Area 4th Annual Orthodox Prayer Vigil for Life! - 01/22/2012
The Orthodox Christian Clergy Association of Greater Chicago sponsored and hosted the 4th Annual Prayer Vigil for Life on Sunday, January 22, 2012 at Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Westchester, IL with His Grace Bishop Demetrios, a chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago delivering a key-note address, titled “Executing Death”. |
National Executive Sr. and Jr. UOL Boards Meet in Carnegie, PA! - 01/21/2012
On Saturday, 21 of January, 2012 – following the great and holy feast of Theophany of our Lord, the Senior and Junior National Executive Board of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Carnegie, PA for their quarterly meeting. |
Theophany Celebrations with Bishop Daniel in Chicago Deanery! - 01/20/2012
On the eve of the feast-day of Theophany (January 18) Ukrainian Orthodox Christians from across Chicago Metropolitan area gathered at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL to celebrate the traditional Theophany Eve and the Great Blessing of the Water. |
Ice Cross in Front of Parma Cathedral! - 01/20/2012
On the feast day of Theophany, following the Divine Liturgy, the Great Blessing of the Water is usually celebrated. This year at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH, the faithful together with the clergy celebrated this Holy Day. |
Богоявлення Господнє! - 01/19/2012
19 січня 2012 року Божого в Церкві-Пам'ятнику Святого Андрія Первозваного відбулося велике Богослужіння в честь і славу великого дванадесятого свята Богоявлення Господнього. |
February 5, 2012 - Annual Scout Sunday! - 01/17/2012
Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary Participate in UOL Young Adult Ski Weekend! - 01/16/2012
The annual UOL Winter Ski Weekend Getaway was held on January 13-15, 2012. Thirteen participants shared in fellowship with each other, reflecting upon this year’s Nativity season. His Grace Bishop Daniel joined the participants of the retreat with the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary, who remained at the retreat for its duration.
February 11, 2012 - St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day! - 01/12/2012
Celebration of the Nativity of Christ in Parma, OH! - 01/12/2012
During this Nativity Season, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral community in Parma, OH experienced a wondrous mystery of the Birth of Jesus Christ our God. People were rejoicing celebrating the Lord’s Nativity beginning with the Holy Super prepared for over 27 years by our UOL Chapter. 140 people, who were not able to prepare their own meal at home, participated. |
2012 “Souper Bowl” Sunday! - 01/11/2012
What a truly holy and blessed Nativity many of us celebrated. We were surrounded by family and friends who honored us by participating in the Divine Services at church, followed by much food, laughter and caroling in our homes. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky as we are. In Ukraine, there are many elderly and poor who need our assistance just to have the basics for survival. This is where St. Andrew’s Society comes in.
Festival of Ukrainian Nativity/Christmas Carols in Philadelphia, PA! - 01/11/2012
On Sunday, January 8, the 5th annual Festival of Christmas Carols was held in Philadelphia. 14 choirs representing different Ukrainian churches and organizations from the Philadelphia area, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C. and Baltimore, MD gathered to sing carols glorifying the Birth of Jesus Christ. |
Nativity Celebration at St. George UOC in Yardville, NJ! - 01/10/2012
З великoю радiстю i надiєю кoжне християнське серце слухає цi прoрoчi пiснoспiви Навечiр’я Рiздва Христoвoгo. Щo мoже дати нам кращу надiю на майбуття, як пoчуте в святoму Храмi ‘’З нами Бoг’’... скiльки oбнадiйливих думoк є в серцi кoжнoгo християнина в цьoму oднoму вигoлoсi.
Nativity Celebrations in Chicago Deanery! - 01/08/2012
The Nativity of our Lord celebrations became more festive and spiritually uplifting for the faithful of Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church f the USA, as His Grace Bishop Daniel visited the parish communities of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL on January 6-7, 2012; Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Bensenvile, IL on January 8, 2012 and Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Palos Park, IL on January 9, 2012. |
IOCC Recruiting Volunteers For 2012 Orthodox Action Teams! - 01/05/2012
Since the devastating hurricanes in 2005, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) has provided over 600 volunteers and thousands of man-hours to help surviving families along the Gulf Coast rebuild their lives by constructing new homes or doing critical renovations to existing ones. |
OCF's Real Break 2012! - 01/04/2012
The Real Break program provides alternatives to the “traditional” Spring Break for college students. It exists to provide students with the most authentic experience possible, and is modeled as a full Christian lifestyle, which includes fellowship, prayer within community, witness and service. |
Winter Mission Team Returns Home! - 01/03/2012
The 2011 Winter Mission Team to the Ukrainian Orphanages of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA returned to the United States of America on December 30, 2011, following a week of inspiring moments, ministering to the children of Znamianka orphanage in Kirovohrad region of Ukraine. |
Archpastoral Letter - 01/01/2012
Into a restless and darkened world appeared the shining light of the Bethlehem star, - the star which announced the incarnation of Him Who would illuminate the darkness and calm the sea of restlessness by His peace. Into the silence of the night comes the majestic chant of the Angels heralding god's greatest manifestations of love towards mankind, - a love which sends His only Begotten Son to the earth. |
Архипастирське послання - 01/01/2012
В невгамовний та затемнений світ з'явилось блискуче світло Вифлеємської зірки, - зірки, яка звістила про воплочення Того, Хто просвітить темряву і заспокоїть море невгамованості своїм миром. В нічну тишу пробиває чарівний ангельський спів звіщаючи про найбільше Боже виявлення любові до людства, - виявлення любові, що посилає Свого Єдинородного Сина на землю. |
Sunday before the Nativity - 12/28/2011
Today’s Gospel according to St. Mathew chapter 1 verse 1-25 is read ones a year, every Sunday before the Nativity of Our Lord and God Jesus Christ. More then a century years ago, Church Fathers have prescribed exactly this Gospel to be read a week before the Feast of the Nativity. Though, why did they decided to pick especially this passage of the Gospel of Mathew? |
Please remember in your prayers.... - 12/27/2011
Archbishop Antony is back home from the hospital. He is recovering in the comfort of his home while doctors still taking some more tests to find out the reason. Thank you for your prayers. |
Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! - 12/23/2011
Into a restless and darkened world appeared the shining light of the Bethlehem star, - the star which announced the incarnation of Him Who would illuminate the darkness and calm the sea of restlessness by His peace. |
Nativity/Christmas Encyclical of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch! - 12/21/2011
Winter Mission Team Leaves for Ukrainian Orphanage! - 12/21/2011
Five people were commissioned as Missionaries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA during the afternoon prayer service at the chapel of the Consistory Offices of the UOC of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ on December 20, 2011. |
OCN's Share the Light Sunday! - 12/19/2011
The Annual Christmas Radio Program of the Divine Liturgy! - 12/19/2011
60th Anniversary of St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN! - 12/19/2011
The month of December is always special for the local Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN dedicated to St. Katherine the Great, which anticipated with happiness and excitement a grand celebration of the holy fourth-century saint’s Godly life. |
Pan Orthodox Nativity Concert in Parma, Ohio! - 12/17/2011
On Sunday, December 11, 2011, the Council of Orthodox Clergy of Greater Cleveland held its 19th Annual Nativity Concert. |
St. Volodymyr Cathedral School in Chicago, IL! - 12/16/2011
Школа Українознавства при Катедрі св. Володимира в Чикаго! |
St. Andrew Feast Day in Greater Washington, DC! - 12/15/2011
For the Ukrainian community in the Greater Washington, DC, area, St. Andrew Feast Day, as celebrated by St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, is known to be quite a celebration. These joyous celebrations comprise of many wonderful spiritual and cultural elements and are known to welcome some very important guests and many, many parishioners and friends. |
60th Parish Anniversary in Los Angeles, CA! - 12/12/2011
Із святковим настроєм та духовним піднесенням, парафіяни громади Святого Апостола |
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Launches New Web Site! - 12/07/2011
Вiдкриймo нашi серця - дoпoмoжiмo нашим дiтям! - 12/07/2011
Хoлoдний грудневий ранoк принiс дo церкви Святoгo Юрiя Перемoжця у Ярдвiлi безмiрне теплo у серця парафiян, учнiв, вчителiв нашoï шкoли i гoстей. |
St. Sophia Seminary Remembers Pearl Harbor Attack! - 12/07/2011
As the first rays of sun appeared through the windows of the Three Holy hierarchs Chapel of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ, the student body prayerfully began to chant the Memorial Lytia for the repose of the souls of about 2,335 U.S. servicemen and 68 civilians, who perished 70 years ago in Pearl Harbor attack. |
Ukrainian American Veterans National Monument Committee Meets! - 12/06/2011
Members of the UAV National Monument Committee met on Monday, December 5, 2011, at the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Scholarships Still Available For OCF College Conference - 12/06/2011
Scholarships are still available for the 2011 College Conferences. Interested students are urged to apply during the on-line registration process at events.ocf.net. |
Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple! - 12/03/2011
2012 College Mission Trip to Ukraine! - 12/01/2011
1-19 August, 2012 - The College Student Mission Trip to Aid Orphanages in Ukraine! |
2012 OCMC Orthodox Mission Team Opportunities Now Available! - 12/01/2011
Orthodox Christian Mission Center is pleased to announce 2012 Orthodox Mission Team opportunities. Next year, team members will have the opportunity to share the Orthodox Christian faith by offering evangelism, catechism, healthcare, construction, and youth ministry in 9 countries around the world (including a first-time team to Mongolia). |
105 Years of Parish Ministry! - 11/28/2011
McKees Rocks, PA - Calling historic St. Mary (Dormition of the Mother of God) Ukrainian Orthodox Church "a testament to the generosity and hard work of Pittsburgh's Ukrainian immigrant community," His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine, a Prime Hierarch of the UOC of the USA and His Grace Bishop Daniel, a Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Church visited the parish community and led the prayerful festivities, celebrating the parish's 105th anniversary last Saturday, November 27, 2011 – the feast day of St. John Chrysostom. |
To whom do you belong? - 11/27/2011
Street gangs use different colors to identify which gang they belong to. Sport fans wear the logos of their favorite teams to show to whom they are loyal. As we move into the elections for a new president bumper stickers will identify which candidate or political party the driver supports. It is not only common to identify ourselves with one group or another it also has a long history. Not long after God made this promise to Abraham: ... |
2011 St. Philip's Fast Archpastoral Letter! - 11/26/2011
2011 St. Philip's Fast Archpastoral Letter! - 11/26/2011
Once again the ecclesiastical calendar of our Holy Orthodox Church brings us to the sacred time of St. Philip’s Fast, a time for all Christians to prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. During this time of spiritual journey, we are to seek the ways in which we can place our lives into the context of the events of Bethlehem, knowing that in Christ our Savior we are claimed as God’s own forever! |
Millions of Ukrainian Genocidal Famine Victims Remembered in Cheektowaga, NY! - 11/22/2011
The Patronal Feast Day in San Francisco, CA! - 11/21/2011
Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrated its annual patron saint's day. |
Victims of Genocidal Famine in Ukraine Remembered! - 11/19/2011
The walls of the 19th century St. Patrick Cathedral in New York, NY were filled with about 5000 people and solemn chanting of a Memorial service, honouring the memory of about 10 million people, the victims of the artificially created Genocide-Famine in Ukraine of 1932-1933.
Annual Inter-Orthodox Camp and Youth Worker Conference! - 11/18/2011
Memory Eternal: Holodomor Ecumenical Lecture at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles! - 11/18/2011
“Strangers No Longer: Ukrainian Catholics and Orthodox Remember the Holodomor” was the topic of a lecture presented by His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Right Rev. Dr. Andriy Chirovsky, professor of Theology at Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. |
One Paid Week to Diocesan Church School Camp or Teenage Conference! - 11/18/2011
We are happy to announce an essay contest sponsored by the All Saints Camp Committee entitled, "What All Saints Camp Means to Me!" The winner of the essay contest will receive one full week paid to either Diocesan Church School Camp or Teenage Conference for the 2012 camping season. |
Council of the Metropolia Meets in Annual Session at Church Center! - 11/16/2011
The Council of the Metropolia – Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – held its annual meeting in the Auxiliary Hall at St. Andrew Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook, New Jersey on 10-11 November 2011 to discuss and evaluate the life of the Church and to set the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Metropolitan Council is the highest administrative body overseeing the life of the Church between the regular triennial Sobors. The Metropolitan Council is composed of the bishops, clergy and lay members elected by the Church Sobor and the Presidents of our Church’s three Central Organizations. The Council Meeting was preceded on 9 November by the regular monthly Consistory meeting. |
2011 Annual Clergy Conference! - 11/15/2011
The clergy: bishops, priests and deacons of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA were blessed, once again, with the opportunity to come together in faith and fellowship for 3 days at the end of October at the Antiochian Village, in Western Pennsylvania. In his opening remarks after the Vespers Service that marked the beginning of the Conference, His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine spoke of the importance of such gatherings for the spiritual and psychological wellbeing of our clergy, and of his joy at being able to share in another such gathering. He also expressed his deep gratitude to His brother bishops: His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel, for the many tasks they performed in his stead during his convalescence.
85th Parish Anniversary! - 11/13/2011
The parishioners of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Antony to Johnson City, NY on October 28th - 29th to commemorate the 85th Anniversary of their parish with prayers of thanksgiving to God and a series of parish community events designed to pay tribute to several outstanding parish members and forty-seven parish elders; and to rekindle the faith, spirit and goodwill instilled in their parish family by their spiritual leaders and founders. |
Oklahoma Parish Outing - 11/12/2011
Early Saturday morning on the 29th of October, twenty-eight members of St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Jones, OK loaded into two 15-passenger vans and, after a prayer and blessing for safe travel, headed to Southwest Oklahoma for a parish outing. |
Strangers No Longer: Ukrainian Catholics and Orthodox Remember the Holodomor! - 11/09/2011
Metropolia Center - Film Screening: Famine-33! - 11/09/2011
2012 College Mission Trip to Ukraine! - 11/08/2011
Golden Jubilee in Spring Valley, CA! - 11/08/2011
It was 10 years ago that the faithful of the Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Spring Valley, CA started making plans for the Golden 50th Anniversary of the parish’s ministry among the Orthodox Christians of San Diego Metropolitan area. |
The rich man and Lazarus - 11/04/2011
In the Gospel reading of “the rich man and Lazarus” we hear a parable describing an unnamed rich man living a very lavish lifestyle. A lifestyle so lavish, it consisted of having the finest clothing, the finest food and the finest materialistic possessions one could have during those times. It almost seems the rich man was living the dream many of us dream of today, especially if we end up winning the lottery. Basically, the rich man was living a care free life only caring for himself and no one else. On the other hand, the parable begins to describe a man completely opposite of the rich man. This man being Lazarus lies poor and diseased before the entry gate of the rich man’s dwelling, so poor that he desires “to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table” (Luke 19:21). In the end both men faced what each and every one of us will have to face one day and that is death. |
Fr. Dennis Kristof Installed as the Chaplain at Lakewood Hospital! - 11/04/2011
V. Rev. Fr. Dennis Kristof, dean of the Penn-Ohio Deanery, was installed on October 28 as the staff chaplain at Lakewood Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic acute care, community-oriented hospital. This is the first time that the staff chaplain at Lakewood Hospital is of the Orthodox Church. |
Metropolitan Constantine Released From the Hospital! - 11/01/2011
Metropolitan Constantine, the Primate of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA underwent a medical procedure on Monday October 31, 2011, which required heart surgery. |
Покровський Oбід у Mісті Мілвіл! - 11/01/2011
Уже стало доброю традицією, що кожного року, у жовтні місяці, сестрицтво “Св. Покрови” церкви Св. Апостолів Петра і Павла, що у місті Мілвіл, справляютьпокровський обід. Цього року ця подія відбувалася особливо торжественно і святково, бо саме у цей день нашу парафію відвідав Високопреосвященніший Владика Архиєпископ Антоній у супроводі чотирьох семінаристів-іподияконів Андріана, Андрія, Юрія та Івана. |
OCMC Board Gathers at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral! - 11/01/2011
Led by Board President Fr. George Liacopulos, Board Members from across the country recently gathered for the annual Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Fall Board Meeting. With the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine, Fr. John Nakonachny, Fr. Michael Hontaruk, Fr. Dn. Ihor Mahlay, and the faithful of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH, this was the second board meeting for His Grace Bishop Savas who serves as a liaison between OCMC and the newly formed Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America. |
Притча про сіяча - 10/27/2011
В сьогоднішньому Євангелії Господь говорить притчу про сіяча. Ученики запитали Його - що значить притча оця? Отож разом з ними і ми запитаємо, щоб навчитися, як ми повинні слухати та сприймати слово Боже! Це найголовніше, що є в житті людському, - дізнатися, що говорить тобі Христос. Найщасливіша та людина, дорогі браття і сестри, хто чує це і осягає і пізнає своїм розумом. Господь сказав - вам дано осягнути таємниці Божого Царства. Сказав своїм послідовникам і поступово просвічує учнів Своїх випробовуючи в вірності Божественної правди. Тому то і ми своїми душами та серцями підемо в наслідуванні слова Божого. Серце - це грунт, грунт для насіння Божого, місце для доброго плоду. Тому і сенс життя з'єднати наше серце зі Словом Божим. І тоді Господь зробить наше життя по істинні дивним! |
95th Anniversary of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 10/27/2011
Далеко у минуле сягає історія заснування церков на землях Америки, так само у неблизьких 1915 – 1916 роках бере свій початок і історія Катедри Св. Кн. Володимира: саме у цей час група українських патріотів і заснувала "Українську Народну Церкву", яка і стала першою українською православною церквою в Америці. |
2011 OCF College Conference! - 10/26/2011
Each year during Nativity of our Lord Break College conferences are held in various regions in the Continental U.S.A. The largest, College Conference East is held at Antiochian Village in Bolivar, PA. Each year some 400 students on fire for Christ come together enjoying fellowship, prayer,service and interaction with some of the best Orthodox speakers there are.
2011 UOL Thanksgiving Tithing Project! - 10/25/2011
Ukrainian Orthodox League Announces the Beneficiary of the 2011 Thanksgiving Tithing Project! |
2011 Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 10/25/2011
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Missions and Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the dates for a winter missionary trip to the Znamianka Orphanage to celebrate the Life of St. Nicholas, for the faithful of our Church. |
National Executive Sr. and Jr. UOL Boards Hold Meetings! - 10/24/2011
The Junior and Senior National Executive Boards of the Ukrainian Orthodox League gathered in Carteret, NJ on October 22nd for the first national meeting of the year. |
Відзначення 25-ти річчя Бібліотеки в Пармi, Огайо! - 10/24/2011
В неділю 2-го жовтня 2011 р. відбулося в нововідновленому шкільному будинку урочисте відзначення 25 років служіння нашій громаді парафіяльної бібліотеки при Українському Православному Соборі св. Володимира, заснованої у 1985 році в честь Тисячоліття Християнства на Україні. |
Archbishop Antony Celebrates 101st Anniversary of St. Mary’s, New Britain, CT! - 10/24/2011
To joyfully begin its second century of serving the Lord, St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Nativity of the Mother of God, welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Antony to celebrate its parish feast day, September 11, 2011. As part of this special celebration, His Eminence placed holy relics of Saint Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates into St. Mary’s altar. |
Bundles For Ukraine! - 10/24/2011
Maintaining its devotion to the needy in Ukraine, this fall, the Bundles for Ukraine group at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in New Britain, CT has sent a record 5,650 pounds of aid to needy children and Orthodox parishes in Ukraine. |
Archive Open House! - 10/13/2011
On October 9th, the HEC Archive division hosted an Open House in conjunction with the New York Metropolitan Area Archivists' Round Table Archives Week. Visitors were able to meet the archivist, view selected items from the archival collections, and learn about the variety and scope of our holdings. |
Ordination to the Holy Priesthood! - 10/11/2011
On Saturday Oct 8, 2011 Deacon Kenneth Ellis was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on behalf of Archbishop Demetrios by His Eminence, Archbishop Anthony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. |
Parish Feast Day Celebration in Southfield, MI - 10/10/2011
As the morning mist, swirling about the brightly colored autumnal foliage cleared on Saturday, October 8, 2011, it revealed a mass of giddy and giggling children, squirming on the steps of St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, Michigan. The students of the Lesia Ukrainka School of Religion and Ukrainian Studies, held brightly colored flowers and kept looking to the left and right, wondering from which direction their guest would be arriving. The giggles turned into a joyous roar as a car drove passed them, horn honking in response to their waves. Finally, their beloved bishop, His Grace Bishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. had arrived. |
90th Anniversary Celebration in Bridgeport, CT! - 10/07/2011
On Sat Oct 1, 2011, St. Mary’s Protection of Bridgeport, CT celebrated her 90th Anniversary with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with His Eminence Archbishop Antony. It was a most joyful day. The early morning day started out with rain, but as the morning progressed, the sky cleared up for all who attended. It was an exciting day for the parish as you may know. As a small parish, there was quite a number of faithful, friends and clergy from the area and outside. Many of the faithful came from our sister parishes in Orthodoxy, which represented the areas Bridgeport, Trumbull, Stratford, New Haven, New Britain and elsewhere. Fr. Steve welcomed the clergy as they arrived from within the UOC of USA and other jurisdictions in the area. The Clergy who were in attendance were. Fr. Steve Masliuk our Pastor; Fr. Andrii Pokotylo of Nativity of the Mother of God in New Britain, CT; Fr. Rostyoslav Taspar of St. Mary’s Protectress in New Haven, CT and St. Voldymyr in Hartford, CT; Fr. Paul Szewczuk of St. Nicholas Parish in Troy, NY; Fr. George Bazylevsky of St. Voldymyr Chapel in Kerhonkson, NY; Very Rev. Peter Paproski of St. John the Baptist Carpatho Russian Church in Stratford, CT; Very Rev. Michael Macura of St. John the Baptist Carpatho Russian Church in Stratford, CT; Fr. Dennis Rhodes of St. Georges Albanian Church in Trumbull, CT; Fr. Romanos Malouf of St. Nicholas Antiochian Church in Bridgeport, CT; Very Rev. Joel Mckeachen of Asst pastor St. Barbara in Orange, CT; Very Rev. Sergei Bouteneoff, Senior Chaplin and Supervisor of Veteran’s Hospital in West Haven, CT; along with Sub-deacon Andriy Matlak, Seminarians Mykola Kavchak and Bohdan Melnykovych, and altar servers Christopher Pokptylo and Alekandr Danilowicz. |
Subdeacon John Charest Ordained to Deaconate! - 10/07/2011
On Saturday, October 1, 2011 His Grace Bishop Daniel Ordained Subdeacon John Charest to Deaconate at Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI! |
The WAY - An Introductory Course in Orthodox Christianity! - 10/06/2011
A new, exciting educational opportunity has arrived in America for Orthodox Christians. “The WAY - An Introductory Course in Orthodox Christianity”, a highly successful outreach educational program, created by the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, England will be presented by St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Carteret, NJ. |
Historic Flooding In Johnson City, New York - 10/03/2011
Johnson City, NY and our surrounding local community have been devastated as a result of widespread flooding from Tropical Storm Lee which occurred September 7th, 2011. Our St. John Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s basement, library, museum, classrooms and boiler room received flooding and damage, as did our rectory basement, and boiler room in our Memorial Center. Many of our own parishioners have been affected with loss of possessions or their homes. We currently have 15 families from St. John’s who have experienced damage due to flooding. We are reaching out to them all on a personal basis to assess their individual needs whether monetary, physical or emotional. As we have talked to most victims about their loss from of this historic flooding, the devastation is overwhelming. The tolls for many are great and the emotional burden has truly brought our parish members to tears and feelings of despair, depression and inability to cope. |
Ukrainian Heritage Park Dedicated in Parma, Ohio - 09/29/2011
In 2008 the clergy and Board of Trustees of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral requested that the mayor of Parma, along with the City Council, designate a one-mile stretch of State Road, in front of the Cathedral, as Ukrainian Village. The request was made because of the large number of Ukrainian business that were located on the street and anchored by two beautiful Ukrainian churches – St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral. |
25th Parish Anniversary in Genk, Belgium - 09/28/2011
“Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” These words from the 89th Psalm were often quoted by the faithful of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Genk, Belgium as the parish community celebrated on September 23-25, 2011 the twenty-five years since the consecration of the parish’s church building and their ministry in Brussels Metropolitan Area. |
Inauguration of the New Academic Year 2011 at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! - 09/20/2011
Another academic year began at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ with the celebration of the Archpastoral Divine Liturgy at the seminary’s Three Holy Hierarchs chapel. |
A Tree Is Known By Its Fruit! - 09/20/2011
While the children at St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, Michigan, are little more than saplings, they are already beginning to bare good fruit. During the week of June 20 – 24, 2011, sixteen children participated in the 4th Annual Summer Vacation Church Camp, the theme of which was “The Fruits of the Spirit”. |
15th Sunday after Pentecost - 09/19/2011
2 Corinthians 4: 6-15. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in you. |
50th Anniversary Celebration in Goshen, IN! - 09/19/2011
Mommy and Me/ Daddy and Me 2011 - 09/19/2011
This year’s encampment with 19 participating families representing seven different states and two countries brought us to a near maximum capacity. The activities of the week focused on the theme: “Holy Gifts for the Holy.” |
Annual Family Fest Held at All Saints Camp - 09/19/2011
Once again, as has been the tradition for over 25 years, faithful of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church gathered to spend the Labor Day Weekend at All Saints Camp. |
UOC of the USA is Represented at Antiochian Village! - 09/19/2011
During the residency weeks of the St. Stephen's House of Studies 5 members of the UOC of USA were present for a variety of reasons. Pani Matka Christine Holet of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Virginia taught a class on Slavic chanting. Pani Christine taught her students to understand the needs of the parish and to work with the priest on meeting those needs in a way that allows the most participation. At the gala banquet Pani Christine lead the Slavic Chanting Class as they performed a piece for the entire House of Studies. Pani Christine is invited to teach every year at the House of Studies. |
New Britain Parish’s “Families for Fontanka Boys” Project Successfully Completes Its First Year! - 09/19/2011
In 2010, St Mary Ukrainian Orthodox parish in New Britain became a partner with Universal Aid for Children-Ukraine (Ft. Lauderdale, Fl) and sponsored 8 boys coming out of an Odessa Orphanage called Fontanka. This is an orphanage jointly administered by the state and by the Orthodox church, which has a direct presence in the school. Its student population consists mostly of boys who had been living on the streets and were picked up by the police and brought there. The ages at Fontanka are from 8 to 15 years old and the discipline is junior military style. The Orthodox Divine Liturgy is a part of the school life. |
College Student Sunday! - 09/17/2011
It's September again and as Orthodox students arrive on college campuses, OCF is already in high gear, organizing resources and programs to help our students stay connected to Christ and His Church. On Sunday, September 18th, parishes across North America will be celebrating College Student Sunday and recognizing our college students. |
Багато покликаних та мало вибраних - 09/15/2011
Такими словами Христос завершує свою Євангельську притчу, в якій Спаситель образно змальовує історію взаємовідносин між Богом та людьми. В притчі Ісус Христос показує Царя, який післав слуг своїх для того, щоб вони запросили весільних гостей, та останні відмовилися, поскільки в кожного була поважна причина. Після другого запрошення така сама реакція, більше того на кінець ще й слуг його повбивали. Почувши це Цар наказав вичубити всіх та спалив їхні міста. Тоді посилає слуг своїх кажучи : " ідіть на шляхи та перехрестя і запрошуйте всіх кого знайшли злих та добрих". Весілля поповнилося людьми. Побачивши чоловіка без весільної одежі, Господар карає його кажучи : " вкиньте його в темряву надвірню, там буде плач та скрегіт зубів" (Мф. 22;13). |
Remembering the Tragedy of 9-11-2001 - 09/11/2011
It is difficult to believe that we have come to the first major milestone memorial date of the loss of nearly 3,000 human beings in the World Trade Center – the symbol of American business success and promise. |
Parma Cathedral Remembers September 11th! - 09/11/2011
On Sunday, September 11th, the Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist and the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States, the clergy and faithful of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, Ohio, remembered those who perished, as well as the living who are mourning their loss. A memorial service for the departed, as well as a special message, was delivered by the clergy. |
The Beheading of St. John the Baptist - 09/09/2011
"The memory of the righteous is celebrated with hymns of praise, but the Lord's testimony is sufficient for you, O Forerunner; for you have proved to be even more venerable than the prophets since you were granted to baptize in the running waters Him Whom they proclaimed. Wherefore, having contested for the truth, you did rejoice to announce the good tidings even to those in Hades; that God has appeared in the flesh, taking away the sin of the world and granting us great mercy." (Troparion of the Feast) The day of the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist is commemorated by the Holy Orthodox Church on the September11. In memory of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, the feast day established by the Church is also a strict day of fast -- as an expression of the grief of Christians at the violent death of the saint. |
В пам'ять вічну буде праведник... - 09/07/2011
Сьогодні , ми з вами зібралися в цьому храмі, щоб одними вустами і серцем прославити нашого Спасителя і Господа Ісуса Христа, Його Пречисту Матір, святих апостолів і пророків, котрі засвідчили своїм праведним життям віру і любов до свого Господа. Одного із пророків церква вшановує пам'ять усікновення чесної голови великого пророка і Предтечі Хрестителя Господнього Іоана. |
Patriarchs of the Four Oldest Churches Asked Russian Orthodox Church to Observe its Canonical Territory! - 09/06/2011
Patriarchs of the four oldest churches of the world and the primate of the Cyprian Autocephalous Church called the Russian Orthodox Church to observe its canonical territory. |
Archpastoral Visit to Whaleyville, MD! - 09/05/2011
The Labor Day weekend brought numerous smiles to the parishioners of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox parish congregation of Whaleyville, MD, as they welcomed in their midst the spiritual fathers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: His Eminence Srchbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel. It is a renewed parish community of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians from DE, MD, NJ, PA and visitors from other states of the nation that have settled around various MD and DE beach areas. The spiritual needs of the congregation are fulfilled by a faithful and dedicated group of clergy of the Church: Very Rev. Stephen Hutnick, pastor of Sts. Pete and Paul UOC in Wilmington, DE, Very Rev, Gerald Ozlanski, pastor of the Dormition of the Mother of God UOC in Chester, PA and Very Rev. Mark Koczak, a retired US Navy Chaplain and a clergyman of OCA. |
The “Hawaiian” Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Theotokos! - 09/05/2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011 was a very special occasion for the parish of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Portland, Oregon. We were honored by a visit of the Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Theotokos of Hawaii. |
Message for the Day of the Protection of the Environment - 09/01/2011
God’s grace renders us worthy today to commence yet another ecclesiastical year, one more festive cycle, within whose blessed opportunities we are called to struggle spiritually in order better to evaluate the potential that we have been granted for growing “in the likeness” of God so that we also might become His saints. Learn More » |
Archpastoral Visit to Portland, OR! - 09/01/2011
On Friday, August 26, 2011, His Grace Bishop Daniel brought the Western Eparchy parish communities a little closer to each other with a visit to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Portland, OR. |
Hurricane Irene Aftermath: the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA! - 08/29/2011
As you most assuredly have heard by now, major flooding has once again occurred at the Metropolia Center of our Holy Church in South Bound Brook, NJ following the powerful destructive path of Hurricane Irene during the last few days of August, 2011. We do not have the damage estimates at this moment; however, considering substantial flooding of the historic Fisher House, the Sisterhood Hall and the Center’s Maintenance building; the Memorial Church’s pastoral residence building, two residential properties across the street form the Memorial Church, the collapsed trees and flooding of the Seminary building’s basement – these are only a few examples of what we must face now in repairs and additional non-budgeted projects for this coming Fall season. Our neighbors around the property and the Church’s spiritual Center suffer and in desperate need of assistance. |
Protopresbyter Nicholas Metulynsky of Blessed Memory! - 08/28/2011
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Church about the falling asleep of Protopresbyter Nicholas Metulynsky of blessed memory. |
Prayers Requested For the Parish Communities In The Path of Hurricane Irene - 08/27/2011
We fervently request that clergy and faithful of our Metropolia offer special prayers for the victims of hurricane Irene, which is causing heavy damage on the East Coast of our nation this weekend. We are all united as friends and neighbors in the states and communities affected by hurricane Irene and as a family in Christ we pray for protection from the consequences of the storm. We must be eager and ready to offer refuge and help to those who may be endangered or harmed. “Irene” translated means “peace”…let us prayer that Holy Great Martyr St. Irene will intercede with Almighty God to protect our nation from these present threats. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Communities in MN Celebrate Ukrainian Independance Day! - 08/27/2011
Portland Oregon Youth Cultural Exchange - 08/26/2011
The Portland area’s first annual Orthodox Youth Cultural Exchange took place in June at the Agia Sophia Academy, a private Orthodox Christian school, in Beaverton, Oregon. The mission of the Agia Sophia Academy is to educate the whole child by providing a rich academic and Arts curriculum, grounded in Orthodox Christian values, while fostering love of learning, personal responsibility and respect for each person. |
2011 Mission Team Concludes Its Visit to Znamyanka Orphanage! - 08/20/2011
Since the completion of the Missionary efforts of 2011 College Age Mission Team of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in Puhachiv orphanage at the beginning of August, the work of the Team did not conclude only with a visit to one orphanage in Zhytomyr region. From August 13-20, the eight team members, under the leadership of His Grace Bishop Daniel and Olia Coffee traveled to Znamyanka orphanage in order to complete their missionary activities for 2011 year of our Lord. |
A Sad Day in Los Angeles, CA! - 08/18/2011
We ask all who read these words to keep the parish family of St. Andrew, Los Angeles, CA in their prayers during these difficult days. In the early morning hours of 15 August, an intruder broke into the parish Church and desecrated the Holy Altar, Tabernacle, Iconography and the entire altar and sacristy area. The most devastating aspect of this horrendous crime was the scattering of the Reserve Sacrament on the floor among and beneath the various altar crosses, candles and vestments strewn throughout the church. The Holy Altar itself was pulled from its foundation and dragged through the Royal Doors into the nave of the church. It was a senseless act of destruction and obvious anger that left the Church and the neighboring community in much distress. |
Deacon David Mastroberte Ordained to the Holy Priesthood by Archbishop Antony! - 08/16/2011
On Saturday, August 13th, 2011, Deacon David Mastroberte was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence, Archbishop Antony at St. John's Orthodox Church, Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania. |
The Faith of our Fathers, The Missionary Zeal of the First Century Church! - 08/11/2011
When we look at an overview of the first thousand years of church history, we know that the church was united, yet the faithful had difficulty knowing what to believe and who to follow. The Apostles were the best source of religious and spiritual leadership so many people followed them. In the year 33 AD we find the beginning of the New Testament Church on Pentecost Sunday. St. Peter, standing with the eleven, gave a sermon that converted 3000 souls in Jerusalem. He preached the good news, and wanted them to join him and those who believe in Jesus as the Messiah of God, and to follow the teaching of those who have eye witnessed the events of Christ’s ministry. “Now, at that time, there were visitors, devout men, in Jerusalem. They spoke in different languages being from different parts of the world. The power of the Holy Spirit was all about the city. The people knew Peter was from Galilee and were amazed and marveled on how he could speak to them in their own language. They were perplexed as to what this meant. Shortly after, they were baptized, took part in the prayers and in the breaking of the bread. This was a mass conversion in just one town, Jerusalem. On one day, Pentecost. |
Ukrainian / American Talent Show 2011 - 08/11/2011
2011 Mission Team Concludes Its Visit to Puhachiv Orphanage! - 08/11/2011
The village of Puhachiv was the first stop of the Mission Team of College Age Students of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to Ukrainian Orphanages, following their departure from the USA on August 5, 2011 and arrival to the capital of Ukraine – Kyiv on August 6, 2011. |
Archbishop Antony Ordains a New Deacon! - 08/08/2011
On Sunday August 7, 2011 the faithful of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Carteret, NJ gathered to witness the ordination of Subdeacon Francis Rella to the Deaconate through the laying on of hands of His Eminence Archbishop Antony, the Ruling Hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy and the President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA. His Eminence Archbishop Antony was greeted by the children of the parish community along with president of the parish board of administration Richard Stokes and cathedral’s pastor Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko.
College Age Mission Team Departs for Annual Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 08/04/2011
Reflecting upon the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: “'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”, the college age students of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully responded to our Lord’s call and offered themselves to serve as Mission Team Members of the UOC of the USA to the Ukrainian Orphanages during the August 4-20, 2011. |
UUOS: National Executive Board Meeting - 08/04/2011
Recently, the United Orthodox Sisterhoods of the USA met at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary’s Library in South Bound Brook, NJ in order to discuss the activity and issues of great concern which affect the spiritual and social ministry of the organization. |
All Saints Camp Work Weekend - 08/02/2011
With the end of the camping season quickly approaching we are starting to plan for next summer. In an effort to maintain and improve All Saint Camp we have scheduled two work weekends. |
Diocesan Church School Camp and Teenage Conference Enjoy Spectacular Camping Season! - 07/31/2011
For the last four weeks the youth of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church converged upon the church’s 400+ acre piece of heaven, All Saints Camp. Campers and staff attended from 27 of our parishes and 13 sister jurisdictions and guests. The youth ministry theme, “Holy Gifts for the Holy” was explored by each encampment as they delved into the workings, theology and mystery of the Divine Liturgy. |
Holy Virgin Parish Welcomes New Pastor! - 07/31/2011
The month of June marked a special time in the life of Holy Virgin Ukrainian Orthodox parish of Arnold, Pennsylvania. It was at the Divine Liturgy on June 5 that the congregation officially welcomed Fr. Mark Swindle as their newly appointed pastor and welcomed Pani Matka Stephanie and their daughters, Victoria and Anna into the parish family. Fr. Mark, who was baptized in the parish of St. Michael in Hammond, Indiana, was ordained into the Holy Priesthood at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, during a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Saturday, May 7 by His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine. Many priests and deacons that are close friends of Fr. Mark and his family, as well several members of the Pittsburgh Deanery, were in attendance for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. An overwhelming number of parishioners from Fr. Mark’s newly assigned parish of Holy Virgin were present in addition to many of parishioners of St. Vladimir. |
Registration for Clergy Conference 2011 - 07/28/2011
UPDATED: 64th Annual UOL Convention Concludes in Philadelphia, PA! - 07/28/2011
Delegates from all over the United States converged in this “City of Brotherly Love” for the three day conference to hammer out what it means to be a member of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in a world of dense and diverse realities of the 21st century. |
Latest Shipment to the Orphanages in Ukraine - 07/26/2011
Nine large boxes of 200 shoes, children's costumes various needed items have been sorted, packaged and shipped to two of the orphanages the UOC of the USA supports. |
Church School Summer Camp at St. Vladimir Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA! - 07/25/2011
The first annual Church School Summer Camp took place June 28 & 29. Wow, what a terrific two days in the life of our parish! Little campers gathered for 2 full days filed with worship, fellowship and fun. The camp was opened with a special “prayer for students” led by Fr. Taras Naumenko who also talked to children about the Cross – the tree of life, which was the theme of this year’s camping program. The children learned about the importance and meaning of the cross in Christianity and with a large wall cross as an example Fr. Taras explained what each depiction on the cross represents. The children made cross magnets, necklaces and key chains during the hour of arts & crafts. |
Bishop Daniel Ordains the Church’s Newest Priest - 07/24/2011
Once again the faithful of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL gathered together on Sunday, July 24, 2011 for a Mystery of Holy Eucharist, marking the cathedral’s patron saint day. Representatives of all local Ukrainian Orthodox parishes of Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA joined the cathedral community in greeting the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Church His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
“Voices of the People” – Ukrainian Festival in ND! - 07/23/2011
Such was a topic of this year’s Ukrainian Festival in ND for which hundreds of people from various towns and neighboring states arrived to Dickinson, ND in order to celebrate the history of Ukrainian community of North Dakota. |
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and St. Olga Day - 07/20/2011
The omnipotent Lord not only sees all our deeds; He knows our thoughts and all our plans. We cannot hide our inner feelings from God. He sees and knows everything. He is always with us. Regardless if our thoughts are pure or evil or contaminated by temptations of this world, the Lord knows all. Nothing can be hidden from Him. We heard in today’s Gospel lesson about Old Testament teachers who could not hide their thoughts from Jesus. When Jesus healed the paralytic, he said to him: “Son be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you”. |
Уздоровлення двох біснуватих - 07/14/2011
В п'яту неділю після зішесття Святого Духа свята церква подає нам науку з події, що мала місце на березі землі Гадаринської. 3устріли Ісуса Христа двоє розумово хворих - опановані злим духом. Ісус Христос зцілив біснуватих без їхнього бажання й послав злих духів у стадо свиней, яке паслось поблизу. Весь гурт свиней кинувсь з кручі в воду й потонув. |
Church School Camp at Sts. Peter and Paul in Palos Park, IL - 06/29/2011
The children who participated at Sts. Peter and Paul Church School Camp described their experience with one simple word, “Awesome.” “Awesome and we should do it again,” “awesome and we should have it a day or so longer.” |
Axios! He is Worthy! - 06/27/2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011, was a beautiful sunny day and one could hear in the background the bells of St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Yardville, NJ, begin to chime, letting the congregation and visiting clergy know that His Eminence Archbishop Antony is coming and that the hierarchal divine liturgy was about to begin. Upon entering the church, His Eminence was greeted by V. Rev. Petro Levko, parish rector and Wasyl Dereka, parish board president. This pastoral visit was a special one to ordain Subdeacon Nicholas Zachary, whose childhood was spent as an altar boy at St. George, to the Holy Diaconate. |
All Saints of Ukraine Feast at St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, IL - 06/26/2011
Summer Life at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, OH - 06/25/2011
15th annual Vacation Church School sponsored by the Youth Ministry of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, Ohio was held from Monday June 13th thru Friday, June 17th. |
Зеленi cвята – святкування Святої П’ятидесятниці в Мiннесотi! - 06/21/2011
У неділю, 12-го червня, громада Української Православної Церкви Святої Катерини в Арден Хiллс в Мiннесотi урочисто відсвяткувала День Святого Духа. У храмі було велелюдно на Зелені свята. Свята Лiтургiя, пiднесенiсть духу присутнiх, спiв церковного хору створили ту виняткову атмосферу, коли від захвату i зворушення завмирає душа. |
2nd Sunday after Pentecost - 06/20/2011
Who among you, would leave your wife, husband, family to follow a man who invited you to do so. Who will take care of your mortgage, your car loan, the college tuition. Do we have the same faith as that of the men who were first called. There are few who can say yes right off, yet the rest hesitate, they worry. Our Lord knows of our opposition, for He said, “Do not worry about your life!” (Matt. 6:25) |
Father’s Day at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Palos Park, IL! - 06/19/2011
On All Saints Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost, Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Palos Park, IL was blessed to celebrate the feast day and the annual observance of the Father’s Day with the spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
Recognition for the Graduates of Southside!.. - 06/19/2011
The parishioners of St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Pittsburgh, PA) recognized their 2011 graduating class of students. While the diplomas varied from high school to collegiate level, the hard work and dedication of these students is what shows through. Of the eight students acknowledged, four graduated from high schools in the Pittsburgh area, and four attended various universities on the east coast. |
2011 Family Fest at All Saints Camp! - 06/13/2011
Храмове свято у церкві св. Тройці в м. Бенсенвіл, IЛ! - 06/12/2011
У неділю, 12 червня, парафія св. Тройці відзначала другу річницю з часу народження нової української церковної родини. В цей день Службу Божу відправляв владика Даниїл. |
Pentecost: Parish Feast Day in Bensenville, IL! - 06/12/2011
The Ukrainians often call Pentecost “Green Sunday”, and in accordance with that tradition, they adorned the Church with much greenery as well as the flowers. |
Parish, Family and Friends Celebrate a Milestone in a Life of Service - 06/11/2011
“Will this rain ever stop?” That was the question for the entire week preceding the 30th Anniversary of Father Robert Holet’s ordination to the Holy Priesthood. Weather maps showed circling bands of clouds and rain through the entire week, which threatened to hamper travel and celebration activities. The angels were with us though – Friday afternoon saw a break in the weather pattern and Saturday dawned picture-perfect.
День Святої Тройці - 06/06/2011
Вже проминуло 50 днів після славного Воскресіння з мертвих нашого Спасителя Ісуса Христа. Сьогодні ми звертаємось словами молитви до Бога Святого Духа «Царю Небесний!..», щоб Він завітав до наших сердець та привів нас до важливої мети нашого спасіння. Дорогі мої брати і сестри, сьогодні у Святій нашій Православній Церкві, ми святкуємо велике дванадесяте свято: День Святої Тройці, П’ятидесятниця. |
Remembering in our Prayers! - 06/05/2011
The faithful of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA gathered as a family of Christ on Sunday, June 5th for a Memorial Panachyda service, which was served in memory of a previous pastor of the cathedral community Protopresbyter Frank Estocin, who reposed in the Lord a year ago. |
Ceaselessly Working Towards Ceaseless Prayer - 06/03/2011
At the 2010 Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention, the plans were announced for building a monastery for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. The Junior Ukrainian Orthodox League members voted on collecting funds towards the building of the monastery, setting a goal of $200/chapter for the following year. While some adults at the convention were doubtful of the juniors’ efforts, His Grace Bishop Daniel intervened on their behalf and supported the children’s efforts. |
High School Mission Trip to St. Augustine, FL - 06/02/2011
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Offices of Youth & Young Adult Ministry and Christian Charity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce its missionary trip for High School aged teenagers to Orthodox Christian Mission Center and St. Photios Shrine in St. Augustine, FL . |
Memorial Day Observance at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 05/29/2011
While some see Memorial Day Weekend as a weekend off, cookout time, retail sale day or the unofficial start of summer, the faithful of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL paid a special tribute this year to honor those who died for American freedoms. |
Kobzarska Sich at All Saints Camp of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in Emlenton, PA! - 05/28/2011
Kobzarska Sich is held at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania. All Saints offers over 90 acres of pristine beauty in the Allegheny Mountains. The camp's facilities include volleyball courts, a swimming pool, 10 cabins for participants, a Millennium Cultural Center with housing and classrooms, and an activities pavilion, tennis and basketball courts, an infirmary and nature trails. All Kobzarska Sich participants are housed on the grounds of All Saints Camp in either cabins or in the Millennium Cultural Center.
IOCC Responds to Joplin and Heartland Tornadoes with Emergency Cleanup and Early Recovery! - 05/28/2011
From Joplin, Missouri to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, International Orthodox Christian Charities, IOCC, is working to deliver relief items such as clean up buckets and blankets to victims of one of the deadliest tornado seasons to strike the U.S. heartland in half a century. |
Conclusion of the Second Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America! - 05/28/2011
From May 25-27, the second annual Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America gathered for its meeting at the Chicago O'Hare Hilton. |
2011 Message of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America! - 05/27/2011
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America Convenes in Chicago - 05/26/2011
The second meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America convened on May 25-27, 2011 – exactly one year and one day after the first one in New York– in Chicago’ s Hilton O’Hare Airport Hotel. |
Храмове Свято у Ярдвілі - 05/26/2011
Похмурий травневий день не затьмарив тепла у серцях парафіян і гостей церкви Святого Юрія Переможця, де з нетерпінням очікували приїзду Архієпископа Антонія, який очолив святкування Храмового свята на 57-ій річниці парафіяльної родини. |
Pani Evdokia Repa of Blessed Memory! - 05/21/2011
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, pani Evdokia Repa has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness. |
Spil’ne Svyachene at St. Vladimir Cathedral, Philadelphia - 05/16/2011
His Eminence Archbishop Antony in a pastoral visit to St. Vladimir Cathedral |
The Feast of Mid-Pentecost - 05/16/2011
"On Mid-Pentecost we hear the call of the Lord: 'Whosoever thirsteth, let him come to Me and drink' (John 7:37). If this is so, then let us all run to Him. Whatever you thirst for - so long as it is not contrary to the Spirit of the Lord - you will find relief in Him." - St Theophan the Recluse, 1815-1894 |
Благодійна Акція: «Ви – не сироти, ви – наші діти» - 05/12/2011
7 травня 2011 року , в суботу, в Українській Православній Церкві Пресвятої Тройці м. Бенселвіл відбувся благодійний концерт- забава, усі пожертви від якої будуть передані на потреби дітей-інвалідів в Україні, зокрема дитячих будинків с. Пугачева, с.Залуччя, с. Знам’янки та тих, хто постраждав після Чорнобильської трагедії, котрими опікується Українська Православна Церква США. |
Annual Ukrainian Festival at Sts Peter and Paul UOC in Wilmington, DE - 05/10/2011
IOCC "Frontline Volunteers" to Coordinate Relief in Storm-Ravaged Areas of Alabama! - 05/06/2011
Disaster survivors search for their belongings after a tornado destroyed homes in the areas of rural Northeastern Alabama. IOCC is sending its "Frontline" volunteers to storm-ravaged areas of Alabama to conduct a needs assessment, meet with local Orthodox parishes and partners, and coordinate relief efforts for IOCC. (photo: Adam DuBrowa/FEMA) |
2011 Annual St. Thomas Sunday – A Weekend of Spiritual Renewal! - 05/02/2011
It has been a pious tradition among Ukrainians living in the USA, Canada and throughout Diaspora to visit the monumental St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Cemetery in South Bound Brook, NJ on the first weekend after Easter. It has become known as the St. Thomas Sunday or Provody Pilgrimage during which we gather at the gravesites of our loved ones to share in prayerful unity with them the joy of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
Saint Sophia Seminary Board of Trustees Annual Meeting! - 04/30/2011
Saturday, April 30th, 2011 began with the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church served by His Grace Bishop Daniel and the clergy of NY/NJ Deanery. |
Free Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention Opportunity! - 04/28/2011
If your parish does not have a chapter of the Ukrainian Orthodox League, then this is the deal for you! The UOL National Executive board has agreed to sponsor the convention registration packet for a single member of your parish to attend this year’s 64th Annual UOL convention, July 27-31, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA. This offer will be extended to the first 10 people who respond. |
Our Faith: Mother of God of the Life-Giving Spring - 04/28/2011
The Feast of the Life-giving Spring which is kept on the Friday of Bright Week has its origins in the 5th century. It is the feast that commemorates the consecration of the Church of the Life-giving Spring outside of Constantinople.
"Час i Подiї": Великодня Воскресна Літургія! - 04/27/2011
Обійшовши тричі навколо церкви, велично і радісно прозвучало “Христос Воскрес!” |
"Час i Подiї": Чорнобиль… - 25! - 04/26/2011
Газетa "Час i Подiї": Ніхто не забутий, ніщо не забуте… |
25th Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Explosion Remembered in Chicago! - 04/25/2011
About two hundred faithful of Ukrainian Orthodox and Ukrainian Catholic parishes in Chicago Metropolitan area gathered at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral at 5:23PM on April 25, 2011 to pray for the victims of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster that happened exactly to a minute on August 26, 1986. The timing of this prayer service was crucial, as the time difference between Ukraine and Chicago is 8 hours. While the bells of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral struck in Chicago at 5:23 pm on Monday, April 25th, it was exactly 1:23am in Ukraine on August 26 – the time of the 25-year old explosion. |
Pascha at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 04/24/2011
Христос Воскрес! Christ is Risen! Over and over again, the clergy and the faithful of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL greeted each other with this Life-giving ancient Christian exclamation. |
UPDATED: Pascha Around Parishes of the UOC of the USA! - 04/24/2011
Christ is Risen! Христос Воскрес! Christ is Risen! |
Archpastoral Letter for Pascha 2011! - 04/23/2011
Our hearts are filled today with joy that is beyond description, joy that completes the time of the ‘bright sadness’ that we have journeyed through and it is with this joy that we greet you on “the day that the Lord has made” (Paschal Matins), the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. |
Great and Holy Saturday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 04/23/2011
On Holy Saturday, His Grace Bishop Daniel once again presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL, during which numerous faithful of Chicago Metropolitan area prayerfully gathered to reflect upon the great Mystery of salvation of the Crucified Savior. |
Great and Holy Saturday! - 04/23/2011
Great and Holy Friday at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 04/22/2011
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL was once again a spiritual place, to which hundreds of people came on Friday night to participate in the Vespers service, at which the Holy Shroud is brought out of the sanctuary and placed in the midst of the faithful for veneration. |
Holy Friday at the Protection of the Holy Theotokos Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA! - 04/22/2011
Photo Report from Allentow, PA |
Great and Holy Friday! - 04/22/2011
On Great and Holy Friday the Orthodox Church commemorates the death of Christ on the Cross. This is the culmination of the observance of His Passion by which our Lord suffered and died for our sins. This commemoration begins on Thursday evening with the Matins of Holy Friday and concludes with a Vespers on Friday afternoon that observes the unnailing of Christ from the Cross and the placement of His body in the tomb. |
Holy Thursday Liturgical Services in Chicago Deanery! - 04/22/2011
There are four events commemorated on Thursday of Holy Week: the washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. |
Chicago Deanery Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster! - 04/21/2011
'Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer' to Air on PBS Television Stations, April 23-27, 2011 - 04/21/2011
“Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer,” a new book and documentary feature film on the prayer, with an inner-view of Orthodox monasticism has an abbreviated public TV version playing on over 218 PBS TV stations this week, and especially for Pascha. |
Great and Holy Thursday! - 04/21/2011
On Thursday of Holy Week four events are commemorated: the washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. |
2011 Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha - 04/20/2011
Beloved children in the Lord: Once again, in a spirit of joy and peace, we address you with the delightful and hopeful greeting: “Christ is Risen!”
Mount Athos Featured in 60 Minutes Segment on Pascha Evening! - 04/20/2011
The Holy Mountain Athos, the over a thousand year sanctuary of Orthodox Christian monasticism, and which is directly under the spiritual jurisdiction of His All Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, will be featured on the CBS News program “60 Minutes”, scheduled to air on Pascha Sunday. |
Holy Unction Service in Chicago Deanery! - 04/20/2011
On the evening of Great and Holy Wednesday, the Mystery of Holy Unction was served by the clergy of Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA with their spiritual father and hierarch His Grace Bishop Daniel.
2011 UOC of the USA Camping Programs! - 04/19/2011
Lazarus Saturday Spiritual Outing 2011 - 04/18/2011
On Lazarus Saturday, April 16th 2011, with the blessing of the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA His Grace Bishop Daniel, the faithful of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Bensenville IL, along with Orthodox Homeschooling families from the area attended a Spiritual Outing to the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God Serbian Orthodox Monastery (New Gracanica) in Third Lake, IL. |
Great and Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday! - 04/17/2011
Архиєрейський візит на парафію Святого Цілителя Пантелеймона! - 04/17/2011
Високопреосвященніший Владика Антоній завітав з Архипастирським візитом і очолив Службу Божу, щоб розділити радість свята неділі ваій. |
Archpastoral Palm Sunday Visit to St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN! - 04/17/2011
To celebrate this great feast of the Church year St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills, MN was blessed to welcome among their midst their spiritual father and the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – His Grace Bishop Daniel.
Orphanage Benefit Concert at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL - 04/13/2011
Chicago Deanery Holds Its Annual Lenten Retreat! - 04/13/2011
On Wednesday, 13 April 2011 the clergy of the Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered with their spiritual father and the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy His Grace Bishop Daniel for the annual Lenten Deanery Retreat at which they prayed together, shared in Agape meal, and reflected upon the parish life of the numerous communities of the Deanery. |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) Launches Strategic Development - 04/12/2011
OCF is now launching a search to hire a full-time Executive Director responsible for all aspects of the OCF ministry. This person should have proven experience managing a decentralized, national, not-for-profit organization. The position requires ability to raise funds through annual campaigns, grants and donor solicitations; implement program initiatives; report to and staff a diverse Board of Directors; ... |
Remembering Chornobyl Victims! - 04/12/2011
On April 25, 2011 the parish family of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL will mark the 25th anniversary of this tragedy by gathering for a memorial service at 5:23PM, which will be already 1:23AM in Ukraine on April 26, the exact time of the explosion in 1986. |
Archpastoral Visit to Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Goshen, IN! - 04/10/2011
The parish congregation has been looking forward to greet their bishop for almost six months, since the day that Bishop Daniel informed the pastor of the congregation Rev. Fr. Silouan Rolando of his desire to visit the Holy Trinity parish family during this year’s Lenten journey. |
Lenten Archpastoral Visit to St. Anthony of the Desert! - 04/04/2011
Lenten Archpastoral Visit to St. Anthony of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in NM! |
Pysanka Workshop - 04/04/2011
Remembering Chornobyl! - 03/30/2011
Chronobyl Tragedy - 25 Years Later: Pastoral Message from the Ukrainian Orthodox and the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchs of United States of America and Canada |
Постова Мандрівка Парафіями Східньої Єпархії - 03/27/2011
21-го Березня парафіяни катедри Св. Тройці святкували Божественну Літургію Наперед Освячених Дарів, яку очолили Його Високопреосвященство Архиєпископ Антоній, Його Преосвященство Владика Даниїл, Єпископ 3ахідньої Єпархії УПЦ США у співслужінні з священнослущителями деканату Ню Йорку та Ню Джерзі. |
Congratulatory Letter Upon the Election of the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church - 03/25/2011
Metropolitan Nicholas Reposes In The Lord! - 03/21/2011
It is with the profound sense of sorrow that the hierarchs, clergy and the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA found that His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, spiritual leader of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A., reposed in the Lord on March 13, 2011 after waging a courageous battle with cancer. |
"Saints and Sinners" Concert at St. Sophia Theological Seminary! - 03/21/2011
On March 20th, the Patriarch Mstyslav Ukrainian Heritage Museum and the Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of NJ presented a concert entitled "Saints and Sinners", performed by the Collegium Musicum of the New York Bandura Ensemble under the musical direction of Julian Kytasty. |
2011 Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 03/20/2011
Parish Information Sheet 2010 - 03/18/2011
Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 03/14/2011
Clergy and parishioners from Cleveland-area Orthodox churches gathered at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral for the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers. |
Metropolitan Nicholas Reposes In The Lord - 03/13/2011
His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, 75, spiritual leader of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A., reposed in the Lord on March, 13 2011. May His Memory Be Eternal! |
Welcome to our Newly Redesigned Website! - 03/11/2011
IOCC Stands Ready to Offer Aid Following Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan! - 03/11/2011
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) has assembled its emergency response personnel to assess the humanitarian needs and possible response to a massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the Pacific Ocean nearby Northeastern Japan on March 11. |
2011 Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry Convocation! - 03/11/2011
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), the official prison ministry of the Assembly of Bishops of North and Central America (formerly SCOBA) announces its 2011 Convocation, which will take place at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, downtown Toronto, Canada. The purpose of the convocation is to bring together the many Orthodox clergy and laity from around the world who are participating in prison ministry or are interested in participating in prison ministry for a time of fellowship, education, encouragement, communal worship and the free exchange of ideas. For more Information, click here> |
Archpastoral Visit to San Francisco, CA! - 03/09/2011
March 6, 2011, Cheesefare Sunday of the Liturgical year of the Holy Orthodox Church marked the beginning of the Lenten season of the ecclesiastical year – a spiritual journey toward the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Western Deanery Holds Its Lenten Meeting! - 03/08/2011
On Cheesefare Saturday, March 5, 2011, the clergy of the Western Deanery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA gathered at Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in San Francisco, CA for their pre-Lenten Deanery meeting. His Grace Bishop Daniel, the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Church joined the clergy of the deanery for their working sessions and opened the day with the Divine Liturgy at the parish temple with pastors of the Deanery’s parishes concelebrating.
Ukrainian Heritage Museum of New Jersey! - 03/08/2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 2pm: A musical survey of Ukrainian kanty, dumy and religious songs from the 17th – 19th centuries, featuring songs by St. Dimitriy (Tuptalo) of Rostov at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary. For information in Ukrainian Language, click here> |
Great Lent Giveaway 2011! - 03/04/2011
With the blessing of the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA we would like to announce that the 2011 Great Lent Giveaway will benefit the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Monastery Initiative. The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry is working with the Jr UOL through the Great Lent Giveaway to bring together all youth of the Church to realize this goal.
Go Forth!...2010/2011 Theme! - 03/04/2011
The Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry is pleased to announce that the curriculum for Go Forth - Make Disciples of All Nations! is now available on-line at www.uocyouth.org. This curriculum is a nine session program containing lessons and activities. These along with sample additional materials make it a full-bodied youth program. Read more> |
Ecumenical Patriarch: Great Lent 2011! - 02/28/2011
Beloved children in the Lord, upon entering the arena of Holy and Great Lent, we paternally exhort you not to be afraid or lazy in assuming the most important task of your life, namely the spiritual arena of work. Instead, be courageous and strong, so that you may purify your souls and bodies of all sin in order to reach the Kingdom of God, which is granted already from this life to those who seek it with sincerity and with all their soul. |
Archpastoral Letter: Great Lent 2011! - 02/23/2011
By God’s will, we draw near, once again, to the Great Feast of all Feasts – the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord, our God and our Savior. In order to greet the feast in a worthy fashion, the Holy Church leads us into the Great Fast, which is unique in its liturgical services, celebrated only during this time of the ecclesiastical year, with one goal: bringing us to sincere repentance, changing our life’s direction – drawing us nearer to God rather than away from Him, because we have distanced ourselves from Him by our weakness and sinfulness. |
URGENT: Prayers and Assistance Needed! - 02/15/2011
Earlier today, the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA became aware of a tragedy that occurred at St. Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Warners, NY. |
The Patron Feast Day at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! - 02/15/2011
Three Holy Hierarchs – St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian – Chapel of St. Sophia Seminary was filled with incense and chanting of festal verses as local clergy and faithful joined the faculty and student body of the Seminary to celebrate the Chapel’s Patron Feast Day. |
Youth Ministry Workshop in Northampton, PA! - 02/14/2011
We are pleased to announce and to invite the readers of our web site to attend the Youth Ministry Workshop at the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Northampton, Pennsylvania, scheduled for Saturday, 12 March, 2011. The event is sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Deanery of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
Committees of the Assembly of Bishops! - 02/09/2011
The membership of the thirteen committees of the Assembly of Bishops, including the chairmen of each committee, has been finalized, and is now available. These members, under the coordination of their chairmen, will initially be responsible for addressing the tasks listed under the Committee Descriptions. |
The annual Encounter of Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox Hierarchs of North America met in Clearwater, FL on 27-28 January 2011. The hierarchs have been gathering since 2001 to discuss the issues relevant to their respective dioceses and eparchies and to consider the steps that might be taken to draw the Churches closer together, setting an example for ecclesiastical life in Ukraine. |
2011-2012 Scholarship Applications Available! - 02/08/2011
Applications for scholarships administered by the Chancellor's Office of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that are open to students from SCOBA member churches are now available for the 2011-2012 academic year. The scholarships are the Malta Scholarship, awarded for undergraduate studies, and the Paleologos Graduate Scholarship which is for graduate work of a non-theological nature.
Hunger Strike: An Orthodox Christian Fast For Change! - 02/07/2011
Hunger Strike is an annual youth event of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) and is becoming a growing youth movement throughout the Orthodox Church. Hunger Strike takes place within local parishes, where teens fast for 30 hours while they participate in activities that raise both awareness and money for the needs of those throughout the world who suffer the effects of poverty and who hunger for the hope found in Christ. For more, click here> |
Український Музей Ню Джерзі ім. Патріарха Мстислава: - 02/07/2011
Iлюстованa лекція про археологічні розкопки в Батурині, столицi Козацько-Гетманської держави та відбудування історичних будинків періоду! |
Uplifting Jubilee of Archpastoral Service! - 01/26/2011
Hierarchs, clergy and faithful from across the United States of America, Canada and United Kingdom traveled to Washington, DC Metropolitan area on January 22, 2011 to honor His Eminence Archbishop Antony, ruling hierarch of the Eastern Eparchy and President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA during the celebration of his 25th anniversary of episcopal consecration and ministry. |
Scout Sunday to be Observed February 6, 2011! - 01/21/2011
The observance of Scout Sunday tradition was started years ago to make people in the Church aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out of what is pledged each week, The Scout Law says that a “Scout is Reverent” and the Scouts of all ages promise to do their “Duty to God”. These values strengthen youth character in their family, community and faith. |
Theophany of our Lord in Chicago, IL! - 01/20/2011
Nearly 200 faithful and visitors to St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL gathered at their parish temple to celebrate the feast day of Theophany of our Lord! The services of the feast day were led by His Grace Bishop Daniel, a ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, who returned to the cathedral for the first service, following his recent illness and hospitalization. |
В Бенсенвілі на “Маланці” - 01/18/2011
У суботу, 15 січня 2011 p.Б., в чудово прибраному залі парафії св. Трійці зібралось чимало людей, щоб разом у колі єдиної церковної родини зустріти український Новий рік. Програма вечора була надзвичайно цікавою. Владика Даниїл поблагословив трапезу і побажав присутнім здоров’я, миру, злагоди у новому році, а діткам подарував освячені образи на пам’ять. |
Archpastoral Visit to Holy Archangel Michael Pro-Cathedral in Hammond, IN! - 01/17/2011
On Sunday, January 16, 2011 His Grace Bishop Daniel made an archpastoral visit to Holy Archangel Michael Pro-Cathedral in Hammond, IN. Bishop Daniel was greeted at the entry to the Pro-Cathedral by parish board president Anna Wozniak and Vice President John Lenhart, as well the pastor of the parish congregation Very Rev. Fr. Raymond Sundland. |
UOL Souper Bowl Sunday - 2011! - 01/11/2011
What a truly holy and blessed Nativity many of us celebrated! We were surrounded by family and friends who honored us by participating in the Divine Services at church, followed by much food, laughter and caroling in our homes. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky as we are. In Ukraine, there are many elderly and poor who need our assistance just to have the basics for survival. This is where St. Andrew’s Society comes in. |
Різдвяні святкування у парафії Cвятої Тройці в м. Бенсенвіл, IЛ! - 01/11/2011
У неділю, 9 січня, в церкві святої Тройці в м. Бенсенвіл, IЛ панувала святкова атмосфера. В цей день преосвященний владика Даниїл служив архієрейську службу Божу. Церква була переповнена. Дорослі і діти з нетерпінням чекали на проповідь Владики, бо знали, що почують багато цікавого і повчального. Для кожного знайшлося добре слово чи щира посмішка…. |
With the Words of Gratitude! - 01/08/2011
Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers – which, I believe our Lord heard and answered favorably. It touches my heart knowing that people genuinely care. As we all celebrate our Lord’s Nativity, let us continue with prayers on our lips be drawn to the light from the star of Bethlehem, which dispels sadness and fear. Let us approach the manger in humility, that our hearts and souls may be filled with hope, peace and the Good News about our salvation. May the Incarnate Lord choose our hearts to be born in at this Holy Nativity Feast. May He comfort us in His embrace and may His divine Love radiate from us every day of the New Year.
Concerning Bishop Daniel's health - 01/06/2011
Glory be to our Lord! and on the Eve of the Nativity: CHRIST IS BORN! LET US GLORIFY HIM! This is Archbishop Antony writing in behalf of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine, as well, to inform you about the fact that Bishop Daniel is currently in hospital - St. Mary in Chicago - undergoing several tests. |
Winter Mission Team Returns Home! - 01/05/2011
The Winter Mission Team to Znamianka orphanage in Ukraine organized by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA returned on a flight from Kyiv, Ukraine. The pictures give some idea of what they experienced during their ten days working at the Znamianka orphanage for physically and mentally handicapped children. |
Visit With a Lot of Warm and Memorable Moments! - 12/29/2010
On the weekend of December 17-19, 2010, the Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of St. Vladimir in Los Angeles, CA received a visit from His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
18th Annual Nativity Concert in Cleveland, OH! - 12/21/2010
On Sunday, December 12, 2010, the Council of Orthodox Clergy of Greater Cleveland, OH held its 18th Annual Nativity Concert. St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Parma, OH represented our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.
Mission Team Leaves with Hope and Love to Visit the Children of Ukrainian Orphanage! - 12/21/2010
We ask our readers and the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to remember the servants of God – the Missionaries of our Holy Church – His Grace Bishop Daniel, Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay, Katherine Carman, Tabitha Houck, Charissa Sheptak and Katherine Stecyk in their daily prayers. |
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America Released New Web Site! - 12/17/2010
The web site of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America -- formerly known as the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America -- made its debut on Friday, December 17, 2010. It may be accessed at http://www.episcopalassembly.org |
Saint Andrew Feast Day in Los Angeles, CA! - 12/16/2010
On the occasion of the celebration of the annual Saint Andrew Feast Day on December 12, the Saint Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Los Angeles was once again honored by the visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel, whose presence made the annual celebration more than memorable. |
Ecumenical Patriarch: Nativity of our Lord! - 12/15/2010
Within the somber atmosphere that recently prevails throughout the world with the diverse affliction of the financial, social, moral and especially spiritual crisis, which has created increasing frustration, bitterness, confusion, anxiety, disappointment and fear among many people with regard to the future, the voice of the Church sounds sweet: "Come, O faithful, let us raise our minds to things divine and behold the heavenly condescension that has appeared to us from above in Bethlehem …" (Hymn from the 6th Hour, Christmas) |
Outreach Projects to Ukraine Top One Million! - 12/05/2010
St. Andrew’s Society of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA held its General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 after the first full day of plenary sessions of the 19th Regular Sobor of the Church that took place at the Church’s spiritual and administrative headquarters in South Bound Brook, NJ. His Eminence Archbishop Antony, President of the Consistory of the UOC of the USA and His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA participated in the evening session of the meeting, expressing the gratitude of the hierarchs, clergy and the faithful of the Church to the members of St. Andrew's Society for their devotion and charitable work in Ukraine. |
A Nativity Holiday Visit! - 12/04/2010
You are Cordially Invited to “The Sights and Sounds of Christmas 2010” at the Hedrick Fisher House, Believed to be the Oldest Historic Structure in Somerset County! December 11-12, 2010 – Somerset, NJ |
60th Anniversary: St. Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Warners, NY! - 12/04/2010
The 60th anniversary of the founding of St. Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Warners, NY was joyfully celebrated by clergy and faithful gathered in the parish on Sunday, 14 November 2010. His Eminence Archbishop Antony, President of the Consistory, celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the assistance of St. Luke’s parish priest, newly ordained Fr. Borislav Kroner and V. Rev. Fr. Ihor Krekhovetsky of St Mary Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Rochester, NY and V. Rev. Fr. John Semko of St Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Herkimer, NY both neighbors in the Upstate New York Deanery. |
Orthodoxy in the Home! - 12/01/2010
The 1st Annual On-line Orthodox Christian Education Conference will take place February 11-12, 2011. It is being recommended by the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult MInistry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. The Conference is to feature an excellent line-up of speakers working with the theme Orthodoxy in the Home. Read more> |
2011 Orthodox Camp and Youth Worker Conference: Equipping the Saints! - 12/01/2010
January 27-29, 2010: The Camp and Youth Workers Conference is an annual two day workshop for those Orthodox clergy and laity desiring to provide the best possible camping and youth ministry experience for their parish, deanery or Eparchy. Read more> |
Meeting the Archpastoral Challenge! - 11/28/2010
"They are alone and scared. Go and touch them. Go and bring them cheer and hope, for they are our neighbors and we are to love and care for them all." Following the Archpastoral advice, the Junior U.O.L. Chapter from the Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, MI visited the elderly living in assisted living centers, elder care and nursing homes. The children baked cookies, packaged them in gift bags along with homemade greeting cards and visited a local assisted living facility – the Ukrainian Village in Warren, MI. |
Light a Candle for the Victims of the Holodomor! - 11/25/2010
Запалимо свічку пам'яті жертвам Голодомору! On November 27, to commemorate victims of the Holodomor and political repressions in Ukraine, everyone is invited to take part in the national event "Light a Candle for the Victims of the Holodomor."
Thanksgiving 2010! - 11/23/2010
Let us offer special gratitude for our religious freedom and remember in prayer all who have ever helped us in a time of need. Finally, as “one nation under God”, we cannot forget those who have less or nothing at all. Let us reach out to those in need – for example, through the Ukrainian Orthodox League’s Thanksgiving Tithe Event – to share our bounty, however humble, with them. The very best way to give thanks to God for His abundant blessings upon us is to imitate Him by providing blessings to others. |
Metropolitan Yurij Enthroned as the Sixth Metropolitan of the UOC of Canada! - 11/23/2010
On Sunday, November 21 His Eminence, Metropolitan Yurij, joined by His Eminence Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Grace Bishop Alexander of Antiochian Orthodox Christian Diocese, His Grace Bishop Ilarion of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, His Grace Bishop Andriy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and numerous clergy of the UOC of Canada celebrated a majestic Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Winnipeg, MB. |
Пам’яті жертв Голодомору 1932-1933 років в Україні! - 11/23/2010
20 листопада 2010 року у Нью-Йорку, в Кафедральному соборі Св. Патрика y Нью-Йорку, з нагоди 77-ї річниці Голодомору 1932-1933 років в Україні, відбулaся поминальнa панахидa по загиблих від штучного голоду українців! Read more> |
2011 Orthodox Christian Mission Center Mission Teams! - 11/21/2010
OCMC is coordinating 13 mission teams that will serve in 9 countries, including a team for families with children (8 years or older), in 2011. Orthodox Mission Team opportunities are now available for 2011, and by the prayers of the faithful in North America, OCMC hopes that even more people will answer the call to share in a journey of faith by spending one to three weeks abroad teaching the faith, providing healthcare, participating in outreach, ministering to youth, or helping to build and maintain churches. |
Eparchial Visit Brings Smiles and Snow! - 11/20/2010
Earlier this year His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA graciously accepted the invitation of the pastor of the parish Very Rev. Fr. Evhen Kumka and the preseident of the Parish Board of Administration Valentina Yarr to participate in the celebration of the 85th anniversary of St. Michael’s & St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN, scheduled for November 14, 2010. |
November 21 is IOCC Sunday: "A Day of Sharing!" - 11/19/2010
As Orthodox Christians finish up the first week of the Nativity Fast and prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) will be observing IOCC Sunday on November 21. Themed "A Day of Sharing," the event will be spotlighting the ministry of IOCC at parishes all across the United States. For more, click here> |
19th Regular Sobor Resolutions! - 11/18/2010
The hierarchs clergy and faithful have gathered into the 19th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, meeting at the Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ from 27-31 October 2010 under the theme: “O Lord…bless Thine inheritance” and having witnessed to the visible Grace of God, which notably marks the vitality of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the United States of America resolve:
NY City's Annual Commemoration of Ukraine's Genocide! - 11/11/2010
November 20, 2010 - 2PM - St. Patrick's Cathedral in NY City! Gathering to remember the victims of one of, if not the worst, acts of genocide ever committed against mankind – the purposefully created and perpetrated 1932-33 artificial famine in Ukraine! |
Veterans Day - 2010! - 11/09/2010
On this Veterans’ Day 2010, the Council of Bishops, clergy and laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, express profound gratitude to Ukrainian American Veterans and all those veterans, whose service in the military preserved the foundation of freedom, justice and equality, upon which this country was founded and remains anchored. |
Consecration of New Church In Crawfordsville, IN! - 11/09/2010
Holy Transfiguration Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Mission in Crawfordsville, Indiana celebrated the consecration of their newly constructed church on the weekend of November 6-7, 2010 which was presided over by His Grace, Bishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, on behalf of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas. Read more> |
Xрамове свято в парафії Пресвятої Трійці мiста Сіетла, BA! - 11/07/2010
22-24 жовтня цього року місійна парафія Пресвятої Трійці м. Сіетла приймала почесного гостя - Його Преосвященство Єпископа Даниїла. Це третя зустріч парафіян з владикою, але перша для о. Ігоря Бобака, який рік тому був призначений настоятелем парафії. |
3rd Youth Sobor of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA Largest to Date! - 11/05/2010
The 3rd Youth Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA took place October 29th – 31st in South Bound Brook, NJ in conjunction with the 19th Regular Sobor of the Church. Twelve teenagers representing the parishes of Allentown, PA - Carnegie, PA -Carteret, NJ - Pittsburgh, PA - Rochester, NY – Silver Spring, MD, Werners, NY and Woonsocket, RI gathered together to discuss issues relevant to the youth of the Church. |
19th Regular Sobor of the UOC of the USA – Concluded! - 10/31/2010
The Sobor plenary sessions concluded with remarks by His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine thanking all the participants for their dedication and devotion to our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church and asking them to carry the Spirit home to their parishes and families sharing with them the experience of this Holy Sobor. May God give the entire administration of our Church, the parishes and all the faithful of our Church a true understanding of the spirit of this 19th Regular Sobor! |
19th Regular Sobor of the UOC of the USA – Day 2 and 3! - 10/29/2010
The second day of the 19th Regular Sobor of the UOC of the USA began with the celebration of Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom served by His Eminence Metropolitan Yuriy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. The clergy of the Central Eparchy of the UOC of the USA concelebrated with the Metropolitan. |
19th Regular Sobor of the UOC of the USA – Day 1! - 10/27/2010
“O, Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance…” – with these words on their lips 200 delegates to the 19th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA walked in a procession to a Cultural Center of St. Andrew Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook, NJ for the official opening of the plenary sessions of the Sobor. |
Pre-Sobor Activities at the Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA! - 10/26/2010
The first two days of Pre-Sobor activities at the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ were full of constructive work and reflection on the ministry of the Church in her service to the flock of the 21st century. |
60th Jubilee of St. Mary the Protectress Cathedral in Southfield, MI! - 10/18/2010
Still energized from last weekend’s hierarchical visit by His Grace Bishop Daniel to the their sister church of Holy Trinity in Dearborn, the parishioners of St. Mary the Protectress Cathedral in Southfield, Michigan, rejoiced anew this weekend as His Grace joined them to commemorate their 60th Jubilee and Parish Feast Day celebration! |
OCF Opens College Conference Registration! - 10/18/2010
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship has announced that registration for the 2010 College Conference. This year's conference focuses on the theme of "Behold, I make all things new," (Rev. 21:5) and is being held in four locations, Chicago, IL area, Salem, SC, Bolivar, PA, and Dunlap, CA. Hundreds of college students from throughout North America gather each year at College Conference in order to learn and grow with one another in their Orthodox Christian faith. During the Conference students participate in workshops facilitated by clergy and lay leaders which address topics relevant to college-aged students. As well, shared witness and Christian fellowship are woven into the time together making the event a truly edifying and transformative experience. Read more> |
Wheelchairs in “Santa Barbara”! - 10/13/2010
Metropolitan Council Member Dr. Paul Micevych recently traveled to Ukraine to distribute wheelchairs to children with cerebral palsy (CP) and disabled adults using the facilities of the nearby Rehabilitation Center, Dzherelo (the Source) and Korshiv Heriatrychnyj Pansionat. |
Ukrainian American Talent Show – Huge Success! - 10/12/2010
On Sunday, October 3, 2010, as one walked into the Ukrainian Cultural Center on the Metropolia grounds of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA, one was greeted with the aromas of varenyky swimming in onions, holubsi, kapusta and kovbasa and serenaded by the sounds of Ukrainian music, and the sight of beautiful pysanky and embroideries, and exotic liqueur-filled crystal sabers, bears and horses to be raffled. |
College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2011! - 10/11/2010
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce the dates for the College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2011. The trip will take place August 4th - 20th, 2011, which includes a training day at the Metropolia Spiritual Center in South Bound Brook, NJ. |
Our Camping Ministry! - 10/11/2010
What a wonderful summer we all enjoyed together! The Consistory Office of Youth Ministry web site has been freshly updated with a look back on our summer events and looking forward to new programs. Two items we want to bring to your attention are the Camp Photo Albums and the Camping Ministry Jukebox. |
Archpastoral Visit to Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Dearborn, MI! - 10/10/2010
On the crisp Sunday morning of the 10th of October, the church was beautifully decorated with myriads of autumnal flower arrangements. Parishioners and guests alike, were all excited and waiting to greet their beloved hierarch. The children of the parish greeted His Grace Bishop Daniel with flowers and stalks of wheat while the Church Board President Raymond Newak and his wife Dolores greeted the bishop with the traditional bread and salt. |
Ordination to the Holy Priesthood in Boston, MA! - 10/09/2010
On Saturday, October 9, 2010 His Eminence Archbishop Antony visited St. Andrew the First Called Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Boston, MA and served a hierarchical Divine Liturgy. During the Holy Liturgy His Eminence ordained Fr. Deacon Borislav Kroner to the Holy Priesthood. |
25th Anniversary of Archpastoral Service of Archbishop Antony! - 10/08/2010
Recalling the joyful and life-affirming events of over 25 years ago, the clergy of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, along with His Grace Bishop Daniel gathered at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church to honor with their prayers His Eminence Archbishop Antony, who on the 6th of October 2010, the feast day of the Conception of St. John the Baptist celebrated the silver jubilee of his archpastoral service in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue Lays Out a Vision of Unity in Unprecedented Document! - 10/07/2010
Representatives of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches have issued two new documents outlining immediate steps they can take to overcome their thousand-year separation. The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation finalized these agreed statements when it met at Georgetown University in Washington, September 30 to October 2, 2010. Read more> |
Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Richmond, VA Sponsors a Fundraiser for the UOC of the USA Orphanage Program! - 10/04/2010
On Sunday, October 3rd 2010, His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA traveled to Richmond, VA and was greeted with “Bread and Salt” a traditional Ukrainian custom, but this time with a Greek flair and in a Greek Orthodox Parish. |
Ordination to the Holy Priesthood in East Pittsburgh! - 10/04/2010
Fr. Deacon Matthew Stagon, a 2009 graduate of Christ the Saviour Seminary was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday October 3, 2010 on behalf of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas by Archbishop Anthony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Read more> |
Pani-matka Maria Newmershytska of Blessed Memory! - 10/04/2010
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, pani-matka Maria Newmershytska has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness. |
St. Sophia Seminarians Participate in the OISM at Christ the Savior Seminary! - 09/29/2010
For the first time in several decades, the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ) participated in a meeting of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement (OISM) hosted by Christ the Savior Seminary of the American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Diocese of the USA. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in New Britain, CT Celebrates 100 Years! - 09/26/2010
The simple word “century” can seem very daunting in terms of describing an historical time period. Or the word “century” can seem miniscule when compared to larger historical concepts such as American history, Ukrainian history and especially Church history. However, to combine all three of these concepts in celebrating a century of Christ’s Church in the Ukrainian-American community, the word assumes new resonance. |
Washington Ukrainian Festival! - 09/25/2010
For the last eight years, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD has hosted the Washington Ukrainian Festival. With the support of the Ukrainian Embassy and local organizations, this is a wonderful two-day celebration of Ukrainian culture. The reputation of the Festival has grown, and it is now established as one of the most popular traditional events in the metropolitan Washington DC area. |
Ecumenical Patriarch Receives Officers of Episcopal Assembly! - 09/23/2010
On Tuesday, September 21, 2010 His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew received the Officers of the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul. His All Holiness had invited the Officers for the substantive and detailed meeting.
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Inaugurates New Academic Year! - 09/22/2010
On Tuesday, September 21, 2010, on the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God and the festal celebration of the icon of Saint Sophia, the Wisdom of God, Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ hosted the liturgical services inaugurating the new academic year. |
Audit Committee Completes Annual Audit! - 09/22/2010
Members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA’s Audit Committee met at the spiritual headquarters of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ on Friday and Saturday, September 10-11, 2010 to review the financial reports of the Consistory, which serves as the Church’s executive body. The Audit Committee of the Church is elected by Regular Sobors of the Church for the term of three years and meets semi-annually to review financial statements and records in order to report to the Metropolitan Council of the Church and ultimately to the Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Ordinations to the Holy Priesthood! - 09/21/2010
On Friday and Saturday, September 17-18, 2010, upon the request of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Diocese of the USA, His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel traveled to Rawhay, NJ and Camp Nazareth in Mercer, PA to ordain Deacons Michael Rustick and Joseph Gingrich to the Holy Priesthood. |
Святкування річниці Незалежності України в Постійному представництвi України при ООН у Нью-Йорку! - 09/20/2010
14 вересня 2010 р., в Нью-Йорку Постійне представництво України при ООН провело офіційне прийняття з нагоди відзначення 19-ї річниці Незалежності України. У велелюдному заході з нагоди найважливішого для всього українства національного свята взяв участь Високопреосвященний архієпископ Антоній, голова Консисторії Української Православної Церкви в США. |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship: September 19th - 2010 College Student Sunday! - 09/10/2010
Connecting Students to Christ and providing a home away from home for the past fifty years! Together we can continue to grow, strengthen and connect more college students to Christ and His Church! |
October 3, 2010: Ukrainian-American Talent Festival! - 09/09/2010
Sponsored by the United Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods of the UOC of the USA! Proceeds benefit the construction of the Ukrainian Heritage Museum of NJ in memory of His Holiness Patriarch Mstyslav I. The Museum will showcase Ukrainian cultural and religious artifacts along with a permanent Famine Memorial Exhibit dedicated to the victims of the Genocidal Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933! |
Pani-matka Rita Krywonos of Blessed Memory! - 09/06/2010
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, pani-matka Rita Krywonos has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness. May her memory be eternal!
Parish Feast Day Celebrated In Jones, OK! - 09/02/2010
The faithful members of Dormition of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, Jones, OK, along with their pastor, Archimandrite Raphael and many visitors from other Orthodox parishes, welcomed His Grace Bishop Daniel, the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Church to the parish's annual Feast Day Celebration on 28 August, 2010. |
На фестивалі парафії Української Православної Церкви Преcвятої Тройці! - 09/01/2010
У неділю до міста Бенсенвіл з’їхалося багато українців. В цей день парафіяни Української Православної Церкви Преcвятої Тройці проводили щорічний фестиваль. Розпочалося свято Cлужбою Божою, а позатим усі попрямували на подвір’я. Тут мали змогу почастуватися смачними українськими стравами, послухати гарну музику та й просто поспілкуватися з друзями та родичами. |
Bishop Daniel Participates in the Funerals Services for Metropolitan Christopher of Serbian Orthodox Church of North and South Americas! - 08/25/2010
Hundreds of faithful and clergy from across the United States gathered at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL on August 23-24, 2010 to bid farewell to His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of blessed repose, who fell asleep in the Lord on August 18, 2010. |
Bishop Daniel: "I must say that my Episcopacy and the lives of many are enhanced because of the service and dedication of the young people of our Church. With them, I offer my simple and humble prayer asking God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to bless the faithful members of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA for their commitment to those in need. May our Faith and love be strengthened as we, in the words of Saint John Chrysostom, “purify ourselves by responding to the cries and needs of those with whom we share the great gift of being created in the image and likeness of God”.
The Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Send Condolences to the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America on the Repose of Metropolitan Christopher! - 08/18/2010
It has only been a few hours since that moment when the servant of God, His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher departed this physical world and was born unto eternal life. This just, forbearing and faithful steward, through whose hands, Almighty God, One in the Holy Trinity, blessed all His children in the land of North and South Americas, and whose voice never ceased to proclaim the word of truth – the Gospel message in a land enriched by the witness of so many saints. |
Glory of Ukraine and Ukraine-Sweden Exhibits in NYC! - 08/17/2010
The Ukrainian Museum of New Jersey, in memory of Patriarch Mstyslav of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA, is organizing a trip to New York City on September 8, 2010 to view two very important Ukrainian exhibits. The Mazepa exhibit at the Ukrainian Museum NY is spectacular, with artifacts from museums which have never left Ukraine or Sweden before. The MOBIA exhibit is quite exceptional, with icons from the museum of the Pecherska Lavra. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to view these religious and historic artifacts here in the USA. |
Driving from Oklahoma for over 13 hours and suffering in rush-hour traffic for hours – were the topics of discussion between the altar servers and chaperons who gathered at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL for the 2010 Chicago Deanery Altar Servers Retreat.
Another Record Breaking Year for Mommy and Me/Daddy and Me! - 08/11/2010
Mommy and Me/Daddy and Me 2010 welcomed 78 participants, including twenty families from fourteen parishes. This year’s program focused on preparing the participants to be “Ready to Follow” Christ’s command to “Go Forth, Make disciples of all the nations.” |
Very Rev. Fr. Peter Natishan of Blessed Memory! - 08/02/2010
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Very Rev. Peter Natishan has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness. May his memory be eternal! |
2010 Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 07/31/2010
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Missions and Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the dates for a winter missionary trip to the Znamianka Orphanage to celebrate the Life of St. Nicholas, for the faithful of our Church. This trip will take place 21-30 December, 2010.
63rd Annual UOL Convention! - 07/20/2010
The 63rd Annual UOL Convention is Hosted by Holy Ascension Senior and Junior UOL Chapters, Maplewood, NJ! For the 63rd time, since 1947, when His Beatitude Metropolitan John (Theodorovich) blessed the convocation of the first Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention, delegates from local chapters throughout the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA have gathered in Morristown, NJ for the annual convention of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the USA. This year’s gathering is hosted by Holy Ascension Senior and Junior UOL Chapter of the Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Maplewood, NJ and working sessions began on Thursday, July 29, 2010 until will continue through Sunday, August 1, 2010. |
Axios! Worthy! Axios! - 07/20/2010
The Hierarchs, Clergy and the Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the United States of America greet His Eminence Archbishop Yurij on his election on July 14th, 2010 at the 22nd Sobor of the UOCC, as 'Metropolitan-elect' of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. For more, read here>
Святкування 65-ліття Української Православної Церкви у Мюнхені! - 07/20/2010
Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Munich, Germany Celebrates 65 Years of Ministry! For more, read here> |
2010 Teenage Conference Begins Its Ministry! - 07/16/2010
Life is tough enough being a teenager in today’s world - let alone being an Orthodox Christian teenager trying to live in Christ’s Image. With this in mind, the Teenage Conference, a program of the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry entered into yet another year of ministry at All Saints Camp of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.
Diocesan Church School Camp Completes Successful Year! - 07/15/2010
Youth ages 9-13 and staff of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church from Minnesota to Maryland gathered at All Saints Camp from June 26- July 10 for Diocesan Church School Camp. The encampment led by Spiritual Director Fr. Zinoviy Zharsky, assistant Spiritual Director Fr. Vasyl Sandeha and encampment director Natalie Kapeluck Nixon, witnessed one of its best years to date!
Parish Feast Celebration in Goshen, IN! - 07/14/2010
His Grace Bishop Daniel visited his God-Protected Ukrainian Orthodox parish of Holy Trinity in Goshen, Indiana on the weekend of July 10-11, 2010. As this was His Grace’s second visit to his parish in Goshen, many relationships had already been established and the parish eagerly awaited his arrival on Saturday evening for vespers. |
Third Youth Sobor of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA! - 07/09/2010
It is with great joy that the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry announces the Third Youth Sobor of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. As you may know, in October 2010 our parishes will be convening for our Tri-Annual Sobor, in South Bound Brook, NJ. In an effort to teach our youth about the workings of our Church and create a role for their involvement within her future, a Youth Sobor has been developed, which will run concurrently with the Sobor of the Church. The Youth Sobor will take place Friday, October 29 – Sunday, October 31 of the Regular Sobor. We pray that each parish will support their youth who want to attend this historic event! |
IOCC Delivers Medical Aid to Assist Refugees Fleeing Kyrgyzstan! - 07/09/2010
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is delivering medical supplies to assist refugee families who have fled ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan this month. Tens of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks fled the violence and crossed the border into Uzbekistan to seek safety while others remain displaced within Kyrgyzstan.
Ukrainian American Veterans Projects Continue! - 07/09/2010
The blessing of the prominent plot of land on which the UAV National Monument will be erected at St. Andrew’s Cemetery in South Bound Brook, New Jersey, took place back in April of this year. Concelebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Antony, His Grace Bishop Daniel of Ukrainian Orthodox Church USA, and clergy, the blessing ceremony was witnessed by UAV members and the general public. The event was another step forward to realization of this iconic beacon that will honor all Ukrainian American men and women who served in the US Armed Forces throughout the centuries.
2010 Convocation of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry! - 07/09/2010
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), the official prison ministry of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) announces its 2010 Convocation, which will take place at the Embassy Suites Philadelphia International Airport in Philadelphia, PA. The purpose of the convocation is to bring together the many Orthodox clergy and laity from throughout North America who are participating in prison ministry or are interested in participating in prison ministry for a time of fellowship, education, encouragement, communal worship and the free exchange of ideas. For more information, click here> |
The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Holds Its 78th Meeting! - 07/09/2010
The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation continued work on a new agreed statement during its meeting at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA. The meeting was co-chaired by Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh and Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond of New Orleans. The title of the draft statement is "Steps Towards a United Church: A Sketch of an Orthodox-Catholic Vision for the Future." The document briefly outlines the history of divergences between Catholics and Orthodox, especially with regard to the role of the Bishop of Rome in the Church. It also outlines all that the two churches share and notes that overcoming differences has become a matter of urgency. The text also reflects on what a reunited Catholic and Orthodox Church might look like, the ecclesial structures needed to facilitate such unity, and the questions that remain to be answered if such a reconciliation is to take place. For more information, click here>
Protopresbyter Frank Estocin Falls Asleep in the Lord - 06/09/2010
It is with deep sorrow that we share with the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, the news that Protopresbyter Frank Estocin fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday, June 6, 2010. May his memory be eternal! |
2010 Mission Team of Students Leaves for the Annual Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 06/04/2010
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in conjunction with Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund has commissioned a team of eight college age students-missionaries under the leadership of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA and Carol Skocypec to journey to the Church sponsored orphanages in Puhachiv (Zhytomyr region) and Znamyanka (Kirovohrad region), Ukraine. |
Bishop Daniel Visits Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Dover, FL! - 05/28/2010
Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God parish in Dover, Florida was honored with the visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel on Great and Holy Pentecost of 2010. Many showed up for Vespers on Saturday evening to inaugurate the feast with His Grace in our midst. His Grace gave the parish some words of wisdom at the conclusion of the Vespers service. |
First Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs in North and Central America! - 05/26/2010
The first Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs in North and Central America was convened on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at the Helmsley Park Lane Hotel in New York City.
Congratulations Fr. Taras and Fr. Harry! - 05/24/2010
On May 16, 2010, Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko and Rev. Fr. Harry Linsinbigler graduated from St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, St. Petersburg Florida, with their Doctor of Ministry Degrees. Our two priests, together with the other twenty-two graduates, were graced to have as the commencement speaker our own Archbishop Antony. |
Храмове Свято церкви Святого Юрія Переможця в Ярдвілі, Н.Дж! - 05/24/2010
Безмірну радість цього дня розкинув ранок, коли учні нашої Школи Українознавства зустрічали Владику Антонія з теплотою та повагою, що відзеркалювалось на їхніх дитячих обличчях. З щасливим блиском оченят та старанністю, встеляли дорогу пелюстками квітів при церемонії зустрічі Владики – бо така лягла довіра на наших наймолодших діточок. |
June 18-September 12, 2010: Ukrainian Sacred Icons at the Museum of Biblical Art in NY! - 05/24/2010
This exhibition from the collection of the oldest monastery in Ukraine, the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra (or Monastery of the Caves) will survey the history of Ukrainian icons and their stylistic evolution over the centuries. Ukrainian icons incorporated noted influences from western art, particularly during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The blending of East and West in their iconography and style is unique and needs to be better known in the US. Alongside icons the exhibition will display textiles, ceremonial and altar crosses, chalices and other liturgical objects. MOBIA will be the first venue in the United States.
Theological Formation of Clergy! - 05/24/2010
His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of the Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Church met at Christ the Savior Theological Seminary in Johnstown, Pennsylvania to discuss common interests in the future theological formation of candidates to the Holy Orders of Deacon and Priest in their respective Churches. |
71st National Cathedral Flower Mart! - 05/19/2010
Natalia Honcharenko, Director of the Museum of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in memory of Patriarch Mstyslav I, sang the Ukrainian National Anthem for the opening. Archbishop Antony greeted the guests in the name of our Church, thanking the All Hallows Guild for honoring Ukraine as the featured nation of the Flower Mart, reminding the guests that for the past 400 years – under the Tsarist and Communist regimes – Ukraine was forced to suppress the expression of her own identity, but during this festival she was able to shine, as she has since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Archbishop stated that during the 100th anniversary celebrations of the UOC of USA in 2015, this Christian kindness will be remembered and celebrated.
IOCC Offers Volunteer Opportunity to Help Rebuild Homes on Gulf Coast! - 05/14/2010
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) will once again be calling on Orthodox volunteers from throughout the United States to build homes for families whose lives were devastated by Gulf Coast hurricanes. The program will give teams the opportunity to serve one-week stints in an area that suffered the loss of more than 48,000 housing units in Hurricane Katrina according to estimates by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Opportunities to serve will end on August 1.
Ecumenical Patriarch: On the Environmental Tragedy In the Gulf of Mexico! - 05/13/2010
Once again, in a matter only of a few years, the eyes of the world are turned with suspense toward the Gulf Coast. Sadly, the oil spill is following a path similar to Hurricane Katrina and threatening the coast of Louisiana as well as neighboring states. |
A Prayerful Partnership! - 05/10/2010
St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in New Britain, CT has again partnered with Universal Aid for Children-Ukraine (UAC-Ukraine).The partnership was to send dental supplies to orphanages in Odessa, Ukraine. The Ukrainian Orthodox parish family, in partnership with two other local churches, collected over 600 toothbrushes and 200 tubes of toothpaste, as well as other dental supplies for the children in Odessa's Orphanages. |
Ukrainian Festival in Delaware! - 05/06/2010
Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Wilmington, DE invites the faithful of the Church to participate in the Annual Ukrainian Festival on May 21-22, 2010! For more Information, click here> |
Ukrainian Sacred Music Seminar Hosted by the Seminary! - 05/04/2010
The St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary and the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus cosponsored a Ukrainian Sacred Music Seminar from April 30, through May 1, 2010. This workshop intended for Sacred Music enthusiasts, conductors, cantors and the average faithful parishioner interested in an introductory music appreciation course was held at the facilities of the Seminary at St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church Center in South Bound Brook New Jersey. Thirteen participants from our parishes joined in the sessions. |
Bishop Daniel Visits St. Luke Parish in Warners, NY! - 05/03/2010
On Sunday, May 2, 2010 His Grace Bishop Daniel visited St. Luke Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Warners, NY. St. Luke’s parish community warmly welcomed this Spiritual Father of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church for the first time as a hierarch of our Holy Church. He had visited the parish three times previously, but as a priest, prior to his consecration to the episcopacy.
The Church Commemorates Her Beloved Hierarch! - 05/03/2010
On Monday, May 3, 2010, the seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary gathered at the grave site of Metropolitan John (Theodorovich) of Blessed Memory, for the memorial service marking the 39th anniversary of his repose in the Lord. |
Bishop Daniel Meets With Zoe for Life Staff! - 04/23/2010
ZOE is a non-profit Christ-centered support organization with three major goals: to help women in crisis pregnancy, to assist Orthodox Christian couples seeking to adopt, and to create an Orthodox Christian abstinence program to educate young people. The organization is endorsed by the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas.
Bishop Daniel Visits St. Anthony of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in NM! - 04/20/2010
With chanting of Paschal tropar: “Christ is Risen” and greetings of love, St. Anthony of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission community in Las Cruses, NM welcomed their eparchial hierarch, His Grace Bishop Daniel, to their spiritual home. This is the bishop’s second archpastoral visit to the mission. The spiritual connection between the spiritual father of the Eparchy and his spiritual children was well established during the first visit to the mission in 2009. |
Liturgical Treasures of Ukraine! - 04/14/2010
The Ukrainian Heritage Museum of New Jersey of the UOC of USA is featuring a small exhibit entitled "Liturgical Treasures of Ukraine" featuring icons, crosses, and other liturgical items, at the National Cathedral in Washington DC on May 7-8,2010. |
Liturgical Commission Meets! - 04/14/2010
Following this year’s Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage to St. Andrew Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ, the Liturgical Commission of the Church gathered for its 2010 annual meeting at the Consistory offices – the spiritual and administrative center of the Church from 12-14 April, 2010.
Annual Pilgrimage – Call to Holiness! - 04/12/2010
With the call to holiness and openness to the Lord’s presence in our lives, His Grace Bishop Daniel, the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, greeted thousands of pilgrims visiting the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ on the weekend of April 10-11, 2010. All three hierarchs of the Church, traveled to the Church’s Metropolia center to lead the annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage on a Sunday following the glorious and bright feast of our Lord’s resurrection. |
Clergy Convocation Of Carpatho-Rusyn American Orthodox Church! - 04/10/2010
The 2010 Clergy Convocation took place from Wednesday April 7 - Friday April 9, 2010 at Camp Nazareth in Mercer, PA. Joining His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas and Diocesan Clergy was His Grace Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.
Pascha at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL! - 04/04/2010
With such spiritual understanding of the most profound feast of the Church year, the faithful of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL came together to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... Then came the breathless moment as the people waited for the bishop and the clergy to start the hymn of Resurrection, which they join him in singing, repeatedly: "Christ is Risen from the Dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life,” and then the glorious and most joyful exclamation: CHRIST IS RISEN!
Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha 2010! - 04/03/2010
Once again, the sacred day of Pascha has dawned in full delight and splendor, dispersing joy, comfort, gladness and assurance of life to all faithful, despite the heavy atmosphere that prevails in our world on account of the multidimensional crisis with all its familiar painful consequences for our daily life. Christ has risen from the tomb as divinely human; and humanity has risen with Him! The tyranny of death belongs to the past. The hopelessness of hades’ captivity has irrevocably gone. The only powerful Giver of life, having through His Incarnation voluntarily assumed all of the misfortune of our nature and all that it entails, namely death, has already “brought death to hades by the lightning of divinity,” granting us life – and “life in abundance.” (John 10.10) |
Chicago Deanery Journeys Through the Holy Week! - 04/03/2010
The Chicago Deanery of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA journeyed together through the Divine services of this year’s Holy Week.
Palm Sunday in Detroit, MI! - 03/31/2010
Lazarus Saturday dawned sunny, bright and filled with anticipation as the parish of St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield, Michigan, eagerly awaited the visit of their beloved hierarch, His Grace Bishop Daniel. The children of the Lesia Ukrainka parish school milled about in the narthex of the cathedral, flowers in hand, craning their necks to be the first to spot His Grace’s appearance, which was announced by their shrieks of joy. The parish pastor, Father Pavlo Bodnarchuk, greeted His Grace with a cross and led him into the cathedral to attend the morning service before lessons began. The children were so excited to have their bishop in their midst that they had difficulty remembering the words to the prayers. |
Bishop Daniel Visits St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church! - 03/28/2010
On Sunday, March 14, 2010, His Grace Bishop Daniel visited St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Portland, Oregon where he was greeted by children, parishioners and a pastor of the parish family Rev. Fr. Ivan Petrouchtchak. |
Seventh Annual Archon Lenten Retreat at the Metropolia of the UOC of the USA! - 03/24/2010
The day and a half retreat was recently held at the Consistory (headquarters) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, New Jersey. His Eminence Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey attended portions of the Retreat where they addressed the participants.
Ukrainian Sacred Music and Choral Workshop! - 03/12/2010
Sponsored by St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! For more information, click here> |
Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage 2010! - 03/12/2010
The Council of Bishops and Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA cordially invite all Christ-loving faithful, in particular our youth of all ages to participate in this year’s Saint Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! For more, click here> |
2010 High School Mission Trip! - 03/05/2010
The Offices of Youth & Young Adult Ministry and Christian Charity are pleased to announce the 2010 High School Mission Trip for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA will volunteering at Emmaus House in New York City, August 8-15, 2010. Please encourage your teenagers between the ages of 15-18 to apply for this life-altering trip. Those chosen will work with the the staff and volunteers of Emmaus House to feed the hungry on the streets of New York and aid them in renovations to the Emmaus House building. Applications are due May 1, 2010 |
Pani Dobrodiyka Iryna Ilchuk of Blessed Memory! - 02/26/2010
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Pani Dobrodiyka Iryna Ilchuk has reposed in Christ on February 25, 2010. May her memory be eternal! |
The First Week of Great and Holy Lent in Chicago Deanery! - 02/23/2010
The first week of Great and Holy Lent in Chicago Deanery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA concluded in various prayer services served by the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy His Grace Bishop Daniel. On Cheese-fare Sunday, Vladyka Daniel began the Lenten journey with the faithful of St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago. With the sounds of the cathedral bells, singing of the choir, prayers of the faithful and the message of repentance and fervent prayer, the cathedral community entered into the Great and Holy Lent. |
Pan-Orthodox Celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy in Chicago, IL! - 02/23/2010
On the evening of Sunday, February 21st, 2010, a Pan-Orthodox celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy was held in the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois. His Grace Bishop Daniel represented the Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA. Hundreds of Orthodox faithful from the local churches gathered, along with about sixty priests and ten deacons.
The Feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy - February 21, 2010! - 02/15/2010
We, the Hierarchs of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, greet you on the Feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy with words of the Holy Apostle Paul that were selected by the Primates of the worldwide Orthodox Church to close their Message proclaimed on October 12, 2008. Indeed, we glory in our God whose love for us exceeds every thought or imagining that could enter our minds or hearts. As the Apostle Paul says in another place: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him (I Cor. 2:9). |
Ecumenical Patriarch: Great Lent 2010! - 02/10/2010
Tomorrow, we enter the period of Holy and Great Lent. In the Lenten vespers of Forgiveness chanted this evening, we shall hear the sacred hymnographer urging us to “begin the time of fasting with joy, submitting ourselves to spiritual struggle” in preparing to welcome the great Passion and joyful Resurrection of our divine-human Lord. Click here> |
My Faith, My Church, My Generation! - 02/10/2010
Have you ever wanted to let people know what it is like to be a young adult attempting to live their faith in the 21st Century? The Consistory Offices of Young Adult Ministry and Public Relations are hoping to give you a chance to do just that. Beginning in February we will be featuring a new section on the website for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA entitled - "My Faith, My Church, My Generation". We are looking for articles, reflections, poems, short stories, video, etc... written/produced by young adults concerning their faith, their struggles, their joys, and their perspectives on all topics. Click here> |
2010 Great Lent Giveaway: "..I was in prison and you came to Me..”(Matt 25:31-45) - 02/10/2010
The Great Lent Giveaway is designed to give our youth the opportunity to do good works for others during Great Lent. In addition to doing good works, they learn more about their faith and devote additional time to learning, prayer and fasting during this season of preparation for Pascha. The GLG is a joint project with the Jr. Ukrainian Orthodox League. With the blessing of our Hierarchs, the GLG of 2010 will benefit the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM). Click here> |
Історики підтвердили 1011 рік датою заснування Софії Київської! - 02/09/2010
Українські історики впевнені, що Софія Київська була закладена князем Володимиром, хрестителем Русі у 1011 році, а завершена його сином Ярославом Мудрим у 1018 році. Таку думку вони висловили на круглому столі в Києві, присвяченому питанням датування будівництва Святої Софії у Києві.
The 2010 Orthodox Youth Worker and Camp Conference - Great Success in Silver Spring, MD! - 02/09/2010
The Orthodox community of over 50 youth workers and camping administrators gathered together for their annual conference January 28-31, 2010, in Silver Spring, MD. The conference was held at St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral complex. The participants were greeted with opening remarks from His Eminence Archbishop Antony, Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, about persevering in their ministry. He stressed that bringing our youth to Christ is difficult yet essential in our world today, and conveyed a beautiful story about how just caring for someone can change their life. |
2010 OCF Day of Prayer: Keeping our College Students Connected to the Church! - 02/09/2010
Each year, college students across North America join together in offering their prayers for OCF’s Day of Prayer held on Clean Monday. February 15, 2010, OCF chapters will take part in 24 hours of unceasing prayer. Each school will take a one-hour slot to pray for themselves, their chapters and their fellow students. |
Sunday of Cheesefare and Mission Sunday - February 14, 2010! - 02/06/2010
We greet you in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Lenten fast that precedes the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha is upon us. Like the dawn of a new day, the beginning of this 40-day journey provides opportunities for us to recommit ourselves and our whole lives to Christ our God. The Sunday before Great Lent, February 14th, 2010, is Mission Sunday as designated by the hierarchs of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). |
2010-2011 Scholarship Applications Available! - 02/03/2010
Applications for scholarships administered by the Chancellor's Office of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that are open to students from SCOBA member churches are now available for the 2010-2011 academic year. The scholarships are the Malta Scholarship, awarded for undergraduate studies, and the Paleologos Graduate Scholarship which is for graduate work of a non-theological nature.
SCOBA: February 7, 2010 - Scout Sunday! - 01/25/2010
In 1995, the hierarchs leading the various Orthodox Christian Churches in our land came together to recognize and endorse the work of the Boy scouts of America. This encounter prefigured the promising possibilities for witnessing our unity in Jesus Christ in the land and culture when we live and work in unity. Then and now, we believe that the Scout affirmation and Law are significant aids to our parishes and families in raising young men and women who “do their duty to God.” The methods of the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts USA, and the Camp Fire Boys and Girls programs are tremendous tools and we continue to fully endorse the work of these valued institutions. Read More> |
"Go Forth, Make Disciples of All Nations!" - 01/25/2010
2010 Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Camping Season! The UOC of the USA offers three outstanding programs for the youth of our church. Read More> |
Bishop Irinej of Nis Elected New Patriarch of Serbia! - 01/22/2010
The Holy Hierarchal Liturgy, during which there will be the enthronement of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia will begin on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at the Cathedral Church, and later, when all the conditions are met, there will be made formal introduction to the throne of the Serbian patriarchs at the Patriarchate of Pec, the historic seat of the chief of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Read More> |
Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting Scholarships! - 01/21/2010
The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting offers two scholarships. The recipient for first place will receive $1,000 and the runner up will receive $500 upon acceptance to a four year accredited college or university. The candidates are evaluated on their involvement in their church, school, community, scholastic achievements, and Scouting. Read More> |
«Ой, господаре, господарочку!» - 01/20/2010
У суботу, 16 січня, парафіяни церкви Пресвятої Тройці (м. Бенсенвіл) святкували «Маланку», або іншими словами старий Новий рік. Стільки вражень, що й не знаю, з чого почати. Напевно - з найважливішого. Приємним сюрпризом для всіх був приїзд Високопреосвященішого Владики Даниїла. Привітавши присутніх та поблагословивши трапезу, Владика мав можливість поспілкуватися з наймолодшими парафіянами. Діти обступили його і з цікавістю вслухалися в кожне слово. В цей день дітлахів чекало багато цікавих несподіванок. Настоятель храму о. Богдан Калинюк, як і обіцяв, зробив для них справжнє свято: розваги, піца і, звичайно, подарунки.
February 7, 2010 - UOL Super Bowl Sunday! - 01/15/2010
On Sunday, February 7th, numerous people across the country will gather to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. We are truly so fortunate to enjoy God’s blessings; this is the perfect opportunity to remember and to share with the less fortunate. The Ukrainian Orthodox League requests that all UOL Chapters take a collection, and/or host a fundraising meal to support Saint Andrew’s Society’s Soup Kitchens in Ukraine. |
Orthodox Christians Support Airlift to Haiti! - 01/15/2010
IOCC - International Orthodox Christian Charities is working in partnership with Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) to deliver two of the most critical needs in Haiti today – water and shelter. Water purification equipment that will serve 10,000 people and 500 family tents, as well as other supplies, are being airlifted to Haiti. The aid, valued at more than $600,000, is expected to reach Port-au-Prince by Saturday, January 16.
Souper Bowl Sunday 2010! - 01/13/2010
Souper Bowl Sunday 2010, with all its excitement and opportunity to show that our churches care, will be here very soon! Join with us in our 12th consecutive Souper Bowl of Caring by mobilizing your parish to feed the poor and care for the needy here in the US and abroad. This is a great way to involve your youth in our churches' social service ministry.
February 14, 2010 - Mission Sunday! - 01/13/2010
Save the date - the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) has designated February 14, 2010, as Mission Sunday! As we prepare to begin Great and Holy Lent, all Orthodox Christians have the opportunity to learn about and become involved in the work of missions through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Coin Box & Lesson Plan Program. |
IOCC Mobilizes Disaster Response for Haiti Earthquake! - 01/13/2010
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA through the efforts of the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is responding to the most devastating earthquake to hit the island nation of Haiti in 200 years. Authorities have not put an estimate of how many were killed by yesterday's magnitude 7.0 earthquake, but thousands are feared dead. People are still trapped in destroyed buildings and leveled shantytowns and there is growing concern about the lack of sanitation, water and electricity.
«Христос Рождається! Славімо його!» - 01/12/2010
Саме такими словами вітали один одного парафіяни церкви Пресвятої Тройці, що у місті Бенсенвіл, у ці святкові дні. Для новоствореної парафії це - перше Різдво в новій церкві. Скрізь панувала атмосфера миру і добра. Кожен почувався в колі друзів і родини, як у рідній домівці. Адже все довкола, починаючи від маленьких вишиваних подушечок, якими прикрасили ялинку, рушників і квітів, було зроблено руками самих парафіян і прихожан. Милував око новий іконостас - краса і гордість церкви, побудову якого розпочали парафіяни, вкладаючи не тільки свою працю й чималі кошти, але й найцінніше - душу і серце.
SCOBA: Share the Light Sunday - January 17, 2010! - 01/05/2010
During His earthly ministry, our Lord traveled during His time on earth from city to city and village to village bringing the Good News of His Kingdom. As we travel throughout our pastoral folds, we experience much of the same as we share your love and as we share the love of Christ with you. It is our great privilege to reach out and share the message of the Gospel with everyone in our communities. It is also our responsibility to reach out to those who have left the embrace of the Church, as well as those who have never heard the saving message of Christ.
The Nativity of our Lord Proclamation of the Ecumenical Patriarch! - 12/21/2009
The distance and separation between God and humanity resulting from sin has been abolished with the assumption of the entire human nature by the Only-Begotten Son and Pre-eternal Word of God. It was God’s good will – that is to say, His initiative and will – that the incarnation of His Son should abolish all such distance uniting heaven and earth, as well as creation with its Creator.
75th Anniversary of Nativity of the Virgin Church in South Plainfield, NJ! - 12/21/2009
The church bell rang out welcoming His Eminence Archbishop Antony for the celebration of the parish's anniversary as the singers sang the entrance troparia while His Eminence entered the sanctuary. |
St. Andrew Cathedral in Metropolitan Washington, DC Celebrates Feast Day! - 12/14/2009
Every year the feast day at St Andrew’s is a source of deep spiritual rejuvenation and unity. Like every year for the past eight years His Eminence Archbishop Antony is at the center of this parish celebration. As cathedral arch-pastor he always cares for the well being of the parish and that is seen and appreciated by the parish. |
Bishop Daniel Visits St. Katherine parish in Arden Hills, MN! - 12/09/2009
For many weeks parishioners of St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Arden Hills (St. Paul), Minnesota, have been looking forward to His Grace Bishop Daniel’s visit of the parish for St. Katherine Feast Day Celebrations. Unlike last year, when Minnesotans were hit by a real blizzard during the Feast Day celebrations when the visiting clergy was having trouble driving in the area, this year the weather was quite pleasant, although it was a rather cold day with a thin sheet of snow that fell during the night, which actually enhanced the autumn’s mostly gray scenery.
Храмове свято в Міннеаполіс! - 11/24/2009
22 листопада 2009 року парафія св. Михаїла і св. Юрія, в місті Міннеаполіс штату Міннесота, святкувала Храмове свято. Господь Бог подарував теплий, сонячний день. Особливою радістю для парафіян був приїзд правлячого архиєрея Західної Єпархії УПЦ в США Єпископа Даниїла, який неземною, а якоюсь божественною енергією запалив душі вірних парафіян.
Celebration at St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Church! - 11/23/2009
St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA celebrated its sixtieth anniversary as a parish of the UOC of the USA in Baltimore, Maryland on Sunday, November 15, 2009. His Eminence Archbishop Antony stressed the need to maintain spiritual commitment and continuity through the generations of the parish’s members into the future, in his bilingual homily, after his reading of the Holy Scripture. He emphasized the important role of Holy Scripture in governing the life of the Church and each individual Christian. He reminded of the sacrifices of the founders and benefactors of St. Michael Parish, who established the parish as a place for their own particular form of Christian worship and who left a rich legacy for all who followed them.
The Orthodox Community in Chicagoland Joined the Serbian-Americans to Mourn Passing of Patriarch Pavle! - 11/18/2009
The Orthodox Community joined Serbian-Americans from throughout the greater Chicago metropolitan area at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral on Tuesday, November 17, in prayerful remembrance of the spiritual leader and head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Pavle, who passed away on Sunday in Belgrade, Serbia, at the age of 95 following a prolonged illness.
New Jersey Premiere of “Okradena Zemlia” - 11/18/2009
On Sunday, November 17, 2009 the Ukrainian Museum of New Jersey in Memory of Patriarch Msytlav of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA, sponsored the New Jersey screening of “Okradena Zemlia”, a newly released Ukrainian Language documentary film on the 1932-1933 Genocide-Holodomor in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Holodomor of 1932-1933: “The Worst Holocaust the World Has Ever Known…” - 11/17/2009
With these powerful words, Senator Charles Schumer, Senior United States Senator from the state of New York, described and defined the genocide committed against the Ukrainian Nation and her people 76 years ago in 1932-33. He declared that the communist regime of Russia was not simply attempting to force the Ukrainian people into collective farming, or to erase the small land owners – the kulaks, or to wipe out the “intelligentsia”. The real goal of the genocide was to “completely eradicate Ukraine as a nation”. Senator Shumer was participating in the annual Genocidal Famine Memorial, which takes place each year at St. Patrick Cathedral, New York City, during the month of November.
Making a Real Change - Real Break 2010! - 11/16/2009
This Spring Break, over one hundred college students have the opportunity to make a real change for those less fortunate through Orthodox Christian Fellowship’s Real Break program. OCF currently has 12 trips planned, which run from February 20th through March 27th. Trip locations include: Alaska, Constantinople, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Jerusalem, Mexico, Romania and San Francisco. College students will have the incredible opportunity to renovate parishes and monasteries, work with innocent orphans and serve those less fortunate them.
Pani Dobrodiyka Martha Haleta of Blessed Memory! - 11/16/2009
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Pani Dobrodiyka Marth Haleta has reposed in Christ on November 13, 2009. May her memory be eternal!
The Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Send Condolences to the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church On the Repose of Patriarch Pavle of Serbia! - 11/16/2009
It has only been a few hours since that moment when the servant of God, His Holiness Patriarch Pavle departed this physical world and was born unto eternal life. This just, forbearing and faithful steward, through whose hands, Almighty God, One in the Holy Trinity, blessed all His children in the land of Serbia, and whose voice, like the voice of Saint Sava, never ceased to proclaim the word of truth – the Gospel message in a land enriched by the witness of so many saints.
St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Celebrates 100 Years! - 11/16/2009
On Sunday, November 8, 2009, St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral commemorated its 100th Anniversary with a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy on the parish’s Patronal Feast Day. Founded in 1909 by Ukrainian immigrants from Galychyna (western Ukraine), the Carteret, NJ parish was honored to have His Eminence Archbishop Antony, His Eminence Archbishop Jeremiah of South America, His Grace Bishop Daniel, along with Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha, Fr. Ihor Bobak, serving with the pastor Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko.
Statement of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the Repose of Patriarch Pavle of Serbia! - 11/16/2009
It is with profound regret that we learned today of the repose in the Lord of our brother Patriarch Pavle of Serbia. After holding a memorial service at the conclusion of this evening’s Vespers on the occasion of the feast of St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist, we entreated the Lord with all our heart and soul to grant rest to his blessed soul in the land of the living. Therefore, we convey our sincere condolences to the venerable Hierarchy, the pious clergy and faithful people of our sister Church in Serbia, where everyone is mourning the loss of their beloved Primate. Only Patriarch Pavle is today rejoicing for his heavenly journey.
Subdeacon Charles Sanderson Ordained to Deaconate at Four Holy Evangelists Ukrainian Orthodox Mission in Bel Air, MD! - 11/15/2009
The growing mission parish of Four Evangelists in Bel Air, Maryland, celebrated yet another milestone on Saturday, October 31st with the ordination of Reader Charles Sanderson to the Holy Deaconate through the laying on of the Apostolic Hand of His Eminence Archbishop Antony. The joyful day marked His Eminence’s second visit this year to Four Evangelists since the parish moved into their new location in June, a tremendous blessing to the community. |
22 November, 2009 - IOCC Sunday! - 11/11/2009
On Sunday before our National Feast of Thanksgiving, we offer thanks to God who has given us the ministry of loving and caring for our brothers and sisters. Through International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), our SCOBA humanitarian aid and development agency, the Orthodox people of North America have a way to express their love and unity to the wounded of this world. Since 1992, IOCC has delivered more than $300 million in humanitarian services to people in need in more than 33 countries on our behalf. Read more> |
Three Days of Study, Worship, and Fellowship -2009 Reader and Subdeacon Conference! - 11/09/2009
On Friday, November 6, fifteen seminarians, readers, senior servers, and subdeacons gathered at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary for three days of study, worship, and fellowship. The evening began with Daily Vespers in the Three Hierarch chapel. |
Українськa Православнa Церквa вшанувалa пам’ять Митрополита Ніканорa! - 11/05/2009
У суботу 24 жовтня 2009 р. Високопреосвященніший Архиєпископ Іоан відправив Архиєрейську Службу Божу у м. Карлсруе в Старокатолицькій церкві Воскресіння Христового, в якій українська православна громада з 1946 р. відправляє свої Богослуження. По закінченні Св. Літургії Високопреосвященніший Владика Іоан і духовенство відправили Панахиду на могилі Блаженнішого Митрополита Ніканора, котрий упокоївся 40 років тому у своїй резиденції в м. Карлсруе. Read more> |
His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Milwaukee, WI! - 11/04/2009
On Sunday November 1, 2009 His Grace Bishop Daniel made his visit to Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to celebrate the Annual Parish Feast Day. |
Святкування дев'яностої річниці заснування парафії Святої Тройці! - 11/04/2009
25 жовтня 2009 року в церкві Святої Тройці в Трентоні, НДж, відбулося святкування великої події – дев’яностої річниці заснування парафії. Це була дійсно велика подія, адже наша парафія була однією з перших православних українських парафій на американській землі, а її парафіяни дуже довго і тяжко працювали над її створенням та заснуванням церкви. On October 25, 2009, His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel arrived to Trenton, NJ to join the parish family in a joyous celebration of faith, love, hope, and fellowship with the parishioners and friends of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church on the occasion of their 90th Anniversary. |
The 2010 Orthodox Christian Camp and Youth Worker Conference! - 11/03/2009
The 2010 Conference will be held January 28-30, 2010 in Silver Springs, MD and hosted by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. This year's theme is "Communicating the Gospel in the 21st Century." We invite all youth workers, church school teachers, camp directors, camp staff, and anyone interested in working with youth to attend this annual conference! Read more>
Screening of the Documentary "GENOCIDE REVEALED" - 11/03/2009
The Ukrainian Museum of New Jersey in Memory of Patriarch Mstyslav I of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA Invites the Community to a NJ PREMIERE Screening of the Documentary "GENOCIDE REVEALED" - November 15, 2009! Read more> |
College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2010! - 10/30/2009
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce the dates for the College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2010. In an effort to allow as many students with differing schedules to participate, we will now alternate the dates of the trip between May/June and July/August. The 2010 trip will take place June 3rd - 21st, which includes a training day in South Bound Brook, NJ.
Yes - Giving our Youth a Chance to Serve! - 10/30/2009
YES provides junior high and high school students with the opportunity to participate in formative weekends of service, with the ultimate purpose being to raise up a generation of Orthodox Christians who lead others in living out the true mission of the Church - to love and serve our most needy neighbors. |
UOC of the USA Offers Suggested Swine Flu Precautions! - 10/30/2009
Suggested precautions to help guard against infection with the H1N1 ["Swine Flu"] virus. Пам`ятка щодо грипу типу А/Н1N1! |
Metropolitan Constantine Meets with His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew! - 10/29/2009
As part of the visit of His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I to the United States, he presided over the 9th Annual Prayer Service for the United Nations Community on Monday October 26th at Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral in New York City. Prime Hierarchs of SCOBA, the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, and of SCOOCH, the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Hierarchs (historically known as non-Chalcedonian Churches) were in attendance. |
Annual Clergy Conference! - 10/29/2009
“We priests need priests also.” This expression was repeated over and over again at the Clergy Conference of 2009, which took place at Antiochian Village in Ligonier Pennsylvania October 25th through 28th. |
100 Years of Service, Opportunity and Brotherly Love in Palos Park, IL! - 10/27/2009
Standing in the candle-lit parish church shoulder-to-shoulder with worshipers, one wonders just what the bishops of the Church will say to the congregation that prays, serves and cares for each other and the community around them for over 100 years.
Pani Dobrodiyka Olga Antochy of Blessed Memory! - 10/27/2009
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Pani Dobrodiyka Olga Antochy has reposed in Christ on October 26, 2009. May her memory be eternal!
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Meets with the Orthodox Primates of the USA! - 10/27/2009
His All Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew gave an audience yesterday Tuesday, Oct. 27, to the Orthodox Primates of the USA, most of whom were present the previous evening for the Ninth Annual Orthodox Prayer Service for the United Nations Community. |
Famine (Holodomor) in Ukraine: 1932 - 1933! - 10/23/2009
During the autumn every year we Ukrainians in the homeland and in the Diaspora gather together to honor the memory of our brothers and sisters who were made to suffer through the Holodomor of 1932-33.
Famine (Holodomor) in Ukraine: 1932 - 1933! - 10/23/2009
This year we mark 76 years since that terrible tragedy which was experienced by our nation, and we here in the Diaspora honor the memory of its victims. At this time we find many articles in our press which bear witness to this terrible act. We read about those who were swollen with hunger and starvation; those who witnessed the death of others; those who saw entire villages of the dead overgrown with weeds; those who saw the dead in the fields, on the highways, in towns on the streets; those who witnessed how corpses were loaded onto carts and taken to be buried in a common grave and of how an old man walked through the village gathering the bodies of dead babies in a sack to take them to the cemetery and give them burial. For more, click here>
Orthodox Christians Freeze Out Homelessness! - 10/22/2009
Sponsored by Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Palos Park, IL. Click here> |
St. Mary (Protection of the Mother of God) Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA Marks 100 Years of Prayer and Service! - 10/16/2009
The hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: Metropolitan Constantine, Archbishop Antony and Bishop Daniel traveled on October 10-11, 2009 to Allentown, PA to celebrate with hundreds of pious members of the cathedral community the centennial of their dedicated ministry among Ukrainian-Americans of Lehigh Valley, PA.
2009 Reader and Subdeacon Conference! - 10/12/2009
6-8 November, 2009 Sponsored and Hosted by St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - South Bound Brook, NJ. For more information, click here> |
Zoe For Life! - 10/12/2009
Many Orthodox Christian women are fortunate to have the love and support structure to lead them to marriage, children, and a meaningful life. Others, however, are not as fortunate. They find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. They have made the wrong choices and are in turmoil. They're not thinking, they're panicking. Click here> |
A Blessed Journey of 100 Years! - 10/11/2009
The “warm” and “passionate” “family” that is Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Coatesville, PA celebrated 100 years of service on October 3-4, 2009 with a two-daylong schedule of events, opening with a Vespers service on Saturday, October 3, 2009. |
OCMC: Share in a Journey of Faith: Join a 2010 Mission Team! - 10/08/2009
Now is the time for you to have a Teams experience! In 2010, Teams will be offered during more times of the year and for varying amounts of time (as few as 9 days and as long as 3 weeks) and there will be opportunities for families as well! Be a living witness of your Faith on a Teaching team; provide labor on a Construction team; engage the future of our Church on a Youth team; or take part in the holistic mission of the Church on a Health Care team. |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Begins Preparations for Thanksgiving Tithing Program! - 10/07/2009
The delegates of the 62th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention reinforced the need for the organization and its membership to serve the less fortunate. They set a specific goal to sponsor at least three projects to help individuals in need. The first of these projects allows you as Ukrainian Orthodox League members and chapters to contribute to our Ukrainian Orthodox Mission parishes throughout the country.
SCOBA/SCOOCH: Joint Commission of Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches! - 10/07/2009
9th Annual Orthodox Prayer Service and Reception for the United Nations Community! Click here> |
17th Convention of the United Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods! - 09/27/2009
The Metropolia Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in South Bound Brook, NJ has served once again as a “home” and center of spiritual renewal and fellowship for the delegates and guests to the 17th Convention of the United Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods of the UOC of USA (UUOS). |
SCOBA Hierarchs Convene For Special Session! - 09/25/2009
A Special Session of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) met on September 25, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., hosted by the Chairman of SCOBA, Archbishop Demetrios of America, at the headquarters of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in Manhattan. |
The New 2009-2010 Academic Year Begins at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! - 09/24/2009
With complete confidence and faith in Almighty God the Holy Trinity, Giver of all good and perfect gifts, the St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary academic staff and students opened the seminary’s thirty-fourth academic year on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 – celebrating the Patronal Feast of the seminary – St. Sophia – Holy Wisdom of God and the Feast Day of the Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna. |
The Ministry of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Society! - 09/24/2009
Recently, on his trip to Ukrainian orphanages with the College Age students Mission Team of the UOC of the USA, His Grace Bishop Daniel visited one of the institutions in the capital of Ukraine where residents of Kyiv and local villages gather once a month to receive food supplies, which are paid for by St. Andrew Society of our Holy Church.
Winter 2009 Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 09/23/2009
With the blessing of the Council of Bishops, the Consistory Office of Missions and Christian Charity in cooperation with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA announce the dates for a winter missionary trip to the Znamianka Orphanage to celebrate the Life of St. Nicholas, for the faithful of our Church.
Владикa єпископ Даниїл взяв участь в зустрічі Президента України Віктора Ющенко із представниками української громади США в Нью-Йорку! - 09/22/2009
22 вересня 2009 року Преосвященний єпископ Даниїл, правлячий архиєрей Західної єпархії Української Православної Церкви в США, представляючи голову Консисторії Української Православної Церкви в США владику архиєпископа Антонія, у супроводі духовенствa взяв участь в зустрічі Президента України Віктора Ющенко із представниками української громади США в Нью-Йорку. |
Motherhood of the Traveling Clergy Wives: Weekend Gathering in Chicagoland! - 09/22/2009
On the weekend of September 18th until 20th, clergy wives from parishes across the United States gathered for a weekend of relaxation and fellowship in Chicago, Illinois. The clergy wives had the opportunity to discuss issues that concern their unique position within the spiritual life of the Church.
На многії літа отче дияконе Іване! - 09/22/2009
Високопреосвященніший архиєпископ Антоній відвідав церкву св. Івана Хрестителя в місті Портланд, штату Орегон. За останні півроку це був вже другий візит архиєрея на Західне узбережжя США і маленька портландська українська православна парафія відчувалась благословенною, бо владика Антоній приїхав туди, щоб здійснити хіротонію — через покладення рук і молитву призвати особливу благодать Пресвятого Духа й поставити семінариста Івана Синевського на диякона.
Persons with disabilities comprise the largest minority group in the United States, with almost 20% of the population facing disability in one form or another. Disability affects people of all backgrounds, nations and races, of both genders and any age. A disability stems from an impairment that is either congenital, or the result of disease, injury, or the developmental and aging processes.
Nativity of the Birth-Giver of God! - 09/20/2009
"Your birth, O Birth-Giver of God, brought joy to the whole world, for from you dawned the sun of righteousness, Christ our God. Freeing us from the curse, He gave us His blessings. Abolishing death, He granted us eternal life." |
Святкування річниці Незалежності України у Вашингтоні та Нью-Йорку! - 09/18/2009
15 вересня 2009 року Преосвященний єпископ Даниїл, правлячий архиєрей Західної єпархії Української Православної Церкви в США, представляючи голову Консисторії Української Православної Церкви в США владику архиєпископа Антонія, взяв участь в прийнятті, з нагоди 18-ї річниці Незалежності України.
Subdeacon Borislav Kroner Ordained to Deaconate! - 09/18/2009
On September 13, 2009, the feast of the Placing of the Cincture of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God, His Eminence Archbishop Antony visited St. Andrew the First-Called Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Boston MA.
Візит Владики Даниїла до Української Православної Церкви Святої Трійці м. Сіетл! - 09/15/2009
„І іншим містам Я повинен звіщати Добру Новину про Боже Царство, бо на те мене послано“ (Лк. 4:43)
FAMILY FEST 2009! - 09/15/2009
God blessed All Saints Camp and the surrounding Pennsylvania area with wonderful weather as families gathered at the Camp for the Annual Labor Day Family Fest weekend, September 4th – 7th.
2009 Mission Team of College Age Students Returns Home from Ukraine! - 09/08/2009
This year again, a group of 11 missionaries of the UOC of the USA traveled to Ukraine, visiting two orphanages that are sponsored by the Church. The children and the administration of both institutions welcomed the missionaries from the moment they arrived to the minute they left. Whether they were playing with them or just bringing food to the table in dining room, they never stopped assuring our missionaries that "Come back! You are welcome again and again."
30th Anniversary of Bandura Camps at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp! - 09/08/2009
2009 marks the 30th anniversary of Bandura Seminars sponsored by the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus held at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp of “All Saints" in Emlenton, Pennsylvania. Thirty years ago a group of young bandura enthusiasts visited the recently purchased property in Western Pennsylvania. Impressed with the excellent facilities for such a music workshop, and with the beauty of the evergreen forests along a mountain river, The Chorus established these bandura seminars.
У неділю, 30 серпня, погода видалася погожою, як і святочний настрій у парафіян церкви Пресвятої Трійці, що у місті Бенсенвіл. Зустрічали високоповажного гостя владику Даниїла – правлячого архиєрея Західної єпархії Української Православної Церкви в Америці. |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship: Keeping our College Students Connected to Christ! - 09/05/2009
This is the reason Orthodox Christian Fellowship exists! OCF’s mission is to help Our Youth discover that it is communion with God, through life in the Church, which gives real meaning and significance to life. Read more> |
2009 Ukrainian Festival! - 09/02/2009
St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring, MD invites the faithful of the Church to attend 2009 Ukrainian Feastival! Click here> |
Memory Eternal! - 08/29/2009
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Pani-matka Nadiya Bohuslavska has reposed in Christ on August 28, 2009 at Newark University hospital, Newark, NJ. May her memory be eternal! |
Mommy and Me/Daddy and Me Celebrates Largest Encampment to Date! - 08/29/2009
In its ninth year, the Mommy and Me/Daddy and Me program continued to grow with 72 total participants and staff. Our families (children ages 4-8 and their parents) and staff represented over ten different parishes, several jurisdictions, and two countries. |
High School Mission Team Returns from New Mexico! - 08/29/2009
The fifth domestic missionary trip for high school students sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA returned home on Sunday August 16th after spending eight days aiding the UOC Mission parish of St. Anthony of the Desert in Las Cruces, New Mexico. |
18th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence! - 08/23/2009
For those who rightfully focus on the spiritual reality of that which occurred eighteen years ago, the event of August 1991, was clearly a good gift from God. It was the answer to fervent prayers uttered and noble deeds accomplished over centuries; prayers and deeds often sealed in blood, shed out of love, for the nation and her people. Read more> |
Upcoming Church School Year! - 08/23/2009
The Consistory Office of Religious Education is pleased to announce for the upcoming Church School year the release of two adult educational tools to assist with adult Christian education in the parishes, and also updated forms and information for Christian Education for our youth and teaching guidelines. |
The Online Version of St. Andrew's Church Goods and Bookstore! - 08/23/2009
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. would like to welcome everyone to the online version of St. Andrew's Church Goods and Bookstore. Here you will be able to find many items of interest ranging from liturgical books, ecclesiastical items, cemetery supplies, church supplies, CD's, icons and much more. Click here> |
Mission Team Leaves for Annual Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 07/30/2009
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA has commissioned a team of nine college aged missionaries under the leadership of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA and Carol Skocypec to journey to the Church sponsored orphanages in Puhachiv and Znamyanka, Ukraine. |
Teenage Conference 2009 Concludes 51st Encampment on High Note! - 07/28/2009
Teenagers 13-18 and staff from across our diocese converged on All Saints Camp from July 5-18th to rediscover what “they believe”. The campers discovered the ecumenical councils of the early church, the formation of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, and explored what they and the church believe on life issues.
Bishop Daniel Visits ND! - 07/28/2009
“We welcome you with bread – God’s gift to man. We welcome you with salt – a gift from the soil…” – with these traditional words, the participants in the annual North Dakota Ukrainian Festival, Dickinson, ND, welcomed His Grace Bishop Daniel, the ruling hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA. |
Embracing People with Disabilities within the Church! - 07/24/2009
Persons with disabilities comprise the largest minority group in the United States, with almost 20% of the population facing disability in one form or another. |
Clergy Wives Retreat Scheduled for Fall! - 07/23/2009
The Consistory of our Church in conjunction with the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA has announced the dates for the Clergy Wives Retreat, which is scheduled for September 18-20, 2009th at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Palos Park, IL
For the 62nd time in the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the UOC of the USA, delegates from various chapters of parish families from across the country have gathered in Youngstown, OH for their annual Convention. |
His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruses, NM! - 07/11/2009
His Grace Bishop Daniel visited our mission parish in the southwestern part of the country in New Mexico, on the weekend of June 19-21. That mission parish, St Anthony of the Desert in Las Cruces, was started by father Gabriel Rochelle and Pani-Matka Susan. |
Bishop Daniel Visits Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Jones, Oklahoma! - 07/10/2009
Bishop Daniel’s Archpastoral visit to St. Mary Church in Jones, Oklahoma, caused a spiritual awakening among the parishioners. The members and guests were anxiously waiting to see their Hierarch and Spiritual Father. |
Diocesan Church School Camp Completes Successful Year! - 07/07/2009
Youth ages 9-13 and staff of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church from California to Rhode Island gathered at All Saints Camp from June 21- July 3, 2009 for Diocesan Church School Camp! |
Bandura Camp! - 07/03/2009
Kobzarska Sich is held at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania. |
Ecology and God's Creation! - 06/22/2009
On this week’s Special Moments in Orthodoxy podcast we discuss Psalm 103, which reminds us of the glorious creation of God as we look at humanity’s task to care for the Earth. Click below to listen: |
Orthodox Circle! - 06/22/2009
Uocofusa.org encourages our readers to join Orthodox Circle, the premier online social networking community for Orthodox Christians. Click here> |
Orthodox Podcasts! - 06/22/2009
OCN serves up 18 Orthodox Podcasts. Click here to listen to the best in Orthodox Podcasts from Orthodox Christian Network! |
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry Announces 2009 Convocation! - 06/22/2009
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), the official prison ministry of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) announces its 2009 Convocation, which will take place July 28-30 in Denver, Colorado. The purpose of the convocation is to bring together the many Orthodox clergy and laity from throughout North America who are practicing prison ministry or are interested in practicing prison ministry for fellowship, education, encouragement, communal worship and the free exchange of ideas. Read here> |
Communique of the 4th Pre-Conciliar Panorthodox Conference! - 06/20/2009
The 4th Pre-Conciliar Panorthodox Conference, convened by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, with the mutual consent of Their Beatitudes, the Primates of the local Orthodox Churches, as expressed during the Holy Synaxis held at the Phanar from October 10th to 12th, 2008, gathered at the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy-Geneva from June 6th to 12th, 2009.
World Environment Day (June 5, 2009)! - 06/05/2009
Message by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for World Environment Day (June 5, 2009) - Today’s World Environment Day is an opportunity as well as an invitation for all of us, irrespective of religious background, to consider the ecological crisis. Read More> |
Orthodox Christian Summer Camp: Teaching and Transforming Youth! - 06/02/2009
Many adults have wonderful memories of the times they spent at summer camp. The friendships, the laughter, and even the difficult moments made for an experience they never forget. Now, there are more Orthodox Christian camping programs than ever. Orthodox Christian camps are still teaching and transforming the lives of youth with fun and exciting programs. |
Meeting of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch with His Excellency the President of Ukraine - 05/22/2009
His Excellency Mr. Victor Yushchenko, the President of Ukraine, arrived in Istanbul. Accompanied by his associates, the President proceeded to the Patriarchal Residence in Tarabya, where he visited His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. |
OCMC Building Dedication! - 05/17/2009
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), the foreign mission and evangelism agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas(SCOBA), will dedicate its new Missionary Training and Administration Building on Thursday, May 21, 2009. Read more> |
Ukrainian Museum of New Jersey In memory of Patriarch Mstyslav I - 05/14/2009
On Monday, April 20, 2009 the first beams of steel were erected on the poured concrete footings of the new Museum buildings. To become a contributing benefactor, founder or patron of the Museum, or to sponsor a gallery, please contact Dr. Steven Sivulich at (412) 389-1723 to discuss investment opportunities.
SCOBA: Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday! - 05/14/2009
We, the Hierarchs of SCOBA, have, by the grace of God, been blessed to designate the Sixth Sunday of Pascha, this year on May 24, 2009, to be Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday in all Orthodox parishes of North America. Although Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) is the youngest Agency of SCOBA, it fulfills the direct and clear Evangelical command of the Lord, I was in prison, and you came unto Me (St. Matthew 25:36). Nevertheless, even if we all do not or cannot visit those in prisons, we all can participate in this healing ministry through our participation in the Divine Liturgy. Read more>
UPDATED: Very Rev. Fr. Volodymyr Melnyk of Blessed Memory! - 05/08/2009
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Very Rev. Fr. Volodymyr Melnyk has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness on May 8, 2009. May his memory be eternal!
Annual Saint Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 05/05/2009
It was one of the most beautiful weekends we have seen for years in terms of weather that drew thousands of Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic faithful to our Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ for the annual Ukrainian religious tradition of sharing the good news of our Lord’s Resurrection with their departed loved ones on the Sunday following Pascha/Resurrection. |
Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha 2009 in Ukrainian Language! - 04/18/2009
Від Вселенської Патріархії, Матері Церкви, яка переживає в усій повноті Страсті, Біль, Хрест і Смерть, але і Воскресіння Бога Чоловіка, посилаємо всім дітям Церкви сердечне пасхальне вітання і благословення і обнімаємо вас з Любов’ю Воскреслого з мертвих і вічно Живого і Животворящого Ісуса Христа. Йому належить слава, влада, честь і поклоніння разом з Отцем і Святи Духом навіки. Амінь! Read more> |
Share This Feast With Others By Sending An ICONOGRAM! - 04/18/2009
Select an icon from ICONOGRAMS' icon gallery, personalize your ICONOGRAM with a message to a loved one, and send! Visit ICONOGRAMS.org |
Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha 2009! - 04/08/2009
The Resurrection! And this Resurrection is an equally unquestionable historical reality! This reality has immediate and salvific consequences for all of us. The Son of God, who is at the same time the Son of Man, was risen. |
Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha 2009! - 04/08/2009
The Resurrection! And this Resurrection is an equally unquestionable historical reality! This reality has immediate and salvific consequences for all of us. The Son of God, who is at the same time the Son of Man, was risen. Click here> |
Pascha 2009! - 04/04/2009
The most festive and joyous Feast of all Feasts of the ecclesiastical year is that of the glorious Resurrection of our Lord. As we sing in the ninth irmos of the Paschal Canon at Matins: “This chosen and holy day is the first of the Sabbaths, the queen and lady, the feast of feasts, and the festival of festivals...” In these Holy Paschal days we heartily greet you, our Orthodox brothers and sisters in Diaspora and scattered throughout the whole world. We wholeheartedly greet our beloved faithful who reside in Ukraine. May the Risen Lord unite us all in His love, fill our souls with spiritual joy, and infuse our hearts with peace and harmony... |
Annual Saint Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 04/04/2009
The Council of Bishops and Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA cordially invite all Christ-loving faithful, in particular our youth of all ages to participate in this year’s SAINT THOMAS SUNDAY PILGRIMAGE.
2009 Pascha Archpastoral Reflection! - 04/04/2009
In these Holy Paschal days we heartily greet you, our Orthodox brothers and sisters in Diaspora and scattered throughout the whole world. We wholeheartedly greet our beloved faithful who reside in Ukraine. May the Risen Lord unite us all in His love, fill our souls with spiritual joy, and infuse our hearts with peace and harmony... Click here> |
“Encounter” of Ukrainian Hierarchs - 03/13/2009
For the fourth time in the last eight years the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches in North America have met in a brotherly “Encounter” to discuss the relationship between the two Churches and the common concerns they share in shepherding the faithful entrusted to their spiritual care.
Protopresbyter Michael Petlak of Blessed Memory! - 03/02/2009
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA prayerfully announces that the servant of God, Protopresbyter Michael Petlak, pastor-emeritus of Holy Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox parish, Pinellas Park, FL has reposed in Christ - born to eternal life - after a lengthy illness. |
Sunday of Cheesefare and Mission Sunday! - 03/01/2009
This Mission Sunday, and throughout the Lenten season, let us embrace our call to shine as lights in the darkness. Let us re-commit to pray for those who have yet to hear the Gospel. Let us soften our hearts, that the Holy Spirit may guide our response to the command to be light to the Nations, to be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. Let us, as God's children, shine brightly with the light of Christ before others. Read More> |
The 2009 Great Lent Giveaway! - 02/28/2009
The 2009 Great Lent Giveaway is pledging to assemble at least 1000 Health Care Kits for International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). Health Care Kits are small packets containing essential needs to be given to individuals who are displaced from their homes or in emergency situations. We need your help to make this pledge a reality! |
2009 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Season! - 02/27/2009
The Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry pleased to announce that applictions for campers and staff for the 2009 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Season are now available. Read More> |
2009 High School Mission Trip! - 02/27/2009
The Consistory Offices of Youth & Young Adult Ministry and Christian Charity are pleased to announce the 2009 High School Mission Trip for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA will volunteering at St. Anthony of the Dessert Mission in Las Cruces, New Mexico August 9-16, 2009. Read More> |
Ecumenical Patriarch: Catechetical Homily For Holy and Great Lent! - 02/23/2009
The fast proposed to us by our Holy Church is not any deprivation, but a charisma. And the repentance to which it calls us is not any punishment, but a divine gift.
Sunday of Cheesefare and Mission Sunday! - 02/23/2009
May our hearts be filled with hope and love as we prayerfully anticipate the triumphant Resurrection of Christ our God; and may we be given the strength and courage to share this glorious promise with our brothers and sisters around the world.
Ecumenical Patriarch: Catechetical Homily for Great Lent! - 02/23/2009
The fast proposed to us by our Holy Church is not any deprivation, but a charisma. And the repentance to which it calls us is not any punishment, but a divine gift. Read More> |
Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha! - 02/23/2009
Learn More About the Feast and Services of the Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha - An Internet Ministry Teaching Tool Provided By provided by the Consistory Office of Public Relations in cooperation with the Department of Internet Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Click Here> |
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine: Great Lent - 2009! - 02/23/2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters, we greet you with the beginning of Great Lent and hope that you would avail yourselves of all the possibilities and opportunities to cleanse yourselves of your sins and embark on a new, more-meaningful life, through which your treasure will be gathered in heaven. Let us remember that the Lord accompanies us in time of war, economic crisis or in the complex circumstances of family life. He understands our tribulations and helps us to meet the challenges of everyday life. He assures us with these words, “...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”(Matthew 28:20) Read More> |
The Feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 8, 2009! - 02/22/2009
We, the Hierarchs of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, greet you with love and blessings on the Feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the first Sunday of Holy and Great Lent. This year, amidst the tumult and the insecurity that seem to pervade the globe, we exhort all of you to stand firm in your Orthodox Faith in God, the Faith that has established the world, the Faith that is the bedrock of our Holy Church, the pillar and ground of truth (1 Timothy 3:15). |
Great Lent - 2009! - 02/17/2009
The Holy Church at this time of Great Lent calls us, the faithful, to reflect upon our spiritual life. After comparing our life with the teachings of God’s Ten Commandments, the Lord’s sermon about “the blessed” and the highest standard of love – the commandment to “love your enemies” – we are called to condemn our deeds and to repent. This process requires a spiritual rebirth... |
Attention Students: Scholarships Available! - 02/15/2009
Candidates must be of the Eastern Orthodox faith (within a jurisdiction of the member Churches of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas – SCOBA), and at the time of application, high school seniors or full-time matriculated students committed to serious study in an undergraduate degree program at an accredited college or university. |
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry Announces New Director! - 02/15/2009
OCPM brings the light of Christ to those who are in prison in North America by providing encouragement, material support, transition and reintegration services, Christian education, spiritual guidance and the sacramental life of the Church to prisoners and their families. |
His Grace Bishop Daniel Enthroned as Ruling Hierarch of Western Eparchy! - 02/07/2009
St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Chicago, IL was the site on the weekend of February 6-8, 2009 of one of the most ancient rites of the Holy Orthodox Church – the enthronement or installation a bishop as ruling hierarch of his Episcopal See – as His Grace Bishop Daniel (Zelinsky) assumed the leadership of the Western Eparchy of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. |
Our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Board of Trustees – the Metropolitan Council – held its annual meeting in the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Somerset, NJ on 30-31 January 2009 to set the budget for the current fiscal year and to discuss the life of the Church during the very difficult economic circumstances the entire nation is enduring.
We Are Building A Museum! - 01/27/2009
In 2001, the 15th Sobor approved the development of the Historical and Educational Complex of our Church which includes the Patriarch Mstyslav Museum. It has taken a very long time to become a reality. After much planning, adjustments, obtaining approvals from township officials, and overcoming other challenges, the time to commence construction has finally arrived.
SCOBA: Share the Light Sunday! - 01/09/2009
We, the Hierarchs of SCOBA, the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, greet you in this new calendar year, and extend our paternal blessings to the plenitude of the Church in North America. |
OCF: Real Break 2009! - 01/09/2009
Throughout late February and the month of March, universities will offer students a break from schoolwork. Orthodox Christian Fellowship’s Real Break program is an alternative to the traditional spring break, and offers the opportunity for college students to use that time to experience the reality of Christian life. Read more> |
The Nativity of our Lord Proclamation of the Ecumenical Patriarch! - 01/02/2009
The great and sacred day of Christmas has dawned, the metropolis and mother of all feasts, inviting each of us to spiritual uplifting and encounter with the Ancient of Days, who became an infant for us. Read more> |
10th Anniversary at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Atlanta GA! - 01/02/2009
On Saturday December 13, 2008 His Grace Bishop Daniel arrived in Atlanta for the celebration of the tenth anniversary of our parish’s existence and ministry among the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in Georgia. |
Nativity of Christ Archpastoral Letter! - 12/20/2008
Once again, we experience, by the grace of God, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ in the midst of Winter, bringing to us a Spring-like joy, the joy of the birth of the Infant, “a great joy which will be for all people…for there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2: 10-11).
The Nativity of our Lord Proclamation of the Ecumenical Patriarch! - 12/20/2008
The great and sacred day of Christmas has dawned, the metropolis and mother of all feasts, inviting each of us to spiritual uplifting and encounter with the Ancient of Days, who became an infant for us.
The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple! - 12/04/2008
Today in the Holy Orthodox Church we celebrate the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. Leading the procession into the Temple were virgins with lighted tapers in their hands, then the three-year-old Most-holy Virgin, led by her father and mother. The virgin was clad in vesture of royal magnificence and adornments as was befitting the “King’s daughter, the Bride of God” (Psalm 44:13-15). Following them were many kinsmen and friends, all with lighted tapers. Fifteen steps led up to the Temple. Joachim and Anna lifted the Virgin onto the first step, then she ran quickly to the top herself, where she was met by the High Priest Zachariah, who was to be the father of St. John the Forerunner. Taking her by the hand, he led her not only into the Temple, but into the “Holy of Holies,” the holiest of holy places, into which no one but the high priest ever entered, and only once each year, at that.Zachariah “was outside himself and possessed by God” when he led the Virgin into the holiest place in the Temple, beyond the second curtain-otherwise, his action could not be explained. The Most-holy Virgin remained in the Temple and dwelt there for nine full years. While her parents were alive, they visited her often. When God called her parents from this world, the Most-holy Virgin was left an orphan and did not wish to leave the Temple until death or to enter into marriage. The Most-holy Virgin Mary was the first of such life-vowed virgins, of the thousands and thousands of virgin men and women who would follow her in the Church of Christ. Through her intercessions, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us, and save us. Amen. Read more> |
Site Blessed for National Holodomor Memorial! - 12/04/2008
Metropolitan Constantine gave opening remarks on the fitting nature of this monument, to serve the purpose of reminding the world of the millions of unmarked graves of the victims of the Holodomor – the Famine Genocide of 1932-33, orchestrated by the regime of Joseph Stalin to destroy the spirit and identity of the Ukrainian nation.
Вшанування 75-х роковин Голодомору Українцями Південної Каліфорнії! - 11/27/2008
Скільки б не минуло часу, років, десятиліть, скільки б не намагалися вороги стерти з пам’яті українців навіть згадку про жахіття 1932-1933рр., але життя підтверждує, що це неможливо зробити ніяким чином. |
UPDATED: Enthronement of His Grace Bishop Daniel as a Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA! - 11/26/2008
The Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA has announced plans for the Enthronement of His Grace Bishop Daniel as a Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, IL, on Saturday, 7 February 2009. |
Frs. Estocin and Zawierucha Participate in a Special UN Program Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Holodomor! - 11/26/2008
Sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations, the program was held in the Dig Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium, and featured a review of the of the recently discovered information pertaining to Ukraine’s darkest historical period.
60th Anniversary of the Archangel Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Genk, Belgium! - 11/25/2008
The parish family of St. Archangel Michael in Genk, Belgium, celebrating its 60th anniversary welcomed His Grace Bishop Daniel to this celebration with the outpouring of love and a record number of 15 inches of snow! |
Memorial Dedicated to the Victims of the Artificially Created Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933! - 11/25/2008
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America invites the Ukrainian community to participate in the Groundbreaking and Blessing ceremony of the monument site! |
Послання Вселенського Патріарха з нагоди 75-ї річниці Голодомору в Україні! - 11/22/2008
Діти Христової Церкви — дорогі українці! У дні вшанування пам'яті жертв Великого Голодомору 1932-1933 рр., особливо у його 75-ту річницю, ваша Материнська Церква — Вселенський Константинопольський Патріархат сумує разом із вами і складає глибоке та щире співчуття усім вам і Президентові України п. В. Ющенку, репрезентантові України перед світом, через наполегливі старання якого світ щораз більше довідується про страшну трагедію українців у XX ст. |
Ihumen Gregory (Woolfenden) of Blessed Memory! - 11/21/2008
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orhtodox Church of the USA prayerfully anounces that the servant of God, Ihumen Gregory (Woolfenden), pastor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish, New Britain, CT and professor of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary has reposed in Christ after the long and arduous struggle. |
Address of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Holodomor in Ukraine! - 11/20/2008
Children of Christ's Church, dear Ukrainians! In the days of remembrance of the victims of the Great Holodomor of 1932-1933, especially on its 75th anniversary, your Mother-Church, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, grieves together with you and expresses its deep and sincere sympathies to all of you... We bring our prayers to our Lord Jesus Christ and ask the Most Gracious Savior to give rest in holy dwellings to the souls of all those killed by the Famine and admit them to the assembly of His Martyrs as those innocently killed. |
St. Philip's Fast! - 11/18/2008
We are currently living through the Pre-Nativity Fast – also known as Philip’s Fast because it begins on 15/28 November, the day following the Feast of the Holy Apostle Philip and known in the Western Church as Advent. This fast continues to the Great Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ – the Incarnation – God becoming one of us for no other reason than to prove the depth of His Love for us. |
Ukrainian Genocide-Holodomor 75th Anniversary - 11/17/2008
Chicago, IL: His Grace Bishop Daniel Participates in the Solemn March Commemorating the Victims of the Genocidal Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine! |
His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits the Flooded Region of Ukraine! - 11/10/2008
Over the past few months, the faithful of the UOC of the USA had responded with contributions totaling nearly $20,000 to aid their brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the stricken regions of Ukraine who lost their homes and almost all personal belongings during the flooding. |
President of Ukraine Meets Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I - 11/08/2008
In Constantinople (Istanbul) President Victor Yushchenko met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. Click here> |
1st International Conference for Pastoral Health Care of the Ecumenical Patriarchate! - 11/08/2008
The deliberations of the 1st International Conference for Pastoral Health Care of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which took place in Rhodes, Greece, between the 8th and the 12th of October, have been successfully concluded. Click here> |
The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Holds Its 75th Meeting! - 11/08/2008
At the meeting the Consultation continued to examine the most recent document of the international Catholic-Orthodox dialogue, "Ecclesiological and Canonical Consequences of the Sacramental Nature of the Church: Ecclesial Communion, Conciliarity and Authority," also known as the Ravenna Document. Click here> |
SCOBA Encyclical for IOCC Sunday - 11/08/2008
On this Sunday before our national feast of Thanksgiving, we give thanks to our Merciful God for all His blessings, and we take time to remember International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). |
California Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Genocide in Ukraine 1932-1933! - 11/07/2008
Commemoration of the Holodomor - The Great Famine-Genocide in Ukraine In 1932-1933, the Soviet Communist Party under Joseph Stalin’s leadership imposed an artificial famine, Holodomor, in Ukraine. By the end of 1933, 10 million innocent victims, including 3 million children, had perished from starvation through a deliberate Soviet policy to crush the Ukrainian peasantry and industrialize the USSR. Click here> |
Clifton UOL Chapter Hosts Eighth Annual Fundraiser for Orphanages! - 10/14/2008
On Saturday, 11 October 2008, the Holy Ascension – Clifton, NJ Chapter of the Ukrainian Orthodox League hosted their eighth annual dinner-dance fundraiser in support of the orphanages in Ukraine sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at the Grand Chalet in Wayne, NJ. |
Orthodox-Catholic Bishops Examine Naming of Bishops, Campus Ministry at Alabama Meeting! - 10/14/2008
The naming of bishops and the work of campus ministry led topics at the Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops' 24th meeting in Daphne, near Mobile, Alabama, October 1-3. |
Chicago Metropolitan Community to Honor the Memory of the Victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine! - 10/13/2008
UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS PRESS RELEASE Chicago Metropolitan Community to Honor the Memory of the Victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine! His Grace Bishop Daniel has issued a letter urging the clergy and the faithful of the Chicago Metropolitan area to participate in an Ecumenical service honoring the memory of the victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. The bishop wrote in his letter: "This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian famine. During the winter of 1932-33, some ten million Ukrainians living in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) died of forced starvation. They perished during a Genocide Famine engineered by the Soviet government. Although the Genocide Famine in Ukraine is one of the most horrific examples of man’s inhumanity to man ever perpetrated in history, Western society is barely aware of it! Throughout the history of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church here in the United Sates of America we have always remembered the victims of this horrific crime against humanity in general and Ukrainians in particular. The very first monument to the victims of the Famine was dedicated at our Church’s spiritual Center in South Bound Brook, NJ – St. Andrew Memorial church. This year, wherever Ukrainians are in the world, our communities mark the 75th anniversary of this tragedy. From Washington, DC to San Francisco, CA – the eternal flame of the Famine has traveled throughout our country, including to South Bound Brook and Chicago, witnessing to people of all ethnic backgrounds and races about the crime against Ukrainian people. On November 15th of this year, the Chicago Metropolitan community will once again honor the memory of the victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. We will gather this year at Holy Name Roman-Catholic Cathedral in Chicago (735 N. State Street) for an Ecumenical Memorial service, honoring the lost lives of millions of Ukrainians. The site has been selected in order to increase awareness in the greater Chicago community, and the world, about the tragedy of Ukrainian people and our history. I am directing you to join me at this ecumenical memorial Panakhyda, which begins at 11:00 a.m. Please arrive no later than 10:30 a.m. so that we can properly prepare for the service. On this day we will honor the memory of our deceased brothers and sisters, who perished only because they were willing to stand up for their rights to own their own small part of God’s green Earth, rather than to submit to the collective farm policy of Josef Stalin. We all know how important the land is to every Ukrainian for sustenance of life. Their brothers and sisters – Ukrainians throughout Ukraine and the world commemorate them and express their gratitude to them for the sacrifice they made. Demographers estimate that had these ten million people not perished – without reason – the population of Ukraine today would be somewhere between 80 and 100 million! Although stifled, the memory of those victims and the memory of the famine festered beneath the surface consciousness of the people of Ukraine and maintained, I believe, regardless of all efforts of the communist regime, maintained a subconscious self-identity, which led to the independence of our nation – an independence achieved without the shedding of blood. The endurance of the horror of the famine – and other almost incredible conditions of life through most of the 20th century – preserved within the conscience and social fabric of the nation – that self-identity which serves as the foundation for building Ukraine today and tomorrow into one of the most important productive and freedom loving nations of the world. So, let us come together in humility on November 15, 2008 to share in prayer and beseech our Lord’s eternal blessings upon us as we commemorate our brothers and sisters, praying that He will grant them eternal rest in a place where there is no more suffering, no more sorrow, no more sickness, but only life eternal for those who perished without reason. We pray that their memory will be eternal." Click here for the poster. |
College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2009! - 10/13/2008
With the blessing of our Hierarchs, we are pleased to announce the dates for the 2009 College Age Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages. |
Pokrova Sisterhood Feast Day! - 10/13/2008
On Sunday, the 12 of October, 2008, the local Ukrainian Orthodox community of St. Andrew Memorial church in South Bound Brook, NJ gathered for its Sunday prayer worship honoring the Pokrova (Protection of the Mother of God) Sisterhood of Memorial Church on the occasion of their Patron Feast. |
Synaxis of the Heads of Orthodox Churches! - 10/11/2008
His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew addressed the leaders of the world's Orthodox churches on Friday, October 10, 2008, for the official opening of the Synaxis of the Heads of the Orthodox Churches and Pauline Symposium. |
Holodomor Site Approved in Washington, DC! - 10/11/2008
The National Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 is pleased to announce the selection of a site for a U.S. memorial to the 10 million victims of the 1932-1933 Ukrainian Genocide “Holodomor”. |
Bishop Daniel Addresses the 61st Annual Ukrainian-American Veterans Convention! - 10/03/2008
Ukrainian-American Veterans of the USA gathered over the weekend of September 26-28, 2008 in Somerset, NJ for their Annual National Convention, celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the organization. |
President of Ukraine Visits Washington, DC! - 09/29/2008
Our Ukrainian Orthodox Church was well represented at the meeting with the President by the numerous members of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Silver Spring, MD, led by His Grace Bishop Daniel. |
President of Ukraine Meets with the Ukrainian Community in NY! - 09/24/2008
On September 23, 2008, His Excellency the President of Ukraine, Victor Yushchenko visited the Ukrainian Institute located in upper Manhattan to meet with Ukrainian community members. |
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Addresses European Parliament! - 09/24/2008
His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew delivered a major address to the Plenary Assembly of the European Parliament during the formal sitting of the assembly in Brussels, Belgium on Wednesday, September 24, 2008. |
The Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) - 09/16/2008
College Student Sunday - September 21, 2008! |
Dover, FL! - 09/16/2008
Archpastoral Visit to the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God Ukrainian Orhtodox Parish! |
Memory Eternal! - 09/09/2008
The entire Consistory staff – including those who work in the offices and those who care for the grounds and buildings of our Metropolia Center compound – were deeply saddened in recent days at learning of the repose of two of our own – Mykola (Nick) Newmerszycki, who died on 29 August and Myroslava (Slava – Helen) Pavlovsky, who died early in the morning of 30 August. |
Extraordinary Sobor of the UOC of Canada! - 09/09/2008
His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel represented our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA at the recent Extraordinary Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. |
Archpastoral Visit! - 09/09/2008
His Grace Bishop Daniel Visits St. Mary Parish Community in Jones, OK! |
OrthoAnalytika! - 09/02/2008
OrthoAnalytika ORTHO - from the Greek for “correct” ANALYTIKA - from the Greek for “analysis” Greetings in Our Lord Jesus Christ! Welcome to OrthoAnalytika, a place where I (Fr. Anthony Perkins) post homilies, analysis, interviews, and music. I have a fairly diverse background, something I try to use to bring clarity to current events, parish life, and theology. Most of the entries have audio - you can click the “play” triangle or download the listed MP3 file to hear them. You can also subscribe to “OrthoAnalytika” via iTunes. If you like these entries, you may enjoy my personal blogsite. If you have comments or questions, please contact me! Click Here to Subscribe to OrthoAnalytika via iTunes! |
His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, on the Day of the Protection of the Environment - 09/01/2008! - 08/30/2008
Once again, as the ecclesiastical year begins, we are called to reflect – with renewed spiritual intensity in Christ and especial sensitivity – on the state of our bountiful planet, and to offer particular prayers for the protection of the whole natural world.
His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, on the Day of the Protection of the Environment! - 08/30/2008
Once again, as the ecclesiastical year begins (09/01/2008), we are called to reflect – with renewed spiritual intensity in Christ and especial sensitivity – on the state of our bountiful planet, and to offer particular prayers for the protection of the whole natural world. Read more> |
D. Min. From Pittsburgh Theological Seminary - 08/28/2008
What is distinctive about a Doctor of Ministry degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary? We bring together priest (pastor), church, and seminary through: Four vital, creative, and imaginative focus areas Going to the source - theology, Bible, history, heritage, practice, and spiritual formation Critical reflection among peers and faculty Global mission, interaction, and dialogue. A Doctor of Ministry in the Eastern Christian Context Purpose The Doctor of Ministry is designed to deepen and enhance your ministry through systematic study and reflection. Participants remain in their places of ministry during the program and attend classes three or four weeks a year. Emphasis is placed on integration of the theological disciplines with major areas of church leadership. Curriculum Six core seminars covering the theology of ministry, eccesiology, canon law, homiletics, spirituality and pastoral care, education, ethics and community issues make up the first half of the program. They will be taught by a combined faculty of Pittsburgh Seminary and recognized Eastern Christian scholars. Seminars will usually be five days in length. Following completion of these courses, students will select an area for further study and design a doctoral project in that area of interest. A Proposal Colloquium, a Biblical Seminar and two electives help to prepare for the implementation of the project and the writing of the doctoral paper. Schedule The six core seminars will be held concurrently with the Antiochian House of Studies near Ligonier, Pennsylvania. Students will also spend two weeks at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary completing the Proposal Colloquium and the Biblical Seminar. The doctoral project will be carried out in the candidate’s place of ministry with the assistance of two faculty advisors. This program is for you if…
You have reached a plateau in your present ministry and are ready for new personal and professional growth. You would appreciate an educational approach that utilizes your experience in ministry as part of every course from administration to theology.
You want your educational program to have direct results for the ministry in which you serve.
Admission A Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent from an accredited seminary or divinity school is required for admission. Applicants are also required to have completed a minimum of three years in ministry following receipt of the Master of Divinity.
Cost The program is designed to be completed in three to four years, with 30 credit hours of required coursework. In addition, a doctoral project valued at six credit hours must be completed. The current tuition for the program is $224 per credit hour, due at the beginning of each course. The total program tuition is now $8064 (36 hours). Fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. Quality and Experience Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is a fully accredited member of the Association of Theological Schools and has offered the Doctor of Ministry degree since 1972. Several features make this unique program especially attractive. One is the emphasis on integrating academic work with the practice of ministry. Another is the resources of our combined faculty and fine libraries. A third is the collegial spirit which develops among faculty and students in the program.
For more information, click here. |
Camping Programs Come to Close! - 08/28/2008
Diocesan Church School Camp, Teenage Conference and Mommy & Me/Daddy & Me completed another blessed year of bringing together the youth of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church. |
The Falling Asleep of the Mother of God! - 08/26/2008
"Let us crown the Church with songs on the falling asleep of the ark of God; for today doth heaven open its bosom to receive her who gave birth to the One whom all cannot contain. And earth doth adorn itself in blessing and splendour, restoring the fount of life." (Vesperal Litiya of the Feast, Fifth Tone) |
High School Mision Team Returns Home! - 08/26/2008
Three teenage high school students took part in a missionary trip to St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Canada. |
61st Annual UOL Convention! - 08/14/2008
Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 08/13/2008
Celebrating the Life of St. Nicholas with the Children of Puhachiv Orphanage! |
I’m a College Student: How Could I Possibly Find Time to Pray! - 08/08/2008
by Albert S. Rossi, Ph.D.
During an Orthodox College Fellowship retreat last spring, a college student said, "If I put Christ first, the suffering will be great and the joy will be greater." |
Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies! - 08/08/2008
Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology Opens Again in September 2008! THE MA IN PASTORAL THEOLOGY is the course which attracts most of our post-graduate students. The full-time MA is taught over one academic year but it may also be pursued part-time for two or more years, up to a maximum of six. (Please note that overseas students seeking entry visas are advised to enrol for the one-year full-time course). The degree is validated by Anglia Ruskin University Our MA students take classes and work together with their colleagues from the other houses of the Cambridge Theological Federation, representing the Anglican, Methodist, Roman Catholic and United Reformed traditions. In this diverse context IOCS students will be expected to articulate and communicate their Orthodox faith and identity. What is the Orthodox understanding of pastoral care and how is it applied today? How different are the concerns of the Western churches from those of the Orthodox churches? These are questions that Orthodox students will be faced with in an environment of dialogue and intellectual debate. To receive the MA degree a student will have to successfully complete four modules and write a dissertation. The modules include some teaching (usually 2 hours per week) but the main emphasis of the course is on research and essay writing. Assignments are not oral examinations but consist mainly of written essays and class presentations. Research towards MA DissertationThe MA dissertation is the goal and the most important part of the MA programme. It is the result of the student's independent research under academic supervision from the Institute. Students choose their topics according to their individual preferences and academic interests. Everyone is expected to connect their personal experience with the faith of the Orthodox Church as expressed in the patristic heritage and in present practice. The Institute is proud of the achievements of its past MA students most of whom have received distinctions for their dissertations. This success has made our Orthodox house highly regarded in the academic community of theological colleges in Cambridge and we trust it will continue in the future. Orthodox Module (compulsory)Institute students will attend the module 'An Orthodox Approach to Pastoral Life: Liturgical Theology and the Mission of the Church'. This module, taught by IOCS staff and visiting Orthodox lecturers, encourages students to bring the teachings of the Church and the study of the Fathers to bear upon contemporary issues in Orthodox pastoral life. Core Module, Pastoral Theology in History and Practice (compulsory)This module has a special importance for our students since it exposes them to the faith and perspective of other denominations, and most importantly it challenges them to confess their Orthodox identity, faith and traditions to other Christians. The module is taught by the Cambridge Theological Federation of which the Institute is a full member and is followed by all Federation students. It aims to impart the biblical and theological basis for Christian pastoral work - whether that is undertaken formally for a church or informally in everyday life. Independent Learning Module (recommended)In preparation of the dissertation, students are recommended to undertake the 'Independent Learning Module' which allows them to specialise in a chosen area within the field of Orthodox pastoral theology. There are no lectures for this module as it consists solely of the student's independent research and supervision sessions with one of the Institute's tutors. Fourth Module (student's choice)Students are required to choose a fourth module from the ones offered by the Cambridge Theological Federation: Biblical Hermeneutics; Christian Ethics; Christian Worship and Human Community; Christianity in a Scientific Culture; Health Care Chaplaincy; Inter-faith Dialogue; Literature and Pastoral Theology; Modernity, Postmodernity and the Gospel; Preaching in a Pastoral Context; Psychology, Faith and Church Life; The Visual Arts and Pastoral Theology, and others. Study weekends and Summer School (recommended)Students are expected to attend the monthly Study Weekends and the Summer School organized by the Institute as part of its Certificate/Diploma programmes in Orthodox Christian Studies. The Institute invites many prestigious speakers to these courses, and the students have thus the opportunity to listen and meet with renowned Orthodox theologians In-house courses and regular tutorialsThe Institute also offers in-house courses on the History of the Church, Research Methods and Study Skills and on Academic Writing in English which all students are advised to attend. In addition, whenever necessary students will benefit from tutorials, which are one to one sessions with an academic advisor from the Institute. Services and life in the Orthodox communityIt is expected that students will attend the services organized by the Institute, and they are encouraged to take an active part in the Orthodox parishes and in the Orthodox student community in Cambridge. Students also have the opportunity to discuss pastoral, theological and personal matters with the Chaplain of the Institute, whenever necessary. Academic ResourcesStudents will have access to a unique wealth of resources in Cambridge. IOCS has a very fine library which includes the collection of the late Sir Dimitry Obolensky. Besides students have the possibility to consult practically all libraries in town: the Cambridge University Library, the Faculty of Divinity Library, the libraries of the theological colleges members of the CTF and of Anglia Ruskin University. They will be able to improve their languages in view of their subsequent research by attending courses in Greek, Latin or Hebrew offered by the Faculty of Divinity and CTF. Also they will have the opportunity to attend the frequent open lectures offered by the Faculty of Divinity, by the various theological houses in Cambridge and by other faculties. In many ways the Institute could be seen as the gateway through which one enters the world of theological education in Cambridge. Admission criteria and procedureThere are three principal criteria for admission to the MA in Pastoral Theology. Candidates will meet these criteria by evidence either of certified learning or of experiential learning. Candidates should give evidence of prior learning in Theology or Religious Studies. Candidates should give evidence that they could reasonably be expected to work at a level appropriate to a Master's degree (BA or equivalent from a recognised university). An English language proficiency test is required for candidates whose mother tongue is not English.
Applicants are required to complete the standard application form available here. To request a copy in the post please contact the office. FeesThe cost of the degree will be in the region of £3,500 to be paid in advance to the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies. It is also possible to pay on a module by module basis in five instalments. These fees are subject to periodic review. Note should be taken that the same fee will apply both to EU students and to non-EU students. The fee includes all tuition, supervision, and the use of libraries. The fee does not include any accommodation or meals, nor does it include the costs of travel and accommodation incurred for the Placement module. For further information please contact us. |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA - 08/08/2008
We are hereby asking all our parishes, parish and Central Church organizations, along with the entire membership of our Church, to contribute to a special Ukraine Flood Victim Fund. |
1020 Of Christianity of Kyivan Rus! - 07/27/2008
His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew Concludes His Visit to Ukraine! |
Patriarchate of Constantinople - 07/02/2008
His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew To Visit Ukraine! |
Opportunities on 2008 OCMC Mission Teams Still Exist! - 07/02/2008
Let your love for the Gospel and for others speak and work--share in a journey of faith! |
Inauguration of St. Paul's Year! - 06/29/2008
His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel have recently traveled to Constantinople to meet with His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew. |
2008 Mission Team of College Age Students Returns Home! - 06/27/2008
The 2008 Mission Team of College Age Students of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA is back in America, safe and sound, after spending two weeks in Ukraine, visiting two orphanages that are sponsored by the Church. |
IOCC Mobilizes First Responders to Flood Stricken Midwest! - 06/27/2008
The worst flooding to hit the Midwest in 15 years has claimed two dozen lives and forced more than 40,000 to evacuate their homes. |
St. Thomas Chapel Consecrated! - 06/26/2008
The weekend of June 21-22, 2008 brought about 400 people to the Camp grounds of All Saints Camp of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to participate in the consecration of the chapel. |
Kobzarska Sich! - 06/18/2008
A summer music experience devoted to learning bandura and Ukrainian choral music.
Teenage Conference - 50! - 06/18/2008
During the weekend of July 11-13 Teenage Conference will be hosting a Homecoming Celebration for all alumni. |
The International Holodomor Remembrance Flame! - 05/29/2008
On Memorial Day, 26 May 2008, Ukrainian Orthodox faithful, Ukrainian Diplomats, local officials and other guests gathered on the grounds of St. Andrew Memorial Church before the monument to Princess Ol’ha, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Baptizer of Ukraine, to begin a program commemorating those ten million lost ones in this 75th anniversary year. |
Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday Encyclical - 05/23/2008
I was in prison, and you visited me. St. Matthew 25:36 |
All Saints Camp Chapel! - 05/22/2008
It is with much anticipation and joy that we invite and encourage you all to participate in the upcoming celebration of the consecration of our newly constructed wooden Chapel at All Saints Camp and the 30th anniversary of the blessing of the Camp – both of which will take place on the weekend of 21-22 June at the campground complex in Emlenton, PA. |
His Grace Bishop Daniel: Axios-Worthy! - 05/11/2008
The weekend of May 9-11, 2008 has been described as a weekend of a spiritual joy and renewal not only for over 500 people that gathered at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH but for the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, as the hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Church witnessed the consecration of a new bishop of the UOC of the USA in a person of Archimandrite Daniel (Zelinsky). |
Famine-Holodomor Torch to Visit Metropolia Center - 05/07/2008
Take part in a commemoration of the 10,000,000 people, who perished in the man-made famine of 1932-1933. |
Patriarchal Proclamation for Holy Pascha! - 04/26/2008
A sacred Pascha – great and holy – has arisen; and it warms, lights and makes radiant the world. “Now all things are filled with light, both heaven and earth and the nethermost regions of the earth.” |
St. Sophia Seminary Library's Catalogue Online! - 04/23/2008
St. Sophia Seminary Library Catalog Online! - 04/23/2008
The Library's primary mission is to serve the needs of the Seminary's faculty and students. |
Consecration to Episcopacy! - 04/22/2008
We are most pleased to announce that the consecration of Bishop-Elect Daniel to the Episcopal Hierarchy of our Holy Church has been scheduled for 9-10 May 2008 in the Metropolitan Cathedral of St. Volodymyr, Parma, OH. |
Pascha 2008! - 04/16/2008
To the venerable clergy of all ranks and the devout laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church beyond the borders of and within Ukraine. May the Peace of the Risen Lord be with you all! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! |
Patriarchal Proclamation on the Holy Pascha! - 04/16/2008
Dearly beloved Brethren and Children in the Lord, “Behold, the winter has passed!” “Arisen is the spring” of salvation; “flowers appear across the land, the sound of the turtle-dove is heard, … the vines are in bloom and give forth their fragrance”. |
2008 Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 04/01/2008
The Council of Bishops and Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA cordially invite all Christ-loving faithful, in particular our youth of all ages to participate in this year’s SAINT THOMAS SUNDAY PILGRIMAGE! |
UPDATED: Consecration of Archimandrite Daniel to Episcopacy! - 04/01/2008
Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Office of the President of the Consistory 1 April 2008 TO: PARISH PASTORS AND BOARDS OF ADMINISTRATION RE: NOTES CONCERNING EPISCOPAL CONSECRATION PLANNING Dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters, GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! I write to offer some information about plans for the upcoming Episcopal Consecration of Archimandrite Daniel that we may not have made clear in earlier correspondence or with our invitations. We have had many telephone calls from individuals who have stated that they received no information in their parishes. The invitations sent to the parishes were, indeed, meant to be for the entire membership of the parish. We need to make clear that if members of your parish are planning to participate in the Consecration events, they need to make their plans accordingly. Those planning to participate in this happy occasion should make their reservations for hotel, banquet and bus transportation at the earliest possible time. HOTEL: The room rate is $85.00 + taxes. Reservations are assured if made by 9 April. After that date you will get that rate only if rooms are still available. You must request a room under the “Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA” block. Please do not procrastinate. Hotel contact information: Holiday Inn 6001 Rockside Road Independence, OH 44131 Reservations: National – 1-800-HOLIDAY Hotel Directly – 216-524-8050 BANQUET: Reservations and tickets for the Consecration Banquet should be made by 10 April by sending a check to cover the number of tickets desired to the Consistory. An alternative method for purchasing tickets is to call the Consistory, ask to speak to Natalia Honcharenko and make the purchase with your credit card. Ticket prices are: Adults - $40, Students - $30, Children under the age of ten - $20. It would be very helpful and perhaps more convenient for parish members for some individual in the parish to receive orders and payment for banquet tickets and then to send the order and payment to the Consistory. The group of tickets would then be sent back to this individual for distribution. Tickets are being sold and sent out on a first come-first served basis and we would urge anyone planning to attend to act sooner rather than later because there are only 400 tickets available, which include our complimentary guest tickets. We have some time beyond the 10 April deadline for orders if any tickets remain then, which seems highly unlikely at this point, but, in any case, it would not be wise to wait and hope to get into the banquet on the day of the Consecration. BUS: We have made arrangements for a bus to travel to Parma from the Ukrainian Cultural Center here at the Consistory. The cost for the round trip is $65 per person. The bus will leave at 7 a.m. on Friday, 9 May to arrive in time for the Vespers and Betrothal Service in St. Vladimir Cathedral. Prior to the service the UOL Chapters of the Cathedral will host all out of town guests to a complimentary meal in the Cathedral Social Center. Following the service you will be taken directly to your hotel for a good night’s rest. On Saturday morning you will be transported back to the Cathedral for the Liturgy of Consecration and the Banquet honoring our new hierarch. After the banquet – approximately 4-5 p.m. you will depart for the return trip to New Jersey. Again, there has been heavy interest in this bus service and there are only 55 seats available, so please send a check or call to charge to your credit card for your bus ticket(s) as soon as possible by calling the Consistory to speak with Natalia Honcharenko. We look forward to seeing you all at this glorious event in the life of our Holy Church. You are all in our prayers. In our Lord’s All-encompassing Love, + Antony By the Grace of God, Archbishop Ukrainian Language Translation
Attention Students: Scholarships Available! - 04/01/2008
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Office of Public Relations Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas 2008-2009 Paleologos Graduate Scholarship and Katrina John Malta Scholarship Applications Available! Applications for the 2008-2009 academic year are available for the new graduate scholarship program established in 2007 by Peter and Elli Malta Paleologos and administered by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. For the second year this fund is offering assistance to students enrolled in professional graduate studies leading to graduate, non-theological degrees. At least one scholarship of $10,000 per academic year will be awarded to help graduate students defray the costs of tuition, room and board, and other expenses related to obtaining a degree. Candidates must be Orthodox Christian students within a jurisdiction of SCOBA (Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas), U.S. citizens (or permanent residents) and either beginning their graduate studies or continuing their graduate studies in the 2008-2009 academic year. Students receiving a full scholarship from any other source or a partial scholarship exceeding fifty percent (50%) of their tuition are ineligible. Candidates must submit a completed application form to the Scholarship Committee together with all the other items required, including a complete academic record (undergraduate and graduate), a budget and/or statement of need, a resume or Curriculum Vitae, and five (5) letters of recommendation addressing academic and religious/spiritual backgrounds. Candidates must also prepare a scholarship proposal (2-3 pages) describing how their current studies allow them to employ their talents, and how being awarded this scholarship would help them use these talents to serve the Church or community at large. Further details and an application form are available on-line on the Archdiocese website at: http://www.goarch.org/en/archdiocese/administration/chancellor/scholarships.asp Once the application has been filled in and all necessary documents assembled, the completed packet should be sent to the Paleologos Graduate Scholarship Fund, c/o Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075. The deadline for submission of all completed application packets is April 18, 2008. Incomplete packets will not be considered for the award. Any questions should be directed to the Office of Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese at (212) 774-0513, or by e-mail at scholarships@goarch.org, or by letter. Katina John Malta Scholarship 2008 Application.
Paleologos Graduate Scholarship 2008 Application. |
Remembering the Victims of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933! - 04/01/2008
The National Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 is pleased to announce that our official website is up and running!
61st Annual UOL Convention! - 03/29/2008
The Senior and Junior UOL Chapters Parish Council, Sisterhood, Social Club and Parishioners of ST. JOHN the BAPTIST Invite you to the 61st UOL Convention “THE LIGHT OF CHRIST ILLUMINES ALL" July 30 - August 3, 2008 Johnson City, NY Schedule of Events July 30-August 3, 2008 - Johnson City, New York St. John the Baptist Sr. & Jr. UOL Chapters Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 9pm-11pm Hospitality Night- hosted by Johnson City Sr. & Jr. UOL Chapters. We continue our theme of I Love UOL and I Love New York. Come enjoy wine tasting featuring some of New York’s finest wines. And of course dine on great food. Juniors will also enjoy a pool party. Thursday, July 31st, 2008 6pm-11pm “A Touch of the Southern Tier” social event held on the 18th floor of the State Office Building in downtown Binghamton. Guests will have a spectacular view of the city and the Susquehanna and Chenango rivers. A picnic atmosphere will feature delicious local specialty foods, including chicken “spiedies”. Team trivia with prizes will highlight the evening and of course there will be dancing. Friday, August 1st, 2008 6pm-10pm A “Rally with Friends” social event at the hotel will give you more time to reminisce with friends and dance to the tunes of a spectacular local band. We will also feature a Hot Air Balloon display and a launch may be visible in the Binghamton skies around dusk. Saturday, August 2nd, 2008 6:30am Come join the fun and board a bus for the local Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally. Approximately 50 hot air balloons will go up during the launch. Coffee, juice, and doughnuts will be provided for the early risers. Sign up ASAP for transportation to this event, as it is a unique opportunity and seating is first come/first served. Workshops 10am-11am – Ukrainian Torte Making – Come learn how to create a torte and even taste this wonderful Ukrainian treat. 11am-12noon – “I have a question” – Ask our panel of priests the questions that have you wondering and listen to the great discussions that will follow. Banquet and Ball – “Illuminations”- 6:30-12midnight- this is the night for the UOL to shine presenting awards, scholarships and honoring the best. Ending in a festive and illuminating style– a night of dancing to Jeff Nyschott. Sunday, August 3rd, 2008 Sunday’s Farewell luncheon “Celebrate Ukraine” in our Memorial Center featuring our famous holubtsi, will follow the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. John the Baptist church. Wear your Ukrainian shirt/blouse to church and enjoy a short concert of our talented choir and dancers of all ages. Come enjoy the lunch and say goodbye to old and new friends. Convention Registration Form. Convention Ad Contract. Convention Ad Terms and Conditions.
All Saints Camp Chapel Consecration! - 03/27/2008
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops the consecration of the newly constructed chapel at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania has been selected for June 21 and 22, 2008 on the weekend of the Feast of All Saints. |
High School Mission Trip! - 03/27/2008
Our High School Mission Trip to St. John the Compassionate Mission is already almost half way full. Please encourage the youth of your parishes ages 15-18 to consider becoming a part of this trip.
High School Mission Trip! - 03/27/2008
Our High School Mission Trip to St. John the Compassionate Mission is already almost half way full. Please encourage the youth of your parishes ages 15-18 to consider becoming a part of this trip.
All Saints Camp Chapel Consecration! - 03/27/2008
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops the consecration of the newly constructed chapel at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania has been selected for June 21 and 22, 2008 on the weekend of the Feast of All Saints.
Memory Eternal! - 03/13/2008
It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Church about the falling asleep of Mitred Protopriest Ivan Mironko of blessed memory. |
The Feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy! - 03/10/2008
We celebrate this day as a day of victory, as a day of triumph for the Orthodox Faith of Christ and restoration of the Sacred Icons to the Churches of the Faithful Christian People. |
Patriarchal Epistle for Great Lent! - 03/07/2008
During this period of Holy and Great Lent, our Church calls us to repentance. Doubtless, as contemporary man hears this invitation to repentance, he does not feel comfortable, because he has accustomed himself to a certain way of life, and does not wish to question his own rectitude. Calling one’s own rectitude into question produces feelings of insecurity, because the ideological structure within which you have sure and certain refuge is clearly risked.
2008 Great Lent Web Resources! - 02/22/2008
Click here to Begin Your 2008 Great Lent Journey! |
Great Lent 2008! - 02/22/2008
Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine Great Lent 2008 “Turn not your face away from me, for I am afflicted. Tend to my soul and speedily heal it” (Ps 26:9).” Thus, the Great Prokimen of the Forgiveness Sunday Vesper Service is chanted as the Royal Doors are closed. Adam is expelled from Eden, and we, the children of God, the followers of Christ Who is the Light of the world, begin our pilgrimage of Great Lent, the Great Fast. |
Great Lent 2008! - 02/22/2008
Our Mother Church realized this and annually sets aside for her children the Great Lent as a time for renewal, a time for resuscitation, a time for resurrecting the beautiful and spotless Chrismated souls who are the “light-bearers of Christ”. |
Lenten Resources! - 02/22/2008
Click here to Begin Your 2008 Great Lent Journey! |
SCOBA: Mission Sunday! - 02/21/2008
We greet all of you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Chris as we prepare to embark upon the Great and Holy Fast, which is our common sojourn to the glorious Pascha of the Lord. |
Shooting Tragedy at NIU - 02/15/2008
Our deepest condolences go out to the families and friends of the victims of the shooting at Northern Illinois University (NIU). |
Help Wanted! - 02/13/2008
All Saints Camp is looking for various staff positions for the upcoming 2008 camping season! |
New Archbishop of Athens and All Greece! - 02/07/2008
Metropolitan Ieronymos of Thebes and Livadia was elected by the Holy Synod as the new Archbishop of Athens and All Greece and as the Prelate of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Greece.
Summer Encampments! - 02/02/2008
It is with great joy that we greet you on behalf of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Programs. |
Metropolitan Honored! - 02/02/2008
Metropolitan Constantine - Receipient of the Ukrainian Government's Award "FOR MERITS!" |
Memory Eternal! - 02/02/2008
South Bound Brook, NJ – Metropolitan Constantine, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, issued the following statement on behalf of the clergy and laity of the UOC of the USA to the Holy Synod, Hierarchs, clergy, monastics and faithful of Athens and all Greece, on the falling asleep of the late Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, the ever-memorable Christodoulos.
61st UOL Convention - 01/17/2008
It is with great enthusiasm that the Senior and Junior UOL Chapters, Parish Council, Sisterhood, Social Club and Parishioners of ST. JOHN the BAPTIST Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Johnson City, NY Invite you to the 61st UOL Convention! |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) - Real Break 2008! - 01/17/2008
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official campus ministry effort under SCOBA. Real Break 2008! |
From the Office of the Metropolitan! - 01/17/2008
We are most pleased to announce that on 9 January 2007, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople accepted the decision of the 18th Regular Sobor of the UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA... |
Orthodox Church in Kenya Destroyed! - 01/17/2008
Upon his return to Kenya from Egypt, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Kenya was greeted by scenes of widespread destruction and great suffering. |
2008 OCMC Mission Teams - 01/08/2008
Orthodox Mission Teams are groups of Orthodox Christians who put their Faith in action, bearing witness to the Orthodox Faith all over the world. |
2008 IOCC Internship Program - 01/08/2008
Please note: The deadline for submitting applications for the 2008 IOCC Internship Program is January 31, 2008. Applicants will be notified of IOCC’s decision by April 1, 2008. Work overseas in the exciting field of humanitarian relief! |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) - Real Break 2008! - 01/07/2008
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official campus ministry effort under SCOBA. We are a Pan-Orthodox effort, overseen by an Executive Committee and aided by an 20 person Student Advisory Board. Our office is located in Boston, MA where full time staff develops OCF. We are here to guide and support local OCF chapters through communication with the larger Orthodox Community, our National Programs, and development of resources Orthodox college students and those interested in Orthodoxy can utilize. OCF Mission The mission of Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is to support fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others and study of the Faith (Acts 2:42). Furthermore, OCF will work to nurture and strengthen love for Jesus Christ and His Church in its fullness at this most critical juncture of human life through: Communication between OCF's and with the larger Orthodox community Development of resources for local OCF's National endeavors such as College Conference, Real Break, website and a national newsletter Vision To be the presence of the Orthodox Church on the North American college campus. OCF is a Member of Syndesmos SYNDESMOS, the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth, is a federation of Orthodox youth movements and theological schools around the world, working under the blessing of all the local canonical Churches, to serve the Church, Her unity, witness and renewal. The aim of SYNDESMOS is to develop cooperation and communication among Orthodox youth movements and theological schools around the world, and to promote within them a deeper understanding and vision of their common faith. FAQs Q: What is OCF all about? A: OCF stands for Orthodox Christian Fellowship. An OCF is a pan-Orthodox group of students and young adults within a college or university who meet for fellowship, worship, and spiritual development and support. Q: How are all these OCFs organized with each other? A: The North American OCF Office oversees all OCFs at over 240 Colleges and Universities in the United States and Canada. The OCF Office has established of a student advisory board to assist in its efforts. Q: Does my OCF have to register even if you already have our information in the Directory? A: Yes. Although we might have your information, their is a new process that all OCFs must complete to be recognized, including amending an existing constitution. Q: Well, then who is in charge of the North American OCF office? A: SCOBA (the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America) reestablished the OCF. All Canonical Orthodox Jurisdictions in America have a stake in the OCF. The Board of Directors directly oversees its activities. Our office is located in Boston where full-time staff develops OCF. Q: Who is SCOBA? A: SCOBA represents nine (9) Canonical Orthodox Jurisdictions in the Americas. The link provides a list of those jurisdictions. Real Break 2008! |
Share the Light Sunday! - 01/06/2008
We, the Hierarchs of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, greet you in this new calendar year with the love and hope that is in our Lord Jesus Christ. |
Concerning the Western Eparchy of the UOC of USA - 12/29/2007
COUNCIL OF BISHOPS UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA P. O. Box 495 South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Dearly Beloved Clergy, Monastics and Faithful of our Holy Church, GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! We have passed through the most difficult and passion filled days of the repose and funeral services of our beloved brother and concelebrant in the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Eminence ArchbishopVsevolod, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Following months of serious illness, suffering and pain, His Eminence now rests eternally as we have prayed fervently, in the loving embrace of our Lord, where there is no more pain, no more suffering and no more sorrow. We pray that at the second advent of our Lord, He will surely hear the sweet call we all long for: “Come my beloved, enter into the place prepared for you before the foundation of the world.” We invite you to participation in memorial services on the 40th day following the Archbishop’s repose, which will take place in parishes all throughout our Holy Church on Thursday, 24 January. St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Chicago, the cathedral seat of Archbishop Vsevolod, will be the site of the primary memorial service at 10:00 a.m. in Divine Liturgy and then at 7:00 p.m. on this day with His Eminence Archbishop Antony as primary celebrant. We, your hierarchs, know the sorrow and the emptiness that fills the hearts and souls of those entrusted to Archbishop Vsevolod’s pastoral care and we will not leave you as orphans without the spiritual care and compassion you most certainly need, especially during these difficult days and the initial days and months ahead until a new ruling hierarch is appointed. During this period, Metropolitan Constantine will serve as Locum Tenens of the Eparchy and respond to your spiritual and administrative needs. The Metropolitan is very familiar, as you all know, with Chicago and all the Western Eparchy, having served as the Ruling Hierarch there for the first twenty-four years of his episcopacy until the unification of all Ukrainian Orthodox Christians into our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in 1996 and thereafter, the appointment by the Council of Bishops of Archbishop Vsevolod as the new Ruling Hierarch in 1997. We express our most sincere gratitude to the Orthodox hierarchs, the clergy and faithful of our Holy Church and other Orthodox jurisdictions in the USA, to the numerous ecumenical leaders and faithful from around the world, to the representatives of the government of Ukraine and Ukrainian community organizations who participated in the funeral services for Archbishop Vsevolod or sent condolences to our church and the Archbishop’s family during this mournful time. May the soul of our dear brother, Archbishop Vsevolod, rest eternally in the sweet comfort and compassion of our Lord, following his long and fruitful earthly pilgrimage. May our Lord bless and strengthen the members of the Archbishop’s family – his sister Ilaria Majdansky-Krejer, her daughters and their families during the period of mourning making them certain in faith and trust in His Will. May his memory be eternal in God’s Heavenly Kingdom and his prayers in our behalf be answered to our spiritual benefit. We ask that you keep us in your daily prayers, dearly beloved, for it is through those prayers that we are strengthened and enabled in our priestly service in Christ’s Vineyard. We assure you all of our unceasing prayers in your behalf. In our Lord’s all-encompassing Love, + Constantine, Metropolitan + Antony, Archbishop Given this 28th day of December in the Year of our Lord 2007 The Feast of Hiermartyr Eleutherius of Illyria, his Mother Anthia and Martyr Coribus
Mission Trips - 12/29/2007
It is with great joy and the blessing of our Hierarchs that we are announcing the dates and location of the 2008 High School Mission Trip and the College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 2008. |
90 Years of Ukraine’s Diplomatic Service - 12/29/2007
On Friday, Decemeber 21st 2007 representatives of Ukraine’s Diplomatic Corps in the USA, headed by Ukraine’s Ambassador to the USA Oleh Shamshur gathered in the spiritual center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (South Bound Brook, NJ) in order to observe the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Ukraine’s Diplomatic Service.
Patriarchal Proclamation - 12/19/2007
+ BARTHOLOMEW By the grace of God Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome And Ecumenical Patriarch Beloved brothers and children in the Lord, It is with great joy that our Church calls us to glorify God for His loving and personal presence on earth of Christ in divino-human hypostasis, being one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity.
Archbishop Vsevolod Reposes in the Lord! - 12/16/2007
It is with a profound depth of sadness that we hereby inform you of the repose, on 16 December 2007 in the 80th year of his earthly pilgrimage, of His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod, Eparch of the Western Eparchy of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Titular Hierarch of Skopelos of the Holy Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople...
Nativity of our Lord Archpastoral Letter - 12/16/2007
A spiritual message to the beloved clergy and faithful entrusted to our spiritual care throughout the world and to our brothers and sisters in the Faith throughout Ukraine as we celebrate Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior – Jesus Christ – 2007 |
7th Annual Prayer Service - 11/21/2007
On Tuesday, November 13th, the combined Hierarchs of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) and of the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches (SCOOCH) celebrated the 7th Annual Prayer Service for the United Nations. |
IOCC SUNDAY - 11/06/2007
International Orthodox Christian Charities Sunday November 18th, 2007 He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully 2 Corinthians 9:6 To the Most Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics and The Devout Faithful of the Holy Orthodox Churches in the Americas: |
18th Regular Sobor Resolutions - 10/26/2007
UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA 18th Regular Sobor Resolutions The hierarchs clergy and faithful gathered into the 18th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, meeting at the Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ from 4-7 October 2007 and having witnessed to the visible grace of God, which notably marks the vitality of the UOC of the USA resolve: |
Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church - 10/22/2007
The tenth meeting of the Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church met in Ravenna, Italy, a city marked by its historical and artistic monuments many from the Byzantine era. The meeting took place from 8 - 14 October 2007, generously hosted by the Archdiocese of Ravenna-Cervia. |
The Second Youth Sobor is Success - 10/12/2007
In conjunction with the 18th Regular Sobor of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA the 2nd Youth Sobor was held. Eight participants from parishes across the country were in attendance.
18th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 10/11/2007
One person wrote: “It was the Sobor I have waited for all my life – Christ centered and Spirit filled.” Another wrote: “The Sobor was witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit, vivifying, inspiring, embracing, clarifying, healing…” Still another: “I met so many gifted and devoted people who are ready to offer their services to God through our Holy Church.” Another: “I actually feel that I am now part of a spontaneously created network of faithful people who fully comprehend that they have a ministry to fulfill.” And finally: "The Sobor committee meetings that I attended were so informative and comforting to me and my concerns about lack of leadership in our parishes were, for the most part, dispelled...” |
Accessing Website Archives - 10/01/2007
New Website - 10/01/2007
On Monday, October 1st, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the United States of America launched its new website. For more information about the new website please contact our webmaster.
Archbishop Vsevolod on the Mend! - 09/26/2007
Archbishop Antony traveled to Chicago on 25 September to visit with His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod, who is presently in hospital suffering from the sudden onset of acute leukemia.
St. Sophia Seminary Begins 32nd Academic Year! - 09/20/2007
With complete confidence and faith in Almighty God the Holy Trinity, Giver of all good and perfect gifts, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary began its thirty-second academic year on Saturday, September 15, 2007.
A Harvest is Expected - 08/26/2007
The 13th Sunday After Pentecost Fr. Deacon Ihor Mahlay
Historic Ground Breaking - 08/06/2007
The official ground breaking for the proposed Historical and Educational Complex occurred on Monday, August 6th as nearly 100 participants witnessed the historical occasion on the church grounds adjacent to the Consistory building in South Bound Brook, New Jersey.
New Publication: The Little Kingdom of God - 07/31/2007
The Office of Family and Adult Ministry is pleased to announce the formation of a quarterly publication to help the building up of the family Church. The publication will be called The Little Kingdom of God. The best part of it - the opportunity for the faithful to share their own stories!
The 60th Annual UOL Convention - 07/29/2007
The 60th Annual Convention of the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the USA was held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Coraopolis, PA, just twelve miles from Carnegie, PA. The Senior and Junior UOL Chapters of Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church hosted this year’s convention.
Ukrainian American Veterans Select Design for National Monument - 07/11/2007
The National Monument Committee of the Ukrainian American Veterans, Inc. has selected a design for a monument honoring all Ukrainian American men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Archbishop Daniel's Liturgical Schedule |
Metropolitan Andrew Kuschak Митрополит Андрій Кущак |
Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory |
Service Book Vol 1 - Служебник Том 1 |
Parish Celebrations in Glen Spay, NY with the Hierarchs of the Church |
Remembering the Victims of HOLODOMOR |
Human Dignity and the Basic Rights of Freedom Must be Preserved It has been only a few weeks, and most recently just two days since the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA expressed its concern over the past several months of political uncertainty in Ukraine, the ancestral homeland for so many of Ukrainian Christians in the United States of America and throughout the globe. |
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA Використання сили, боротьби та насильства не допоможуть у вирішенні політичних проблем!
The use of force, confrontation and violence will fail to resolve political issues! |